midterm review

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According to _____'s theory, we think logically for the first time during _____.

Piaget; concrete operations

_____ is a cultural code that gives men greater sexual freedom than women.

Sexual double standard

Sternberg argued that IQ tests only measure _____ intelligence.


Abstinence-focused sex education programs in the United States:

are not very effective

What parenting style is BEST suited for the adolescent years?


Pick the main result of President Roosevelt's Depression-era effort to encourage every young person to attend high school.

created a generation gap between teens and their parents

Which neurotransmitter has been implicated in ADHD?


Girls become MOST self-conscious about their developing bodies:

during puberty

There is a _____ correlation between BMI and age at puberty for _____.

negative; girls but not boys

The link that some have suggested between autism spectrum disorder and vaccinations is BEST described as:


Vygotsky emphasized the vital importance of _____ in propelling children's mental growth.


Compared to boys, preschool girls are usually superior at _____ motor skills.

fine but not gross

A student is preparing a timeline illustrating the historical development of the life stage of adolescence. Under the year 1904, they write _____, and under "1950s," they write _____.

"G. Stanley Hall describes adolescence as a period of storm and stress"; "A distinctive adolescent culture emerges, defined in part by styles of music and dress"

Over _____ million children are raised by their grandparents.


About _____ percent of children are subjected to chronic harassment.


Five-year-old Dylan repeats the names of the different animals they saw at the petting zoo. Dylan doesn't want to forget a single animal when they tell their grandmother about their adventure. Dylan is among the _____ percent of kindergarteners who use a memory strategy called _____.

10; rehearsal

According to Piaget, the formal operational stage begins at about age:


At MOST, traditional, nuclear families make up _____ percent of U.S. families.


Early childhood generally ends at age _____, whereas middle childhood ends at age _____.

6; 12

Because she watches _____, one can predict that Catalina, a 15-year-old Latina girl, will be less vulnerable to body image issues.

African American oriented TV shows

_____ is a measure that evaluates a child's knowledge in specific school-related areas.

an achievement test

Pick the factor that does NOT encourage an early "transition to intercourse."

being the youngest sibling in the family

Bulimia nervosa involves:

binging and purging

At the same time that MOST children are in Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development, they are in Erikson's _____ stage of psychosocial development

concrete operational; industry vs. inferiority

Nadia is 9 years old. According to Piaget, Nadia is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operations

Once they achieve _____, children can reason about substances and physical reality in a more adult way.

concrete operations

Maura and her friends are playing hopscotch in her parents' driveway. Hopscotch is BEST seen as an example of _____ play.


Which concept in the textbook's discussion of emotional development in early childhood is correctly matched with a description?

false-belief--a creative loboratory procedure used to investigate children's theory of mind

John's friend is running for a position in local government. During a debate, she may be asked how the legal system should manage illegal teen behaviors. John suggests to his friend that the legal system should:

focus on rehabilitation, not punishment.

This is the area at the uppermost front of the brain.

frontal lobe

Charles Spearman believed that a score on an IQ test reflects a general underlying intelligence factor called:


According to gender _____ theory, children selectively attend to the activities of their own sex when they understand that they belong to a particular gender category.

gender schema theory

The talents involved in running, jumping, and climbing are _____ skills.

gross motor

Undernourished children tend to:

have impaired physical and social skills

Pick the factor that did NOT help to make adolescence a distinct life stage.

high school made teenagers want to rebel

George feels that everyone is out to get him. George has a(n):

hostile attribution bias

Children who live in single-parent mother-headed families are often:


When do MOST people master learning strategies such as rehearsal and selective attention?

in elementary school

Children living _____ are NOT living in a blended family.

in traditional two-parent families

Which of Erikson's psychosocial task involves bending to adult reality and needing to work for what we want


With respect to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, testing our talents is to learning to work as _____ is to _____.

initiative; industry

Twenty-year-old Traci describes herself as having been very happy and well liked in elementary school but was much less popular in her large public high school. Traci was MOST likely a(n) _____ child.


As compared to boys' play, the play of girls is MORE likely to:

involve the use of toys usually associated with the other gender.

Sixteen-year-old Amanda is hanging out with a high-status crowd in her local public school. Amanda's group is MOST apt to be:


To help a child rebound from the trauma of a divorce, parents should:

keep consistency in the child's life

As a brainy elementary school kid, MJ may become _____ during high school if they attend a large public high school.

less self-confident

According to an international poll, the main thing that makes adolescents feel loved is having parents who:

make sacrifices for them

The cerebral cortex takes until _____ to physiologically mature.

one's twenties

Which is the parenting style in which children are given total freedom and unconditional love?


From the fifth grade through the ninth, feelings of attachment to parents decline sharply for both boys and girls. After ninth grade, they:

rebound somewhat for girls but not boys

G. Stanley Hall's 1904 description of adolescence as a period of storm and stress _____ a long-standing theme in Western thought and _____ the emergence of adolescence as a distinct life stage in the United States.

reflected; foreshadowed

Terrance survived a childhood scarred by poverty and community violence to graduate near the top of his medical school class. Terrance's example BEST illustrates the concept of:


Mia can observe her own actions and abilities from an outside frame of reference and can reflect on her feelings. Mia is showing:


_____ is evaluating oneself as either good or bad as a result of comparing the self to other people.


Executive function tests may be able to predict adolescent:


Which stereotype regarding adolescence is false?

suicide is relatively common during adolescence

_____ is the essential ability that lets humans relate to other people in a give-and-take way.

theory of mind

Raulo and his friends attend a U.S. high school. Statistically, one can expect that:

they are seriously sleep deprived by the end of the week

Because of the developing cerebral cortex and frontal lobe, humans are NOT cognitively adults until their:


_____ indicates that a measure reflects the real-world quality it is supposed to measure.


When asked why Jorge likes his friend Victor, he replies, "Because we both love playing with swords." These boys are probably _____ children because they describe their friendships in terms of _____ qualities.

younger; external

Which statement BEST expresses the results of research evaluating Baumrind's contention that authoritative parenting is ideal?

Global research affirms the cross-cultural validity of Baumrind's contention. Research also finds, however, that Baumrind underestimated the influence of the child and that of the community on the effectiveness of different parenting styles.

Pick the statement that Howard Gardner might make.

Let's focus on measuring a child's unique talents and gifts.

Which statement about eating disorders is false?

People never outgrow these problems

When married parents have children from former unions, their family is called a _____ family.


Good active coping skills improve children's life satisfaction more than poor active coping skills do after _____ divorces.

both high and low conflict

Ian goes to school and pulls the hair of a younger child. When Ian returns home, his brother's friends push Ian around and pretend they are going to punch him. The next day at school, Ian trips another child on the school bus. Ian's behavior appears to be that of a(n):


Evidence for an environmental contribution to intelligence is provided by:

not only the Flynn effect but also comparisons of high- and low-SES children.

Ms. Smith gives help to her class when needed and then backs off when a student masters a given skill. Ms. Smith is using a teaching technique called:


Which of these is NOT a classic pubertal change?

the hips decrease in fat

Fifteen-year-old Evelyn believes that everyone is scrutinizing her and evaluating everything she does. In Elkind's framework, her hypersensitivity to what others think is called:

the imaginary audience

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