MGMT Ch. 1-4

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Operations management

A specialized area in management that converts or transforms resources (including human resources) into goods and services.

General Environment

the economic, technological, sociocultural, and political/legal trends that indirectly affect all organizations


A person who invests in a corporation by buying stock and is a partial owner

What is a subsystem?

A system that is part of another system

Systems Management

Addressing the business, technological, and organizational issues associated with creating, maintaining, and modifying a system

How do ethics differ from legality?

Ethics reflect people's proper relationships with one another. Legality is narrower in that it refers to laws we have written to protect ourselves from fraud, theft, and violence.

Hawthorne Studies: Elton Mayo

Human factors related to work were found to be more important than physical conditions or design of work. Workers not just extensions of machines, and financial incentives weren't necessarily the most important for motivating workers. Managers better understood effect of group social interactions, employee satisfaction, and attitudes on individual and group performance.

US Sentencing Commission Guidelines

If a catalog retailer promised customers it would not sell their personal information (addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.) to another direct marketing company, and it did, the catalog retailer would be found guilty of invasion of privacy. Its sentence would be determined by ____.

________________ used small clay tokens to calculate quantities of grain and livestock—and later, value-added goods such as perfume or pottery—that they owned and traded in temples and at city gates. Different shapes and sizes represented different types and quantities of goods.

Sumerian businesses

Types of Stakeholders

Supportive: high cooperation, low threat (strategy involve them) Marginal: low cooperation, low threat (strategy monitor them to make sure they don't become a threat) Non-Supportive: high threat, low cooperation (strategy defend against shitheads like PETA) Mixed blessing: high threat and high cooperation (strategy collaborate with them but be careful or they will become a threat)

Motion Studies: Frank & Lillian Gilbreth

Time Study - timing how long it takes good workers to complete each part of their job Motion Study - Breaking each task into its separate motions and then eliminating those that are unnecessary or repetitive.

acting on threats and opportunities

Which of the following is one of the steps in the process that managers use to make sense of their changing environments?

What is a bureaucracy?

a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.

Motivation to manage

an assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others

dynamic environment

an environment in which the rate of change is fast

stable environment

an environment in which the rate of change is slow

Simple Environment

an environment with few environmental factors

Complex Environment

an environment with many environmental factors

environmental scanning

collection and interpretation of information about forces, events, and relationships in the external environment that may affect the future of the organization or the implementation of the marketing plan

Administrative Management

concerned with managing the total organization

Interpreting Environmental Factors

determining what environmental events and issue mean to the organization: threats or opportunities?

Decisional Roles

entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator

Planning involves

establishing goals and specifying how to achieve them

Interpersonal Roles

figurehead, leader, liaison

Management is

getting work done through others

Contingency Approach

holds that there are no universal management theories and that the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place

Managerial Roles

interpersonal, informational, decisional

Informational Roles

monitor, disseminator, spokesperson

Controlling is

monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed

open and closed systems

open systems interact with other systems (closed systems do not interact with other systems)

What are the four functions of management?

planning, organizing, leading, controlling

Types of Workplace Deviance

production deviance, property deviance, political deviance, personal aggression

Conceptual Skills

the ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and to distinguish between cause and effect

Resource Scarcity

the abundance or shortage of critical organizational resources in an organization's external environment

What is ethics?

the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs

Specific Environment

the customers, competitors, suppliers, industry regulations, and advocacy groups that are unique to an industry and directly affect how a company does business

Ethical Intensity

the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue

Social Responsibility

the obligation of a business to contribute to society


the power that results from the combination of two or more forces

organizational culture

the set of values, ideas, attitudes, and norms of behavior that is learned and shared among the members of an organization

punctuated equilibrium theory

the theory that companies go through long periods of stability (equilibrium), followed by short periods of dynamic, fundamental change (revolutionary periods), and then a new equilibrium

Kinds of Managers

top managers, middle managers, first-line managers, team leaders

workplace deviance

unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrong

social responsiveness

when a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need


when workers deliberately slow their pace or restrict their work output

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