Mgt 352 chapter 1 Good

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: 4, 6 95) A profession is characterized by the existence of a common body of knowledge and a ________. A) procedure for certifying members B) specified educational requirement C) requirement for periodic re-accreditation D) functional procedure for designated activities

: A Explanation: A) A profession is a vocation characterized by the existence of a common body of knowledge and a procedure for certifying members. Performance standards are established by members of the profession rather than by outsiders. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 73) Shared service centers provide an alternative to HR ________ and can often provide the same cost savings and customer service. A) outsourcing B) onboarding C) broadbanding D) downsizing

: A Explanation: A) A shared service center (SSC), also known as a center of expertise, takes routine, transaction based activities dispersed throughout the organization and consolidates them in one place. Shared service centers provide an alternative to HR outsourcing and can often provide the same cost savings and customer service. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 84) What is the best term for a top-level manager who reports directly to the corporation's chief executive officer (CEO) or to the head of a major division? A) executive B) generalist C) specialist D) contractor

: A Explanation: A) An executive is a top-level manager who reports directly to the corporation's chief executive officer (CEO) or to the head of a major division. A generalist, who may be an executive, performs tasks in a variety of HR-related areas. A specialist may be an HR executive, manager, or nonmanager who is typically concerned with only one of the five functional areas of HRM. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 28) Compensation, as described in your text, refers to the ________. A) total of all rewards provided to employees in return for their services B) wages individuals receive each pay period C) wage schedules and wage rates listed in the union contract D) internal alignment of intrinsic awards

: A Explanation: A) As used in the text, the term compensation includes the total of all rewards provided to employees in return for their services. The rewards may be one or a combination of direct financial compensation, indirect financial compensation, and nonfinancial compensation. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 37) Approximately half of all employees at ABC Manufacturing are union members. Which of the following is ABC Manufacturing required by law to do with the labor unions? A) bargain with them in good faith B) make concessions to them C) help them organize activities D) pay dues for their new members

: A Explanation: A) Businesses are required by law to recognize a union and bargain with it in good faith if the firm's employees want the union to represent them. In the past, this relationship was an accepted way of life for many employers, but most firms today would rather have a union-free environment. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 2 23) A formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed is referred to as ________. A) career development B) succession planning C) career planning D) performance management

: A Explanation: A) Career development is a formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed. Career planning is an ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 6 94) According to your textbook's author, there is ________ in the contemporary workplace. A) no pattern for how human resource tasks are achieved B) an emerging pattern for how human resource tasks are achieved C) a stable pattern for how human resource tasks are achieved D) a three-step pattern for how human resource tasks are achieved

: A Explanation: A) Describing the typical HR organization today is difficult. Your author interviewed numerous HR managers in organizations of various sizes. He discovered that there is no longer a typical pattern for how HR tasks are achieved. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Synthesis

: 2 30) Wages, salaries, and commissions are most likely examples of ________. A) direct financial compensation B) indirect financial compensation C) employment incentives D) employment benefits

: A Explanation: A) Direct financial compensation is the pay that a person receives in the form of wages, salaries, commissions, and bonuses. Indirect financial compensation refers to the financial rewards that are not included in direct compensation, such as paid vacations, sick leave, holidays, and medical insurance. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 5 68) When using ________, an employer uses an external service provider to perform all or part of its recruitment activities. A) recruitment process outsourcing B) employee-search outsourcing C) hiring-function outsourcing D) business process outsourcing

: A Explanation: A) During the recent recession, some companies lost their recruiting skills. They had not kept up with rapidly-changing employment technology. Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) can be used to fill this gap. With RPO, an employer uses an external service provider to perform all or part of its recruitment activities. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 AACSB: Reflective Thinking 80) Shelby Organic Foods is a fast growing firm that produces organic frozen food entrees. The firm employs 700 people and expects to hire more in the next few years. Currently, all of the firm's HR tasks are handled internally by Shelby's HR department. However, top executives at Shelby are considering the idea of outsourcing benefits administration. Which of the following most likely undermines the idea of outsourcing benefits administration? A) Employees use Shelby's intranet to self-manage their own benefits. B) Staff managers at Shelby discuss benefits packages with new employees. C) Shelby's HR manager regularly meets with the firm's insurance provider. D) Shelby recently began offering employees a flexible spending plan for benefits.

: A Explanation: A) If the employees at Shelby are able to manage their own benefits through the firm's intranet, then outsourcing may not be necessary at this time because the HR department is most likely not overwhelmed with benefits administration tasks. Discussing benefits information, changing providers, and offering flexible benefits are less relevant to the decision to outsource. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Critical Thinking

: 3 48) The pilots of various U.S. airlines are threatening to strike unless they receive wage increases. The pilots belong to a union. Which of the following would most likely negotiate an agreement with airline management? A) union representatives B) employee supervisors C) government agencies D) individual employees

: A Explanation: A) In a unionized organization, the union rather than the individual employee negotiates an agreement with management. In this case, the union would represent the pilots when negotiating with the airlines. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 2 24) Which term refers to the planned and systematic attempt to change an organization and improve its performance? A) organization development B) corporate development C) performance management D) organization training

: A Explanation: A) Organization development (OD) is planned and systematic attempts to change the organization, typically to a more behavioral environment. OD applies to an entire system, such as a company or a plant. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 75) Which of the following is a true statement about professional employer organizations? A) PEOs have the right to hire and fire the client company's employees. B) PEOs are less popular than in the past due to technology improvements. C) PEOs run day-to-day operations for client companies. D) PEOs lease employees from other businesses.

: A Explanation: A) Since the PEO is the employees' legal employer it has the right to hire, fire, discipline, and reassign an employee. Although PEOs have been available since the early 1980s, they have recently become more popular. PEOs handle administrative tasks so that client companies can focus on strategy. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 AACSB: Use of IT 83) According to the Small Business Administration, all of the following EXCEPT ________ are part of the definition of a small business. A) limited to a local marketplace B) independently owned and operated C) organized for profit D) not dominant in its field

: A Explanation: A) The SBA defines a small business as one that is independently owned and operated, is organized for profit, and is not dominant in its field. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 34) What is the primary reason that firms are more attentive to employee safety and health than they were in the past? A) federal legislation B) health care costs C) labor unions D) tax benefits

: A Explanation: A) Today, because of federal and state legislation that reflects societal concern, most organizations have become attentive to their employees' safety and health. Health care, unions, and taxes are less relevant factors. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 AACSB: Use of IT 55) ________ is the field of study that aims to identify and stop the use of technology to steal corporate information and harass workers. A) Digital forensics B) Corporate espionage C) Cyber transposition D) Stealth administration

: A Explanation: A) While the development of technology has created new roles for HR professionals, it has also created new challenges. For example, advances in technology have made it easier to steal corporate information or harass employees. HR is using digital forensics to identify and stop such activities. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 69) A firm that outsources only benefits administration to a third party is most likely using ________. A) discrete services B) multiprocess services C) business process outsourcing D) single service outsourcing

: A Explanation: A) With discrete services, one element of a business process or a single set of high-volume repetitive functions is outsourced to a third party. Benefits have been the HR task most likely to be outsourced. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 5 91) Rob is the Vice President of Human Resources at Roswell Manufacturing. Which two HR designations best categorize Rob? A) specialist and generalist B) executive and generalist C) executive and specialist D) manager and specialist

: B Explanation: B) A generalist, who may be an executive, performs tasks in a variety of HR-related areas. A specialist is typically concerned with only one of the five functional areas of HRM. As vice president of HR, Rob is both an executive and a generalist. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 3 AACSB: Use of IT 59) A human resource information system (HRIS) is essential to all of the following HR responsibilities EXCEPT ________. A) recruitment and selection B) creation of mobile HR applications C) oversight of legal and regulatory compliance D) benefits administration

: B Explanation: B) A human resource information system is any organized approach for obtaining relevant and timely information on which to base human resource decisions. An HRIS supports mainstay HR responsibilities: such as planning, recruitment, selection, oversight of legal and regulatory compliance, benefits administration, and safeguarding confidential employee information. Mobile HR applications are created by software developers. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 76) According to your text, what is a potential disadvantage of using a professional employer organization? A) excessive paperwork B) erosion of employee loyalty C) EEOC regulations D) higher health benefit costs

: B Explanation: B) A potential disadvantage to the client is erosion of employee loyalty because workers receive pay and benefits from the leasing company. Companies use PEOs to minimize paperwork and to lower health insurance costs. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 72) Which of the following takes routine, transaction-based activities that are dispersed throughout the organization and consolidates them in one place? A) outsourcing centers B) shared service centers C) consolidation centers D) human resource centers

: B Explanation: B) A shared service center (SSC), also known as a center of expertise, takes routine, transaction based activities dispersed throughout the organization and consolidates them in one place. Shared service centers provide an alternative to HR outsourcing and can often provide the same cost savings and customer service. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 5 88) Which of the following positions would be considered a human resource specialist? A) human resource manager B) compensation manager C) vice president human resources D) marketing manager

: B Explanation: B) A specialist is typically concerned with only one of the five functional areas of HRM. A compensation manager focuses only on compensation, while HR managers and executives are involved in multiple HR functions. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 71) Which HR task is most likely to be outsourced? A) training and development B) benefits administration C) payroll and compensation D) recruitment

: B Explanation: B) Benefits have been the HR task most likely to be outsourced. "Benefits administration has become so complex that it really takes someone who works with it every single day to keep track of all of the different laws and changes that are going on," said Dan Thomas, president of Trivalent Benefits Consulting Inc. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 53) Global companies face ________ in their labor markets. A) moderate competition B) intense competition C) little competition D) laissez-faire competition

: B Explanation: B) Firms may face intense global competition for both their products and services and labor markets. In order to grow and prosper, a firm must maintain a supply of competent employees. Therefore, it's essential for a firm to obtain a sufficient number of employees in various career fields. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 67) Today HR outsourcing can be done in three ways. Which of the following is NOT one of those ways? A) discrete services outsourcing B) project management outsourcing C) recruitment process outsourcing D) business process outsourcing

: B Explanation: B) HR outsourcing is done in three ways: discrete services, recruitment process, and business process outsourcing. With discrete services, one element of a business process or a single set of high-volume repetitive functions is outsourced to a third party. With recruitment process outsourcing, an employer uses an external service provider to perform all or part of its recruitment activities. Business process outsourcing (BPO) represents the transfer of the majority of HR services to a third party. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 33) As a public school teacher, Molly has accrued 14 days of sick leave, which is a type of ________ compensation. A) direct financial B) indirect financial C) nonfinancial D) mandatory

: B Explanation: B) Indirect financial compensation refers to the financial rewards that are not included in direct compensation, such as paid vacations, sick leave, holidays, and medical insurance. Nonfinancial compensation is the satisfaction that a person receives from the job itself or from the psychological and/or physical environment in which the person works. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 4 AACSB: Reflective Thinking 81) Which term refers to individuals that are directly involved in accomplishing the primary purpose of the organization? A) HR managers B) line managers C) staff managers D) sales managers

: B Explanation: B) Individuals directly involved in accomplishing the primary purpose of the organization are line managers. As the traditional work of HR managers diminishes, line managers are stepping up and performing some duties typically done by HR professionals. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 40) Which term refers to factors outside an organization's boundaries that affect a firm's human resources? A) corporate environment B) external environment C) social environment D) corporate culture

: B Explanation: B) Many interrelated factors affect the five HRM functions. Factors outside an organization's boundaries that affect a firm's human resources make up the external environment. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 31) Ellen enjoys working at Starbucks because of her interactions with customers and co-workers. The satisfaction that Ellen feels would best be categorized as ________. A) emotional health B) nonfinancial compensation C) performance satisfaction D) indirect financial compensation

: B Explanation: B) Nonfinancial compensation is the satisfaction that a person receives from the job itself or from the psychological and/or physical environment in which the person works. Indirect financial compensation refers to the financial rewards that are not included in direct compensation, such as paid vacations, sick leave, holidays, and medical insurance. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 4 77) All of the following are advantages of professional employer organizations EXCEPT ________. A) providing workers for many firms B) developing employee loyalty and morale C) offering a wide selection of benefits at lower costs D) providing job mobility opportunities for employees

: B Explanation: B) PEOs provide workers for many companies, and they often enjoy economies of scale that permit them to offer a wider selection of benefits at considerably lower cost. In addition, workers frequently have greater opportunities for job mobility. A potential disadvantage to the client is erosion of employee loyalty because workers receive pay and benefits from the leasing company. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 26) Raj, a software engineer, recently met with his manager for a review and evaluation of Raj's performance over the last six months. In which of the following did Raj most likely participate? A) performance management B) performance appraisal C) organizational appraisal D) succession planning

: B Explanation: B) Performance appraisal is a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team task performance. It affords employees the opportunity to capitalize on their strengths and overcome identified deficiencies, thereby helping them to become more satisfied and productive employees. Performance management is a goal-oriented process that is directed toward ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees, teams, and ultimately, the organization. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 2 25) Which of the following terms refers to a goal-oriented process that is directed toward ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees, teams, and the organization? A) team strategic management B) performance management C) organization development D) career development

: B Explanation: B) Performance management is a goal-oriented process that is directed toward ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees, teams, and ultimately, the organization. Organization development (OD) is planned and systematic attempts to change the organization, typically to a more behavioral environment. OD applies to an entire system, such as a company or a plant. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 42) Which term refers to potential employees located within a specific geographic area? A) forecasted allocation B) labor market C) labor union D) employee relations

: B Explanation: B) Potential employees located within the geographic area from which employees are normally recruited comprise the labor market. The capabilities of a firm's employees determine, to a large extent, how well the organization can perform its mission. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 9 98) The basic goals of the ________ include defining, maintaining, and improving standards of excellence in the practice of human resource management. A) ASTD B) SHRM C) IAPW D) WorldatWork

: B Explanation: B) The basic goals of SHRM include defining, maintaining, and improving standards of excellence in the practice of human resource management. Both ASTD and WorldatWork focus on training and certification rather than standards. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 9 97) What is the largest national professional organization for individuals involved in all areas of human resource management? A) American Society for Training and Development B) Society for Human Resource Management C) American Compensation Association D) WorldatWork

: B Explanation: B) The largest national professional organization for individuals involved in all areas of human resource management is the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 5 92) When the first edition of your text was written, what was the title of the book? A) Human Resource Management B) Personnel: The Management of Human Resources C) Managing Personnel in the Twentieth Century D) Workforce Management

: B Explanation: B) The title of the book says much about the HR evolution. In the first edition, this text was titled Personnel: The Management of Human Resources, and the focus was more on personnel as a staff or advisory function. By the fourth edition, the title of the book had changed to Human Resource Management, and a more general management focus was evolving. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 61) According to the text, which of the following would most likely be categorized as an unanticipated event in the HRM external environment? A) recessions B) hurricanes C) employee retirements D) stock and bondmarket losses

: B Explanation: B) Unanticipated events are occurrences in the external environment that cannot be foreseen, such as hurricanes, oil spills, and earthquakes. Recessions, staff changes, and economic shifts are more predictable than natural disasters. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 57) Which of the following terms refers to any organized approach for obtaining relevant and timely information on which to base HR decisions? A) HR strategic planning system B) HR information system C) HR core function D) HR development

: B Explanation: B) With the increased sophistication of technology has come the ability to design more useful human resource information systems (HRIS). An HRIS is any organized approach for obtaining relevant and timely information on which to base human resource decisions. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 5 86) A person who may be an executive and performs tasks in a variety of HR-related areas is best known as a ________. A) specialist B) manager C) generalist D) supervisor

: C Explanation: C) A generalist, who may be an executive, performs tasks in a variety of HR-related areas. A specialist may be an HR executive, manager, or nonmanager who is typically concerned with only one of the five functional areas of HRM. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 63) Jennifer works in an advisory or staff capacity, working with other managers to help them deal with human resource matters. Jennifer is most likely employed as a(n) ________. A) account executive B) line manager C) HR manager D) project manager

: C Explanation: C) A human resource manager typically acts in an advisory or staff capacity, working with other managers to help them deal with human resource matters. The HR manager has been primarily responsible for coordinating the management of HR to help the organization achieve its goals. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 3 AACSB: Use of IT 54) According to your textbook, cloud computing ________. A) has done little to enhance HR mobility B) requires expensive, time-consuming upgrades for HR staff C) allows HR professionals to access applications from virtually anywhere D) has largely been ignored by HR professionals

: C Explanation: C) A major factor contributing to HR mobility is cloud computing. Cloud computing permits businesses to buy what they need, when they need it. HR professionals can be virtually anywhere and access the cloud, all through any standard Web. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 5 89) Erin is a benefits analyst with a large accounting firm. Erin is most likely which type of employee? A) executive B) generalist C) specialist D) contractor

: C Explanation: C) A specialist is typically concerned with only one of the five functional areas of HRM. Erin focuses exclusively on benefits, so she is a specialist. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 5 90) Joanna is the vice president of industrial relations at Reese Enterprises. Which two HR designations best categorize Joanna? A) generalist and specialist B) executive and generalist C) executive and specialist D) manager and generalist

: C Explanation: C) A specialist may be an HR executive, manager, or nonmanager who is typically concerned with only one of the five functional areas of HRM. In this case, Joanna focuses on industrial relations, which means she is a specialist, but she is also a vice president, which makes her an executive. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 3 46) Which term refers to employees who have joined together for the purpose of dealing with an employer? A) political party B) organization C) union D) PEO

: C Explanation: C) A union is comprised of employees who have joined together for the purpose of dealing with their employer. In a unionized organization, the union rather than the individual employee negotiates an agreement with management. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 22) According to surveys, today's employees will work for approximately ________ companies and will change careers ________ times in their working lives. A) 3; 3 B) 5; 7 C) 9; 3 D) 11; 5

: C Explanation: C) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, today's employees will work for approximately nine companies during their careers. A survey conducted by NYU's School of Continuing and Professional Studies showed that on average, individuals will change careers (not merely "jobs") three times in their life. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 AACSB: Use of IT 60) In most cases, when the economy is booming, recruiting qualified workers is ________. A) easier B) dynamic C) more difficult D) more systematic

: C Explanation: C) As a generalization, when the economy is booming, it is more difficult to recruit qualified workers. On the other hand, when a downturn is experienced as with the recession of 2008/10, more applicants are typically available. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 70) Whirlpool Corporation has an agreement with IBM for the HR outsourcer to handle Whirlpool's workforce administration, compensation, recruitment, training, and performance reporting. This type of outsourcing is known as ________. A) process control outsourcing B) discrete services outsourcing C) business process outsourcing D) single task outsourcing

: C Explanation: C) Business process outsourcing (BPO) represents the transfer of the majority of HR services to a third party. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 2 21) An ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them is called ________. A) succession planning B) career development C) career planning D) training

: C Explanation: C) Career planning is an ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them. Career development is a formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 AACSB: Use of IT 56) The ________ signifies the system of shared values, beliefs, and habits within an organization that interacts with the formal structure to produce behavioral norms. A) motivation model B) network system C) corporate culture D) behavioral paradigm

: C Explanation: C) Corporate culture is the system of shared values, beliefs, and habits within an organization that interacts with the formal structure to produce behavioral norms. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 52) Customers are considered an external environmental factor because they ________. A) use the Internet to research products B) generate employer branding C) expect quality products and after-purchase service D) invest in corporations

: C Explanation: C) Customers constantly demand high-quality products and after-purchase service. Therefore, a firm's workforce should be capable of providing top-quality goods and services. These conditions relate directly to the skills, qualifications, and motivations of the organization's employees. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 51) What are the people who actually use a firm's goods and services called? A) managers B) shareholders C) customers D) employers

: C Explanation: C) Customers use a firm's goods and services, and they are part of the external environment. Because sales are crucial to the firm's survival, management has the task of ensuring that its employment practices do not antagonize the customers it serves. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

20) Which of the following involves learning that goes beyond today's job and has a more long-term focus? A) training B) career planning C) development D) organizational development

: C Explanation: C) Development involves learning that goes beyond today's job and has a more long-term focus. Training is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 45) Which of the following is the discipline most closely related to corporate social responsibility? A) sociology B) psychology C) ethics D) philosophy

: C Explanation: C) Ethics is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad, or right and wrong, or with moral duty and obligation. Corporate social responsibility is the implied, enforced, or felt obligation of managers, acting in their official capacity, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 41) Which of the following is NOT an external environment factor? A) competition B) customers C) mission D) shareholders

: C Explanation: C) Factors outside an organization's boundaries that affect a firm's human resources make up the external environment. External factors include the legal considerations, labor market, society, political parties, unions, shareholders, competition, customers, technology, the economy, and unanticipated events. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 65) The process of hiring an external provider to do the work that was previously done internally is referred to as ________. A) broadbanding B) job enlarging C) outsourcing D) onboarding

: C Explanation: C) HR outsourcing is the process of hiring external HR professionals to do the HR work that was previously done internally. The key to HR outsourcing success is to determine which functions to outsource, the extent to which they should be outsourced, and which ones to keep in-house. HR outsourcing focuses primarily on routine, transaction-oriented processes and clerical work. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 36) Healthy and safe employees are more likely to ________. A) earn managerial promotions B) request salary increases C) remain productive D) join labor unions

: C Explanation: C) Health and safety are important because employees who work in a safe environment and enjoy good health are more likely to be productive and yield long-term benefits to the organization. Such employees will not necessarily be promoted, request raises, or join unions. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 6 93) In today's workplace, HR is ________. A) moving towards a narrower focus on personnel B) focusing more on administrative tasks C) focusing more on strategic planning D) moving towards a wider focus on training

: C Explanation: C) In the past, HR focused exclusively on personnel and associated administrative tasks. With the increase of automation and technology, HR managers have more time to assist with strategic and business planning. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 82) Why are line managers most likely performing more HR tasks today? A) competition from PEOs B) implementation of EEO laws C) automation of HR processes D) expansion of HR departments

: C Explanation: C) Managers are being assisted by manager self-service, the use of software, and the corporate network to automate paper-based human resource processes that require a manager's approval, record-keeping or input, and processes that support the manager's job. Everything from recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, to employee development has been automated to assist line managers in performing traditional HR tasks. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 62) Many HR departments are most likely becoming smaller because ________. A) federal agencies monitor HR functions B) HR telecommuting is gaining popularity C) external groups are performing HR functions D) technology eliminates the need for HR specialists

: C Explanation: C) Many HR departments continue to get smaller because others outside the HR department are now performing certain functions. HR outsourcing, shared service centers, professional employer organizations, and line managers now assist in the accomplishment of many traditional human resource activities. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 32) Ben works at a small advertising agency as a graphic artist. Ben enjoys his job because the company allows employees to have flexible schedules and to telecommute when necessary. Which of the following best describes this type of employee compensation? A) indirect financial compensation B) direct financial compensation C) nonfinancial compensation D) required compensation

: C Explanation: C) Nonfinancial compensation refers to the physical environment in which the person works, which includes the schedule the firm allows. Flexible scheduling and telecommuting are neither direct nor indirect forms of financial compensation. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 2 27) What HR tool gives employees the opportunity to capitalize on their strengths and overcome identified deficiencies? A) manager self-service B) employee orientation C) performance appraisal D) selection tests

: C Explanation: C) Performance appraisal is a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team task performance. It affords employees the opportunity to capitalize on their strengths and overcome identified deficiencies, thereby helping them to become more satisfied and productive employees. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 78) Shelby Organic Foods is a fast growing firm that produces organic frozen food entrees. The firm employs 700 people and expects to hire more in the next few years. Currently, all of the firm's HR tasks are handled internally by Shelby's HR department. However, top executives at Shelby are considering the idea of outsourcing benefits administration. Which of the following questions is LEAST relevant to the decision to outsource Shelby's benefits administration tasks? A) What is the cost difference for Shelby between handling benefits internally and externally? B) How much time is spent by Shelby's HR department handling benefits administration tasks? C) Which Shelby HR professional should oversee benefits administration at the shared service center? D) How knowledgeable is Shelby's HR staff about benefits administration and federal health care laws?

: C Explanation: C) Questions about cost, time, and legal knowledge are particularly important to ask before Shelby outsources any HR tasks. A shared service center is not a form of outsourcing. SSCs consolidate an organization's HR activities into one location and handle the HR tasks internally. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Critical Thinking

: 9 100) Which organization offers HR professionals the opportunity to earn PHR, SPHR, and GPHR certification? A) SHRM B) ASTD C) HRCI D) OSHA

: C Explanation: C) The Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) was founded to recognize human resource professionals through a certification program. HRCI offers three certifications for HR professionals: PHR (Professional in Human Resources), SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources), and GPHR (Global Professional in Human Resources). Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 47) Unions are treated as an environmental factor because they act as a ________ when dealing with a firm. A) supervisor B) political party C) third party D) shareholder

: C Explanation: C) Unions are treated as an environmental factor because, essentially, they become a third party when dealing with the company. In a unionized organization, the union rather than the individual employee negotiates an agreement with management. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 38) Jenny works in the HR department of Southwest Airlines, and she specializes in industrial relations. In which of the following activities would Jenny most likely participate? A) outsourcing tasks B) testing job candidates C) handling collective bargaining D) monitoring employee safety issues

: C Explanation: C) When a labor union represents a firm's employees, the human resource activity is often referred to as industrial relations, which handles the job of collective bargaining. Jenny is less likely to deal with outsourcing, testing, or monitoring safety. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 5 85) A human resource generalist normally performs tasks ________. A) for only entry level positions and employees B) for either compensation or labor relations C) in fewer than three functional areas D) in a variety of HR-related areas

: D Explanation: D) A generalist, who may be an executive, performs tasks in a variety of HR-related areas. A specialist is typically concerned with only one of the five functional areas of HRM. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 64) The human resource manager normally operates in what capacity? A) line B) production C) matrix D) staff

: D Explanation: D) A human resource manager typically acts in an advisory or staff capacity, working with other managers to help them deal with human resource matters. The HR manager has been primarily responsible for coordinating the management of HR to help the organization achieve its goals. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 74) Which term refers to a company that leases employees to other businesses? A) shared service center B) human resource provider C) external employer organization D) professional employer organization

: D Explanation: D) A professional employer organization (PEO) is a company that leases employees to other businesses. When a decision is made to use a PEO, the company releases its employees, who are then hired by the PEO. The PEO then manages the administrative needs associated with employees. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 39) What human resource task pervades all functional areas of human resource management? A) health and safety B) development C) training D) research

: D Explanation: D) Although human resource research is not a distinct HRM function, it pervades all functional areas, and the researcher's laboratory is the entire work environment. For instance, a study related to recruitment may suggest the type of worker most likely to succeed in a particular firm. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 29) All of the following are categories of employment compensation EXCEPT ________. A) direct financial B) nonfinancial C) indirect financial D) psychological

: D Explanation: D) As used in the text, the term compensation includes the total of all rewards provided to employees in return for their services. The rewards may be one or a combination of direct financial compensation, indirect financial compensation, and nonfinancial compensation. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 AACSB: Reflective Thinking 79) Shelby Organic Foods is a fast growing firm that produces organic frozen food entrees. The firm employs 700 people and expects to hire more in the next few years. Currently, all of the firm's HR tasks are handled internally by Shelby's HR department. However, top executives at Shelby are considering the idea of outsourcing benefits administration. Which of the following best supports the idea of outsourcing benefits administration? A) Shelby employees enroll for health benefits through the firm's intranet. B) Shelby's HR manager recently participated in a strategic planning session. C) The benefits specialist at HR is knowledgeable about changing healthcare laws. D) Benefits administration is highly time consuming for the Shelby HR department.

: D Explanation: D) Benefits administration can be a high-volume, repetitive task that is time consuming for HR professionals. Outsourcing benefits administration would allow the HR department to focus on strategic organizational issues. Also, benefits administration has become so complex that it takes someone who works regularly with benefits administration to keep track of all of the different laws and changes that are going on. If Shelby has a specialist who understands the laws, then outsourcing is unnecessary. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Critical Thinking

: 2 AACSB: Ethical Understanding 44) The implied obligation of managers, acting in their official capacities, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves is referred to as ________. A) ethics B) managerial values C) political activism D) corporate social responsibility

: D Explanation: D) Corporate social responsibility is the implied, enforced, or felt obligation of managers, acting in their official capacity, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves. Corporate social responsibility is closely related to ethics, which involves making decisions of right and wrong. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 43) Which of the following is the discipline of dealing with what is right and wrong? A) corporate social responsibility B) sociology C) cultural norms D) ethics

: D Explanation: D) Ethics is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad, or right and wrong, or with moral duty and obligation. Corporate social responsibility is closely related to ethics. Corporate social responsibility is the implied, enforced, or felt obligation of managers, acting in their official capacity, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 4 66) Lee Shultz, the operations manager for Acme Bolts, has just learned that an experienced arc welder has resigned. He contacts the manager of human resources, Reba Cole, asking her to send him some qualified welders for him to interview. In this case, ________. A) Lee is only concerned about accomplishing operations goals B) Reba is only concerned about accomplishing human resource goals C) Lee and Reba see organizational goals from the same perspective D) both are concerned with accomplishing organizational goals, but from different perspectives

: D Explanation: D) Lee's primary responsibility is operations; Reba's primary responsibility is human resources. However, both Lee and Reba are concerned with accomplishing organizational goals, even though their perspectives are different. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

: 3 AACSB: Use of IT 58) Management's perception of the degree to which the prospective employee will fit in with the firm's culture and value system is known as ________. A) discrimination B) stereotyping C) employer branding D) organizational fit

: D Explanation: D) Organizational fit is management's perception of the degree to which the prospective employee will fit into the firm's culture and value system. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 2 35) What human resource management task involves protecting employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents? A) accident prevention B) injury analysis C) job analysis D) safety

: D Explanation: D) Safety involves protecting employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents. Health refers to the employees' freedom from physical or emotional illness. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 5 87) In a typical small business, HR functions are often handled by ________. A) outside vendors B) compensation analysts C) HRM specialists D) line managers

: D Explanation: D) Small businesses often do not have a formal HR unit or HRM specialist. Rather line managers often handle the HR functions. The focus of their activities is generally on hiring and retaining capable employees. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 9 96) Which of the following is not a prominent professional organization in the field of human resources? A) ASTD B) SHRM C) HRCI D) all of the above

: D Explanation: D) The following are prominent HR organizations: the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), and the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) was established in 1970 as a part of the United States Department of Labor to ensure the health and safety of U.S. workers. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 50) Which of the following is a FALSE statement about external environmental factors? A) Stockholders influence managerial decisions in a corporation. B) Customer satisfaction plays a role in human resource decisions. C) Unions negotiate with management on behalf of individual employees. D) The labor market rarely changes because population remains relatively stable.

: D Explanation: D) The labor market is always changing, and these shifts inevitably cause changes in the workforce of an organization. In turn, changes in individuals within an organization affect the way management must deal with its workforce. Stockholders and customers affect HR decisions, and unions serve as negotiators for members. Diff: 3 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 3 49) Which term refers to the owners of a corporation? A) managers B) executives C) presidents D) shareholders

: D Explanation: D) The owners of a corporation are called shareholders. Because shareholders, or stockholders, have invested money in the firm, they may at times challenge programs considered by management to be beneficial to the organization. Diff: 1 Chapter: 1 Skill: Concept

: 9 99) Steve works as an HR generalist at FedEx, but he would like to become a benefits specialist. Which organization would enable Steve to earn the designation of Certified Benefits Professional? A) ASTD B) SHRM C) HRCI D) WorldatWork

: D Explanation: D) WorldatWork Society of Certified Professionals is an organization that certifies human resource professionals in the disciplines of compensation, benefits, and work-life. Steve would earn the designation of Certified Benefits Professional (CBP) through WorldatWork. Diff: 2 Chapter: 1 Skill: Application

10) Which term refers to the process through which an organization ensures that it always has the proper number of employees with the appropriate skills in the right jobs, at the right time, to achieve organizational objectives? A) staffing B) recruitment C) selection D) HR planning

A) Staffing is the process through which an organization ensures that it always has the proper number of employees with the appropriate skills in the right jobs, at the right time, to achieve organizational objectives. Staffing involves job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, and selection.

Being on which list of "100 best" is so desirable that some organizations try to change their culture and philosophies to get on the list? A) Working Mother list of 100 best companies B) Fortune magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For C) Business Ethics magazine list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens D) Computerworld list of Best Places to Work

Achieving acknowledgment by an external source is a good way for a brand to be recognized. Being listed on Fortune magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For is so desirable that some organizations try to change their culture and philosophies to get on the list. Inclusion on another magazine's list is less helpful than being on Fortune's.

What embodies the values and standards that guide people's behavior? A) societal trends B) employer brands C) organizational policies D) corporate mission statements

B) An employer brand embodies the values and standards that guide people's behavior. Through employer branding, people get to know what the company stands for, the people it hires, the fit between jobs and people, and the results it recognizes and rewards.

The utilization of individuals to achieve organizational objectives is known as ________. A) human resource leadership B) human resource management C) human resource staffing D) human resource planning

B) Human resource management (HRM) is the utilization of individuals to achieve organizational objectives. Basically, all managers get things done through the efforts of others.

How many functional areas are associated with human resource management? A) 3 B) 5 C) 7 D) 9

B) People who are engaged in the management of human resources develop and work through an integrated HRM system. Five functional areas are associated with effective HRM: staffing, human resource development, compensation, safety and health, and employee and labor relations.

6) Avid Technology, Inc. was recently included on BusinessWeek's list of 100 best small companies. Which HR function will most significantly be affected by this achievement? A) performance appraisal B) safety and health C) recruitment D) research

C) Achieving acknowledgment by an external source is a good way for a brand to be recognized. Being listed on BusinessWeek's list of 100 Best Small Companies will most likely assist in the company's recruitment and retention programs.

The primary purpose of employer branding is to ________. A) promote employee benefits B) sell consumer products C) attract quality employees D) encourage media mentions

C) Employer branding is the firm's corporate image or culture created to attract and retain the type of employees the firm is seeking. Through employer branding, people get to know what the company stands for, the people it hires, the fit between jobs and people, and the results it recognizes and rewards.

Lauren is an HR manager at a marketing firm. Which of the following functions is LEAST likely to be an aspect of Lauren's job? A) staffing B) employee safety C) product testing D) employee and labor relations

C) Five functional areas are associated with effective HRM: staffing, human resource development, compensation, safety and health, and employee and labor relations. Product testing is not an area of HRM.

From the point of view of human resources, employer branding has ________. A) supplanted the profit motive in boardrooms around the world B) little to do with attracting and retaining employees C) evolved into the nexus of corporate culture and workplace interaction D) become a driving force to engage and retain the firm's most valuable employees

D) A robust employment brand attracts people and makes them want to stay. So, employer branding has become a driving force to engage and retain the firm's most valuable employees.

The firm's corporate image or culture that attracts and retains ideal employees is best known as ________. A) job branding B) brand culture C) HR branding D) employer branding

D) Employer branding is the firm's corporate image or culture created to attract and retain the type of employees the firm is seeking. Through employer branding, people get to know what the company stands for, the people it hires, the fit between jobs and people, and the results it recognizes and rewards.

The systematic process of matching the internal and external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization over a specified period of time is referred to as ________. A) HR planning B) recruitment C) job analysis D) performance appraisal

Explanation: A) Human resource planning is the systematic process of matching the internal and external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization over a specified period. The data provided set the stage for recruitment or other HR actions.

Connor works as an accountant at Price Waterhouse and is scheduled to meet with his manager for a formal review and evaluation of his strengths and weaknesses. In which of the following activities is Connor most likely participating? A) performance appraisal B) career development C) succession planning D) job analysis

Explanation: A) Performance appraisal is a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team task performance. It affords employees the opportunity to capitalize on their strengths and overcome identified deficiencies, thereby helping them to become more satisfied and productive employees.

12) As an HR manager in charge of staffing for a restaurant chain, John is most likely NOT responsible for ________. A) training B) job analysis C) recruitment D) selection

Explanation: A) Staffing is the process through which an organization ensures that it always has the proper number of employees with the appropriate skills in the right jobs, at the right time, to achieve organizational objectives. Staffing involves job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, and selection. Training is an aspect of HR development.

Which of the following provides learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs? A) training B) development C) career planning D) succession planning

Explanation: A) Training is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs. Development involves learning that goes beyond today's job and has a more long-term focus.

11) The staffing process involves all of the following functions EXCEPT ________. A) job analysis B) recruitment C) product placement D) selection

Explanation: C) Staffing involves job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, and selection.

) Which HRM function consists of training and development, individual career planning and development activities, organization development, and performance management and appraisal? A) management by objectives B) employee and labor relations C) organizational development D) human resource development

Explanation: D) Human resource development is a major HRM function consisting not only of training and development but also of career planning and development activities, organization development, and performance management and appraisal.

What is the systematic process of determining the skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization? A) strategic planning B) job enlargement C) recruitment D) job analysis

Explanation: D) Job analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization. It impacts virtually every aspect of HRM, including planning, recruitment, and selection. Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization.

The process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization is referred to as ________. A) HR planning B) selection C) appraisal D) recruitment

Explanation: D) Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization. Human resource planning is the systematic process of matching the internal and external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization over a specified period. The data provided set the stage for recruitment or other HR actions.

Lyle, an HR specialist at a publishing company, is in the process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for an assistant editor position. Lyle is most likely involved in the function of ________. A) recruitment B) HR planning C) job analysis D) selection

Explanation: D) Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and the organization. Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization.

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