Med Term Master Set

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The diminutive of any word is the ___________ of any given word.

"little" version

match the terminology (and abbreviation) with the meaning -bacterial invasion leads to this condition -high levels measured on this test lead to the suspicion of renal disease -contrast is injected into the urinary bladder and ureters and x-ray pictures of the urinary tract are taken -x ray pictures of the urinary bladder and urethra are taken while the patient urinates A)Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) B)Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) C) voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG) D) Retrograde Pyelogram (RP)

-Bacterial invasion leads to this condition. A. Urinary tract infection (UTI) -High levels measured on this test lead to the suspicion of renal disease. B. Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) -Contrast is injected into the urinary bladder and ureters and x ray pictures of the urinary tract are taken. D. Retrograde Pyelogram (RP) -X-ray pictures of the urinary bladder and urethra are taken while the patient urinates. C. voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)

Match the procedure to the description. X-ray examination (with contrast) of the vascular system and kidney. Dilation of narrowed areas in the renal arteries. X-ray imaging of the kidneys, ureters and bladder after injection of contrast through a urinary catheter into the ureters. Image of the kidney after injecting into the bloodstream a radioactive substance that concentrates in the kidney. A. renal angiography B.retrograde pyelogram C. radioisotope scan D. renal angioplasty

-X-ray examination (with contrast) of the vascular system and kidney. A. renal angiography -Dilation of narrowed areas in the renal arteries. D. renal angioplasty -X-ray imaging of the kidneys, ureters and bladder after injection of contrast through a urinary catheter into the ureters. B.retrograde pyelogram -Image of the kidney after injecting into the bloodstream a radioactive substance that concentrates in the kidney. C. radioisotope scan

Match the English terms to the combining forms or suffixes: -blast -esthesia pont/o -sthenia A. budding, immature B. bridge C. strength D. feeling

-blast A. budding, immature -esthesia D. feeling pont/o B. bridge -sthenia C. strength

From among the following, choose the materials excreted into urine by a normally functioning urinary system.

-creatinine -salts -nitrogenous wastes

Match the English words with their medical suffixes. -ectomy A. pain -algia B. removal, excision -tomy C. incision

-ectomy B. removal, excision -algia A. pain -tomy C. incision

Match the English terms with the suffixes plasty deficiency penia fear plasia development, formation, growth phobia surgical repair

-penia = deficiency -phobia = fear -plasia = development, formation, growth -plasty = surgical repair

Match the following: 1. -pnea 2. -plasm 3. -plasia 4. -or A. structure or formation B. breathing C. one who D. development, formation

-pnea = breathing -plasm = structure or formation -plasia = development, formation -or = one who

Choose the electrolytes from among the following.

-potassium -bicarbonate -sodium

1) right ear 2) left ear 3) eyes, ears, nose and throat 4) head, eyes, ears, nose and throat AD, EENT, HEENT, AS

1) AD 2) AS 3) EENT 4) HEENT

1) right eye 2) left eye 3) both eyes 4) visual acuity 5) visual fields VF, OU, OD, OS, VA

1) OD 2) OS 3) OU 4) VA 5) VF

1) usually occurs before age 30 and is frequently characterized by little or no insulin production, polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, thin or normal body weight at onset and ketoacidosis 2) usually occurs after age 30. insulin is usually present but symptoms are gradual. obesity of often a factor. ketoacidosis seldom occurs, and polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia are sometimes seen. 3) insufficient secretion of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) urine is bland 4) secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland; stimulates growth of bones and soft tissues growth hormone, Type II diabetes, diabetes insipidus, Type I diabetes

1) Type I diabetes 2) Type II diabetes 3) diabetes insipidus 4) growth hormone (GH)

1) movement away from the midline of the body 2) movement toward the midline of the body 3) backward (upward) bending of the foot 4) bending of the sole of the foot downward to the ground adduction, plantar flexion, dorsiflextion, abduction

1) abduction 2) adduction 3) dorsiflexion 4) plantar flexion

1) a cavity with pus surrounded by inflamed tissue 2) thickened and rough lesion of the epidermis; associated with aging or skin damage 3) use of a sharp spoon-like instrument to scrape away a skin lesion 4) a large blister bulla, keratosis, abscess, curettage

1) abscessa cavity with pus surrounded by inflamed tissue 2) keratosis - thickened and rough lesion of the epidermis; associated with aging or skin damage 3) curettage - use of a sharp spoon-like instrument to scrape away a skin lesion 4) bulla - a large blister

1) normal adjustment of the eye to focus on objects from far to near 2) tiny pit or depression in the retina that is the region of clearest vision 3) region at the back of the eye where the optic nerve meets the retina 4) bending of light rays by cornea, lens and fluid of the eye to bring the rays into focus on the retina refraction, fovea centralis, accomodation, optic disk

1) accomodation 2) fovea centralis 3) optic disk 4) refraction

1) hip socket 2) heel 3) backbone 4) anterior part of the pelvic bone pubis, calcaneus, acetabulum, vertebra

1) acetabulum 2) calcaneus 3) vertebra 4) pubis

1) rounded depression, or socket, in the pelvis, which joins the femur, forming the hip joint 2) bone tissue 3) bone cell that helps form bony tissue 4) bone cell that absorbs and removed unwanted bony tissue osteoclast, osseous tissue, acetabulum, osteoblast

1) acetabulum 2) osseous tissue 3) osteoblast 4) osteoclast

1) chronic papular and pustular eruption to the skin with increased production of sebum 2) chronic recurrent dermatosis marked by itchy, scaly red plaques covered by silvery gray scales 3) inflammatory skin disease with erythematous, papulovesicular lesions 4) contagious, parasitic infection of the skin with intense pruritus scabies, psoriasis, acne, eczema

1) acne 2) psoriasis 3) eczema 4) scabies

1) pertaining to sound 2) record of hearing 3) a health care profession specializing in the evaluation and rehabilitation of people with hearing loss 4) pertaining to the ear aural, acoustic, audiogram, audiologist

1) acoustic 2) audiogram 3) audiologist 4) aural

1) benign tumor arising from the acoustic vestibulocochlear nerve (eighth cranial nerve) 2) collection of skin cells and cholesterol in a sac in the middle ear 3) disorder of the labyrinth of the inner ear; elevated endolymph pressure within the cochlea and semicircular canals 4) hardening of the bony tissue of the middle ear meniere disease, acoustic neuroma, ostosclerosis, cholesteatoma

1) acoustic neuroma 2) cholesteatoma 3) meniere disease 4) otosclerosis

1) outward extension of the shoulder blade forming the point of the shoulder 2) any joint 3) pertaining to a joint/joints 4) join up to another bone articulation, articular, articulate, acromion

1) acromion 2) articulation 3) articular 4) articulate

1) fat cell 2) one of the large dermal exocrine glands located in the axilla and genital area. It secretes sweat responsible for body odor 3) most numerous sweat producing gland in the skin 4) oil-secreting gland in the dermis that is associated with hair follicles sebaceous gland, apocrine sweat gland, adipocyte, eccrine sweat gland

1) adipocyte - fat cell 2) apocrine sweat gland - one of the large dermal exocrine glands located in the axilla and genital area. It secretes sweat responsible for body odor 3) eccrine sweat gland - most numerous sweat producing gland in the skin 4) sebaceous gland - oil-secreting gland in the dermis that is associated with hair follicles

1) outer section of each adrenal gland; secretes cortisol, aldosterone and sex hormones 2) inner section of adrenal gland; secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine 3) located on the posterior side of the thyroid. secretes a hormone that increased blood calcium 4) located behind the stomach. secretes insulin, glucagon and excretes digestive enzymes adrenal cortex, pancreas, parathyroid glands, adrenal medulla

1) adrenal cortex 2) adrenal medulla 3) parathyroid glands 4)pancreas

1) increase heart rate and blood pressure 2) secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to stimulate the adrenal cortex 3) secreted by the pancreas to increase blood sugar by conversion of glycogen to glucose 4)secreted by pancreas to help glucose pass into cells. promotes conversion of glucose to glycogen adrenocorticotrophic hormone, insulin, adrenaline, glucagon

1) adrenaline 2) adrenocorticotrophic hormone 3) glucagon 4)insulin

1) secreted by adrenal cortex; increase sodium reabsorption 2) male hormone secreted by the testes and to a lesser extent by the adrenal cortex. testosterone is an example 3) secreted by thyroid gland; decreases blood calcium levels 4) secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland; stimulates ovulation in females and testosterone secretion in males luteinizing hormone (LH), androgen, aldosterone, calcitonin

1) aldosterone 2) androgen 3) calcitonin 4) luteinizing hormone (LH)

1) pan- 2) -agon 3) -in, -ine 4) -tropin stimulating the function of, all, a substance, assemble gather together

1) all 2) assemble, gather together 3) a substance 4)stimulating the function of

1) absence of hair from areas where it normally grows 2) bluish-purplish mark on the skin 3) small, pinpoint hemorrhage 4) itching pruitus, petechia, alopecia, ecchymosis

1) alopecia - absence of hair from areas where it normally grows 2) ecchymosis - bluish-purplish mark on the skin 3) petechia - small, pinpoint hemorrhage 4) pruitus - itching

1) chronic, progressive arthritis with stiffening of joints, primarily of the spine 2) inflammation and painful swelling of joints caused by excessive uric acid in the body 3) a recurrent disorder marked by severe arthritis, myalgia, malaise and neurologic and cardiac symptoms. caused by a bacterium carried by a tick 4) chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease involving joints, skin, kidneys, nervous system, heart and lungs. one symptom is a red, scaly rash over the nose and cheeks. named after the latin word for wolf - lyme disease - gouty arthritis - systemic lupus erythematosus - ankylosing spondylitis

1) ankylosing spondylitis 2) gouty arthritis 3) lyme disease 4) systemic lupus erythematosus

1) a fusion of bones across a joint space by either bone tissue or growth of fibrous tissue 2) structure of a tendon 3) surgical fusion of a joint 4) inherited condition in which the bones of the arms and legs fail to grow to normal size. dwarfism results achondroplasia, tenorraphy, arthrodesis, ankylosis

1) ankylosis 2) tenorraphy 3) arthrodesis 4) achondroplasia

1) area behind the cornea and in front of the lens and iris 2) yellowish region on the retinal lateral to and slightly below the optic disc. contains the fovea centralis 3) transparent, biconvex body behind the pupil of the eye 4) posterior, inner part of the eye fundus of the eye, macula, anterior chamber, lens

1) anterior chamber 2) macula 3) lens 4) fundus of the eye

1) secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. increases reabsorption of water by the kidney 2) secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. stimulates hormone secretion and egg production by the ovaries and sperm production in the testes 3) secreted by the adrenal medulla; increases heart rate and blood pressure and dialates airways (sympathomimetic). part of the body's "fight or flight" reaction 4) secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. acts on the thyroid to promote its functioning epinephrine, antidiuretic hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

1) antidiuretic hormone 2) follicle-stimulating hormone 3) epinephrine 4) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

1) inflammation of joints 2) trauma to a joint with pain, swelling and injury to ligaments 3) a less serious injury involving overstretching of muscle 4) displacement of bone from its joint strain dislocation arthritis sprain

1) arthritis 2) sprain 3) strain 4) dislocation

1) incision of a joint 2) surgical repair of a joint 3) condition of blood in a joint 4) inflammation of many joints arthroplasty, hemarthrosis, polyarthritis, arthrotomy

1) arthrotomy 2) arthroplasty 3) hemarthrosis 4) polyarthritis

1) thin layer of cartilage surrounding the bone in the joint space 2) flexible, rubbery connective tissues. it is found in the immature skeleton, at the epiphyseal growth plate, and on joint surfaces 3) fatty tissue found in the medullary cavity of most adult long bones 4) found in cancellous bone; site of hematopoiesis cartaliginous tissue articular cartilage red bone marrow yellow bone marrow

1) articular cartilage 2) cartaliginous tissue 3) yellow bone marrow 4) red bone marrow

1) defective curvature of the cornea or lens of eye 2) nearsightedness 3) farsightedness 4) impairment of vision as a result of old age presbyopia, myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia (hypermetropia)

1) astigmatism 2) myopia 3) hyperopia (hypermetropia) 4) presbyopia

1) channel leading from the ear flap to the eardrum 2) channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx 3) sensitive auditory receptor are found in the cochlea of the inner ear 4) central cavity of the labrynth, connecting the semicircular canals and the cochlea organ of corti, auditory tube, vestibule, auditory canal

1) auditory canal 2) auditory tube 3) organ of corti 4) vestibule

1) opening of the auditory canal to the outside body 2) thin layer of tissue between the inner and outer ear; eardrum 3) one of three small bones of the middle ear 4) membrane between the middle ear and inner ear tympanic membrane, oval window, ossicle, auditory meatus

1) auditory meatus 2) tympanic membrane 3) ossicle 4) oval window

1) consisting of two surfaces that are rounded, elevated and curved evenly, like part of a sphere 2) delicate membrane lining the undersurface of the eyelids and covering the anterior eyeball 3) fibrous transparent layer of clear tissue that extends over the anterior portion of the eyeball 4) pigmented layer that opens and closes to allow more or less light to the eye iris, conjunctiva, biconvex, cornea

1) biconvex 2) conjunctive 3) cornea 4) iris

1) inflammation of an eyelid 2) inequality of the size of the pupils 3) absence of the lens of the eye 4) swelling of the optic disc; associated with increased pressure in the eye blepharitis, aphakia, papilledema, anisocoria

1) blepharitis 2) anisocoria 3) aphakia 4) papilledema

1) ptosis of the eyelid skin 2) retinal detachment 3) chronic infection of a bone behind the ear 4) severe deafness scleral buckle, mastoidectomy, blepharoplasty, cochlear implant

1) blepharoplasty 2) scleral buckle 3) mastoidectomy 4) cochlear implant

1) caus/o 2) cutane/o 3) pil/o 4) xer/o skin, dry, hair, burn burning

1) burn, burning - caus/o 2) skin - cutane/o 3) hair - pil/o 4) dry - xer/o

1) sac of fluid near a joint; promotes smooth sliding of one tissue against another 2) connective tissue that binds muscles to bones 3) connective tissue binding bones to other bones; supports, strengthens and stabilizes the joint 4) joint in which apposed surfaces are closely united; motion is minimal ligament, bursa, tendon, suture joint

1) bursa 2) tendon 3) ligament 4) suture joint

1) pertaining to the heel 2) beneath the ribs 3) pertaining to the cartilage attached to the ribs 4) pertaining to the anklebone malleolar, subcostal, calcineal, chondtocostal

1) calcineal 2) subcostal 3) chondtocostal 4) malleolar

1) CA++ 2) K+ 3) Na+ 4) T4 tetraiodothyronine, potassium, calcium, sodium

1) calcium 2) potassium 3) sodium 4) tetraiodothyronine

1) increased growth of cells in the keratin layer of the epidermis causes by pressure or friction 2) hypertrophied, thickened scar developing after trauma or surgical incision 3) epidermal growth causes by a virus 4) white, thickened patches on mucous membrane tissue of the tongue or cheek leukoplakia, keloid, callus, verruca

1) callus - increased growth of cells in the keratin layer of the epidermis causes by pressure or friction 2) keloid - hypertrophied, thickened scar developing after trauma or surgical incision 3) verruca - epidermal growth causes by a virus 4) leukoplakia - white, thickened patches on mucous membrane tissue of the tongue or cheek

1) spongy, porous bone tissue in the inner part of a bone 2) flexible, rubbery connective tissue. It is found in the immature skeleton, at the epiphyseal growth plate, and on joint surfaces. 3) dense, connective tissue protein strands found in bone and other tissues 4) hard, dense bone tissue, usually found around the outer portion of bones compact bone collagen cancellous bone cartilagenous bone

1) cancellous bone 2) cartilagenous bone 3) collagen 4) compact bone

1) wrist bones 2) tail bone 3) upper part of the pelvic bone 4) ankle ilium, malleolus, carpals, coccyx

1) carpals 2) coccyx 3) ilium 4) malleolus

1) mold of the bone applied to fractures immobilized the injured bone 2) break in the bone without an open skin wound 3) brittle bone disease (genetic) 4) the creation of bone marrow closed fracture, osteogenesis imperfecta, myelopoiesis, cast

1) cast 2) closed fracture 3) osteogenesis imperfecta 4) myelopoiesis

1) clouding of lens, causing decreased vision 2) small, hard, cystic mass on the eyelid 3) include microaneurysms, hemorrhages, dilation of retinal veins and neovascularization 4) increased intraocular pressure results in damage to the retina and optic nerve with loss of vision chalazion, cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy

1) cataract 2) chalazion 3) diabetic retinopathy 4) glaucoma

1) hormones derived from an amino acid and secreted by the adrenal medulla e.g. epinephrine 2) tendency of an organism to maintain a constant internal environment 3) steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex to regulate electrolytes and water balance in the body, e.g. aldosterone 4) steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex, regulating sugar, fat and protein homeostasis, mineralcorticoid, catecholamine, glucocorticoid

1) catecholamine 2) homeostasis 3) mineralcorticoid 4) glucocorticoid

1) intense burning pain, often from injury to a peripheral nerve 2) profuse sweating 3) use of a heated needle and snare to destroy tissue 4) destruction of tissue by burning with an electric spark electrodessication, diaphoresis, causalgia, elecrocautery

1) causalgia - intense burning pain, often from injury to a peripheral nerve 2) diaphoresis - profuse sweating 3) elecrocautery - use of a heated needle and snare to destroy tissue 4) electrodessication - destruction of tissue by burning with an electric spark

1) diffuse, acute infection of the skin marked by local heat, redness, pain and swelling 2) death of tissue associated with loss of blood supply 3) bacterial inflammatory skin disease characterized by vesicles, pustules, and crusted-over lesions 4) depigmentation in areas of the skin (milk white patches) gangrene, cellulitis, impetigo, vitiligo

1) cellulitis - diffuse, acute infection of the skin marked by local heat, redness, pain and swelling 2) gangrene - death of tissue associated with loss of blood supply 3) impetigo - bacterial inflammatory skin disease characterized by vesicles, pustules, and crusted-over lesions 4) vitiligo - depigmentation in areas of the skin (milk white patches)

1) waxy substance secreted by the external ear 2) snail-shaped, spirally wound tube n the inner ear; contains hearing-sensitive receptor cells 3) maze-like set of canals in the inner ear 4) passages in the inner ear associated with maintaining equilibrium semicricular canals, cerumen, labrynth, cochlea

1) cerumen 2) cochlea 3) labrynth 4)semicircular canals

1) toc/o 2) somat/o 3) eu- 4)oxy- rapid sharp acid, good normal, body, childbirth

1) childbirth 2) body 3) good, normal 4)rapid, sharp, acid

1) collar bone 2) lower arm bone (thumb side) 3) should bone 4) hind foot bones radius, tarsals, clavicle, scapula

1) clavicle 2) radius 3) scapula 4) tarsals

1) snail 2) hammer 3) anvil 4) stirrup stapes, malleus, cochlea, incus

1) cochlea 2) malleus 3) incus 4) stapes

1) structural protein found in the skin and connective tissue 2) root means horn, hard protein material found in the epidermis, hair and nails 3) the half-moon shaped whitish area at the base of the nail 4) Band of epidermis at the base and sides of the nail plate lunula, collagen, keratin, cuticle

1) collagen - structural protein found in the skin and connective tissue 2) keratin - root means horn, hard protein material found in the epidermis, hair and nails 3) lunula - the half-moon shaped whitish area at the base of the nail 4) cuticle - Band of epidermis at the base and sides of the nail plate

1) ir/o, irid/o 2) kerat/o 3) phac/o 4) scler/o lens, white of the eye, cornea, colored portion of the eye

1) colored portion of the eye 2) cornea 3) lens 4) white of the eye

1) break in bone with wound in the skin 2) fracture of the lower end of the radium at the wrist 3) bone is broken and one side of the fracture is wedged into the other 4) bone is broken by pressure from another bone; often in vertebrae, bone is partially flattened impacted fracture, compound (open) fracture, colles fracture, compression fracture

1) compound (open) fracture 2) colles fracture 3) impacted fracture 4) compression fracture

1) knuckle-like process at the end of a bone near the joint 2) shaft or mid-portion of a long bone 3) cartaliginous area at the ends of long bones where lengthwise growth takes place in the immature skeleton 4) upper portion of the sternum; articulates with the medial aspect of the clavicle - manubrium - epiphysial plate - condyle - diaphysis

1) condyle 2) diaphysis 3) epiphysial plate 4) manubrium

1) skull 2) breast bone 3) shin bone (larger of the two lower leg bones) 4) finger and toe bones phalanges, tibia, sternum, cranium

1) cranium 2) sternum 3) tibia 4) phalanges

1) scoli/o 2) -blast 3) -clast 4) phalang/o embryonic or immature cell, to break, crooked bent, finger and toe bones

1) crooked, bent 2) embryonic or immature cell 3) to break 4) finger and toe bones

1) collection of dried serum and cellular debris 2) thick-walled, closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material 3) flat lesion measuring less than 1 cm or more in diameter 4) solid, round or oval elevated lesion 1 cm or more in diameter macule, crust, cyst, nodule

1) crust - collection of dried serum and cellular debris 2) cyst - thick-walled, closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material 3) macule - flat lesion measuring less than 1 cm or more in diameter 4) nodule - solid, round or oval elevated lesion 1 cm or more in diameter

1) band of epidermis at the base and sides of the nail plate 2) soft tissue surrounding the nail border 3) arranged in layers 4) oily substance stratified, sebum, cuticle, paronychium

1) cuticle - band of epidermis at the base and sides of the nail plate 2) paronychium - soft tissue surrounding the nail border 3) stratified - arranged in layers 4) sebum - oily substance

1) paralysis of the muscles of the ciliary body 2) inflammation of the tear glands 3) prolapse of the upper eyelid 4) pertaining to an eyelid cycloplegic, palpebral, blepharoptosis, dacroadenitis

1) cycloplegic 2) dacroadenitis 3) blepharoptosis 4) palpebral

1) loss or removal of calcium from he bones or teeth 2) abnormal condition of the outward curvature of the thoracic spine 3) abnormal development of bone 4) bending of the spine to the side kyphosis, decalcification, osteodystrophy, scoliosis

1) decalcification 2) kyphosis 3) osteodystrophy 4) scoliosis

1) xerophthalmia 2) conjunctivitis 3) amblyopia 4) diplopia lazy eye, dry eye, double vision, pink eye

1) dry eye 2) pink eye 3) lazy eye 4) double vision

1) moles that have atypical cells and may progress to form a type of skin cancer called malignant melanoma 2) malignant tumor of the basal layer of the epidermis 3) malignant tumor of the epithelial cells in the epidermis 4) malignant, vascular, neoplastic growth characterized by cutaneous nodules, often associated with AIDS kaposi sarcoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, dysplastic nevi

1) dysplastic nevi 2) basal cell carcinoma 3) squamous cell carcinoma 4) kaposi sarcoma

1) aur/o 2) audi/o 3) tympan/o 4) staped/o stirrup-shaped bone of the middle ear, ear, hearing the sense of hearing, eardrum

1) ear 2) hearing; the sense of hearing 3) eardrum 4) stirrup-shaped bone of the middle ear

1) removal of the entire eyeball 2) surgical repair of the eyeball 3) intense, precisely focused light beam (argon laser) creates an inflammatory reactions sealing retinal tears 4) use of an excimer laser to correct errors of refraction laser photocoagulation, keratoplasty, enucleation, LASIK

1) enucleation 2) keratoplasty 3) laser photocoagulation 4) LASIK

1) outmost layer of skin 2) middle layer of skin 3) deepest region of the outermost layer of skin, in fact producing all the cells of that layer 4) innermost layer of skin, containing fat tissue basal layer, epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer

1) epidermis - outermost layer of skin 2) dermis - middle layer of skin 3) basal layer - deepest region of the outermost layer of skin, in fact producing all the cells of that layer 4) subcutaneous layer - innermost layer of skin, containing fat tissue

1) redness of the skin 2) destruction/loosening of a nail 3) fungal infection of a nail 4) loosening of the outer layer of the skin with formation of blisters onycholysis, onychomicosis, epidermolysis, erythema

1) erythema - redness of the skin 2) onycholysis - destruction/loosening of a nail 3) onychomicosis - fungal infection of a nail 4) epidermolysis - loosening of the outer layer of the skin with formation of blisters

1) rash of the skin due to a viral infection 2) chronic progressive disease of the skin and internal organs with hardening and shrinking of the connective tissue 3) chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of callagen in skin, joints and internal organs 4) infection of a skin caused by a fungus tinea, scleroderma, exanthemous viral infection, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

1) exanthemous viral infection - rash of the skin due to a viral infection 2) scleroderma - chronic progressive disease of the skin and internal organs with hardening and shrinking of the connective tissue 3) systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) - chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of callagen in skin, joints and internal organs 4) tinea - infection of a skin caused by a fungus

1) straightening of a flexed limb 2) bending at a joint 3) fibrous membrane separating and enveloping muscles 4) the calf muscle fascia, flexion, extension, gastrocnemius

1) extension 2) flexion 3) fascia 4) gastrocnemius

1) blephar/o 2) cycl/o 3) dacry/o 4) ocul/o eye, ciliary body or the muscle of the eye, eyelid, tears tear duct

1) eyelid 2) ciliary body, or muscle of the eye 3) tears, tear duct 4) eye

1) thigh bone 2) smaller lower leg bone 3) lower arm bone (little finger side) 4) kneecap fibula, ulna, patella, femur

1) femus 2) fibula 3) ulna 4) patella

1) superficial epidermal lesions, erythema, hyperesthesia and no blisters 2) epidermal and dermal lesions, erythema, blisters and hyperesthesia 3) epidermis and dermis are destroyed and subcutaneous layer is damaged first degree, second degree, third degree

1) first degree - superficial epidermal lesions, erythema, hyperesthesia and no blisters 2) second degree - epidermal and dermal lesions, erythema, blisters and hyperesthesia 3) third degree - epidermis and dermis are destroyed and subcutaneous layer is damaged

1) sac within a hair grows 2) german measles 3) measles 4) chickenpox 5) wart verruca, rubeola, rubella, follicle, varicella

1) follicle - sac within a hair grows 2) rubella - german measles 3) rubeola - measles 4) varicella - chickenpox 5) verruca - wart

1) open reduction, malleolar fracture 2) R occipital craniotomy with tumor resection 3) excision, distal end right clavicle with prob. acromioplasty 4) acetabuloplasty with open reduction hip fracture of the ankle, pelvic fracture, neoplastic lesion in the brain, pain in should joint with bone spur (exostosis) evident on x-ray

1) fracture of the ankle 2) neoplastic lesion in the brain 3) pain in shoulder joint with bone spur (exostosis) evident on x-ray 4) pelvic fracture

1) myc/o 2) phyt/o 3) ungu/o 4) melan/o black, nail, fungus, plant

1) fungus - myc/o 2) plant - phyt/o 3) nail - ungu/o 4) black - melan/o

1) aden/o 2) lact/o 3) natr/o 4) cortic/o cortex outer region, sodium, gland, milk

1) gland 2) milk 3) sodium 4) cortex, outer region

1) starch 2) sugar 3) adrenaline 4) pituitary hypophysis, glucos, epinephrine, glycogen

1) glycogen 2) glucose 3) epinephrine 4) hypophysis

1) chlor/o 2) melan/o 3) eosin/o 4) lute/o 5) leuk/o white, rosy, green, black, yellow

1) green - chlor/o 2) black - melan/o 3) rosy - eosin/o 4) yellow - lute/o 5) white - leuk/o

1) one side of the bone is fractured and the other side is bent 2) bone is put into proper place after incision through the skin 3) bone is put into place without incision into the skin 4) bone is splintered or crushed greenstick fracture, closed reduction, comminuted fracture, open reduction

1) greenstick fracture 2) open reduction 3) closed reduction 4) comminuted fracture

1) acous/o 2) myring/o 3) ot/o 4) salping/o eardrum, eustachian tube, hearing, eardrum

1) hearing 2) eardrum 3) ear 4) eustachian tube

1) cauter/o 2) derm/o 3) hydr/o 4) kerat/o hard/horn, heat burn, water, skin

1) heat, burn - cauter/o 2) skin - derm/o 3) water - hydr/o 4) hard/horn - kerat/o

1) localized, purulent, inflammatory staphylococcal infection of a sebaceous gland in the eyelid 2) two layers of the retina separate from each other 3) abnormal deviation of the eye (failure of eyes to look in the same direction) 4) repetitive rhythmic movements of one or both eyes retinal detachment, nystagmus, strabismus, hordeolum (stye)

1) hordeolum (stye) 2) retinal detachment 3) strabismus 4) nystagmus

1) substance, secreted by an endocrine gland, that travels through the blood to a distant organ or gland to gland where it influences the structure or function of that organ or gland 2) cellular or nuclear protein that binds to a hormone so that a response can be elicited 3) pertaining to copying the effect of the sympathetic nervous system 4)cells of an organ that are affected or stimulated by specific hormones receptor, sympathomimetic, target tissue, hormone

1) hormone 2) receptor 3) sympathomimetic 4)target tissue

1) upper arm bone 2) posterior part of the pelvic bone 3) lower jaw bone 4) upper jaw bone ischium mandible maxilla humerus

1) humerus 2) ischium 3) mandible 4) maxilla

1) abnormally acute sensitivity to sounds 2) abnormally large ears 3) inflammation of the bony process behind the ear caused by bacterial infection spreading from the inner ear macrotia, hyperacusis, mastoiditis

1) hyperacusis 2) macrotia 3) mastoiditis

1) overactivity of the thyroid gland; thyrotoxicosis 2) underactivity of the thyroid gland 3) excessive secretion of the adrenal androgens 4) hypofunctioning of the adrenal cortex hypothyroidism, addison disease, hyperthyroidism, adrenal virillism

1) hyperthyroidism 2) hypothyroidism 3) adrenal virilism 4) addison disease

1) second bone in the inner ear 2) first bone in the inner ear 3) third bone of the inner ear 4) flap of the ear pinna, malleus, incus, stapes

1) incus 2) malleus 3) stapes 4) pinna

1) the point where a muscle connects to a bone it moves 2) connection of a muscle to a stationary bone 3) turning of the palm backward (palm down) 4) turning of the palm forward (palm up) origin of a muscle, pronation, insertion of a muscle, supination

1) insertion of a muscle 2) origin of a muscle 3) pronation 4) supination

1) corne/o 2) dacry/o 3) acous/o 4) aur/o 5) myring/o tympan/o, audit/o, kerat/o, lacrim/o, ot/o

1) kerat/o 2) lacrim/o 3) audit/o 4) ot/o 5) tympan/o

1) humpback, hunchback 2) curve, swayback 3) loins, lower back 4) bone lumb/o lord/o kyph/o oste/o

1) kyph/o 2) lord/o 3) lumb/o 4) oste/o

1) benign tumor of the fatty tissue 2) black pigment produced by specialized cells in the epidermis 3) any disease caused by a fungus 4) collection of sebum in a cyst melanin, mycosis, steatoma, lipoma

1) lipoma - benign tumor of the fatty tissue 2) melanin - black pigment produced by specialized cells in the epidermis 3) mycosis - any disease caused by a fungus 4) steatoma - collection of sebum in a cyst

1) thigh, lower leg, upper and lower arm 2) wrist and ankle 3) shoulder blades, ribs, pelvic bones 4) small rounded bones short bones, flat bones, long bones, sesamoid bones

1) long bones 2) short bones 3) flat bones 4) sesamoid bones

1) cancerous growth composed of cells responsible for skin pigmentation 2) soft, yellowish round nodule found under the eyes 3) dry skin 4) malignant tumor of the lowest layer of the epidermis xanthoma, basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, xeroderma

1) malignant melanoma - cancerous growth composed of cells responsible for skin pigmentation 2) xanthoma - soft, yellowish round nodule found under the eyes 3) xeroderma - dry skin 4) basal cell carcinoma - malignant tumor of the lowest layer of the epidermis

1) the opening in the mandible that allows blood vessels and nerves to enter and leave 2) opening in the inferior position of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes 3) a depression in the sphenoid bone in which the pituitary gland is located 4) the connection across the skull between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone - foramen magnum - sella turcica - coronal suture - mental foramen

1) mental foramen 2) foramen magnum 3) sella turcica 4) coronal suture

1) hand bones 2) midfoot bones 3) elbow olecranon, metacarpals, metatarsals

1) metacarpals 2) metatarsals 3) olecranon

1) contraction of the pupil of the eye 2) drug that causes the pupil of the eye to contract 3) widening of the pupil of the eye 4) near-sightedness miotic, mydriasis, myopia, miosis

1) miosis 2) miotic 3) mydriasis 4) myopia

1) practically no thyroid hormone is produced and the skink becomes dry and puffy due to the collection of mucus-like material under the skin 2) extreme hypothyroidism during infancy and childhood leads to a lack of normal physical and mental growth. the affected person has the appearance of an obese, short and stocky child 3) enlargement of the thyroid gland 4) congenital hyposecretion of GH by the anterior pituitary results in small stature cretinism, goiter, myxedema, dwarfism

1) myxedema 2) cretinism 3) goiter 4) dwarfism

1) onych/o 2) rhytid/o 3) trich/o 4) albin/o nail, hair, white, wrinkle

1) nail - onych/o 2) wrinkle - rhytid/o 3) hair - trich/o 4) white - albin/o

1) large process on the proximal end of the ulna; the point of the flexed elbow 2) round projection on the temporal bone behind the ear 3) process of bone formation 4) pole-like process extended downward from the temporal bone on each side of the skull olecranon, ossification, styloid process, mastoid process

1) olecranon 2) mastoid process 3) ossification 4) styloid process

1) medical doctor specializing in diseases of the eye 2) non medical specialist training to examine and measure the eye and prescribe corrective wear 3) non medical specialist trained to grind lenses and fit glasses 4) pertaining to the eye ophthalmic, optometrist, ophthalmologist, optician

1) ophthalmologist 2) optometrist 3) optician 4) ophthalmic

1) visual examination of the interior of the eye 2) examination of anterior ocular structures with microscopic magnification 3) clarity of vision assessed using a Snellen chart 4) measurement of the area within which objects are seen when the eyes are fixed, looking straight ahead without movement of the head visual field test, slit lamp microscopy, ophthalmoscopy, visual acuity test

1) ophthalmoscopy 2) slit lamp microscopy 3) visual acuity test 4) visual field test

1) papill/o 2) pupill/o 3) glauc/o 4) xer/o gray, pupil, dry, optic disk

1) optic disk 2) pupil 3) gray 4)dry

1) inflammation of the bone 2) degeneration of the intervertebral discs in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions 3) the formation of bone marrow 4) pertaining to the lower back - spondylosis - myelopoiesis - osteitis - lumbar

1) osteitis 2) spondylosis 3) myelopoiesis 4) lumbar

1) progressive, degenerate joint disease characteriszed by loss of articular cartilage and hypertrophy of bone at articular surfaces 2) chronic disease in which joints become inflamed and painful, believed to be caused by an autoimmune reaction against joint tissues 3) an abnormal swelling of the medial aspect of the joint between the big toe and the first metatarsal bone 4) compression of the median nerve as it passes between the ligament and the bones and tendons of the wrist - bunion - rheumatoid arthriti - osteoarthritis - carpal tunnel syndrome

1) osteoarthritis 2) rheumatoid arthritis 3) bunion 4) carpal tunnel syndrome

1) brittle and fragile bones 2) loss of bony tissue with decreased mass of bone 3) the slipping forward of one vertebra over a lower one 4) a chisel to cut bone - osteotome - osteoporosis - osteogenesis - spondylolisthesis

1) osteogenesis 2) osteoporosis 3) spondylolisthesis 4) osteotome

1) inflammation of the inner ear 2) sensation of noises (ringing, buzzing, whistling, booming) in the ears 3) sensation of irregular or whirling motion of either oneself or external objects 4) results from impairment of the inner ear ossicles and membranes transmitting sound waves to the cochlea vertigo,otitis media, conductive deafness, tinnitus

1) otitis media 2) tinnitus 3) vertigo 4) conductive deafness

1) secreted by the parathyroid glands; increases blood calcium 2) complex substance related to fats (derived from a sterol, such as a cholesterol), and of which many hormones are made. examples are estrogens, androgens, etc. 3) located in the lower abdomen of a female; responsible for egg production and estrogen and progesterone secretion 4) two glands enclosed in the scrotal sac of a male responsible for sperm production and testosterone secretion steroid, testes, parathormone, ovaries

1) parathormone (PTH) 2) steroid 3) ovaries 4) testes

1) membrane surrounding bones; rich n blood vessels and nerve tissue 2) hollow air cavity within bone 3) shallow cavity in a bone 4) rounded, small process on a bone; attachment site for muscles and tendons sinus, fossa, tubercle, periosteum

1) periosteum 2) sinus 3) fossa 4) tubercle

1) ultrasonic vibrations break up the lens, and it is aspirated from the eye 2) measurement of tension or pressure within the eye; glaucoma test 3) removal (and replacement) of diseased fluid in the chamber behind the lens of the eye 4) suture of a silicone band to the sclera to correct retinal detachment scleral buckle, phacoemulsification, tonometry, vitrectomy

1) phacoemulsification 2) tonometry 3) vitrectomy 4) scleral buckle

1) benign tumor of the adrenal medulla; tumor cells stain dark or dusty 2) pancreatic condition causing hypoglycemia 3) lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin in promoting sugar, starch and fat metabolism in cells 4) insufficient secretion of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, pheochromomocytoma, hyperinsulinism

1) pheochromomocytoma 2) hyperinsulinism 3) diabetes mellitus 4) diabetes insipidus

1) mineral substance found in bones in combination with calcium 2) soft spot between the skull bones of an infant 3) opening or passage where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave 4) minute spaces filled with blood vessels; found in compact bone fontanelle, foramen, Haversian canals, phosphorus

1) phosphorus 2) fontanelle 3) foramen 4) Haversian canals

1) small gland in the center of the brain. secretes melatonin 2) hyperactivity of the thyroid gland 3) lack of motility of the stomach as long-term secondary complication of diabetes mellitus 4) excessive hair growth hirsutism, pineal gland, thyrotoxicosis, gastroparesis

1) pineal gland 2) thyrotoxicosis 3) gastroparesis 4) hirsutism

1) auricle 2) eustachian tube 3) earwax 4) eardrum ceramen, pinna, auditory tube, tympanic membrane

1) pinna 2) auditory tube 3) ceramen 4) tympanic membrane

1) located in the sella turcia; very small and composed of an anterior and posterior lobe. called the "master" gland 2) located in the mediastinum and believed to be essential for the development of the immune system in children 3) located in the central portion of the brain and secretes melatonin 4) located in the neck on either side of the trachea. secretes hormones necessary for metabolism and calcitonin thyroid, pituitary, thymus, pineal

1) pituitary 2) thymus 3) pineal 4) thyroid

1) -porosis 2) cost/o 3) myel/o 4)orth/o ribs, marrow, pore passage, straight

1) pore, passage 2) ribs 3) marrow 4) straight

1) diaphor/o 2) erythemat/o 3) squam/o 4) dermat/o redness, skin, profuse sweating, scale

1) profuse sweating - diaphor/o 2) redness - erythemat/o 3) scale - squam/o 4) skin - dermat/o

1) secreted by the ovaries; prepares the uterus for pregnancy 2) increases metabolism 3) secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland; stimulates contraction of the uterus during labor and childbirth thyroxin (T4) triiodothyronine (T3), progesterone, oxytocin (OT)

1) progesterone 2) thyroxin (T4) triiodothyronine (T3) 3) oxytocin (OT)

1) papule containing pus 2) open sore on the skin or mucous membrane 3) small papule of clear serum; blister 4) smoother, edematous papule or plaque that is redder or paler than the surrounding skin wheal, ulcer, pustule, vesicle

1) pustule - papule containing pus 2) ulcer - open sore on the skin or mucous membrane 3) vesicle - small papule of clear serum; blister 4) wheal - smoother, edematous papule or plaque that is redder or paler than the surrounding skin

1) plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging 2) inflammation of the skin with excessive sebaceous secretion 3) inflammation and swelling of skin folds around a nail 4) cell in the basal layer of the skin responsible for pigmentation melanocyte, seborrhic dermatitis, rhytidectomy, paronychia

1) rhytidectomy - plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging 2) seborrhic dermatitis - inflammation of the skin with excessive sebaceous secretion 3) paronychia - inflammation and swelling of skin folds around a nail 4) melanocyte - cell in the basal layer of the skin responsible for pigmentation

1) home/o 2) kal/i 3) myx/o 4) phys/o growing, potassium, sameness, mucus

1) sameness 2) potassium 3) mucus 4) growing

1) cicatrix 2) decubitus ulcer 3) mole 4) bx bedsore, nevus nevi, biopsy, scar

1) scar - cicatrix 2) bedsore - decubitus ulcer 3) nevus, nevi - mole 4) biopsy - bx

1) keratoplasty 2) laser photocoagulation of the macula 3) incision and drainage of hordeolum 4) phacoemuldification with IOL; OS scarred and torn cornea, cataract, macular degradation, chronic stye

1) scarred and torn cornea 2) macular degradation 3) chronic stye 4) cataract

1) inflammation of the whites of the eye 2) blind spot in the field of vision 3) night blindness 4) sensitivity to light nyctalopia, scleritis, scotoma, photophobia

1) scleritis 2) scotoma 3) nyctalopia 4) photophobia

1) gonad/o 2) andr/o 3) crin/o 4) estr/o female, male, secrete, sex glands

1) sex glands (ovaries and testes) 2) male 3) secrete 4) female

1) ossicul/o 2) -acusis/-cusis 3) -meter 4) -otia ear condition, small bone, hearing, instrument to measure

1) small bone 2) hearing 3) instrument to measure 4) ear condition

1) -malacia 2) clavicul/o 3) stern/o softening, breastbone, collar bone

1) softening 2) collar bone 3) breastbone

1) flat scale-like cells composing the epidermis 2) outermost layer of the epidermis, which consists of flattened, keratinized cells 3) the skin and its accessory structures such as hair and nails 4) sac within a hair grows. integumentary system, follicle, squamous epithelium, stratum corneum

1) squamous epithelium - flat scale-like cells composing the epidermis 2) stratum corneum - outermost layer of the epidermis, which consists of flattened, keratinized cells 3) integumentary system - the skin and its accessory structures such as hair and nails 4) follicle - sac within a hair grows.

1) removal of the third bone of the middle ear 2) infectious inflammation of the middle ear with pus formation 3) surgical repair of the eardrum 4) pertaining to the eustachian tube tympanoplasty, suppurative otitis media, stapedectomy, salpingpharyngeal

1) stapedectomy 2) suppurative otitis media 3) tympanoplasty 4) salpingpharyngeal

1) pertaining to under a nail 2) pertaining to fat 3) absence of sweating 4) fungal infection of the skin subungal, anhidrosis, adipose, dermatophytosis

1) subungal - pertaining to under a nail 2) adipose - pertaining to fat 3) anhidrosis - absence of sweating 4) dermatophytosis - fungal infection of the skin

1) space between the bones at a synovial joint 2) sticky fluid within the synovial cavity, similar in viscosity to an egg white 3) a freely movable joint 4) lining of the synovial cavity; it produces synovial fluid synovial joint synovial membrane synovial fluid synovial cavity

1) synovial cavity 2) synovial fluid 3) synovial joint 4) synovial membrane

1) lacrim/o 2) ophthalm/o 3) palpebr/o 4) vitre/o tears, eyelid, glassy, eye

1) tears 2) eye 3) eyelid 4) glassy

1) a fungal infection of the hair, especially under the arm 2) white plaques on the mucous membranes and surfaces of the body 3) a hereditary skin condition resembling fish scales 4) skin disease with formation of pus pyoderma, leukoplakia, trichomycosis, ichthyosis

1) trichomycosis - a fungal infection of the hair, especially under the arm 2) leukoplakia - white plaques on the mucous membranes and surfaces of the body 3) ichthyosis - a hereditary skin condition resembling fish scales 4) pyoderma - skin disease with formation of pus

1) rounded process on a bone; attachment site for muscles and tendons 2) large process at the neck of the femur, attachment site for muscles and tenons 3) supporting bundles of bony fibers in cancellous (spongy) bone 4) joint between bones, such as the skull trochanter suture trabeculae tuberosity

1) tuberosity 2) trochanter 3) trabeculae 4) suture

1) inflammation of the iris, choroids and ciliary body 2) non-medical profession training in grinding lenses and fitting eyeglasses 3) non-medical profession training to examine and measure the eye to prescribe and fit corrective wear 4) inflammation of the cornea keratitis, optician, uveitis, optometrist

1) uveitis 2) optician 3) optometrist 4) keratitis

1) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 2) growth hormone (GH) 3) adenohypophysis 4) neurohypophysis posterior pituitary, somatotropin, vasopressin, anterior pituitary

1) vasopressin 2) somatotropin 3) anterior pituitary 4) posterior pituitary

1) spondyl/o 2) -listhesis 3) acetabul/o 4) calcane/o vertebra, hip socket, slipping, heel

1) vertebra 2) slipping 3) hip socket 4) heel

1) aque/o 2) cor/o 3) uve/o 4) blephar/o 5) papill/o water, iris ciliary body and choroid, palpebr/o, cor/o, pupil

1) water 2) pupil 3) iris, ciliary body, and choroid 4) palpebr/o 5) cor/o

1) albin/o 2) anthrac/o 3) poli/o 4) cyan/o blue, black, white, gray

1) white - albin/o 2) black - anthrac/o 3) gray - poli/o 4) blue - cyan/o

1) Related to the Gk. word for yoke. The cheekbones. 2) Large bones that make up the upper jawbone 3) Latin word for ploughshare, triangular bone at the base of the nose 4) Derived from the Lat. word for tear, two small, thin boes at the corner of each eye 5) Lower jawbone vomer, lacrimal bones, mandibular bone, zygomatic bones, maxillary bones

1) zygomatic bones 2) maxillary bones 3) vomer 4) lacrimal bones 5) mandibular bone

Place the following Greek and Latin cardinal and ordinal numbers in their proper sequence. sextum quartum hecaton

1. quartum 2. sextum 3. hecaton

Order the following cardinal and ordinal numbers in their proper sequence. novem septem centum

1. septem 2. novem 3. centum

1. Atopy 2. Interstitial 3. Lymphedema 4. Immunoelectrophoresis Chronic swelling of a part of the body due to the collection of fluid between tissues secondary to obstruction of lymph vessels and nodes. test that separates immunoglobins. A hypersensitivity or allergic state with an inherited predisposition. Fluid that lies between cells throughout the body.

1. A hypersensitivity or allergic state with an inherited predisposition. - atopy 2. Fluid that lies between cells throughout the body. - interstitial 3. Chronic swelling of a part of the body due to the collection of fluid between tissues secondary to obstruction of lymph vessels and nodes. - lymphedema 4. test that separates immunoglobins. - immunoelectrophoresis

1. failure of impulses from the AV node to travel to the AV bundle (bundle of His) 2. electrical impulses move randomly through the atria, causing them to quiver instead of contracting with a normal rhythm 3. small holes in the walls between the heart chambers. congenital 4.blood vessel blocked by a clot Atrial fibrillation septal defects thrombotic occlusion AV block

1. AV block 2. atrial fibrillation 3. septal defects 4. thrombotic occlusion

Match the term with its definition. 1.Absence of sensitivity to pain. 2. Congenital condition of partial or complete absence of brain matter. 3. Slow movement. 4. Headache. A. cephalgia B. bradykinesia C. analgesia D. anencephaly

1. Absence of sensitivity to pain. C. analgesia 2. Congenital condition of partial or complete absence of brain matter. D. anencephaly 3. Slow movement. B. bradykinesia 4. Headache. A. cephalgia

Order the areas of the long bones from middle to end or furthest out: -Diaphysis -Metaphysis -Epiphyseal line/plate -Epiphysis

1. Diaphysis 2. Metaphysis 3. Epiphyseal line/plate 4. Epiphysis

Order the stages of forming and expelling urine from prior to latter. 1. Glomerulus 2. Bowman capsule 3. Renal tubule 4. Renal pelvis

1. Glomerulus 2. Bowman capsule 3. Renal tubule 4. Renal pelvis

1. HIV 2. Opportunistic infections 3. Wasting syndrome 4. RT inhibitor 5. Protease inhibitor Group of infectious diseases associated with AIDS. Human immunodeficiency virus; the retrovirus that causes AIDS. Drug used to treat AIDS by blocking the growth of HIV. Drug used to treat AIDS by blocking the production of a proteolytic enzyme. Weight loss with decreased muscular strength, appetite and mental activity.

1. Human immunodeficiency virus; the retrovirus that causes AIDS. - HIV 2. Group of infectious diseases associated with AIDS. - opportunistic infections 3. Weight loss with decreased muscular strength, appetite and mental activity. - wasting syndrome 4. Drug used to treat AIDS by blocking the growth of HIV. - RT inhibitor 5. Drug used to treat AIDS by blocking the production of a proteolytic enzyme. - Protease inhibitor

Order the bones or bone element from cephalic (superior) to caudal (inferior) pubis, ilium, ischium

1. Ilium 2. pubis 3. ischium

Match the term to its definition. 1. Inflammation of the pia and arachnoid membranes. 2. Condition of absence of a brain 3. Inflammation of the gray matter and the spinal cord. 4. Hernia of the spinal cord and meninges. A. anencephaly B. leptomeningitis C. poliomyelitis D. myelomeningocele

1. Inflammation of the pia and arachnoid membranes. B. leptomeningitis 2. Condition of absence of a brain A. anencephaly 3. Inflammation of the gray matter and the spinal cord. C. Poliomyelitis 4. Hernia of the spinal cord and meninges. D. myelomeningocele

Order the path of lymph, starting with interstitial fluid. Interstitial fluid lymph vessel vein lymph capillaries lymph node

1. Interstitial fluid 2. Lymph capillaries 3. Lymph vessel 4. Lymph node 5. Vein

Match the term with its definition. 1. Paralysis of the lower half of the body. 2. A state of unconsciousness from which a patient cannot be aroused. 3. Flashes of pain radiating along the 5th cranial nerve. 4. Abnormal nervous sensation (e.g. pins and needles). A. paresthesia B. coma C. paraplegia D. trigeminal neuralgia

1. Paralysis of the lower half of the body. C. paraplegia 2. A state of unconsciousness from which a patient cannot be aroused. B. coma 3. Flashes of pain radiating along the 5th cranial nerve. D. trigeminal neuralgia 4. Abnormal nervous sensation (e.g. pins and needles). A. paresthesia

Match the term with its definition. 1.Pertaining to loss or absence of voluntary movement. 2. Inability to speak. 3. Inability to perform purposeful acts or manipulate objects. 4. Without coordination A. ataxia B. apraxia C. akinetic D. aphasia

1. Pertaining to loss or absence of voluntary movement. C.akinetic 2. Inability to speak. D.aphasia 3. Inability to perform purposeful acts or manipulate objects. B.apraxia 4. Without coordination A.ataxia

Match the procedure with its description. 1. Sound waves detect blood flow in caroti and intracranial arteries. 2. Computerized radiologic technique using raioactive glucose to image the metabolic activity of cells. 3. X-ray technique of the arterial blood vessel system in the brain after injection of contrast material. 4. Samples of CSF are examined. A. doppler/ultrasound studies B. cerebrospinal fluid analysis C. positron emission tomography (PET) D. cerebral angiography

1. Sound waves detect blood flow in caroti and intracranial arteries. A. doppler/ultrasound studies 2. Computerized radiologic technique using raioactive glucose to image the metabolic activity of cells. C. positron emission tomography (PET) 3. X-ray technique of the arterial blood vessel system in the brain after injection of contrast material. D. cerebral angiography 4. Samples of CSF are examined. B. cerebrospinal fluid analysis

Order the stages of forming and expelling urine from prior to latter. 1. Ureter 2. Bladder 3.Urethra 4.Urinary Meatus

1. Ureter 2. Bladder 3.Urethra 4.Urinary Meatus

1. Measures the amount of HIV in the bloodstream. 2. Drug used to treat AIDS by blocking an enzyme needed to make copies of HIV. 3. Virus that makes copies of itself using the host's DNA. 4. Malignant tumor of bone marrow cells. Multiple myeloma viral load test reverse transcriptase inhibitor retrovirus

1. Viral load test. - Measures the amount of HIV in the bloodstream. 2. Reverse transcriptase inhibitor - Drug used to treat AIDS by blocking an enzyme needed to make copies of HIV. 3. Retrovirus - Virus that makes copies of itself using the host's DNA. 4. Multiple myeloma - Malignant tumor of bone marrow cells.

1. a spirometer is used for these respiratory tests 2. three basic steps: 1) airways opened by tilting the head 2) breathing restored by mouth to mouth breathing 3) circulation restored by external cardiac compression 3. a group of symptoms resulting in acute respiratory failure 4. this symptom means that a patient has difficulty breathing and becomes short of breath when exercising dyspnea on exertion (DOE) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR pulmonary function tests (PFTs) acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

1. a spirometer is used for these respiratory tests = pulmonary function tests (PFTs) 2. three basic steps: 1) airways opened by tilting the head 2) breathing restored by mouth to mouth breathing 3) circulation restored by external cardiac compression = cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR 3. a group of symptoms resulting in acute respiratory failure = acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 4. this symptom means that a patient has difficulty breathing and becomes short of breath when exercising = dyspnea on exertion (DOE)

1. abnormal condition caused by dust in the lungs, with chronic inflammation, infection and bronchitis 2. acute inflammation and infection of alveoli, which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction 3. coal dust accumulation the the lungs 4. collection of air in the pleural space pneumonia pneumothorax pneumoconiosis anthracosis

1. abnormal condition caused by dust in the lungs, with chronic inflammation, infection and bronchitis = pneumoconiosis 2. acute inflammation and infection of alveoli, which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction = pneumonia 3. coal dust accumulation the the lungs = anthracosis 4. collection of air in the pleural space = pneumothorax

1. Formation of antibodies and lymphocytes after exposure to an antigen. 2. Blocking or turning off the normal immune response. 3. A cancer arising from the lining cells of capillaries that produces bluish-red skin nodules and lymphoma. 4. Increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bloodstream. acquired immunity immunosuppression kaposi sarcoma lymphocytosis

1. acquired immunity - formation of antibodies and lymphocytes after exposure to an antigen. 2. immunosuppression - Blocking or turning off the normal immune response. 3. kaposi sarcoma - A cancer arising from the lining cells of capillaries that produces bluish-red skin nodules and lymphoma. 4. lymphocytosis - Increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bloodstream.

Order the elements of the respiratory system from superior (cephalic) to inferior (caudal) trachea palatine tonsils epiglottis adenoids

1. adenoids 2. palatine tonsils 3. epiglottis 4. trachea

Match each term to its equivalent. 1.afferent nerves 2. efferent nerves 3. Latin for "hard mother." 4. Latin for "horse tail." -cauda equina -motor nerves -dura mater -sensory nerves

1. afferent nerves -sensory nerves 2.efferent nerves -motor nerves 3.Latin for "hard mother." -dura mater 4.Latin for "horse tail." -cauda equina

1. air sac 2. straight, upright 3. voice 4. breathing orth/o alveol/o spir/o phon/o

1. air sac = alveol/o 2. straight, upright = orth/o 3. voice = phon/o 4. breathing = spir/o

1. air sac in the lungs 2. thing hairs attached to the mucous membrane epithelium lining the respiratory tract 3. region between the lungs in the chest cavity 4. essential parts of the lung, responsible for respiration; bronchioles and alveoli 5. the midline region of the lungs where bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves exert and exit the lungs are called mediastinum cilia hilum pulmonary parenchyma aveolus

1. air sac in the lungs = alveolus 2. thing hairs attached to the mucous membrane epithelium lining the respiratory tract = cilia 3. region between the lungs in the chest cavity = mediastinum 4. essential parts of the lung, responsible for respiration; bronchioles and alveoli = pulmonary parenchyma 5. the midline region of the lungs where bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves exert and exit the lungs are called = hilum

1. an abnormal blowing or swishing sound heard upon auscultation of an artery 2. fine vibration felt on palpation of the body over a blood vessel that is blocked 3. condition of rapid heartbeat 4. condition of a slow heartbeat bradycardia tachycardia bruit thrill

1. an abnormal blowing or swishing sound heard upon auscultation of an artery = bruit 2. fine vibration felt on palpation of the body over a blood vessel that is blocked = thrill 3. condition of rapid heartbeat = tachycardia 4. condition of a slow heartbeat = bradycardia

1. an extra heart sound, hear between normal beats and caused by valvular defect or a condition that sirups the smooth flow of blood through the heart 2. small pinpoint hemorrhages, named after the Italian word for fleabites 3. episodes of ischemia with pallor and numbness in the fingers and toes caused by a temporary constriction of the arterioles in the skin 4. high blood pressure related to kidney disease raynaud disease petechiae murmur secondary hypertension

1. an extra heart sound, hear between normal beats and caused by valvular defect or a condition that sirups the smooth flow of blood through the heart = murmur 2. small pinpoint hemorrhages, named after the Italian word for fleabites = petechiae 3. episodes of ischemia with pallor and numbness in the fingers and toes caused by a temporary constriction of the arterioles in the skin = raynaud disease 4. high blood pressure related to kidney disease = secondary hypertension

1. An extraordinary hypersensitivity to a foreign protein; marked by hypotension, shock, and respiratory distress. 2. A disorder in which the immune system is suppressed by exposure to HIV. 3. A chronic, disabling disease caused by abnormal production of antibodies to normal tissue. 4. Introduction of altered antigens to produce an immune response and protection from disease. vaccination AIDS anaphylaxis autoimmune disease

1. anaphylaxis = An extraordinary hypersensitivity to a foreign protein; marked by hypotension, shock, and respiratory distress. 2. AIDS = A disorder in which the immune system is suppressed by exposure to HIV. 3. autoimmune disease = chronic, disabling disease caused by abnormal production of antibodies to normal tissue. 4. vaccination = Introduction of altered antigens to produce an immune response and protection from disease.

1. application of brief and electrical discharges across the chest to stop a cardiac arrhythmia; defibrillation 2. recording of the electricity in the heart 3. separation of HDL and LDL from a blood sample 4. beaming of magnetic waves at the heart to produce images of its structure lipoprotein electrophoresis cardioversion cardio MRI electrocardiography

1. application of brief and electrical discharges across the chest to stop a cardiac arrhythmia; defibrillation = cardioversion 2. recording of the electricity in the heart = electrocardiography 3. separation of HDL and LDL from a blood sample = lipoprotein electrophoresis 4. beaming of magnetic waves at the heart to produce images of its structure = cardio MRI

1. area of necrotic tissue in the heart muscle; heart attack 2. drug to treat angina that dilates the coronary arteries to increase blood flow 3. drug that increases that strength and regularity of the heartbeat 4. sudden, unexpected stoppage of heart cardiac arrest myocardial infarction digoxin nitroglycerin

1. area of necrotic tissue in the heart muscle; heart attack = myocardial infarction 2. drug to treat angina that dilates the coronary arteries to increase blood flow = nitroglycerin 3. drug that increases that strength and regularity of the heartbeat = digoxin 4. sudden, unexpected stoppage of heart = cardiac arrest

1. arther/o 2. phleb/o 3. sphygm/o 4. -stenosis pulse vein stricture, tightening plaque

1. arther/o = plaque 2. phleb/o = vein 3. sphygm/o = pulse 4. -stenosis = stricture, tightening

Order the bone layers from outer to inner cancellous bone/medullary cavity, articular cartilage, compact bone, periosteum

1. articular cartilage 2. periosteum 3. compact bone 4. cancellous bone / medullary cavity

1. black lung disease 2. asbestos particles in the lung 3. glass particles in the lung 4. enlargement of the right side of the lung due to lung disease silicosis asbestosis anthracosis cor pulmonale

1. black lung disease= anthracosis 2. asbestos particles in the lung = asbestosis 3. glass particles in the lung = silicosis 4. enlargement of the right side of the lung due to lung disease = cor pulmonale

1. breathing in 2. breathing out 3. space between the folds of the pleura 4. one of a pair of almond-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue in the oropharynx inspiration palatine tonsil expiration pleural cavity

1. breathing in = inspiration 2. breathing out = expiration 3. space between the folds of the pleura = pleural cavity 4. one of a pair of almond-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue in the oropharynx = palatine tonsil

1. carbon dioxide 2. dust 3. lobe of the lung 4. nose nas/o coni/o capn/o lob/o

1. carbon dioxide = capn/o 2. dust = coni/o 3. lobe of the lung = lob/o 4. nose = nas/o

Order the pathway of sound vibrations from the outer to inner auditory nerve fibers, auditory liquids and receptors in the organ of corti, choclea, cerebral cortex

1. choclea 2. auditory liquids and receptors in the organ of corti 3. auditory nerve fibers 4. cerebral cortex

1. chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause in which small nodules or tubercles develop in lungs, lymph nodes and other organs 2. formation of scar tissue on the connective tissue of the lungs 3. swelling and fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles 4. inherited disorder of exocrine glands resulting in thick, mucous secretions tat do not drain normally sarcoidosis pulmonary edema pulmonary fibrosis cystic fibrosis

1. chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause in which small nodules or tubercles develop in lungs, lymph nodes and other organs = sarcoidosis 2. formation of scar tissue on the connective tissue of the lungs = pulmonary fibrosis 3. swelling and fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles = pulmonary edema 4. inherited disorder of exocrine glands resulting in thick, mucous secretions tat do not drain normally = cystic fibrosis

1. complete 2. sinus, cavity 3. diaphragm 4. smell phren/o -osmia tel/o sinus/o

1. complete = tel/o 2. sinus, cavity = sinus/o 3. diaphragm = phren/o 4. smell = -osmia

Trace the lightwave/nerve impulse from anterior to posterior lens, cornea, pupil, anterior chamber/aqeous humor

1. cornea 2. anterior chamber/aqueous humor 3. pupil 4. lens

Order the layers of the meninges from outer to inner: 1. dura mater 2. subdural space 3. arachnoid membrane 4. subarachnoid space 5. pia mater

1. dura mater 2. subdural space 3. arachnoid membrane 4. subarachnoid space 5. pia mater

1. failure of the right side of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood to the lungs because of underlying lung disease 2. chronic condition of persistent obstruction of air flow through bronchial tubes and lungs 3. fluid, cells or other substances (pus) that slowly leave cells or capillaries through pores or small breaks in cell membranes 4. pertaining to sudden occurrence, such as spasm or seizure chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cor pulmonale paroxysmal exudate

1. failure of the right side of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood to the lungs because of underlying lung disease = cor pulmonale 2. chronic condition of persistent obstruction of air flow through bronchial tubes and lungs = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3. fluid, cells or other substances (pus) that slowly leave cells or capillaries through pores or small breaks in cell membranes = exudate 4. pertaining to sudden occurrence, such as spasm or seizure = paroxysmal

1. fine cracking sound heard on auscultation when there is fluid in the alveoli 2. loud rumbling sound heard on auscultation of bronchi obstructed by sputum 3. strained, high-pitched, relatively loud sound made on inspiration; associated with obstruction of the larynx or trachea 4. continuous high-pitched whistling sound heard when air is forced through a narrow space during inspiration or expiration rale (crackle) stridor rhonchus wheeze

1. fine cracking sound heard on auscultation when there is fluid in the alveoli = rale (crackle) 2. loud rumbling sound heard on auscultation of bronchi obstructed by sputum = rhonchus 3. strained, high-pitched, relatively loud sound made on inspiration; associated with obstruction of the larynx or trachea = stridor 4. continuous high-pitched whistling sound heard when air is forced through a narrow space during inspiration or expiration = wheeze

1. fluid, cells or other substances (pus) that slowly leave cells or capillaries through pores or small breaks in cell membrane 2. rod-shaped bacteria (cause of tuberculosis) 3. occurrence of necrotic tissue in the lung 4. containing pus 5. disease die to glass dust in the lungs, occurs in mining operations pulmonary infarction silicosis exudate bacilli purulent

1. fluid, cells or other substances (pus) that slowly leave cells or capillaries through pores or small breaks in cell membrane = exudate 2. rod-shaped bacteria (cause of tuberculosis) = bacilli 3. occurrence of necrotic tissue in the lung = pulmonary infarction 4. containing pus = purulent 5. disease die to glass dust in the lungs, occurs in mining operations = silicosis

Order the parts of the brain clockwise from front to back. 1. frontal lobe 2. parietal lobe 3. occipital lobe 4. temporal lobe

1. frontal lobe 2. parietal lobe 3. occipital lobe 4. temporal lobe

Match the combining forms (or suffixes) with their meanings: 1. hard 2. nerve 3. sleep, stupor 4. spinal cord, bone marrow A. dur/o B. neur/o C. myel/o D. narc/o

1. hard A. dur/o 2. nerve B. neur/o 3. sleep, stupor D. narc/o 4. spinal cord, bone marrow C. myel/o

1. hardening of the arteries: artery:___ 2. disease condition of the heart muscle: cardio___ 3. enlargement of the heart: cardio___ 4. pertaining to the upper heart chamber ___al sclerosis atri megaly myopathy

1. hardening of the arteries: artery:___ = sclerosis 2. disease condition of the heart muscle: cardio___ = myopathy 3. enlargement of the heart: cardio___ = megaly 4. pertaining to the upper heart chamber ___al = atri

1. high blood pressure 2. heart attack 3. blockage or closure of a blood vessel 4. catheter with a balloon and stent are used to remove plaque occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention hypertension myocardial infarction

1. high blood pressure = hypertension 2. heart attack = myocardial infarction 3. blockage or closure of a blood vessel = occlusion 4. catheter with a balloon and stent are used to remove plaque = percutaneous coronary intervention

Order the bones or bone elements from lateral to medial costal cartilage sternum humerus ribs

1. humerus 2. ribs 3. costal cartilage 4. sternum

1. An immune response in which B cells transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies. 2. T cell that aids B cells in recognizing antigens. 3. T cell that inhibits the activity of B lymphocytes. 4. Cell that specializes in antigen presentation and destruction of antigens by T cells. helper t cell suppressor t cell dendritic cell humoral immunity

1. humoral immunity - An immune response in which B cells transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies. 2. helper t cell - T cell that aids B cells in recognizing antigens. 3. suppressor t cell - T cell that inhibits the activity of B lymphocytes. 4. dendritic cell - Cell that specializes in antigen presentation and destruction of antigens by T cells.

1. inflammation of a vein: phleb___ 2. condition of deficient oxygen: hyp___ 3. breakdown of a clot: thrombo___ 4. narrowing of mitral valve: mitral____ itis stenosis lysis oxia

1. inflammation of a vein: phleb___ = itis 2. condition of deficient oxygen: hyp___ = oxia 3. breakdown of a clot: thrombo___ = lysis 4. narrowing of mitral valve: mitral____ = stenosis

1. inflammation of the pleura 2. abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space 3. clot or other material lodges in the vessels of the lung 4. infectious disease caused by mycobacterium ___, usually involving the lungs tuberculosis pleurisy pleural effusion pulmonary embolism

1. inflammation of the pleura = pleurisy 2. abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space = pleural effusion 3. clot or other material lodges in the vessels of the lung = pulmonary embolism 4. infectious disease caused by mycobacterium ___, usually involving the lungs = tuberculosis

1. joining two arteries together 2. fatty plaque deposits in the interior lining of an artery 3. narrowing of a blood vessel 4. widening of a blood vessel vasoconstriction vasodilation arterial anastomosis atherosclerosis

1. joining two arteries together = arterial anastomosis 2. fatty plaque deposits in the interior lining of an artery = atherosclerosis 3. narrowing of a blood vessel = vasoconstriction 4. widening of a blood vessel = vasodilation

1. lack of breathing 2. abnormal breathing 3. increase in the dept of breathing 4. rapid, shallow breathing tachypnea hyperpnea dyspnea apnea

1. lack of breathing = apnea 2. abnormal breathing = dyspnea 3. increase in the dept of breathing = hyperpnea 4. rapid, shallow breathing = tachypnea

Trace the lightwave/nerve impulse from anterior to posterior retina, vitreous chamber/vitreous humor, thalamus, lens

1. lens 2. vitreous chamber/vitreous humor 3. retina 4. thalamus

1. local widening of an artery 2. listening with a stethoscope 3. pain, tension and weakness in a limb after walking has begun 4.clots that travel to and suddenly block a blood vessel emboli aneurysm auscultation claudication

1. local widening of an artery = aneurysm 2. listening with a stethoscope = auscultation 3. pain, tension and weakness in a limb after walking has begun = claudication 4. clots that travel to and suddenly block a blood vessel = emboli

1. Stationary lymphatic tissue along the path of lymph vessels all over the body. 2. Found in the space between cells and becomes lymph as it enters the lymph capillaries. 3. Mass of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx. 4. An immune response in which T cells destroy antigens. lymph nodes, interstitial fluid, adenoids, humoral immunity

1. lymph nodes - Stationary lymphatic tissue along the path of lymph vessels all over the body. 2. interstitial fluid - Found in the space between cells and becomes lymph as it enters the lymph capillaries. 3. adenoids - Mass of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx. 4. humoral immunity - An immune response in which T cells destroy antigens.

1. Swelling of tissues due to interstitial fluid accumulation. 2. Tissue that produces lymphocytes--spleen, thymus, tonsils and adenoids. 3. Syndrome marked by enlargement of the spleen and associated with anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. 4. Malignant tumor of the lymph nodes and spleen marked by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells in lymph nodes. hypersplenism lymphoid organs hodgkin disease lymphedema

1. lymphedema = Swelling of tissues due to interstitial fluid accumulation. 2. lymphoid organs = Tissue that produces lymphocytes--spleen, thymus, tonsils and adenoids. 3. hypersplenism = Syndrome marked by enlargement of the spleen and associated with anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. 4. hodgkin disease = Malignant tumor of the lymph nodes and spleen marked by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells in lymph nodes.

Order the pathway of sound vibrations from the outer to inner oval window, incus, malleus, stapes

1. malleus 2. incus 3. stapes 4. oval window

Order the bones or bone elements from cephalic (superior) to caudal (inferior) Xiphoid process, manubrium, sternum, sacrum

1. manubrium 2. sternum 3. Xiphoid process 4. sacrum

1. material expelled from the chest by coughing or learning the throat 2. acute viral infection in infants and children; characterized by obstruction o the larynx, barking cough, and stridor 3. chronic dilation of a bronchus secondary to infection in the lower lobes of the lung 4. inflammation of the bronchi persisting over a long time sputum croup chronic bronchitis bronchiectasis

1. material expelled from the chest by coughing or learning the throat = sputum 2. acute viral infection in infants and children; characterized by obstruction o the larynx, barking cough, and stridor = croup 3. chronic dilation of a bronchus secondary to infection in the lower lobes of the lung = bronchiectasis 4. inflammation of the bronchi persisting over a long time = chronic bronchitis

1. measurement of serum creatine kinase (CK) and troponin-T and troponin-I after myocardial infarction 2. intravenous infection of a radioactive substance and measurement of its accumulation in heart muscle 3. use of echoes from high-frequency sound eaves to produce images of heart 4. anastomosis of vessel graft to existing coronary arteries to maintain blood supply to the myocardium echocardiography coronary bypass graft serum enzyme test thalium 201 scan

1. measurement of serum creatine kinase (CK) and troponin-T and troponin-I after myocardial infarction = serum enzyme test 2. intravenous infection of a radioactive substance and measurement of its accumulation in heart muscle = thalium 201 scan 3. use of echoes from high-frequency sound eaves to produce images of heart = echocardiography 4. anastomosis of vessel graft to existing coronary arteries to maintain blood supply to the myocardium = coronary bypass graft

1. mitral valve prolapse 2. atrial septal defect 3. tetralogy of fallot 4. hypertensive heart disease -congenital malformation involving four septal heart defects -high blood pressure affecting the heart -small hole between the upper heart chambers; congenital anomaly -improper closure of the valve between the left atrium and ventricle during systole

1. mitral valve prolapse = improper closure of the valve between the left atrium and ventricle during systole 2. atrial septal defect = small hole between the upper heart chambers; congenital anomaly 3. tetralogy of fallot = congenital malformation involving four septal heart defects 4. hypertensive heart disease = high blood pressure affecting the heart

order the pathway of the air during the process of inhalation from prior to latter bronchi nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses alveoli pharynx

1. nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses 2. pharynx 3. bronchi 4. alveoli

1. no impulses reach the AV node from the SA node; the ventricles contract slower and the atria are not coordinated 2. uncomfortable sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmias 3. blockage of a blood vessel causes by clot formation 4. chest pain associated with myocardial ischemia thrombotic occlusion heart block angina palpitations

1. no impulses reach the AV node from the SA node; the ventricles contract slower and the atria are not coordinated = heart block 2. uncomfortable sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmias = palpitation 3. blockage of a blood vessel causes by clot formation = thrombotic occlusion 4. chest pain associated with myocardial ischemia = angina

Order the pathways of the air during the process of inhalation from prior to latter trachea nose (nares) lung capillaries bronchioles

1. nose (nares) 2. trachea 3. bronchioles 4. lung capillaries

1. nosebleed 2. highly contagious bacteria infection of the pharynx, larynx and trachea caused by bordetella pertussis. AKA whooping cough 3. incomplete expansion of the alveoli; collapsed, functionless, airless lung or portion of a lung 4. hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls atelectasis pertussis epistaxis emphysema

1. nosebleed = epistaxis 2. highly contagious bacteria infection of the pharynx, larynx and trachea caused by bordetella pertussis. AKA whooping cough = pertussis 3. incomplete expansion of the alveoli; collapsed, functionless, airless lung or portion of a lung = atelectasis 4. hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls = emphysema

Trace the lightwave/nerve impulse from anterior to posterior cerebral cortex, optic chiasm, optic nerve fibers, thalamus

1. optic nerve fibers 2. optic chiasm 3. thalamus 4. cerebral cortex

Order the layers of an artery from outermost to innermost muscle layer inner layer endothelium elastic layer outer layer

1. outer layer 2. muscle layer 3. elastic layer 4. inner layer 5. endothelium

1. pacemaker to the heart, from which the electrical impulse for heart contraction originates 2. receives impulses from the sinoatrial node and passes them to the bundle of his 3. lack of oxygen in the body tissues 4. chest pain associated with myocardial ischemia SA node anoxia angina AV node

1. pacemaker to the heart, from which the electrical impulse for heart contraction originates = SA node 2. receives impulses from the sinoatrial node and passes them to the bundle of his = AV node 3. lack of oxygen in the body tissues = anoxia 4. chest pain associated with myocardial ischemia = angina

order the elements of the respiratory system from superior (cephalic) to inferior (caudal) laryngopharynx nasopharynx oropharynx paranasal sinuses

1. paranasal sinuses 2. nasopharynx 3. oropharynx 4. laryngopharynx

Order the layers of the heart from outermost to innermost pericardial cavity endocardium visceral pericardium parietal pericardium myocardium

1. parietal pericardium 2. pericardial cavity 3. visceral pericardium 4. myocardium 5. endocardium

Order the structure of the respiratory system from lateral to medial parietal pleura lung mediastinum visceral pleura

1. parietal pleura 2. visceral pleura 3. lung 4. mediastinum

Order the pathway of sound vibrations from the outer ear to the brain malleus, external auditory canal, pinna, tympanic membrane

1. pinna 2. external auditory canal 3. tympanic membrane 4. malleus

1. placement of a tube through the mouth into the trachea to establish an airway 2. creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck to establish an airway 3. visual examination of the bronchi 4. injection of fluid into the bronchi, followed by withdrawal of the fluid for examination endotracheal tube bronchial alveolar lavage bronchoscopy tracheostomy

1. placement of a tube through the mouth into the trachea to establish an airway = endotracheal tube 2. creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck to establish an airway = tracheostomy 3. visual examination of the bronchi = bronchoscopy 4. injection of fluid into the bronchi, followed by withdrawal of the fluid for examination = bronchial alveolar lavage

1. Originates from a B lymphocyte and secretes antibodies. 2. Lymphocytes that directly kill foreign cells. 3. Antiviral proteins secreted by T cells. 4. Antibodies IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM, IgD. plasma cell cytotoxic t cells interferons immunoglobulins

1. plasma cell - Originates from a B lymphocyte and secretes antibodies. 2. cytotoxic t cells - Lymphocytes that directly kill foreign cells. 3. interferons - Antiviral proteins secreted by T cells. 4. immunoglobulins - Antibodies IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM, IgD.

Match the description with the proper term. 1. radiculitis 2. dyslexia 3. hyperkinesia 4. hyperesthesia A. increased sensation B. excessive movement C. reading, writing, and learning disorders D. inflammation of a spinal nerve root

1. radiculitis D. Inflammation of a spinal nerve root. 2. dyslexia C. Reading, writing and learning disorders. 3. hyperkinesia B. Excessive movement. 4. hyperesthesia A. Increased sensation.

1. rapid but regular atrial or ventricle contractions 2. rapid, random, ineffectual and irregular contractions of the heart 3. congenital narrowing of the large artery leading from the heart 4.a duct between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which normally closes after birth, remains open coarctation of the aorta flutter fibrillation patent ductus arteriosus

1. rapid but regular atrial or ventricle contractions = flutter 2. rapid, random, ineffectual and irregular contractions of the heart = fibrillation 3. congenital narrowing of the large artery leading from the heart = coarctation of the aorta 4.a duct between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which normally closes after birth, remains open = patent ductus arteriosus

1.removal of clot that has traveled to a blood vessel and suddenly causes occlusion 2. removal of the inner lining of an artery to make it wider 3. suture (repair) of a ballooned out portion of an artery 4. use of streptokinase and tap to dissolve clots aneurysmorrahphy embolectomy thrombotic therapy endarterectomy

1. removal of clot that has traveled to a blood vessel and suddenly causes occlusion = embolectomy 2. removal of the inner lining of an artery to make it wider = endarterectomy 3. suture (repair) of a ballooned out portion of an artery = aneurysmorrahphy 4. use of streptokinase and tap to dissolve clots = thrombotic therapy

1. right ventricle valve 2. pulmonary artery valve 3. left ventricle valve 4. aorta metal valve tricuspid valve aortic valve pulmonary valve

1. right ventricle valve = tricuspid valve 2. pulmonary artery valve = pulmonary valve 3. left ventricle valve = metal valve 4. aorta = aortic valve

Order the layers of the eye from outer to inner retina, vitreous humor, sclera, choroid

1. sclera 2. choroid 3. retina 4. vitreous humor

Match the combining forms (or suffixes) with their meanings: 1.seizure 2.paralysis 3. glue 4. slim, slender A. lept/o B. gli/o C. -lepsy D. -paresis

1. seizure C.-lepsy 2. paralysis D.-paresis 3. glue B.gli/o 4. slim, slender A.lept/o

Order the elements of the conduction system of the heart from prior to latter bundle of His conduction myofibers AV node SA node right and left bundle branches

1. sinoatrial node 2. atrioventricular node 3. atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His) 4. right and left bundle branches 5. conduction myofibers

1. slit-opening to the larynx 2. one of the air cavities in the bones near the nose 3. inner fold of the pleura lying closer to the lung tissue 4. outer fold of the pleura lying closer to the ribs and chest wall paranasal sinus parietal pleura visceral pleura glottis

1. slit-opening to the larynx = glottis 2. one of the air cavities in the bones near the nose = paranasal sinus 3. inner fold of the pleura lying closer to the lung tissue = visceral pleura 4. outer fold of the pleura lying closer to the ribs and chest wall = parietal pleura

1. smallest branch of the trachea that is a passageway into the lung 2. muscle separating the chest and abdomen, it contracts and relaxes to make breathing 3. lid like piece of cartilage that covers the larynx, preventing the food from entering the larynx and trachea during swallowing 4. breathing epiglottis respiration bronchus diaphragm

1. smallest branch of the trachea that is a passageway into the lung = bronchus 2. muscle separating the chest and abdomen, it contracts and relaxes to make breathing = diaphragm 3. lid like piece of cartilage that covers the larynx, preventing the food from entering the larynx and trachea during swallowing = epiglottis 4. breathing = respiration

Match the combining forms (or suffixes) with their meanings: 1. speaking 2. root 3. order, coordination 4. wandering A. phasia B. vag/o C. radicul/o D. tax/o

1. speaking A.-phasia 2. root C.radicul/o 3. order, coordination 4. wandering B.vag/o

Order the anatomical elements pertaining to skin from superficial to deep (surface to interior) dermis, stratum corneum, subcutaneous layer, basal layer

1. stratum corneum 2. basal layer 3. dermis 4. subcutaneous layer

Order the cranial bones in a clockwise direction starting at the 6:00 position (the temporal bone) parietal bone, occipital bone, temporal bone, frontal bone

1. temporal bone 2. occipital bone 3. parietal bone 4. frontal bone

1. the relaxation phase of the heartbeat is called 2. the inner lining of the heart is called 3. the contractive phase of the heartbeat is called 4. the inner lining of the pericardium, adhering to the outside of the heart is called endocardium systole diastole parietal pericardium

1. the relaxation phase of the heartbeat is called = diastole 2. the inner lining of the heart is called = endocardium 3. the contractive phase of the heartbeat is called = systole 4. the inner lining of the pericardium, adhering to the outside of the heart is called = parietal pericardium

1. the thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane lining the the respiratory tract are called 2. the smallest branches of the bronchi are called 3. the midline region of the lungs where bronchi, blood vessel and nerves enter and exit the lungs are called 4. the essential tissues of the lung that perform its main function are pulmonary bronchioli parenchyma hilum cilia

1. the thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane lining the the respiratory tract are called = cilia 2. the smallest branches of the bronchi are called = bronchioli 3. the midline region of the lungs where bronchi, blood vessel and nerves enter and exit the lungs are called = hilum 4. the essential tissues of the lung that perform its main function are pulmonary = parenchyma

Match the English terms with the combining forms: 1. thec/o 2. polio- 3. quadri- 4. syncop/o A. relating to the grey matter of the brain/spinal cord B. sheath (meninges) C. four D. faint

1. thec/o B. Sheath (meninges) 2. polio- A. Relating to the grey matter of the brain/spinal cord 3. quadri- C. Four 4. syncop/o D. Faint

1. Organ in the medastinum that produces T lymphocytes and helps in the immune response. 2. Large lymph vessel in the chest that drains lymph from the lower part and left side of the body above the diaphragm. 3. Organ in the stomach that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells. 4. Lymphocytes that transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies. thymus gland b cells thoracic duct spleen

1. thymus gland = Organ in the medastinum that produces T lymphocytes and helps in the immune response. 2. thoracic duct = Large lymph vessel in the chest that drains lymph from the lower part and left side of the body above the diaphragm. 3. spleen = Organ in the stomach that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells. 4. b cells = Lymphocytes that transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies.

Match each term to its counterpart 1. tonic-clonic seizure 2. absence seisure 3. fainting 4. Hydrocephalus A. CSF accumulation in the head B. syncope C. grand mal D. petit mal

1. tonic-clonic seizure C. grand mal 2. absence seisure D. petit mal 3. fainting B. syncope 4. Hydrocephalus A. CSF accumulation in the head

Order the elements of the vertebrae FRIST from lateral to medial then dorsal to vental, such that the first medial element is the most dorsal vertebral body, lamina, transverse process, spinous process, neural canal

1. transverse process 2. lamina 3. spinous process 4. neural canal 5. vertebral body

1. vascul/o 2. ven/o, ven/i 3. steth/o 4. -sclerosis chest blood vessel hardening vein

1. vascul/o = blood vessel 2. ven/o, ven/i = vein 3. steth/o = chest 4. -sclerosis = hardening

1. video equipment and a computer produce x-ray pictures of blood vessels by taking two pictures (with and without contrast) and subtracting the first image (without contrast) from the second 2. exercise tolerance test combined with a radioactive tracer scan 3. a balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into a coronary artery to open the artery 4. a catheter is inserted into an artery or vein and treated into the heart chambers, contrast can be injected to take x-ray pictures, patterns of blood flow can be detected, and blood pressures can be measured digital subtraction angiography cardiac catheterization percutaneous coronary intervention ETT-MIBI

1. video equipment and a computer produce x-ray pictures of blood vessels by taking two pictures (with and without contrast) and subtracting the first image (without contrast) from the second = digital subtraction angiography 2. exercise tolerance test combined with a radioactive tracer scan = ETT-MIBI 3. a balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into a coronary artery to open the artery = percutaneous coronary intervention 4. a catheter is inserted into an artery or vein and treated into the heart chambers, contrast can be injected to take x-ray pictures, patterns of blood flow can be detected, and blood pressures can be measured = cardiac catheterization

1. widening of the bronchial tubes 2. inflammation of the small bronchial tubes 3. excess of carbon dioxide 4. abnormal condition where one breathes better in an upright position orthopnea hypercapnea bronchiectasis bronchiolitis

1. widening of the bronchial tubes = bronchiectasis 2. inflammation of the small bronchial tubes = bronchiolitis 3. excess of carbon dioxide = hypercapnea 4. abnormal condition where one breathes better in an upright position = orthopnea

Afro- Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic)

250 languages that are spoken in North Africa and Souteast asia 175 from North Africa Amharic - the official language of Ethiopia Hausa - primary language of over 25 million people in west africa Semitic languages largest branch Arabic and Hebrew, as well as many of the languages of the Near East


< Chinese t'e (Amory dialect)


< French carrotte (< Latin carota < Greek karoton)


< French desservir (to clear the table)


< French salade < Latin salta (salted)


< Gaelic usqebaugh ("water of life")


< German bretzel (Latin bracellus = bracelet)


< Germanic chiken


< Italian pizza < derivation unclear; perhaps Latin placenta (cake)


< Italian spago (cord, rope)


< Latin caseus


< Latin furor = enjoy


< Latin lingua (tongue)


< Latin palatum = roof of the mouth


< Latin pasta (dough) (< Greek pastos = sprinkled)


< Latin pisum (Italian pisello, French pois)


< Latin restauro (restore)


< Latin salmon, salmonis = salmon


< Latin unio (pearl)


< Latin vegēo (grow)


< Latin verb appeto - seek, desire


< Latin vinum (French vin and Italian and Spanish vino)


< Middle English Kake; Icelandic kaka, German kuchen, Dutch coek


< Middle English pie (shallow pit) < French puis < Latin puleus (well)


< Middle French Poulet (< Latin pullus = young of any animal) Spanish and Italian pollo


< Nahuatl chocolatl


< Narragansett Native American askutasquash ("thing eaten green")


< Old English bread; German brot, but latin panis > French pain, Italian pane, Spanish pan


< Old English raedic (< latin radix = root)


< Old French ris (< Italian riso< Greek oryzon)


< Old Spanish espinaca (< Arabic isfanakh)


< Russian voda (water)


< Spanish aguacate (< Nahuatal ahuacatl = testicle)


< Spanish patata (< Taino batata)


< Spanish tomate (< Aztec tomatl)


< Tamil kari (Sauce)


< Turkish kahve (< Arabic qahwah) French café (coffee shop), and cafeteria


< latin lactuca


< old English aeppel; German apfel


< old English mete


< old French boef (< Latin bos, bovis - cow); Modern French boeuf


< original form of the English, apricock, from the Portuguese albricoque, which came from the Arabic al birquq. The Arabic word was a translation of a Latin adjective, praecoquum (early ripening)


= French detailed list (< Latin minutus = small)


= French kitchen; cookery

Match the medical terms with the descriptions A large phagocytic cell migrating from the blood to the tissues = Blood protein containing iron and carrying oxygen = Immature granulocytic white blood cell, normally found only in marrow = Proteins made by lymphocytes in response to antigens in the blood = Myeloblast, Antibodies, Hemoglobin, Macrophage

A large phagocytic cell migrating from the blood to the tissues = Macrophage Blood protein containing iron and carrying oxygen = Hemoglobin Immature granulocytic white blood cell, normally found only in marrow = Myeloblast Proteins made by lymphocytes in response to antigens in the blood = Antibodies

match the cells with their description: A mononuclear white blood cell (agranulocyte) formed in the lymph tissue; it is phagocytic and the precursor of a macrophage = A thrombocyte or cell that helps clot blood = A cell in the bone marrow that gives rise to different types of blood cells = A leukocyte (granulocyte) whose granules have an affinity for basic dyes; releases histamine and heparin = Monocyte, Basophil, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Platelet

A mononuclear white blood cell (agranulocyte) formed in the lymph tissue; it is phagocytic and the precursor of a macrophage = Monocyte A thrombocyte or cell that helps clot blood = Platelet A cell in the bone marrow that gives rise to different types of blood cells = Hematopoietic Stem Cells A leukocyte (granulocyte) whose granules have an affinity for basic dyes; releases histamine and heparin = Basophil

Match the type of anemia with the description -A type of hemolytic anemia. Erythrocytes are less concave and fragile. Treatment includes removing the spleen = -Gastric juice of the sufferer lacks a substance called the intrinsic factor, and the patient cannot absorb vitamin B12, essential for erythrocyte formation. This leads to large, immature megaloblasts (immature red blood cells) = -An inherited defect in the ability to produce Hemoglobin, usually seen in persons of Mediterranean background = -A hereditary condition characterized by abnormal sickle shape of erythrocytes, prevalent in persons of African ancestry = Hereditary Spheroidosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Thalassemia, Pernicious Anemia

A type of hemolytic anemia. Erythrocytes are less concave and fragile. Treatment includes removing the spleen = Hereditary Spheroidosis Gastric juice of the sufferer lacks a substance called the intrinsic factor, and the patient cannot absorb vitamin B12, essential for erythrocyte formation. This leads to large, immature megaloblasts (immature red blood cells) = Pernicious Anemia An inherited defect in the ability to produce Hemoglobin, usually seen in persons of Mediterranean background = Thalassemia A hereditary condition characterized by abnormal sickle shape of erythrocytes, prevalent in persons of African ancestry = Sickle Cell Anemia

A 25 year old patient had a "strep" throat two weeks ago and now notices marked swelling in the ankles over the past 3 days. She also notices a foam layer on her urination, which tests positive for protein. From among the following, choose the signs, symptoms and diagnoses which are applicable.

A. Proteinuria C. Glomerulonephritis E. Edema

Select the two essential hormones secreted by the kidneys.

A. erythropoietin B. renin

This patient is a 25-year-old man who presents with a fever and cough. Chest x-ray shows a diffuse pneumonia. Bronchoscopy reveals organisms. His WBC count is low, hCT is low (35%), platelet count is 170,000. His CD-4 count is 150 (normal is over 400). On further questioning he admits to sharing needles and IV drug abuse. What is the likely diagnosis for this patient?


The thoracic cavity is _____to the spinal cavity


When the negative prefix "a" encounters a vowel at the beginning of a word it is added to, what happens?

An "n" is inserted between the two vowels.


Ancient Greek, Medieval Greek, modern Greek

The earliest form of English, Old English, is also known as


Match the blood type with the plasma antibodies present Anti-B = Anti-A = Neither Anti-A nor Anti-B = Anti-A and Anti-B = A, B, AB, O

Anti-B = A Anti-A = B Neither Anti-A nor Anti-B = AB Anti-A and Anti-B = O

When the final consonant of a prefix changes to match the first consonant of the word it is added to, this is called:


A learned borrowing is an amalgam of two Greek or Latin Roots to create a word that did not exist in that language. Which of the following is NOT a learned borrowing? (Use of the book and the online etymological dictionary may help you). A. Coniferous B. Manufacture C. Omnivore D. Auditorium E. Television


Which of the following are English transliterations (or near transliterations) of Greek words? (choose all that apply). A. Campaign B. Dialysis C. Ocean D. Pagination E. Axiom

Axiom Ocean Dialysis

From among the following, choose the procedures (more than one) used to separate nitrogenous waste from the bloodstream when the kidneys no longer function.

B. Peritoneal dialysis E. Hemodialysis


Balkan Peninsula to central Asia 40 languages divided into three groups: Turkic, Mongolian, and Manchu Turkic Turkish, Uighur (speakers found primarily in china), and languages of Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan


Baluchi, Kurdish, Pashto, Farsi (Persian), Averstan

Match the combining form to the English term Base = Color = Varied, irregular = Nucleus = Chrom/o-, bas/o-, Kary/o-, Poikil/o-

Base = bas/o- Color = Chrom/o- Varied, irregular = Poikil/o- Nucleus = Kary/o-

Which lanugage does NOT belong to the same language family English belongs to?


The longest exisiting work in Old English (O.E.) is:


Match the prefixes with their English meanings. Beside, beyond; contrary to; irregular A. peri Around, about, near B. para Before, in front of C. pro

Beside, beyond; contrary to; irregular B. para Around, about, near A. peri Before, in front of C. pro

Choose all the words necessary to correctly complete the statement: Blood cells begin forming in the ______and become mature in the ______.

Blood cells begin forming in the BONE MARROW and become mature in the BLOODSTREAM.

Match the locations/functions with the urinary system structures. Bowman capsule Cortex Ureters Urinary bladder A. Tubes carrying urine from kidney to the urinary bladder. B. Muscular sac that serves as a reservoir for urine. C. Outer region of the kidney. D. Tiny structure surrounding each glomerulus; receives filtered materials from the blood.

Bowman capsule D. Tiny structure surrounding each glomerulus; receives filtered materials from the blood. Cortex C. Outer region of the kidney. Ureters A. Tubes carrying urine from kidney to the urinary bladder. Urinary bladder B. Muscular sac that serves as a reservoir for urine.


Breton, Gaelic, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Manx, Cornish

Inflammation of the microscopic balls of capillaries in the kidneys is a condition known as (choose one):

C. Glomerulonephritis

Joe had been complaining of spasmic and acute pain in the kidney area (renal colic). The doctors determined that he had a renal calculus and that his treatment options were the following (choose all that apply).

C. nephrolithotomy D. lithotripsy

The pituitary gland is located inside the _____ cavity


Early in her pregnancy, Sonya had a routine ___, which revealed a/an ___ in the area between her lungs. After the delivery of her child, the mass was removed, and biopsy revealed a malignant thymoma (tumor of the thymus gland)

CXR (chest x-ray), mediastinal

Order the divisions of the back from the top to bottom (#1 on top) Thoracic , Cervical , Coccygeal, Sacral , Lumbar

Cervical → Thoracic → Lumbar → Sacral → Coccygeal

Which of the following are English transliterations (or near transliterations) of Greek words (choose all that apply). A. Shelf B. Sandpaper C. Lethargy D. Comedy E. Tabulature

Comedy Lethargy

The English word "myriad" is derived from the Greek myrias, myriados means which of the following (choose all that apply).

Countless 10,000 Infinite

Which of the following words are derived from the present stem of the Latin verb curro-currere-cursum? Choose all that apply. A.cursory B.curriculum C.cursor D.currency E. current

Curriculum currency current

The abbreviation KUB stands for (choose one):

D. X-ray examination of the kidneys, ureters and bladder

Order the following elements of a cell from innermost to outermost, innermost being #1 Chromosomes , DNA , Mitochondria, Cell membrane , Cytoplasm , Nucleus

DNA → Chromosomes → Nucleus → Mitochondria → Cytoplasm → Cell membrane

Noun and adjective patterns are called


Modern English: 1500 CE - present

Decline of Latin as common European Language of discourse Translations of classical Latin and Greek texts into vernacular William Shakespeare Standardization of spelling and enrichment of English vocabulary Dr. Samuel Johnson: A Dictionary of the English Language (1755) The development of the scientific study of comparative, historical and structural linguistics (eighteenth century) The influence of British Colonialism and the impact of Empire (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) James Murry and the Oxford English Dictionary (1879-1929)

American English From Jamestown to the end of the colonial period: 1607-1790

Distinction between American English and British English

Choose all the terms necessary to correctly complete the paragraph Dr. Henry examined a highly allergic patient and sent a blood sample to a ______pathologist. The physician stained the blood smear and found an abundance of leukocytes with dense, reddish granules. She made the diagnosis of _____.

Dr. Henry examined a highly allergic patient and sent a blood sample to a HEMATOLOGIC pathologist. The physician stained the blood smear and found an abundance of leukocytes with dense, reddish granules. She made the diagnosis of BASOPHILIA.

Since the American Civil War

Emancipation proclamation (1863): influence of "Black" English Immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe (1880-1920)

Which of the following are English transliterations (or near transliterations) of Greek words? (Choose all that apply). A. Ardent B. Emphasis C. Icon D. Corpulent E. Corruption

Emphasis Icon

In Latin, that function of words in sentences is determined primarily by their



Fallopian tubes

T/F Endocrine glands secrete chemicals to the outside body.


Words in different languages that look the same but mean different things are called

Faux Amis

The first declension is identified by -ae in the genitive case

Femina, feminae = women, of the women Porta, portae = door, of the door Nautra, nautae = sailor, of the sailor

The fifth declension is identified by -ei in the genitive case

Fides, fidei = faith, of the faith Dies, diei = day, of the day


Finno-Ugric Spoken in central and northern Europe Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, and Lapp Samoyedic Spoken by about 30,000 people across Siberia and the Artic

An important phase in the evolution of English began with the Norman Conquest (1066), which brought in which language?


Match the term to its definition. Functional, essential tissue of an organ. Structural, connective tissue of an organ. A network of nerves outside the CNS. A collection of nerve cell bodies outside the CNS. A. parenchyma B. plexus C. stroma D. ganglion

Functional, essential tissue of an organ. A. parenchyma Structural, connective tissue of an organ. C. stroma A network of nerves outside the CNS. B. plexus A collection of nerve cell bodies outside the CNS. D. ganglion

To find the stem of a Latin noun or adjective, drop the ending of which case?



German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Flemish, Yiddish, Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Anglo Saxon (Old English), Middle English, Modern English

English belongs to which branch of its language family?


Which of the following denote white blood cells? (Choose all that apply)

Granulocytes Lymphocytes Mononuclear agranulocytes

Fill in the blank to complete the word partially left blank. Do NOT type in the whole word in the box. Someone specializing in the study of tissues is known as a ____-logist



Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Romany, Sinhalese, Urdu, Sanskrit

Joe noticed two painless swellings in his neck and under his arm. He had been having night sweats, fever, pruritis (itching), and weight loss. A chest x-ray shows a large medastinal mass. A work up for infection is negative. The CT scan shows an enlarged spleen. A lymph node biopsy is performed and shows a tumor containing Reed-Sternberg cells. What is the likely diagnosis?

Hodgkin disease

4 verb conjugations

I = -o You = -s He/she/it = -t We = -mus You pl. = -tis They = -nt

Westward expansion: 1790-1860

Immigration from Immigration from Western Europe and Ireland Noah Webster: An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) Settlement of the far west

English belongs to which language family?


Match the term with its definition. Intense burning sensation. Pertaining to the 10th cranial nerve. Sudden seizures of sleep. Partial paralysis or weakening of muscles. A. vagal B. paresis C. narcolepsy D. causalgia

Intense burning sensation. D. causalgia Pertaining to the 10th cranial nerve. A. vagal Sudden seizures of sleep. C. narcolepsy Partial paralysis or weakening of muscles. B. paresis

The Anglo-Saxon and Old English: 450-1150 CE

Invasion of the Germanic Tribes (449) Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity (597) Beowulf: eighth to ninth centuries Vikings raid on Britain: eighth to ninth centuries The Norman Conquest (1066)

Match the condition/sign/diagnosis to its description: Involuntary movements usually starting with twitching of the eyelid and muscles of the face with verbal outbursts. Involuntary, spasmodic, twitching movements; uncontrollable vocal sounds; and inappropriate words. A viral infection afecting peripheral nerves. Descrtuction of the myelin sheath on neurons in the CNS and its replacement by plaques of hard tissue. A. tics B.multiple sclerosis C. herpes zoster (shingles) D. Tourette syndrome

Involuntary movements usually starting with twitching of the eyelid and muscles of the face with verbal outbursts. A.tics Involuntary, spasmodic, twitching movements; uncontrollable vocal sounds; and inappropriate words. D.Tourette syndrome A viral infection afecting peripheral nerves. C.herpes zoster (shingles) Descrtuction of the myelin sheath on neurons in the CNS and its replacement by plaques of hard tissue. B.multiple sclerosis

The inguinal regions are located in which quadrants?



Largest African language family Encompasses about a thousand languages 700 languages belonging to the Benue-Congo branch Includes over 500 BantuLanguages Swahili, Rwanda, Khongo, Xhosa, and Zulu

The study of English grammar was (perhaps ill-advisedly) modeled on which language?



Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian

Match the descriptions to the cell types = Mononuclear leukocyte formed in lymph tissue; produces antibodies = A leukocyte with dense, reddish granules having an affinity for red acidic dye; associated with allergic reactions = A red blood cell = A leukocyte (polymorphonuclear granulocyte) formed in bone marrow and having neutral-staining granules Neutrophil , Erythrocyte , Eosinophil , Lymphocyte

Lymphocyte = Mononuclear leukocyte formed in lymph tissue; produces antibodies Eosinophil = A leukocyte with dense, reddish granules having an affinity for red acidic dye; associated with allergic reactions Erythrocyte = A red blood cell Neutrophil = A leukocyte (polymorphonuclear granulocyte) formed in bone marrow and having neutral-staining granules

Jane had a routine checkup that included ___ of her chest with a ___ to listen to her heart. Her physical noticed a mid systolic murmur characteristic of ___. An echocardiogram confirmed the diagnosis.

MVP, stethoscope, auscultation

The fourth declension is identified by -ūs in the genitive case

Manus, manūs = hand, of the hand Cornu, cornūs = horn, of the horn

Mary did too many crunches and now the center of her abdominal cavity, called the ______region, and the two ______regions on each side of it are very sore

Mary did too many crunches and now the center of her abdominal cavity, called the UMBILICAL region, and the two LUMBAR regions on each side of it are very sore

Match the description to the term 1. hemiplegia 2. paraplegia 3. quadriplegia. 4. Paresis A. paralysis in the lower half of the body B. slight paralysis C. paralysis in all four limbs D. paralysis in one half (right or left) of they body

Match the description to the term hemiplegia D.Paralysis in one half (right or left) of the body. paraplegia A.Paralysis in the lower half of the body. quadriplegia. C.Paralysis in all four limbs Paresis B.Slight paralysis.

Match the term with its definition. 1. manner of walking 2. latin for "horse tail," a collection of nerves below the end of the spinal cord 3. Gk. for pertaining to trees. the microscopic branching fiber of nerve cells first to receive impulses. 4. Impairment of the ability to perform voluntary movements. A. gait B. de cauda equina C. dendrite D. dyskinesia

Match the term with its definition. 1. manner of walking A. gait 2. latin for "horse tail," a collection of nerves below the end of the spinal cord B. de cauda equina 3. Gk. for pertaining to trees. the microscopic branching fiber of nerve cells first to receive impulses. C. dendrite 4. Impairment of the ability to perform voluntary movements. D. dyskinesia

Which of the following cells are mononuclear? (Choose all that apply

Monocytes Lymphocytes


More than 70 languages spoken primarily in southern and eastern India Tamil most diffuse 50 million speakers in India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia, as well as other areas of the Indian and south pacific oceans

Sino- Tibetan

Most languages spoken in China belong to the Sinitic Branch More than 300 languages in the Tiberto-Burman branch are spoken in parts of Burma, Tibet, Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos

Which of the following words are derived from the perfect stem of the Latin word moveo-movere-motum? (Choose all that apply). A. Motion B. Movie C. Motive D. Mover E. Motor

Motive Motion Motor

Which of the following words are Latin derivatives? Choose all that apply. A. Fracture B. Bakery C. Puppy D. Vocation E. Mundane

Mundane Vocation Fracture

Match the following terms with their English meanings. Nitrogenous waste materials in the blood. The urination of blood. Complete urination. Urination of sugar. Bedwetting. A. enuresis B. uremia C. glycosuria D. diuresis E. hematuria

Nitrogenous waste materials in the blood. B. uremia The urination of blood. E. hematuria Complete urination. D. diuresis Urination of sugar. C. glycosuria Bedwetting. A. enuresis

Which of the following are English transliterations (or near transliterations) of Greek words? Choose all that apply. A. Waterfall B. Nymph C. Homogeny D. Mnemonic E. Chocolate

Nymph Mnemonic Homogeny

North and South American Languages

Only 300,000 speakers left in North America Approximately 11 million speakers in South and Central America Quechua - official language of the Incas spoken by over 6 million people

In English, the function of words in sentences is determined primarily by their


Etymology is the study of word:


Match the term to the description Oxygen-containing protein in red blood cells = Formation of red blood cells = Deficiencies in numbers of red blood cells = Increase in number of small red blood cells = Erythrocytopenia, Microcytosis, Erythropoiesis, Hemoglobin

Oxygen-containing protein in red blood cells = Hemoglobin Formation of red blood cells = Erythropoiesis Deficiencies in numbers of red blood cells = Erythrocytopenia Increase in number of small red blood cells = Microcytosis

Which of the following are English transliterations of Greek words? Choose all that apply. A. Character B. Bookcase C. Parabola D. Little E. Brazen

Parabola Character

Match the term with its definition. Peculiar sensation before a seizure. Temporary brain dysfunction (brief loss of consciousness) after injury, usually clearing within 24 hrs. Bruising of brain tissue as a result of direct trauma to the head; neurological deficits persist longer than 24 hrs. Mental decline and deterioration. A. aura B. cerebral concussion C. cerebral contusion D. dementia

Peculiar sensation before a seizure. A. aura Temporary brain dysfunction (brief loss of consciousness) after injury, usually clearing within 24 hrs. B. cerebral concussion Bruising of brain tissue as a result of direct trauma to the head; neurological deficits persist longer than 24 hrs. C.cerebral contusion Mental decline and deterioration. D.dementia

Match the term to the description Pertaining to a white blood cell with a single round nucleus = Pertaining to a multi-lobed nucleus in granulocytic white blood cells = Immature, developing red blood cell = Forerunner of platelets = Erythroblast, Mononuclear, Megakaryocytes, Polymorphonuclear

Pertaining to a white blood cell with a single round nucleus = Mononuclear Pertaining to a multi-lobed nucleus in granulocytic white blood cells = Polymorphonuclear Immature, developing red blood cell = Erythroblast Forerunner of platelets = Megakaryocytes

Which of the following are English transliterations (or near transliterations) of Greek words? (choose all that apply). A. Charisma B. Barter C. Creepy D. Knife E. Polygamy

Polygamy Charisma

Fill in each box with the proper abbreviations (use all caps): right upper quadrant left upper quadrant right lower quadrant left lower quadrant

RUQ = right upper quadrant LUQ = left upper quadrant RLQ = right lower quadrant LLQ = left lower quadrant

Order the quadrants from your left to right going clockwise, with the top left first (#1) LUQ, RUQ, RLQ, LLQ


The stem of the Latin word rex, regis (king) is?



Region of the Caucasus Mountains, between the Caspian Sea and Black Sea Part of former Soviet Union Heavily influenced by Russian Highest concentration of languages in the world

Match the combining elements (prefixes, suffixes, and roots) to the English terms Removal, carrying away = Abnormal condition of cells = Dissolving, destroying = Derived from = apheresis, -oid, -lytic, -cytosis

Removal, carrying away = -apheresis Abnormal condition of cells = -cytosis Dissolving, destroying = -lytic Derived from = -oid

Except for third conjugation deponents, you do what to this to find the present stem of a Latin verb?

Remove -re/ri from the ending

Match the term to the process. Renal tubules return material necessary to the body back to the bloodstream. Passive process by which some substances, but not all, pass through a filter or other type of material. Urination. Process whereby water, sugar, salts, acids, potassium and drugs pass from the bloodstream to the renal tubules. A. reabsorption B. secretion C. micturition D. filtration

Renal tubules return material necessary to the body back to the bloodstream. A. reabsorption Passive process by which some substances, but not all, pass through a filter or other type of material. D. filtration Urination. C. micturition Process whereby water, sugar, salts, acids, potassium and drugs pass from the bloodstream to the renal tubules. B. secretion

The third declension is identified by -is in the genitive case

Rex, regis = king Mens, mentis = mind Urbs, Urbis = city

Select all of the terms necessary to complete the paragraph Rick's blood cell counts had been falling in recent weeks. His scheduled laparotomy was canceled because blood tests revealed _____. Bone marrow biopsy determined that the cause was _____ of all cellular elements.

Rick's blood cell counts had been falling in recent weeks. His scheduled laparotomy was canceled because blood tests revealed PANCYTOPENIA. Bone marrow biopsy determined that the cause was HYPOPLASIA of all cellular elements.

Languages derived from Latin are called what type of languages?


Syntax is the study of:

Rules for sentence formation


Russian, Belorussian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Czech, Polish, Solvak, Slovene

Jake lay on his back in the ______ position



Skin, surface tissue


Spread across southeast Asia Largest branch is Mon-Khmer Includes languages of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and parts of Burma and Malaysia

emesis lysis ptosis spasm stasis stenosis

Suffixes from this chapter that may be used as words on their own

Which of the following are English transliterations (or near transliterations) of Greek words? (Choose all that apply). A. Murder B. Gaggle C. Synthesis D. Method E. Squander

Synthesis Method

Middle English: 1150 - 1500 CE

The Anglo-French connection: loss of many Old English words; addition of thousands of Latin-based words via French; changes in grammar and structure Development of vernacular literature Geoffrey Chaucer: Canterbury Tales William Langland: Piers Plowman First translation of Bible into English, attributed to John Wycliff Introduction of the printing press into England by William Caxton

Match the terms to their description/definition The change in the structure and function (specialization) of cells as they mature = The process of using a centrifuge to separate blood cells from plasma = An anticoagulant substance found in liver cells, bloodstream and tissues = Protein threads that form the basis of a blood clot = Heparin, Fibrin, Differentiation, Plasmapheresis

The change in the structure and function (specialization) of cells as they mature = Differentiation The process of using a centrifuge to separate blood cells from plasma = Plasmapheresis An anticoagulant substance found in liver cells, bloodstream and tissues = Heparin Protein threads that form the basis of a blood clot = Fibrin

The Roman Occupation of Britain: First Century CE - 410 CE

The earlier presence of Celtic languages Introduction of Latin, the language of conquest and commerce Withdrawal of Roman Army (410)

Finding the stem of the Latin Verb from the perfect passive stem

The fourth participle part minus the -um ending

The present stem of a Latin verb is derived from

The infinitive

To find the perfect stem of a Latin verb, remove the -um from:

The last principle part (p. p.)

The transition from Middle to Modern English was mainly induced by

The printing press

Choose among the following words to fill in the blanks: dorsal, transverse, anterior, distal, posterior, ventral, supine, proximal. The shoulder is _____ to the body, whereas the wrist is _____

The shoulder is PROXIMAL to the body, whereas the wrist is DISTAL

Match the terms with their description/definition The study of the shape of form (of cells) = Separation of platelets from the rest of the blood = Cell that eats or swallows other cells = The formation of bone marrow cells = Phagocyte, Myelopoiesis, Morphology, Plateletpheresis

The study of the shape of form (of cells) = Morphology Separation of platelets from the rest of the blood = Plateletpheresis Cell that eats or swallows other cells = Phagocyte The formation of bone marrow cells = Myelopoiesis

T/F The Latin word patior-pati-passus gives rise to all three English words "patient," "passive" and "passion."


Match the medical terms to their English derivatives Tube leading from kidney to urinary bladder Tube from urinary bladder to outside of body The womb uterus, urethra, ureter

Tube leading from kidney to urinary bladder = ureter Tube from urinary bladder to outside of body = urethra The womb = uterus

Thymoma. Lymphadenitis Lymphocytopenia Lymphadenopathy Tumor of the thymus gland Inflammation of the lymph glands (nodes). Disease of the lymph glands (nodes). Deficiency of lymph cells

Tumor of the thymus gland - thymoma Inflammation of the lymph glands (nodes). - Lymphadenitis Deficiency of lymph cells - Lymphocytopenia Disease of the lymph glands (nodes). - Lymphadenopathy

Match the combining form, suffix, or prefix with the English term Universal recipient = Universal donor = A method of separating substances (ex: protein) by electrical charge = A type of gamma globulin (blood protein) that contains antibodies = Electrophoresis, Immunoglobin, Person with type O Blood, Person with type AB blood

Universal recipient = Person with type AB blood Universal donor = Person with type O Blood A method of separating substances (ex: protein) by electrical charge = Electrophoresis A type of gamma globulin (blood protein) that contains antibodies = Immunoglobin

The second declension is identified by -I in the genitive case

Vir, viri = man, of the man Amicus, amici = friend, of the friend Bellum, belli = war, of the war

Match the medical terms to their English definitions Voice Box Throat Windpipe pharynx, trachea, larynx

Voice Box = larynx Throat = pharynx Windpipe = trachea

Finding the stem of a Latin Verb From present infinitive stem

Which is the infinitive minus the -re ending

A malignant tumor of the kidney occurring in childhood is (choose one):

Wilms tumor


a dictionary

The root "gram" means both (pick two)

a small weight thing written

Properly speaking, an apology is:

a speech defending oneself

Guru (Hindi)

a teacher of priest





Which of the following combining forms correspond to the abdomen? Choose all that apply.

abdomin/o celi/o lapar/o

Sound waves beamed into the abdomen produce an image of abdominal viscera

abdominal ultrasonography


abnormal formation


abnormal speech


above, upon

The digestive system has the following functions (choose all that apply):

absorption digestion elimination

Which of the following are neurotransmitters? Choose all that apply.

acetylcholine epinephrine (adrenlaine) dopamine

Which of the following conditions result from peristalsis? Choose all that apply.

achalasia ileus

A type of dwarfism characterized by short limbs, a normal sized head and body, and normal intelligence is properly called:


Jennifer, a teenager, was self-conscious about the inflammatory lesions of puspules and pustules on her face. She noticed blackheads or ___ and whiteheads (collections of pus). She was advised to begin taking antibiotics and medications to dry her ___.

acne vulgaris, comedones

Jane's facial features gradually became "rough" in her late thirties and forties. By the time she was 50, her children notices her very large hands and recommended that she see an endocrinologist, who diagnosed her chronically progressive condition as ___.



across, through

Match the prefixes to their English meanings across, through A. pro- through, complete B. trans- before, forward C. dia-

across, through B. trans- through, complete C. dia- before, forward A. pro-


after, behind



Which word is NOT derived from the Latin verb "ago-agere-actum?" (Use of the book and the Online Etymological Dictionary may help. A. agent B. act C. actor D. agnostic E. active


Enzymes measured in liver function tests (LFTs

alanine transaminase (ALT) aspartate transaminase (AST) alkaline phosphatase (alk phos)

select the words that are in diminutive form

alveoli, bronchioli

Select all of the symptoms that may apply to adrenal virilization...enlargement of the breasts...myxedema

amenorrhea, hirsutism, deepening of the voice

Which of the following terms pertain to the removal of fluid? Choose all that apply

amniocentesis paracentesis



The Greek word "aggelos" means "messenger" and the English word [x] comes from it.


Which ONE of the following is not derived from the same Latin root (the online etymological dictionary may help). A. annotate B. annual C. biannual D. annuity E. anniversary


Match these prefixes: 1. ante- 2. anti- 3. ana- 4. epi- A. against B. before, forward C. up, apart D. upon, on, above

ante =before, forward anti = against ana = up, apart epi = upon, on, above

Which of the following hormones are produced by the pituitary posterior lobe? adrenocorticotropic hormone, prolactin, progesterone

antidiuretic hormone (ADH, or vasopressin), oxytocin



Match the following: 1. anus 2. cheek 3. cecum 4. belly, abdomen A. cec/o B. bucc/o C. celi/o D. an/o

anus = an/o cheek = bucc/o cecum = cec/o belly, abdomen = celi/o



Match the prefixes with their English meanings. apart, away, reverse A. dis- bad, difficult B. dia through C. dys-

apart, away, reverse A. dis- bad, difficult C. dys- through B. dia



Match the English terms to the combining forms chem/o artery blephar/o armpit arteri/o eyelid axill/o drug, chemical

arteri/o = artery axill/o = armpit blephar/o = eyelid chem/o = drug, chemical

Choose the diminutive forms from among the following terms:

arteriole glomerulus



Match the following prefixes with their English meanings as if, resembling A. quasi old B. paleon bad C. malum

as if, resembling A. quasi old B. paleon bad C. malum

Types of drugs used to treat acute coronary syndromes include

aspirin, beta blockers, statins

Which of the following terms apply to the dermatological abbreviation ABCDE for characteristics associated with melanoma asymmetry (of shape) border (irregularity) evolution (change)

asymmetry (of shape), border (irregularity), evolution (change)


away from

From among the following, choose all of the cells that are specialized lymph cells.

b cells t cells

Gary injured his left knee while playing basketball. He was scheduled for arthroscopic repair of his ___. However, because his ligament was so long, his ___ decided to do open surgery. a. SLE b. Orthopedist c. TMJ d. Rheumatologist e. ACL

b. Orthopedist e. ACL

Which of the following are found in the hand? a. styloid b. metacarpals c. carpals d. phalanges e. metatarsals

b. metacarpals c. carpals d. phalanges




back, behind




bad, painful

A study of the esophagus

barium swallow

Skin pigmentation derives from ___ found in the ___ layer of the skin, which produce ___. melanocytes basal melanin

basal, melanocytes, melanin




before, foreward


before, forward


before, forward

The Greek base "Arche" means "rule," but it also means (choose one):

beginning, first in authority



Mr. Jones noticed a drooping on one side of his face. He had trouble closing his eyes. his neurologist told him that his condition was caused by inflammation of the ganglion of the facial nerve. She prescribed corticosteroids which led to rapid improvement of his symptoms. What was Mr. Jones' likely condition? (Choose one).

bell palsy

Match the combining forms with the English terms belly side of the body vertebra(e), backbone(s) internal organs ventr/o-, viscer/o-, vertebr/o

belly side of the body = ventr/o- vertebra(e), backbone(s) = vertebr/o internal organs = viscer/o-

Match the following: 1. belly, abdomen 2. lip 3. gallbladder 4. common bile duct A. celi/o B. cheli/o C. cholecyst/o D. choledoch/o

belly, abdomen = celi/o lip = cheli/o gall bladder = cholecyst/o common bile duct = choledoch/o


below normal


below, under

Match the following: 1. beneath 2. between 3. into, within 4. not A. in- B. intra- C. infra- D. inter-

beneath = infra- between = inter- into, within = intra- not = in-


beside, near





Match these prefixes: 1. beyond, change 2. all 3. abnormal, beside, near 4. many, much A. pan- B. poly- C. para- D. meta-

beyond, change = meta- all = pan- abnormal, beside, near = para- many much = poly-








blood condition


blood vessel





Which of the following belong to the CNS? choose all that apply.

brain spinal cord

Match the suffix with the English terms breakdown, destruction, separation softening enlargement to view -lysis, -opsy, -megaly, -malacia

breakdown, destruction, separation = -lysis softening = -malacia enlargement = -megaly to view = -opsy








bronchial tubes


bronchial tubes

Match the following with literal meanings: 1. bunch of grapes 2. shaggy hairs 3. little nipples 4. blind 5. gatekeeper A. papillae B. pylorus C. villi D. cecum E. uvula

bunch of grapes = uvula shaggy hairs = villi little nipples = papillae blind = cecum gatekeeper = pylorus

A Carcinogenic substance causes:




Choose all the attributes that apply to arteries

carry O2-rich blood to tissue, blood pressure is high

Match each medical directional term with its other name lateral inferior coronal saggital caudal frontal

caudal = inferior lateral = saggital coronal = frontal

Match the following: 1. cavity 2. canker sore 3. cold sores 4. belching A. aphthous stomatitis B. eructation C. herpetic stomatitis D. dental caries

cavity = dental caries canker sore = aphthous stomatitis cold sore = herpetic stomatitis belching = eructation








change, beyond



X-ray examination of the biliary system performed after injection of contrast into the bile ducts


Which of the following means "Joining of the bile duct to the small intestine?" Choose one.


Which of the following conditions are associated with the liver? Choose all that apply.

cirrhosis viral hepatitis

While exercising, Joe experienced a cramp in his calf muscle. The pain disappeared when he was resting. After performing Doppler ultrasound on his leg to assess blood flow, Dr. Shaw found _____, indicating poor circulation. She recommended a daily exercise program, low-fat diet, careful foot care, and antiplatelet drug therapy to treat Bernard's intermittent ____.

claudication, stenosis



Which of the following could be congenital? Choose the 3 that apply.

cocaine addiction;syndactyly; fetal alcohol syndrome


coccyx, tailbone

Patients with conductive hearing loss are helped by reconstruction of the ___, a procedure known as ___. Patients with sensorineural hearing loss may be helped by a ___.

cochlear implant, myringoplasy, tympanic membrane

Match the following: 1. col/o 2. enter/o 3. gingiv/o 4. gloss/o A. intestines, usually small intestine B. tongue C. colon, large intestine D. gums

col/o = colon, large intestine enter/o = intestines, usually small intestine gingiv/o = gums gloss/o = tongue





The root and suffix of the word chromosomes designates the following two words in English (pick two)

color bodies


complete, together

A series of x-ray images are taken in multiple views (especially cross section)

computed tomography (CT)




condition of urine


condition, abnormal condition


condition/ process

Select all of the proesses pertinent to the humerus: -tubercle -lesser trochanter -condyle -greater trochanter -bone head

condyle, bone head, tubercle

Select all of the processes that relate to the femur...parietal bone...tubercle

condyle, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter

Substance that x-rays cannot penetrate

contrast medium


correct spelling

Choose the corticosteroid from among the following options...glucagon..norepinephrine

cortisol, aldosterone, androgens and estrogens

Which of the following hormones are produced by the adrenal cortex? epinephrine... norepinephrine

cortisol, aldosterone, androgens and estrogens

Which ONE of the following English words is not derived from the same latin root as the rest (use the online etymological dictionary to help you). A. corpse B. court C. incorporate D. corps E. corporal


Match the following: 1. cutane/o 2. dactyl/o 3. duct/o 4. flex/o A. to lead, carry B. skin C. fingers, toes D. to bend

cutane/o = skin dactyl/o = fingers, toes duct/o = to lead, carry flex/o = to bend

Match the tool/process to the procedure. cystoscopy continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) hemodialysis renal angioplasty -panendoscope -tenckhoff peritoneal catheter -fistula -insertion of stents

cystoscopy A. panendoscope continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) D. Tenckhoff peritoneal catheter hemodialysis B. fistula renal angioplasty A.insertion of stents




development, nourishment

Match the English term to the combining form dips/o lith/o -uria -tripsy A. thirst B. stone C. urination, urine condition D. to crush

dips/o A. thirst lith/o B. stone -uria C. urination, urine condition -tripsy D. to crush

measures for conjugated bilirubin. High levels indicate liver disease or biliary construction.

direct bilirubin tests




disease condition

Match each term with its opposite superficial = ventral dorsal = deep distal = proximal

dorsal = ventral superficial = deep distal = proximal

Match the medical terms to their English definitions double-layered membrane surrounding the abdominal organ double layered membrane surrounding each lung the back side of the body posterior, peritoneum, pleura

double-layered membrane surrounding the abdominal organ = peritoneum double layered membrane surrounding each lung = pleura the back side of the body = posterior

Match the suffix with the English terms drooping, sagging opening to form a mouth (stoma) hardening development, nourishment -trophy, -ptosis, -stomy, -sclerosis

drooping, sagging = -ptosis opening to form a mouth (stoma) = -stomy hardening = -sclerosis development, nourishment = -trophy

To find the present stem of third conjugation deponent Latin verbs

drop the "-i" from the ending and and add "e."


drug; also chemical


dura mater

Order the following medical phenomena from cephalic (superior) to caudal (inferior) in location: 1. anal fistula 2. dysphagia 3. intussusception 4. hiatal hernia

dysphagia, hiatal hernia, intussusception, anal fistula 2 4 3 1







Rewrite the term electroencephalograph with slashes to denote the prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes. E.g. anabolism = ana/bol/ism, cholecystojejunostomy = chole/cysto/jejuno/stomy.


Match these suffixes: 1. embryonic, immature 2. to secrete 3. pregnancy 4. to run A. -crine B. -drome C. -blast D. -cyesis

embryonic, immature = - blast to secrete = -crine pregnancy = -cyesis to run = -drome

Order the following layers of a tooth from outermost to innermost: 1. dentin 2. crown 3. enamel 4. pulp

enamel -> crown -> dentin -> pulp 3 2 1 4


endocrine glands

cholangiography in which the contrast medium is administered through an oral catheter then passes through the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum and into bile ducts

endoscopic retrograde

Use of an endoscope combined with ultrasound to examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract

endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)

Types of this include esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, proctoscopy, and anoscopy.




Match the following: 1. enzyme 2. defecation 3. abnormal condition 4. meal A. -ase B. -parandial C. -iasis D. -chezia

enzyme = -ase defecation = -chezia abnormal condition = -iasis meal = -parandial

Select the two regions that are equal in height in the abdominal cavity

epigastric hypochondriac

Which of the following hormones are produced by the adrenal medulla?

epinephrine, norepinephrine

Literally meaning "on the nipples" this type of cell lies on body surfaces, externally (outside the body) and internally (lining cavities and organs)


Match the prefixes with their English meanings. equal A. acron topmost B. aequum From, away from C. apo

equal B. aequum topmost A. acron From, away from C. apo

Match the prefixes with their English meanings. equal A. orthon Straight, right B. ison bad C. cacon

equal B. ison Straight, right A. orthon bad C. cacon

Order the following medial phenomena from cephalic (superior) to caudal (inferior) in location: 1. borborygmus 2. eructation 3. flatus 4. nausea

eructation, nausea, borborygmus, flatus 2 4 1 3



Which of the following are cranial bones found inside the cranial cavity?

ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone

After 5 days of high fever, 3-year-old Sadie developed a red rash all over her body. The pediatrician described it as viral ___ and told her mother it was a case of ___. exanthem rubeola

exanthem, rubeola (measles)


excessive, above normal

Match the combining forms to the English terms extremities, top, extreme point sharp, severe, sudden amnion (sac surrounding the embryo in the uterus) vessel angi/o, acr/o, amni/o, acu/o

extremities, top, extreme point = acr/o sharp, severe, sudden = acu/o amnion (sac surrounding the embryo in the uterus) = amni/o vessel = angi/o



Match the combining forms with their English terms eye ear eat, swallow vein phleb/o, ot/o ophthalm/o, phag/o

eye = ophthalm/o ear = ot/o eat, swallow = phag/o vein = phleb/o

T/F A "kilo" in English denotes 100 units of something.


T/F Ordinal numbers are the ones you use to "count" things with.


T/F: Floating ribs are so called because they are much less dense than regular ribs and float in water


T/F: The humerus bone is named so because it is your "funny-bone"


Match these prefixes: 1. false 2. together, with 3. fast 4. beyond, excess A. tachy- B. ultra- C. pseudo- D. syn-, sym-

false = pseudo- together, with = syn, sym fast = tachy- beyond, excess = ultra-

Match the combining forms with the English terms hist/o far, distant dors/o back portion of the body dist/o tissue

far, distant = dist/o back portion of the body = dors/o tissue = hist/o



Match the combining forms to the English terms neck adip/o- to cast (throw) bol/o- fat cervic/o-

fat = adip/o- to cast (throw) = bol/o- neck = cervic/o-

Match the following: 1. fat 2. fat, lipid 3. stone 4. sugar A. lith/o B. gluc/o C. steat/o D. lip/o

fat = steat/o fat, lipid = lip/o stone = lith/o sugar = gluc/o





Match the combining forms with the English terms flesh A. sarc/o bone B. oste/o x-rays C. radi/o

flesh A. sarc/o bone B. oste/o x-rays C. radi/o


flow, discharge

Endolymph and perilymph are both

fluid within the labyrinth of the inner ear

Match the following: 1. forking, branching 2. tongue 3. sugar 4. death A. gloss/o B. furc/o C. mort/o D. glyc/o

forking, branching = furc/o tongue = gloss/o sugar = glyc/o death = mort/o






formation, growth, development



Match the Greek and Latin cardinal and ordinal numbers to their English equivalents. four A. quinque five B. decimum tenth C. tessara

four C. tessara five A. quinque tenth B. decimum



Match the following: 1. -fusion 2. -gen 3. -trophy 4. -stasis A. substance that produces B. stop, control C. coming together, to pour D. nourishment, development

fusion = coming together, to pour gen = substance that produces trophy = nourishment, development statsis = stop, control



Reducing the size of the stomach and diverting food to the jejunum (gastrojejunostomy)

gastric bypass (bariatric surgery)

Visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope

gastrointestinal endoscopy

Choose the signs and symptoms consistent with Addison disease... moon-like fullness of the face... obesity

generalized malaise, low blood pressure, severe loss of fluids and electrolytes



Match the combining forms with the English Terms gland A. cyt/o cell B. encephal/o brain C. aden/o

gland C. aden/o cell A. cyt/o brain B. encephal/o

Jane noticed that she gained weight recently and that her face has a moon-like fullness with new heavy hair growth. Blood and urine tests showed excessive secretion of adrenal ___. Her diagnostic work-up included a CT scan of the abdomen, which revealed enlargement of both adrenal glands. Her doctor made the diagnosis of ___.

glucocorticoids, cushing syndrome

Which of the following number words are not Greek or Latin derived?

google zero

The "uvea" of the eye is literally latin for which word




Match the combining forms with the English terms later/o groin inguin/o nucleus kary/o side

groin = inguin/o nucleus = kary/o side = later/o

Which of the following hormones are produced by the pituitary anterior lobe? gonadotropins triiodothyronine (T3)

growth hormone (GH or somatotropin), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

a chemical from the wood in trees. Reacts with blood present in feces when added to a stool sample.


Which of the following are features of the cerebral cortex? Choose all that apply.

gyri sulci



When someone has a hemiglossectomy,

half their tongue is removed



Match the following prefixes with their English meanings: hate A. auto self B. miseo at a distance, far C. tele

hate B. miseo self A. auto at a distance, far C. tele





Match the combining forms with the English terms heart A. cephal/o head B. cardi/o joint C. arthr/o

heart B. cardi/o head A. cephal/o joint C. arthr/o

bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR)


Fill in the blank to complete the word partially left blank. Do NOT type in the whole word in the box. Someone with an inflamed liver suffers from [x]itis


Match the suffix with the English meanings hernia surgical puncture to remove fluid berry-shaped pain -dynia, -cele, -coccus, -centesis

hernia = -cele surgical puncture to remove fluid = -centesis berry-shaped = -coccus pain = -dynia


hip area

When she was in her mid-20's, Judy was diagnosed with a lymph node malignancy known as _______. Because the disease was primarily in her chest, her ______ lymph nodes were irradiated (radiation therapy) and she was cured. When she developed lung cancer in her mid-40's, her oncologist told her she had an _______ radiation-induced secondary tumor.

hodgkin disease mediastinal iatrogenic


hold back

AIDS is caused by _________. Lymphocytes called CD4+ cells are destroyed, which disrupts ________, leading to _______.

human immunodeficiency virus cell-mediated immunity opportunistic infections

Which of the following bones are found in the arm?

humerus ulna radius

Select all the immediate contributing factors to asphyxia

hypercapnia, blockage of breathing, hypoxia

splenomegaly allergy medastinal mass Epstein-Barr virus hypersplenism thymoma mononucleosis hypersensitivity

hypersplenism - splenomegaly hypersensitivity - allergy thymoma - medastinal mass mononucleosis - Epstein-Barr virus

Match the terms to their description/definition A substance that prevents clotting = Blood protein disease = The study of cells = Lack of white blood cells = Hemoglobinopathy, Leukocytopenia, Anticoagulant, Cytology

i) A substance that prevents clotting = Anticoagulant ii) Blood protein disease = Hemoglobinopathy iii) The study of cells = Cytology iv) Lack of white blood cells = Leukocytopenia

Match the blood cell morphological abnormality with the description Cells are unequal in size = Cells are large = Cells are irregularly shaped = Cells are rounded = Macrocytosis, Anisocytosis, Poikilocytosis, Spherocytosis

i) Cells are unequal in size = Anisocytosis ii) Cells are large = Macrocytosis iii) Cells are irregularly shaped = Poikilocytosis iv) Cells are rounded = Spherocytosis

Match the granulocyte with the color and shade of its granules Dark blue/purple = Red = Does not stain intensely with either basic or acidic dye = Neutrophil, Eosinophil, Basophil

i) Dark blue/purple = Basophil ii) Red = Eosinophil iii) Does not stain intensely with either basic or acidic dye = Neutrophil

From among the following, choose the four proteins present in blood plasma

i) Globulins ii) Fibrinogen iii) Prothrombin iv) Albumin

Match the combining form, suffix, or prefix with the English term Iron = Marrow = Shape, form = All = sider/o-, Pan-, Morph/o-, Myel/o-

i) Iron = sider/o- ii) Marrow = Myel/o- iii) Shape, form = Morph/o- iv) All = Pan-

Which of the following belong to the first stage of blood cell formation from stem cells (choose all that apply).

i) Lymphoblast ii) Monoblast iii) Erythroblast

choose the two most numerous lymphocytes in the bloodstream

i) Neutrophils ii) Lymphocytes

Match the term to the description Pertaining to reduction of hemoglobin in red blood cells = Destruction of red blood cells = Separation of blood so that a percentage of red blood cells in relation to the volume of blood sample is measured = General increase in the number of red blood cells; erythremia = Hematocrit, Polycythemia vera, Hemolysis, Hypochromic

i) Pertaining to reduction of hemoglobin in red blood cells = Hypochromic ii) Destruction of red blood cells = Hemolysis iii) Separation of blood so that a percentage of red blood cells in relation to the volume of blood sample is measured = Hematocrit iv) General increase in the number of red blood cells; erythremia = Polycythemia vera

Match the terms to their description/definition Plasma minus proteins and cells = The process of clotting = Enzyme that helps convert fibrinogen to fibrin = Lack of iron = Serum, Thrombin, Sideropenia, Coagulation

i) Plasma minus proteins and cells = Serum ii) The process of clotting = Coagulation iii) Enzyme that helps convert fibrinogen to fibrin = Thrombin iv) Lack of iron = Sideropenia

Match the terms to the meanings Process of blood clotting = The liquid portion of blood containing proteins, water, salt, nutrients, hormones, and vitamins = Major blood proteins = A white blood cell with numerous dark staining granules = Globins, Granulocyte, Plasma, Coagulation

i) Process of blood clotting = Coagulation ii) The liquid portion of blood containing proteins, water, salt, nutrients, hormones, and vitamins = Plasma iii) Major blood proteins = Globins A white blood cell with numerous dark staining granules = Granulocyte

Plasma is a solution that consists of which of the following elements? (choose all that apply)

i) Proteins ii) Water iii) Salt

Match the term to the description/definition The controlling or stopping of blood flow = The formation of blood = That which relieves the symptoms of a disease but does not cure it = The symptoms of a disease disappear = Remission, Hematopoiesis, Hemostasis, Palliative

i) The controlling or stopping of blood flow = Hemostasis ii) The formation of blood = Hematopoiesis iii) That which relieves the symptoms of a disease but does not cure it = Palliative iv) The symptoms of a disease disappear = Remission

An injury caused in the normal course of treating another is called [x]



in, into

Match the prefixes with their English meanings. in, into, on A. intra between B. in within C. inter

in, into, on B. in between C. inter within A. intra


incision, cutting into

measures unconjugated bilirubin. Increased levels mean excessive hemolysis, as may occur in a newborn

indirect bilirubin tests

Match each term with its opposite supine inferior superior lateral medial prone

inferior = superior lateral = medial prone = supine



Match the suffixes with the meanings inflammation A. -al pertaining to B. -logy study of C. -itis

inflammation C. -itis pertaining to A. -al study of B. -logy

Match the lymph nodes with their location. Near the groin On the neck The space between the lungs in the chest At the armpit medastinal nodes axillary nodes inguinal nodes cervical nodes

inguinal nodes = Near the groin cervical nodes = On the neck medastinal nodes = The space between the lungs in the chest axillary nodes = At the armpit

medulla is to cortex as (choose one)

inner is to outer


instrument to visually view

Which of the following hormones are produced by the pancreas Islet cells?

insulin glucagon



Joe had a stroke in the left hemisphere of his brain, and ever since, he encountered paralysis in his left hand. The effect was clearly (x).


Choose the skin elements the derive from Greek or Latin roots for horn/horny keratinized cells stratum corneum

keratinized cells, stratum corneum





Match the combining form with its English definition. kidney renal pelvis urinary bladder nitrogen A. azot/o B. ren/o C. vesic/o D. pyel/o

kidney B. ren/o renal pelvis D. pyel/o urinary bladder C. vesic/o nitrogen A. azot/o

Match the combining forms with the English terms kidney A. thromb/o eye B. ophthalm/o clotting C. ren/o

kidney C. ren/o eye B. ophthalm/o clotting A. thromb/o



Mary has significant lower back pain radiating down her left leg. MRI shows an intervertebral ___ impinging on several nerves at the ___ level. Bed rest produced no improvement. His orthopedist decided to perform a ___ to relieve pressure on his nerves.

laminectomy, disk, L5-S1


language thought to be spoken by a people living in what is now southwestern Russia and Kazakhstan

Visual (endoscopic) examination of the abdomen with a laparascope inserted through small incisions in the abdomen


Match the following prefixes with their English meanings: large, great A. mega large, long, excessive B. meta with,after,beyond;change C. macron

large, great A. mega large, long, excessive C. macron with, after, beyond; change B. meta

The cerebral hemispheres are divided along a _______ plane (choose one).

lateral (sagittal)

Match the Greek words with their English equivalents: law, rule. A. Scopeo look at. B. polis city. C. Nomos

law, rule. C. Nomos look at. A. Scopeo city. B. polis

Choose all the terms that pertain to blood or blood cells.

leukocytes hemostasis erythrocytes granulocytes



Match the following: 1. lip 2. lower jaw 3. tooth 4. anus and rectum A. mandibul/o B. odont/o C. labi/o D. proct/o

lip = labi/o lower jaw = mandibul/o tooth = odont/o anus and rectum = proct/o

Carte blanche (Fr.)

literally, a blank document; unconditional authority

Coup (Fr.)

literally, a blow; a clever action or accomplishment

Fiasco (It)

literally, a bottle; a total failure

pajama (Hindi)

literally, a loose garment

Candy (Arabic qandi)

literally, a piece of sugar

Aficionado (Sp.)

literally, affectionate; an ardent fan

Prima donna (It)

literally, first lady; a temperamental individual

tycoon (Japanese)

literally, great prince; a businessperson having great wealth and power

Avant-garde (Fr.)

literally, guard before; experimentalists in any art in a particular period

Choose all the elements necessary in creating the medical terms for "stones in the gallbladder" and "stones in the salivary gland."

lith/o chol/e sialaden/o



Removal of liver tissue for microscopic examination

liver biopsy

Tests for the presence of enzymes and bilirubin in blood

liver function tests (LFTs)



In its strictest sense, autopsy refers to (choose one):

looking at something for oneself

A hypoglycemic person has (choose one):

low blood sugar

Match the combining forms with the English terms lower back (side and back between the ribs and the pelvis) nearest spine, backbone spin/o, proxim/o, lumb/o

lower back (side and back between the ribs and the pelvis) = lumb/o nearest = proxim/o spine, backbone = spin/o

Order the parts of the stomach from proximal (first) to distal (last). 1. Fundus 2. Body 3. Lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter 4. Pylorus 5. Antrum

lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter -> fundus -> body -> antrum -> pylorus 3 1 2 5 4

X-ray images of the colon and rectum obtained after injection of barium into the rectum

lower gastrointestinal series (barium enema)



Magnetic waves produce images of organs and tissues in all three planes of the body

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Match the combining forms to the English terms my/o breast mamm/o, mast/o shape, form myel/o muscle morph/o spinal cord, bone marrow

mamm/o, mast/o = breast morph/o = shape, form muscle = my/o spinal cord, bone marrow = myel/o


many, much

Bazaar (Perisan bazar)


Which one of the following is NOT derived from a Greek or Latin root meaning "breast"?







menses/ menstruation

Which of the following bones are found in the foot?

metatarsals, phalanges, tarsals

Out of the following forms, which ones would be necessary to describe a condition present at birth in which the head is smaller than usual?

micro cephaly congenital



The English word "muscle" is the diminutive of the Latin word mus, which means:


Match the combining forms (or suffixes) with their meanings movement paralysis water word, phrase A. -plegia B. -hydr/o C. -kinesia D. lex/o

movement C. -kinesia paralysis A. -plegia water B. -hydr/o word, phrase D. lex/o

Match the prefixes with their English meanings: much, many A. pros all B. poly to, toward C. pan

much, many B. poly all C. pan to, toward A. pros



William, aged 75, had progressive weakness in both legs and difficulty standing for long periods of time. He noticed drooping of both eyelids and double vision. His neurologist gave him a drug to improve the transmission of nervous impulses to muscles. Name his condition which means "lack of strength in muscles."

myasthenia gravis

A malignant tumor of the muscle is known as (choose one)


Match the major conditions possible with hypothyroidism

myxedema, cretinism

Insertion of a tube through the nose into the stomach

nasogastric intubation

Match the following: 1. nat/i 2. nect/o 3. norm/o 4. sepso A. birth B. infection C. rule, order D. to bind, tie, connect

nat/i = birth nect/o = to bind, tie or connect norm/o = rule, order sepso = infection

Which TWO of the following are involve derivation from a Latin verbal suffix (choose two) (Use of the book and the online etymological dictionary may help. A.abulate B.verbose C.navigation D.pacification E.omnivirous

navigation pacification


neck of body/ or neck of uterus

When someone coins a new word, it is, technically speaking, a/an (choose one).


Choose all the words that relate to some aspect of pregnancy or related diagnoses or procedures.

neonatal postpartum pseudocyesis ultrasonography

Which of the following terms refer to the kidneys? Choose all that apply.

nephrectomy renal failure nephrology

Match the description to its proper medical term -nephrolithotomy -renal colic -cystostomy -meatal stenosis A. Opening of the urinary bladder to the outside body. B. Narrowing of the area where urine directly leaves the body. C. Incision into a kidney to remove a stone. D. Spasmic pain in the kidney.

nephrolithotomy C. Incision into a kidney to remove a stone. renal colic D. Spasmic pain in the kidney. cystostomy A. Opening of the urinary bladder to the outside body. meatal stenosis B. Narrowing of the area where urine directly leaves the body.





Match the combining form to the English term. night substance that forms scanty pus -py/o -notct/o -olig/o -poietin

night -noct/o substance that forms -poietin scanty -olig/o pus -py/o

Match the combining forms with the English terms thorac/o nipple trache/o chest thel/o trachea, windpipe

nipple = thel/o chest = thorac/o trachea, windpipe = trache/o

a, an-

no, not

Match these prefixes: 1. no, not, without 2. away from 3. toward 4. self, own A. a-, an- B. auto- C. ab- D. ad-

no, not without = a, an- away from = ab- toward = ad- self, own = auto-

Match the meanings to the following prefixes. no, not, without A. a-, an- excessive, above B. hyper- deficient, under C. hypo-

no, not, without A. a-, an- excessive, above B. hyper- deficient, under C. hypo-





Select the signs and symptoms consistent with Cushing syndrome. ... myxedema

obesity, moon-like fullness of the face, excess deposition of fat in the thoracic region of the back, virilization

Which of the following are glial cells? Choose all that apply.

oligodendroglial cell ependymal cell astrocyte

Fill in the blank to complete the word partially left blank. Do NOT type in the whole word in the box. If you notice a tumor, the specialist to see is an [x]logist




Match the Greek and Latin numerical adjectives and adverbs to their English equivalents. one and a half A. hemi twice B. dis half C. sesqui

one and a half C. sesqui twice B. dis half A. hemi

Match the English terms with the suffixes -ist one who -er condition -ia specialist -tic pertaining to

one who = -er condition = -ia specialist = -ist pertaining to = -tic



Sarah suddenly experienced bright flashes of light in her right eye. She also told her physician that she had a sensation of a curtain being pulled over part of the visual field in that eye. Her doctor examined that eye with ___, and determined that she ___. Surgery, known as ___, was recommended.

ophthalmoscopy, retinal detachment, scleral buckling

Which combining forms/suffixes are necessary to describe painful bones? Choose all that apply.

osteo- -algia

Select all of the elements present in bone tissue: -osteolymph -osteoclasts -renin -calcium phosphate -osseus tissue

osteoclasts, calcium phosphate, osseus tissue

Match the following prefixes with their English meanings. out of A. extra outside B. ex, e with, together. C. cum

out of B. ex, e outside A. extra with, together. C. cum

Desperado (Sp.)





outside of


outside, out



Match the following prefixes with their English meanings. over, beyond; excessively A. hyper under, below; slightly B. homeon similar C. hypo

over, beyond; excessively A. hyper under, below; slightly C. hypo similar B. homeon

Match the terms to their medical prefixes. over, upon A. epi- within B. endo- back, behind C. retro-

over, upon A. epi- within B. endo- back, behind C. retro-

Choose all that occurs in the exchange between the alveoli and lung capillaries

oxygen enters the bloodstream, erythrocytes deposit CO2 into the alveolus



Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen

paracentesis (abdominocentesis)



Match the English terms with the combining forms path/o A. tumor rhin/o B. disease onc/o C. nose

path/o B. disease rhin/o C. nose onc/o A. tumor

cholangiography in which the contrast medium is injected using a needle placed through the abdominal wall into the liver

percutaneous transhepatic




pertaining to

-al or -eal

pertaining to

-ar or -ary or -ic

pertaining to


pertaining to

Match the suffix with the English meanings -y pertaining to -us condition, process -ac, -iac, -al structure, substance -ule, -ole little, small

pertaining to = -ac, -iac, -al condition, process = -y structure, substance = -us little, small = -ule, -ole


pertaining to infection

Match the suffix with the English meanings pertaining to producing, producing, produced by or in resembling pertaining to, full of structure, tissue -oid, -um/ium, -ose, -genic

pertaining to producing, producing, produced by or in = -genic resembling = -oid pertaining to, full of = -ose structure, tissue = -um, ium

Match the following suffixes with their English derivatives -plasm pertaining to, full of -somes formation -ose bodies

pertaining to, full of = -ose formation = -plasm bodies = -somes

Which of the following bones are found in the hand?

phalanges, metacarpals, carpals





Match the English terms to the combining forms rect/o formation, development plas/o lungs staphyl/o rectum pneumon/o, pulmon/o clusters

plas/o = formation, development pneumon/o, pulmon/o = lungs rect/o = rectum staphyl/o = clusters



Andrew likes to eat rich food. Lately he noticed pain and tenderness in his right toe, called ___, and also depositis of hard lumps over his elbows. His doctor orders a serum uric acid test; the result is abnormally high, revealing ___, consistent with a diagnosis of ___.

podagra, gouty arthritis, hyperuricemia

From among the following, choose the symptoms (more than one) characteristic of diabetes mellitus..

polyuria polydipsia hyperglycemia




process of recording


process of visual examination


process, condition


process, condition

Match the suffixes with their English meanings. producing A. -pathy disease condition B. -genic blood condition C.-emia

producing B. -genic disease condition A. -pathy blood condition C.-emia

Choose the one word that best applies. The doctor told Joe that the ___________ was excellent, and that he would have a speedy recovery.




Joe's turbid (cloudy) urine was found to indicate pyuria and bateriura. This indicated a bacterial infection that had caused (choose one):


Fill in the blank to complete the word partially left blank. Do NOT type in the whole word in the box. When you get an x-ray, the specialist who interprets it is a [x]logist






Splenectomy Splenomegaly Lymphopoiesis Toxic formation of lymph removal of the spleen enlargement of the spleen pertaining to poison

removal of the spleen - splenectomy enlargement of the spleen - splenomegaly formation of lymph - lymphopoiesis pertaining to poison - toxic


removal, resection, excision

According to the nephrologist, Hank was suffering from: (choose the one word that best applies.

renal failure



Which of the following are examples of exanthematous viral diseases? rubella rubeola varicella

rubella, rubeola, varicella

Match the prefixes with their English meanings: rule by the few. A. Ochlocracy rule by the Rich. B. Plutocracy mob Rule. C. Oligarchy

rule by the few. C. Oligarchy rule by the Rich. B. Plutocracy mob Rule. A. Ochlocracy


rule, order



Match the combining forms with the English terms sacrum flesh spine, backbone sacr/o, spin/o, sarc/o

sacrum = sacr/o flesh = sarc/o spine, backbone = spin/o

Match the following: 1. salivary gland 2. mouth 3. starch 4. gall, bile A. stomat/o B. amyl/o C. sialaden/o D. chol/e

salivary gland = sialaden/o mouth = stomat/o starch = amyl/o gall, bile = chol/e

Which of the following is NOT derived from the Latin verb sedeo-sedere-sessum: "to sit" (the online etymological dictionary may help). A. session B. sediment C. sedative D. sedentary E. secession


Match the Greek and Latin cardinal and ordinal numbers to their English equivalents. second A. deuteron one thousand B. septimum seventh C. chilioi

second A. deuteron one thousand C. chilioi seventh B. septimum






separation, breakdown, distruction

Which of the following are NOT common routes of HIV Transmission?

sharing utensils kissing

After taking care of his grandchild who had chickenpox, Dan experienced sudden onset of severe pain in his right shoulder. Several days later he noticed an erythematous rash, with blisters at the site of the pain on his shoulders and arm. He also had blisters all around the mid-section of his body. His physician prescribed a medication which led to gradual improvements in his blisters, rash and pain. What is his likely condition?


Match the Greek derivatives with their English equivalents. shorthand A. Oncology study of cancer B. Stenography study of earthquakes C. Seismology

shorthand B. Stenography study of cancer A. Oncology study of earthquakes C. Seismology



Match the Greek and Latin cardinal and ordinal numbers to their English equivalents. six A. ennea seven B. hex nine C. hepta

six B. hex seven C. hepta nine A. ennea







Match the following: 1. sleep 2. to put, place 3. nipple 4. place, position, location A. top/o B. the/o C. thel/o D. somn/o

sleep = somn/o to put, place = the/o nipple = thel/o place, position, location = top/o



Match these prefixes: 1. slow 2. down, lack of 3. through, complete 4. out, outside A. brady- B. dia- C. ec, ecto- D. de-

slow = brady- down, lack of = de- through, complete = dia- out, outside = ec, ecto-

Shows sequential x-ray pictures of small intestine as barium passes through

small bowel follow-through

Which one of the following least belongs in the list (pick one). A. monon B. solus C. hen D. unum E. proton





specialist in the study of something




spinal cord




spitting up blood from respiratory tract

Which of the following are considered ossicles

stapes, malleus, ictus


state of



Order the following pathways of food from first to last: 1. ileum 2. duodenum 3. transverse colon 4. stomach

stomach, duodenum, ileum, transverse colon

Match the following: 1. stomat/o 2. labi/o 3. odont/o 4. lingu/o A. gloss/o B. cheil/o C. or/o D. dent/i

stomat/o = or/o (mouth) labi/o = cheli/o (lip) odont/o = dent/i (teeth) lingu/o = gloss/o (tongue)

test for microorganisms present in feces

stool culture

Test to detect occult (hidden) blood in feces

stool guaiac test (Hemoccult test)





Which of the following are cranial bones or elements of cranial bones?

styloid process, sphenoid bone, mastoid process

-rrhage, -rrhagia

suffix: bursting forth (of blood)


suffix: destruction, breakdown, separation


suffix: digestion


suffix: drooping, sagging, protruding


suffix: eating, swallowing


suffix: flow, discharge


suffix: involuntary contraction of muscles


suffix: opening


suffix: spitting


suffix: stopping, controlling

-ectasis, -ectasia

suffix: stretching, dilatation, widening


suffix: surgical repair


suffix: suture


suffix: tightening, stricture, narrowing


suffix: vomiting




surgical puncture to remove fluid


surgical repair



Which of ONE of the following words is NOT derived from a Latin word (the book and the online etymological dictionary may help). A. porch B. feminine C. vehicle D. czar E. tank


In an autoimmune disease, (choose one):

the body makes antibodies against its own good cells and tissues


the compiling of dictionaries


the rules or patterns of the formation of sentences


the science of language, including history, formation, and structures of languages


the science of speech sounds, speech elements, and pronunciation


the study of linguistic meaning of sentences


the study of the history of a particular word; the derivation of origin of a word


the study of written languages





A condition when someone has blood low in platelets (clotting agents) is called (choose one)?


Which of the following are types of CVA?

thrombotic hemorrhagic embolic

Match the prefixes with their English meanings. through, by A. pro in front of, on behalf of B. per before C. prae

through, by B. per in front of, on behalf of A. pro before C. prae

Which of the following hormones are produced by the thyroid gland...insulin, parathyroid hormone

thyroxine (T4), calcitonin, triiodothyronine (T3)



Match the combining forms with the English terms lapar/o time isch/o water, fluid chron/o to hold back hydr/o abdomen, abdominal wall

time = chron/o water, fluid = hydr/o to hold back = isch/o abdomen, abdominal wall = lapar/o


to cut


to fall, slide

Match these suffixes: 1. to grow 2. to bear, carry; feeling (mental state) 3. birth, labor 4. droop, sag, prolapse A. -phoria B. -ptosis C. -physis D. -partum

to grow = -physis to bear, carry; feeling (mental state) = -phoria birth, labor = -partum droop, sag, prolapse = -ptosis


to measure


to produce


to produce or begin


to put, place, position


to send

Match these suffixes: 1. to slide, fall, lag 2. breakdown, separation, loosening 3. to send 4. to flow A. -mission B. -rrhea C. -lysis D. -lapse

to slide, fall, lag = -lapse breakdown, separation, loosening = -lysis to send = -mission to flow = -rrhea


to stand, place


to view


together, with

Produces a series of x-ray pictures showing multiple views of an organ





toward, near

poison protection pertaining to standing/positioned to stop -phylaxis -stitial tox/o -suppression

tox/o - poison -phylaxis - protection -stitial - pertaining to standing/position -suppression - to stop






tumor, mass

Match the suffixes with the meanings tumor, swelling A. -ic pertaining to B. -oma record C.-gram

tumor, swelling B. -oma pertaining to A. -ic record C.-gram


two, both

Match the following prefixes with their English meanings meta up ana down cata change

up = ana down = cata change = meta


up, against

X-ray images of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine obtained after administering barium by mouth

upper gastrointestinal series


urinary bladder


urine or urea



The 10th cranial nerve is also known as the [x] nerve.




Match each medical directional term with its other name dorsal anterior cephalic posterior ventral superior

ventral = anterior dorsal = posterior cephalic = superior

Select all the things that happen when diastole occurs

ventricle walls relax, blood flows into the heart from the venae-cavae and pulmonary veins, tricuspid and mitral valves open

Choose the four defects in the tetralogy of a ballot: ventricular septal defect, shift of aorta to the right, patent ductus arteriosus, hypertrophied RV, arterial stenosis

ventricular septal defect, shift of aorta to the right, hypertrophied RV, arterial stenosis

Jane noticed a small papillomatous wart on her hand. Her dermatologist explained that it was a ___ and was caused by a ___. The doctor suggested removing it by ___.

verruca, virus, cryosurgery





Combines CT scanning and computer technology to enable physicians to examine the entire length of the colon by x-ray imaging in just minutes

virtual colonoscopy


voice box

From among the following, choose the synonyms for urination.

voiding micturition


vomiting blood

Match the following prefixes with their English meanings: well A. ec in B. eu out of C. en

well B. eu in C. en out of A. ec




with, together





Match the following: 1. wrist bones 2. meals 3. to cut 4. rib A. cib/o B. carp/o C. cis/o D. cost/o

wrist bones = carp/o meals = cib/o to cut = cis/o rib = cost/o



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