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Cynefin Chaotic Domain Danger Signals

- Applying a Command and Control approach longer than needed - Missed opportunities for innovation and problem-solving - Chaos unabated

Cynefin Complex Domain Response to Danger Signals

- Be patient and allow time for reflection - Use approaches that encourage interaction so that patterns can emerge

Cynefin Complex Domain Characteristics

- Cause and effect not evident: unpredictability - No right answers readily available - Test to find emergent patterns - There are many competing ideas on what to do - Need for creative and innovative approaches

Cynefin Simple Domain Danger Signals

- Complacency and comfort - Desire to over-simplify a complex problem - Easy to fall into group think and/or confirmation biases - Overreliance on best practices if the situation shifts in complexity

Cynefin Simple Domain Response to Danger Signals

- Create communication culture and channels that can challenge best practices - Stay connected without micromanaging - Don't assume things are always simple - Recognize the value and limitations on over-reliance on best practices

Four common steps in an effective problem solving process are:

- Define the problem, create a problem statement - Generate alternative solutions, come up with possible ways to solve a problem - Select an effective solution, pick a solution that will solve the problem effectively - Implement solution and monitor, apply the solution picked and watch to see if it solves the problem

Cynefin Complicated Domain Response to Danger Signals

- Encourage all stakeholders, both internal and external to challenge expert opinions to combat groupthink or confirmation biases - Encourage people to think outside of the best practices, good practices for solutions to the situation

Cynefin Complicated Domain Characteristics

- Expert skills are needed - Cause and effect relationships aren't obvious immediately - Analysis is needed to discover connections - There may be more than one right way to solve problem

Cynefin Complicated Domain Danger Symbols

- Experts overconfident in their own solutions or rely on past solutions that may not fit current situation - Analysis paralysis - Viewpoints of "non-experts' excluded

Cynefin Chaotic Domain Characteristics

- Novel: not seen before: Wicked problem - No clear cause and effect relationships - Possibly no right answers - Many decisions to make and no time to think - High anxiety and tension

Cynefin Simple Domain's Characteristics:

- Patterns are clear and recognizable - Clear cause and effect evident to everyone - At least one right answer is easily seen

Cynefin Chaotic Domain Response to Danger Signals

- Set up mechanisms to take advantage of opportunities afforded by the chaotic environment - Encourage advisors to challenge your point of view once the crisis is abated - Work to shift the context from the chaotic to complex or complicated

Cynefin Complex Domain Danger Signals

- Temptation is to fall back into habitual, linear command and control mode rather than allowing patterns to emerge - Desire for accelerated resolution of problems

Option Building Includes Two Elements:

1. Define the problem that needs solving 2. Identify possible resources (information, power, time, people, money, etc.) that may be available.

3 states of Implementation

1. Planning and preparing to implement the solution 2. Implementing and monitoring the solution. 3. Reviewing and analyzing the success of the solution.


A tendency, inclination, or prejudice toward or against something or someone.

Decision Analysis Matrix Tool

A useful technique to use for making a decision. It's particularly powerful where you have a number of good alternatives to choose from, and many different factors to take into account. This tool works by listing your possible solutions as rows on a table and the factors you want to consider as columns. You then score each solution/factor combination, weight this score by the relative importance of the factor and add these scores up to give an overall score for each option.

Personal Powers: Information

Access to secure data systems, leadership meetings, briefings, even gossip, increases your information power base. Some tend to withhold information from others so they maintain the advantage and the informational "higher hand."

Cynefin Chaotic Domain Leaders Job

Act, Sense, Respond - Look for what works instead of the "right" answer - Take immediate action to reestablish order - Provide clear, direct communication - Customize skill sets to the chaos at hand - Improvise and be agile - Seek leverage points (events, things, or people)


After determining whether you are ready for negotiation, use these questions to test whether the situation is ripe for negotiation: Are all the parties interested in negotiation? If not, why is one or more of the parties reluctant? Do all parties know their alternatives to a negotiated settlement? Are the issues negotiable?


After feedback is provided on task performance, there is an immediate repetition so the task can be performed more in accordance with expert norms.


Always avoid dealing with someone who is not bargaining in good faith - you should evade. What does it take to rebuild trust when you've been lied to? Even when dealing with this tactic, it's important for you to remain truthful.

Intimidation/Aggressive Behavior

Attempting to force the other negotiator to agree by means of emotional ploy, this tactic usually uses anger or fear.

Readiness and Ripeness

Choosing the most appropriate time to initiate a negotiation can swing the outcome in your favor.

Who developed the Cynefin Framework?

David Snowden

Position Powers: Reward

Deals with the leader's perceived ability to provide rewards and incentives that people like.

Position Powers: Coersive

Deals with the leader's perceived ability to provide sanctions, punishment, or consequences for not performing.


Deals with the leaders perceived ability to provide rewards and incentives that people like.


Deals with the leaders perceived ability to provide sanctions, punishment, or consequences for not performing.

Focus on weaknesses

Deliberate practice can be tailored to the individual and focused on areas of weakness. During "train as you fight" performances the individual will avoid situations in which he knows he is weak, and rightly so as there is a desire to do one's best.

Fishbone Diagram

Diagram used to depict the relationship between specific categories of process inputs and the undesirable output. This technique aids in identifying potential causes of a problem.

2nd and 3rd Order Effects

Every decision has second and third-order effects... or consequences to that decision. i.e. outcomes that are different than the first desired outcome yet are directly related to the initial decision. They are most often separated by time and space from the perspective decision.

5-Step CNS Process - Execution

Execution Step 4: Brainstorming - Suspend judgment and develop a list of ideas and/or option proposals. Note: set ground rules that this is only brainstorming and no party is committed to any option put forward. If you cannot come to any kind of agreement in this step, then you may need to go back and start again with positions. Step 5: Solution - In this final step, the best idea from all of those presented is selected by all negotiating parties. CNS rests on a skill set that includes open communications, active listening, and critical thinking. These skills are needed for parties to understand perceptions of events, priorities, concerns, fears, and any other piece of information that helps in the search for viable solutions

TIPO Model - Power

In a negotiation, you can apply "power over" or "power with" your opposite. Power over is used to gain an advantage, such as pulling rank. Power with improves the opportunity for a mutually satisfying outcome for all negotiators involved.

Personal Powers: Expert

It suggests that you gain power and the ability to influence through your education, experience, and job knowledge. How you use and share this power base can improve or reduce trust, and ultimately influence the outcome of your negotiations.

Brainstorming Session Rules - Air for Quantity, Not quality

Once ideas are flowing, write down the input of each participant and aim for quantity, not quality. Some ideas might appear silly; however, thoughtful consideration toward others' ideas will more than likely result in information that can be applied to current and future situations.

Using concept maps or graphic organizers is another great way to visualize material and see the connections between the various concepts you are learning is considered :

Organizing your thoughts

5-Step CNS Process - Planning

Planning Step 1: Positions - Think about "what you want" and estimate what you think your counterpart's position may be. Step 2: Interest - Assess the position..."Why do you think the position from step one is the one you need?" and estimate why you think your counterpart desires his/her position. Step 3: BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement ) - Determine your BATNA and what motivates you to engage in negotiations and estimate your counterpart's BATNA.

Cynefin Complex Domain Leader's Jobs

Probe, Sense, Respond - Create environments to allow patterns to emerge - Welcome interactions and communication from internal and external agencies and SMEs - Generate diverse ideas and invite open discussion - Encourage questions from all involved

Position Powers

Provide you the authority to make decisions, requests and issue lawful orders based on your position

Cynefin Complicated Domain Leader's Job

Sense, Analyze, Respond - Call in internal and external subject matter experts on various aspects of the issue - Listen to conflicting advice

Cynefin Simple Domain Leader's Job

Sense, Categorize, Respond - Ensure proper procedures are in place - May delegate - Use best practices - Communication is clear and direct - Leader understands that extensive communication may not be necessary

What are the four domains that compose the Cynefin Framework?

Simple, complicated, complex and chaotic.

Before you begin to study, look at the topic that is covered and ask yourself what you know about it already. This is known as:

Summoning your prior knowledge.

When you're learning, it's important to periodically ___________ to make sure you're engaging in metacognitive strategies.

Take a timeout

This technique ensures that you are actively engaging with the material as you are reading and taking notes.

Taking notes from memory

Focused feedback

Task performance is evaluated by the coach or learner during the performance. There is a focus on the critical parts of how one does the task and constructive criticism is provided at regular intervals.


Task performance occurs repetitively rather than at its naturally occurring frequency. A goal of deliberate practice is to develop habits that operate expertly and automatically. If appropriate situations occur relatively infrequently or are widely spaced apart while performing "as you fight" they will not become readily habitual.

Methods such as thinking aloud, using writing, and taking notes from memory can help you when you are ___________.

Testing yourself.

Cooperative Negotiation Strategy (CNS)

The CNS reflects a high interest in people and task orientation. This strategy depends heavily on each party's collaborative efforts and desire to achieve a mutually satisfactory outcome. When we cooperate with others, we generate options that are valued by all parties and the solutions are usually better than what we could have created on our own. When applying the CNS, you trade positions (what you want) for interests (why you want it) and find complementary differences and similarities that can help everyone move toward a mutually satisfying agreement. Additionally, it allows you to choose negotiation strategies that may guide your actions to settle, insist, comply, or evade.

In which Cynefin domain would searching for right answers be pointless? The relationship between cause and effect are impossible to determine because they shift constantly and no manageable patterns exist - only turbulence. This is the domain of "unknowables". A leader must first act to establish order, then sense figuring out where stability is and where it's not, and then respond by working to change the situation.

The Chaotic Domain: The Domain Novel Practices

In which Cynefin domain is there a relationship between cause and effect is so intertwined that things only make sense in hindsight... after the situation has occurred and maybe even worked itself out. Leaders probe first, then sense by figuring out what happened based on the experiment and then respond.

The Complex Domain: The Domain of Emergent Practices

In which Cynefin domain is there a relationship between cause and effect; however, not everyone may be able to see it, so analysis or expertise is required. This domain may contain multiple right answers, many of which may be excellent. Therefore, good practice (as opposed to best practice) is more appropriate. This is the domain of "known unknowns". Leaders must sense, analyze and respond.

The Complicated Domain: The Domain of Good Practice

What framework helps leaders understand how problems fit into defined categories and what behaviors arise as problems become increasingly more difficult?

The Cynefin Framework

What Cynefin domain is characterized by stability and clear cause-and-effect relationships that are seen by everyone and are always going to be the same? Leaders sense, categorize and respond.

The Simple Domain: The Domain of Best Practice


The capacity of parties to decide it is in their best interest to negotiate an agreement rather than continue a dispute. Even when both parties decide to negotiate, failure to deal sensitively with each other can jeopardize negotiations. When preparing to negotiate, use these questions to examine your readiness: Are these issues negotiable? Am I willing to make compromises and give some things up? Do I want to resolve these issues equitably? Am I willing to work to keep the channels of communication open?

NSC: Evade Strategy ("Not now, maybe later?")

The evade strategy reflects a low interest in people-orientation or task orientation. The negotiator seeks to avoid engagement or negotiations.

Brainstorming Session Rules - Withhold Judgement

The first and foremost rule is to withhold judgment of any sort. Initiate no evaluation, criticism, or judgment about any idea until the brainstorming session is complete.

TIPO Model - Trust

The foundation of relationships with others and faith in a system. T


The integrative category doesn't see resources as necessarily fixed and should be approached as a win-win situation. Integrative negotiations still acknowledge that resources must be distributed (there is value to claim at some point in any negotiation). Conflict is not seen as inevitable; there is the possibility for mutually beneficial, "value-creating", cooperation.

Brainstorming Session Rules - Hitchhike Ideas

The last rule in brainstorming allows an idea to piggyback or hitch-hike on another idea. In a brainstorming session, one member of the group suggests an idea. This idea triggers a thought in the mind of another and the process continues until you have a series of ideas prompted by one original thought or idea.


The other side sets a very high demand (a statement of terms with no room for adjustment. This position embodies the most precise use of a "take it or leave it" option) and then offers a concession, and you feel obligated to respond with a concession. This sets you up to feel you are getting a fair deal since the other negotiator will likely say something like "let's split the difference" from an overly high price.

Problem Framing

The process of describing and interpreting a stated problem to arrive at a problem statement - define the actual problem. It is considered an important step in problem solving as slight changes in framing may lead to a vastly different problem solving process and resulting solutions. Problem framing should be part of the "Define the problem" step. With framing, it leads you to look at the stated problem from different perspectives and could change how you define the problem.

Brainstorming Session Rules - Encourage Freewheeling

The second rule of brainstorming is to encourage the freewheeling of ideas. This enables all individuals to make a contribution. Once ideas begin flowing, the leader allows the group to continue deliberating with little or no guidance. Remember, you aren't judging ideas at this phase of the brainstorming session.

Brainstorming Session Techniques - Silent Approach

The silent approach is used when you want team members to write ideas on small slips of paper. Then, you collect the papers and jot down the ideas for all to see. One big advantage of a silent approach is it makes sure everybody is given the opportunity to have their thoughts and ideas thoroughly considered by the group. This avoids the loudest or most extroverted people unintentionally dominating the sessions.

Brainstorming Session Techniques - Unstructured Approach

The unstructured approach allows team members to call out ideas as they come to mind. No one takes turns and the session ends when the team feels it has exhausted all ideas.

_______ is when you talk through your material and verbalize your thoughts to help you make more sense of the material and internalize it more deeply.

Thinking Aloud

Negotiations Strategy Chart: People Orientation

This approach centers on the relationship that exists between the individuals or groups involved. In some situations, developing or maintaining the relationship is more important than the task at hand.

Brainstorming Session Techniques - Structured Approach

This approach means soliciting one idea at a time from each person on the team. Participants in the brainstorming session should refrain from commenting until the person facilitating the forum extends the opportunity. If the participants don't have a comment to share, they should say, "Pass." The session ends when everyone says, "Pass."

Position Powers: Legitimate

This is based on one's rank, position, or level of authority. Although you may be able to use this "power over" your opposite, consider the relationship and only use this power when your intentions are legal, ethical, and appropriate.

Trust, Information, Power, and Options (TIPO) Model

This model identifies how trust influences your use of information and power affects the way you develop options or solutions to solve or resolve a current problem, conflict, or situation.

Exploding Offer

This offer is only good for 24 hours, or while supplies last.

Settle Strategy ("Let's split the difference and call it a day.")

This option is used when task and people orientation are similar or equal and there is a desire to develop a compromising solution. Use this style when there is little chance of getting everything you want but a solution is necessary.

Personal Powers: Referent (Charisma)

This power affords the opportunity to encourage, motivate, and inspire others.

Position Powers: Connections

This power pertains to who you know. This can erode if you use it as a primary source of influence.

NSC: Insist Strategy ("My way or the highway.")

This strategy reflects a low interest in people-orientation and a high interest in task orientation. Use this assertive "winner-takes-all" task-oriented style when obtaining your objective is paramount, regardless of the cost to the opposite's interests or to the relationship.

Negotiations Strategy Chart: Comply Strategy ("We will do it your way")

This strategy reflects a low interest in task orientation and a high interest in people orientation. The negotiator is concerned with establishing, preserving, or improving his/her reputation or relationship. Use this passive strategy when the preservation of the relationship between you and the other party is more important than the task.

Snow Job

This tactic aims to overwhelm you with too many details; one person can only absorb so much. It becomes extremely difficult to determine what is real, important, or a distraction.

Evolutionary Innovation

This type of innovation focuses on identifying ideas that represent something "distinctly new and improved."

Efficiency Innovation

This type of innovation focuses on identifying new ideas for improving what already exists. This approach requires minimal investment since the team is building on the past and only looking for small changes to what is currently being done.

Revolutionary Innovation

This type of innovation focuses on radically new and better ideas that may dismantle the existing structure of the organization.

Trust in a Process

This type of trust exists when you have faith in a governing institution and believe that it supports your negotiations. You trust the processes will promote outcomes that are justified (fair and impartial),, legal, ethically acceptable, and also satisfy the interests (What you need, or the underlying reason behind your position) of both negotiators.

Trust in a Person

This type of trust is established between two people and is interpersonal in nature. This trust stands alone and it is not reliant on any institution or third-party. This trust can be assumed or it can be earned through proving oneself to be trustworthy in actions and in words.

What are the two major categories of trust?

Trust in a Person and Trust in a Process

Two major types of trust

Trust in a process, trust in a person

TIPO Model - Information

When you trust your opposite (the person or group with whom you are engaged in negotiations, sometimes called the negotiation partner), you believe the information they present is truthful and accurate. As a result, you should feel more comfortable sharing information which can lead to better discussions, more effective brainstorming sessions, and a shared selection of options that are good for all involved.

Good Cop/Bad Cop

While working as a team, one opposite is sympathetic to your interests and position, while another is aggressive and insists on their aspiration point.

The Who, Stakes, and Situation

Who are you dealing with? What are the stakes? What is the situation?

_______ helps you organize your thoughts and assess what you know.



You are about to sign, and then the opposite demands a little something extra at the end to close the deal. This person measures success by winning, by beating the other person, and by getting what they wanted.

Definition of Negotiation

a communication process involving two or more people/groups where: -the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or beliefs -the parties strive to reach an agreement on issues or course of action


a communication process involving two or more people/groups where: -the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or beliefs -the parties strive to reach an agreement on issues or course of action

Systems Thinking

a discipline of seeing the "whole." It's about recognizing patterns and interrelationships while learning how to structure more effective, efficient decisions. The two systems of thinking include: System 1 (S1) - Reactive Thinking, and System 2 (S2) - Reflective Thinking.

TIPO Model - Trust Information, Power, Options

identifies how trust influences your use of information and power affects the way you develop options or solutions to solve or resolve a current problem, conflict, or situation.

System 1 Thinking (S1)

is a vital decision-making tool that operates in the background of your mind. It aids you in supporting daily activities and making quick decisions. This type of thinking relies heavily on situational cues, prominent memories, trial and error, and heuristic thinking (e.g., discovering solutions for self) to arrive quickly and confidently at judgments.

Affective Commitment

it means they want to stay at their organization. They typically identify with the organizational goals, feel they fit into the organization, and are satisfied with their work.


negotiations are usually over a single-issue and considered win-lose. This category assumes resources are limited and this approach to negotiating could be used when attempting to divide, divvy, or distribute something. Conflict is almost inevitable, and competition rather than cooperation will likely guide the negotiations.

System 2 Thinking (S2)

reflective thinking, is broad and informed problem-solving and deliberate decision making. It is useful for judgments in unfamiliar situations, for processing abstract concepts, and for deliberating when there is time for planning and more comprehensive consideration.

Adaptive Thinking

the cognitive behavior one demonstrates when confronted by unanticipated circumstances during the execution of a planned activity (e.g. military operations, emergencies).

Negotiations Strategy Chart: Task Orientation

this approach places more importance on reaching an outcome, solution, or resolution. High task orientation means we are very motivated to resolve a problem or respond to a critical situation. On the other hand, low task orientation means we do not wish to (or need to) resolve the situation at this time.

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