Micro Exam 4

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A monopoly market

generally fails to maximize total economic well being

Cartels in the United States are


The practice of selling the same goods to different customers at different prices, but with the same marginal cost, is known as

price discrimination.

Refer to Table 14-9. If the firm's marginal cost is $11, it should

reduce production to increase profit.

An equilibrium occurs in a game when

all players follow a strategy that they have no incentive to change

Refer to Table 17-16. Which of the following outcomes represents a Nash equilibrium in the game?

middle center

There are two types of markets in which firms face some competition yet are still able to have some control over the prices of their products. Those two types of market are

monopolistic competition and oligopoly.

Under which of the following market structures would consumers likely pay the highest price for a product?


Oligopolies would like to act like a

monopoly, but self-interest often drives them closer to the perfectly competitive outcome.

Which of the following is an example of a monopolistically competitive industry?


Refer to Figure 15-1. The shape of the average total cost curve reveals information about the nature of the barrier to entry that might exist in a monopoly market. Which of the following monopoly types best coincides with the figure?

natural monopoly

Because the goods offered for sale in a competitive market are largely the same,

sellers will have little reason to charge less than the going market price.

The short-run market supply curve in a perfectly competitive industry

shows the total quantity supplied by all firms at each possible price.

If a pharmaceutical company discovers a new drug and successfully patents it, patent law gives the firm

sole ownership of the right to sell the drug for a limited number of years.

When economists refer to a production cost that has already been committed and cannot be recovered, they use the term

sunk cost

Which of the following industries is most likely to exhibit the characteristic of free entry?

tennis shoes

Refer to Table 15-20. If a monopolist faces a constant marginal cost of $2, how much output should the firm produce in order to maximize profit?

5 units

Refer to Figure 15-3. Which panel could represent the demand curve facing a soybean farmer?

Panel B

Refer to Figure 15-18. If the monopoly firm perfectly price discriminates, then consumer surplus amounts to


Refer to Figure 15-18. If the monopoly firm perfectly price discriminates, then the deadweight loss amounts to


Refer to Table 15-4. If the monopolist produces 10 units, what is its average revenue?


Refer to Table 14-13. What is the marginal cost of the 8th unit?


​Refer to Table 14-16. For this firm, marginal revenue at an output of 10 units is


Which of the following statements regarding a competitive market is not correct?

Because of firm location or product differences, some firms can charge a higher price than other firms and still maintain their sales volume.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Game theory is not necessary for understanding competitive or monopoly markets.

Refer to Table 17-19. What is grocery store 1's dominant strategy?

Grocery store 1 should always set a low price.

Refer to Table 17-20. What is Nadia's dominant strategy?

Nadia should always choose Don't Clean.

A corporation has been steadily losing money on one of its product lines, plastic flamingo lawn ornaments. The firm produces plastic flamingos in a factory that cost $20 million to build 10 years ago. The firm is now considering an offer to buy that factory for $15 million. Which of the following statements about the decision to sell or not to sell is correct?

The $20 million spent on the factory is a sunk cost; that cost should not affect the decision.

Refer to Table 17-37. Based upon the information from the table, which firm has a dominant strategy?

both firms

Antitrust laws allow the government to

break up companies

Refer to Figure 15-4. If the monopoly firm is currently producing Q3 units of output, then a decrease in output will necessarily cause profit to


The prisoners' dilemma provides insights into the

difficulty of maintaining cooperation

If a firm in a competitive market doubles its number of units sold, total revenue for the firm will


Price discrimination

is an attempt by a monopoly to increases its profit by selling the same good to different customers at different prices.

Which of the following is not a reason for the existence of a monopoly?

marginal-cost pricing

Refer to Figure 16-5. Which of the panels depicts a firm in a monopolistically competitive market earning positive economic profits?

panel c

In reality, perfect price discrimination is

rarely possible

When entry and exit behavior of firms in an industry does not affect a firm's cost structure,

the long-run market supply curve must be horizontal.

In a perfectly competitive market, the horizontal sum of all the individual firms' supply curves is

the market supply curve

The assumption of a fixed number of firms is appropriate for analysis of

the short run but not the long run.

Most markets are not monopolies in the real world because

there are reasonable substitutes for most goods.

Which of the following is correct? When oligopolies collude

they make higher profits but consumers of the product are worse off.

Refer to Table 15-4. In order to maximize profits, the monopolist should produce

where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.

When the marginal revenue curve is drawn for a monopolist, the curve

​is below the monopolist's demand curve, beyond the initial unit produced.

Refer to Figure 15-6. What area measures the monopolist's profit?


Refer to Table 17-14. If both players choose their best strategies, player A will earn a payoff of


Which of the following statements best expresses a firm's profit-maximizing decision rule?

If marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost, the firm should increase its output. If marginal revenue is less than marginal cost, the firm should decrease its output. If marginal revenue equals marginal cost, the firm should continue producing its current level of output

Refer to Figure 15-5. Profit on a typical unit sold for a profit-maximizing monopoly would equal


Refer to Figure 15-3. Which of the following statements is correct?

Panel B represents the typical demand curve for a perfectly competitive firm, and Panel A represents the typical demand curve for a monopoly.

When we compare economic welfare in a monopoly market to a competitive market, the profits earned by the monopolist represent

a transfer of benefits from the consumer to the producer.

Refer to Figure 17-2. If this game is played only once, then the most likely outcome is that

both firms produce a good quality product.

The entry of new firms into a monopolistically competitive market is accompanied by

both positive and negative externalities.

The textile industry is composed of a large number of small firms. In recent years, these firms have suffered economic losses, and many sellers have left the industry. Economic theory suggests that these conditions will

cause the market supply to decline and the price of textiles to rise.

Monopolies use their market power to

charge a price that is higher than marginal cost

Refer to Table 14-7. If the firm is currently producing 14 units, what would you advise the owners?

continue to operate at 14 units

A distinguishing feature of an oligopolistic industry is the tension between

cooperation and self interest.

In a natural monopoly,

if the government requires marginal cost pricing, it will likely have to subsidize the firm.

A competitive firm is currently producing a quantity of output at which marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost. In order to increase its profit, the firm should

increase its quantity of output.

A restaurant that has market power can

influence the market price for the meals it sells

Refer to Figure 14-6. Firms will be earn losses in the short run but will remain in business if the market price

is greater than P1 but less than P3.

A movie theater can increase its profits through price discrimination by charging a higher price to adults and a lower price to children if

it has some degree of monopoly-pricing power.

A monopoly is an inefficient way to produce a product because

it produces a smaller level of output than would be produced in a competitive market.

Refer to Figure 14-4. When price falls from P3 to P1, the firm finds that it

should shut down immediately

The legislation passed by Congress in 1914 to strengthen the government's powers and authorize private lawsuits was the

Clayton Act

Refer to Table 16-5. What price should this firm charge to maximize profit?


Refer to Table 14-17. Based upon this information, if the firm is producing the profit maximizing output, how much profit does the firm make?


Refer to Table 14-10. The marginal cost of producing the 4th unit is


Refer to Table 14-9. In order to maximize profit, the firm will produce a level of output where marginal cost is equal to


Refer to Table 14-6. What is the total revenue from selling 7 units?


The marginal revenue curve for a monopoly firm starts at the same point on the vertical axis as the (i) average revenue curve. (ii) marginal cost curve. (iii) demand curve

(i) and (iii) only

When determining whether to shut down in the short run, a competitive firm should ignore (i) fixed costs. (ii) variable costs. (iii) sunk costs

(i) and (iii) only

Suppose that a firm operating in perfectly competitive market sells 300 units of output at a price of $3 each. Which of the following statements is correct? (i) Marginal revenue equals $3. (ii) Average revenue equals $3. (iii) Total revenue equals $900

(i), (ii), and (iii)

Game theory is necessary to understand which kinds of markets? (i) perfectly competitive (ii) monopolistically competitive (iii) oligopoly (iv) duopoly (v) monopoly

(iii) and (iv) only

Which of the following statements is correct?

If the monopolist's marginal revenue is greater than its marginal cost, the monopolist can increase profit by selling more units at a lower price per unit.

Which of the following is not correct?

A monopolist can charge any price and sell any quantity that it chooses.

Predatory pricing occurs when

A monopolist decreases its prices to maintain its monopoly. Economists are skeptical that this practice is profitable.

In game theory, a Nash equilibrium is

All of the above are correct an outcome in which each player is doing his best given the strategies chosen by the other players. an outcome in which no player wishes to change her chosen strategy given the strategies chosen by the other players. the outcome that occurs when all players have a dominant strategy

Refer to Figure 14-14. Suppose a firm in a competitive market, like the one depicted in panel (a), observes market price rising from P1 to P2. Which of the following could explain this observation?

An increase in market demand from D0 to D1.

Which of the following statements is not correct?

Antitrust laws automatically prevent mergers between companies that produce similar products.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Brand names may help consumers if they provide information about the quality of a product when acquiring such information is difficult.

Which of the following is an example of price discrimination?

Hotel rates for AAA members are lower than for nonmembers.

Which of the following statements best expresses a firm's profit-maximizing decision rule?

If marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost, the firm should increase its output.

A situation in which firms choose their best strategy given the strategies chosen by the other firms in the market is called

a Nash equilibrium

Which of the following examples illustrates an oligopoly market?

a city with two firms who are licensed to sell school uniforms for the local schools

Refer to Figure 14-7. In the long run, the firm will exit the market if the price of the good is

all of the above

The equilibrium price in a market characterized by oligopoly is

lower than in monopoly markets and higher than in perfectly competitive markets.

Profit-maximizing firms in a competitive market produce an output level where

marginal cost equals marginal revenue.

Kate is a professional opera singer who gives voice lessons. The vocal-music industry is competitive. Kate hires a business consultant to analyze her financial records. The consultant recommends that Kate give fewer voice lessons. The consultant must have concluded that Kate's

marginal cost exceeds her marginal revenue.

In a perfectly competitive market, the process of entry and exit will end when firms face

marginal revenue equal to long-run average total cost.

A profit-maximizing monopolist will produce the level of output at which

marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.

Refer to Figure 14-1. If the market price is $5.00, the firm will earn

negative economic profits in the short run but remain in business.

Refer to Figure 16-9. Given this firm's cost curves, if the firm were perfectly competitive rather than monopolistically competitive, then in a long-run equilibrium it would produce

not between 100 and 133

Refer to Table 17-14. Which outcome is the Nash equilibrium in this game?

not up right

Game theory is important for understanding which of the following market types?

oligoplistic but not perfectly competitive markets

Antitrust laws in general are used to

prevent oligopolists from acting in ways that make markets less competitive.

In a long-run equilibrium, the marginal firm has

price equal to average total cost total revenue equal to total cost economic profit equal to zero

For a long while, electricity producers were thought to be a classic example of a natural monopoly. People held this view because

the average cost of producing units of electricity by one producer in a specific region was lower than if the same quantity were produced by two or more producers in the same region.

If a monopolistically competitive firm can increase its level of production and lower its average total cost of production at the same time then

the firm has excess capacity.

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