Multiple Choice

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You are designing a software maintenance plan for your customer's SAP systems. What SAP tool can you use for planning application lifecycles? a.) Solution Manager b.) Software Provisioning Manager c.)Software Update Manager d.)CA Introscope Enterprise Manager


Where does an AS ABAP-based SAP system store the different log and trace information? a.) System log information is stored on the file system level b.)Dispatcher trace is stored on the file system level. c.)SQL trace information is stored in the database of the SAP system. d.)Short dumps are stored on the file system level.


You configure the Enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS) for a three-system landscape of nonABAP systems DEV - QAS - PRD. You use an SAP S/4HANA system as the CTS system. Which configuration steps must you perform within the CTS system with respect to the source system DEV? a.)Create the DEV system as "Non-ABAP-System" in the Transport Management System. b.)Activate Service CTS_ORGANIZER in in the Internet Communication Framework (transaction SICF). c.)Create an RFC destination of type G pointing to the deploy tool. d.)Create RFC destinations TMSADM@DEV. and TMSSUP@DEV. of type 3.


What input is required during the installation of a primary application server for an SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Java system that is NOT required during the installation of an AS ABAP-based SAP system? a.)A decision on the method to determine the number of Java server nodes b.)The path to patch media for the kernel to be used during the installation c.)The destination data for an existing System Landscape Directory (SLD) d.)The client number of an ABAP system for the user management engine


You are installing an SAP S/4HANA system using the Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM). Which option can you select? a.) The number of dialog work processes for the instance to be installed b.)The configuration of the Transport Management System as Single System c.)The initial size of the extended memory for the instance to be installed d.)The configuration of the initial size of the ABAP program buffer


You want to change parameters in profiles of an AS ABAP-based SAP system. What are the advantages of using Edit Profiles (transaction RZ10) in the SAP system instead of using a text editor on the operating system level for this task? a.)Changes to profile parameters are automatically recorded in the transport request. b.)Changes to profile parameters are checked for consistency. c.)You can compare the actively used profile and the profile stored in the database. d.)You can use version management to revert the value of an individual profile parameter to an older value.


Which processes does an ABAP central services instance provide? a.) gateway b.)ABAP message server c.)Enqueue replication server d.)ABAP enqueue server


While you are monitoring a spool request in AS ABAP, the status is displayed. What does this status mean? a.)The spool request has NOT yet been processed by the host spool system b.)The request has been passed to an output device and a final status has NOT been returned. c.)There is more than one output request and at least two requests have a different status. d.)The spool request has been processed by the host spool system and is waiting to be archived.


Which information is written to the /tmp directory? a.)The transport steps log (ALOG) files b.)The tp system log (SLOG) files c.)Temporary information concerning transport routes before they are saved and distributed across the system landscape d.)Log files created by the transport tools before the tp tool moves them to the /log directory


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