Module 4 (English 4) Post Test

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Which pair correctly uses a hyphen?


The purpose of preliminary online research is:

To find the basic information that will help guide you in your future searches.

The Comma Splice:

Two complete thoughts joined with only a comma creates a problem: Always use a comma and one of the fanboys (for, and, nor, but, yet, or, so) to avoid this common mistake.

Comma Rule 5:

Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives. Example: The student loved her social, busy life.

Boolean logic: Not

Using not will give you information about both subjects without unneeded information.

After the hostess brought us to our table, the waiter asked if we wanted to get something while we read the dinner menu. Identify the set of domain specific words from this sentence.

Waiter, menu

We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. In three to five sentences, explain the significance of capitalizing the word "Welfare" in the Preamble.

Welfare is capitalized in the Preamble as a way to emphasize the word and to provide similarities with the other rights expressed in the document, such as Justice, and Tranquility. This allows the reader to easily see the word and know that it is important to the document's message.

Which sentence uses the most precise language?

When the engine seized and began to smoke, I realized I had ignored the oil gauge warning signal too long.

Read this excerpt from Federalist Paper No. 1 and answer the question that follows: Which of the following correctly summarizes the main point of this test from the excerpt? Were there not even these inducements to moderation, nothing could be more ill-judged than that intolerant spirit which has, at all times, characterized political parties.

Without these calls for moderation, we would be at the mercy of intolerant political parties.

Word Choice:

concrete and specific words and phrases; use of figurative language

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The First Amendment limits the power of:



evidence, opinions, reasons, or experiences that inform the writing

Healthy Eating:

nutrition calories protein consumption

The hyphen in "one-time winner" is used because:

one and time modify winner


progression of ideas from the introduction to conclusion

The proper way to write a large number in a sentence is:

ten billion

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. The infinitive phrase "to be secure" modifies:

the right


the use of proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar

Sentence Fluency:

the way sentences are formed and connect throughout the writing


the way words and phrases are used to develop tone and increase reader intrest


transcript grade point average code of conduct schedule

Which source would you use to locate a useful quotation or paraphrase about the Espionage Act?

"First World - Primary Documents- U.S. Espionage Act, 15 June 1917"

Which source would you use to locate a useful quotation or paraphrase about how Schenck v. United States changed interpretation of free speech?

"Schenck v. United States"

Read this excerpt from Federalist Paper No. 1 and answer the question that follows: Which phrase from the excerpt shows that Hamilton thinks other governments are closely watching the formation of government in the United States?

...the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world...

What are the six steps of research?

1. The first thing a researcher must do is identify a research question- or series of research questions. 2. Find information online. 3. Evaluate online sources 4. Use the library to gather more research. 5. Evaluating resources from the library. 6. Organizing your information.

Comma Rule 1:

1. Use a comma to separate three or more items in a series. Example: She loves to play her clarinet, watch funny movies, and go to the beach.

Comma Rule 2:

2. Use a comma and a conjunction to separate two complete thoughts. Example: She loves to play her clarinet, yet she rarely practices because she is so busy.

Comma Rule 3

3. Use a comma to set off a phrase or clause of three or more words at the beginning of a sentence. Example: Despite a small blog following, the published author's newest work was on the bestseller list.

Comma Rule 4:

4. Use a comma to set off a parenthetical element or appositive. A parenetical element is a part of a sentence that an be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. An appositive is a clause or phrase that renames a noun and can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. Example: Playing an instrument well, as many experts point out, requires dedication and determination.

Which term means the same as "rules students must follow"?

A code of conduct

Sentence fragment:

A group of words that does not express a complete thought. It is missing either the subject, the verb, or both subject and verb. Example: Such as comic books, magazine articles, and films. Correct: Spiderman has been adapted to many different areas such as comic books, magazine articles, and films.

Read this excerpt from "Schenck v. U.S., 249 U.S. 47 (1919)" and answer the question that follows. which phrase does the protest document use to describe conscription?

A monstrous wrong against humanity

Dependent clauses:

A sentence fragment because it includes a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought. The thought is left unfinished. It cannot stand on its own. Example: When I read the book.

Run on sentence:

A sentence that includes more than one idea without joining them together properly. It combines two or more independent clauses without using appropriate connections. Example: I went to the store I was hungry. Correct: I went to the store because I was hungry. Run-ons can be resolved by breaking them into separate sentences, adding in joining words such as and, or, but, yet, or using a semicolon.

Which source would provide credible information to use in a writing project focusing on primate research efforts in the United States?

A website that hosts scientists' peer-reviewed studies

Which of the following would be the most reliable source for a research paper explaining the causes for whale and dolphin strandings during the summer?

An article from Scientific American magazine explaining new findings from recent studies.

In an in-text citation, which type of source dos not require the inclusion of page numbers?

An internet source

Read this excerpt from "Schenck v. U.S., 249 U.S> 47 (1919)" and answer the question that follows. Which of the following is a statement supported by the protest document? 19

Assert your opposition to the draft. 19

Thought the fall from the monkey bars was minor, the student visited the clinic to be checked out by the attending physician for internal injuries. Which word in the sentence should be replaced with domain specific language?

Checked out

read these two sentences: The city's budget for youth-related projects has increased this year. We have hopes that the new sports complex will be funded, finally. Which transition word correctly links the two sentences?


Read this excerpt from "Schenck v. U.S., 249 U.S. 47 (1919)" and answer the question that follows. Which of the following is a statement supported by the protest document?

Do not submit to intimidation

What are warning signs you should look for in evaluating an online source?

Does the website express a specific opinion? How recently was the website published? Is the author credible? Does the website provide documentation?

Which prefix and word combination correctly uses a hyphen?



Explains a procedure, process, or concept. Focuses on: How something functions How something behaves How something works Why things happen

Independent clauses:

Full thoughts that do not need anything else in order to convey a message. Example: I went to the beach.

Read this excerpt from federalist paper No 1. and answer the question that follows. Which of the following statements supports the idea presented in this quote from the excerpt? The plan offered to our deliberations affects too many particular interests, innovates upon too many local institutions, not to involve in its discussion a variety of objects foreign to its merits...

Hamilton feared the focus on regional interests would undermine the process of honest reform.

read this excerpt from Federalist paper No1. and answer the question that follows. Which of the following statements supports the idea presented in this quote from the excerpt? The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in its consequences nothing less than the existence of the UNION, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world.

Hamilton feared the unity of the country was at stake during the process to write the new Constitution.

Boolean logic: AND

If you want to find a website that covers 2 subjects in the same article, use and.

Boolean logic: Or

If you want to find a website that you don't have a preference on, use or. This will give you information about one subject or the other.


Increases knowledge of a subject or concept. Focuses on just the facts: What something is What something looks like What something is made of

Read this excerpt from Federalist Paper No. 1 and answer the question that follows: According to Hamilton's writing in the second paragraph, what is one reason the new Constitution would be opposed?

Individuals who hold positions of importance do not want a stronger government.

Which sentence correctly follows the rules for MLA in-text citations for a quote from an article titled "Solving Equations," written by John Smith on an internet website.

John Smith suggests that "people make the most errors misusing the order of operations" ("Solving Equations").


Join two adjectives modifying the same noun, such as "chocolate-covered raisins." If the two adjectives do not come directly before the noun, then the hyphen is not used: The raisins were chocolate covered. Use a hyphen to spell out fractions or compound numbers, such as "one-fourth" or "sixty-three." Use a hyphen with the pre-fixes ex-, self-, and all-, such as "ex-boyfriend" or "self-made."

In an informative/explanatory article about party planning, which of these concepts would be used to explain something to the reader?

Menu planning

Which term means the same as "eating the right foods for good health and growth"?


The qualities to consider when evaluating the author of a website as an authority are:

People whose job it is to study and report the topic you are studying. People who have experienced your topic firsthand. People who work for organizations that deal with this topic. Companies or organizations that focus on this topic. Most universities and newspapers.

Read the sentence below and answer the following question: Had I right, for my own benefit, to inflict this curse upon everlasting generations?- Shelley, Frankenstein. Which of the following correctly describes the syntax of this excerpt?

Placing the phrase has I right at the beginning of the sentence emphasizes the narrator's doubt.

Dominic has found the following information during the research process for his paper. What is the most useful next step in the writing process for Dominic?

Refine his research question and look for more focused resources.

Which sentence includes the best domain specific words for an informative/explanatory article on how space exploration led to the development of new products for people?

Scientists used MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, to select a suitable landing sight on the lunar surface.

In three to five sentences, explain the connection between sentence fluency and proper use of conventions.

Sentence fluency is the ability of a sentence to flow in a way that allows it to be comprehended by the reader. This allows for the sentences to be written in a logical pattern. Proper conventions include correct punctuation and spelling. Without utilizing proper conventions, the sentence fluency would not exist. For instance, readers would not know where to pause without proper commas or periods.

A student is concluding an informative essay about the legacy of Rosa Parks. Which of the following would best conclude that essay?

She led the country where others feared to lead, changing the course of history and empowering the weak during a time of dire need.

Identify the sentence which contains a coordinating connection.

She tried on several pairs, and she chose a blue and grey pair to replace her old shoes.

The lunchroom tables were clean except for some plates and napkins. In this sentence, which word should be replaced with precise language?


A student completing research for a project enters the following search terms: Baseball AND history NOT semi-professional. Which of the following best describes the likely results of this search when the following Boolean logic?

Sources that reference only general baseball history and exclude semi-professionals

A student doing research for a project enters the following search terms: Scuba AND advancements OR technology. Which of the following best describes the likely results of this search when following Boolean logic?

Sources that reference the first term and either the remaining two

Writing numbers:

Spell out single digit whole numbers, such as "five" or "nine." Use a hyphen to spell out fractions or compound numbers, such as "one-fourth" or "sixty-three." Large numbers are best spelled out, such as "five million."

Unless the storms pass, the game is likely to be rescheduled on another day. In this sentence, what type of connection word is "unless"?


Read this excerpt from Federalist Paper No. 1 and answer the question that follows: Based on this sentence from the first paragraph, why does Hamilton think a stronger government is necessary?

The country will fall apart without it.

Read the sentence below and answer the following question: What had been the study and desire of the wisest men since the creation of the world was now within my grasp- Shelley, Frankenstein. Which of the following does the syntax of this sentence emphasize?

The desire of wise men.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In four to six sentences, explain how the structure of the First Amendment supports equal weight of each freedom it guarantees.

The document utilizes parallel structure and similar capitalization to describe the different freedoms. Moreover, it groups them all into one sentence, allowing them to each be expressed in equal length and thought. The one line of text also allows for the ideas to be connected through the piece and be fully understood by the reader.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is revealed in which part of the statement?

The infinitive phrase

In an informative/explanatory article about new car purchases, which of these concepts would be used to inform the reader?

The price of current model year cars

In three to five sentences, explain the purpose of informative/explanatory writing.

The purpose of informative and explanatory writing is providing detailed information to the reader, especially when the reader is unfamiliar with the information provided. Both informative writing and explanatory writing are types of educational writing. Informative writing explains information and allows the reader to gain knowledge, while explanatory writing explains the process or steps to completing something.

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