Marketing Ch.17 PT.I

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Domino's is looking into magazine advertising for its pizza. The company wants to reach as many people as possible, but due to budget constraints Domino's must reach consumers as efficiently as possible. What can Domino's use to evaluate various magazines?

A cost comparison indicator

Which of the following lists forms of competitive advertising?

Comparative, reminder, reinforcement

An advertising platform is the

basic issue or selling point that an advertiser wishes to include in an advertising campaign.

A tool that allows an advertiser to compare the costs of several media vehicles within a specific medium relative to the number of persons reached by each vehicle is called a(n)

cost comparison indicator.

After the target audience for an advertising campaign has been identified and analyzed, marketers should then proceed by

defining the advertising objectives

A list of the exact magazines, newspapers, and television stations in which an advertisement will appear, along with the dates and times, is a(n)

media plan.

An ad for a multivitamin that claims, "We still bring you everything you need to get through your day in one vitamin," would most likely be considered ____ advertising


Advertising appropriations are largest for which type of product?

Convenience goods

Frederick Griffith of Griffith's department stores tells his marketing director that he is tired of the constant price-centered advertising by the firm's agency. "We have the best customer service in town, and I feel that is what we should be hanging our hats on," he states. This statement is most appropriate for use in which of the following stages of campaign development?

Creating the platform

Danielle Robinson, account representative for EXpert Advertising, tells D'Orazio Tile Products that she is proposing to use 5 full-page, four-color ads in home-decorating magazines to achieve an increase in consumer and builder inquiries of 15%. This approach is an example of which of the following methods of determining advertising expenditure levels


To determine how much money to spend on advertising, marketers for a new brand of caffeinated energy drink decided that they wanted the advertising to create awareness of the new flavor in 80% of the energy drink market within one month of introduction. The marketers then determined how much it would cost to reach this goal. This is an example of which one of the following approaches to determining advertising budgets?


Which of the following statements applies to media planning?

The message content affects the types of media used for an advertising campaign.

Why should a benchmark statement be included in advertising objectives

Without a reference point, it is difficult to determine to what degree objectives have been accomplished.

The total amount of money a marketer allocates for advertising for a specific time period is the

advertising appropriation.

Suppose State Farm Insurance stated, "We want our advertising to increase our customer base for home and automobile insurance 10 percent by the end of the fiscal year." This would be considered a(n)

advertising objective.

The basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wants to include in an advertising campaign is (are) the

advertising platform

When a company promotes its position on a public issue, this is specifically referred to as ____ advertising.


When Anheuser-Busch ran an advertising campaign featuring the slogan, "Know when to say when," it was using

advocacy advertising

Alan is the CEO of Greensprings Landscaping. At the recent budget planning meeting, Alan stated that last year's sales were down from the previous period. He then went on to say that Greensprings would have a budget of $100,000 for advertising in the coming year. In this instance, Alan was using the

arbitrary approach.

Dan is responsible for developing the promotional campaign for Under Armour's new line of footwear for teens. He will be writing advertising campaign objectives that are aimed at making the target customers' attitudes more favorable toward Under Armour, which should be stated in ____ terms


If an advertising campaign is aimed at increasing brand awareness and consumers' knowledge of a product's features, the advertising objective should be stated in terms of


Soft drink companies advertise that their products beat the competition in national "taste tests," and they refer to the rival brands by name. This type of advertising is best described as


If Target were to base its advertising appropriation on the amount that Walmart spends, it would be using the ____ approach.


Tercile Products Company advertises a specific product heavily, and Carbone Products Company wants to offset the effects of that advertising. In this case, Carbone would most likely employ ____ advertising


When Volvo's advertising campaign mentions the Volvo CX60 has the highest safety rating of any European sedan, it is using _______ advertising.


An advertising platform should consist of issues that are important to consumers. Selling features should be important to consumers and should be features that

competitive products lack

The step in developing an advertising campaign that directly precedes campaign execution is

creating the advertising message

After the advertising budget is determined, the next step in creating an advertising campaign is

developing the media plan

The last stage in the development of any advertising campaign is

evaluating the effectiveness of advertising

An advantage of the arbitrary approach for determining the advertising appropriation is that it is


A schedule in which advertisements run for set periods of time, alternating with periods in which no ads are run is known as


The maker of Huggies diapers is developing a media plan that involves trying to expose its target audience to its new advertisement about ten times. This is advertising


The first stage in the development of any advertising campaign is

identifying the advertising target audience

Advertising that aims to create a more favorable view of a company as a whole in the eyes of various stakeholders is called ____ advertising.


When using the percentage-of-sales approach for determining the advertising appropriation, marketers

multiply the firm's past sales plus a factor for expected changes in sales times a standard percentage

The owner of a professional baseball team asks the account representative of an advertising agency to develop an advertising campaign to bring more teenagers to the ballpark. At this point, the account representative logically begins to discuss establishing ____ for the campaign.


The target audience for an advertising campaign is the

overall goal of the advertising campaign

Colin McKinney, director of marketing for Greenwald Industrial Products, complains to his advertising director that the continuing slump in orders has apparently been perpetuated by the firm's failure to have the necessary advertising expenditures. Based on this information, Greenwald is most likely using the ____ approach to determine its advertising expenditures.


Tropicana orange juice has a television commercial where a young boy is drinking orange juice at dinner. He remarks that he likes the great taste of Tropicana anytime. The element of the commercial that focuses on drinking orange juice at dinner would be best classified as ________, while the focus on the great taste of Tropicana would be best classified as

pioneer advertising; competitive advertising

The two major types of product advertising are

pioneer and competitive.

The "Got milk?" print campaign is advertising that stimulates demand for a ____, known as ____ advertising.

product category; pioneer

The three general types of media schedules are

pulsing, continuous, and flighting

The percentage of consumers in the target audience actually exposed to a particular advertisement in a stated period of time is the definition of​


Dial Soap's advertising slogan "Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everybody did?" exemplifies the use of ____ advertising


The advertising campaign for Crest toothpaste lets consumers know about its newest flavor, and also mentions its history as an established brand. The ad also mentions Crest's advantages and benefits. Crest's advertising would be classified as


The cost per thousand (CPM) indicator shows

the cost to expose 1,000 people to a one-page magazine advertisement.

Reinforcement advertising is primarily targeted at

the current users of a particular product.

The main problem with using the objective-and-task approach to setting an advertising budget is that

the marketer may experience difficulty when trying to estimate accurately the level of effort needed to achieve goals.

Brands that are promoted through comparative advertising are most likely to be

brands that are attempting to compete with market leaders.

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