MOD 12 Management

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11. List and describe six actions to facilitate effective team-building

a. Break the ice, don't reinvent the wheel, communicate a purpose and a plan, play to strengths, clarify decision making

8. List and describe five common teamwork competencies

a. Contributes to the team's work: completed work faster, came prepared to meetings, did good work b. Constructively interacts with team members: communicated effectively, listened to teammates, accepted feedback c. Keeps team on track: helped team plan and organize work, stayed aware of team members' progress, provided constructive feedback d. Expects quality work: expected team to succeed, cared that the team produced quality work e. Possesses relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities for team's responsibilities: possessed necessary KSA's to contribute meaningfully to the team, applied knowledge and skill to fill in as needed for other members' roles f. Team players are committed, collaborative, and competent

6. Label and describe the five stages of group development in Tuckman's model

a. Forming- group members are uncertain about their roles and their trust in each other is low ... ice breaking b. Storming: testing leader's policies and assumptions and how they fit into the power structure, subgroups take shape c. Norming: a respected member who isn't the leader challenges the group to resolve power struggles and questions are resolved d. Performing: focused on problem solving, open communication, strong cooperation e. Adjourning: work is done, group moves on to other things

14. Describe the relationship between team size and team performance

a. If the team size is smaller the group members tend to work harder, the bigger they get the less some of the members work b. The ideal group sizes tend to be 10 or fewer members

5. Identify and describe the five keys essential to high team performance

a. Leadership, accountability, purpose, problem solving, effectiveness

10. Identify the best strategies for avoiding social loafing in teams

a. Limit group size, assure equity of effort, hold people accountable, offer hybrid rewards

1. Define the concept of a work group and distinguish between formal and informal groups:

two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms and goals and have a common identity a. Formal: assigned by organizations/ managers to accomplish specific goals b. Informal: members overriding purpose for meeting is friendship or a common interest

2. List the two basic functions that formal groups fulfill, and explain the components of each

a. Organizational functions: accomplish complex interdependent tasts that are beyond the capabilities or individuals, generate new or creative ideas and solutions, coordinate interdepartmental efforts, provide a problem solving mechanism for complex problems requiring varied information and assessments, implement complex decisions, socialize and train newcomers b. Individual functions: satisfy, the individual's need for affiliation, develop, enhance, and confirm the individual's self-esteem and sense of identity, give individuals an opportunity to test and share their perceptions of social reality, reduce the individual's anxieties and feelings of insecurity and powerlessness, provide a problem-solving mechanism for personal and interpersonal problems.

13. List and describe the eight characteristics of high performing teams

a. Participative leadership, shared responsibility, aligned on purpose, high communication, future focused, focused on task, creative talents, rapid response

4. Differentiate between task roles and maintenance roles in work teams

a. Task roles: enable work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose b. Maintenance roles: foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships

7. Define the concept of a work team and explain how teams differ from groups

a. Team: a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable b. Leadership, accountability, purpose, problem solving, effectiveness c. Teams are task groups that have matured to the performing stage, teams have common commitment, teams assemble to accomplish a common task and require collaboration

12. Define the concept of virtual teams and list the best practices for effective virtual teams

a. Teams that work together over time and distance via electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals b. Adapt communications, share the love, develop productive relationships with key people on team, partner, availability, pace, updates, select the right people, communication skills are essential

9. Explain the concept of social loafing as a threat to team performance

a. Tendency for individual effort to decline as the group size increases, can produce free riders who distract the work of other team members because they don't try hard making others try harder

3. Explain the concepts of group roles and norms

a.Roles: set of expected behaviors for a particular position i.Task: keep group on track; initiator, information seeker/giver, opinion seeker/giver, elaborator, coordinator, orientor, evaluator, energizer, procedural technician, recorder ii.Maintenance: keep group together; encourager, harmonizer, compromiser, gate keeper, standard setter, commentator, follower b.Norms: an attitude, opinion, feeling, or action shared by two or more people that guides behavior

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