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which of the following scenarios is the best example of the mere-exposure effect?

Hal begins to like a certain sports car after seeing it frequently on the road, even though he did not like the car at first.

Which of the following examples describes groupthink?

The employees of a company did not want to disagree with one another by sharing their true opinions on paint colors, so the office was painted an ugly beige color.

Which of the following characteristics is generally associated with the use of hallucinogens?

The experience of vivid, distorted images that are not based on sensory input

Kristin sees a forty-year-old man fall to the ground. According to studies on prosocial behavior, which of the following situations would decrease the likelihood of her helping him?

The man fell at a crowded farmers market.

In the experiments of Solomon Asch, the tendency of group members to conform was reduced most by which of the following factors?

The presence of a single dissenter A

The term group polarization refers to the tendency for

The prevailing opinion within a group to become more extreme after discussion

Which of the following biological systems is most likely responsible for an increase in heart rate while experiencing anxiety?

The sympathetic nervous system B

An individual was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a mild tingling on the right side ofthe face and a sudden inability to speak. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a doctor would likely find

an abnormality in the brain tissue of the left hemisphere

A research design involves two randomly assigned groups of participants. One group receives a one-time treatment, and the other does not. Later, the two groups are compared to see whether the treatment had an effect. Psychologists call this kind of research

an experiment

Dr. Larson was interested in whether classical music helps students perform better on a test. Dr. Larson randomly assigned half of the study's participants to a group that listened to classical music while taking a test. The other half of the participants did not listen to music while taking a test. The research design Dr. Larson used is

an experiment B

a test is administered to 1,000 fourth graders across the country, and then it is readministered to the same children 90 days later. The test-retest results will yield an evaluation of the test's


A student's test score of 86 is at the 42nd percentile. This means that this student has

scored the same as or higher than 42 percent of her fellow students D

The most distinctive characteristic of the experimental method is that it

seeks to establish cause-effect relationships D

Leila saw a man treat a passerby rudely. Shortly after that, she saw him slip and fall to the ground. She immediately thought, "What a clumsy man," without acknowledging that he had walked onto a patch of ice. Leila is demonstrating the fundamental attribution error because

she blamed his fall on his being clumsy

Damage to the occipital lobe would most likely affect a person's


A student has just failed a psychology exam. Which of the following explanations is LEAST likely to be evidence of the self-serving bias?

"I didn't study hard enough."

Which of the following correctly pairs subdivisions within the major divisions of the human nervous system?

Autonomic . . sympathetic and parasympathetic

Which of the following scenarios best represents conformity?

Beth becomes a vegetarian when she starts college because all of her new friends are vegetarian.

The just-world hypothesis would best explain which of the following phenomena?

Blaming the victim

Which of the following examples best represents altruism?

Booker stops to help someone even though it puts him in danger.

Brain damage that leaves a person capable of understanding speech but with an impaired ability to produce speech most likely indicates injury to which of the following?

Broca's area

What is the best way to ensure that results of a study are generalizable to a population?

By using a random selection of people in that population

Painkilling substances produced by the brain are known as

endorphins B

Ten participants in a treatment group were asked to rate their feelings of self worth on a scale of one to ten, with a value of ten indicating a very positive feeling of self-worth. The data for the participants are above. What is the mean for these data?


4 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 10 Ten participants in a treatment group were asked to rate their feelings of self worth on a scale of one to ten, with a value of ten indicating a very positive feeling of self-worth. The data for the participants are above. What is the mode for these data?


Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system results in which of the following?

A decrease in heart rate

Research finds that, in general, the higher an incoming college student scores on a given test, the higher the student's college grade point average (GPA). Which of the following best describes this relationship?

A positive correlation

A certain drug reduces the activity of the central nervous system, including the hippocampus and cerebellum. It affects several neurotransmitters, most notably gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Which of the following is most like the drug in question ?


Researchers have found a negative correlation between income and dental problems. What conclusion can correctly be drawn from this statement?

As income increases, the likelihood of requiring dental care increases.

A double-blind control is essential for which of the following?

Assessment of a treatment designed to reduce schizophrenic symptoms D

During the high-wire act, Grace walks along a rope suspended 30 feet above the circus floor. Which of the following is most involved in helping Grace coordinate her movements and maintain her balance during the performance?


Which of the following allows the examination of living brain tissue visually without performing surgery?

Computerized axial tomography A

Which of the following is a term for a variable that researchers do not control and that can affect the results of a study?

Confounding variable

Which of the following types of intelligence would be most important in answering trivia questions?


Which of the following concepts was advanced by social psychologists to help explain why people who are part of a crowd sometimes commit aggressive, antisocial acts that they would not commit if they were alone?


a person with damage to Broca's area would most likely demonstrate which of the following symptoms?

Difficulty with speech production E

Dr. Rudolph's class has a big test coming up next week. Which of the following students is using a studying strategy that is most likely to lead to memory consolidation?

Elizabeth studies for a half hour before she goes to bed each night the week before the exam.

A teenager would most probably draw on which of the following to recall her tenth birthday party?

Episodic memory

The component of intelligence described by Raymond Cattell as involving the ability to understand logical relationships, reason abstractly, and learn quickly is related to which of the following?

Fluid intelligence

After an electrode implanted in a cat's brain stimulates the cat's amygdala, the cat will most likely do which of the following?

Immediately withdraw in fear

Leadership, job satisfaction, and employee motivation are all studied in which of the following psychological disciplines?

Industrial-organizational psychology B

The Flynn effect is best illustrated by which of the following statements?

Intelligence scores increase from generation to generation.

Which of the following scenarios best represents the frustration-aggression principle?

Jeremy punches the steering wheel of his car because he is stuck in traffic.

which of the following individuals best demonstrates the concept of social loafing?

Michael, who barely works on his group science project because he knows someone else will do the work

Rafael has a sleep disorder for which he takes medically prescribed amphetamines. For which of the following sleep disorders is Rafael most likely being treated?


Which of the following brain regions is the part of the cerebral cortex that is most responsible for the processing of visual stimuli?

Occipital lobe

Which of the following scenarios is an example of retroactive interference?

Raj just bought a new phone and keeps trying to turn it on by pushing the wrong button because the button is in the place where the on button was on his old phone.

Significant damage to which of the following parts of the brain will most likely cause a person to fall into a deep coma from which the person will be unable to awaken? Hypothalamus

Reticular formation

The process by which neurotransmitters are reabsorbed into the neuron after it fires is called

Reuptake D

Which of the following is the best example of scapegoating?

Ryan, who is a member of one racial group, does not get into the college he wants to attend. Even though his application was weak, he blames members of another racial group for his rejection.

Ashley began her banking career as a teller, but she was quickly promoted to increasingly more responsible managerial positions. Despite the fact that she has very limited experience to justify her promotions, she believes that she has been successful because she is very talented. Which of the following explanations is Ashley using to justify her success?

Self-serving bias

To help himself remember the name of his new colleague, Hope, Jose thinks about the meaning of her name—the feeling of hopefulness. Which of the following concepts best corresponds to Jose's strategy?

Semantic encoding C

Psychodynamic therapy has its roots in the theories of

Sigmund Freud

During the night, Alicia stops breathing repeatedly, frequently gasps for air, and snores loudly at regular intervals. Alicia is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions?

Sleep apnea

Jim is better at computer games when his friends are watching than when he plays alone. Researchers would explain Jim's behavior using which of the following theories?

Social facilitation A

The part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving signals from other neurons is called

a dendrite

When a person is suffering from severe pain, the type of drug that will best help alleviate that pain is

a depressant C

A stereotype is defined as which of the following?

a generalization about a social group

A research group conducted a study investigating the connection between self-reported number of hours slept in a given week and scores on a happiness measure. Based on the scatterplot above, the group can report that there is

a positive correlation

people often have expectations about another person that influence how they act toward that person. Such expectations in turn cause that person to behave consistently with the original expectations. The phenomenon is known as

a self-fulfilling prophecy

Charles Spearman's concept of g is most accurately defined as

a single, underlying intellectual capacity measured by intelligence tests

Activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system results in

an increase in respiratory rate

A polygraph machine is often called a "lie detector," although it does not detect lies. Instead, it responds to changes in

autonomic arousal

The autonomic nervous system is most directly involved in

bladder contractions.

Synesthesia is a phenomenon that has been estimated to occur in only a few people in a million. Because of its rarity, researchers are likely to choose which research method to study it?

case study

Dr. Patel is conducting a study to test a hair-growth shampoo she is developing. She instructs fifty participants to use the hair-growth shampoo once daily for a month and another fifty to use a regular shampoo once a day for a month. Dr. Patel measures the participants' hair length at the beginning and the end of the thirty days. Which of the following is the dependent variable?

change in hair legenth

The intelligence quotient (IQ) has traditionally been based on the relationship between an individual's mental age and his or her

chronological age D

Caffeine and nicotine are in the same class as which of the following drugs?


People who find themselves engaging in behavior that is against their principles will most likely experience

cognitive dissonance

According to Wilhelm Wundt, the focus of scientific psychology should be the study of

conscious experience

A participant in a study of music perception listens to music with electrodes attached to her scalp while data are collected on the activity of her brain. This technique is called

electroencephalography (EEG)

Ralph is aware that smoking is harmful to his health, but he continues to smoke. According to cognitive dissonance theory, it is most likely that Ralph will

focus on the social advantages to smoking

An important difference between humanistic and psychoanalytic approaches is that humanistic psychologists believe in the importance of

free will

According to the fundamental attribution error, which of the following is most likely to be a student's explanation for a classmate's failing exam grade?

he classmate was too lazy to study hard. A

The most important reason to use operational definitions in psychological research is it

helps everyone involved with the research understand and collect data in the same manner.

When people consume large amounts of alcohol, they are often unable to recall what they did and said while they were drinking. This occurs because alcohol interferes with the brain's ability to form new memories in the


Which area of the brain is not well developed until after three years of age, offering a possible explanation for infantile amnesia?


According to attribution theory, Pablo is most likely to attribute his high score on a difficult exam to

his intelligence

hillary glances at a graph and then turns her head away less than a second later. When she tries to immediately remember what she saw, which of the following types of memory does Hillary use?


Sleep paralysis typically occurs in people who are

in rem sleep

The network of structures involved in emotion, motivation, and memory is the

limbic system

The area of the brain stem that is important in controlling breathing is the


A word or part of a word that is in itself meaningful, but that cannot be broken into smaller meaningful units, is called a


Lisa is a college English major. She believes all math majors are analytical, logical, and serious. Lisa seems to be demonstrating

outgroup homogeneity bias

All human languages have several basic sounds in common called


Metabolic activity in different areas of the brain can best be visualized by means of

positron emission tomography (PET)

The scapegoat theory suggests that

prejudice provides an outlet to blame others for one's problems C

Memory for automatic activities, such as bike riding and handwriting, is known as

procedural D

A patient reports constant sleepiness. A series of tests reveal that the patient's sleep is frequently disrupted by periods of interrupted breathing and brief awakenings. Which of the following diagnoses would account for such symptoms?

sleep apena

A person accidentally touches a hand to a hot stove and quickly pulls the hand away, even before sensory information about the hot stove reaches the brain. The person's reaction is most directly enabled by

spinal reflex

Researchers find that there is a significant, positive correlation between the number of hours students sleep and their grades. The researchers would be justified in concluding that

students who earn good grades tend to sleep more than those who do not C

One way to reduce intergroup conflict is to establi

superordinate goals

An evolutionary psychologist would explainthat humans desire social interaction, social acceptance, and social affiliation due to a need for


Ben was enjoying a walk in the woods on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. As he went around a curve, he noticed a bear walking toward him. Immediately his pupils dilated, he began to perspire, and his heart accelerated. These changes are most closely related to the function of the

sympathetic nervous system

The rules of grammar are rules of


Katie is trying to explain to her parents why they should allow her to attend State University. She presents them with information on tuition, graduation and retention rates, financial aid, and enrollment. Ka

the central route to persuasion

After listening to a radio station play the same set of songs every three hours, Ivan grows to like them. Ivan's reaction can be best explained by

the mere-exposure effect

uring neuronal firing, the part of the neuron that acts as an insulator and conductor to speed the electrical impulse as it travels down the axon is

the myelin sheath

Piper reads about someone described as adventurous and extroverted. She then judges that this person is more likely to be a lawyer who enjoys hiking than a lawyer who does not. The best explanation for Piper's error is that she is basing her judgment on

the representativeness heuristic

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