music 101 exam 1

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Where can musical style be evident ?

-During a specific period in history -Within a country - From performers - within a single composer's work

Which statements are basic melodic principles?

1. Melody moves by small intervals called steps or by larger one called leaps 2. Many melodies are made up of shorter parts called phrases.

In general, how does the voice in singing differ from speaking?

1. Singing uses a wider range of pitch 2. singing uses a wider range of dynamics 3. Vowel sounds are held longer in singing

Which six categories or classifications of instruments are used in the western (or European) music?

1. String 2. Brass 3.Keyboard 4.Electronic 5.Percussion 6. Woodwind

what techniques are used to control pitch in one or more kinds of brass instruments?

1. Using a siding time to change the length of tube through air vibrates 2. Varying lip tension while blowing in a mouthpiece 3. Using valves to change the length of tube through which air vibrates.

which group has a fixed number of beats?

A measure

In a music performance, the emphasis of tone in relation to the other tones around it is called __________?


How is a percussion instrument that produces a tone or tones classified as?

An instrument of definite pitch.

What is the technique of playing the notes of a chord one after the other (instead of simultaneously) called?


A musical piece that has two contrasting sections is said to have a _________ form.


What is the term used when a dominant chord resolves to a tonic chord, giving a sense of conclusion?


The simultaneous sounding of three or more tones, or pitches, is called a ______________?



Choruses, orchestras and bands usually have a _____________ who leads the group , keeping everybody together and helping to shape the musical composition.

When a musical idea differs from the previous one in timbre, texture, tonality, dynamics or rhythm, the technique used is __________________.


What is the technique of combining several melodic lines into a meaningful whole?


The xylophone, belongs to which primary category of percussion instruments?

Definite pitch

what does variation in tone color often produce?

Expressive effects and emotional impact

In brass instruments, tone-producing vibrations are made by blowing through the lips into a _______________________.

Funnel- Shaped mouthpiece.

What term refers to simultaneous tones in music that add support and richness to a melody?


What texture describes a main melody accompanied by chords?


Gradually louder; gradually softer

In music notation, the term crescendo (cresc.) is used to mean "______" and the term diminuendo (dim.) is used to mean "_______"

The snare drum, shown here, belongs to which primary category of percussion instruments?

Indefinite pitch


Keeps some elements while changing others.


Many instruments come in different sizes, which means they have different __________?


Many of the early audio manipulating process done on early _______________ and tape are now done in modern, more powerful computers.

On which musical element is the attention focused in a homophonic texture?


What is the first stylistic period in history of western music?

Middle Ages.

Which instruments use double reeds?

Obeo, English horn, Bassoon.

Which of the following are keyboard instruments?

Organ, Harpsichord, and Piano

What is a short part or section of a melody called?


what keyboard instrument are tones produced by felt-covered hammers that strike strings?


In which of the following keyboard instruments are tones produced when air blows across or through openings in pipes?

Pipe Organ

The repetition of melodic pattern at a higher or lower pitch is called a _____________.


What type of reed does a clarinet use?


music as an art is organized by?

Sounds and silence in time

to notate pitch , notes are placed on the lines or space of a _______________.


Accelerando (acce.) and ritardando (rit.) are Italian terms and abbreviations in music for a gradual change in ______________.


In which type of musical form is there a musical statement (A), then a contrasting statement (B), then a return to the first musical statement (A)?

Ternary form

What is the term that describes the different layers of musical sound and how they relate to each other?



The creation of music as it is being performed is called__________?


The distance between two tones

in a time signature, the upper number indicates what?

The number of beats in a measure

Britten's The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra is written as a theme and variation, which presents what characteristics?

There is a main theme that is varied in each repetition.

The Italian term used to describe the small pitch fluctuations that give a tone expressive warmth is _______


Brass, and Percussion

Which categories of instruments are commonly found in BOTH orchestras and marching bands?

Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Alto

Which of the following are common female voice types?

What technique is used in music to depict specific images, enhancing the text being sung?

Word Painting

what are two ways of lengthening the value of a note?

adding a dot, and using a tie.

Electronic instruments include:

amplified instruments, synthesizers, and computers.

the ____________ clef is used to indicate notation that is relatively low in pitch.


A combination of tones that feels unstable and demands onward motion toward a stable chord is described as being _____________.


The statement of a melodic idea first by one voice and the immediately by another, is called



in music, a sound that has a definite pitch is called______?

Tchaikovsky made the B section of Dance of the Reed Pipes different by changing the instrumentation, the mode (from major to minor) and the range of the melody.

is True

the term ___________is used to refer to the organization of beats into regular groups of strong and week ones


A mechanical or digital device that indicates tempo on a scale of beats per minute by emitting sounds or flashes of light is called a _______.


Music created in medieval Europe and later can come alive and be reproduces today thanks to ____________________.


The Italian term that tells string players to pluck strings to play notes is called?


in music notation, the symbol that indicates the duration of silence is called a _________


The particular arrangement of note lengths and silence in a piece of music is called _________.


A short, detached style of playing or singing a melody is called______________.


tone color

the quality of sound that distinguishes voices and instruments one from the other is called?


the sudden quiet and crescendos leading to important parts of the piece are examples of changes in ____________?

A vocal music guide

this best describes the relationship that exists between music and words helping to explain the thought or story behind them.

what is used to indicate the meter of a piece at the beginning of the staff?

time signature

the ___________ (or G) clef is used for higher pitches


A chord madde up of three notes (root, third, and fifth, or do, mi, sol) is called a __________?


In musical form , when a musical idea is restated retaining some original elements but altering other it is called ________?


contact provides ________.


the structures of a singer's lungs, oral cavity, vocal cords, throat, and nasal cavity all effect the unique_______________________________?

vocal timbre, or tone color of their voice.


what is the name for the various levels of loudness and softness in music?

which is correct terms concerning the duration of rests?

whole rest, and eighth rest

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