MGT 410 Test 2

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Tim Cook

Apple -participative leadership -servant leadership -charismatic, social competence


A situation in which each party to a conflict must give up something. There is no winner or loser


A situation where the parties to a conflict each desire to satisfy fully the concern of all parties. Win WIn

Peer Leadership Network

A system of social ties among leaders who are connected through shared interests and commitments, as well as shared work


A wroker changing his efforts, so that the goals is achieved on time

Which of the following is true of traditional thinking? a. It focuses on looking at a problem in a new light. b. It refers to a standard way of finding a solution for a problem. c. It often involves practicing innovation for its own sake. d. It promotes divergent thinking that makes a person move away from a single solution

b. It refers to a standard way of finding a solution for a problem

Behavior patterns for success

-Be active -manage the situation -set goals -plan prepare practice -persevere -learn from setbacks -visualize success -limit stress

Roberto demonstrates the desired behavior expected from his group members when a client visit takes place. In the context of coaching skills and techniques, he is: a. listening actively. b. helping remove obstacles. c. giving specific feedback. d. modeling the desired performance.

d. modeling the desired performance

Terminal Values Examples

A comfortable prosperous life, world peace, wisdom, salvation

The operational network

Aimed at doing ones assigned task more effectively Involves cultivating stronger relationships with coworkers whose membership in the network is clear

9 characteristics of flow

1. clear goals 2. immediate feedback 3. balance between challenges and skills 4. action and awareness are merged 5. distractions are excluded from consciousness 6. no worry or failure 7. self-consciousness dissapears 8. sense of time distorted 9. activity becomes and end in itself

Negotiating tactics

1. create positive neg climate 2. allow room for compromise 3. Focus on interests, not positions 4. know the other negotiation team 5. Allow for face saving

Flow tends to occur when

-you face a clear set of goals that require appropriate responses -your skills are fully involved in overcoming a challenge that is just about manageable

Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them

Albert Einstein

Disruptive Effects of diversity common theoretical assumptions

-people prefer others like themselves -differences make ppl uncomfy and leads to better treatment of similar others -similar demographics equate to deeper similarity

Differences in social and network ties

-work related ties, friendship ties, community ties, in-group memberships

Engineering flow

-Choose daily activities that maximize meaningful experience -Pay attention to components of your life that you enjoy, and those that contribute to stress -take systematic stock of various influences on your moods and increasing flow producing activities -est a productive cohort

Things affecting creativity

-Education -Socialized to think certain way -Conformity-wanting to be liked and accepted -Dyads, instead of groups -Stress and time pressure -Ignoring your self-knowledge

Reinforcement and managers

-If employees dont preform well, you need to consider their reinforcers. -Different strategies work for increasing behaviors and decreasing behaviors -Punishment may get rid of the undesired behavior, but lead to other undesirable behaviors -use punishment when positive reinforcement hasnt worked, or when its a matter of safety or ethics


-One individual feels threatened or attacked as a result of the communication -self-protection becomes paramount -Energy is spent on constructing a defense rather than on listening -Aggression, anger, competitiveness, and/or avoidance as a result of the communication

Social-category differences

-Race -ethnicity -Gender -Age -Religion -Sexual Orientaiton -Gender Identity -Physical abilities

Removing personnel and restructuring the organization

-Removing personnel can involve a transfer or firing. -Restructuring a group or organization can also effectively resolve conflict when the source of conflict is structural.

Optimal Distinctiveness Theory (Brewer) 1991

-Satisfaction of the need to belong in the work group(satisfaction of both needs concurrently) -Satisfaction of the need for uniqueness in a work group =Inclusion

Strategies to enhance listening skills

-Show respect -Selective listening to problems -Making the rounds

Characteristics of creative people

-above average intelligence -persistence -relevant knowledge and experience -independent imagination traits *higher openness to experience personality *lower need for affilitation motivation *higher self-direction/stimulation values

behavior patterns for failure

-be passive -avoid difficult tasks -develop weak aspirations -focus on personal deficiencies -Make a weak effort -blame setbacks on situation or people

Why negotiation skills are important now

-blurring of org boundaries -new organizational structures -new managerial roles -working with limited resources -change initiatives from below

Alex Lyon-advice for building capital

-build positive relationships -provide some value to the other people -help other people to connect -collaborate -never take advantage of other people

implications for managers

-create success opportunities for employees -be careful of sending subtle negative messages -carry through with promised rewards -find out what employees value

Differences in values or beliefs

-cultural background, ideological beliefs, personality differences, cognitive style, effective disposition

Structural approaches to conflict resolution

1. Emphasizing superordinate goals 2. Reducing differentiation 3. improving communication/understaidning 4. reduce task interdependence 5. increase resources 6. clarify rules and procedures

When to use Collaborating

1. Integrative solution when both sets of concerns are too important to be comp 2. Obj is to learn 3. Merge insights w people w diff perspectives 4. Work through feelings that interfere w relationship

When to use avoidance

1. Trivial issue, more important issues 2. Perceive no chance of satisfying your concerns 3. Potential disruption outweighs benefits of resolution 4. let people cool down and regain

When to use compromise

1. When goals are important 2. When opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals 3. To achieve temp settlements to complex issues 4. to arrive at expedient solutions under time pressure 5. As a backup when collb or comp is unsuccessful

3 components of creativity

1. expertise 2. creativity skills 3. Task motivation

positive reinforcement

A behavior is followed by a positive outcome


A person dreams up alternatives without evaluation them

If their respective teams perform above the set standard, Lindsay plans to provide a 2 percent increase in the salary of her subordinates, while Annette plans to increase it by 40 percent. In the context of the expectancy theory, how would the differences in increase affect both the teams? A) Annette's team would perform better when compared to Lindsay's team as the percentage increase in salary is more. b. Both the teams would perform poorly as a percentage increase in salary increases the stress factor among both the teams. c. Lindsay's team would perform better when compared to Annette's team as Annette's teammates are less pressurized. d. Both the teams would perform equally well as the percentage change in salary increase does not make a difference as long as there is a salary hike.

Annette's team would perform better when compared to Lindsay's team as the percentage increase in salary is more

Integrative Negotiaions

Assumptions: -others are adversaries and partners -possible to solve each others problems Process: -focus on interests, not positions -invent options for mutual gain -look for principles to bridge differences -package agreements based on differences in priorities Outcome: -Mutual gain agreements -Transformation of problems

Distributive negotiations

Assumptions: -others are advesaries -what i gain, you lose Process: -take a position and stick to it -Argue persuasively use power tactics -Concede grudgingly Outcome: -comp/split difference


Attempting to resolve divergent goals by redefining terms of interdependence

Why is perception important?

Because behaviour is based on perception of what reality is, not on reality itself. The world as it is perceived is the world that is behaviourally important.


Behavior is not followed by an outcome -Terry made a joke about the President to his friends, and nobody laughed. He decided not joke about the President again.

Instrumental Values Examples

Being loving, honest, and ambitious

Walt Bettinger

Charles Schwab -transparency, authenticity, vulnerability -participative/servant leadership -transparency and vulnerability

Conflict Handling Styles

Competition(Forcing), Accommodation(Yielding), Collaboration(Problem solving), Compromise, Avoidance

Using a 3rd party intervention for managing conflict

Conciliator - tries to get the two parties who have stopped bargaining to talk to each other again. Mediator - offers original alternatives and encourages the parties to adopt a particular solution. Arbitrator - acts as a judge, and after collecting relevant information and analyzing alternatives, actually has authority to impose a settlement on the parties.

John Dewey Quote

Conflict is the gadfy of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory. It instigates to invention. It shocks us out of sheeplike passivity, and sets us at noting and contriving

2 types of conflict

Constructive: aimed at issue, not parties Relationship: aimed at undermining other party

Oliver manages a team dedicated to product development consisting of highly creative individuals. He provides them with sufficient space for generating new ideas but is firm when selecting a choice among alternatives. Which of the following terms best describes Oliver's approach? a. Convergent thinking b. Pet-peeve technique c. Experience of flow d. Loose-tight leadership

D. loose-tight leadership

Meaningful work on the workgroup or team

Developing a sense of belonging and a caring environment

Malcolm Forbes Quote

Diversity the art of thinking independently together


Efforts to obtain a goal without regard for the impact on others. Win-Lose approach

Emerging view of conflcit

Encourage constructive conflict, minimize relationship conflict, however, it is difficult to separate.

Personal Networks

Engage cooperative people from outside the organization in a persons effort to develop personally and advance


Exists if we experience it, related to conception of time, when goals are too ambiguous, challenging or external, related to feelings of inadequacy, incompetence and self-importance, stress is the absence of flow

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi quote

Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz

Alan Mulally

Ford -4 decisions; people strategy, cash, execution -servant leadership

Listening as a skill

Fundamental to effective mgt and leadership skills Impediments to effective listening: -not enough time -Speed and difference between speaking and listening(speaking is 110-200, listening it 400-3000/minute

Beyond business case for social capital

Happiness, and mental and physical health


High achievement orientation -assertiveness -competitiveness materialism High nurturing orientation -relationships -others' well-being

Power Distance

High power distance -Value obedience to authority -Comfortable receiving commands from superiors -Prefer formal rules and authority to resolve conflicts Low power distance -Expect relatively equal power sharing -View relationship with boss as interdependence, not dependence

Different forms of capital

Human capital resides in personal knowledge, skills, and experience Social capital resides in networks of relationships

Jamie Dimon

JPMorgan Chase -charisma -transformational leadership -trait based leadership perspective -teamwork, focuses on culture

Which of the following examples shows the use of inspirational communication? a. Justin uses a large amount of technical jargon when giving project presentations to his team. b. Jordan places key ideas in the beginning when sending emails about annual targets to his subordinates. c. Edgar indulges in indirect talk when communicating about project deadlines to his team members. d. Samuel uses the passive voice when composing memos and letters to be sent to his employees.

Jordan places key ideas in the beginning when sending emails about annual targets to his subordinates.

Characteristics of creative leaders

Knowledge -knowledgeable about wide range Personality -nonconformist, self-confident, thrill-seeking, energetic, persistent Cognitive abilities -highly intelligent, intellectually curious, able to think divergently Passion for the task and flow

Creative Work Environments

Learning orientation - encourage experimentation - tolerate mistakes Intrinsically motivating work - task significance, autonomy, feedback Open communication and sufficient resources Unclear/complex effects of team competition and time pressure on creativity

Equity and managers

Managers need to be aware of inequalities recognize that people will make comparisons subtle manager behaviors can cause feelings of inequality depending on what empl values, they may focus on different outcomes

Which of the following statements is true of motivational use of recognition and praise? a. Employees should be continuously praised so that they feel competent against each other. b. Recognition should be independent of personal goals of employees. c. Meritorious behavior of teammates should be informed to others. d. Uniformity has to be maintained regarding the type of praise given to employees.

Meritorious behavior of teammates should be informed to others

Bill Gates

Microsoft -perusing what he loves, working tirelessly, looking forward, constantly evolving -transformational, autocratic, confrontational mgt

Are people more or less likely to be creative when they are in flow?

More likely

Motivation Quote From Eisenhower

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it

Conflict Triangles

Occur when 2 people are having a problem and instead of addressing the problem directly with each other, one of them gets a third person involved

When does flow occur

Occurs when challenges and skills are both high

1970-1990 view of conflict

Optimal level of conflict -energizes debate -reexamine assumptions -improves responsiveness to external environment -increases team cohesion

Types of leadership networks

Peer Leadership Network The operational Network Personal Networks Strategic Networks

Selective perception

People see what they want to see through the lens of their own interests, backgrounds, and experience

5 dimensions of culture

Power distance Individualism vs collectivism Masculinity/femininity Uncertainty avoidance Short-term/long-term orientation

Global Leadership Skills

Refer to the ability to exercise effective leadership in a variety of countries. The essence of global leadership is the ability to influence people who are dissimilar to the leader and stem from different cultural backgrounds.

Divergent thinking

Seeing many right answers and many solutions

convergent thinking

Seeking one right answer

Flow(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) is:

Sense of effortless action you feel in moments that stand out as the best in your life


Stable enduring beliefs about what is worthwhile in life(terminal values) and what behaviors are desirable for achieving them(instrumental values)

Strength of Ties (Social Network)

Strong ties: stronger likes, corresponding to friends, dependable sources of social or emotional support Weak ties: the weaker links, corresponding to acquaintances


The ability to produce novel and useful ideas -developing an original idea that makes a socially recognized contribution(all aspects)


The degree to which people value personal freedom, self- sufficiency, control over themselves, being appreciated for unique qualities


The degree to which people value their group membership and harmonious relationships within the group

Need to belong

The need to form and maintain strong, stable interpersonal relationships

need for uniqueness

The need to maintain a distinctive and differentiated sense of self


The problem-conquering solution flashes into the persons mind at an unexpected time

Social Capital

The sum of the resources available in and through personal and business networks

pre 1970s view of conflict

Viewed as dysfunctional -undetermined relations -wasted human energy -more job dissatisfaction -less productivity, info sharing


When a party seeks to appease his or her opponent, he or she may be willing to place their opponents interests above their own


Withdrawing from or suppressing conflict.


a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment


a worker assessing the probability of succeeding in the task to be about 50%

Flora, a store supervisor, feels that revamping employee engagement activities in her store is worth doing for its own sake. She gets totally absorbed in this activity and concentrates hard. Which of the following traits of a creative person is illustrated in the given example? a. Experience of flow b. Pet-peeve technique c. Thinking outside the box d. Convergent thinking

a. Experience of flow

George, the chief executive officer of Bright Automotive Inc., plans to address the production department about the company's plans for the next year. In order to make his speech persuasive, George should _____. a. adapt the message to the listeners' interests and motivations b. use a large number of technical terms while delivering the speech c. make extensive use of the passive voice d. rely entirely on research findings when talking about future prospects

a. adapt the message to the listeners' interests and motivations

divergent thinking

ability to think "outside the box" to arrive at novel solutions to a problem

Which of the following examples show practices that encourage creative thinking? a. Jacob, a team manager practicing loose-tight leadership, adopts a tight approach when granting space for new ideas and exploration. b. Aries Inc., a company producing household appliances, encourages its employees to present their ideas on white boards placed throughout the company. c. Anna, a graphic designer, often focuses on finding one best way to design advertisement campaigns based on client requirements. d. Fort Inc., a company producing construction materials, encourages convergent thinking among its employees to generate ideas for new products.

b. Aries Inc., a company producing household appliances, encourages its employees to present their ideas on white boards placed throughout the company.

Alex is the CEO of a multinational consumer electronics company. The company has been under his leadership for over seven years since its inception. During the same period, the company was able to achieve an increase in its profit levels by over 20 percent annually and a substantial increase in its productivity. Additionally, employee commitment and morale was also on the rise due to several employee engagement programs initiated by the company. Consistent innovation contributed to an increase in market share of its products from 10 to 60 percent in a period of four years. Which of the following best describes Alex's leadership skills? a. Power distance b. Behavioral complexity c. Leadership diversity d. Uncertainty avoidance

b. Behavioral complexity

Which of the following examples shows an effective way of managing creative employees? a. True Inc., a company producing machine tools, focuses on developing standard ways to solve problems. b. Blue Inc., a pharmaceutical company, has developed a laboratory with all the required facilities to test new and innovative drug formulations. c. William encourages his team members to develop product ideas that involve very little or no risk. d. Irene exercises control when granting space for new ideas to emerge from her team.

b. Blue Inc., a pharmaceutical company, has developed a laboratory with all the required facilities to test new and innovative drug formulations.

Caroline, an architect, joins a new company that focuses on innovation and creativity in designing building structures based on client requirements. She was previously employed in a company that focused on traditional approaches toward building design. In order to succeed in the new organization, Caroline needs to enhance her creative thinking skills. What steps should Caroline take as an individual to improve her creative thinking skills? Select all that apply. a. Caroline should exercise regularly. b. Caroline should exercise regularly and work on puzzles in her free time. c. Caroline should work on puzzles in her free time. d. Caroline should think convergently in terms of possible solutions to problems. e. Caroline should focus on attaining consensus from her new co-workers rather than look for alternate solutions.

b. Caroline should exercise regularly and work on puzzles in her free time

Which of the following is true of the power-oriented linguistic style? a. It is essential to be bold about people and tentative about ideas. b. Clear ideas at the outset of a session make an individual a strong persuader. c. The passive voice should be extensively used when communicating through writing. d. Higher emphasis should be placed on indirect talk.

b. Clear ideas at the outset of a session make an individual a strong persuader.

Which of the following is a specific form of assistance provided by executive coaches? a. Helping corporate stars maintain their performance levels b. Giving advice about career management to the teammates c. Making generic suggestions about self-promotion d. Counselling the leader on his personal matters

b. Giving advice about career management to the teammates

Which of the following is true of the creative process? a. An individual appears to be working on the problem in the incubation stage. b. The insight stage arrives after hours of careful thought but when least expected. c. The immersion stage involves the evaluation of alternatives. d. A person proves that the creative solution has merit in the immersion stage.

b. The insight stage arrives after hours of careful thought but when least expected.

Juliet is a manager heading a team of competitive and talented individuals. She does not interfere when differences of opinion arise among her team members and allows them to sort out problems by themselves. Juliet is adopting the _____ style of conflict management. a. accommodative b. avoidant c. collaborative d. sharing

b. avoidant

Elena works as a project manager at a construction company. The company has recently inaugurated its subsidiary in another country in a different continent. When a group of project managers at the company were asked if they were willing to relocate for a year to initiate business operations in the new facility, Elena immediately accepted the offer. This exemplifies Elena being: a. self-conscious. b. culturally adventurous. c. part of employee resource group. d. time oriented.

b. culturally adventurous

The technology heads of major automobile companies of a country are in a group on a social media network. They are closely acquainted with each other and often exchange industry-related information. According to the strength-of-ties perspective, this network is considered to be a(n) _____. a. indirect network b. high-density network c. low-density network d. personal network

b. high-density network

Helen lives in a city whose population supports and rewards members of the community who excel at a given task or project. It can be said that Helen lives in a city which scores high on: a. future orientation. b. performance orientation. c. power distance. d. uncertainty avoidance.

b. performance orientation.

Ricardo takes over as the manager of the new product development team of his company. The team consists of highly creative individuals. When interacting with these individuals, Ricardo should ensure that _____. a. he practices tightness and control when granting space for new ideas and exploration b. the importance of working with a sense of heightened awareness is emphasized c. the team focuses on convergent thinking to provide creative solutions to problems d. a heavy structure with many layers of approval is created

b. the importance of working with a sense of heightened awareness is emphasized

negative reinforcement

behavior allows individual to avoid negative outcome


behavior is followed by a negative outcome -Company policy requires a day off without pay when an employee is late more than once in a month

Laura is designing brochures and flyers to promote the new product line of her company. She thinks of several possible designs and assimilates information in her mind. She is yet to decide on which idea to use. It seems as if Laura is not working on the problem, but her subconscious mind is engaged in processing information. Which stage of the creative process is shown in the given example? a. Opportunity b. Insight c. Incubation d. Verification

c. Incubation

Which of the following is true of the leadership practices for enhancing creativity? a. Promoting convergent thinking improves creative thinking abilities. b. Having a heavy structure is vital for handling creative employees. c. Matching people with the right assignments enhances creativity. d. Practicing innovation for the sake of it often benefits organizations.

c. Matching people with the right assignments enhances creativity

Enzo is chosen by his company's senior management to negotiate a deal with a raw material supplier from a different country. Enzo prepares himself for the meeting with the supplier company's representative with all the necessary details. Since cultural differences can play a major role during the negotiation, what steps should Enzo take to ensure that cultural barriers are minimized? a. Speak a few basic words and phrases in the language of the other person. b. Look for signs of misunderstanding, such as blank expressions. c. Speak to the person in an easy-to-understand manner and look for signs of misunderstanding, such as blank expressions. d. Speak to the person in an easy-to-understand manner. e. Give more importance to the style and personal appearance of the person.

c. Speak to the person in an easy-to-understand manner and look for signs of misunderstanding, such as blank expressions

In the context of coaching skills and techniques, rephrasing and summarizing effectively what the group member says is primarily associated with: a. helping remove obstacles. b. giving emotional support. c. reflecting content or meaning. d. giving some gentle advice.

c. reflecting content or meaning

Alina coaches a team of 12. She restricts herself to giving instructions about the required knowledge and skills to the team members. The team members have expressed a need for Alina to be more open and personal in her approach. In the context of the fallacies about coaching, Alina fears: a. her teammates do not require instructions which are beyond professional skills and knowledge. b. her effectiveness as a coach would come down if she does not concentrate on the basic skills and knowledge. c. she would be in danger of getting into psychotherapy if she goes beyond what she does. d. she would be expelled from the position of a coach if she builds personal relationships with the team members.

c. she would be in danger of getting into psychotherapy if she goes beyond what she does.

Which of the following is likely to result in increased retention rates of a culturally diverse work force? a. Reducing the number of hours spent on cultural training programs b. Reinforcing stereotypes about groups c. Providing easy tasks to members of culturally diverse groups d. Giving diversity committees clout with top management

d. Giving diversity committees clout with top management


process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party

Meaningful work on the customer

providing superior service or product to the users

During a face-to-face feedback session with his teammates, Kevin finds that they were more inclined toward long term goals than an immediate reward for performance. In the context of the expectancy theory, Kevin's teammates primarily focus on _____ a. expectancies b. self-efficacy c. instrumentality d. second-level outcomes

second-level outcome


shared assumptions about how the world works and what ideals are worth striving for

Traditional thinking

standard and frequent way of finding a solution to a problem

self confidence

the ability to cope with criticism of their ideas


the degree to which an employee perceives that he or she is an esteemed member of the work group through experiencing treatment that satisfies his or her needs for belongingness and uniqueness

Uniqueness-diversity climate

the extent to which the organization values diversity as evident inthe irganizations formal structure, informal values, and social integration of underrepresented employees


the focus on finding alt rather than attaining consensus

First-level outcome

the immediate salary hike based on an excellent performance


the individual sets out to prove that the creative solution has merit

second-level outcome

the promotion that follows a salary hike to excellent performance

Expectancy Theory

the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be rewarded, and that they will be offered attractive rewards

Belongingness-leader inclusion

welcoming and valuing the contributions of employees

Values determine:

what you believe is good or bad, important or unimportant, and desirable or undesirable *must clarify values before you determine goals and behavior to achieve them, display instrumental values through behavior and achieve goals consistent with terminal values

Feelings associated with flow

-sense of achievement -sense of discovery or novelty -excitement -fun

Differences in knowledge or skills

-education, functional knowledge, information or expertise, training, experience, abilities

Goal Setting

-goals direct attention and effort towards goal-relevant activities -Goals motivate us to act -goals increase persistence over extended periods of time -goals encourage the developmentn of strategies and action plans to acheive the goal

Business case for social capital

-more influence and effectiveness -venture capital and financing -knowledge management and learning -getting a job -higher pay -faster promotions

Walt Disney

-transformational leader(participative, entrepreneurial) -charismatic and resilient

Implications for individuals

-motivation is an inside job -If you dont believe in yourself, your behavior shows that -Behave in ways to create success and s-e will follow -be careful of negative self-talk

Overcoming traditional thinking as a creative strategy

-creative problem solving requires an ability to overcome traditional thinking -breakdown rigid ways of thinking-->thinking outside the box -group members should know how far they can venture from routine thinking. (parameters & merits of thinking creativity in constraints)

Goal setting

-difficult goals lead to higher performance(if committed to goal) -Specific, difficult goals lead to higher performance (attainable) -feedback helps people accomplish specific, difficult goals -participative goals, assigned goals, and self-set goals are equally effective

Social media networks

-Leader to build and maintain a professional network -Productive leader focuses on contacts of relevance or density

Robin Williams

If women ran the world we wouldnt have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days


An individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.

In the context of the expectancy theory, which of the following statements made by a group member reflects expectancy? a. I hope to achieve the goal assigned, so that I get a promotion in the long run. b. I am 60 percent sure that I will be successful in achieving the task. c. I hope to do my best, so that the performance of the team is enhanced. d. I hope to achieve the goal assigned, so that I get an incentive hike immediately.

I am 60 percent sure that I will be successful in achieving the task

Inputs and outcomes

Inputs: effort, experience, skills, intellectual abilities Outcomes: anything a person values(pay, vacation time, praise, promotions)

Boris is criticized by his manager for his low productivity levels in the past month. Boris acknowledges that he has been underperforming and states that he would look at ways to improve his productivity. This scenario is an example of the _____ style of conflict management. a. collaborative b. avoidant c. sharing d. competitive

a. collaborative

Flow and leadership

it is about optimal experience but optimal performance, insight on how to support performance of others, transcending external constraints to thinking and action, provided by indiv who understand to create environments of flow

Jeff Weiner

-routines are important -led Linked in w Microsoft acquisition - compassionate management, compassion project

Evaluating fairness through following

-my inputs < other employees(person seeks to restore quality) -my inputs/outcomes=others(person is satisfied) -my outcomes>others(person justifies it


-one individual feels incompetent, unworthy, or insignificant, as a result of the communication -Attempts to reestablish self-worth take presedence -Energy is spent trying to portray self-importance rather than on listening -Showing off, self-centered behavior, withdrawal, and/or loss of motivation are common reactions

Structural Sources of Conflict

1. incompatible goals 2. differentiation 3. interdependence 4. scarce resources 5. ambiguous rules 6. communication problems

Colin is a marketing executive at an automobile company. If a marketing project assigned to him is in the international realm, Colin makes sure that he visits the particular country and observes the various cultural aspects of that society. Consequently, he tries to integrate his observations into the marketing strategy. Which of the following best describes Colin's behavior? a. Assertiveness b. Power distance c. Divergent learning style d. Performance orientation

. Divergent learning style

Effective Communicaiton

1) Accurate, complete shared meaning 2) Supportive 3) Timely

Obstacles in Effective Interpersonal Communication

1) Defensiveness 2) Disconfirmation

Conditions to minimize relationship conflict

1. emotional intelligence 2. Cohesive team 3. Supportive team norms

Kendall Inc., a food processing company, is located in a city that is home to a substantial number of minority communities. The top management, in its recent recruitment policy, has decided to concentrate on minority communities while recruiting. This initiative could: a. aid the local economy in terms of the flow of money as well as employment. b. lead to the reinforcement of existing stereotypes about minority groups. c. result in a reduction in team performance. d. increase the expenditure on advertisement drastically.

a. aid the local economy in terms of the flow of money as well as employment

Ryan puts forth the team policy of a 50 percent salary hike if his team members are successful in achieving the target. During the previous financial year, the team policy was to encourage team members to put in their best efforts and to reward them based on their performance. In the context of the expectancy theory and the goal theory, Ryan's team would: a. perform better than the previous financial year as the rewards are larger and their performance is linked to rewards. b. perform poorly as linking rewards with performance leads to added stress among the team members, which will negatively affect their performance. c. perform the same as that of the previous financial year as rewards and performance levels are independent. d. perform poorly at first and then increase their performance as they realize the worth of the rewards they will obtain.

a. perform better than the previous financial year as the rewards are larger and their performance is linked to rewards.

In the context of the goal theory, which of the following statements is true? a. Specific goals lead to a lower performance. b. Goal difficulty is independent of the team's performance. c. Generic goals lead to a higher performance. d. Group members must accept the goals so that they improve their performance.

d. Group members must accept the goals so that they improve their performance.

Practical tips for realizing flow

establish goals and priorities that create order among demands -allow for focused free time Match skills to challenges -if arousal or anxiety, learn new skills or adjust nature of challenge -if in control, increase the challenge Subordinate external goals to intrinsic interest and the pursuit of meaning Minimize multi-tasking and time pressures

Consistency matters

women and racioethnic minorities looked for consistency in the organizations philosophy and the leaders behavior related to diversity and inclusion Men and whites responded positively to leader inclusion even when diversity climate was low

Meaningful work on society

working toward building the community or managing resources carefully

Meaningful work on the self

working toward higher financial competition and a sense of empowerment

Cross-cultural communication

-slow down -keep it simple -Take turns speaking -Be supportive -Check meanings -Avoid Slang -Watch the humpor -Maintain etiquette-research on target culture

Conclusions of diversity

-work group inclusion is beneficial for gender diverse groups -inclusion protects social identity when women or men are in the numerical minority resulting in more creativity

Sources of self-efficacy beliefs

1) prior experience 2) behavior models 3) persuasion from others 4) assessment of physical/emotional state

Advantages of managing diversity

1. managing diversity well offers a marketing advantage 2. Companies with a favorable record in managing diversity are at a distinct advantage in recruiting and retaining talented people. 3.Heterogeneity in the work force may offer the company a creativity advantage, as well as improve its problem solving and decision-making capability 4. Diversity and inclusion programs help local economies thereby boosting social responsibility. 5. Enhancement of team performance

When to use competition

1. quick, decisive action is vital 2. Important issues where unpopular actions need implementing 3. Issues vital to orgs welfare and you know youre right 4. Against people who take advantage of noncompetitive behavior

Negotiation strategy

1: establishing the negotiaiton range 2. Exploring and probing within the negotiation range 3. Moving toward agreements or impasse

Uncertainty Avoidance

High uncertainty avoidance -feel threatened by ambiguity and uncertainty -value structured situations and direct communication Low uncertainty avoidance -tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty

Strategic Networks

Focus networking on attaining business goals directly

Which of the following explains the fact that cultural diversity drives business development? a. It helps minimize individual differences substantially and raises productivity. b. It facilitates the leader to identify subtle differences in team member performance. c. It aids workers in taking a more assertive stance and increases efficiency. d. It enables a company to connect with various audiences and expand into new markets.

d. It enables a company to connect with various audiences and expand into new markets

Transformational leadership enhances innovation because it _____. a. focuses on developing standard methods to solve problems b. creates heavy structure with many layers of approval c. encourages convergent thinking d. creates an environment of change and growth

d. creates an environment of change and growth

When to use accommodation

1. When you find you are wrong 2. When issues are more importnant to others than yourself 3. To build social credits for later issues 4. To minimize loss when you are outmatched and losing 5. When harmony and stability are especially important 6. To allow sub and develop by learning from mistakes

Motivation determines the:

A) Direction of Effort -What are you going to do right now? B) Intensity of Effort -How hard are you going to work on it C) Persistence of effort -How long are you going to work on it

Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of multilingualism in companies involved in cross-cultural activity? a. It may interfere with accomplishing business goals. b. It could increase problems of cultural sensitivity. c. It may not be legally enforceable. d. Some people may regard the policy as an affront to their cultural identity.

a. It may interfere with accomplishing business goals.

The software development team of a company designing Internet security systems engages in a brainstorming session with the software testing team. The leader of the development team records all the complaints that the testing team has about the organization and functioning of the software development team. Which of the following best describes the process described in the given scenario? a. Pet-peeve technique b. Experience of flow c. Convergent thinking d. Loose-tight leadership

a. Pet-peeve technique

Alfred, the director of a large company producing construction materials, is linked through a professional network to several market research analysts. Alfred's goal is to identify potential business opportunities, new markets, and trends based on which products can be developed from the inputs provided by the analysts. Which leadership network is Alfred using to achieve his goals? a. Strategic network b. Peer leadership network c. Operational network d. Personal network

a. Strategic network

Kenneth works in an organization that relies totally on its closely knit top management for major decisions and directions. The top management has a decisive say in all important matters and subordinates always defer to their decisions. Kenneth's organization is likely to have a high _____. a. power distance b. future orientation c. humane orientation d. individualism

a. power distance

In the context of appealing to the pride of employees, which of the following statements is true? a. A key tactic for the manager is to set his or her compass on money. b. Pride in one's accomplishments is a major extrinsic motivator. c. Appealing to an employee's pride and recognition are two mutually exclusive acts of motivation. d. Workers can experience pride in relation to recognition symbols

d. Workers can experience pride in relation to recognition symbols.

Camellia Corp., a furniture company, has set up its manufacturing unit in a country where the government provides incentives for companies that have a stated long-term investment plan. It can be said that Camellia Corp. is operating in a country that most likely scores _____. a. high on power distance b. low on work orientation c. low on performance orientation d. high on future orientation

d. high on future orientation

Anna is a talented and ambitious engineer. She is aggressive and places her personal goals over the collective goals of her team. She does not hesitate to reach her goals at the expense of others. Which of the following conflict management styles best described Anna's behavior? a. Collaborative style b. Competitive style c. Accommodative style d. Avoidant style

b. Competitive style

Jacob works as a human resource executive at an information technology firm. His personal observation about the work culture is that despite the high performance levels of a majority of the workers, the level of employee engagement is quite low, and employees tend to be too focused on their own interests. The top management of the company asks for Jacob's advice in order to gain a clear perspective on various aspects related to employees. Which of the following would you suggest if you were in Jacob's position? a. Increase the level of uncertainty avoidance. b. Increase the level of humane orientation. c. Increase the focus on power distance. d. Reduce the level of future orientation.

b. Increase the level of humane orientation

Which of the following is a frequently mentioned concern about diversity training? a. It may encourage workers to make open expressions of racism and sexism. b. It tends to reinforce stereotypes about groups. c. It could result in a reduction in business performance. d. It could result in reduced cultural sensitivity.

b. It tends to reinforce stereotypes about groups

Which of the following examples shows the use of a power-oriented linguistic style? a. Norton, the chief executive officer of a large industrial conglomerate, delivers a speech completely driven by research and statistics at the annual business meet. b. Mark, the leader of the finance team in a company, clearly communicates to his subordinates that he needs the expenditure reports for the month in a day's time. c. Estelle, a manager, often delivers lengthy talks to her subordinates before reaching a conclusion. d. Vincent uses an extensive amount of technical jargon when presenting a project proposal to the top management of his company.

b. Mark, the leader of the finance team in a company, clearly communicates to his subordinates that he needs the expenditure reports for the month in a day's time.

Which of the following is true about the leadership skills and behaviors associated with the expectancy theory of motivation? A. Train and encourage people so that they perform the required tasks well. b. Always make generic goals, as this will reduce the stress level within a team. c. Aim for performance targets that cannot be attained easily. d. Keep the information about the link between performances and rewards a secret.

a. Train and encourage people so that they perform the required tasks well

Saul, a scientist leading a group of researchers in a project, often drops by their work stations and has informal chats with them. Which of the following best describes Saul's actions? a. Selective listening b. Reciprocity c. Front-loaded communication d. Making the rounds

d. Making the rounds

Which of the following is true of negotiating strategies? a. Listening first to the other side is perceived as a sign of weakness. b. Brainstorming strategies involve the exchange of goods and services between parties. c. Negotiations must focus on positions rather than interests. d. The final compromise is closer to the true demand if negotiations open realistically.

d. The final compromise is closer to the true demand if negotiations open realistically.

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