Multiple choice final

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What was one of the major outcomes of Clinton's 1997 TANF legislation?

It limited the amount of time one could receive government aid/welfare.

How does the government determine the official poverty line

It multiplies the cost of an adequate, nutritious diet by three.

Which U.S. president was responsible for the War on Poverty?

Lyndon Johnson

Which of the following statements concerning race is true

Race can be understood as a classification system that assigns individuals and groups to categories that are ranked in order to stigmatize certain people groups as inferior, and assert the power of some groups over others.

The same jobs that required a high school diploma 50 years ago now require a(n) college degree. This is an example of_____.


As a sociological concept, ethnicity refers to

cultural practices and outlooks, including language, history, ancestry, religion, and styles of dress or adornment that tend to set people apart

It is easier for a person to experience social mobility in a class system than in a caste system.


Since 1970, the participation of women in traditionally male jobs (i.e. jobs gender-typed as masculine) has increased.


Wealth is more unevenly distributed than income in the United States.


A promotion barrier that prevents a woman's upward mobility within an organization, especially limiting their access to jobs at the top of the corporate ladder, is called

A glass ceiling

How did the Calvinists Max Weber studied confirm they were predestined as one of God's elect:

Earn lots of money through hard work & business success.

Which of the following is NOT an example of secularization

The government announces a number of faith-based initiatives for the provision of social services

Which of the following explanations for poverty was made by Richard J. Hernstein and Charles Murray in the book, The Bell Curve:

The poor are genetically disadvantaged with lower IQs

Some policy experts believe that welfare creates more problems than it solves because it discourages people from finding work and rewards laziness. This is also known by sociologists as:

a perverse incentive

Which term describes poverty where a household's income falls below the necessary level to sustain its members with food, water, shelter, and basic healthcare

absolute poverty

Results from the Coleman Report indicated that:

achievement differences between schools could be explained best by family background, neighborhood context, home environment, and peer environment.

According to Émile Durkheim, the social function of religion is that it

aids in providing social solidarity & cohesion by ensuring that people meet regularly to affirm common beliefs and values

What is meant by the phrase feminization of poverty

an increase in the proportion of poor who are female, especially single moms

What sort of laws prohibited the mixing of racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, or sexual contact and were eventually struck down in 1967 in the Supreme Court case Loving Vs. Virginia?

anti- miscegenation laws

When sociologists refer to the "second shift" for working women, they mean the:

burden of housework that awaits a woman when she returns home from work

Max Weber believed the Protestant Ethic partially contributed to the emergence of:


Sociologists argue that the United States has a set of very general religious beliefs through which it interprets its own history in light of some conception of ultimate reality and destiny. Robert Bellah refers to this as a(n):

civil religion

What do sociologists call a large group of people who occupy a similar economic position and have similar education levels and similar economic resources that influence the type of lifestyle they are able to lead in society?


Although Scott, an African American, was more qualified than Bernardo, a Hispanic American, Bernardo was hired instead of Scott because the owner believed that Hispanic Americans are harder workers than African Americans. The best term used to describe the action of denying Scott the job is an example of:


The practice of tracking can be described as:

dividing students into groups that receive different instruction on the basis of assumed similarities in ability or attainment

What do sociologists call the tendency to marry someone of a similar background (race, social class, etc.):


What do sociologists call the tendency to marry someone from a different background?


Vincent lives with his parents and both sets of grandparents in the same house. His uncle's family lives next door. The members of his house and his uncle's family have a close and continuous relationship with one another. This type of arrangement is an example of a(n):

extended family

) Absolute poverty refers to being poor to the extent that you cannot live the lifestyle of those around you. You feel poor when comparing yourself with what your friends, neighbors, and other reference groups have.


According to the sex-ratio hypothesis, an oversupply of women on college campuses in the US gives women there considerably more power in romantic and sexual relationships than men.


Belief in God is the central element of religion, according to the sociological definition.


In recent years, men have overtaken women in terms of college enrollment.


In the US, the poverty rate for women, especially single women, is lower than it is for the population in general.


Sociologists believe the achievement gap in education is primarily related to genetic differences in IQ.


The largest concentrations of poverty in the United States are found in the Midwest and the Northeast.


Émile Durkheim's theory of religion is a good example of the __________ tradition in sociology.


Child-care work is considered "women's work," and construction work is considered "men's work." This situation exemplifies:

gender typing

Much of what is learned in school has nothing to do with the formal content of the lessons. The teaching of values, attitudes, and habits constitutes the:

hidden curriculum

Which type of capital refers to benefits derived from education, occupational skills & talents you put on a CV or resume, credentials, diplomas & degrees?


The money a person receives from a wage or salary or from investments is _______________; the total assets an individual owns are _______________.


Soo Young is a fashion model who has difficulty getting work in the international modeling industry because of an industry-wide bias against fashion models who appear to be of non-European ancestry or mixed race. This is an example of:

institutional racism

Emma is a partner at a large law firm in New York City. Her mother was a secretary at a bank, and her mother's mother cleaned offices for a living. This family history illustrates the concept of:

inter- generational mobility

How far an individual moves up or down the socioeconomic scale in his or her lifetime is called

intra- generational mobility

Monica is nervous about walking alone at night and is wary of any new men that she meets because she knows the men are often socialized to have a sense of sexual entitlement as a result of TV commercials, magazine ads, and movie images equating masculinity with the conquest of women. Monica's fear is one of the consequences of:

living in a rape culture

An example of a Native American family encouraging its children to select a partner from the same tribe is an example of:

marital endogamy

Sally's family lives on the West Coast, but her husband's family lives on the East Coast. If Sally and her husband decide to move to the West Coast, their decision would be considered a move that is:


According to the movie People like Us, which social class do most Americans self-identify as being in?


If it is illegal for a man or a woman to be married to more than one individual at a time, that system that exists is:


Belief in a single all-knowing, all-powerful god is called


Social mobility refers to the:

movement of individuals and groups between social class positions

Sally's family lives on the West Coast, but her husband's family lives on the East Coast. If Sally and her husband decide to move to the Midwest—a neutral location that is not closer to either Sally's parents or her husband's parents—their decision would be considered a move that is:


Two adults living together in a household with their own or adopted children would be called a family that is:


Women are often viewed as body parts or sexual commodities existing for the pleasure of others rather than souls deserving to be treated with dignity. This is known as the_____ of women.


An example of cultural capital is:

parents teaching their children the rules of the social game, taking them on trips overseas and to art museums, teaching them how to fit in at a country club, and teaching them how to talk with doctors, teachers, and other institutional authorities.

Sociologists refer to the dominance of men over women in society as_____:


As a sociological concept, race refers to

physical variations in human beings singled out by members of a community or society as socially significant and used to rank various people groups in a hierarchical manner

The situation in which a woman may be married to more than one man at a time is called:


If a man is allowed to have more than one wife, the marriage system is called:


Belief in the existence of multiple Gods is called


Joan believes that most drug dealers are black. She continues to hold this belief even though she read in the newspaper that more whites sell drugs than blacks. Joan's attitude is an example of:


At the beginning of her sophomore year of high school, Rachel's family cannot afford to buy her new clothes, new shoes, or new supplies for school. Rachel feels poor compared to her classmates who can afford new things. Rachel is experiencing

relative poverty

John is an elementary school teacher who is encouraged by management to apply for the vacant principal position at his school. Even though there are equally qualified or more qualified female teachers, he is told he will get excellent recommendations and likely receive the job. In this example, John is likely:

riding the glass escalator

Religion, according to Émile Durkheim, is based on a distinction between the _______________ and the _______________.


The term that describes using pseudo-scientific research to identify the supposed innate biological differences between certain people groups, typically to infer the superiority or inferiority of one over the other is:

scientific racism

_______________ means that women and men are concentrated in different occupations.

sex segregation

A family of procreation is one:

that a person enters as an adult and within which a new generation of children is brought up

When men enter feminized jobs, they enjoy a quicker rise to top leadership positions. This is referred to as:

the glass escalator

Secularization is:

the process by which religion loses its influence in society, often seen in declining church attendance and religious organizations losing their influence in social affairs.

Consumption patterns are an indicator of class location.


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