MGMT 363 ch10

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"what people are like/will likely do"


"what people can do" this refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities -relatively stable -generally limits ow much a person can improve -function of both genes and environment

Gross body coordination

(Type of coordination) Coordinating movement of body, arms, legs in activities that involve all three together


(Type of flexibility) Speed of bending, stretching, and twisting of body, arms, and legs Ex. A house painter on a ladder trying to paint the trim just barely in reach


(Type of flexibility) Degree of bending, stretching, twisting of body, arms, or legs Ex. If someone needs to work In a cramped compartment or awk position (someone installing speakers in the trunk of a car)


(Type of physical ability) Capacity to manipulate and control objects 4 facets: 1. Fine manipulative abilities 2. Control movement abilities 3. Response orientation 4. Response time Jobs relevant: fabric menders, potters, timing device enablers, jewelers, construction drillers, ag equipment operators, photographers, highway patrol pilots, athletes


(Type of physical ability) The ability of a persons lungs and circulatory system to work efficiently while he or she is engaged in a prolonged physical activity -may be important In jobs that require running, swimming, and climbing -is involved whenever the nature of a physical ability causes the heart rate to climb and the depth and rate of breathing to increase for prolonged periods of time without circulatory system giving out Jobs relevant: athletes, dancers, commercial drivers, firefighters


(Type of physical ability) The ability to bend, stretch, twist, and reach 2 types: extent and dynamic Jobs relevant: athletes, dancers, riggers, industrial machinery mechanics, choreographers, commercial drivers, structural iron and steel workers


(Type of physical ability) The quality of physical movement 2 types: gross body coordination or gross body equilibrium Jobs relevant: athletes, dancers, riggers, industrial machinery mechanics, choreographers, commercial drivers, structural iron and steel workers

Fine manipulative abilities

(Type of psychomotor ability) Keeping hand and arm steady while grasping, manipulating, and assembling small objects like watches, arteries, nerves, gems

Control movement abilities

(Type of psychomotor ability) Making quick, precise adjustments to machine while operating it Ex. A dentist drilling a tooth

Response orientation

(Type of psychomotor ability) Quickly choosing among appropriate alternative movements Ex. Airline pilot responding to flashing lights, buzzers, and verbal info during inflight emergency

Response time

(Type of psychomotor ability) Quickly responding to signals with body movements

self awareness

(a facet of emotional intelligence) - the appraisal and expression of emotions in oneself -ability to understand the emotions he/she is experiencing, willingness to acknowledge them, and capability to express them naturally ex. someone low in this might not admit to himself that hes nervous about the 1st few days on the job

emotion regualtion

(a facet of emotional intelligence) being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences ex. if told you were given a raise the rest of the day if you dont recover you may be to excited about the thought and not focus on any work that needs to get done

other awareness

(a facet of emotional intelligence) the appraisal and recognition of emotion in others -a persons ability to recognize and understand the emotions that other people are feeling high in this: sensitive to the feelings of others but also can anticipate the emotions that people will experience in different situations low in this: dont effectively sense emotions of those around them , may worsen the situation of those people ex. a waitress can tell what people want to be talked to and who wants to be left alone

use of emotions

(a facet of emotional intelligence) the degree to which people can harness emotions and employ them to improve their chances of being successful in whatever their seeking to do ex. a writer struggling to finish a book in a serious time crunch high in this- would psych herself up for the challenge and encourage herself to work hard through writes block low in this-might begin to doubt her competence and think about different things in life she could do

reasoning ability

(type of cognitive ability) a diverse set of abilities associated with sensing and solving problems using insight, rules, and logic 4 types: 1. problem sensitivity 2. deductive reasoning 3. inductive reasoning 4. originality jobs relevant: anesthesiologists, surgeons, business executives, fire inspectors, judges, police detectives, forensic investigators, cartoonists, designers

perceptual ability

(type of cognitive ability) being able to perceive, understand, and recall patterns of info 2 types: 1. speed and flexibility of closure 2. perceptual speed relevant jobs: musicians, firefighters, police officers, pilots, mail clerks, inspectors

spatial ability

(type of cognitive ability) capabilities associated with visual or mental representation and manipulation of objects in space 2 types: 1. spatial orientation 2. visualization relevant jobs: pilots, drivers, boat captains, photographers, set designers, sketch artists

quantitative ability

(type of cognitive ability) this refers to 2 types of mathematical capabilities: 1. number facility 2. mathematical reasoning jobs relevant: treasurers, financial managers, mathematical technicians, statisticians

verbal ability

(type of cognitive ability) this refers to various capabilities associated with understanding and expressing oral and written communication 4 aspects: 1. oral comprehension 2. written comprehension 3. oral expression 4. written expression -most important in jobs in which effectiveness depends on understanding and communicating ideas and information to others jobs relevant: business executives, police, fire, and ambulance dispatchers, clinical psychologists

perceptual speed

(type of perceptual ability) being able to examine and compare numbers, letters, and objects quickly ex. go to super market and pick out best tomatoes faster than those around you

speed and flexibility of closure

(type of perceptual ability) refers to being able to pick out a pattern of info quickly in the presence of distracting info, even without all info present ex. CIA breaking codes

sensory ability

(type of physical abilities) capabilities associated with vision and hearing examples: -near and far vision -night vision -visual color discrimination -depth perception -hearing sensitivity -auditory attention -speech recognition job relevant: electronic testers and inspectors, highway patrol pilots, tractor trailer, truck, and bus drivers, airline pilots, photographers, musicians and composers, industrial machine mechanics, speech pathologists

mathematical reasoning

(type of quantitative ability) refers to the ability to choose and apply formulas to solve problems that involve numbers

number facility

(type of quantitative ability) the capability to do simple math operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing)

deductive reasoning

(type of reasoning ability) an ability which refers to the use of general rules to solve problems, is important in any job in which people are presented with a set of facts that need to be applied to make decisions ex. a judge needs to apply law to make a verdict

inductive reasoning

(type of reasoning ability) the ability to consider several specific pieces of info and then reach a more general conclusion regarding how those pieces are related ex. police detectives and crime investigators who must consider blood splatters, foot prints, fibers to reach conclusions

problem sensitivity

(type of reasoning ability) the ability to sense that there's a problem right now or likely to be on in the near future ex. anesthesiology; must carefully observe patients so they dont have problems and result in a life or death manner


(type of reasoning ability) this refers to the ability to develop clever and novel ways of solving problems ex. creators of google, in some jobs most important critical ability such as for cartoonist, designers, writers, advertising executives

visual color discrimination

(type of sensory ability) detecting differences in colors and shapes ex. interior designer

auditory attention

(type of sensory ability) focusing on a source of sound in the presence of other sources

hearing sensitivity

(type of sensory ability) hearing differences in sounds that vary in terms of pitch and loudness

speech recognition

(type of sensory ability) identifying and understanding the speech of others

depth perception

(type of sensory ability) judging relative distances

near and far vision

(type of sensory ability) seeing details of an object up close or at a distance ex. watch repairer or fighter pilot

night vision

(type of sensory ability) seeing well in low light


(type of spatial ability) the ability to imagine how separate things will look if they were put together in a particular way

spatial orientation

(type of spatial ability) this refers to a good understanding of where one is relative to other things in the environment ex. a tourist with a good ability of this would have no problem finding their way back to the hotel after a day of sightseeing


(type of strength) ability to exert force for a prolonged period of time without becoming fatigued or giving out involves jobs where employees may have to climb ropes or ladders or pull themselves on platforms


(type of strength) ability to lift, push or pull heavy objects using the hands, arms, legs, shoulders or back used for jobs which require lifting boxes, equipment, machine parts or heavy tools


(type of strength) people exert short bursts of energy to move a body or a object employees who have to run, jump, or throw things at work

written comprehension

(type of verbal ability) ability to understand written words and sentences

oral expression

(type of verbal ability) the ability to communicate ideas by speaking

written expression

(type of verbal ability) the ability to communicate ideas in writing

oral comprehension

(type of verbal ability) the ability to understand spoken words and sentences

physical culture intelligence

-corresponds with the body of cultural intelligence ability to adapt ones behavior when a cultural encounter requires it

cognitive culture intelligence

-corresponds with the head of cultural intelligence the ability to sense differences among people due to culture and to use this knowledge in planning how to interact with others in anticipation of a cross cultural interaction

emotional culture intelligence

-corresponds with the heart of cultural intelligence the level of effort and persistence an individual exerts when trying to understand and adapt to new cultures


IQs scored less than ___ indicated a potential learning disability or educational deficiency where as over this number meant particularly bright for there age

Gross body equilibrium

The ability to maintain the balance of the body in unstable contexts or when the person must change directions -more important in work environments that's artificially elevated and inherently unstable

emotional intelligence

a set of distinct but related abilities 4 facets: 1.self awareness 2. other awareness 3. emotional regulation 4. use of emotions

cultural intelligence

ability to discern differences among people that are due to culture and to understand what these difference mean in terms of ways people tend to think and behave in different situations 3 sources: head, body heart

emotional quotient inventory (EQ-i)

an assessment used to reflect emotional intelligence -133 questions -used by many organizations to improve managerial practices and organizational effectiveness -criticized for measuring personality traits more-so than actual abilities

cognitive abilities

factors in the environment that affect cognitive abilities: 1. the quantity of schooling may be important because it provides opportunities for people to develop knowledge and skills 2. theres evidence that our choice of occupations may influence 3. certain biological factors are known to affect this negatively during childhood events (ex. malnutrition, prenatal exposure to alcohol)


general cognitive ability is a ___ predictor of job performance, in particular task performance **strongest correlation amongst all variables discussed in the book


generally refers to the degree in which the body is capable of exerting force types: static, explosive, dynamic relevant jobs: structural iron and steel workers, tractor trailer and heavy truck drivers, farm workers, fire fighters

wonderlic cognitive ability test

one of the most widely used cognitive tests -12 min long -50 questions -NFL uses for draft picks

learning and decision making

people with high general cognitive ability tend to be better at what? ____ & ___ ___ 3 caveats: 1. cognitive ability tends to be more strongly correlated with task performance than with citizenship or counterproductive behavior 2. positive correlation b/w cognitive ability and performance is even stronger in jobs that are complex or situations that demand adaptability 3. people may do poorly on such test, not because they lack the underlying cognitive ability but because they may not have had the learning opportunities needed to provide the appropriate responses

general cognitive ability

sometimes called g or g factor underlies or causes all of the more specific cognitive abilities (an overlap of all the specific abilities

cognitive ability

the capabilities related to the acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving -relevant for jobs which involve the use of info to make decisions and solve problems types: verbal, quantitative, reasoning, spatial, perceptual ex. testing such as SAT

cognitive abilities

the following affect ____ ___ -quantity of schooling -childhood malnutrition -choice of occupations

physical abilities

the following are type of __ ___: strength, stamina, flexibility, coordination, pyschomotor, sensory

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