Modern History of Kazakhstan

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Indicate the negative consequences of plowing virgin and fallow lands. Choose three correct answers

1) Decrease of the Kazakh population to 30% 2) Wind erosion of soil 3) Reduction of pastures

What are the key areas of modernization of national identity in the XXI century? Choose three correct answers

1) Competitiveness 2) The cult of knowledge 3) Pragmatism

A set of historical messages, myths, reflections about the events of the past transmitted from generation togeneration

Historical memory

The transformation of agriculture in the USSR, which led to the formation of collective farms


Insert what was missing in the text: "Members of the Alash party advocated the development of ... the economythrough ...

market, reform

Insert what was missing in the text: "Members of the Alash party advocated the development of .... the economythrough .... ?

market, reform

In the 1960s, Kazakh students who studied at Moscow universities created an unofficialorganization

"Zhas Tulpar"

Insert what was missing in the text: "In 1919 the Bolsheviks pardoned the members of Alash for two main reasons: usetheir education and ...

... qualifications

What is the main content of the national policy of the Soviet government in the 60-70s. XX century? Choose threecorrect answers

1) Formation of the "Soviet people" community 2) Mass closure of national schools 3) Taking land from Kazakhs and transferring them to migrants

What peoples were deported to Kazakhstan in the late 30s - 40s of the XX century. Choose three correct answers

1) Germans, Poles 2) Balkars, Koreans 3) Chechens, Ingush

The First Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan

1) J. Shayakhmetov 2) N. Nazarbayev 3) D. Konaev

The capitals of the Kaz ASSR

1) Kyzyl-Orda 2) Almaty 3) Orenburg

Foreign policy of Kazalctlstan is chaeracterized as ..... Choose three correct arsvers.

1) Multi- vector 2) Proactive foreign policy 3) Pragmatic

Which two organs of power emerged as a result of the February Revolution of 1917?

1) Provisional government 2) Councils of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies

What social movements and organizations emerged in Kazakhstan in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century?Choose three correct answers

1) Public movement "Semey - Nevada" 2) Historical and educational society "Adilet" 3) Civil Movement "Azat"

What is the essence of the land and water reform carried out in 1921-1922? Choose three correct answers

1) Return of Kazakh lands in the Irtysh region and on the left bank of the Urals, seized by the colonial power 2) Transfer of more than 1 million acres of land to peasants for use 3) Return of Kazakh lands in Semirechye and South Kazakhstan, seized by Cossack troops

Choose from the listed personalities three figures who are not supporters of the Alashmovement

1) Seifullin S. 2) Ryskulov T. 3) Zhangeldin A

Kazakhstan pilots - twice Heroes of the Soviet Union

1) T. Begeldinov 2) L. Beda 3) S. Lugansky

What are the results of the December 1986 events? Choose three correct answers

1) The rise of national identity 2) Development of democratic processes in society 3) An important step towards independence of Kazakhstan

Name tree deputies of the State Duma from the Kazakh population

1) Tynyshbaev Mukhamedzhan 2) Kosshygulov Shaimerden 3) Beremzhanov Akhmet

In which international organizations is Kazakhstan a member? Choose three correct answers

1) United Nations (UN) 2) Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) 3) Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

What are the features of collectivization in Kazakhstan?

1) Violent methods 2) Forced pace 3) Without taking into account the peculiarities of the life of the population

In the Khrushchev era, Soviet Kazakhstan was characterized by: (choose three correct answers)

1) de-Stalinization 2) rehabilitation of victims of political repression 3) virgin lands campaign

What are the pronciples of social policy of the republic of KZ?

1) guaranteeing minimum social standards 2) solving the problems of the social imbalances in the development of regions 3) targeted support for socially vulnerable sectors of society

Insert the missing word: "At the Second All-Kazakh Congress in December 1917, a decision was made to establish theautonomy of the Kazakh regions and give the autonomy a name ...."


Environmental disaster in Kazakhstan and throughout Central Asia

Desiccation of the Aral Sea

The main character of the story "Volokolamskoe Highway" by Alexander Bek

E. Momyshuly

Cooperation between EU member-states and Kazakhstan covers the following areas

Everything listed above

The author of the idea of "Small October"

F. Goloshchyokin

What is the main content of the national policy of the Soviet government in the 60-70s. XX century?

Formation of the "Soviet people" communityMass closure of national schoolsTaking land from Kazakhs and transferring them to migrants

What is foreign policy concept of Kazakhstan?

It is a system of fundamental views on principles and approaches, goals, priorities and objectives of the foreign policy of Kazakhstan

Indicate the Kazakhstani soldiers who showed heroism in the battles near Moscow. Choose three correct answers.

M. Gabdulin I. Panfilov B. Momyshuly

Complete the statement of A. Baitursynov "How much clearer the February revolution was to the Kazakhs, it seemed justas incomprehensible to them ..."

October Revolution

National .......... and the ........... participation of our country in solving global and regional problems are the main idea ofan active, ........... and pragmatic foreign policy of our state.

Security; global; balanced

What is the idea behind the policy of social modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

Society of Universal Labor

7 faced of the great steppe retes: "the most striking elemnt of their herltage, a reflaction of the artistic originality and richness of spiritual content is the "art of ___ ___" the use pf images of animals in everyday life was a symbol of the interrelation of man and nature

animal style

"Kazakhstan was and remains a colony" S. Sadvakasov said bitterly, summing up the results of


The process of creating a machine-made production is


According to the Constitution, the Republic of Kazakhstan is an independent, democratic, legal, secular, social, ......... state


According to the Constitution, the Republic of Kazakhstan is an independent, democratic, legal, secular, social,......... state


What are the main features of the Soviet political system? Choose three correct answers

1) "Cult of personality" of the first leaders 2) Political repression 3) Communist Party Monopoly

What youth state programs are being implemented in Kazakhstan? Choose three correct answer

1) "Zhasyl-El" 2) "With the diploma to the village" 3) "Serpin"

Leaders of the 1916 uprising

1) Amangeldy Imanov 2) Tokash Bokin

"large-scale transformations should be accompanied by advanced modernization of public consclousness. it will not only complement political and economic modernization - it will act as their core"

Rukhani zhangyru

What was the largest constraction site in the first 5 year plan?


The Alash Party announced the idea of

creating a national autonomy

N. Nazarbayev is convinced that "large-scale transformations should be accompanied byadvanced modernization of public consciousness. It will not only complement politicaland economic modernization - it will act as their core." What state program is beingimplemented in accordance with this statement?

"Rukhani zhangyru"

Select from the list three main features of statehood

1) Autochthonous population 2) Primordial Territory 3) Sovereignty

What are the main process Khrushev's "thaw" (otepel) in mid 50s - early 60s of the XX centry? Choose three correct answers

1) Attempts to modernize the Soviet economy 2) Criticism of the Stalin personality cult 3) Refsabilitation of vistims of Stalinizm

What are the features of collectivization in Kazakhstan? Choose three correct answers

1) Violent methods 2) Forced pace 3) Without taking into account the peculiarities of the life of the population

In the Khrushchev era, Soviet Kazakhstan was characterized by

1) de-Stalinization 2) rehabilitation of victims of political repression 3) virgin lands campaign

What is the essence of the land and water reform carried out in 1921-1922?

1) return of kazakh lands in the Irtish region on the left bank 2) transfer of more than 1 million acres of land to peasant for use 3) return of kazakh lands in Semirechue and south KZ

Indicate teh authorsof historical books published in the 70-80s of the XXcentury

1) sulemenov 2) nurpeisov 3) esenberlin

At the second All-Kazakh congress in december 1917, a decision was made to establish the authonomy of the Kazakh regions and give the authonomy a name___ alash


What does the term "strategy" mean?

Everything listed above

In 1979, ignoring the interests of Kazakhstan caused a social explosion in the city:


According to D. Kunaev, he was personally "inspired by the image of the first major Kazakh engineer ............. , who graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Railways in 1906 and was one of the active initiators of the construction of Turksib"

Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpaev

Relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union are based on ...

Partnership and Cooperation Agreement

In 1946, what important event book place in the scientific field of Kazakhstan?

The Academy ff Sciences of the Kazakh SSR was estabished

Insert that was missing in the text in 1919 the pardonedt the members of alash for two main reasons ...

You there education and qualifications

According to A. Bukeikhanov·s statement, '"Serving the nation depends not so much on knowledge as on .... "


In Kazakhstan, the Latin alphabet was officially used

from 1929 to 1940

Insert what was missing in the text: "In 1919 the Bolsheviks pardoned the members of Alash for two main reasons: use their education and ... "


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