Mr Bryant Grade 9 History Chapter 12 Section 5 QUESTIONS, Mr. Bryant History Grade 9 Chapter 12 Section 2 QUESTIONS, Mr. Bryant Grade 9 History Chapter 14 Section 5 QUESTIONS, Mr. Bryant Grade 9 History Chapter 12 Section 4 QUESTIONS, Mr. Bryant Grad...

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What were some of the new inventions or scientific "firsts" that occurred between 1830 and 1850?

1. An American dentist first used an anesthetic or drug that prevented pain during surgery; 2. An American inventor patented the first sewing machine; 3. A French scientist measured the speed of light; 4. A Hungarian doctor introduced antiseptic methods to reduce the risk of women dying in childbirth

List three. ways Japan modernized

1. Changed govt, strong central govt (German model), emperor had absolute power with legislature of one elected house and one house appointed by emperor; 2. Industrialization: Businesses with govt. help, developed industries, used modern machines to manufacture silk; Shipyards, copper and coal mining and steel making made Japan an industrial power; 3. Changes in society: Govt. set up schools and a university, reduced social class distinctions, although women had limited rights

What were TWO strengths of Austria and their empire in 1850-1014?

1. Following Austria's defeat in 1859 by France and Sardinia, Francis Joseph tried to strengthen the empire at home by making limited reforms. He granted a new constitution that set up a legislature. However, the legislature was dominated by German-speaking Austrians (it did not include other national groups that populated the empire). 2. Francis Joseph had a long reign, from about 1848-1916. There was stability in the empire during these years, when it was losing power.

Describe three factors that contributed to the rise of England as an industrial power.

1. NATURAL RESOURCES: England had plentiful natural resources: Natural ports, navigable rivers, plentiful supply of coal. NATURAL PORTS: England had natural ports-they did not have to build ports; NAVIGABLE RIVERS: The rivers were deep and wide enough for ships to use to transport goods, also the rivers supplied water power and allowed for the construction of canals; CANALS were used for trade, brought goods to market (there were no road systems-turnpikes were built later); ENGLAND'S LOCATION: England was able to establish communications and transport relatively cheaply because England was an island and accessible to the sea from all points; PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OF COAL: Vital to industrialization and coal was used to power steam engines; VAST SUPPLIES OF IRON: Important to build new machines; 2. DEMAND & CAPITAL: SKILLED WORKERS & INCREASE IN POPULATION AS PEOPLE LEFT FARMS led to a greater demand for goods; STRONG ECONOMY= MANY BUSINESSMEN WILLING TO INVEST $$ IN NEW BUSINESSES (entrepreneurs); STABLE GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND: GOVERNMENT SUPPORTED BUSINESSES (no river tolls or other barriers to make it difficult for businesses), STRONG NAVY protected ships and overseas trade

What were TWO benefits to a nation like England of owning protectorates?

1. Protectorates allowed local rulers to govern the colonies, while encouraging the children of local leaders to get an education in Britain. This would give future leaders a Westernized education which would continue indirect rule as well as spread British civilization (example: a future leader educated in England would become more British in their thinking rather than in their country's tradition); 2. It cost less money to run a protectorate and did not require a large commitment of military forces but military force was an option if its control over a colony was threatened.

What were TWO disadvantages the Austrian Empire faced and how did they hope to resolve each issue?

1. The Austrian Empire was a multinational empire; fewer than a quarter of the people were German-speaking Austrians. Many rival groups shared the same region, each group was loyal to its own nation- no unity. The Hapsburgs ignored nationalistic demands- when nationalistic revolts broke out, the government crushed them. 2. When Austria was defeated by France and Sardinia in 1859, Francis Joseph tried to strengthen his empire at home by instituting limited reforms. He tried to resolve the problem by setting up a legislature. However, most of the people in the legislature were German-speaking Austrians. This led to other groups (especially the Hungarians) unhappy about the reforms.

What are THREE problems associated with increased urbanization?

1. Unsanitary living conditions in tenements: Overcrowded with no running water, no sewage or sanitation systems, (garbage thrown in the streets and sewage dumped in the rivers); 2. Unhealthy air quality caused by burning coal in factories, polluting the air; 3. Dangerous working conditions in jobs in the factories or mines

How was racism a motivating factor for European domination of the native African population?

1.Paternalistic view of Africans, meaning most Westerners viewed Africans as children in need of guidance. Christian missionaries viewed African cultures and religions as "degraded." 2.Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest) saw European races as superior to all others and imperial domination of weaker races was nature's way of improving the human species. 3. With little regard for traditional patterns of settlement or ethnic boundaries (African culture was not valued), European powers divided up Africa accoriding to their own interests.

How did the Suez Canal increase Europe's influence in the Middle East?

A French entrepreneur organized a company to build he Suez Canal. European nations gained power over the Ottomans by extending loans at high interest rates. When the ruler of Egypt could not repay the loans, he sold his shares in the canal. The British bought the shares, gaining a controlling interest in the canal. When Egyptian nationalism revolted against foreign influences in 1882, Britain made Egypt a protectorate.

Why is it ironic that the Nobel Peace Prize is named for Albert Nobel?

Albert Nobel invented dynamite, which was a much safer explosive than other explosives used at that time. It was widely used in construction but, Nobel was upset that dynamite was used in war. Nobel made a fortune with his invention of dynamite. When his brother died and the newspapers mistakenly thought it was Albert who died. They called him "the merchant of death" because of the use of dynamite in war. Albert Nobel thought about how he wanted to be remembered after his death and he left most of his fortune to award five "Nobel Prizes" each year, in physical science, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. Nobel was a pacifist (someone who did not believe in war) yet he invented dynamite, which was used in war. It is ironic that his wealth came from the invention of dynamite, which was used to kill people in war. When he died, he wanted his fortune to be used in awards. The most famous award is the Nobel Peace Prize, which is given to a person who helps to promote peace in the world. He is more likely known for the Nobel Peace Prize rather than as the inventor of dynamite.

How did Garibaldi threaten the plans of Cavour and Victor Emmanuel II?

Although Garibaldi was a nationalist and ally of Mazzini, he accepted aid from Cavour (weapons and two ships) that helped Garibaldi and the "Red Shirts" win control of Sicily and capture Naples. Garibaldi's success alarmed Cavour, who thought Garibaldi would set up his own republic in the south. Cavour urged Victor Emmanuel to send Sardinian troops to deal with Garibaldi, Instead, the Sardinians overran the Papal States and joined Garibaldi and his forces in Naples. In the end, Garibaldi (for the sake of a united Italy), turned over Naples and Sicily to Victor Emmanuel II, who became king of Italy. Cavour did not understand that Garibaldi's goal of a united Italy was more important than his personal power so he was no threat to his plans.

What were Disraeli's and Gladstone's strategy to stay prime minister?

Between 1868 and 1880, Disraeli and Gladstone alternated as Prime Minister as the majority in Parliament swung between both the Conservative and Liberal Parties. Both fought for reforms.

How did Bismarck believe the socialists on the left could be best defeated?

Bismarck feared the socialists because they wanted to set up a parliamentary democracy and laws to improve the conditions for the working class, which would reduce his power. He thought the socialists would undermine the loyalty of German workers and turn them toward revolution. To deal with the socialist threat, Bismarck had laws passed that dissolved the socialist groups, shut down their newspapers and banned their meetings. This failed because workers were unified in the socialistic cause. Bismarck changed his tactics and decided to get the workers to leave the socialist groups by providing health, accident and retirement benefits. Although this plan helped workers, it did not change their minds about socialism. The Social Democratic party continued to gain strength but Bismarck's plan improved conditions for workers WITHOUT a revolution. Bismarck was able to get socialist ideas to become law and help workers while he held on to power.

What did Bismarck mean by his stressing of "blood and iron"?

Bismarck wanted to unite the small and medium German speaking states with Prussia to form a strong German state, with Prussia as its head. To do this, he would need a strong army. He addressed the legislature with his request for more money to build up the army, stating that the way to increase Prussian prestige and power was through "blood and iron" (aggressive action/force taken by blood (soldiers) and iron (guns, cannons).

How did interchangeable parts and the assembly line improve the lives of all consumers?

Both interchangeable parts and the assembly line made production faster and cheaper, which lowered the price of goods. This made products affordable for many consumers-ordinary workers were able to buy many products, which made their lives easier.

What were TWO fears that management and the government held for workers joining labor unions?

Both management and the government feared that if frustrated workers united by joining labor unions, they would ask for an increase in wages, that would mean less profit for companies and could hurt the economy (possible loss of jobs). Also, frustrated workers might cause a riot (such as the textile workers known as Luddites, who burned factories and destroyed machines), which would have a negative effect on the production of goods.

What made textiles such a major industry in the late 1700's?

British textile inventions such as the flying shuttle, spinning jenny and water frame greatly improved the textile industry by increasing production of cotton cloth. These new machines were too large to be used at home (as in the old cottage industry) so factories were built, where spinners and weavers could work on the machines to produce large quantities of goods.

How did the collapse of France in the Franco-Prussian War worsen anti-Semitism?

By rekindling a latent anti-Semitism that had never been seen in France. This latent anti-Semitism that the French population had been amassing finally burst out on every scale of society. This outburst was due to discontent triggered by various social and economical changes decreed by the government in the final quarter of the 19th century. In the space of a few weeks after the first trial of Dreyfus, France was divided in two.

How did Cavour differ from Mazzini's idealism?

Cavour was a crafty politician who believed in Realpolitik (he was willing to do anything to achieve his goals). He believed in the monarchy and Victor Emmanuel and like Bismarck, he wanted to increase the power of the monarch (Cavour wanted to annex Lombardy and Venetia and increase Victor Emmanuel II's power). Mazzini was an idealist- he hoped the people would unite and Italy would become a free republican nation. He did not believe in the monarch. Mazzini wanted people to have a role in the government. Both Cavour and Mazzini wanted to unify Italy but they had different ways on how to do it.

What is ONE difference between colonialism and the new imperialism?

Colonialism is a policy of politically dominating a dependent territory of people (Example: The American colonies, which were settled by British citizens with British customs but ruled by England). Imperialism was a policy of taking over another country by force through economic and political domination (African countries had their own individual culture and way of life, which was disregarded by country taking over by force).

What were TWO ways that communism would benefit society?

Communism was thought to benefit society by (1) decreasing class struggles between the "haves" and the "have-nots;" and (2) all means of production would be owned by the community. Wealth and power would be shared equally.

How would Corn Laws hurt the poor?

Corn laws would hurt the poor because these laws kept the price of British grain high. This kept the price of bread high.

How did early photography affect impressionist painting?

Early photography produced realistic pictures. Impressionist painters did not want to copy what photographs could do. Instead they tried to capture the first impression of a scene or object on a viewer's eye. Using brushed strokes of color side-by-side without blending, the human eye would mix the patches of color.

What was the effect of enclosure on British farming?

Enclosure was the process of taking over and consolidating land formerly shared by peasant farmers. Larger fields meant the land could be farmed more efficiently, meaning greater farm output. Also, larger fields meant less farm workers were needed. Many farm workers lost their jobs, small farmers were forced off their land because they could not compete with larger farmers. Jobless farm workers migrated to the bigger towns and cities, looking for work.

Why was England in the mid-1800's known as the "workshop of the world?"

England became known as the "workshop of the world" in the mid-1800's for the following reasons: When agricultural practices changed (enclosures=large efficient farms), many farmers were left homeless and jobless. People left farming villages to go to big cities looking for work, which led to growth of cities. The population increase in cities created a ready supply of workers to work in coal mines, build factories and run the machines in factories. Also, England had natural resources (ports, rivers, canals, supplies of coal and iron and investors (entrepreneurs) to supply money to new businesses

What were TWO advantages of Faraday and Edison's work to industrialized nations?

Faraday's invention of the first dynamo, which generated electricity, made electricity the dominant source of industrial power. Edison's invention of the light bulb allowed factories to continue to operate after dark. For industrialized nations, this meant they could have factories open more hours (after dark) and increase production.

How was Alsace-Lorraine still a sore point in French-German relations?

France had to surrender Alsace-Lorraine to Germany, the French were unhappy about it and this led to rebels setting up the Paris Commune and civil war in France. France thought giving up Alsace -Lorraine was punitive (punishment) by the Germans

What land did the Germans and Austrians lose?

Germans and Austrians lost the old Hapsburg heartland (Germany also had to return Alsace and Lorraine to France).

Why do you think impressionist art was so popular in the late 19th Century until today?

Impressionist art was so popular in the late 19th century until today because it presents visual impressions rather than realism. Because it is based on perception, each painting is interpreted slightly differently by each individual "filling in" the blurry images by his/her feelings, memories and emotions.

How did labor unions seek to better the lives of workers?

Labor unions tried to initiate worker reforms, such as improving safety conditions in factories and mines, better pay and hours.

What were TWO things Lenin proposed to "save" Russia from the Czar?

Lenin proposed 'Peace, Land and Bread." Peace: Russian people were tired of war, Lenin sought peace with Germany; Land: Ended private ownership of land and distributed land to peasants; Bread:Refers to ways to earn a living, city workers demanded an end to shortages. workers were given control of factories and mines

Did Mathus offer any real hope to the poor with his theories and why do you feel this way?

Mathus predicted that population would grow faster than the food supply. In his opinion, the only way to keep the population from growing was by what he called nature's "natural" methods of war, disease and famine. He urged families to have fewer children. He discouraged: Charities from helping poor families and Vaccinating children. OPINION ANSWER: Do you think it is reasonable to ask poor families to have fewer children? Should charities be discouraged from helping poor families? With vaccines available to be given to children so they would not get certain diseases, should poor families be discouraged from getting their children vaccinated, taking a chance their children could get a sick and die? Did Mathus offer any hope to the poor? What do you think?

Describe life before the Industrial Revolution in the early 1700's. How did the Industrial Revolution change this life?

Most people lived in rural villages, working the land, using simple homemade tools. They lived in simple cottages lit by firelight and candles. They made their own clothing and grew their own food. In nearby towns, they might exchange goods at a weekly outdoor market. They had little contact with the world outside their villages. The few people who left the villages traveled by foot or with a horse-drawn cart. With the start of the Industrial Revolution, the rural way of life began to disappear. The country villages grew into industrial towns and cities. It became possible to buy food and clothing that someone else produced.

How were mutual-aid societies supposed to improve people's quality of life in industrialized nations?

Mutual-aid societies were self-help groups formed by industrial workers in a particular industry to aid sick or injured workers. Life was difficult for factory and mine workers. If a worker was injured on the job or became ill, the worker would lose his/her job. Mutual-aid societies paid for doctor's services, burial expenses, payments to widows and educational expenses to orphan. They offered unemployment benefits for a worker who lost his/her job. and retirement benefits.

How did France make reforms after their defeat to Germany?

Napoleon legalized labor unions, extended public education for girls and created a small public health program. Napoleon gave up some of his control and extended democratic rights

In what ways did Napoleon III improve the power of France?

Napoleon, who started more like a dictator, eventually gave the legislature more power and lifted restrictions on newspapers; He promoted economic growth (invested in industry, built railroads, organized urban renewal in France, extended public education for girls, as health program), which increased France's power in the world.

How did the Czar's family's isolation from reality cause the difficulties for Russia during World War I?

Nicholas II was an autocratic tsar who controlled the government and economy. After the revolution of 1905, Nicholas failed to solve Russia's basic political, economic and social problems. Much of the majority peasant population lived in poverty. When the elected Duma tried to improve conditions, Nicholas blocked attempts to limit his authority by relying on his secret police to impose his will. During World War I, Russian factories could not produce enough rifles and ammunition and the transportation system broke down, so the weapons they DID have could not be delivered to the soldiers. Many soldiers died as a result. Nicholas then went to the front to lead the troops but he was no better than his generals. While Nicholas was away leading the troops, his wife Alexandra was in charge. She fell under the influence of Rasputin, whom she believed could cure her son from his hemophilia. Rasputin gave positions in government to his friends and the people lost faith in the government.

What was ONE positive and ONE negative of ending serfdom?

ONE positive of ending serfdom: Many peasants left the farms and moved to the cities, taking jobs in factories and building Russian industries; this led to other reforms; ONE negative: Serfs were free but did not have the money to buy the land they had worked. Also the lands they were allotted were too small to farm efficiently and to support a family.

How did the concept of germ theory improve the lives of millions of people?

Once germ theory was accepted as true (that certain microbes might cause specific infectious diseases) and people understood that germs caused diseases, people bathed and changed their clothes more often. Better hygiene resulted in a decreased rate of disease in European cities. Pasteurizing milk (which killed disease carrying microbes) meant people could safely drink milk without getting sick.

How were pogroms a major factor in emigration of Russian peasants?

Pogroms left many Jews dead, with their homes and stores burned .Faced with fear of persecution, many people left Russia because it was unsafe for them to remain. Large number of Russian Jews went to the U.S.

What were TWO ways that demonstrate how radio was superior to the telephone and telegraph?

Radio was superior to the telephone and telegraph because radio did not require wires over land (as the telegraph did) or undersea cables to send messages across the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. Radio was able to send messages across the Atlantic Ocean without wires.

How was the impact of realism demonstrated with art or literature in the mid-19th Century?

Realists in literature focused on the harsh side of life in cities and villages (Charles Dickens in Oliver Twist wrote about poverty, mistreatment of children and urban crime). Realists in art focused on ordinary subjects, especially working-class men and women.

Why were there not more Robert Owens in the western world?

Robert Owen set up a community where all work was shared and all property was owned in common. Some of his ideas seemed to be an improvement when compared to poor people living in crowded tenements in cities, working long hours in unsafe factories and mines. In Owen's community, work hours were reduced, homes were built for workers, a school was opened for children and there was company store for workers to buy food and clothes. Owen strongly believed in his ideas but others were more skeptical. Many Entrepreneurs became rich during the Industrial Revolution. They were not concerned about workers or working conditions - workers who got hurt could be replaced.

What were TWO elements of romantic literature or art?

Romantic literature included simple direct language, intense feelings and a glorification of nature. Also, Romantic literature created a new kind of hero - a mysterious, melancholy figure who felt out of step with society. Romantic artists painted landscapes which captured the beauty and power of nature (Turner painted tiny human figures struggling against sea and storm). Romantic artists used bright colors to convey violent energy and emotion (Delacroix painted dramatic action, in Liberty Leading the People about the Goddess of Liberty leading French citizens in the French Revolution).

Why was Russia an autocracy in 1914 when they had supposedly made so many "reforms?"

Russia had a long history of tsars running the country. The tsars realized that Russia needed to modernize and develop its economy. At times, they appeared willing to enact some reforms to satisfy the groups that wanted changes. Some reforms were enacted but in each case, the tsars pulled back on the reforms because they were afraid of losing their absolute power and the support of the nobles. Since the reforms never lasted, the tsars still had absolute power in 1914, although there was much unrest in Russia, threatening their power.

What were TWO elements of social democracy and how was that supposed to prevent more extreme measures of communists?

Social democracy was a political ideology that grew out of Marx's beliefs, which was a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent overthrow of the system. Social democracy uses principles of democracy to change a capitalist country to a socialist country. Uses both capitalist and socialist practices: (1) mixed economy, allows some private enterprise and public ownership; (2) supported collective bargaining rights for workers (workers input in decision making to improve working conditions and increase wages). Allowing some private enterprise along with public ownership would be viewed as a less threatening, more gradual change to a socialistic government. Bargaining with workers would help lessen the gap between social classes (rich and poor).

Why did Bismarck believe the Roman Catholic Church undermined the stability of the new Germany?

Some of the German states that Bismarck added to the German empire had a majority of Catholics living there (about 1/3 of the population was Catholic). Bismarck (as a Lutheran) distrusted Catholics- he believed their first loyalty was to the pope not to Germany. In order for the new Germany to be united, everyone in the German states had to be loyal to Germany. If the Catholics first loyalty was to the pope, there was the possibility that the pope's influence could weaken the power and influence of the German government. Bismarck had to increase German nationalism and weaken the influence of the Catholic Church to keep the new Germany stable and unified.

What were TWO uses for Watt's steam engines?

Steam engines were used to operate machinery and eventually powered locomotives and steamships.

What were TWO causes of the Sepoy Mutiny?

TWO causes of the Sepoy Mutiny: 1. The British East India Company required the sepoys to serve anywhere, either in India or overseas. For high-caste Hindus, overseas travel was an offense against their religion. 2. The East India Company passed a law that allowed Hindu widows to remarry. Hindus viewed both the overseas travel and allowing widows to remarry as a Christian conspiracy to undermine their beliefs. 3. The British issued new rifles to the sepoys. Troops were instructed to bite off the tips of the cartridges before loading them into the rifles. The cartridges were greased with animal fat (either from cows, which Hindus considered sacred or from pigs, which were forbidden to Muslims). When troops refused the order to "load rifles," they were imprisoned.

What were TWO disadvantages Africans faced in opposing European imperialism?

TWO disadvantages Africans faced in opposing European imperialism: 1. Europeans had strong economies and powerful armies and navies and well-organized governments. Africans had many regions, people speaking many different languages, varied governments: No unity among Africans to fight European imperialism in Africa. 2. Europeans had the advantages in weapons, such as the Maxim machine guns, repeating riffles and steam-driven warships. 3. European imperialists gained control over much of Africa by signing treaties with local rulers, who did not understand what rights they were signing away.

What were TWO goals of the Indian National Congress?

TWO goals of the Indian National Congress: 1, Greater democracy, which they felt would bring more power to Indians; 2. Self-rule for India (although they supported Western-style modernization).

What were TWO motivations for Western imperialism against Persia (Iran)?

TWO motivations for Western imperialism against Persia (Iran): 1. Russia wanted to protest its southern frontier and expand into Central Asia; 2. Britain wanted to protect its interests in India. Once oil was discovered in the early 1900s, foreign interest was heightened in the region as well.

What were TWO reasons that explain why nationalism took so long to develop in China?

TWO reasons why nationalism took so long to develop in China: 1. China was isolated from the rest of the world. European traders were limited to a small area in southern China prior to 1800. As the British increased their trade of opium for tea, many Chinese became addicted to the drug. When China tried to stop the opium trade, Britain refused; China fought with British ships and was defeated. This began a series of unequal treaties, which allowed more foreigners access to China though increased ports and the introduction of missionaries into China. As Western countries began to have more influence in China (missionaries threatening Chinese Confucianism, foreign troops, foreigners protected by extraterritoriality who ignored Chinese laws and lived in separate communities), anti-foreign feelings and nationalism started to increase, resulting in the Boxer Rebellion. 2. Strength of the dynasty caused conflict when reformers tried to modernize China. The Hundred Days of Reform by the young emperor were resisted by conservatives who imprisoned the emperor and the aging empress took control. It was only after the Boxer Rebellion against foreign influence in China and the death of the empress Ci Xi (when a two year old inherited the throne) did the Qing dynasty end and nationalism resulted in the formation of the Chinese republic.

What were TWO results of the Boer War?

TWO results of the Boer War: 1. Britain won the war in 1902 but by 1910, Britain united the Cape Colony and former Boer republics into the Union of South Africa. 2. The new constitution of South Africa set up a government run by whites and laid out the foundation for a system of complete racial segregation (apartheid) that would remain in force until 1993.

What were TWO aspects of tenements that made them so unpleasant?

Tenements were multi-story buildings with tiny rooms (severe overcrowding), No running water (only community pumps) and No sewage or sanitation systems (sewage dumped in the rivers, which contaminated the drinking water, causing cholera )

What were two advantages of the Bessemer process to the world economy?

The Bessemer process made steel from iron. Steel was lighter, harder and more durable than iron, so it could be produced more cheaply. (1) Because steel was a cheaper and better product than iron, it could be used for more products in a variety of ways. (2) Steel quickly became the major material used in tools, bridges and railroads. This helped the world economy because better and longer lasting tools were made to used in factories. The use of steel in bridges, railroads and factories helped create jobs. Railroads and bridges helped transport manufactured goods.

How did the British use India's diversity against those who wanted to pursue a united nation?

The British took advantage of the diversity in India to conquer it. India is home to many people and cultures. When the Mughal empire was in decline, there was nothing to unite the different groups. Indians with different traditions and dozens of languages were not able to unite. The British took advantage of the Indian divisions by encouraging competition and disunity among rival princes. When necessary, the British used their superior weapons to overpower local leaders.

What was the attitude of the British, Italians and French at the peace conference?

The British wanted to rebuild Britain after the war, a goal that would cost money. The French wanted to weaken Germany so they could never threaten France again. The Italians insisted that the Allies honor their secret agreement to give former Austro-Hungarian lands to Italy.

Did the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary strengthen or weaken their empire?

The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary likely strengthened Austria and Hungary. Francis-Joseph ruled both (emperor of Austria and king of Hungary); they shared ministries of finance, defense and foreign affairs but were independent in all other areas. Hungarians welcomed the dual monarchy but other groups resented it. This ultimately weakened their empire. Nationalist unrest left the government paralyzed in the face of pressing political and social problems.

Why was the Duma created and why did it not have lasting effects in Russia?

The Duma was created because the revolution of 1905 caused great unrest in Russia. Tsar Nicholas set up the Duma (elected legislature) but when its leaders criticized the government, he dissolved it and put in a strong repressive leader as prime minister (Peter Stolypin). He carried out pogroms, executions and arrests in an effort to restore order. When he realized that Russia needed reform not repression, he introduced some reforms but the reforms were not broad enough to help many Russians and the dissatisfaction and unrest continued.

What group of farmers started the agricultural revolution (improvements in farming)? Which group of farmers expanded these improvements?

The Dutch farmers were the first to group to improve farming methods. They built dikes to reclaim land from the sea. They combined smaller fields to make larger to make better use of the land and used fertilizer from livestock to renew the soil. The British expanded these ideas. Educated farmers shared their ideas through farm journals. Some farmers mixed different types of soils to get higher crop yields (more crops). Other tried crop rotation (varying the crops planted every year) to avoid depleting the soil of nutrients. Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, which deposited seeds in rows rather than scattering them over the land.

What was meant by the Irish problem?

The English began conquering Ireland in the 1100s.In the 1600s, English and Scottish settlers colonized Ireland, taking possession of the best farmland. The Irish resented English rule. many Irish peasants were poor, paying high rents to work the land to absentee landlords. Resistance and rebellion were common. Irish nationalism increased. Britain tried in some ways to improve conditions in Ireland by allowing Irish Catholics to vote and hold office. In other s, Britain ruled harshly (examples: Absentee landlords could evict tenants, British laws forbade the teaching and speaking of the Irish language). The famine in Ireland in 1845 only made the bitterness and distrust toward Britain worse. The Irish pushed for home rule but Britain couldn't decide what to do with Ireland. Gladstone pushed for reforms. Finally in 1914 the British Parliament passed a home rule bill. Because of World War I, it did not take effect until 1921, when the southern colonies of Ireland became independent.

In what country did the Industrial Revolution start? Was the Industrial Revolution a political revolution or an economic revolution? Where did most people live before the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution started in Britain. The Industrial Revolution was an economic revolution; it changed people's lives as much as a political revolution. The process was slow and uneven, unlike a political revolution. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived and worked in small farming villages.

Why was control of Korea sensitive to China, Russia and Japan?

The Korean peninsula was valuable because of its location as the crossroads of East Asia. Korea was indepentent but acknowledged China as a superior power. It had its own traditions and govt and kept foreigners out, although had some relations with China and sometimes Japan. Korea faced pressure as Russia expanded into East Asia. Japan wanted Korea because it needed raw materials for its industries, so it forced Korea to open its ports to Japanese trade.

Who were the Young Turks and what role did they hope to play in the Middle East?

The Young Turks were a liberal group of reformers who wanted to save the Ottoman Empire. In 1908, they overthrew the sultan. But before they could achieve their planned reforms, the Ottoman Empire was plunged into the world war that erupted in 1914.

What are some of the reasons the population of Britain and Europe grew so rapidly from 1700 to 1800? How did the rise in population contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

The agricultural revolution reduced the risk of death from famine because there was a surplus of food. Since people ate better, they were healthier. Better hygiene and sanitation, as well as improved medical care, further slowed death from disease. When many small farms were taken over by enclosure, resulting in larger farms, many farm workers lost their jobs on the farm. Farm workers migrated to towns and cities and found jobs working in factories.

How did the invention of the steam engine help these spinning and weaving machines?

The invention of the steam engine powered the spinning and weaving machines in the textile factories.

How did the railroads affect the growth of industry, employment and agriculture?

The invention of the steam locomotive made the growth of railroads possible. The railroad did not have to follow the course of a river. Tracks could be put down for the railroads, which meant that factory owners and merchants could ship goods swiftly and cheaply over land. With machines producing goods in large quantities, prices for these goods fell. Lower prices meant more people could afford these goods, which led to a greater demand for goods. More people were able to get jobs in factories with an increase in demand for goods. Railroads were also used to transport food quickly and cheaply.

What was the major goal of those who led the Boxer Rebellion?

The major goal of those who led the Boxer Rebellion: To drive out the foreigners who were bringing their Western ideas to China.

Was the term, "The Sick Man of Europe" appropriate for the Ottoman empire? Explain your answer.

The phrase "sick man of Europe" refers to the Ottoman Empire because it was increasingly falling under the financial control of the European powers and had lost territory in a series of disastrous wars. The Ottomans had ruled for 500 years. Nationalist demands caused the many different people under their rule to revolt against the Ottomans so each group could set up their own independent states.

How did merchants contribute to the inventions that helped produce cloth?

The putting-out system (or cottage industry) was developed to produce cloth (rather than import cloth from India). Raw cotton was distributed to peasant families who spun it into thread and wove it into cloth. Skilled artisans in the towns finished and dyed the cloth. Although this method of production was slow, it made cloth merchants wealthy. They began looking for a way to speed up the cloth making process because of increased demand for cloth. Inventors devised textile machines (flying shuttle, spinning jenny and he water frame) that greatly increased the output, creating greater amounts of cloth.

What were TWO factors that would raise the standard of living in an industrialized nation?

The standard of living in an industrialized nation refers to the access to basic needs such as food, shelter, clean water, clothing, health and education. Improvements in farming methods (inventions, such as the seed drill and enclosures, food storage and distribution) increased the amount and variety of food available. Inventions in the textile industry led to affordable clothing that was made in factories. As inventors developed many machines that could produce large quantities of goods more efficiently, prices fell. This raised the standard of living because more people could afford consumer goods. Medical advances (fighting disease through better hygiene and antiseptics used in hospital to fight infection) helped decrease the rate of disease. Improvements in public sanitation (clean water supply and sewers) in big cities helped to decrease the death rate from cholera and tuberculosis. Urban renewal helped to provide better housing in cities for workers.

How did emigration undermine the ability of Italy to strengthen itself around the turn of the century?

The unification of Italy brought many problems, since there were strong regional rivalries in Italy with no tradition of unity. The north was richer with more cities, the south was rural and poor. Italian birthrates rose and there was severe poverty in the south. There were no public school systems (as in Germany) and the illiteracy rate was 70% in southern Italy (illiteracy: the inability to read). The land in the south was poor and there was a lack of coal and iron ore needed by industry. For many poor people, emigration was the only way to survive. Italy lost many people who left the country through emigration, who could have helped to build a unified Italy.

How did Bismarck manipulate events to make Napoleon III desire war with Prussia and what was the result of that war?

There was a growing rivalry between Prussia and France. The German people recalled the invasions of Napoleon I some 60 years earlier. Bismarck played up the image of the French menace, increasing German nationalism. Bismarck rewrote, edited and released a telegram that reported on a meeting between King William I and the French ambassador, which made it seem that William I had insulted the Frenchman. Napoleon III became furious and France declared war on Prussia, as Bismarck had hoped. Results: The superior Prussian forces defeated the badly organized and poorly supplied French soldiers.

What were THREE difficulties the Romanov's faced in the era 1850-1914?

Three difficulties the Romanovs (the tsars royal family) faced in the era 1850-1914: 1. Absolute power of the tsars and the tug of war between enacting reforms to satisfy the groups who demanded changes and then pulling back on the reforms, enacting repressive measures to preserve their absolute power and support of the nobles; 2. the drive to industrialize caused political and social problems (nobles and peasants opposed the changes brought about by industrialization, peasants went to cities for work in factories, working long hours and low pay in dangerous conditions.This led to poverty, disease and discontent among workers. 3. Revolution of 1905 following Bloody Sunday led to sweeping reforms. The Duma (elected national legislature) was set up but when the leaders criticized the government,Tsar Nicholas dissolved the Duma and appointed Peter Stolypin as prime minister. He ruled at first with arrests, pogroms and executions and later tried to introduce land reforms, improve education and strengthen local governments. Most Russians were still unsatisfied and although the Romanovs retained in power, there was great unrest in Russia.

What were the three new countries created after the war?

Three new countries created after the war were: Czechoslovakia, Austria and Hungary .

What were THREE reasons for European imperialistic tendencies?

Three reasons for European imperialistic tendencies: 1. ECONOMIC INTERESTS (need for natural resources, such as rubber, petroleum for manufacturing; hope for new markets of consumers to whom they could sell their goods; bankers looking for ventures to invest their profits; a place for Europeans to live as an option for Europe's growing population) 2. POLITICAL AND MILITARY MOTIVES merchant ships and naval vessels needed bases around the world to take on coal and supplies; Nationalism: as one country seized lands other countries would then seize other lands to keep one country from getting too powerful: as a result, lands were seized for national security reasons; also acquiring lands and becoming a global empire was seen as a way to increase a country's prestige (a way to impress other countries with their wealth and power) 3. HUMANITARIAN AND RELIGIOUS GOALS (a feeling to protect other nations -"little brothers" beyond the seas- and a duty to spread what was seen as the blessings of Western civilization such as medicine, law and the Christian religion 4. APPLYING SOCIAL DARWINISM (a belief that European races were superior so Darwin's idea of survival of the fittest was applied to human societies and imperialism was nature's way to improve the human species)

What were two new methods of transportation that allowed people to move between countries or continents? What was the new method of sending messages?

Trains and steamships Messages were send along telegraph wires

What were TWO reforms aimed to help the people of Great Britain?

Two reforms: 1.Expanding the right to vote to most men; 2. Limiting the power of the House of Lords (this gave more power to the House of Commons-considered a victory for democracy); Both reforms gave more power to the common men

What were TWO ways the West took advantage of China's weaknesses?

Two ways the West took advantage of China's weaknesses: 1. The British made huge profits by trading opium grown in India for Chinese tea. Silver flowed out of China in payment for the drug, disrupting the economy. When China tried to stop the opium trade, they were defeated by the British due to their outdated weapons and fighting methods. This resulted in a series of unequal treaties, which resulted in China making concessions to Western powers (such as huge payments to Britain after the Opium War, the loss of the island of Hong Kong, the opening of more ports to foreign trade and allowing Christian missionaries to preach in China). 2. The decline of the Qing dynsasty (poorly maintained canals and irrigation systems which led to massive flooding; population explosion which led to hardships among peasants; tax evasion, extravagant spending by imperial court and widespread corruption adding to peasants' burden) led to Taiping Rebellion, which led to more regional power. During these years the Europeans kept up the pressure on China and Russia seized land in the north. 3. Western missionaries and Western technology threatened the old ways (Confucian ways) which had served China successfully for so long. The empress Ci Xi was strong-willed and committed to Confucian traditions but reformers tried to develop the country through Western technology (factories, mining , railroads) and Western ideas in education. China was a divided country and Japan defeated China in the Sino-Japanese War. This led to Western powers to carve out sphere of influence in a weakened China. The Boxer Rebellion, in which the reformers were crushed by a multinational force, led to Chinese nationalism and reforms. When the Qing dynasty was finally ended, China faced many problems and were still fighting foreign invaders and uprisings within the country.

What were TWO ways that urban renewal would improve the lives of city dwellers?

Urban renewal meant improvements for city dwellers, such as (1) removing crowed tenements and providing better housing and (2) improved sewer systems (removal of open gutters which carried sewage, which became breeding grounds for diseases).

What caused Japan to end 200 years of isolation?

Well-armed American ships sailed into Tokyo Bay, demanding that Japan open its ports to diplomatic and commericial exchange; shoguns could not fight against U S Navy, agreed to open 2 ports to U S ships; later U S and other European nations won trading rights which were unfair to Japan

What were TWO ways the Soviets' "cure" to Russian problems were made worse by the Communists?

Workers and peasants were supposed to have all political power, resources and means of production under Communism. But the real power was the Communist Party (not the people), with the army and the secret police enforcing its will. Lenin's "war communism" made things worse: Factory and mine output fell under Communist control and peasants stopped producing grain, knowing the government would seize it.

Why was world wide revolution a necessary part of communist ideology?

World wide revolution was a necessary part of communist ideology because it required the workers (the proletariat) to take over the means of production (farms, factories, railroads and other large businesses) from the bourgeoisie. Marx thought that workers throughout the world would unite across national borders to create a classless, communist society. The rich people who controlled society and owned the means of production were not going to give up their wealth and power. The working class was a larger group and if they united, they could take over by force to create a class society.

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