MCAT Cars Keywords
Opposition keywords (relation)
-particularly strong difference words that create a dichotomy or divisions of entities into two categories not/never/none either....or as opposed to on the contrary versus (vs) on one hand....on the other hand otherwise
Moderating keywords (author)
-permit the author to qualify a claim can/could may/might possibly probably sometimes on occasion often tends to here now in this case in some case
Refutation keywords
-provide reasons for rejecting a conclusion despite notwithstanding challenge undermined by object counter(argument) critique/criticize conflict doubt problem weakness called into question by
Comparison keywords (relation)
-rank ideas relative to each other better/best worse/worst less/least more/most -er/-est primarily especially above all
Relation Keywords
-show how what you're reading now fits into the passage as a whole
Conclusion keywords (logic)
-signal what the author is trying to convince the audience to believe therefore thus then so consequently leading to resulting in argue conclude imply infer suggest
Sequence keywords (relation)
-suggest a series of events advancing in time -may also set up contrast between two time periods before/after earlier/later previous/next initially/subsequently/finally first/second/third/last historically/traditionally/used to now/currently/modern
-what does the text say? -main idea? -opinions?
Similarity keywords (relation)
-when a sentence begins with a similarity word it will be continuing in the same vein as what came before. and also moreover furthermore like same/similar that is in other words for example take the case of for instance including such as in addition plus at the same time as well as equally this that these those : ; - () ""
-why does the author write? -how do they feel? -does anyone else have a voice?
-How are claims supported? -How are claims challenged?
-author has both positive and negative opinions on a topic
-author has neither positive nor negative opinions on a topic
Evidence keywords (logic)
-describe the reasons why the audience should believe the authors claim because(of) since if for why the reason is as a result of due to as evident in justified by assuming after all
Extreme keywords (author)
-enhance the charge of what the author is saying must need/necessary always every any only should/ought indeed very especially obviously above all
-how do sentences connect? -how do ideas relate? -where is the author going?
Author Keywords
-indicate authors thoughts or opinions about the topic
Logic Keywords
-indicate the relationships between different parts of a logical argument
Difference keywords (relation)
-merit additional attention because they tend to suggest more testable information and change in trajectory of passage but yet however although even though rather than in contrast on the other hand otherwise nevertheless whereas while different unlike notwithstanding another instead still despite alternatively unless not conversely contrarily
Negative keywords (author)
disaster farce limitation miss fail confuse problematic so-called deceptive questionably merely purportedly
Positive keywords (author)
masterpiece genius triumph excel succeed know compelling impressive elegant correctly reasonably fortunately