Final Study Questions - GRY 100

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sprawling squatter settlements in South Asia

What are bustees?

religious and linguistic differences

What are the sources of ethnic violence in Sri Lanka?


What behavior does the South Asian religion of Jainism emphasize over all others?


What climatic factor dominates South Asia, often causing summer floods?


What country of South Asia has been one of the most successful in the region in reducing its fertility rate?


What is the most serious natural hazard in Bangladesh?


What is the most widely spoken language in South Asia?


What is the name for India's secluded or untouchable caste?


What religion dominates in India


What religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh?

It provides low-interest credit to fund small-scale enterprise.

What role does the Grameen Bank play in Bangladesh?

The Maldives

Which country in South Asia is only 6 feet above sea level at its highest point, and therefore is most threatened by rising sea levels predicted to accompany climate change?


Which country of South Asia has the largest population in the region?

It is burdened by high levels of defense spending.

Which of the following is one of the main reasons that Pakistan has had a difficult time achieving economic growth?

Turkic-speaking Muslims from Central Asia

Who brought Islam to South Asia?

Mohandas Ghandi

Who is the father-figure of Indian independence?

Its wages are low.

Why is Bangladesh internationally competitive in textile and clothing manufacture?


a place where goods are imported, stored, and then transshipped; Singapore formed itself from this to one of the world's wealthiest and most modern states

Rain-Shadow Effect

area of low rainfall found on the downwind side of a mountain range; as winds move downslope, the air becomes warmer and dry conditions usually prevail; found on the Deccan Plateau (Hyderabad, Delhi, and Karachi)


arose in due to tension between Hinduism and Islam in northern South Asia; originated in the 1400s in the Punjab, near the modern boundary between India and Pakistan; combined elements of both religions; periodic persecution led the Sikhs to adopt a militantly defensive stance


caste system of India; highest to lowest- Gods, 1. Bhramin (priests, academics), 2. Kshartyia (warriors, kings), 3. Viasya (merchants, landowners), 4. Sudra (commoners, peasants, servants), Untouchable (Outcast-Out of Caste, street sweepers, latrine cleaners)

Orographic Rainfall

caused by the uplifting and cooling of moist monsoon winds over the Western Ghats and the Himalayan foothills; areas receive more than 200 inches of rain during the four month wet season


city on the banks of the Ganges River; the holiest city in Hinduism; a lot of people and pollution


collection of islands that reaches from New Guinea and New Zealand to the US state of Hawaii in the mid-Pacific; Micronesia, Melanesia, etc.

Lingua Franca

common trade language; the Malay language overshadows all other languages in insular Southeast Asia

Native Title Bill

compensated aborigines for lands already given up and gave them the right to gain title to unclaimed lands they still occupied; also provided them with legal standing to deal with mining companies in native-settled areas

Caste System

complex division of South Asian society into different hierarchically ranked hereditary groups; the caste system is most explicit in Hindu society but is also found in other cultures to a lesser degree


Federally Administered Tribal Areas; semiautonomous tribal region in northwestern Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan

by the collision of peninsular India with the Asian landmass

How were the Himalayas formed?


In what part of India are Dravidian languages most likely to be spoken?


Indonesian portion of the island Borneo (the rest of the island is part of Malaysia); facing deforestation for palm oil (which is depleting the orangutan population)

Hinduism and Islam

Sikhism is a blend of what two religions?


Southeast Asia and the Philippines are highly vulnerable to these tropical cyclones; bring devastating winds and torrential rain; cause damage through flooding and landslide

Swat Valley

"mini-Switzerland"; Taliban took it over; located in Pakistan bordering the FATA to the north and the east

Khyber Pass

"the Kabul-Jalalabad highway"; Afghanistan's lifeline to Pakistan on the Kabul River; dangers include Taliban spotters, military bases, and natural disasters (shifting rocks, winding road, etc.)

Austral Monsoon

"the wet"; dramatic and unpredictable seasonal changes that the tropical low-latitude north Australia experiences; specifically Darwin; major effects of flooding in the outback

Mughal Empire

16 and 17th century; most powerful of the Muslim states, dominated much of the region from its power center in the upper Indus-Ganges Basin

to retain the British policy, and allow them to maintain nearly full autonomy

After the partitioning of India in the late 1940s and the subsequent formation of Bangladesh in 1971, what was Pakistan's policy toward the Pashtun tribes in the country?


Association of Southeast Asian Nations; includes every country in the region except East Timor; has created a generally effective system of regional cooperation

Penal Colony

Australia served as a prison for British convicts to keep them away from their general population when they first settled and colonized Australia; called "New Holland" at the time


Britain, France, US, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese all colonized in Southeast Asia; the only country to always remain independent is Thailand

Migration Program

part of the "White Australia Policy" since the 1970s; limited nonwhite migration in Australia; promoted European and North American immigration at the expense of others


part of the Hindu belief; concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal, or spiritual depending on moral quality of previous life's actions

Ta Moko

permanent body and face covering that the Maori got; tattoos


process whereby parental property is distributed to a daughter at her marriage rather than at the holder's death; wealth of bride's family is transferred to the groom and groom's family; results in conflicts / domestic violence / killing of wives

Geothermal Energy

refers to geothermal springs, geysers, steam vents, mud pools, etc.; located on North Island

Transmigration Policy

relocation of its population from one densely populated area to another area within its national territory that is less densely populated; high social and environmental costs accompany these relocation programs; offered 5 acres of land, a one year rice supply, and a one-way ticket in Indonesia

Maoist Insurgencies

revolutionary movement generated by poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation and inspired by former Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong; spread throughout eastern India and Nepal level of violence dropped by about 50% by 2011


scrubby eucalyptus woodland vegetation; produced in in the Mediterranean climates of the southern and southwestern part of Australia

Monsoons - Winter/Summer

seasonal change of wind direction that corresponds to wet and dry periods; during winter a large high-pressure system forms over the cold Asian landmass; dry season from November until February; by early June the low pressure cell is strong enough to cause a shift in wind direction so that the warm, moist air from the Indian Ocean moves toward the continental interior

Sex Tourism

sex trade targeted at tourists / foreigners (especially outside US military bases); Thailand

Primate City

single, large urban settlements that overshadow all others (Ex. Thailands urban system dominated by Bangkok);

Killing Fields

sites in Cambodia where mass numbers of people were executed and buried into pits by the Khmer Rouge regime; genocide of all educated people


small plots of several acres of forest or brush are periodically cut by hand; practiced throughout the rudded uplands of Southeast Asia; harmed by commercial logging


squatter settlements; exist in and around urban areas, providing meager shelter for many migrants


started 563 BCE in India; Buddha was born into the elite caste and challenged the caste system; rejected the life of wealth and power and instead seeked enlightenment (mystical union with the universe) and said that such enlightenment was open to everyone no matter social status; the religion never completely replaced Hinduism in India

Great Barrier Reef

stretches along the eastern Queensland coast; one of the world's most spectacular examples of coral reef-building; threatened by varied forms of coastal pollution, now mostly protected in national marine park; world's largest living organism


systematic killing of members of a specific sex; killing infant girls because family's need a boy to provide, and they can't afford a dowry wedding; India has one of the worst gender ratio imbalances in world (10:7); government has offered to pay for all of daughters' educations to incentivize keeping and giving birth girls (rather than aborting them after finding out gender)

Stolen Generations

taking of aboriginal children from their families by whites to live with white ozzie families to "protect and create a better life for them"; went on until 1960s; about 100,000 children were taken from their families

Civil Disobedience (Satyagraha)

term coined by Ghandi; part of Indian indepence movement; nonviolent civil resistance; marches and demonstrations


the Indonesian half of the island of New Guinea; remains the region's least settled area; mineral mining has increased significantly (rich in gold) and palm oil plantation; annexed by Indonesia; very secluded indigenous people

Domino Theory

the idea that once a country adopted communism its neighbor countries would soon follow after; thought that if Vietnam adopted communism then Laos and Cambodia would follow; the reason for US going to war with Vietnam to prevent the spread communism; Vietnam split into North Vietnam (lead by Ho Chi Minh and influenced by China) which was for communism, and South Vietnam which wanted democracy

Hindu Nationalism

threating the current secular state of India; promotes Hindu values as the foundation of Indian society; Hindu nationalists have gained considerable political power through the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP); Hindu mobs have demolished Muslim mosques that had allegedly been built on ancient Hindu sites

Eco Tourism

tourism that attracts tourists due to very undisturbed and beautiful natural habitats; Thailand

Trash Treks

trash clean-up plan in Nepal to reduce pollution in the Himalayan Mountains

El Nino

turns normally wet tropical forests into tinderboxes which causes large portions of Southeast Asia to suffer from droubt; one of the factors that combined to produce the region's air pollution disaster in the late 1990s

Artisean Wells

underground water resources; make grazing possible in dry areas; wells in the Great Artesian Basin in Australia; water runs down from a higher surface (mountain) after rainfall and is stored in sandstone / limestone between layers of impermeable rock

White Australia Policy

various policies by Britain that intentionally favored immigration from certain European countries (especially Britain) to make Australia a nation populated by white people


very dry, arid, sparsely settled area of Australia (as opposed to the Australian Core); mostly desert climate

Vietnam War

war that US went into with "limited engagement" to contain the spread of communism and prevent events of the 'domino theory' from happening; North Vietnam wanted communism and South Vietnam wanted democracy; US lost the war which ended in 1975 and North and South Vietnam were reunited as one country the following year (1976) with a communist government

Kumbh Mel Festival

world's largest religious gathering; occurs once every 12 years; ritual bathing at the banks of the river in whichever city the festival is being held


writing in which many epic Hindu stories are usually written in; sacred language of the Hindu religion


designation for a group of people traditionally regarded as "untouchable"; outside traditional order; ancestors held impure jobs such as leather working or trash collecting

Line of Control

dividing line in Kashmir between India control and Pakistan control

Islamic Sultante

dynasty of lands ruled by a sultan; small, but extremely wealthy; Brunei; wealth comes almost completely from crude oil / natural gas; British protectorate


emerged in northern India around the same time Buddhism came about (circa 500 BCE); stressed non-violence to an extreme; Jains are forbidden to kill any living creatures; the most devoted members actually wear gauze masks to prevent them from swallowing small insects

British East India Company

followed Britain's victory against France in the "Seven Year War"; private organization that acted as an arm of the British government; free to carve out its own South Asian empire which was essentially completed by 1840; continuous expansion led to rebellion in 1856 across much of South Asia

Palm Oil

found in Indonesia; used in many consumer products from ice cream to lip stick and so on; because demand for it is so high it is being gathered at such a high rate that it is causing deforestation and therefor threating the orangutan inhabitants


grape cultivation; increasingly shaping the rural scene in places such as South Australia's Barossa Valley, the Riverina district in New South Wales, and Western Australia's Swan Valley

Khmer Rouge

guerilla based communist government of Cambodia; led by Pol Pot; led to a genocide on the educated people in Cambodia; turned a high school into a huge prison

Partition of India

happened in 1947; divided the British Indian Empire into different independent 'parts' (India and Pakistan); massive migration and violence; ethnic and religious differences

Silicon Plateau

hi-tech region in South Asia (southern India specifically); destination of many outsourced US jobs (primarily telephone support jobs)

Australian Core

higher populated urban part of Australia; located in the southeast (Sydney = 20% population)

Kashmir Conflict

hostility between the two nuclear powers of India and Pakistan; under the British, this region of predominately Muslim population was ruled by a Hindu maharaja, who managed to join the province to India upon partition but today many Kashmiris wish to join Pakistan, while many others argue for an independent state


huge red-colored mountain looking rock; sacred spiritual site for the Anangu Aboriginal people; one of the world's largest monoliths; has climbing issues because it is made of sandstone

Dharavi Redevelopment Project:

improvements made to the formerly rough bustee-like city of Dharavi (the heart of Mumbai); includes projects such as elevated walkways, gardens and open spaces, multi-story residential and office complexes, new Dharavi railway station between Sion and Mahim, & multi-layer roads and car parks


indigenous inhabitant of Australia; currently make up only about 2% of population; arrived 60-70,000 years ago

Dravidian Language

languages of southern India belong to this language family; found only in South Asia

Golden Triangle

located in the mountains of northern Southeast Asia; one of the main cash crops has historically been opium, grown by local farmers for the global drug trade


main religion of South Asia, specifically India; emerged out of the early Ganges Valley civilization (now Pakistan); fewer than 1% of the people of Pakistan are now Hindu; more than 90% of the population in most of central India is Hindu; sort of polytheistic; "sacred cow" Goshalas

Mainland/Insular Regions

mainland is connected to the continent (NW of South China Sea); Insular region is the area of island countries (SE area of South China Sea)

Demographic Collapse

major decrease in aboriginal population when Britain arrived; aboriginals now have issues with life expectancy, unemployment, and alcoholism; the aboriginals first arrived 60-70,000 years ago and now make up only about 2% of population

Gross National Happiness (GNH)

measure of the quality / pleasure of life in Bhutan; based on the 4 pillars of 'Sustainable and Equitable Socio-Economic Development', 'Conservation of the Environment', 'Preservation and Promotion of Culture', and 'Good Governance'

Grameen Bank

microcredit plan for the poor; inventor won a Nobel peace prize; gave very small loans to high risk candidates (usually women) to start businesses


most widely spoken language of South Asia; more than 500 million native speakers


name for the religions of tribal peoples in the highlands of Southeast Asia that worship nature spirits and their ancestors

Asia's Farm and Quarry

name given to Australia because of how much of their economic activity supplies China; specifically iron ore


natives of New Zealand; wear a lot of body ornaments such as ear piercing and face tattoos; 10% of population; warriors would perform a ceremonial dance called the Haka before battle; Polynesian roots

Land Down Under

nickname given to Australia; only place to sit entirely in the S. Hemisphere

Green Revolution

originated in the 1960s in agricultural research stations established by international development agencies; transformed South Asia from a region of chronic food deficiencies to one of self-sufficiency

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