Muscles Worksheet

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Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- Extension of the head requires BILATERAL contraction of head and neck muscles. - Unilateral contraction of the STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID muscle allows one to look over the contralateral shoulder. - The three SCALENE muscles are innervated by nerves emerging from the cervical region of the spinal cord. - The TRAPEZIUS muscle attaches to the scapula and the clavicle. - The sternocleidomastoid muscle is the prime mover of neck FLEXION.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- Inhaling requires one to enlarge the thoracic cavity by CONTRACTING the diaphragm. - The diaphragm attaches to a structure called the CENTRAL TENDON. - The INTERCOSTAL muscles, between the ribs, assist in inspiration and expiration. - When the DIAPHRAGM muscle contracts, it flattens out slightly, compressing the abdominal cavity.

What are the proximal attachments of the soleus? Check all that apply.

- Middle of tibia - Interosseous membrane - Medial and lateral condyles of femur - Ischial tuberosity

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- Movement of the medial border of the scapula toward the vertebral column is called RETRACTION. - Clockwise movement of the right scapula is called MEDIAL ROTATION. - The RHOMBOID muscles work together to retract and medially rotate the scapula. - The PECTORALIS MINOR muscle and the serratus anterior muscle protract the scapula. - The LEVATOR SCAPULA muscle and the superior part of the trapezius muscle elevate the scapula.

Drag the labels to the appropriate position in order to complete each sentence.

- Rising from a chair, the knee starts in a position of FLEXION. - Acting as the agonist, the quadriceps contracts CONCENTRICALLY producing knee extension. - Antagonizing the action is where the hamstrings contract ECCENTRICALLY and resist knee extension. - The occurrence of the co-contraction of the hip adductors and abductors serve as FIXATORS in order to prevent lateral shifts in the femur. - When the torque (force) produced by the AGONIST exceeds that of the antagonist, knee extension occurs. - The final position of someone rising from a chair to a standing position is one of full knee EXTENSION.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The ERECTOR spinae muscles are found lateral to the vertebral column in a vertical orientation and divided into three parallel groups. - Unilateral contraction of the quadratus lumborum muscle causes IPSILATERAL flexion of the vertebral column. - Small intervertebral muscles that stabilize adjacent vertebrae and help maintain posture are called MULTIFIDUS.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The EXTENSOR DIGITORUM muscle acts to open a fist and spread out the fingers. - The EXTENSOR POLLICUS BREVIS muscle converts a fist into a "thumbs-up" position. - The lateral epicondyle of the humerus is one of the proximal skeletal attachment sites of the EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS muscle.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The EXTENSOR RETINACULA are the broad ligamentous sheets that contain the tendons of the anterior compartment muscles. - Inversion and dorsiflexion of the foot is achieved by contracting the TIBIALIS ANTERIOR muscle. - The EXTENSOR HALLUCIS LONGUS muscle has a skeletal attachment on the distal phalanx of the first digit. - The LATERAL CONDYLE of the tibia is a skeletal attachment site of the tibialis anterior muscle.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS muscle is one of the only anterior forearm muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve. - The FLEXOR DIGITORUM PROFUNDUS muscle attaches on the distal phalanges of digits II through V. - The FLEXOR POLLICIS LONGUS muscle attaches by itself on the radius and the interosseous membrane. - The FLEXOR DIGITORUM SUPERFICIALIS muscle attaches on the middle phalanges of digits II through V.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The ILIOPSOAS muscle is the convergence of the iliacus muscle and the psoas major muscle. - The ADDUCTOR MAGNUS muscle contributes to the action of returning an abducted thigh to anatomical position. - The ILIOTIBIAL TRACT helps to provide an attachment point for the tensor fasciae latae muscle and the GLUTEUS MAXIMUS muscle. - The PIRIFORMIS muscle laterally rotates the extended thigh and is innervated by spinal nerves. - The GLUTEUS MEDIUS attaches on the greater trochanter and assists in maintaining pelvic balance while walking.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The LEVATOR PALPEBRAE SUPERIORIS muscle elevates the upper eyelid. - The ZYGOMATIC bone is one of the skeletal attachment sites of the levator labii superioris muscle. - The ORBICULARIS ORIS attaches on the submucosa and the dermis of the lips. - The ORBICULARIS OCULI muscle closes the eye.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The PECTORALIS MAJOR muscle attaches on the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus. - The thoracic and LUMBAR vertebrae serve as an attachment for the latissimus dorsi. - The ACROMION of the scapula is one of the attachments of the deltoid muscles. - The teres major attaches on the INFERIOR ANGLE of the scapula. - The coracobrachialis attaches on the medial aspect of the HUMERAL SHAFT.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The QUADRICEPS FEMORIS is a group of muscles that extend the knee and all insert on the patella. - The SARTORIUS muscle's action is to aid in both hip and knee flexion. - The patella is connected to the tibia via the PATELLAR LIGAMENT. - The RECTUS FEMORIS muscle is the only muscle of the quadriceps femoris group that flexes the hip.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The RHOMBOID MAJOR and the serratus anterior muscles both attach on the medial border of the scapula. - The TRAPEZIUS muscle contributes to elevation, depression, rotation, and retraction of the scapula. - The SERRATUS ANTERIOR muscle is important in thrusting movements of the arm, much like a boxer's jab punch. - The SUPERIOR angle of the scapulae is an attachment of the levator scapulae muscle.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The act of clapping your hands out in front of you with your elbows fully extended is achieved by contracting the PECTORALIS MAJOR muscles. - Moving your arms from your sides in an attempt to form the letter "T" with your body is achieved by contracting the lateral fibers of the DELTOID muscles. - The motion required to pull on the oars of a boat is achieved by contracting the LATISSIMUS DORSI muscles.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The anterior abdominal wall lacks skeletal support but gains strength with layers of muscles with alternating FIBER directions. - The RECTUS ABDOMINIS muscle is enclosed in a vertical sleeve called the rectus sheath. - The superior skeletal attachment of the EXTERNAL oblique muscles is ribs 5 through 12. - Unilateral contraction of the INTERNAL oblique muscle results in ipsilateral rotation of the waist. - The fibers of the TRANSVERSE ABDOMINAL muscles run horizontally.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The biceps brachii and the brachialis are the primary FLEXORS of the elbow. - An injury to the radial nerve will inhibit the ability to EXTEND the elbow. - The TRICEPS BRACHII attaches to the olecranon of the ulna. - The ANCONEUS has a skeletal attachment on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. - With its belly in the forearm, the BRACHIORADIALIS flexes the elbow.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The knee flexors all have skeletal attachments on the ISCHIAL TUBEROSITY. - The hamstring group consists of BICEPS FEMORIS, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles. - Slight rotation between the femur and tibia is possible due to the action of the POPLITEUS muscle. - The biceps femoris has TWO different heads.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The only muscle of the lower leg that flexes the knee and plantar flexes the foot is the GASTROCNEMIUS muscle. - The gastrocnemius muscle and the SOLEUS muscle both insert on the calcaneus via the calcaneal tendon. - Using the great toe to push off for walking is achieved by contracting the FLEXOR HALLUCIS LONGUS muscle. - The muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg all contribute to PLANTAR FLEXION of the foot.

Place a word or phrase from the left into each blank in a sentence on the right to make it correct.

- The supraspinatus muscle lies in the SUPRASPINOUS FOSSA of the scapula. - Downward slippage of the humeral head when relaxed may indicate an injury to the SUPRASPINATUS muscle. - The lesser tubercle of the humerus is the distal skeletal attachment site for the SUBSCAPULARIS muscle.

Place the correct word into the sentence to describe the muscles of respiration.

- We breathe primarily by using muscles that enclose the THORACIC cavity. - These muscles include the diaphragm, the innermost muscles, and the internal and external INTERCOSTAL muscles. - The diaphragm is a muscular sheet between the thoracic and abdominal cavities and is a prime mover of INSPIRATION. - The intercartilaginous part of the internal intercostals ELEVATES the ribs and expand the thoracic cavity during inspiration. - During forceful expiration, the interrosseous part of the internal intercostals DEPRESSES the ribs. - The external intercostals PROTRACT the ribs causing a partial vaccuum effect resulting in an influx of air.

Place the following muscles in order based on their skeletal attachments' proximity to the axial skeleton. Begin with the most proximal attachments site.

1. pectoralis minor 2. supraspinatus 3. pectoralis major 4. deltoid 5. brachialis 6. biceps brachii 7. pronator teres 8. brachioradialis 9. flexor capri ulnaris 10. flexor digitorum superficialis 11. flexor digitorum profundus

Place the following muscles in order based on their attachments' proximity to the axial skeleton. Begin with the most proximal attachment site.

1. rectus abdominis 2. gluteus medius 3. iliopsoas 4. pectineus 5. adductor brevis 6. adductor longus 7. adductor magnus 8. bicep femoris 9. soleus 10. fibularis brevis 11. fibularis longus 12. flexor digitorum longus

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.

Abduct the Shoulder: - deltoid - supraspinatus Adduct the Shoulder: - teres major - coracobrachialis - latissimus dorsi - pectoralis major

Muscles that dorsiflex the foot are found in which compartment of the leg?


What is the action of the orbicularis oris?

Closes and protrudes lips as in kissing

What is the primary action of the masseter?

Elevation of the mandible

Move each muscle to the action it is shown representing.

Elevation: - levator scapulae - trapezius (superior part) - rhomboideus major - rhomboideus minor Depression: - trapezius (inferior part) - serratus anterior Protraction: - pectoralis minor - serratus anterior

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.

Extension of the Hip: - semitendinosus - gluteus maximus - biceps femoris: long head Flexion of the Hip: - rectus femoris - tensor fasciae latae - sartorius - psoas major - iliacus

Which term refers to a muscle that prevents a bone from moving during an action?


Place the muscle under the appropriate action.

Lateral Rotation of the Shoulder: - infraspinatus - teres minor - posterior deltoid Medial Rotation of the Shoulder: - subscapularis - pectoralis major - latissimus dorsi - teres major - anterior deltoid

Move each muscle to the action it is shown representing.

Lateral Rotation: - trapezius (superior part) - serratus anterior Medial Rotation: - levator scapulae - rhomboideus major - rhomboideus minor Retraction: - rhomboideus major - rhomboideus minor - trapezius

Correctly label the muscles of the leg.

Left top to bottom: - tibialis anterior - extensor hallucis brevis - extensor digitorum brevis Middle top to bottom: - extensor hallucis longus - fibulas tertius Right top to bottom: - extensor digitorum longus

Match each term on the left with its correct definition on the right. If no correct definition is found, leave the term on the left.

Middle of a Muscle: - belly - bulge Effect Produced by a Muscle: - action Nerve that Stimulates a Muscle: - innervation - synapse Location Where a Tendon Binds to a Bone: - skeletal attachment

Drag each muscle name to the action it performs.

Scapular Motion: - rhomboids - serratus anterior - levator scapula - pectoralis minor - trapezius Humeral Motion: - latissimus dorsi - biceps brachii - teres major - pectoralis major - deltoid

Place the following muscles in the appropriate category based on location.

Upper Arm: - biceps brachii - triceps brachii Forearm: - flexor carpi ulnaris - flexor carpi radialis Thigh: - hamstrings - quadriceps Lower Leg: - tibialis anterior - gastrocnemius

The action for the vastus lateralis muscle is to __________ the knee.


Correctly label the following muscles of facial expression.

frontalis = frontal belly of occipitofrontalis

Indicate the characteristic for which each muscle or term is named.

function: - adductor - pronator - erector size: - magnus - brevis - medius shape: - deltoid - serratus - rhomboid

Correctly label the extensors of the wrist and hand.

hand: - posterior view left side top to bottom: - anconeus - flexor capri ulnaris - extensor capri ulnaris - extensor digitorium - extensor digiti minimi right side top to bottom: - extensor capri radialis longus - extensor of capri radialis brevis - abductor pollicis longus - extensor pollicis brevis - extensor pollicis longus

Correctly label the posterior muscles of the thigh.

left side top to bottom: - Adductor magnus - Gracilis - Iliotibial tract - Semimembranosus right side top to bottom: - Gluteus medius - Gluteus maximus - Semitendinosus - Vastus lateralis - Biceps femoris: Long head - Biceps femoris: Short head

Correctly label the extensors of the wrist and hand.

left side top to bottom: - Extensor pollicis longus - Extensor indicis right side top to bottom: - Olecranon - Anconeus - Supinator - Abductor pollicis longus - Extensor pollicis brevis

Correctly label the flexors of the wrist and hand.

left side top to bottom: - Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons - Flexor digitorum profundus tendons right side top to bottom: - Common flexor tendon - Flexor digitorum superficialis - Flexor pollicis longus

Correctly label the flexors of the wrist and hand.

left side top to bottom: - Interosseous membrane - Flexor pollicis longus - Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons - Flexor digitorum profundus tendons right side top to bottom: - Common flexor tendon - Flexor digitorum profundus

Correctly label the anterior muscles of the thigh.

left side top to bottom: - Quadriceps femoris: Vastus intermedius - Quadriceps femoris: Vastus lateralis - Patella right side top to bottom: - Quadriceps femoris: Vastus medialis - Quadriceps femoris tendon - Patellar ligament

Correctly label the flexors of the wrist and hand.

left side top to bottom: - extensor carpi radials longus and brevis - brachioradialis - flexor carpi radialis right side top to bottom: - pronator teres - aponeurosis of bicep brachii - palmaris longus - flexor carpi ulnaris - flexor digitorium superficialis - flexor retinaculum - palmar aponeurosis

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.

leftExtension of the Shoulder: - long head of triceps brachii - latissimus dorsi - teres major - posterior deltoid Flexion of the Shoulder: - biceps brachii - pectoralis major - anterior deltoid - coracobrachialis

Correctly label the muscles acting on the vertebral column.

top to bottom: - Longissimus capitis - Serratus posterior superior - Erector spinae: Iliocostalis - Erector spinae: Longissimus - Erector spinae: Spinalis - Serratus posterior inferior - Internal oblique

Correctly label the muscles of the neck, back, and gluteal region.

top to bottom: - Semispinalis capitis - Levator scapulae - Supraspinatus - Infraspinatus - Teres major - External oblique - Gluteus minimus

Correctly label the muscles of the neck, back, and gluteal region.

top to bottom: - Splenius capitis - Rhomboid minor - Rhomboid major - Teres minor - Serratus anterior - Internal oblique - Lateral rotators

Correctly label the muscles of the neck, back, and gluteal region.

top to bottom: - Trapezius - Erector spinae - Serratus posterior inferior - Gluteus medius

Correctly label the muscles of the neck, back, and gluteal region.

top to bottom: - sternocleidomastoid - deltoid - latissimus dorsi - thoracolumbar fascia - gluteus maximus

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