Module 1 - What is AI? - Defining AI & Its impacts
Time range of DL & DL simple description:
- 2010 till now - DL learning breakthrough drives AI boom Learning based on Deep Neural Networks
Time Range of ML before DL & ML simple description:
- 1980 to 2010 - ML beings to Flourish Ability to learn without being explicitly programmed
Type 2 category for AI attributes:
- Reactive Machines - - Limited Memory - - Theory of Mind - Self-Awareness
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Def'n of AI:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks
Ways to Categorize AI:
Type 1 - Based on Capabilities Type 2 - Based on Functions
AI Impact Ex: DeepMind AI Reduces Google Data Centre ___ ___ ___ ___
cooling bill by 40% - cognitive power to optimally arrange cooling arrangements
AI won't replace us, they'll amplify what we do, just as cars replace our ____ to help us transport ourselves
AI4ALL's Def'n of AI:
A branch of computer science that allows computers to make predictions and decisions
AI Impact Ex: AI poised to impact ____-____ U.S. Jobs more than Production, logistics
High-Skill -- thinking of the cognitive function of AI with compute power & learning capabilities
Time Range of AI before ML & AI simple description:
- 1950 to 1980 - Early AI stirs excitement Engineering of making Intelligent Machines and Programs
Type 1 category for AI attributes:
- Weak/Narrow - capable of solving one problem and executing one task well - general AI - Human-level of cognitive function across a wide variety of domains (DNE yet) - Strong AI - surpass human intelligence, and can perform any task better than human with cognitive properties (DNE Yet)
Top AI Use Cases:
Customer Experience, Supply Chain, HR, R&D, Fraud Detection, Knowledge Creation, Predictive Analysis, Real-Time Operations Management, Customer Services, Risk Management & Analytics, Customer Insight, Pricing & Promotion
AI, ML, DL Subset Relation
DL subset ML subset AI
Examples of Weak AI:
Postal Service zip code reader, self-driving car, Alex / Google Home