Module 5
Lead scoring model
1-determine customer characteristics 2-define characteristics of an idea customer 3-develop a point system 4-score your leads based on point system
Descriptive Analytics
Answers the question 'What happened?' Juggles raw data it looks at historical data. Bottom of big data chain. Valuable for uncovering pattern that offer insight. Helps spot seasonal trends
B2B version of demographics Company size Revenue Head count Markets served
Prescriptive Analysis
How can we make it happen? Identify the best actions to achieve the desired outcome.
sales growth
KPI measures the sales units or revenues over a period of time.
Sales target
Managers can track the extent to which performance goals were met.
Average profit margin
The is the average profit(revenue minus costs) across sales categories by sales representative, sales team, product line, and customer type. Sales managers can identify whether costs are too high for the achieved profit margin and take steps to reduce costs, such as providing incentives offered in closing negotiations.
Sales opportunities
The metric identifies under performing accounts with potential for additional sales, and non-customer accounts that are similar to existing customer accounts.
Quote-to-close rate
This KPI measures the average time to close sales deals. This helps the sales manager advise salespeople on whether stages of the selling cycle should be shorter or longer to enhance the closing rate.
Average purchase value
This is the dollar value of purchases. It may be calculated by customer type, product line, and sales representative. Sales managers can identify the most valuable customers and target them with a loyalty and retention program
Predictive Analytics
What will happen? Uses past analysis to help predict the future
Diagnostic Analytics
Why did it happen?
win-loss analysis
a review of how well a salesperson performed given the opportunities he or she faced.
actual interactions with the sales force or anyone in the company.
amount of data available
Fit data
attributes about the customer, demographic data for B2C customers
Customer Acquisition cost
average cost to convert a lead to a paying customer. Managers can determine which customers' profitability does warrant acquisition costs and eliminate similar prospects from sales initiatives.
behavioral data
captures what the customer has done with the company. Intent engagement relationship
sales to date
compares current sales to that of the same time last year.
360 Degree Customer View
incorporates customer data from all sources to provide a customer experience that adds value wherever a customer is in the buyer;s journey.
interactions of the customer with the company include website visits and email opt-ins
lead scoring
lets businesses rank and qualify leads by the level of interest the leads show in their interactions with the company
Product performance
managers can track sales by product or product line.
Lead conversion rate and new accounts open
measure the percentage of leads that are converted to customers and may be compared to salesperson, sales tactic, product line, customer category, or other points of comparison.
sell-through rate
measures sales as a percentage of total inventory
Lead response time
measures the amount of time is takes a salesperson to respond or identified qualified lead.
Cannibalization Rate
measures the relationship between sales gain of one product and sales loss of substitute product.
Linear regression model
method that explains the relationship between two or more variables.
activity goals
number of sales calls of each type a representative has to be make in a certain period of time.
the speed at which data is being sent or collected
various forms of data
what the customer is doing-conducting web searches, liking posts on social media.