New Testament

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In what year did the Second Temple period end?

70 AD

Why are some of the New Testament letters called circular?

Copies were circulated between congregations

Which one of the following is another example of apocalyptic writing in the Bible?


For which city was Timothy charged by Paul to be the overseer (pastor)?


What word do we use to refer to the New Testament letters, which comes from the trek word for letter?


As Paul had already similarly stated in Galatians, Romans describes that people are not justified by works of the law, but are instead justified by what?


True or False: Paul had been to Rome already before he wrote the epistle to the Romans.

False, Pau; had never been to Rome.

True or False: After 64 AD, Christianity experienced a period of peace, prosperity, and growth in the city of Rome.

False, Perscution

True or False: At the Last Supper, Jesus commands his disciples to love one another in order to receive God's blessing.

False, love one another as Christ already loved them.

Which of these epistles is rightly described as highly contextual and specific?

Galatians and 1 Corinthians

Which one of the following best describes 1 Peter?

General epistle

Paul described the Christian life as one of slavery to which two of the following masters?

God righteousness and Sin

Complete this list of the five standard parts of an epistle

Greeting, thanksgiving, body, exhortation, and salutation

Which one of the following is NOT a work of Johannine literature?


Which one of the following is not a category of New Testament letter?


Paul uses the analogy of a vine and its branches to describe which one of the following?

How all people can receive God's promises from Christ through faith.

Give the definition for righteousness

Inocence in God's eyes

What happened in the city of Rome in 64 AD?

It burned down

What does Gnosticism teach about the material world?

It is evil

What does Gnosticism teach about the spiritual world?

It is good

Which one of the following is not part of how John describes Jesus in the prologue?

Jesus reveals the truth only to some people.

Where can one find and read John's account of Jesus's high priestly prayer?

John 17

Which one of the following is true about John's gospel?

John is synoptic because it is so different than the other gospels.

Who wrote the apocalyptic work at the end of the New Testament that goes by name Revelation?

John of Patmos

Who is the author of John 1?

John the Elder

The name Gnosticism comes from the Greek word "gnosis" which means:


What is the problem that the Christians in Galatia faced, which is the opposite problem of antinomianism dealt with by James in his letter?


What Old Testament sign does Jesus compare his crucifixion to in John 3, saying "so must the Son of Man be lifted up"?

Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness.

Who was the emperor of the Roman Empire in 64 AD?


If a priest is one who completes a religious task as a mediator on behalf of someone else, on behalf of whom did Jesus pray for unity in his high priestly prayer?

On the behalf of the church

Which two of the following best describe 1 Timothy?

Pastoral epistle and Pauline epistle

Who wrote most of the letters contained in the New Testament?


Who wrote the epistle to the Romans?


Who wrote the epistles 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy?


Who wrote the epistles called Corinthians?


Who wrote the epistles 1 Peter and 2 Peter?

Peter the Apostle

What dose Paul contrast with the law, saying that it is how one is made an offspring of Abraham?


What did Jesus do for Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus in John 11?

Rasied him from the dead

What does the word apocalypse mean? (You may provide either a definition or a synonym.)


Which one of the following is true about the epistle to the Romans?

Romans is very universal epistle that generally and generically describes Christian theology.

The people who received this epistle lived in which city?


Who is the author of John?

The Beloved Disciple

Which of the following rightly describes the situation in Corinth that Paul's letter deals with?

The Christians in Corinth were divided against each other for a variety of reasons.

In Romans 1:16-17, which we identified as the thesis for all of Romans, Paul says that he is not ashamed of what?

The Gospel

Which one of the four sects of Second Temple Judaism was the one that survived persecution from the Roman Empire around the end of the first century?

The Pharisees

What title has been given to the content of John 13-17?

The Upper Room Discourse

Which of the following is the English translation of the Greek word logos?

The Word

Which one of the following defines universailty?

The letter communicates general Christian teachings and is easily applied to our modern lives.

Which one of the following defines contextually?

The letter deals with very specific circumstances and needs to be carefully understood within those circumstances.

Which one of the following is not one of the criteria that 1 John encourages Christians to use when evaluating the truthfulness of teachers and teachings?

Theology of glory

What did the Romans do in Jerusalem in that year, which brought about the end of the Second Temple period?

They destroyed the temple

How did the Jews respond to this metaphor after Jesus said "I and the Father are one"?

They tried to stone him.

What is the purpose of apocalyptic writing?

To provide new perspective on current crises.

True or False: The pastoral letters were written by Paul in order to teach young men how to lead their local congregation.


True or False:Revelation was written to encourage Christians in the ides of persecution from the Romans.


What did Jesus do for his disciples during the Lat Supper as an example for them and as a sign of his coming crucifixion?

Washed their feet.

What does it mean when we call something a work of Johnannine literature?

Work attributed to the apostle John.

How many people do good, meaning that they are not worthless and are able to avoid God's wrath because of their own righteousness, according to Romans 3?


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