Microbiology Exam 3

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All of the following are characteristics of the Proteobacteria except:

The proteobacteria are extremophiles

The phrase "high G + C and low G + C)" in bacteria refer to:

The ratio of guanine and cytosine nucelotides in the bacterial genome

Why is staining Mycobacterium a difficult task that requires the use of a special differential staining technique?

This genus contains a waxy layer that makes staining difficult

A patient goes to see their doctor complaining of intense vaginal itching, pain during urination, and a profuse vaginal discharge. The patient discloses that they had unprotected sex a few days earlier. A sample of the discharge reveals a unicellular protist with a flagella. The patient is most likely infected with _______

Trichomonas vaginalis

The causative agent of Chagas disease is:

Trypanosoma cruzi

A paramecium is a free-living protist composed of only one cell. The term that best describes a paramecium's cellular structure would be:


Which of the underlisted is NOT a fungal infection in humans?

amoebic dystentry

In natural environments where fungi grow, there may be a lack of bacteria in the same area. This is because the fungi produce _______


Many helminths have separate male and female sexes, just like humans. That makes helminths and humans ________


Choose the odd one from the following list of parasitic helminths


Which of the following bacterial genuses would have the greatest amount of guanine and cytosine nucleotides in their genome?


Which of the following species of bacteria would colonize the gut of a newborn as it passes through the vaginal birth canal?


Which of the following is true regarding deeply branching bacteria and the Archaea?

Both groups live in extreme environments

Which of the following characteristics do Mycoplasmas and animal cells share?

Both mycoplasmas and animal cells lack cell walls

You return home from a weekend camping near a stream in Yosemite national park. Unfortunately you begin to suffer from a horrible bout of diarrhea and must be hospitalized. Upon examination of your feces, the doctor informs you that you contracted an intestinal parasite with a feeding groove carved out on one side, multiple flagella, no mitochondria, and prefer anaerobic environments. This organism belongs to the supergroup _____


Deeply branching bacteria share the same cell wall composition as the members of the domain archaea


The DNA of high G + C bacteria has 25% of their nucleotides composed of guanine and cytosine


Bacillus cereus, staphylococcus aureus, and clostridium botulinum are all known to cause ______

Food poisoning

Protists known as oomycetes were once thought to be related to the ________ based on the similar morphology and mode of obtaining nurtrients


The most diverse group of Proteobacteria is the class _______


The most ancient bacteria living today are most likely similar to those that first evolved billions of years ago and they most likely inhabited:

Geothermally heated pools of steaming water

Which of the following phyla contains the fungi that associate with plant roots?


All of the following are true regarding the high G + C and low G + C bacteria except:

High G + C and low G + C groups contain spirochetes

The extant [currently living] deeply branching bacteria are:


Pseudopodia are used by amoebas for ingesting food as well as ______


Pseudopodia are used by amoebas for ingesting food as well as __________


This characteristic rash with a target in the center may or may not be present in cases of:

Lyme disease

An infection broke out at an overcrowded hospital that led to skin infections resulting in the amputation of limbs from some of the more immunocompromised patients. The infection was treated unsuccessfully with penicillin, and methicillin. The patients were most likely infected with ________


Which of the following is a characteristic of streptococcus bacteria?

Streptococcus bacteria appear in long chains

While working in the hospital lab, you receive an unknown sample from the exudate [pus and fluid] of a patient's wound. All of the following could be sources of infection except:

Sulfolobus species

All of the following would be environments where one may find CFB bacteria except:

Surface of the tongue

Nitrosomonas is a bacteria that lives in the root nodules of legume plants such as soybeans. The plants receive nitrogen from the nitrogen fixing reactions carried out by bacteria, and the bacteria receive the products of photosynthesis from the plants. This is known as a _______ relationship


Which of the following heminth parasites contain proglottids?


You observe an odd behavior in your dog. He is scooting his behind on the floor. In addition, he is having bouts of diarrhea. You notice his stool is full of white, flat sections. You take your dog to the vet and she examines the stool under the microscope and notices that one of the segments has a scolex and suckers. She concludes that your dog is infected with ___________


Which of the following is a unique feature of the Actinobacteria?

The Actinobacteria contain several different kinds of peptidoglycan in their cell walls

Which of the following does not correctly describe the CFB group of bacteria?

The CFB group prefer aerobic environments

Which of the following examples illustrates the use of microbes in cleaning up the environment?

The bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans has been genetically engineered to breakdown radioactive toluene and mercury from highly reactive nuclear waste

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the resident microbiota of humans?

The different species of resident microbiota have preferences as to what body parts and regions they colonize

You suspect that your dog spike has contracted worms. You examine his feces and discover white, flat segments throughout. You are looking at _______ filled with reproductive organs


Vancomycin is the "drug of last resort" for treating patients infected with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA. This is because MRSA is ________ to many other traditionally used antibiotics


Without the aid of a __________ many flatworms would flow right through the small intestine and out with the small animal feces?


Which of the following characteristics would classify a bacteria as "atypical"?

A small cell lacking a cell wall

Which of the following groups of microorganisms are most ancient?


Species of bacteria have been isolate from springs in yellowstone with ph ~1. These species of bacteria would be best described as __________


Which of the following are adaptations of internal heminth parasites?

All are adaptations of internal helminth parasites- Highly developed reproductive system Underdeveloped digestive system Highly developed attachment mechanisms

Why are there few effective agents to treat fungal infections?If

All of the following are true regarding treatment of fungal disease in humans Antibiotics target prokaryotic cells and fungal cells are eukaryotic Antifungal drugs can cause serious side effects to human cells There is a great deal of similarity between fungal and human cells, so agents toxic to fungi are also toxic to us

Which of the following is an example of an extremophile?

All of the given- Acidophile Halophile Methanogens Thermophile

In which of the following environments would you find deeply branching bacteria?

All of the listed

Deeply branching bacteria inhabit ______ environments


Robert's job in the lab is to determine the G + C amounts for small, atypical bacteria. Which technique is Robert using in the lab?

Analysis of nucleotide sequences

Organisms in the domain ________ lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls


All of the following are true regarding Archaea except:

Archaea include dangerous human pathogens

Which of the following best explains why archaeal species are not pathogenic?

Archaea prefer extreme environments, and our bodies are not extreme enough to support their growth

Many commercial insecticides contain a toxin that dissolves the GI tract of garden pests. These insecticides are made with the bacterium:

Bacilllus thuringiensis

After a wonderful Thanksgiving meal at your in-laws house, complete with turkey and stuffing, everyone who consumed the meal came down with an awful case of food poisoning. It was confirmed that everyone who became ill ate the turkey and stuffing. The culprit was most likely _______ found in the stuffing as the interior of the turkey was not quite cooked to the appropriate temperature

Campylobacter jejuni

All of the following are areas of the body that are colonized by bacteria except:

Cardiovascular system

On Old Mcdonald's farm, all of his grazing animals rely on CFB bacteria and their ability to break down _______ which are the carbohydrate found in plant cell walls


Which of the following groups of bacteria are capable of forming endospores?

Clostridia and bacillus

A symbiotic relationship would occur at the _______ level of biological organization


______ is an example of sexual reproduction in Paramecium


_______ permits protists to form new combinations of genes which increases the survival of the population


Which of the following supports the hypothesis that deeply branching bacteria began evolving over 3 billion years ago?

Current deeply branching bacteria are resistant to powerful radiation emitted from the sun

Which of the following bacteria would be the closest relatives to plants based on the type of photosynthesis they perform?


Microbes such as Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand high levels of radiation that would normally kill other bacteria. It survives due to unique mechanisms to prevent damage to its_________


All of the following are true regarding deeply branching bacteria except:

Deeply branching bacteria belong to the group known as proteobacteria

Which of the following bacteria is considered a polyextremophile?

Deinococcus radiodurans

Which of the following helminth parasites is transmitted by the mosquito?


While working for doctors without borders in africa, a physician encounters a patient who presents with the following symptoms: fever, delirium, and severe anemia. Upon examination of the patient's blood, numerous merozoites are found emerging from the red blood cells. This patient is most likely suffering from which of the following diseases?


_______ inhabits the guts of cattle, producing copious amounts of gas, as a byproduct of their metabolism


Which of the following would be true if there were no mycorhizzae?

Most plants would not receive important minerals and water, and their growth would be stunted.

Our skin is colonized by many different species of bacteria that prevent the colonization of pathogenic bacteria. We get protection, and the bacteria feed on our dead skin and other compounds found on our skin. This is an example of a ________ relationship


You perform an acid fast stain on a sputum sample (mucus) from a patient suffering from some sort of unknown respiratory infection. You perform the stain in hopes of identifying the unknown bacteria. The cells appear fuschia (purplish red) under the oil immersion lens of the microscope. You confirm the genus of the bacteria to be:


If there were "social butterflies" in the bacterial world, _____ would top the list with their interactions with other bacterial species in and out of their social group


A vaginal swab is sent to lab for culturing. The patient is complaining of pain and a burning sensation upon urination. The patient is sexually active. The specimen is grown on chocolate agar. After twenty-four hours, groups of diplococcus microbes are observed. The confirms that the patient has contracted the bacteria:

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Bacteria that live in a symbiotic relationship with plant root nodules help the plant acquire _______


All proteobacteria are:


The evolution of aerobic life forms nearly 2 billion years ago was made possible as cyanobacteria released _______ into the atmosphere


You are given a test tube with an unknown protist in it. Upon microscopic examination you observe the following: 1] The organism is covered in short hair-like projections 2] The organism has one prominent nucleus and a smaller nucleus as well. The organism that is in your test tube is a _______


All of the following are characteristics of parasitic helminths except:

Parasitic helminths have well-developed digeestive systems

Chlamydia is a species of bacteria that must live inside of human host cells. It takes nutrients including amino acids, vitamins, and iron from the host cells, eventually starving and killing the host cells. This best describes:


The causative agent of potato blight is:

Phytophthora infestans

Which of the following does not belong in the phylum Platyheminthes?


You notice that a bacterial species you are observing is producing an outgrowth known as bud. You conclude that bacteria belongs to the group known as _______


In an environmental catastrophe causing the death of all nitrogen fixing bacteria, the immediate effect would be the death of ______


The Euglena is most similar to ________ based on it's mixotrophic means of obtaining nutrients


A bacteria that can withstand high temperatures, low ph, extreme radiation, and low oxygen environments would be classified as:


Protists are considered to be a _____ group because it does not include all descendants of it's common ancestor


Protists are considered to be a _______ group because it does not include all descendants of it's common ancestor


The Great Irish Famine causing mass immigration from Ireland to the U.S in the 1800's was due to a protist infection that destroyed ____ crops


Which of the following does NOT describe protists?

Protists are limited to aquatic environments

Which of the following does NOT describe the cellular structure of protists?

Protists are strictly unicellular

Deeply branching bacteria that are subjected to high levels of ionizing radiation have unique repair enzymes to correct the damage caused by the radiation. Which of the following best describes the function of the repair enzymes?

Repair enzymes correct mutations in the genetic material that could damage the cell

Travis has been admitted to the hospital. He is complaining of a headache. He is found to have a fever, and a widespread rash all over his body. While taking his history it is learned that Travis recently went camping and did not apply repellent against mosquitoes and ticks. He informs the doctor that he removed several small ticks from his lower leg where his sock line ended. Based on this information and further testing, Travis, on his camping trip, most likely contracted:

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Typhoid Mary was a cook in the early 1900's responsible for spreading typhoid fever to at least 51 different people. She never contracted typhoid fever and was the first known asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever. It was discovered that she harbored the bacterium ______ in her gallbladder and shed the bacteria in her feces. The bacteria was then transferred to the people she cooked for due to her very poor personal hygiene and the lack of hand washing practices

Salmonella enterobacterica

Fungi reproduce asexually by:

Spore formation

The ________ are important nitrogen fixing bacteria in aquatic environments


Some protists have the adaptive advantage of producing________ during times of environmental stress


The plasma membranes of some Archaea organisms like Thermoproteus are composed of _______ monolayers


A ________ is the term referring to a tangled mat of hyphae


You left bread in the pantry too long and later observe black spores covering a few splices. Not one to waste anything, you remove the few slices of bread that contain the spores and proceed to make your favorite sandwich. This is probably not a good idea because the remaining slices of bread still contain _______ that have penetrated the entire loaf of bread


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