Marketing Homework Questions

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You now need to decide on the best packaging style. Your design team has come up with three options for the pre-mixed shakes. Based on what you learned from your focus group, what is the best packaging style?

drink pouch: 12-ounce drink pouches with screw tops are resealable, portable, and lightweight. The pouches are fairly inexpensive to purchase

Think about choices to include and choices to avoid when developing a mission statement. Drag and drop each of the following phrases to either the Good Mission Statements box or the Poor Mission Statements box.

Poor Mission Statements: lists all the products the organization sells, is product-oriented, is very broad, is less than seven words Good Mission Statements: is meaningful, is specific, describes the business the organization is in, is market-orientated, states what the organization wants to accomplish

How would you classify the activity wristband product line for YelloW?

You chose question mark. This was the best choice. With high growth and low market share, the activity wristband product line would be a question mark for YelloW.

Now you must make a recommendation to YelloW for an investment strategy to pursue for the ShipShape product. After reviewing your research, your team agrees that a market penetration strategy would be best for the ShipShape. Given the strategy your team has chosen, which of the following should you recommend to YelloW?

You chose to use an online direct-from-manufacturer channel. This was the best choice. This is a market penetration strategy because it targets greater penetration into the same market with the same product.

The meal replacement market is very crowded with competitors. Therefore, In Fine Fettle must consider the competition's prices when setting the price for its new product. A market analysis reveals that most ready-made meal replacement shakes sell for between $2 and $4 per shake. Keep your target market and product decisions in mind as you consider your pricing options.

Above market: In fine Fettle will offer turmeric shake for $4.50 per shake, which is above the market average

How would you classify the CD player product line for YelloW?

You chose dog. This was the best choice. With low growth and low market share, the CD player product line would be a dog for YelloW.

To begin, you must decide which part of the marketing mix to focus on first: product, price, promotion, or place. Which is the best starting point for your marketing mix decisions? VP of Marketing: "Remember that each marketing mix decision will have implications for the remaining decisions. Think carefully about which part of the marketing mix to start with, because each one will affect the others."


The VP of Marketing reviews the target market's profile with you: "Our current target market is consumers who want to eat healthy and live an active lifestyle. We are focusing on consumers ages 18-34. In their limited free time, this market enjoys going to the gym, spending time outdoors, and playing sports. Household sizes are typically small, usually 1-3 people." "These consumers are willing to pay higher prices for functional foods and convenience foods. They also value natural ingredients and authentic foods." "These consumers are highly connected, social, and mobile, relying on each other to make decisions on products. Their media consumption is primarily through Internet-enabled devices: 90% of millennials use smartphones and tablets daily. Less than 15% of millennials have a current newspaper subscription." Given the target market's profile and needs and wants, which product do you recommend that In Fine Fettle launch first?

turmeric meal replacement shakes

You suggest to Dawn that sustainable marketing is about more than counteracting negative press or damage control. You explain that products can be classified according to their degree of immediate satisfaction and long-run benefit, and sustainable marketing calls for products that are not only pleasing, but also beneficial. Dawn confesses that she doesn't understand and asks you to provide some examples to clarify. Consider the products/services shown below and drag them into the appropriate quadrant of the societal classification of products matrix.

Deficient Products: Unproven Medications Salutary Products: Smoke Alarm, dental floss, seat belts desirable products: low-fat yogurt, oatmeal pleasing products: deep-fried cookie dough, cocktails

Having decided to use primary sources to obtain data, you need to decide what sort of primary sources you will use. The following three options are suggested by the researchers within the market research department. Choose the one you think best suits your research objectives.

You chose performing a survey. This was the best choice because surveys are best at providing descriptive data, which is what you are seeking at this stage.

Based on your focus group, you ask your product research team to propose different formulas for turmeric meal replacement shakes. Keeping in mind that all In Fine Fettle's products use ingredients that are of higher quality than the competition's, your food scientists offer you three different formulations. Choose the formula that would be most attractive to the target market.

-has the second-highest turmeric content and anti-inflammatory properties properties -made with superior quality ingredients -taste rated as 7/10

After defining the problem that eCompeteUSA wants solved, you need to determine what type of research objective to pursue. What type of research objective would be most appropriate given eCompeteUSA's research problem? You chose descriptive research. This was the best choice. Descriptive research is often used to describe market potential, which aligns with your research problem. Click Next to continue.

You chose descriptive research. This was the best choice. Descriptive research is often used to describe market potential, which aligns with your research problem.

Having decided what you want to research, you now must decide what sources to use to gather your data. The following secondary resources are available. Which will you choose to use first? Bear in mind that using in-house databases costs very little, whereas using a commercial database will incur considerable expenses.

You chose to use in-house secondary data. This was the best choice because it is the least expensive and quickest data to access.

One key to understanding consumer lifestyle is recognizing the difference between an activity, an interest, and an opinion. Together, these AIO dimensions reflect the consumer's pattern of living.

Activity That was correct. Soccer is a sport, which is an activity. Interest That was correct. Fashion is an interest. Opinion That was correct. Keith's belief about smartphones is an opinion.

After discussions with your boss, you decide to focus your attention on advertising, one of the key promotional elements. Choose the type of media that you feel is the best channel for your advertising, keeping your target market and prior marketing mix decisions in mind.

Electronic Media: Utilize In Fine Fettle's website and social media to engage consumers in a conversation. Costs are still relatively low for this media-rich interactive channel

Your boss continues: "Now that you have identified what motivates our target market to purchase a Verdure health club membership, I need you to recommend a slogan for the postcard that we will mail to the Canton households that match our target demographic. Please review the three slogans that our creatives have submitted for consideration and choose the one that captures the self-actualization need."

You chose "Create your best self at Verdure Wellness Club." This was the best choice. Self-actualization is characterized by the desire for self-fulfillment and peak experiences, which is captured by the "best self" concept.

The product/market expansion grid (also called the product/market growth matrix) is a tool for marketers to plan for growth. Drag and drop each of the matrix classifications into the appropriate box, and then click Submit.

Market Penetration is both: existing product and existing market Product Development is both: new product and existing market Market Development is both: existing product and new market Diversification is both: new product and new market

Data-driven firms often use the metric "share of customer" or "share of wallet" to capture the percentage of an individual's purchase of products in a brand category. This provides a more accurate evaluation of an individual customer than using "share of market." Share of customer/share of wallet captures the percentage of an individual's purchase of a product that is the same brand. For example, if a customer spends $500 a year on lattes every year, and $350 was spent on Starbucks lattes, Starbucks' share of customer for that consumer is 70%. What share of wallet does Dunkin' Donuts have for that same customer if he spends $100 each year on Dunkin' Donuts lattes?

That was correct. $100/$500 = 20% share of customer.

You hold a meeting with the VP of Marketing and others to define the main focus of the research. Which of the following questions would best serve eCompeteUSA at this time?

You chose focusing your research on increasing market share by targeting nontraditional niche audiences. This was the best choice. You defined the problem well, realizing that major opportunities likely exist for eCompeteUSA in niche markets.

Forty-five percent of the Canton market has a household size of more than one person. Husbands, wives, and children play different roles in the purchase of various products and services, including health club memberships. What outcome from family influences is most likely to occur in Verdure's target market during the health club membership buyer decision process?

You predicted that the presence of children in the household would decrease the probability of buying a Verdure Wellness Club membership. That was the best choice. The presence of children in the home decreases the amount of free time for the adults in the family. Additionally, because Verdure does not have childcare or kids' programs, having the kids tag along is not an option.

Online retailers lose approximately 25% of their customers every year. Unfortunately, due to the highly competitive camping gear marketplace, Camp Plus loses approximately 35% of its customers every year to its competition, giving it a retention rate of only 65%. Using a discount rate of 10%, you calculate a CLV for each of the 10,000 customers in Camp Plus's database. CLV Formula: Infinite Time Horizon CLV = [(GC * r) / (1 + i - r)] - AC] CLV = Customer lifetime value GC = Annual gross contribution from customer (Revenues − Servicing and retention costs) r = Average retention rate of customer i = Interest or "discount rate" AC = Acquisition cost Based on this calculation, you find that 10% of Camp Plus's customers have a negative customer lifetime value. What strategy would you recommend to Camp Plus to deal with these customers?

You chose additional price promotions through coupons. That was not the best choice. This segment already has negative CLV, and further reducing these customers' margins through price promotion will not increase profitability.

You consider the situation, roll up your sleeves, and get to work. What should be the first step you take in obtaining the information you need to help eCompeteUSA move up in the eSports industry?

You chose to define the problem that needs to be solved. This was the best choice. The market research process begins with defining the problem and research objectives.

With your CLV analysis well underway, you turn your attention to the other data available to Camp Plus. One key concept to understand is the difference between structured and unstructured data. Structured data is typically either numerical or categorical whereas unstructured data is often text-heavy and is not organized in a predefined manner. Review each description of the data below, and then classify it as either structured or unstructured and click Submit.

That was correct. Customer service e-mails are unstructured data because e-mails are text-heavy and lack consistent formatting. That was correct. The number of page views per visit and time spent on each page are numerical data, which is easily understood by a computer. That was correct. The five-star rating system is structured data, which is categorical and easily read by a computer. That was correct. Product reviews are unstructured data because they are text-heavy and organized in a free-flowing manner.

One of the psychological (also known as internal) factors that influences decision making is motivation. Given what you now know about your target market, which need from Maslow's hierarchy of needs is most likely the primary motivation behind purchasing a Verdure Wellness Club membership?

You chose self-actualization needs. This was the best choice. That is the most likely motivation for this target's decision to purchase a Verdure Wellness Club membership.

Having chosen to use a survey to obtain descriptive data on eSports attitudes, you now need to decide how to contact consumers. You want to gather a large quantity of data fairly quickly, while not incurring high costs. How will you collect this data?

You chose telephone interviews. This was the best choice for handling the survey because it balances the ability to gather a lot of data with reasonable cost and speed.

With a strategy for the bottom 10% of customers finalized, you turn your attention to the remaining 90%. Using the CLV values that you calculated earlier, you group the customers into segments based on their relative levels of lifetime profitability. You present your data to the owners in your next meeting to continue the CRM discussion. What are the two most powerful conclusions/recommendations you can make based on your CLV findings?

You chose low priority. That was one of the best choices. Segment 4 represents 27% of the customers but only 12% of the firm's profits, so marketing expenditures do not result in a great payoff. You chose special treatment. That was one of the best choices. Segments 1 and 2 represent over 80% of the firm's profits; therefore, keeping these customers happy is critical.

Although annual spending on camping gear and apparel ranges from $300 to $2000, industry data suggests that the average "high-end" camper spends $850 per year on the latest camping gear. Using Camp Plus's transaction data, you calculate total annual spending for each of its 10,000 customers and then apply industry spending to calculate each customer's share of customer (SOC). Using statistical analysis, you group the customers into five distinct segments, as follows: Segment 1: SOC = 1-15% (2000 customers) Segment 2: SOC = 16-45% (3000 customers) Segment 3: SOC = 46-65% (2500 customers) Segment 4: SOC = 66-90% (1500 customers) Segment 5: SOC = 91%+ (1000 customers) Your plan is to implement a campaign to increase the customers' Camp Plus purchases. Focusing on share of customer and segment size, which of the five segments will you target first?

You chose Segment 3. That was the best choice. This segment is a substantial size, and customers demonstrate a good level of loyalty, with room to increase loyalty.

When writing the questionnaire you decide to include a question that will allow you to classify consumers by consumption level. Which of the following questions should you include in the survey in order to accurately discover this information?

You chose to ask what level consumer of eSports they were. This was the best choice. This question places consumers into four categories with a simple, direct, closed-ended question.

Having decided what secondary sources you will use, you now need to decide whether you elect to use any primary sources for obtaining data. This will involve setting up targeted research to answer the questions that you need answered. Note that this research will be carried out in-house by the market research department, but will be quite expensive.

You chose to collect primary research to capture the attitudinal data you need to address the research problem by conducting surveys. This was the best choice. The attitudinal data you need to address the research problem would likely not be found in the secondary data sources you identified.

Verdure Wellness Clubs offer more than the typical gym experience; therefore, memberships cost about 25% more than a "regular" gym would. Its members do not mind the higher price tag because they feel that the benefits far exceed the cost. It is not uncommon for members to spend 2 hours at the club every visit -- quite a bit more time than the typical 45-minute gym visit. VP of Marketing: "We have narrowed our Maryland expansion to three target markets defined geographically by neighborhood. Review the demographic summary below and choose the market that most closely matches our current customer profile and product offerings."

You selected Canton as the target market. This was the best choice because Canton residents are the youngest, most affluent market of the three.

You have worked with the research department to implement the research plan. The team has gathered the data, checked it for accuracy, and coded it for analysis. How should you present your findings so that the VP of Marketing can best utilize them?

You chose to present the important insights and findings. This was the best choice. You pointed the VP and her department towards the most important findings, which allowed her to draw conclusions from them.

Your first client of the day is a manufacturer of foodservice products for the restaurant industry, such as foodservice packaging and containers and disposable tableware. On the conference call are Gwen, the Director of Marketing, and Luke, the Director of Research and Development, and they seem to be on edge with each other. Luke starts the conversation by outlining the problem: "Last year, we launched a new line of plastic tableware that was treated with an additive to start and speed up the degradation process. However, we have been running additional tests, and it now appears that degradation may not occur in landfills as fast as we originally expected." Gwen sighs impatiently. "I'm hoping you'll be able to convince him that this isn't the earth-shattering problem he seems to think it is. It's more a matter of technicality." "Perhaps I'm not understanding the problem," you interject. "The problem is the ad campaign that the geniuses in marketing came up with," Luke answers. "Both the ads and the packaging claim that the tableware 'decomposes into natural elements soon after disposal,' and that's not true. It now looks like it may take as long as five years." Gwen sighs again. "Look, the ad campaign cost a fortune and it worked brilliantly -- sales of this product line have gone through the roof. Now he wants to drop the campaign and change all the packaging based on his definition of the word 'soon.' The material does break down -- just not as fast as we thought. We're nitpicking here." Luke responds hotly, "I don't consider false advertising to be nitpicking." As the marketing consultant, what should you do?

Recommend that the company order tests from an independent testing lab or obtain other evidence to determine the validity of Luke's claims before making a decision about the ad campaign and packaging

Products must be available to consumers when and where they want them. Retailers and wholesalers act as the intermediary between manufacturers and consumers and provide services to both manufacturers and consumers. In Fine Fettle is considering three different options for selling its new product: warehouse clubs, supermarkets, and high-end health food markets. Keep your target market, product, price, and promotion decisions in mind as you consider your place options.

High-end health food markets: High-end health food markets carry only health food products in a boutique-like setting. These markets have knowledgeable consumer service associates available in every department. On average, product prices are relatively high

You recommended that the company run more tests or obtain other evidence to determine whether the product meets industry standards before making a decision about the ad campaign and packaging. A few weeks later, you get another call from Luke and Gwen, who report that Luke's second round of tests have been verified: the tableware does not break down after disposal within a year; rather, it can take up to five years for the tableware to break down after customary disposal. As the marketing consultant, what is your recommendation?

Recommend that the company obtain an advisory opinion from the Federal Trade Commission to help clarify its rules and decisions with respect to biodegradeability

Even singles do not make purchase decisions in isolation. During the buyer decision process, consumers will ask family, coworkers, friends, and neighbors for feedback on products and services. Consider Verdure's primary target market, Canton singles, and determine which source of word-of-mouth information would likely be the most influential during the purchase of a health club membership.

You chose neighbors/friends. That was the best choice. As you learned in the focus group, Canton singles felt that peers were most influential at this life stage; 95% of the target sought peer advice prior to purchases. Additionally, neighbors are likely to be best informed about health club choices in Canton.

How would you classify the smartphone product line for YelloW?

You chose star. This was the best choice. With high growth and high market share, the smartphone product line would be a star for YelloW.

Now that you have identified Verdure Wellness Club's target market, you need to turn your attention to the buyer decision process for health club memberships. The buyer decision process begins with need recognition and ends with post-purchase behavior. Review each of the following situations related to the health club membership purchase, and then drag it to the correct stage in the buying process.

Need Recognition That was correct. The lack of vinyasa flow classes at her gym stimulates a need for a new health club membership for Charlotte. Information Search That was correct. Asking friends and neighbors for health club recommendations is an example of information search from personal sources. Evaluation of Alternatives That was correct. Collecting relevant information and comparing attributes across bands happens in the evaluation of alternatives stage. Purchase Decision That was correct. Signing the contract for the club membership is the purchase decision. Post-purchase Behavior That was correct. When Charlotte evaluates her choice by comparing her expectations and experiences, she engages in post-purchase evaluation.

The following week, you meet again with Josef, who is excited by the many ideas he has developed, and he is equally excited to learn what ideas you can add to his venture. Together, you review the lists and attempt to categorize them according to the grid you had given him last week. Consider each of the ideas shown below and indicate whether they represent Pollution Prevention, New Clean Technology, or Product Stewardship by dragging them into the appropriate quadrant of the Environmental Sustainability and Sustainable Value matrix. (Note: None of the ideas represent Sustainability Vision.)

Pollution Prevention 1. Provide recycling receptacles in all guest rooms, meeting rooms, restaurant, bar, and office. 6. Use refillable soap, shampoo, and conditioner dispensers instead of disposable plastic bottles. 7. Purchase paper products and guest amenity products that contain recycled material. New Clear Technology 2. Install compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) in all guest rooms, lobby, and service areas. 3. Install an energy management system (EMS) that requires guests to insert a room key to use energy, ensuring that the guest is in the room when energy is being used. 5. Install low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets in all guest rooms and public restrooms. Product Stewardship 4. Use carpeting made from recycled plastics that can itself be recycled. 8. Use fabrics for drapes and upholstery that are created from recycled materials that can then be recycled themselves.

The marketing mix is one of the fundamental concepts in marketing today. Commonly known as the four Ps, the marketing mix is the marketer's strategic toolbox. The four Ps must work together to create value for the customer; therefore, these decisions should be seen as interdependent rather than independent. Each of the four Ps consists of many tactical tools and decisions. Review the four P tactics below and place them into the proper category.

Product Correct. Brand name is an element of the product tactic. Price Correct. Seven days represents the payment period that the firm offers to its intermediary, which is an element of price. Promotion Correct. The salesforce is engaged in personal selling, which is an element of promotion because it is a form of communication. Place Correct. Transportation is part of place because transportation is a critical step necessary to get the product from a producer to a consumer.

You know that CLV represents the total profit of a customer's lifetime revenue stream; therefore, a number of variables must be included in the calculation. In addition to discount rate, what are the three other key variables that will need to be included in Camp Plus's CLV analysis?

You chose margin, retention rate, and acquisition cost. That was the best choice. In addition to discount rate, these are the three variables necessary for the CLV calculation.

With your first target identified, you turn your attention to the communication method. After meeting with Camp Plus's marketing group, three proposals are on the table. Keep in mind that although Camp Plus's goal for this campaign is to increase share of customer, the overarching goals are increasing market share and firm profitability. Therefore, the communication method you recommend must balance reach and impact against expenses. Which of the three marketing campaigns would you recommend that Camp Plus use to begin its share of customer initiative?

You chose to email a 10% off $100 coupon. That was the best choice. Email marketing is cost effective, and the sales promotion should drive incremental sales.

Dawn seems pleased with the recommendations you've given her for adding long-run benefits to Triple D's products without reducing their pleasing qualities, but she reminds you that Triple D still has a potential public relations nightmare on its hands when the media learn about the results of the study that its products are high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates. "What's the best way to handle what's sure to be a media nightmare?" she asks. What is your recommendation to Dawn to handle the negative publicity that she expects when the health study is released to the media?

You chose to hold a press conference announcing new products. That was the best choice. If Triple D is going to offer healthier alternatives to its high-fat, high-calorie treats and make improvements to its regular offerings, this could be a good response to negative press.

Salvatore is delighted with your recommendations, so you take a chance and advise him of the societal classification of products -- the same one you discussed with Dawn from Triple D. You know Salvatore is very proud of his family's recipe, and he considers it to be the reason for the success of his business, but you carefully suggest that another way that he can be mindful of consumers' and society's long-run interests is by incorporating more long-run benefits to his pizza without reducing its pleasing qualities. Which of the following should you suggest to Salvatore?

You chose to offer a whole-grain crust option. That was the best choice. By using whole grains in the crust, adding nutrients and fiber, this potentially adds some pleasing qualities to Salvatore's pizza so that it will become even more desirable in consumers' minds.

Understanding the variance in acquisition costs is a helpful starting point in customer analysis, but it does not tell the full story. The next time you meet with Camp Plus, you suggest that you combine the acquisition cost analysis with your CLV analysis to determine if customer profitability varies based on mode of acquisition. You present your findings to the owners and discuss potential strategies. Which strategy do you recommend based on your acquisition-CLV analysis?

You chose to prioritize. That was the best choice. Direct mail and search engine customers have higher CLVs than either banner ads or social media. Therefore, increased spending in these channels is appropriate.

You are now tasked with developing a research plan that would best support the research objectives you have just chosen. You consider your options and narrow them down to the following three. Which option will you select?

You chose to research the attitudes of women and older consumers. This was the best choice because your research plan supports the problem and objectives you have defined (i.e., can we increase eCompeteUSA's market share by targeting nontraditional niche (small) audiences).

Although an established brand, YelloW has never developed a mission statement. Your first task is to recommend a mission statement to YelloW. Your creative team at Strategic Solutions has come up with three mission statement alternatives.

You chose: "We are driven by spanning technological boundaries. We empower consumers to lead healthy, connected, and entertained lives." This was the best choice for YelloW's mission statement because it included the organization's purpose, addressed its customers, and will guide people in the organization.

The VP believes that the best primary target for Verdure Wellness Club is the high-income single person living in Canton, but she does not want to give up on the Canton family market entirely because she feels that they would be a great secondary market to go after when the primary market is saturated. Your manager asks: "Which of the four Ps do we need to revise first to make Verdure Wellness Club more attractive to the Canton family market?"

You recommended modifying the product. That was the best choice. The major issue Canton families would find with Verdure Wellness Clubs is the lack of childcare and kids' programs. Adding these services makes Verdure much more attractive to the Canton family market.

Your next client is Decadent Donut Delights -- commonly referred to as Triple D -- a donut/ice cream food truck business. The business started out as one food truck that served custom ice cream sandwiches. The customer chose an ice cream flavor, toppings, and a donut, and within minutes, the "decadent donut delight" was presented. As the word spread, one food truck grew into several, and then the company expanded into nearby cities and towns. The company began franchising its food trucks just over a year ago, and profits have been growing as fast as customers' waistlines. Its products have been the subject of a recent consumer health study at a major research university, and the study has determined that its products are high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates. Dawn, the Marketing Manager, shares this information in a matter-of-fact tone: "The findings probably aren't a surprise to anyone, but the study is going to be released to the media, so I'm certain we're going to get some bad press. I'm here because we want your advice on damage control. In other words, how can we counteract the negative press we're bound to get as a result of this study? I know this will eventually blow over, but how do we minimize any drop in sales when the news hits?" Based on your evaluation of Dawn's comments, which approach does Triple D appear to be wanting to take?

marketing process

Defining the research problem and research objectives is often regarded as the most difficult step in the marketing research project. Although this step is challenging, it is critically important because it is impossible to solve problems that have not been clearly defined.With the research problem defined, researchers must decide on the type of research they will pursue to generate the data they need. The three types of research (also called objectives) are exploratory, descriptive, and causal.Drag and drop the problem description into the type of research that would most likely be used to generate the appropriate data. When you've classified all the descriptions, click Submit.

Exploratory: 1.)Hypotheses help: Joe's research problem is still not clearly defined, and he needs to generate some hypotheses for his research. 2.)Distinctive coffee: Sierra wants to expand her menu by offering specialty coffees and needs to come up with ideas for creative flavors. Descriptive 1.)Thirsty athletes: Greg needs to understand how the consumption of sports drinks varies by geographical region. 2.)Yoga love: Gema wants to open a yoga studio in her hometown, but first she wants to understand how her hometown's residents feel about practicing yoga. Causal: 1.)High heels: Sophia wants to know if she can increase the sales of shoes in her boutique by moving the display from the back of the store to next to the registers. 2.)Price hike: Wei wants to understand what would happen to his sales if he increased the cost of his app from $0.99 to $1.99.

Dawn seems to have a better understanding of the societal classification of products, but she is still confused on where Triple D needs to go from here. You explain to Dawn that Triple D's goal should be to add long-run benefits without reducing its product's pleasing qualities so that they achieve both immediate customer satisfaction and long-run benefits. Dawn shakes her head ruefully. "That's a tall order when your company's name is Decadent Donut Delights. How do you recommend we do this without spending a fortune? Yes, we're making money, but we're still relatively small." Which of the following options should you recommend to Dawn?

You chose to offer a "lite size" sandwich. That was one of the best choices. Smaller portions would enable customers to satisfy their immediate wants and needs (and sweet tooth) but may help them meet future best interests of good health through portion control. You chose to offer a frozen yogurt alternative. That was one of the best choices. Low-fat frozen yogurt instead of high-fat ice cream would be a healthier food choice for Triple D's customers that may satisfy their immediate sweet tooth cravings while achieving some longer-run health benefits. You chose to use a trans-fat-free oil. That was one of the best choices. Both palm oil and canola oil are trans-fat-free, although it would be important to use palm oil that has been certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) because, in some regions, oil palm cultivation has caused deforestation. RSPO is an organization established to promote the growth and use of certified sustainable palm oil.

Big Data analysis can involve massive amounts of data and complex analysis. However, you know that some of the simpler customer relationship management (CRM) metrics are often a good starting point for firms seeking to increase their profitability. It is well-known that retaining an existing customer is far less expensive than acquiring a new one, so you suggest that the owners begin by calculating share of customer to identify opportunities to sell more products to existing customers. Before you can calculate Camp Plus's share of customer, you need to determine what type of data you need to gather. What data sources will you need to utilize to calculate share of customer?

You chose internal and external data. That was the best choice. Share of customer metrics require both internal and external data to be calculated.

YelloW is pleased that the smartphone product line is a star, enjoying both high market share and high growth. YelloW wants to know which of its other three product lines it should invest in to try to achieve star status. Which of the three product lines should YelloW invest in?

You chose activity wristbands. This was the best choice. The activity wristband market is the best product line to focus on right now because the market is growing and the conditions in the market are good.

With a churn rate of 35%, customer acquisition remains an important marketing priority for Camp Plus. One of the many databases Camp Plus has is its marketing acquisition database, from which the average acquisition cost by channel was calculated. Camp Plus has a limited marketing budget and wants to spend its resources wisely. Currently, 20% of its customers are acquired through direct mail, 10% from social media marketing, 40% from banner ads, and 30% from search engine marketing. What strategy do you recommend for Camp Plus's new customer acquisition moving forward?

You chose more data. That was the best choice. Based on acquisition cost alone, you cannot determine which account type will be most profitable over time. Additional data and analysis could lead to a better strategy.

To meet its financial projections, Verdure Wellness Club must sign up 500 new members in its first fiscal year. The Canton neighborhood has a population in excess of 11,000. To reach its goals, Verdure must focus its marketing efforts on the Canton residents who are most likely to join and remain members for a long time. Although demographics like age, gender, and income are often used to describe target markets, patterns of living referred to as consumer lifestyle provide marketers with deeper insight into consumer behavior. Activities, interests, and opinions (AIO) are used to profile a person's lifestyle. Which lifestyle profile would be the most attractive to Verdure for its club membership?

You chose peaceful living. That was the best choice. This lifestyle values both working out and life balance, key benefits that Verdure Wellness Club delivers.

Your next client is Salvatore, who inherited a small family-run pizza restaurant and delivery business from his father a few years ago. The business was originally started by Salvatore's grandfather, and it has been Salvatore's dream to keep the business alive by serving pizza made with his family's secret sauce. Since Salvatore took over the restaurant, business is better than ever. He now feels it's time to implement the concepts of societal marketing and consider society's long-run interests along with the interests of his business and his customers. Before his meeting with you, he met with his staff and asked them to come up with a list of ways that they could do well by doing good. The items on Salvatore's list are shown below. Which of them would you recommend?

You chose to give a discount for bringing back pizza boxes. This was one of the best choices because pizza boxes are not recyclable and thus end up in the landfill. Composting can turn the pizza boxes into nutrient-rich fertilizer for soil. You chose to use pizza boxes made of recycled cardboard. This was one of the best choices. Recycling protects the environment, reduces energy consumption, reduces pollution, conserves natural resources, and reduces global warming. However, it would be important to make sure that the pizza boxes are cost effective as well as environmentally friendly. You chose to use biodegradable and compostable takeout boxes. This was one of the best choices. Biodegradable products produce far less pollution and greenhouse gases, and composting biodegradable boxes along with other waste can turn trash into nutrient-rich fertilizer for soil.

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2 - Conceptual Framework: Financial Reporting and Assumptions

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