MGMT Test 1 Chapter 1-5

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Management can best be defined as _____.

achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner

Universal perspectives _____.

attempt to identify the one best way to do something

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed several important strategies to _____.

eliminate inefficiency

The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 requires organizations to recognize and bargain with a union if that union has been legally established by an organization's _____.


Theory X


The result of the actions of high-profile deposed executives is that:

executives are expected to exhibit the strongest ethical conduct.

A disadvantage of direct investment is _____.

greater economic risk

An organization's culture _____.

helps members understand what it stands for

Robert Owen, a British industrialist and reformer, recognized the importance of an organization's _____.

human resources

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 _____.

imposes tough measures to deter corporate and accounting fraud

Rights to privacy has become an area of concern involving ethics and _____.

information technology

Woojin is looking at expanding his organization to overseas markets. Part of his consideration on where to open a new facility is based on the ability to move goods in and out of the country. Woojin needs to look carefully at _____.


Behaviors that relate to ethical ambiguity in areas such as advertising, purchasing, solicitations, bargaining, and other business relationships are part of _____.

managerial ethics

The light assembly plants built in Northern Mexico close to the U.S. border, which are given tax breaks by the Mexican government, are referred to as _____.


Which of the following is a way of maintaining culture in an organization?

By rewarding people whose behaviors are consistent with the current culture

Which economy has become the second largest economy in the world, behind the United States?


Darian has a profitable software company in his home country, but he wants to sell his software in international markets. He knows he can make modifications to his current facility that will work in other markets. Which type of approach to internationalization should Darian pursue?


Which of the following describes an individual's personal beliefs about whether a behavior, action, or decision is right or wrong?


What is the composition of a group or organization based on race?


Which was the first, and often considered the most important, economic community in the world?

European Union

When governments voluntarily limit the amount of goods exported to or imported from a particular country, what are they establishing?

Export restraint agreements

What is meant by the glass ceiling?

It is a barrier that keeps women from upper management positions.

Ahmed received a tax abatement from the government, and so his organization has more money to donate to the local hospital for cancer research. Which of the following explains how this change in taxes is a form of regulation?

It is an indirect regulation.

Which of the following is a feature of scientific management?

It is concerned with improving the performance of individual workers.

Which of the following is accurate regarding organizational culture?

It is intangible in nature.

Raul works in an environment that has little segmentation and few elements. What can be said about the degree of homogeneity in his environment?

It is relatively simple.

Which of the following is true of the glass ceiling in many organizations?

It keeps women from advancing to top management positions in organizations.

What distinguishes the behavioral management perspective from earlier management theories?

It placed more emphasis on individual attitudes, behaviors, and group processes.

Which field of management typically works with clients and consumers in areas such as new product development, promotion, and distribution?


What is a simplified representation of a system, process, or relationship?

Mathematical model

Which of the following occurs when two or more firms combine to form a new firm?


Concrete Constructions, a construction company, wants a suitable site to establish a new residential complex. Site selection is the responsibility of which type of manager of Concrete Constructions?


Armen runs a profitable jewelry manufacturing company and sells in many international markets. However, one country he sells to has just placed a limit as to how his company can sell in that country. Which of the following will now limit how much Armen can sell?


What requires CEOs and CFOs to personally vouch for the truthfulness and fairness of their firms' financial disclosure?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

The local university has set up a task force and committed to increasing recycling efforts and reducing its carbon emissions by 50 percent in the next ten years. These efforts demonstrate a commitment to _____.

social responsibility

Dezmon, a small parts manufacturer, is looking for quick entry into foreign markets with access to materials available in those markets. Which approach to internationalization would best fit his needs?

Strategic alliances

Cut'n'Clip hair salon has opened locations inside many SilverCircle stores. In this situation, what are Cut'n'Clip and SilverCircle to each other?

Strategic partners

Which of the following are two or more companies that work together in a joint venture or other partnership in the task environment?

Strategic partners

Ramkumar is the head of human resources at a large firm. For the past few years, his firm has had a difficult time hiring and retaining employees. What can Ramkumar do to better attract and retain today's workers?

Provide new and different incentives.

One of the most critical challenges facing managers today is _____.

an unpredictable economy that limits growth

Managers at Ruth & Fishers Corp. recognize the value of history. The company maintains an extensive archival library of its old documents and records and has also employed a full-time corporate historian. This helps the managers _____.

avoid the mistakes of others

Cora is an operations manager for a privately owned Midwestern trucking company. She spends the first day of each month reviewing the previous month's productivity levels and compares that information against monthly goals. This basic management function is known as _____.


Kayla is a high-potential worker. However, she is lazy and does not complete her assignments on time. In order to improve Kayla's work output, her boss must monitor her progress on given assignments. In this scenario, Kayla's boss will be performing the managerial function of _____.


An individual who gets along well with others at all levels in the organization is said to have good _____.

interpersonal skills

Because operations management is less mathematical and statistically less sophisticated than management science, _____.

it can be applied more directly to managerial situations

Aviva has mathematical models that she relies on at the start of each new project to determine how to allocate the resources within her department. Aviva is making use of _____.

management science

The managerial function of controlling involves _____.

monitoring an organization's progress toward its goals

Synergy refers to _____.

two or more subsystems working together to be more successful than working alone

Farida, a manager at Pepper Edison Bank, uses mathematical models to figure out how many cashiers need to be on duty at each location at various times throughout the day. Which of the following approaches is used by Farida?

Management science

Which of the following describes any person whose primary responsibility is to carry out the management process?


Culture determines the organization's _____.


Azim is using an enterprise resource planning system to help monitor the activities of consumers and competitors. He plans to use this to make recommendations for future planning. Which process is Azim engaged in?

Environmental scanning

Kamiya owns a small business that has always put customer service first, even if it meant a loss in profit. Kamiya's company is being bought by another firm that has always emphasized profits, to the point that some employees are fired if they cost the company profit. What will be the greatest challenge of integrating the two companies?

Establishing a single organizational culture

If a company creates a committee to review its guidelines concerning selection and promotion, it is attempting to manage social responsibility through what?

Ethical compliance

What is the extent to which an organization follows basic standards of moral behavior?

Ethical compliance

What is the ole of regulatory agencies in the task environment?

To protect the public

Which of the following is a lobbyist likely to do?

Try to influence legislation.

When receiving a new project form his manager, Manoj likes to know all the details and expectations up front. If some information is unavailable, Manoj finds this very stressful. Which of Hofstede's orientations would Manoj have a low level of?

Uncertainty acceptance

Employers often prefer to rely on temporary workers because they _____.

offer greater flexibility

The contemporary field that focuses on behavioral perspectives on management is known as _____.

organizational behavior

Math-A-Mazing requires all employees to wear something math-related to work every day. They help by providing pins, scarves, and caps printed with numbers or math signs. Employees can wear one of these items or come up with their own. According to the company, this policy makes the company a fun and exciting place to work. This management decision affects the _____.

organizational culture

What a company stands for, how it does things, and what it considers important are all learned from the

organizational culture

What is the percentage of women engaged in work in management and professional occupations in the United States?

52 percent

In filling an opening on his staff, Atmir has looked beyond traditional sources of new employees. He wants to find a broad set of better-qualified employees from a variety of backgrounds. What can be created by using nontraditional sources and creating diversity within the organization?

A competitive advantage

What is a theory?

A conceptual framework for organizing knowledge and providing a blueprint for action

In what way is a global business different from a multinational business?

A global business is not committed to a single home country.

Jolanta was elected by stockholders to oversee a company's management. While she provides general oversight, she does not get involved with the daily activities of the company. Which part of a company's internal environment is Jolanta?

A member of the board of directors

Which is an assumption of Theory Y?

A person's potential is often underutilized.

What is a tariff?

A tax collected on goods shipped across national boundaries

Apoorva works for a multinational organization, and she is in charge of the local division. Which type of work will be expected of her?

Addressing local and regional issues

The need to provide structure and direction to enable a growing group of middle managers to plan, organize, lead, and control calls for which management perspective within the new top management team?


Although standards of ethics vary from person to person, how do we apply the concept of ethical behavior?

As generally accepted social norms

In terms of ethical leadership, which way can a CEO set the company's moral tone for all employees?

Be honest and straightforward.

Which management perspective helps contemporary managers recognize the importance of employees as valuable resources instead of mere tools?


Beige Inc. sells very few products in the market, has a constant and stable supply of resources, and faces relatively little competition. Which of the following statements is true of the environmental uncertainty faced by Beige?

Beige Inc. has a simple environment with relatively low levels of uncertainty.

BritTrek is a British bicycle company. It produces its mountain bikes in England and sells them throughout North America. Which of the following best characterizes this arrangement?

BritTrek is exporting its products to North America.

How is a medium-sized organization likely to work with international markets?

Buying and selling products

How has legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 served to increase diversity in the workforce?

By forcing organizations to hire more broadly

Which aspect of social orientation is the belief that the group comes first?


Montazar has set up several programs to improve the social responsibility efforts of his organization. However, he is not sure which have been effective and which have not. How can Montazar make this determination?

Conduct a corporate social audit.

Samir is the supplies purchaser for his office. Samir's brother is a sales rep at a firm that offers a competitive price on the copier paper Samir needs to buy, so Samir did not look for a less expensive supplier. What might have occurred in this scenario?

Conflict of interest

Avec runs an organization that is in a rapidly changing environment. Which management perspective should Avec take when planning how to respond to changes in the environment?


Which perspective suggests that universal theories cannot be applied to organizations because each organization is unique?


Geert has managers who work all over the world. Each month, all managers are included in an online meeting. In order to accommodate the time differences for all managers, Geert varies the time of day or evening these meetings take place. Which management function is used when considering the needs of all his international employees?


What is often at the center of debates on ethics and social responsibility?

Corporate governance

Olesia is a strong believer in corporate social responsibility. Which argument would support Olesia's view?

Corporations are citizens in our society.

Which approach to social responsibility is likely to include firms that will admit to wrongdoings and take corrective actions only as they are legally required to do, and nothing more?


In addition to the rate of change, how does the environment affect an organization?

Degree of homogeneity

What is considered to be a driving force that influences many organizational decisions?

Degree of uncertainty

When applying moral judgment to a behavior, what should occur after relevant factual information has been collected?

Determine the most appropriate moral values.

Keane Industries is a privately owned firm that manufactures and installs large, deep well digging equipment that can be operated with little technical expertise. The company has a cash surplus due to a highly profitable decade of sales in its domestic market. Now ready to enter foreign markets, the biggest priority for the owners is to maintain full control of any new operations. Which level of international business activity is Keane Industries seeking?

Direct investment

Which of the following occurs when a firm headquartered in one country purchases operating facilities in a foreign country?

Direct investment

Tariq joined Mikel's organization three months ago. Although Tariq is well qualified and has done a good job so far, when it came time for a salary increase he received less that other workers who had been there much longer. He attributed the difference to the fact that he was a new employee, and he felt that given the circumstances, his increase was very fair. Which type of justice does this indicate?


Which of the following is a key element of multiculturalism within an organization?


Kamiya has a small business and buys all of her supplies locally. While she does some online business, all of the sales are within the country. Which type of business does Kamiya have?


Anke believes that a manager's concern for workers would lead to increased satisfaction. This, in turn, would increase performance. Who's theories would support this view?

Douglas McGregor

Into which environmental challenge would natural resources and infrastructure issues fall?


L'Meese is conducting a situational analysis in order to develop a five-year strategic plan. See is reviewing a summary of domestic GDP, inflation, and unemployment projections and trends. L'Meese is looking at potential growth patterns for which type of indicators?


What is true regarding quality as a contemporary management challenge?

Enhancing quality lowers costs

Which of the following is a reason why quality is an important management challenge today?

Enhancing quality lowers costs.

What might occur to an organization when it does not monitor feedback from its environment and make adjustments as needed?


Which type of environment includes everything outside an organization's boundaries that might affect it?


Who was one of the earliest advocates of scientific management?

Frederick Taylor

What is the key element for managers in a mature market economy?

Freedom of choice

Which trade agreement practices the use of the most favored nation principle, whereby members of the agreement receive preferential treatment?

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Which trade agreement was a major stimulus to international trade after it was first ratified in 1948 by 23 countries?

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Tate Inc. designs and produces a trendy line of small home appliances. International expansion is an important component of the company's growth strategy. As the management team considers the best approach for entering the Asian marketplace, what is one of the disadvantages of direct investment?

Greater political risk

Kaia's organization just formed a strategic alliance with an overseas firm and will be working with her overseas counterparts for the next several years. This will require Kaia to travel to the strategic partner's company and work closely with them. How will this relationship change her organization?

Her company is likely to become more diverse and multicultural.

Which of the following was implemented by Owen?

Higher minimum working age

Rabeya's organization allows managers to use their discretion and have flexibility when making decisions in order to adapt to their environment. They have relatively few standard operating procedures. Which type of environment are they operating in?

Highly uncertain

Which of the following can be used to provide managers a sense of heritage and avoid the mistakes of others?

Historical context of management

Which area of managerial ethics includes hiring and firing policies, the protection of the privacy of employees, and wages and working conditions?

How an organization treats its employees

Which of the following is a reason for the increase in the average age of the U.S. workforce?

Improved health and medical care for the aging workforce

Ramkumar's organization has made considerable efforts to increase the diversity and multiculturalism at his organization. As a manager, what might Ramkumar notice as a result of this increase in his organization?

Improved quality of the workforce

What is the relationship between quality and productivity?

Improving quality tends to increase productivity because making higher-quality products generally results in less waste and rework.

Yui prefers to use a pay system that rewards her employees based on their contribution to the success of the organization. Which type of social orientation does Yui support?


What is a key disadvantage of licensing agreements as an approach to internationalization?


Amina felt her manager did not have all the facts when she told Amina her report was incomplete. Which type of justice was Amina's manager lacking in?


What type of regulator is formed by its members to attempt to influence organizations?

Interest group

Which of the following is a part of an organization's general environment?

Interest rates

Which type of organization is primarily based in one country, but it acquires some resources or revenues from other countries?


Which of the following is true of organizational culture?

It consists of a firm's set of values and beliefs.

In what way is the contingency perspective different from universal perspectives?

It does not attempt to identify one best way.

Which of the following is true of social responsibility?

It varies for different countries.

Nita's organization has been doing business in foreign countries for many years, and it has built plants in the local communities overseas. Recently, her company has been nationalized. What does that mean for Nita?

It was taken over by the government.

Who or what is generally the starting point of an organization's culture?

Its founder

Which of the following is a criticism of regulation?

Its goals can be accomplished by a free market system.

Jewel wants to expand into the South America market by purchasing a small production company in a South American country to handle production and distribution. Which of the following best characterizes this arrangement?

Jewel wants to buy a subsidiary in South America.

Before deciding if an action of an employee is ethical, Sushil often considers what the majority of her employees would consider fair. Which ethical norm does Sushil consider?


What is the basic premise of ethical leadership?

Leaders serving as role models

Since the company's founding, Dezmon and his key executives have provided a consistent message to employees that customers, employees, communities where the company did business, and shareholders were all important. This is an example of which type of informal organization dimension of managing social responsibility?

Leadership practices

Since the company's founding, Petra and her top executives have provided a consistent message to employees that customers, employees, communities where the company did business, and shareholders were all important. This is an example of which type of informal organization dimension of managing social responsibility?

Leadership practices

As the top human resource executive, Ahmed is responsible for ensuring compliance with regulations concerning hiring, pay, and workplace safety. Which formal dimension of social responsibility is Ahmed involved in?


What can government-appointed agencies who monitor and control certain aspects of business activity do to implement legislation on organizations that violate regulations?

Levy fines.

Excessive transportation costs, government regulations, and home production costs might lead a firm to choose which approach to internationalization?


Montazar has formed an agreement with an international firm in which he can use its brand name and technology on his products. In return, he pays the other firm a royalty, based on sales. Which type of arrangement has Montazar entered into?


Even though there have been changes in the general environment, Pallavi and her managers feel they are responding well. How might Pallavi's company adjust their strategic response?

Maintain the status quo.

_____ wrote the books The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers.

Malcolm Gladwell

Lupita is using computer simulations to determine what will happen to parts produced by her company during extreme temperature changes. What will help Lupita in understanding potential changes?

Management science

Eli's company has decided to pay workers a living wage instead of a legally required minimum wage. Eli considers this part of the ethical treatment of his employees. Which type of ethical standards is Eli promoting in his organization?


When two firms merge, how can the two different cultures be blended successfully?

Managers must have a clear idea of what they want to create.

Julius owns a business where he sets a business strategy based on factors such as supply and demand. Which type of economic system is Julius in?

Market economy

Which type of economy is based on the private ownership of business?

Market economy

What is the broad set of issues associated with differing values, behaviors, and attitudes held by people within an organization?


Nour's organization buys raw materials from all over the world, and in turn, sells finished goods worldwide. Which type of organization does Nour run?


The United States, Canada, and Mexico entered into which agreement to eliminate barriers to trade among them?


What can an organization use to influence the government?

Networks and personal contacts

Ozlem's firm is highly specialized, and the cost of entry into the market runs in the millions, and as a result, there are only three other firms that do what her company does. However, her company's products sell well, and parts needed to produce them are plentiful. Which competitive force is Ozlem least likely to worry about?

New entrants

By 2030, which population group is expected to see the largest decline?

Non-Hispanic White

Which of the following influences patterns of work-related behavior and attitudes towards work?


Which is an approach to social responsibility in which firms do as little as possible to solve social or environmental problems?

Obstructionist stance

How does the aging of the workforce affect organizations?

Older workers make greater contributions to productivity.

Which type of system interacts with its environment?


Which approach in management acknowledges that human behavior is much more complex than the human relationists realized?

Organizational behavior

What is an informal organization dimension of managing social responsibility?

Organizational culture

What is the perception of people in an organization regarding the fairness of a practice, decision, or behavior?

Organizational justice

Which of the following is an argument in favor of social responsibility?

Organizations are responsible for making pollution and should help solve it.

What is considered to be the most fundamental trend in diversity and multiculturalism today?

Organizations becoming more diverse and multicultural

Payal has just accepted a three-year assignment to run the overseas division of her organization. Before she transfers, Payal and her family are required to take several classes on culture, housing, language, and lifestyle. Which element of management is Payal's organization preparing her for?


What is a Theory X assumption?

People prefer to be directed and to avoid responsibility.

Darian, a local manufacturer, and his local Congresswoman have been friends for years. Darian has been concerned about a potential new law that would fundamentally change how he does business. When his friend was in town, they met over dinner to talk about this potential law and the effects it will have on the community. Which type of influence did Darian use to influence the government?

Personal contacts

Which of the following is the key element in quality decisions about what is the right behavior for a situation?

Personal judgment

Slow's BBQ donates food to the city's public library, which provides free lunch to children in the summer. Slow's is attempting to manage social responsibility through what?

Philanthropic giving

Which of the following is a formal dimension of managing social responsibility for organizations?

Philanthropic giving

Aisha's firm is expanding internationally, and it is determining the benefits of buying an existing firm in the new location, building one, or finding a strategic alliance. Which management function is Aisha's firm using?


Jewel's industry donates millions of dollars to candidates that support the goals of her industry. Their collective goal is to influence legislation so that they can be more competitive in the global market. Which type of government influence is Jewel a part of?

Political action committee

Alacorp wants to open a new plant, and has narrowed it down to three possible cities. Mikel's job is to investigate the deed and zoning restrictions of each potential location, as well as the tax rates. Mikel also must report on each city council's history in working with new business. Mikel is focusing on which dimension of the general environment?


Car manufacturers must meet certain emissions standards as dictated by the federal and state governments. This requirement is an aspect of what dimension of the general environment?


As the head of IT, Ramon feels strongly about online privacy and has taken measures to address this issue. What can Ramon do to ensure all employees and users of the company systems are aware of the firm's stand on privacy?

Post the policy on the website.

During a recent staff meeting, Arayla's employees had questions about one of her decisions, and they discussed alternatives even though the decision had already been made. What is this an indication of?

Power tolerance orientation

Which of the following is a typical characteristic of a market economy?

Private ownership

Chef Ramon makes a line of salad dressings and sauces that are sold nationwide. All profits go to feeding children at food banks and shelters throughout the country. Additionally, this organization uses recycled materials to package their products and only use growers who practice fair working conditions for all employees. Which stance to social responsibility does Chef Ramon use?


What is an effective way to establish one common vision and direction when organizations with different cultural norms merge?

Promote employees whose behaviors are consistent with the desired culture.

What can a government do to encourage international trade?

Provide tax incentives

In which type of economic system does the government own and operate the companies that conduct business?


Which of the following indicates how stable or dynamic the environment is?

Rate of change

In what way can the government attempt to influence how a business operates, and what they can and cannot do?


Which of the following is a dimension of an organization's task environment?


Which ethical norm is based on whether the act respects the people involved in the decision?


The culture at SilverCircle is quite weak. The management team changes often. Employees are not able to sense any direction or purpose for the company, and there is a high turnover rate. In contrast, employees at Wellesby speak very highly of the company. Many of them have worked there for years under the guidance of a steady management team. The differences in culture at the two companies are in part attributable to what?

Shared experiences

Which of the following would be an ethical breach on the part of an employee toward the organization?

Sharing confidential information

What is an advantage of importing or exporting over other approaches to internationalization?

Small cash outlay and little risk

Logan Chemicals has a long history of dumping waste in a local stream. Recently, it has made major efforts to reduce pollution in order to help clean up the environment. Logan Chemicals is responding to what contemporary management challenge?

Social responsibility

Sabine runs a clothing import business, but she makes it a policy to import only from countries that do not violate human rights. Additionally, she gives 10 percent of all profits to promote reading for children in her community. Which area of social responsibility is important to Sabine?

Social welfare

Where does direct regulation usually evolve from?

Societal beliefs

Which term refers to employees deliberately working at a pace slower than their capabilities?


Raj owns a franchised food operation and operates in an environment with very little uncertainty. What contributes to this low level of uncertainty?

Stable and simple environments

When Amina needs additional employees on a short term basis, she contacts an employment agency. This agency not only has employees Amina can contract with on a short term basis, but they share information on trends and economic conditions with Amina. Which aspect of the task environment does the employment agency work in when supporting Amina?


_____ are organizations that provide resources for other organizations.


Which of the following includes inputs, transformation processes, outputs, and feedback in a way that allows them to function as an interrelated set of elements?


Which economic community is considered to be one of the most important in the world?

The European Union

Which type of environment includes useful information a firm can use about competitors, suppliers, customers, and strategic partners?


Over the next several years, Sushil expects electric vehicles to impact revenues in the retail gas and oil unit of her firm. The expansion of electric vehicles will impact which general environment dimension for Sushil's firm?


Tariq's organization manufactures custom-ordered blinds. New software on its web site that allows customers to select size, colors, and other features to design their own blinds is part of which dimension of its general environment?


Which of the following is one of the key contributions of the classical management perspective?

The attention on management as a valid subject of scientific inquiry

Zereth recently made a lateral move in the company and now oversees a new department. She mentioned to a friend that the management style she used in her former department is falling flat with her new staff. They do not seem to respond to the same sorts of incentives, and she is looking for new ways to motivate and encourage them. Zereth's experience is consistent with which view of management?

The contingency perspective

The number of elements combined with the amount of segmentation in an environment make up _____.

The degree of homogeneity

Which of the following can result in cultural problems in an organization?

The growth of rival factions within the organization

What was the final conclusion of the Hawthorne studies?

The human element is very important in the workplace.

Sweetie Pie bakery sells products nationwide. Products are made from natural ingredients, and packaging is all made from recycled materials. For every product sold, Sweetie Pie plants a tree to promote sustainability. Which area of social responsibility does Sweetie Pie promote?

The natural environment

In a single organization, members of the sales staff always wear business attire, while the product development staff dresses more casually. What does this illustrate?

The same culture is not found throughout the organization.

Polani is working on her firm's approach to social responsibility. How should she approach the development of this strategy?

The same way as any other business strategy

Which is a layer of the external environment of an organization?

The task environment

Which of the following dimensions refers to the methods available for converting resources into products or services?

The technological dimension

What is the premise of an integrated framework to approaches to management?

The units within an organization are interdependent.

Which is a pessimistic and negative view of workers consistent with the views of scientific management, that claims people do not like work and try to avoid it?

Theory X

Which competitive force can supplant or diminish the need for an existing product or service?

Threat of substitute products

Marah's organization is in an environment with a high number of elements that seem to be constantly changing. The environment is very dynamic and complex. What can be said about the uncertainty Marah's organization is likely to face?

There is a high degree of uncertainty.

Which of the following best defines subsystems?

They are systems within another system.

Which of the following is true of multinational corporations (MNCs)?

They transfer capital and information from one market to another.

Nila's construction firm was awarded a contract to build a new hospital in a Middle Eastern country. However, the construction project was already three months behind schedule because they could not secure the required permits. When Nila met with her local counterparts, they seemed very unconcerned about this delay. Which of the following accounts for this different perspective about the delay?

Time orientation

Ugar is on the board of directors for a firm that lost millions of dollars this past year. During the board meeting, the discussion turned to providing an increase in salary for the CEO of the organization. Ugar felt he would be held accountable for this unwarranted pay raise, as did several other board members. What is their responsibility to the organization referred to as?

To ensure corporate governance

Which of the following is a goal of the World Trade Organization?

To establish impartial procedures for resolving trade disputes

What was the goal of GATT when it was developed?

To promote trade by reducing barriers

Why would a country enact a "buy national" law?

To protect domestic businesses

Which of the following is a factor in the economic dimension of an organization?


Which of the following is part of the sociocultural dimension of an organization?

Values of customers

When is information management especially important to an organization?

When forming an initial understanding

When do buyers have the most power as a competitive force?

When there are relatively few buyers

What is one of the key questions that must be addressed by a manager who wants to be effective in the international market?

Whether the firm should focus on regionalism or globalization

Where do ethical breakdowns of senior leadership generally start?

With a breakdown of corporate governance

Where does any effort to enhance ethical behavior in the workplace begin?

With top management

In an experiment on piecework, what did Mayo and his associates conclude?

Workers would rather be accepted by the group than make more money.

Culture can be maintained by _____.

articulating the culture through slogans and ceremonies

A major way to shape the culture of an organization is to _____.

bring outsiders into important managerial positions

An organization's culture _____.

can become a weakness

When Yui began a new job, included in her packet of information was a set of guidelines for how to act in accordance with the firm's values. These guidelines are the firm's _____.

code of ethics

The government can directly influence a business through _____.

consumer protection legislation

In light of recent ethical standards in which the boards of major companies have approved loans or bonuses to CEOs or board members, increased attention has been paid to _____.

corporate governance

The language, values, symbols, and beliefs that guide behavior in a country are that country's _____.

cultural environment

Pollack Food Services supplies meals for all the schools in the Culver City public school system. In Pollack Food Services task environment, the school system is considered to be a _____.


While performing the function of organizing in a global economy, managers should _____.

deal with human resources

Diversity describes _____.

differences in people along important dimensions such as age or race

A country's infrastructure, supply of natural resources, and the conditions of its natural environment combine to form its _____.

economic environment

Watson and Raymond Inc., a courier company based in the United States, suffered a loss recently when a hurricane struck its headquarters and damaged a lot of data stored on the company's servers. In this scenario, Watson and Raymond's business was affected by its _____.

external environment

L'Meese is reviewing some expense reports submitted by an employee, and there appears to be some misinformation. Before L'Meese confronts her employee about this, she needs to apply moral judgment by first _____.

gathering relevant facts

The availability of natural resources and the variation in government regulation are just two of the challenges posed by _____.


Management can address concerns related to the privacy of personal information on the internet by _____.

indicating how people can opt out of data collection

The purchasing department at a printing business begins buying higher quality and more expensive paper. This leads to higher costs and cash flow problems identified by the finance department. Marketing notes that prices must be increased slightly, but that customer satisfaction improves, leading to more sales. According to the systems perspective, this scenario is an illustration of a subsystem with _____.


Maximus Technologies changed a few of its policies and made its work environment employee-friendly. It increased the incentives and benefits given to its employees. This change motivated the employees, and the production rate increased by 75 percent. Maximus Technologies benefited because of the changes implemented in its _____.

internal environment

The actual physical environment, such as an office or a warehouse, and the work that people do are all part of the _____.

internal environment

The board of directors is part of an organization's _____.

internal environment

An import/export operation is advantageous because it _____.

is an easy way to enter a market with a small outlay of capital

Destani's is setting up a training program for all managers who interview candidates and make hiring decisions to ensure they follow all local, state, and federal laws in all areas, from ADA compliance to determining correct knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for the job. Destani is ensuring the firm's hiring practices follow guidelines for _____.

legal compliance

Apoorva is known to take a very scientific approach to management. When making a decision, she seems to be _____.


International managers _____.

need to organize to implement their plans

Destani bought stock in her favorite technology company, giving her legal property rights to the business. Destani is now a(n) _____.


A major computer technology firm has committed to building a computer lab at the local university, and it is awarding scholarships to students who pursue this field. This action is an example of _____.

philanthropic giving

Having a broad-based understanding of both environmental issues and competitive issues is an essential function of _____.

planning and decision making in a global environment

Employees are more likely to be motivated to participate in activities, follow rules, and accept outcomes when they perceive a high level of _____.

procedural justice

Determinants of organizational culture include _____.

shared experiences

Organizations relate to their environments in ways that often involve ethical dilemmas and decisions. These situations are generally viewed within the context of the organization's _____.

social responsibility

According to the systems perspective, the marketing, production, or finance functions of a company would all be considered _____.


DynaView produced a cartoon program that became extremely popular. DynaView went on to create toys and games based on the characters in the program, launch a breakfast cereal featuring the program's characters, and start a line of children's clothing. All of these separate divisions within DynaView benefit from the success of the others. In this situation, according to the systems perspective, DynaView is benefiting from _____.


Sabine just submitted a bid to take over the paper supply contract for a large firm in town. She knows that another firm bid as well, and only one of them will win the contract. These two firms exist in each other's _____.

task environment

Roberto is a strong believer in social responsibility, and he wants his company to become more socially responsible. One of the arguments he makes is that _____.

the company has surplus revenues that could be used to solve social problems

An argument against social responsibility in organizations is that _____.

there is potential for conflicts of interest

Employees at Pollack Food Services are expected to report any suspected illegal or unethical conduct by members of the organization. This is a policy that encourages _____.


Employees at Sabine's organization are expected to report any suspected illegal or unethical conduct by members of the organization. This is a policy that encourages _____.


Theo works for a data mining company. He recently discovered a coworker who has knowingly breached the company's online privacy policy to complete an important project for his manager. If Theo decides to report this breach, his actions will be considered _____.


Why is planning and decision making important to managers in an organization?

To determine how to allocate resources

Rene is a manager at a mid-size hospital. She has basic familiarity with all functional areas necessary to manage the hospital. Which type of manager is she?


Which area of classical management should you study to learn more about managing the total organization?


Who or what could a manager study to see an early example of staff organization used to coordinate activities during military campaigns?

Alexander the Great

Ugar is a manager who likes change. When people become complacent, he tries to shake things up to reenergize them. How does Ugar likely see change management?

As an opportunity

How can managers use knowledge of theory and history in contemporary organizations?

As the basis for new, personal theories

Which of the following is a potential drawback to the quantitative management perspective?

Assumptions may not be realistic.

In some countries, it is expected that people shake hands when they are introduced. In other cultures, the appropriate action is to bow slightly or to exchange business cards. These are examples of which type of process that vary in a global economy?


Which pioneer in management focused his attention on efficiencies of production?

Charles Babbage

Who is considered to be the originator of modern management theory and practice?

Charles Babbage

Which perspective consists of two distinct branches, scientific management and administrative management?

Classical management perspective

Manoj is very good at transmitting ideas to others, coordinating work with peers and colleagues, and keeping higher-level managers informed. In other words, Manoj excels at which type of skills?


Nila applied for a management position in her organization, but she did not get it. She was told she had not yet demonstrated the ability to think in the abstract and did not seem to grasp how all the parts of the organization fit together. Which type of management skill does Nila need to work on?


What do successful executives understand about the art and the science of management?

Effective management is a blend of both.

Which type of management skills refer to the manager's ability to correctly recognize and define problems and opportunities?


What is the term that describes differences among people?


Zereth's company has been trying to create a more diverse workforce and is succeeding. What is the likely outcome of a more diverse workforce?

Enhanced effectiveness

Which of the following refers to a normal process leading to system decline?


Ira is a manager at a textile company. He and his staff are focused on accounting, cash management, and investment activities. In which area of the company does Ira work?


Which type of manager would be responsible for supervising and coordinating the activities of operating employees?

First-line manager

Bhavik is a new employee, considered to be part of Generation Y. What is he most likely to be attracted to when looking for a job?


Teresita has several open positions at her firm. What could Teresita's firm offer Millennial candidates to attract them to her firm?

Flexibility in work arrangements

What is often considered to be the most important and most challenging of all management activities?


What was Henri Fayol's contribution to the field of management?

He was the first to identify the specific managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Who is considered to be the key pioneer of industrial psychology because of his application of psychological concepts to industrial settings?

Hugo Münsterberg

Which approach to management suggested that workers respond primarily to the social context of the workplace?

Human relations movement

Which type of manager is responsible for hiring and developing employees?

Human resource

As a middle manager, what might Yui's job entail?

Implementing policies and plans

Which of the following is a contribution of the quantitative management perspective?

Improved awareness and understanding of complex processes and situations

Aisha works closely with suppliers and customers that do business with her organization. Which type of skills would be especially important for Aisha in her interactions with them?


What is a characteristic of the art (rather than the science) of management?


Which of the following is a feature of the quantitative management perspective?

It focuses on decision making, mathematical models, and the use of computers.

Which of the following is a benefit of planning?

It helps managers know how to allocate their time and resources.

Which of the following is true about the nature of managerial work?

It is full of uncertainty and change.

Who among the following is an example of a yuppie?

Jose, who graduated in 1986 and now works in a multinational company

Julius just got promoted and now has the title of division head. In terms of his level in the organization, which type of manager is Julius?

Middle manager

Many managers are facing an increased work pace, less time to think through a decision, and more information to process. This can all be tied to which contemporary management challenge?

New technology

Which type of managers are concerned with creating and managing the systems that create an organization's products and services?


Teresita is using break-even analysis to help the organization produce products most efficiently. What is Teresita using in this process?

Operations management

Aicha, the coach of a women's basketball team, prepares the team's playing strategy for an upcoming basketball tournament. The strategy devised will be successful only if the players are allocated appropriate positions in the team according to their strengths. In this scenario, which of the following managerial functions must Aicha perform to allocate playing positions to the players?


Neil's department was recently assigned a new project. His next task on the project is to determine how his people and other resources will be allocated to the project. At this point, which managerial function is Neil tackling?


What is a potential limitation of the quantitative management perspective?

Other important skills may not be considered.

Selecting the course of action that would most likely lead to success would be included in which management function?


When considering the basic management functions, decision making is part of which process?


Dajhia is currently a first-line manager, and she wants to move up into middle management. What job title should she look for when looking at her company's internal job postings?

Plant manager

Who was one of the first to describe job specialization practices?


Raphael works for a not-for-profit organization that provides vaccines for low-income families free of charge. This group is funded by government support through tax dollars. Which scope of management does this government organization fall under?

Public administration

Management science and operations management are the two branches of which management theory?


Supply chain management and enterprise resource planning are both management concepts that evolved from which management perspective and use of models to solve problems?


Whose works should you study if you want to understand the origins of the recognition of the importance of human resources and the personal welfare of workers?

Robert Owen

Which approach to management is typically used for routine and straightforward issues?


Which type of management deals with improving the performance of individual employees?


Aviva is a mid-level manager and is attending continuing education classes on the weekends. Even though she is already a manager, what is the advantage of Aviva continuing her education?

She can become familiar with current research.

Whenever Jena's Juice introduces a new flavor, the company donates five cents for each unit sold to fund breast cancer research. Jena's Juice is responding to what contemporary management challenge?

Social responsibility

Which of the following brought renewed focus on diversity and increased sensitivity to diversity?

Social unrest

Which of the following acts emphasized the importance of providing equal employment opportunities for people with various impairments?

The Americans with Disabilities Act

Lupita's company is slowly recovering from the most recent economic recession. While the recession forced her firm to make tough decisions, it also enabled her to reframe her company. What might Lupita have done during the recession that will make the company stronger in the long run?

Streamline operating procedures

Which of the following is an interrelated set of elements functioning as a whole?


Which of the following is least likely to be the goal of a not-for-profit organization?

Tangible goals

As a first-line manager, Payal spends a lot of time training her employees and answering questions about work-related problems. Which type of fundamental skill does Payal use to do this?


Which type of management skills are necessary to accomplish or understand the specific kind of work done in an organization?


Anke assumed that, like her, all of her students would want to earn the highest grades possible and that would motivate them to do their best work. She was surprised to discover that many students were happy to just "get by" with an average grade. However, when Anke demonstrated how extra effort on certain coursework could translate into experience that could lead to a better job after graduation, a number of "average" students began to work harder. Anke's experience is consistent with which view of management?

The contingency perspective

Raphael believes that a single set of rules should be applied to all employees in all situations, with no variation. Juan, on the other hand, feels that employees and situations are unique. Rules should either be written with options to apply to different situations, or, ideally, they should be flexible. Juan's position is best aligned with which view of management?

The contingency perspective

Why is it important for managers to study history?

The historical context can help managers avoid the mistakes of others.

Which of the following is an advantage of hiring retirees in an organization?

The organization gets the expertise of skilled workers.

Paramita believes that people naturally do not like work, and as a manager, she must control, direct, coerce, and even threaten her employees to get them to work toward the organization's goals. Paramita's management style is informed by which view within the behavioral management perspective?

Theory X

Hua believes that people view work as a natural part of their lives. As a manager, he feels that he can get the best out of his staff by creating an environment in which they will seek and accept responsibility and where they will receive personal rewards when they reach certain goals. Hua's management style is informed by which view within the behavioral management perspective?

Theory Y

What is generally true about management theories that are used to build organizations and guide them to their goals?

They are grounded in reality.

Which of the following is true of first-line managers?

They oversee the day-to-day operations of their team.

During her recent annual performance review, Arayla was highly rated on her ability to prioritize work, to work efficiently, and to delegate work appropriately. Which management skills does Arayla use to accomplish these things?


Which skill is part of the art of management?


Avec's company requires all new managers to work in a variety of jobs before being promoted into mid-manager positions. What is the advantage of this type of job rotation?

To have the ability to learn through experience

Nour's responsibilities include creating organizational goals and overall strategy for the organization. In terms of her level in the organization, which type of manager is Nour?

Top manager

Woojin often meets with government officials and executives of other organizations to shape policy and industry standards. In which level of management is Woojin?

Top manager

What is meant when we say managers must be efficient?

Using resources wisely and cost-effectively

Neil's department has come in behind schedule on its last three projects. He determined that initial specifications did not always match up with the actual demands of the project, meaning that department resources were not properly allocated and schedules could not be met. Neil introduced a project start-up procedure that would gather more information in order to verify the accuracy of the specifications before the schedule was written and the resources allocated. This scenario illustrates Neil's _____.

diagnostic skills

When the right decisions are made and implemented, the management process is considered to be _____.


Geert runs a mid-sized agricultural company and is facing conditions of rapid growth and labor supply shortages. If Geert adopts the principles of behavioral management theory, he is most likely to address his immediate concerns using _____.

industrial psychology

Jinhua discovered that many of his employees were deliberately working at a pace lower than their capabilities in order to get more hours. Learning from the work of Frederick W. Taylor, Jinhua implemented a piecework pay system based on output in order to eliminate _____.


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