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is an integrated and increasingly automated systems for maintaining a database regarding the employees in an organization

human resource information system

When an organization attempts to forecast the supply of and demand for human resources, this is called

human resource planning

the process of forecasting the supply and demand for human resources within an organization and developing action plans for aligning the two

human resource planning

refers to the quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when a decision is implemented

interactional justice

Brilliance is a management consulting firm that has offices in six large Midwestern cities: Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Louis, and the headquarters, Kansas City. The head of human resources, Franklin Walker, is currently facing several challenges. First, the firm needs to hire about twenty-five new consultants each year to ensure enough consultants to fully staff all projects. The firm prefers to hire business managers with about 3 to 10 years' experience in manufacturing for these jobs, and recent recruiting efforts with advertisements have led to hundreds of responses. Brilliance's HR staff are overwhelmed with the volume of résumés they receive for processing. Second, the firm would like to be able to recommend high-tech solutions for its customers. But many of Brilliance's consultants have been out of school for more than a decade, some for 30 years or more, and their skills are no longer cutting edge. Third, and most troubling, the head of Brilliance, Indira Chaudhuri, is in her late sixties. She has not yet announced any retirement plans, but she also has not identified anyone to assume her role when she does retire. Refer to Scenario 7.1. Which of the following methods for filling Indira Chaudhuri's position will result in the organization's continuing need to recruit?

internal recruiting

process of looking inside the organization for existing qualified employees who might be promoted to higher level postions

internal recruiting

is terminating employees whose services are no longer desired

involuntary turnover

Which of the following would NOT be considered an advantage of internal recruiting?

it provides a strong source for cultural feedback

is the process of gathering and organizing detailed information about various jobs within an organization so that managers can better understand the processes through which they are performed most effectively

job analysis

are individuals who perform job analysis in an organization

job analysts

. A ____ provides an overview of the duties and tasks required to effectively perform a particular job or line of work.

job description

lists the task, duties, and responsibilities for a particular job

job description

is the feeling of being unhappy with one's job

job dissatisfaction

refers to the fact that some people stay on their jobs even when they decide they are unhappy and should leave. Other ties in the community or obligations keep the employee on the job

job embeddedness

Bob has worked for a local hotel for nearly three years and is interested in advancing his career in the organization. He notices one day on the bulletin board that a promotion opportunity in his work group is available, so he decides to apply for the position. What type of recruiting method was used?

job posting

What is probably the MOST common method organizations use for internal recruiting?

job posting

a mechanism for internal recruiting in which vacancies in the organization are publicized through company newsletters

job posting

focuses on the individual who will perform the job and indicates the knowledge abilities skills, and other characteristics that an individual must have to be able to perform the job

job specification

Sally's boss Kim had to choose which workers to lay off. Sally felt that Kim did not handle the situation professionally because she announced who would be laid off in front of all the employees in a meeting, which embarrassed some workers. In this situation, Sally perceives

lack of interactional justice

The prevailing wage rate for a given job in a given labor market is called the:

market wage rate

the prevailing wage rate for a given job in a given labor market

market wage rate

Are ethical and legal behaviors ALWAYS the same?


is technically not a job-analysis procedure but a database that provides both basic and advanced job-analysis information; as such IT can be viewed as an alternative

occupational information network

Allison often stays at work after hours to help fellow coworkers with their training and tasks; this is known as

organizational citizenship behavior

degree to which an employee identifies with an organization and is willing to exert effort and behalf of the organization

organizational commitment

refers to hours worked above the normal 40-hour workweek, for which there is usually a pay premium


refers to the individuals who are regularly expected to work less than 40 hours a week

part time workers

a mechanism for internal recruiting, a manager solicits nominations or recommendations for a position that needs to be filled from supervisors in the orginzation

supervisory recommendations

a temporary layoff


Gathering applicant information is part of which step of the selection process?

step one

The evaluation of applicant qualifications is part of which step of the selection process?

step two

are rights given to employees to purchase a certain number of shares of stock at a given place

stock options

Which of the following would be considered an important organizational goal in recruiting efforts?

Optimize the size of the pool of qualified applicants.

is an individual presumed to be highly knowledgeable about a particular job and who provides data for job analysis

subject matter expert

Futurekids is a Los Angeles-based educational technology firm that provides professional development training for teachers. What is a benefit that Futurekids' clients are likely to experience?

. Professional trainers are skilled and highly qualified, providing a high-quality product

What is involved in the Fleischman job analysis system of conducting work assessments?

A taxonomy of fifty-two abilities that effectively captures variations in job performance, which are rated by job incumbents

The merger of ______ was considered an utter failure.

AOL/Time Warner

Ruth has been put in charge of assessing her firm's training and development needs. Which activity would NOT be a part of Ruth's job?

Choosing to conduct training in-house or through outsourcing

CyberRocket is a high-tech manufacturer with an exciting new product, the Astro-Cruiser, a virtual Ethernet connector for shuttles orbiting the Earth. This product will allow astronauts to cruise the Web while cruising in space. The product depends on vastly new technology requiring a technical knowledge of astrophysics. CyberRocket is planning to rapidly expand this business, but it first must analyze the jobs needed to produce the Astro-Cruiser. The job analysis should contain information about what the workers will do, rather than what is involved in the job. The company would like to identify only the essential functions of the jobs, leaving them more flexibility. Two top executives, the head of research and development and the head of production, are the only two individuals within the company who really understand the new product and what new knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees will be necessary to produce it. Refer to Scenario 5.1. The definition of the essential functions of the new jobs will be particularly helpful with which other aspect of human resource management?

Compliance with the ADA

What is the term for the ability of an employer or employee to terminate an employment relationship at any time?

Employment at will

individual's beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is good and bad.


a job analysis procedure that defines abilities as the enduring attributes of individuals that account for differences in performance

Fleishman job-analysis system

Which of the following would be considered an advantage of external recruiting?

It can enhance organizational vitality and innovation

are the fundamental requirements necessary to perform a job

Knowledge, skills, and abilities

is a standardized job analysis instrument similar in approach to the PAQ, but focuses on managerial jobs

Management Position Description Questionnaire

is a standardized job-analysis instrument consisting of 194 items that reflect work behavior, working conditions, and job characteristics that are assumed to be generalizations across a wide variety of jobs

Position Analyst Questionairre

type of justice refers to beliefs about the fairness of the processes utilized to determine consequences


Guo-Ping would like to take action to stop a recent decline in profits and stock price at his firm. What strategy would you recommend to Guo-Ping?

Reduce facilities and other tangible assets to cut expenses.

What is involved in the task analysis inventory method?

SMEs generating a list of tasks, and job incumbents evaluating each task on several dimensions

An organizational recruiter tells prospective recruits that her company is active in environmental affairs. What is the recruiter doing?

Signaling organizational values to improve fit

John, a job analyst, was asked to prepare an analysis of the KSAs necessary to be a waiter at a local restaurant. Which of the following would NOT appear in his analysis?

The waiter will have a comprehensive health coverage plan

Which of the following would be included in a job description for a computer programmer?

Writing programs to run network processes on the mainframe

A realistic job preview is

a description of the actual nature of a job and its working conditions

On the FBI's employment Page, you read: "To qualify as an FBI Special Agent, you must be a U.S. citizen, at least 23 and not more than 37 years old, have vision not worse than 20/40, pass a color vision and hearing test, have a valid driver's license, be in excellent physical condition, and possess a four-year college degree." What are you reading?

a job specification

Anuj looks at a job analysis that reports scores on various items, organized into areas called "Information inputs," "Mental processes," "Relationships with other people," and so on. The scales tell how frequently those areas are used in the job, how important they are to the job, and other measures. Anuj is looking at a job analysis that was based on

a position analysis questionnaire

Which of the following would be included in a job specification for an administrative assistant?

ability to use spreadsheets

A ____ can often facilitate the forecasting of the supply of human resources

human resource information system

The ____ approach to job analysis requires the specification of effective and ineffective performance.

critical incidents

to job analysis focuses on critical behaviors that distinguish effective from ineffective performers

critical incidents approach

The first step in job analysis involves

determining information needs

The third step in job analysis involves

determining who is responsible for collecting data

refers t the system of rules and procedures for how and when punishment is administered and how severe he punishment should be


Andy tries to be fair to his employees but does not tolerate lateness. Will, one of his employees, reported to work late one day because he had a car wreck, the first tardy since he was hired over a year ago. Andy decided to give Will a written warning to make an example for the other employees. Will felt that he did NOT receive ____ justice.


refers to perceptions that the outcomes a person faces are fair when compared to the outcomes faced by others

distributive justice

At which step in the selection process is information gathered about the candidates?

step one

involves an organization paying a fee to a leasing company hat provides a pool of employees who are available on a temporary basis

employee leasing

states that an employer can terminate any employee at any time, for any reason or for no reason at all

employment at will

Cinergy, a Midwest gas and electric utility, agreed not to penalize workers who left the company before the age of 65 and also offered leaving employees a bonus equivalent to two weeks' pay for every year of employment with Cinergy. Cinergy is

encouraging voluntarily early retirement

The second step in the selection process is to

evaluate qualifications of each applicant

A national hotel chain established a plan that describes how top managers will be promoted throughout the organization over time. This is called

executive succesion

involves systematically planning for future promotions into top management positions

executive succession

Organizations try to develop job ____ when planning for human resources, which are groups of jobs that are similar.


. Which of the following errors is related to the initial meeting that occurs between an interviewer and interviewee?

first impression

A small management-consulting firm experiences a tremendous boost in business in one year and must hire many new professional employees to provide services to its new customers. This business is likely following a ____ strategy.


After the Obama administration reduced NASA's budget, many highly trained scientists were unemployed in Florida. A business that relocated to Florida did so because of the availability of

human capital

When an individual seeks additional training and education to improve her or his ability to find work, this is called:

human capital investment

are investments people make in themselves to increase their value in he workplace. These investments might take the form of additional education or training

human capital investments

refers to the perceptions that the process used to determine the outcomes were fair

procedural justice

are organizational disciplinary programs where the severity of the punishment increases over time time or across the problem

progressive disciplinary plans

Kraft Foods, which makes and distributes grocery products, uses online recruiting for sales personnel. On its website, Kraft says, "A Sales Representative distributes, sells, and promotes Kraft products. You are the primary link with retail customers and consumers. You execute company promotions, meet inventory needs, and monitor the competition within your region. Most of your time is spent problem solving with your customer to create a win-win solution." Which of the following goals of recruiting is Kraft trying to meet with this statement?

providing an honest assessment of the job

Which of the following external recruiting techniques is MOST associated with the goal of finding jobs for unemployed individuals?

public employment agencies

simply refers to following unacceptable behavior with some type of negative consequences


The percentage of individuals looking for and available for work who are not currently employed is called the:

rate of unemployment

is calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as the percentage of individuals looking for and available for work who aren't currently employed

rate of unemployment

are pre-employment previews that provide accurate and realistic information to the job applicant

realistic job previews

Judd is a human resource manager responsible for creating a pool of qualified applicants from which his employer can choose. Judd is involved in human resource


process of developing a pool of qualified applicants who are interested in working for the organization and from which the organization might reasonably select the best individual


When an organization seeks to keep qualified workers, this is called


process of monitoring and adjusting the composition of the organization's workforce to its optimal size


Ethics is formed primarily from the ____ context in which people and organizations function


A ______ strategy may be the easiest for the HR manager to implement because the organization presumably must do what it has been doing all along.


When Hank needed to write a job analysis for a court reporter, he used the O*NET online database. One section of the information stated, "Court reporters ask speakers to clarify statements, file a legible transcript of records, verify accurate transcripts, and record depositions." This information is part of the job's


is a family of job analysis methods, each with unique characteristics each focuses on analyzing all the tasks performed in the focal job

task-analysis inventory

an act by an organization to end the employment relationship


When being interviewed during the gathering of job analysis data, which type of individual may provide exaggerated information about a job's complexity or importance?

the job incumbent

The Hu Dong Zhong Hua Shipbuilding Group of Shanghai offers its line workers courses tailored to specific job skills. Hu Dong Zhong Hua is offering


the first step in most progressive disciplinary programs are cautions conveyed orally to the employee

verbal warnings

Alan frequently attends professional presentations and training seminars at his work location. At one of these presentations, it was announced that a new supervisory position in Alan's department was about to be created and that there would be a formal external search. Which recruiting method was used?

word of mouth

If an organization wants to assess whether an applicant can actually perform a particular job, which selection technique would BEST provide this assessment?

work stimulation

the second step in most progressive disciplinary programs are more formal warnings

written warnings

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