MNO Exam 1

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All stress on the job is bad.


All stress results in negative consequences.


Benevolents expect to receive substantial compensation for relatively little input.


Both positive and negative emotions can be contagious, but the spillover from positive emotions lasts longer than negative ones.


Legal complaints charging organizations with discrimination have largely been eliminated due to the passage of a number of laws in the U.S. prohibiting discrimination against protected classes.


Salary is a motivator in Herzberg's two factor theory


The most effective goals are easy ones.


Work/family conflict tends to lower job satisfaction in collectivistic cultures.


Written communication is best utilized when the ideas are simple.


______ is a motivation theory based on the work of Ivan Pavlov on behavioral conditioning and B. F. Skinner on operant conditioning.

Reinforcement theory

Behavior is a function of the person and the situation interacting with each other


Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures


In a supermarket study, cashiers rotated through different departments had lower stress levels and less pain in their necks and shoulders.


In collectivist cultures, the importance of family is critical to understanding the nature of the society


Job security is an example of Maslow's safety needs


Mary said, "I am quite confident in the plan I developed, as I worked quite diligently on it and I have implemented similar programs in similar settings," Mary seems to have high self-efficacy


Merit pay is a permanent pay raise based on past performance.


Meta-analysis has shown that the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is moderately strong


Michael needs to discipline one of his employees. Before doing so, he should make sure the punishment he is administering fits the crime.


Mindfulness based programs are increasingly being utilized by organizations as a way to help employees combat stress at work.


Motivation is culturally based.


Nancy goes to work at her job at the university after the December holiday break. She opens her email and finds 312 emails after her vacation. Nancy is experiencing information overload.


Natalia is assisting new employee Jane by showing her around the facility. This is an example of organizational citizenship behavior.


Quality expert Edward Deming has advocated for abolishing performance appraisals in the workplace.


Research suggests that age diversity in a work team can lead to higher performance


Stress related issues cost companies billions of dollars annually due to absenteeism, lost productivity, and accidents.


The most powerful influence on job performance is general mental ability.


To increase the effectiveness of performance meetings, increase employee participation.


To reduce the frequency of negative behaviors, remove the rewards that followed those unwanted behaviors.


Using the extinction approach to get a coworker to quit using inappropriate jokes during his conversations means you ignore the jokes instead of laughing at them.


What women tend to perceive as "passion" in communication, men tend to view as "too much emotion".


The mismatch between emotions, attitudes, beliefs and behavior is _________.

cognitive dissonance

Giving full attention to what other people say, taking time to understand the points made, asking questions as needed, and not interrupting at inappropriate times is called _______.

active learning

Learners who participate ________ by demonstrating, practicing or through a group discussion, typically have a higher retention rate


People high in openness are more likely to start their own business than those low in openness


Reinforcement theory is based on behavioral and operant conditioning.


Reliability refers to consistency of measurement, while validity assesses whether the measurement accurately captures what it was intended to measure


Research in Western countries suggests that empowerment is an effective tool to motivate employees.


Research indicates that communication ability is related to a manager's performance.


Research indicates that groups with strong faultlines can perform well if certain norms are established


Research shows that excessive stress is related to higher turnover and lower job performance.


Research shows that the psychological state of meaningfulness is the most important state for employee attitudes and behaviors.


Research suggests that when we do self-evaluations, our scores are consistently higher than the scores given us by our peers and superiors,This is an example of self-enhancement bias


Research suggests that women may be speaking less in high-stakes communication situations like meetings.


Role conflict is a result of contradictory demands at work.


Selective perception is the personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs.


Some research shows that Chinese employees are more motivated than American employees when the goals set for them are very difficult.


The Age Discrimination Act makes it illegal to discriminate against employees age 40 or older


The Demand Control model proposes that employees with high levels of autonomy and control over their jobs will be less stressed.


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classifies individuals on the basis of types, not traits


The USA, as a country, is considered to have high self-esteem


The use of stock options remains a popular incentive technique in start up organizations.


The word or term "secretary" is an example of biased language.


There are a variety of ways to reduce stress in the workplace.


There are cultural differences in the use of nonverbal communication elements like body language and facial expression.


There is a high degree of overlap between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.


_______ refers to an employee leaving an organization.


_____ are stable life goals that people have, reflecting what is most important to them.


_____ that are important to people affect the decisions they make, how they perceive their environment, and their actual behavior.


In the resistance phase of stress, an outside stressor jolts an individual insisting that something must be done.


Individuals with a strong social network are more stressed than individuals who do not have such networks because of the increased interpersonal demands of large social networks.


Instrumental values are end states people desire in life


Verbal communication is largely asynchronous.


Goal setting is one of the most influential theories of motivation.


High levels of perceived justice create higher levels of employee commitment.


If Dan complains about his instructors being boring every time they lecture, he is demonstrating high consistency


__________cultures are cultures where people tend to have stronger bonds to their groups and group membership forms a person's self-identity, whereas _________cultures are cultures where people tend to define themselves as individuals and form looser ties with their groups

collectivistic ....... individualistic

______ is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior.


The communication _______ can include e-mail, phone, in person, or instant message.


Predictors of _______ include how we are treated at work, personality, positive work attitudes and age of the employee.

citizenship behaviors

In accounting, students talk about LIFO and FIFO; these are two examples of shortcuts called _______ that many in the field take to talk in code.


Affirmative action programs are among the most controversial diversity management methods available


Behavior may be affected as much by what is expected of us as how we want to behave


The discipline of organizational behavior is simply common sense


The link between stress and heart disease has been proven by the American Heart Association to be strong.


The most information-rich communication channel is a formal written document like a report.


The sender in the communication process is totally responsible for successful, effective communication between the sender and receiver.


The three levels of analysis examined by organizational behavior research are individual, organization, and society


Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.


Companies high in uncertainty avoidance prefer predictable situations and have low tolerance for ambiguity


Conscientiousness, more than any other personality trait, predicts how successfully a person performs a variety of jobs


Developing an openness to different experiences is a viable method to prepare oneself for a global career


Family security is a terminal value


When our ______ match the demands of the job, we tend to be more satisfied.


Predictors of ______ health problems, work-life balance issues, poor work attitudes and age of the employee.


Individual lifestyle choices that one can make to try to decrease feelings of stress include: ________.

diet, exercise, sleep, time management, social support network

The tendency to experience positive moods more often than negative ones is ______


The _____ perspective suggests behavior is a function of the person and the situation interacting with each other.


_______ is working remotely from home or some other locale during a portion of the workweek.


A message that can be read at any time is ________ unlike a conversation, which is carried out in real time.

written communication

Written communication is the most often used form of communication in business.


Firms like Apple are interested in how products are perceived emotionally because strong positive emotions make individuals more likely to use a product and recommend it to others.


Firms with "sick leave" policies tend to have more individuals with unscheduled absences than those with "personal day off" policies.


Fish contains dopamine, which when consumed can produce feelings of alertness.


Flow is the state of consciousness where individuals are totally absorbed in an activity.


Job specialization entails breaking down jobs into their simplest components.


You worked really hard on your paper and were very proud to get an A on it. Then you found out that everyone who wrote ten pages or more got an A and now you are upset. You are experiencing high distributive justice.


Young people exhibit higher citizenship behaviors than older people.


Role conflict is the strongest predictor of poor performance on the job.


Experts suggest that ______ answers to questions in applicant-matching software is difficult because the candidate can not predict the desired profile.


The Nucor Steel Company's ______ penalizes low performers, but sets no upper limit on the amount high performers can earn annually.

Incentive system

The downside of a ________ is that it may not be generalizable from one situation to other situations and organizations

case study

Changes to policies, downsizing, and other organizational _______ can cause job insecurity for employees


Three key factors in understanding attribution are _______, _______ and ______.

consensus, distinctiveness ....... consistency

High _______ cultures place a high value on establishing relationships prior to working with others while low ________ cultures "get down to business."

context .... context

Communication fulfills three main functions within an organization including ___________.

coordination, transmission of information, and sharing emotions and feelings

As job satisfaction increases, so does job performance. This is an example of the ________between two variables


During the resistance phase of stress, the body begins to release _____ and draws on fat and sugar reserves to adjust to the demands of stress.


Discussions that are high stakes and where opinions vary and emotions run strong are ________.

crucial conversations

Diversity in values, beliefs and attitudes is called ________diversity


________ is a person's capability to understand how a person's cultural background influences one's behavior

cultural intelligence

The values, beliefs and customs that exist in a society are the


In general, as level of degree attainment increases, the unemployment rate


When a person pretends to experience emotions he does not feel, he is engaging in _______.

deep acting

Research suggests Chinese employees are much more motivated by _______ goals than their American counterparts.


A stressor that detracts from personal goals and prevents growth is a ______ stressor.


You just got a promotion, one which you feel you deserve after all your hard work. You perceive high _____.

distributive justice

______ are symbols that offer clues to the emotional side of words used in e-mail messages.


The subject of ________, examined by Daniel Goleman, looks at how people can understand each other more completely by becoming more aware of their own and others' emotions.

emotional intelligence

_________ is the regulation of feelings and expressions for organizational purposes.

emotional labor

Individuals who are experiencing substance abuse problems may seek help from an ________ program, sponsored by their firm.

employee assistance

Employees who feel motivated and have discretion to make decisions about the content and context of their job are ______.


The process of translating ideas into words is ________


Alexander is enthused about his firm and consistently uses his talents to further the organization's success. Alexander is an example of a(n) _________ employee


Antonio feels strongly about satisfying his subordinates' ____. Therefore, each time one of his employees does an outstanding job on some project, he calls the entire department together to formally recognize the individual's accomplishment.

esteem needs

A stressor that causes stress but may also provide opportunities for growth is a ______ stressor.


The stressor has significantly weakened the individual during the _____ phase of stress.


_______ are meetings with departing employees.

exit Interview

An American citizen working in an American company located in Japan would be called a(n)


The perception that high levels of effort will lead to performance is called _____


When people believe that things happen to them because of luck, other people or a higher being, they are classified as high in _______.

external locus of control

Individuals high in _____are often effective managers and tend to demonstrate inspirational leadership behaviors.


People with high _____ are often effective sales representatives.


_______ ensures that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee's story is heard.

fair hearing

The assumption that whatever quirks we have are shared by many other people is ______.

false consensus error

An attribute along which a group is split into subgroups is called a


Maria wonders what the emotional impact of all the downsizing in the auto industry is on the employees. She has made arrangements to interview a dozen employees who have just been downsized from Ford Motor Company. Maria is conducting a

field study

________ is a communication barrier where information is withheld or distorted to manage a person's reactions.


Since _______ are lasting, make sure your résumé is neat in appearance and error free. When interviewing, dress appropriately and greet the interviewer with a firm handshake.

first impressions

The state of consciousness when an individual is totally absorbed by an activity is _______.


A practice that has been widely used by universities that provides long periods of paid time off from the normal routine of work is called a ______.


The philosophy of _______ focuses on the most efficient method to perform a job.

scientific management

A(n)_______learner draws pictures and diagrams and summarizes main points by using charts to help him understand material


An organizational behavior instructor who develops a unique teamwork project for use in her classroom will have high ______ with the project.

task identity

End states that people desire in life such as a prosperous life are examples of ______ values.


Li Cho is participating in a study in which after looking at a picture, she will write a story describing the person in the picture, what that person is doing and why. Li Cho is using a ________ to assess motivation themes.

thematic apperception test

"It was really nothing,These things happen to me because I happen to be in the right place at the right time," This statement suggests an external locus of control


A "shamrock organization" is comprised of one-third regular employees, one-third temporary employees, and one-third consultants and contractors


A Forbes magazine survey indicates that the most stressful job in 2017 was that of enlisted military personnel.


A face-to-face information channel is high in information richness.


A group with three older males and three younger women will have a strong faultline


A more diverse work team produces higher quality decisions because more alternatives are considered


A neat, professional appearance and a firm handshake are two important aspects of an interview because of the lasting impact first impressions make


A nonverbal gesture, like the "OK symbol" made in the United States, could be offensive in another culture.


A press release is intended to appear independent of its sender.


A primary challenge to be addressed by organizational behavior is managing people of different generations who have different values with regard to teamwork, rewards, and work-life balance


A primary criticism of case studies is that the results of one organization may not be generalizable to other situations and organizations


A risk-averse individual is generally a poor fit for a high-tech firm in a dynamic environment


Access to information has led to an increase in innovation and a "flattening of the world"


Access to information is a key factor in empowering employees.


According to Affective Events Theory, the six emotions of anger, fear, joy, love, sadness and surprise inspire actions that can benefit or harm others.


According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are part of the context of the job


According to one survey, over half of workers report job stress as an issue for them.


An expatriate is an employee who is temporarily assigned to work in a foreign country


Based on the number of studies conducted, job satisfaction is the most important job attitude.


Behavior is influenced by attitudes and situations.


Blemishes and other skin problems can be outward manifestations of stress.


Challenge stressors have been shown to relate to increased engagement and performance.


Current research suggests that the average employee will change jobs 12 times in their career


Deficient interpersonal communication was a factor in 70-80% of all accidents over 20 years.


Downsizing, or the expectation of downsizing, is related to greater absence in the workforce.


Employee engagement has a significant impact on the corporate bottom line


Employees are happier at work if they are socially accepted in their work groups.


Ethical standards held in different societies may emphasize different behaviors as ethical or unethical


Ethnic minorities experience a wage gap and a glass ceiling even more severe than that faced by women


Even though goal setting is a good motivational tool, there is strong evidence that goal setting can also lead to unethical behavior.


Filtering, emotional disconnects, and lack of credibility are all barriers to effective communication.


Giving an employee a sales commission every time he makes a sale is an example of a continuous reinforcement schedule.


Glen is interested in finding out how effective a new incentive program might be in an organization. He chooses two departments to focus on in a company. One department works under the incentive program, one does not. This is an experimental design study


Goal commitment is higher when employees have trust based relationships with managers.


If used on a short term basis, relative ranking appraisals may help an organization become more performance oriented because they tend to weed out employees with persistent performance problems.


In China, absence from work due to illness is considered relatively unacceptable.


In a pay system based upon commission, rewarding only sales volume could encourage salesmen to heavily discount merchandise.


In crisis situations, it is extremely important that an executive be the spokesperson for the firm.


In the United States, the workforce is becoming increasingly multicultural


Individuals with a high need for achievement may neglect managerial activities, like coaching, because they view it as a waste of time.


Individuals with an economic value orientation tend to make more unethical choices


Information overload negatively impacts employee efficiency and creativity


Jacqueline is a college freshman, She loves to sleep late on weekends and assumes that college students in general prefer to sleep late, Jacqueline is making a false consensus error


Journaling is a technique that helps you chart your progress as you learn new skills


Leaving employees free to choose job performance methods is an important element of scientific management techniques.


Leniency bias is a common problem in performance appraisals.


Listening is an art, not a skill, and thus individuals cannot be trained to be better listeners.


Maria just completed a series of personality assessments and is found to be high on external locus of control and introversion. Based on findings from research, it is likely she also has positive work attitudes.


Nonverbal communication is at least as important as verbal communication.


Offshoring and the development of a shamrock organization structure challenges organizational behavior to manage teams made up of employees separated by culture, language, time and space


On the Holmes Rahe scale, the most stressful life event is the death of a spouse.


One effective way of achieving procedural justice is to allow employees a voice in decision making.


One of the challenges of using personality tests in employee selection is that the rankings of the candidates who take the test may be affected by their ability to fake


One of the explanations for the wage gap between men and women is that women pursue occupations that are lower-paying than those pursued by men


One rationale provided for the existence of the glass ceiling for women is that women are viewed as being more passive and submissive compared to their male counterparts


One suggestion for building a culture that respects diversity is holding managers accountable for diversity-related goals


Individuals high in ______ are nice, tolerant, kind and warm people who get along well with others and are valuable additions to any team.


"Fight or flight" is the reaction to an outside stressor in the first phase, or ______ phase of stress.


Examples of negative emotions are ________

anger, fear, and sadness

XYZ Company is merging, and everyone on staff believes that job cuts are coming. Many can't function at work and some staff are physically ill. They are suffering from _______

anticipatory stress

An _______is an opinion, belief or feeling about an aspect of the environment.


The tendency for individuals to be attracted to similar individuals is called the _________ phenomenon


If you prefer to learn by lectures, conversations and videos, you are a(n) ______learner


A one-time reward that follows a specific accomplishment is called a ______.


History suggests that one of the first incentive plans in place was when Napoleon promised 12,000 francs to anyone who could find a way to preserve food for the army. This is an example of a ______.


Jesse is always tired and irritable. He never wants to do anything or has any energy. He is suffering from ________.


Applying ethical principles to situations that arise at work is

business ethics

To resolve the issue of biased language, instead of calling an individual a businessman, you should call that individual a __________ .

business person

Applicant-matching software reduces the time required to hire candidates


A departing employee's manager is the best person to conduct the exit interview.


A happy worker is always a productive worker.


A high need for power is always a destructive element in the workplace.


Positive emotions include _______.

joy, love, surprise

Americans enjoy much greater leisure time than their European counterparts.


Attitudes are more strongly related to actual behaviors than to intentions to behave.


There is usually a strong relationship between good person-organization fit and high job performance


Attractive women are rated lower if they are employed in nonmanagement jobs and higher if they are in management jobs.


Effective organizations feature role ________ information sharing and performance feedback


Challenge stressors generally show negative effects on performance, while hindrance stressors generally show positive effects on performance.


______ is the one personality trait that uniformly predicts how high a person's performance will be across a variety of jobs.


In an experimental design, the group that receives no experimental manipulation is called the _________ group


______ refers to a relationship between two variables.


There are two types of communication in organizations: verbal and written.


In general, the higher the ________ the more money you will make


_____ are those who expect substantial compensation for little input.


Maurice is trying to understand why Mary agrees with him about the cost of the manufacturing program when he talks with her on the phone, but is vehemently opposed when they are in a department meeting. Maurice needs to analyze this issue at the_______level


_______are tentative guesses on an expected observation that can be tested


The three key levels of analysis in organizational behavior are

Individual, Group and Organization

_________ says computing power doubles every two years

Moores Law

The_____ is an instrument that groups individuals by type, not trait, and is useful for team-building and training purposes.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Nancy is the new employee and Maureen has decided to talk to her about the dress policy in the firm, the manner in which expense reports are filled out, the employees that tend to sit together at lunch, and various other related issues. Maureen is offering a look at the company's culture that is at the _________ level of analysis


When hiring individuals, companies are interested in two types of fit: ______ and ________.

Person/job ..... person/organization

_____ is defined as relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has.


______ motivation theories see motivation as a rational process.


_____ suggests that values are arranged in hierarchical order.


______ refers to vagueness as to what your job responsibilities are.

Role ambiguity

The ________ is an organization comprised of one-third regular employees, one-third temporary employees and one-third consultants or contractors

Shamrock organization

Alderfer's existence needs correspond to Maslow's physiological and safety needs


_______refers to unscheduled absences from work.


If a manager does not want to have a confrontation with an employee or wants to avoid hurting that employee's chances of getting a bonus, he may give the employee a rating higher than warranted. This bias in performance appraisal is called ______.


Cultures that are comfortable in unpredictable situations and have high tolerance for ambiguity are called _______ cultures

low certainty avoidance

For an exit interview, the person who would conduct the least successful interview is the employee's ______.


The worst person to conduct an exit interview is the _____- of the departing employee.


A ________ culture values achievement, competitiveness and the acquisition of money and other material objects


In the job characteristics model, ______ is the most important of the three psychological states for employee attitudes and behaviors.


The job characteristics model features the psychological states of _______.

meaningfulness, responsibility, and knowledge of results

Job performance is a function of the interaction between a person's ______, ability, and _____.

motivation ..... Environment

Clarissa emphasizes frequent harmonious interpersonal relationships. Clarissa has a high _____.

need for affiliation

ERG theory is to _______ motivation theories as equity theory is to ____ motivation theories.

need-bases ...... process-based

Under McClelland's theory, individuals who focus on goals and deadlines have a ________

needs for achievement

Stanley always sees "the glass as half empty." Stanley is probably a ______ person.

negative affective

A person who is high in ______ are anxious, irritable, aggressive, temperamental, and moody.


Anything that interferes with or distorts the message being transformed is _______.


Evidence of the success of Nucor Steel is the low turnover rate and ______ status of the firm.


People are not happy when something unexpected happens, but they are less upset when things are somewhat hidden


Race, age, and attitudes are examples of surface-level diversity


Reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities may require the firm to purchase equipment for the disabled employees' use but does not require any schedule or job duty modifications


With regard to age, ______ employees are less likely to be absent from work.


John's company downsized, and John is now performing his own job plus most of his former coworker Sidney's job. John is now experiencing role ambiguity.


Low power distance societies view an unequal distribution of power as relatively acceptable


With regard to age, _______ individuals typically exhibit better citizenship behaviors at work.


Of the need-based theories mentioned in the text, _______ theory has received the most support from research.

McClelland's acquired needs

_____ is the degree to which the outcomes received from the organization are perceived to be fair.

Distributive justice

________refers to the ways in which people are similar or different from each other


______ is a personality trait that explains different reactions to inequity.

Equity sensitivity

In China, goals high in specificity are more motivational in contrast to the low specificity goals preferred by employees in Western cultures, including the United States.


In a business e-mail, using a subject line is often unnecessary as it may create unrealistic expectations about the message content.


In firms pursuing a growth strategy, there is a negative relationship between racial diversity in the firm and company performance


In general terms, the American workforce is growing younger


_______ is the process where supervisors, peers, subordinates, and sometimes even customers provide that will later be shared with the employee for developmental purposes.

360- degree feedback

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits employment discrimination against individuals age _______and over


SAS Institute advocates its employees create work/life balance by suggesting, "If you are working more than ______, you are just adding bugs."

8 hours

In high power distance companies, participative decision making is common practice


In organizations that have a pay for performance system, overall turnover level will be lower.


The ______ Theory explores how events on the job cause different kinds of people to feel different emotions.

Affective Events

In the communication process, noise is found only in the external environment of the communication situation.


In the most effective performance appraisal meetings, criticism of the individual personality traits is very important.


It is a commonly held stereotype that men are more relationship-oriented than women


Job enlargement involves moving employees from job to job at different intervals.


Job satisfaction can be fully explained by the work environment.


________ is the belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures


Adequate notice ensures that there is two way communication during the performance appraisal process.


Age is positively related to both frequency and duration of absenteeism.


Communication flows upward, downward, and laterally in an organization, but it is not possible for communication to flow diagonally.


Communication methods and forms differ little across cultures.


Countries high in power distance respond positively to appraisal systems where lower level employees give feedback to their managers.


Crucial conversations are discussions where the stakes are high, so opinions need to be in line with the majority in the group.


Deep-level diversity traits are most important for early interactions in the workplace, but as time goes on, surface-level traits become more important


Disclosing sexual orientation is the key to explaining work attitudes of lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender employees


Emile is seated in a lecture where the instructor is discussing personality. She is most likely in a sociology class


Employees who are discriminated against are no more likely to leave their jobs than those who have not faced discrimination


Equity theory suggests that those perceiving inequity can react to the situation by having the referent decrease inputs.


Expectancy theory is a need based theory.


Expectancy theory's instrumentality dimension refers to the degree to which one believes that effort leads to performance.


Experts agree that organizations should regularly monitor employees' online activity.


Extinction is increasing the frequency of desirable behaviors.


Extraverts are always model employees


Extraverts are happier in their work situations and perform much more effectively than introverts


Financially there is little incentive to attain a higher level degree


General mental ability is likely the most important factor explaining employee citizenship behaviors.


Gift cards as awards to employees are not appreciated because they are often purchased for stores and restaurants that employees do not frequent.


High agreeableness is always a personality trait sought in job candidates


If I am examining how my manager's behavior influences my work group, I am looking at the organizational level of analysis in the organizational behavior discipline


If I emphasize the word "Max" in the following sentence, "I did not tell Max you were late," it suggests that I might have implied it to people other than Max.


If you don't like your job, you will definitely reduce your job performance.


In China, as in the United States, direct eye contact is important in a communication situation.


Marissa is generally a few minutes late for class. She feels that "class will be there, why rush?" Marissa always thinks through how to address problems that arise for her rather than responding first and thinking later. Marissa has a Type A personality.


Most American adults get the appropriate amount of sleep each night.


Most of management research addresses causation


Motivation is a function of the interaction between performance, ability and environment


Nurturing (feminine) cultures are more likely to be characterized by a separation of gender roles than aggressive (masculine) cultures


One tip to remember when working with people with negative affectivity is that you can change someone's personality with relative ease


Over rewarded individuals experience a great deal of guilt and will substantially increase their effort to restore feelings of equity.


Overall, work/life conflict is more problematic for men than women.


People speak much faster than they hear words.


Personality is the main reason why individuals turnover in a firm.


Proxemics suggests that standing at an intimate distance to a colleague increases communication effectiveness.


Reasonable accommodation for religious reasons does not require schedule modifications although it may require modifications to a firm's dress code


Research by Gallup indicates that only 20% of employees are disengaged from their organization


Research indicates that older employees exhibit higher absenteeism than their younger counterparts


Research indicates that personality tests are an excellent predictor of performance


Research shows that those organizations that are more effective limit the amount of feedback they provide employees, limit the amount of information shared, and allow roles to be ambiguous


Research suggests Indian employees are more satisfied when they are empowered in the workplace than their counterparts in the United States or Poland.


Self-efficacy is the degree to which people have overall positive feelings about themselves


Skill variety and task significance are the most important elements in deciding motivational potential.


Social monitors are especially good at evaluating the performance of other employees


Storytelling is largely an ineffective means of communication as receivers perceive the senders to be largely unable to control the process.


Stress, or the body's response to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response, is always bad for the individual.


Successful organizations tend to limit the amount of information shared by maintaining a centralized structure


The "Corporate Athlete" approach to dealing with stress is a reactive approach.


The General Adaptation Syndrome looks at how events on the job cause different kinds of people to feel different kinds of emotions.


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a very effective employee selection tool


The communication process is very complex, and thus presents almost insurmountable challenges to understanding and controlling it.


The customer service representative at the department store who keeps smiling as she listens to the customer bitterly complain about her newly purchased product is engaging in deep acting.


The federal government passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as a long-term solution to dealing with unethical behavior


The importance of higher general mental ability for high performance is stronger for manual labor positions compared to management positions.


The old adage "Have a good cry" is great advice to deal with stress that has built up in an individual.


The outcomes of stress are only psychological in their orientation.


The relationship between positive work attitudes and behavior is clear.


Though employees seem more satisfied when their company communicates with them about issues that impact them, effective communication does little to improve the firm's market value.


Though the glass ceiling was a legitimate issue a few years ago, today the number of women in executive positions of organizations is roughly the same as the number of men at that level


To influence instrumentality, make sure rewards are seen as desirable.


Value orientations change dramatically as individuals age and mature


When people fit their jobs, they experience higher levels of stress


While the American workforce is becoming more diverse, the world's workforce is not


Whistleblowers, or people who report wrongdoing, tend to be those who have very high levels of commitment to a company.


______ could be a serious problem when using personality tests in employee selection because it can change the rank ordering of candidates.


_______ and _______ are two key work attitudes that are the most relevant to important outcomes in the work environment.

Job satisfaction ..... organizational commitment

________ is the process of writing out thoughts and emotions on a regular basis


Because it is likely that U.S. employees will change jobs 12 times in their career, employees should be________learners and continually upgrade their skill set


______ theory of motivation arranges needs in a hierarchy.


One technique to reduce the likelihood of unethical behavior resulting from goal setting is to create multiple levels of goals and distribute rewards according to the goals achieved rather than rewarding only those who reach the highest goal.


One way to deal with perceived inequity is to decrease your own inputs.


Organizational behavior is the systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work


Organizational behavior matters because it analyzes what you care about, what employers care about, and what organizations care about


Organizational behavior provides organizations the tools to address the technological, societal, and cultural issues arising today and create an environment that is mutually beneficial to the firm and its employees


Organizations can help employees reduce stress by offering them greater autonomy in their jobs, making their job duties clear, and providing employee assistance programs.


Our visual perception is biased because we do not perceive objects in isolation


Outsourcing is becoming an increasingly common practice in many organizations


People perceived as fair recognize that what they believe is fair may differ from what others perceive as fair.


People who are labeled as high social monitors can experience high levels of stress


People with positive affective dispositions tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and committed to their companies.


Persistent stress has the potential to place vulnerable individuals at an increased risk for depression.


Person-job fit is positively related to job satisfaction


Person/job fit and person/organization fit are positively related to job satisfaction and job engagement.


Positive affective people are absent from work less often


Proactive people understand the political environment in organizations, so they adjust quickly to new jobs


Process based theories view motivation as a rational process.


Realistic job previews help prevent breaches of the psychological contract.


The absence of hygiene factors in the work environment leads to worker dissatisfaction.


The concept of always putting work first is outdated.


The frustration regression hypothesis offered by Alderfer suggests individuals frustrated in their attempts to satisfy one need regress to another


The job characteristics model is an attempt to design jobs for increased motivational potential.


The job characteristics of autonomy and high skill variety are positively related to organizational commitment.


The notion of using incentives to increase performance is a very old idea, actually going back to the time of Napoleon.


The performance appraisal meeting is the most important component of a performance appraisal.


The phenomenon of "the folly of rewarding A while hoping for B" suggests that at times, people are rewarded for the wrong kind of behavior.


The sentence construction of the "Isn't it?" question we ask in the United States tends to be confusing for non-native speakers.


The similarity/attraction phenomenon suggests that individuals are attracted to those who are similar to them


The success of work attitude surveys depends on the perceived credibility of management by employees.


The use of jargon can strengthen professional bonds with those of similar backgrounds.


Those firms that are categorized as successful tend to pay employees well, train employees, and reduce status differences


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment with regard to race, color, sex, religion and national origin


When an employee is treated well, he wants to reciprocate, so he performs his job more effectively.


When we perceive a threat to our safety, the body reacts with a "fight or flight" response.


Written and verbal communication tends to seek, give, or exchange information.


You are a Walt Disney Company management trainee. The first three months of your job you will be working in the restaurant and hospitality area. The next three months you will be in the merchandising area, followed by three months in lodging and finally, three months in park operations. The Walt Disney management trainee program is designed using the job rotation philosophy.


__________ prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, sex, religion or national origin

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

A person who is very curious, original, creative and very adaptable to change is high in


If you answer 90% of the questions right on an exam, you get an A, if you get 80% correct, you get a B, and so on. This approach to grading an exam uses a(n) _______ criteria.

absolute rating

_________ programs are those designed to recruit, promote, train and retain employees belonging to a protected class

affirmative action

______ is a company-wide program where employees are rewarded for performance gains compared to past performance.


The ______ is a hypothesis by Hans Selye that suggests that stress plays a general role in disease by exhausting the body's immune system.

general adaptation syndrome

Jobs with high complexity need to have employees with high _____.

general mental abilities

_______ include reasoning abilities, verbal and numerical skills, and analytical skills.

general mental abilities

The most powerful influence over job performance is _______.

general mental ability

The ________ is the invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to higher and executive level positions

glass ceiling

The degree to which a person is dedicated to reaching the goal is called _______.

goal commitment

_______ describes the degree to which a person has higher-order needs such as esteem and self-actualization.

growth need strength

Matching candidates to jobs is a key way of ensuring ______ performance and _____ turnover in the workplace.

high ....... Low

A society that views an unequal distribution of power as relatively acceptable would be categorized as a _______ culture

high power distance

Herzberg's _____ factors include company policy, supervision, working conditions, security and salary.


Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation suggests factors that are part of the context in which the job is performed are called ______factors.


Nina is experiencing feelings of inequity; one way she can address the situation is by _____ her outcomes.


When we receive more information than we can take in, the imbalance is known as __________.

information overload

You are at the computer working on the Internet gathering information for your term paper, your cell phone is ringing, you are receiving emails and the television is on. You are likely experiencing ______.

information overload

_______ communication channels convey more nonverbal information and tend to be used by effective managers.


Broad mindedness, obedience, forgiveness and imagination are examples of _____ values.


The degree to which employees believe that their performance will result in rewards is called ______


Agnes failed her accounting exam and complains that the exam was too difficult. Marta just ignores her because Agnes did not study at all in the three weeks prior to the exam. Marta is making an ______ for Agnes's failure.

internal attribution

The basketball coach says, "This team has to control its own destiny. You cannot be looking to other teams to lose so you can get into the play-offs. Only we can get ourselves into the tournament. We have to take care of our own house." The coach likely has ______.

internal locus of control

Mary is experiencing a(n) _____ stressor when her supervisor comes to work in a bad mood and yells at her.


The distance between two people, like a mother and child, usually in the zero to eighteen inch range is called the _______ distance.


Maggie loves routine, repetitive tasks and is very risk averse. She loves working as a cashier. This is an example of person/_____ fit.


When a person has strong links to the organization and leaving would entail significant sacrifices he/she has _______

job embeddedness.

The level to which an employee invests mental, emotional, and physical energy into their work is _______.

job engagement

Predictors of _______ include general mental abilities, how we are treated at work, stress, and positive work attitudes.

job performance

_____ is the degree to which an employee successfully fulfills the factors included in the job description.

job performance

An auto assembly worker who works on the left rear wheel bolts on Monday, the right front headlight screws on Tuesday, the front grille connectors on Wednesday, the right rear wheel bolts on Thursday and the left front screws on Friday is working under a ______ system.

job rotation

The feelings people have toward their job is called _______.

job satisfaction

______ breaks down jobs into their simplest components and assigns them to employees so that they can perform tasks in a repetitive manner.

job specialization

Mark is interviewing with a Wall Street firm. He notes that employees dress in business suits on a daily basis and address each other by Ms. and Mr. He decides that the firm's culture is too conservative for him. Mark is concerned about person/______ fit.


The systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work is called

organizational behavior

Helping new employees and working voluntary overtime are examples of _______.

organizational citizenship behaviors

_______ is the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for.

organizational commitment

In equity theory, an individual's ______ ratio is compared to the same ratio of a referent.


For most employees, ___ satisfies their physiological needs.


The fact that women earn 82% of what men earn demonstrates the

pay gap

_______ is the process in which a rater or raters evaluate an employee's performance.

performance appraisal

Fruit pickers are often paid based on the amount of fruit they pick in a day. This is an example of a _________ system.

piece rate incentive

The professor is praising the student for an outstanding PowerPoint presentation. The professor is practicing ______ to get the student to do as well the next time he presents.

positive reinfrocement

Raul is highly respected by his colleagues. When there is a problem, he quickly takes the initiative to find a solution and tries to remove all barriers to success. Raul has a _____ personality.


Monique was hired as an entry level accountant. She found out that the firm decided to hire her after learning that her mother was also an accountant. Monique likely feels low _______ justice.


Equity and expectancy theories are examples of ______-based theories of motivation.


_______ is a term coined by Edward T. Hall to denote the different degrees of physical distance between people during person-to-person communication.


Collectively, the dimensions of efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience refer to _________.

psychological capital

An unwritten understanding about what the employee will bring to the work environment and what the company will provide in exchange is called a _________

psychological contract

_________ professionals create external communication about a client's products, services, or practices for specific receivers.

public relations

________ is vagueness as to what job responsibilities are in the job.

rRole ambiguity

The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination in employment against individuals with physical or mental disabilities if they are otherwise qualified to do their jobs with or without

reasonable accommodation

Mary and Jan are two graphic designers at Master Graphics. They were hired at the same time with the same basic qualifications. Under equity theory, Jan is Mary's _____ or comparison person.


The behavior where we are not really listening but preparing our response is called _______.


Social needs is to Maslow as ______ is to Alderfer.


Maggie's boss wants her to complete the department project by next week. Her team leader for the corporate project wants her to travel to New York in the next few days to work on that item. Maggie is experiencing ______.

role conflict

Having insufficient time and resources to complete a job is called _____.

role overload

Harrison was glancing over the list of runners who finished the Boston Marathon and the names of the two runners from his hometown of Richmond, Virginia "jumped" out at him. The phenomenon is an example of the process of ________

selective perception

Personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs is _______

selective perception

The dramatic drop in sales was discussed at the weekly company meeting. The manufacturing manager kept looking at the production-related aspects of the problem while the marketing manager concentrated on the promotional aspects. ______ explains why these two managers were focusing on their specific areas and ignoring others.

selective perception

Marcus eagerly uses his company's tuition reimbursement program for an undergraduate degree. Marcus is fulfilling his ____ need.


People with high _____ set higher goals for themselves.


You are asked to predict how quickly you will run a mile track. You run on a regular basis to stay in shape. You say you will run the track in five minutes. It takes you eight minutes. Your prediction was an example of _______ bias.


"I won't get this job either. I've been on twenty interviews already and I haven't received one callback. I don't think I'll ever get a job. I'm such a failure," says the graduating college senior. The student is exhibiting low _______.


You are a manager who believes that all young employees "goof off at work." You therefore limit the number of assignments you give to your young employees. Lately you have noticed that the young employees in your department are texting on their cell phones, playing computer games and just talking to each other quite a bit. This situation is an example of a ________.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Gabrielle is a high ______. She can walk into a meeting and quickly identify the mood and the key interactions between attendees and adapt her behavior accordingly.


Words mean different things to different people; this is the concept of _______.


A _______ originates the communication process.


Requests for sexual favors or unwelcome sexual advances is

sexual harassment

The acronym, SMART, stands for ______________ when discussing goal setting.

specific, measurable, aggressive, realistic and time-bound

Beliefs about different groups that may be generalized to an employee who is being evaluated, even though those beliefs may have little basis in reality, leads to a ______ bias in performance evaluation.


A generalization about a particular group of people, like "men never ask for directions" is an example of a


The purpose of ________ is to align company and employee interests by making employees owners.

stock options

_____ is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response.


A Harley-Davidson employee's authority to stop the assembly line if he sees a blemish on the product indicates he has ______ empowerment.


When a hair stylist smiles even though the young child whose hair she is cutting is crying and squirming, the hair stylist is exhibiting _______.

surface acting

Demographic traits like race, gender and age are part of ________ diversity

surface level

Predictors of________ include poor performance, poor work attitudes, stress, personality, and age of the employee.


Alexandra is always impatient. She seems to run around the office completing this task and that. She is always the first one to work and the last to leave. Alexandra has a ______ personality.

type A

Nicholas is making sure that his subordinates view rewards offered by the firm as desirable. Nicholas is attempting to influence the _____ element of expectancy theory.


_________is to accuracy in measurement, as ________is to consistency in measurement

validity ...... reliability

The XYZ Corporation just announced a new bonus program where managers can provide "on the spot" bonuses for an exceptional job done that day. XYZ is proposing to offer bonuses on a _____ schedule.

variable ratio

_______ communication is best utilized when you need feedback and there is time urgency.


______ communication does a better job of conveying feelings while _______ communication does a better job of conveying facts.

verbal ..... Written

The three types of communication are:_________

verbal, written, and nonverbal

When self-reported personality measures are used, studies have shown that the results are generally _______ than when observer measures of personality are used.


Men and women tend to differ in their communication styles. ________ are less likely to be dominant or assertive in conversations at work.


Flexible scheduling is one approach to addressing ______ conflict.


An informal gossip network at work that can be a barrier to effective communication is called a _________.

workplace gossip/grapevine

_______ communication is best utilized when ideas are complicated or you are conveying facts.


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