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Your laptop is running Windows 10. You notice a security message indicating that Windows Firewall has been disabled. The laptop is currently connected to your organization's network, and the Domain network profile settings are in effect. You plan to travel this week and connect the laptop to various airport Wi-Fi hotspots. You need to enable Windows Firewall for any public network. In this lab, your task is to: Turn on the Windows Firewall for the Public network profile only. Allow the following additional service and programs through the firewall for the Public network profile only: A service named Key Management Service An application named Arch98 An application named Apconf

Turn on Windows Firewall for the Public Network. Right-click Start and then select Settings. Select Network & Internet. From the right pane, scroll down and select Windows Firewall. Under Public network, select Turn on. Allow apps through the Public firewall. Scroll down and select Allow an app through Firewall to allow a program through the firewall. Select Change settings. For the Key Management Service, select the box under the Public column. Select Allow another app to configure an exception for an uncommon program. Select the program from the list. Select Add. For the program just added: Uncheck the box in the Domain column. Select the box in the Public column. Repeat steps 2d-g for the remaining program. Select OK.

The network does not have a DHCP server. The default subnet mask should be used for all computers. The connection problem might be in the operating system configuration, the hardware, or both. There might be more than one problem. During the lab, the Diagnose and repair option is not available. Instead, review the configuration of the system to identify the problem. You can view the connection properties or use the ipconfig command. Use the information in the Exhibit to verify the required network connection settings. Use the Settings app's Network & internet settings to help you verify whether you have fixed the problem(s).

Verify the problem. From the notification area, right-click the network icon and select Network & Internet settings. Notice that you are shown that the computer has no connection to the internet. Select Advanced network settings. Select More network adapter options to help determine why. Notice the status for the network connection is network cable unplugged. Close the window. Connect the cable. From the top left, select Office 1 to work with the computer hardware. Above the computer, select Back to switch to the back view of the computer. The computer has a network cable, but the link light is not on. Select the network cable connected to the computer to see what is connected to the other end. Notice that in the Selected Component pane, one end is unconnected. Select the unconnected end and drag it to the network connection on the wall plate. Configure the IP addresses. On the monitor, select Click to view Windows 11 to switch to the operating system view. The notification area shows a network connection. Right-click Start and select Settings. Select Network & internet. Select Ethernet. For IP assignment, select Edit. Use the Edit IP setting drop-down list to select Manual. For IPv4, slide the button to ON. Configure the fields as follows: IP address: valid IP address (such as Subnet mask: Gateway: Preferred DNS: or Select Save. Verify a connection to the internet. Right-click Start and select Windows Terminal. Type ping from the PowerShell prompt. Press Enter.

Q1What is the IPv4 address of the server Q2What is the subnet mask Q3How did the computer get its IP configuration information Q4What tells you how the computer is getting its IP address Q5Assuming the default gateway computer is connected to the internet, which type of internet access would this computer have

Access Microsoft's Windows PowerShell. Right-click Start. Select Windows PowerShell (Admin). Find networking information using the ipconfig command (using no options). From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig and then press Enter. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Questions 1 and 2. Find the remaining networking information using the ipconfig /all command. From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press Enter. Answer Questions 3 - 5. From the Answer Questions window, select Score Lab.

Configure System Protection by setting 5% of disk space for restore points on the C: volume on ITAdmin Configure System Protection by setting 7% of disk space for restore points on the D: volume on ITAdmin Create a manual restore point on ITAdmin

Access the System Protection options. Right-click Start and then select Settings. From the right pane, scroll to the bottom and select About. Under Device specifications, in the Related links box, select System protection. Make sure the System Protection tab is selected. Configure the Protection Settings. Select Local Disk (C:) and then select Configure. Under Restore Settings, select Turn on system protection. Under Disk Space Usage, adjust Max Usage to 5% and then select OK. Select Data (D:) and then select Configure. Under Restore Settings, select Turn on system protection. Under Disk Space Usage, adjust Max Usage to 7% and then select OK. Create a restore point. Select Create to create a restore point. Enter in a name of your choosing for the restore point and then select Create. When prompted, select Close to acknowledged the completion of the restore point. Select OK to close the System Properties dialog.

To allow other users access to certain content on your computer, you have decided to share two folders. To better control who has access to the data in these folders, you need to configure share and NTFS permissions. In this lab, your task is to share and configure the share and NTFS permissions for these folders as follows: Share Folder Share Permissions D:\Finances Give the Everyone and Accounting groups Read/Write (Full Control) permissions. D:\Graphics Give the Everyone group Read/Write (Full Control) permissions. Folder NTFS Permissions D:\Finances Convert the inherited permissions into explicit permissions. If they exist, remove the Everyone and Users groups from the access control list to prevent all users from having access. Give or make sure the Accounting group has been assigned the Full Control permission. D:\Graphics Do not modify inherited permissions. (This gives all users Read access.) Make sure that the Everyone group only has the following permissions: Read & execute List folder contents Read Add the Marketing group and give this group the additional Modify permission.

Access the folders on the D:\ drive. From the taskbar, select File Explorer. From the left pane, select This PC. From the right pane, double-click Data (D:). Configure share permissions for the D:\Finances folder. Right-click Finances and then select Show more options. Select Give access to > Specific people. Using the drop-down menu, select the Everyone group and then select Add. Select the Everyone group and then select Read/Write. Using the drop-down list, select Find People. In the Enter the object names to select field, type Accounting and then select OK. Select Accounting and then select Read/Write. Select Share. Select Done. Configure share permissions for the D:\Graphics folder. Right-click Graphics and then select Show more options. Select Give access to > Specific people. Using the drop-down list, select the Everyone group and then select Add. Select Everyone and then select Read/Write. Select Share. Select Done. Configure NTFS permissions for the D:\Finances folder. Right-click Finances and then select Properties. Select the Security tab. Select Advanced to modify inherited permissions. Select Disable inheritance. Select Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object. Select the Everyone group and then select Remove to remove the group from the access control list. Select Users and then select Remove. Select OK to close the Advanced Security Settings for Finances dialog. Select OK to close the Finances Properties dialog. Because the Give access to > Specific people option was used to add Accounting to the share, that group is already in the ACL and has the Allow Full Control NTFS permission. Configure NTFS permissions for the D:\Graphics folder. Right-click Graphics and then select Properties. Select the Security tab. Select Edit to change permissions for a group. Select the Everyone group. Under Permissions for Everyone, clear Full control, Modify, and Write. Select Add to add a group. In the Enter the object names to select field, enter Marketing and then select OK. With Marketing selected, select Modify. (Leave all other existing permissions as-is.) Select OK to close the Permissions for Graphics dialog. Select OK to close the Graphics Properties dialog.

You work at a computer repair store. You are building a new computer for a customer. You have already installed the motherboard in the system case, and now you need to select the processor, heat sink, and fan. In this lab, your task is to: Determine which CPU(s) will work for the motherboard and where to plug in the CPU fan. Answer Questions 1 and 2. Determine which suitable CPU is the fastest and install it on the motherboard. Answer Question 3. Determine which heat sink and fan combo will work with the installed CPU. Answer Question 4. Connect the heat sink and fan.

Determine which CPU(s) will work for the motherboard and where to plug in the CPU fan. Above the computer, select Motherboard. Select the motherboard. From the Selected Component pane, select Details. Select the Specifications tab. Maximize the window for better viewing. Read the motherboard documentation to identify: The type of supported CPU socket. Where to plug in the CPU fan. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Questions 1 and 2. Close the motherboard specifications window. Determine which suitable CPU is the fastest and install it on the motherboard. Under Shelf, expand Processors. Read the description found under each processor. Answer Question 3. Drag the fastest supported CPU to the processor socket on the motherboard. Determine which heat sink and fan combo will work with the installed CPU. Under Shelf, expand Fans. Read the description found under each fan. Answer Question 4. Connect the heat sink and fan. For the correct heat sink and fan, select Details. Select Bottom to view the bottom of the processor. Notice that this heat sink comes with pre-applied thermal paste, so adding additional paste is unnecessary. Close the Heat Sink and Fan Details window. From the Shelf, drag the Heat Sink and Fan to its motherboard location. From the Selected Component pane, drag the Connector, Fan, CPU 4-pin connector to the motherboard location. You may need to zoom in on the motherboard to see which fan port is designated for the CPU. Select Score Lab.

You have shared a number of files located on your computer with other employees in your company. This has been working fine. However, when you came in the office today, you received a number of calls from users who say they can't connect to your shared files. After checking your computer, you find that the Ethernet cable was unplugged. You have now plugged the Ethernet cable in, and now you need to start the network interface card. In this lab, your task is to: Determine which network interface went down when the Ethernet cable was unplugged. Start the network interface from the command line. Verify that the network interface is up.

Determine which network interface went down when the Ethernet cable was unplugged. From the Favorites bar, select Terminal. From the Terminal prompt, run any of the following commands. Press Enter after typing in the chosen command. ip addr ip addr show ip addr show enp2s0 ifconfig -a Start the network interface from the command line and verify that it is up. From the Terminal prompt, run any of the following commands. Press Enter after typing in the chosen command. ifup enp2s0 ip link set enp2s0 From the Terminal prompt, run any of the following commands. Press Enter after typing in the chosen command. ip addr ip addr show ip addr show enp2s0 ifconfig -a

You are one of the IT administrators for a corporate network. As you start each day, your job is to check the Issue Trax help desk system to see if any jobs have been submitted. You are working from the computer named ITAdmin. In this lab, your task is to: Open Issue Trax from ITAdmin. Find any tickets that need to be resolved. Resolve the issue using the information found in the open ticket. Add a comment to the ticket indicating that it has been resolved and close the ticket.

From ITAdmin, determine the needs and possible fixes for Gerry's help desk ticket. From the taskbar, select Issue Trax. Maximize the window for better viewing. Select ticket #20 and determine the best course of action. Leave the ticket maximized so you can see the details. Identify the appropriate printer based on the scenario and move it to the Workspace. From the upper left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under Office 2, select Hardware. Under Shelf, expand Printers. For a printer, select Details and then select the Specifications tab. Read the description for the printer and then close the dialog. Repeat steps 2d - 2e for each remaining printer. Identify the printer that best meets the scenario's requirements. Drag the HP Photosmart Plus printer to the Workspace. Connect the printer to the computer. Above the computer, select Back to switch to the back view of the computer. Above the printer, select Back and examine the connection ports. Under Shelf, expand Cables. Select USB Cable (A/B). From the Selected Component pane: Drag the USB Type B Connector to the port on the back of the printer. Drag the USB Type A Connector to a USB port on the back of the computer. Provide power to the printer. Under Shelf, select Power Adapter for HP. From the Selected Component pane: Drag the Power Adapter, DC connector to the port on the back of the printer. Drag the Power Adapter, AC connector to an AC power port on the wall outlet or power strip. Verify the installation and set the printer as the default printer. On the monitor, select Click to view Windows 11. Right-click Start and then select Settings. Select Bluetooth & devices. From the right pane, select Printers & scanners. Your newly installed printer is shown. Under Printer preferences, for Let Windows manage my default printer, slide the button to Off. Select HP Photosmart Plus. Select Set as default. Add a comment to the ticket and close the ticket. From the upper left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under IT Administration, select ITAdmin. In the New Comment field, for the open ticket, add a comment to indicate that the printer has been installed. Select the + (plus sign) to add the comment. From the top of the ticket: Select Closed. Select the left arrow. There are no more tickets to be processed. Close Issue Trax.

You are one of the IT administrators for a corporate network. Your manager (Melanie) has been working on a help desk ticket that was created by the marketing manager (Elijah). Your manager has now asked you to complete the remaining requirements for this ticket. In this lab, your task is to: Open Issue Trax and the open ticket. Assign the ticket to yourself (Me). Resolve the remaining issues using the information found in the open ticket. Add a comment to the ticket indicating that it has been resolved. Close the ticket.

From ITAdmin, review the help desk ticket. From the taskbar, select Issue Trax. Maximize the window for better viewing. Select ticket #11. Using the Assignee dropdown list, assign the ticket to Me (yourself). From the open ticket, determine the remaining tasks that need to be completed. Leave the ticket maximized so you can see the details. Configure the integrated NIC for PXE boot. From the top left, select Floor 1. Under Building A, select Floor 2. Under Marketing Group C, select Hardware. On the computer, select the power button and, while the computer is starting, press F2 to enter the Setup Utility. Expand System Configuration. Select Integrated NIC. Select Enabled w/PXE. Select Apply. From the left pane, under General, select Boot Sequence. Make sure that Onboard NIC has a check mark. Select Exit. Boot the computer and install the Window 10 image. From the Windows Boot Manager, press Enter to select the Windows 10 (x64) image. View the image being downloaded. After the image is downloaded, verify that the computer boots to Windows 10. Add a comment to the ticket and close the ticket. From the top left, select Floor 2. Under Building A, select Floor 1. Under IT Administration, select ITAdmin. In the New Comment field of the open ticket, enter a comment of your choice to indicate that the OS has been installed. Select + (the plus sign) to add the comment. From the top of the ticket, select Closed. Close Issue Trax.

You share a computer with other users at work. You want to secure the contents of the Finances folder so that unauthorized users cannot view its contents. In this lab, your task is to: Encrypt the D:\Finances folder and all of its contents. Give John file access to the encrypted D:\Finances\2022report.xls file by adding the encryption certificate.

Open the D:\ drive. From the Windows taskbar, select File Explorer. From the left pane, select This PC. From the right pane, double-click Local Disk (D:). Encrypt the Finances folder. Right-click Finances and then select Properties. Select Advanced. Select Encrypt contents to secure data and then select OK. Select OK to close the properties dialog. Select OK to confirm the attribute changes. Give John authorization to modify the encrypted 2022report.xls file. Double-click Finances. Right-click 2022report.xls and then select Properties. Select Advanced. Select Details. Select Add. Select John and then select OK. Select OK as many times as needed to close all remaining dialogs.

You are one of the IT administrators for a corporate network. As you start each day, your job is to check the Issue Trax help desk system to see if any jobs have been submitted. You are working from the computer named ITAdmin. In this lab, your task is to: Open Issue Trax from ITAdmin. Find any tickets that are not yet closed. Using the information found in the open ticket, resolve the issue. Add a comment to the ticket, indicating that it has been resolved, and close the ticket.

Open the company's help desk ticketing system named Issue Trax. From the taskbar, select the Issue Trax icon. Maximize the window for better viewing. Select ticket #15 and determine the best course of action. From the upper right, select Answer Questions. Answer Questions 1 and 2. Minimize the Lab Question dialog. Leave the ticket maximized so that you can see the details. Test to see whether the Support computer will power on. From the upper left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under Support Office, select Hardware. On the Support computer, select the power button. A message tells you that the computer failed to turn on. Select OK. Above the computer, select Back to switch to the back view of the computer. Examine the computer to identify possible problems that would prevent it from powering on. Be sure to check the power cord and power supply switches. Provide power to the computer. Above the power strip, select Partial Connections. From the Selected Component pane, drag the unconnected AC Power Connector (Female) to the power outlet on the computer. Above the computer, select Front to switch to the front view of the computer. On the computer, select the power button. A message tells you that the computer did not come on. Select OK. Configure the computer to use 115 volts. Above the computer, select Back to switch to the back view of the computer. Switch the power supply voltage to 115V. Turn the power supply switch to On. Above the computer, select Front to switch to the front view of the computer. On the computer, select the power button. Now that the proper power is being supplied, the computer boots to the operating system. Add a comment to the ticket and close the ticket. From the upper left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under IT Administration, select ITAdmin. In the New Comment field, enter a comment to indicate that the computer is now working. Select the + (plus sign) to add the comment. From the top of the ticket: Select Closed. Select the left arrow. There are no more tickets to be processed. Close Issue Trax. From the upper right, select Answer Questions. Select Score Lab.

Disconnect the external hard drive from the system. Be sure to use the correct procedure for removing the device from the operating system. Insert the USB drive in a free USB port. Verify that the system detects the device. Update the driver for the Realtek 8169 network adapter using the driver on the USB drive. Update the driver for the Mustek scanner by searching Windows Update for the new driver

Remove the external hard disk. In the notification area of the taskbar, select the caret (^) icon to show hidden icons. Select the removable device icon. Select Eject extHDD-USB-2015. From the top left, select Bench to switch to the hardware view to remove the external hard drive. Above the external hard drive, select Back to switch to the back view of the hard drive. Drag the USB Cable from the external hard drive and place it on the Workspace. Above the computer, select Back. Drag the USB Type A Connector from the computer to the Workspace. Connect the USB drive. Under Shelf, expand Storage Devices. Drag the USB Thumb Drive to a USB port on the back of the computer. On the monitor, select Click to view Windows 11. Update the driver for the network adapter. Right-click Start and select Device Manager to open Device Manager. From Device Manager, expand Network adapters. Right-click Realtek 8169 and select Update Driver. Select Browse my computer for driver software to use the driver on the USB drive. Select Browse. Select JumpDrive (E:) and then select OK. Make sure Include subfolders is selected. Select Next. After the driver is installed, select Close. Update the driver for the scanner. Expand Imaging devices to update the scanner driver. Right-click Mustek ScanExpress 1200 Pro and select Update driver. Select Search automatically for updated driver software. After the driver is installed, select Close.

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