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what is a singular noun

A singular noun is a noun that names only one person, place, thing, activity, or idea. (cat, store, person)

what is a abstract noun

feelings(love sad)

what does foot do when it ngoes to plural


what is a noun opas a subject

tells whom or what a sentence is about.

what is a proper noun

A proper noun is a noun that names a specific person, place thing, activity, or idea and must be capitalized. (Garfield, Wal-Mart, John Calvin)

what is the difference between common and proper noun

A proper noun names something specific while a common noun names any person place thing or idea

give an exemple of a comppound noun


what do you do to the noun paintbrush to make it plural

you have to add an es

what do you do to the singular noun hero to make it plural

you have to add an es

what is a collective noun

A collective noun is a type of noun that refers to a group composed of members. (flock, herd, audience)

what is a common noun

A common noun is a noun that names a non-specific person, place, thing, activity, or idea and is not capitalized.

what is a compound noun

A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words. (doorstep, bookbag, backpack, haircut)

what is the difference between a concrete noun and a abstract noun

A concrete noun refers to objects that humans can directly experience. They usually convey the same meaning to everybody. An abstract noun is one that tends to be vague and open to interpretation. As such, its use often leads to confusion.

what is plural noun

A plural noun is a noun that names more than one person, place, thing, activity, or idea. (cats, stores, people)

what kind of noun is happyness?


whatdo you do to the noun rooftop to make it plural

add an s

what do you do to the singular noun photo to make it plural

all ;you do is add an s

what do you do to the singular noun statue to make it plural?

all you do is add an s

what do you do to wolf to make it plural

change it to wolves

what does child do when you change it to plural


what kind of noun is family


whata kind of noun is pillow?

common and concrete

what kind of noun is hair

common ans concrete

what discribes themselsves?

compound nouns

whaat kind of noun is bench

concrete and common

tell what is the compound noun in this sentence the cornstalk stand tall in south dakota,a state that loves corn


compound nouns are very what?


what are some exaples of collective nouns

flock,band,choir,famiily,trio,and croud

name some exaples of a common noun

floor,char,door,hat,hair,mat.eye,mouth,shoe,and nose

What is a noun

it names a person, place, thing, or idea

what does a predicate noun do

it renames,intifies,or defines the subject after a linking verb

what does man do when you change it to plural


what does mouse do when it changes to pluralmice


what do you do the noun deer to make it plural

nothing it stays the same

what is the noun as objects of the prepitions

noun or pronoun that follows a prepation.

what does person,place,thing,and idea mean?

places=park things=backpack ideas=curiocty=persons=guide

what are then nouns in this sentence plural or singular many tourist looked at the statues

plural nouns

what is the abstract noun in this sentence We felt tremendous relief after the snake went away!


give an example of a hyphenated noun


are the nouns in this sentence singular or plural one tourist noticed a statue

singular nouns

two or more seperated noun words give an example

sleeping bag

what do plural and possive nouns choose?

the correct word in parentheses,and identify it as a plural or possive.

what is a noun as a complement

the word that completes the meaning of a verb.

can an noun be concrete and common


what do you do to cities to make it a plural noun?

you have to add an ies

what do you do you do to the singular noun wish to make it a plural

you have to adda an es

what do you do to the noun valley to make it plural?

you jusst add an s

what is the difference between singular and plural nouns

Singular nouns are one object, plural nouns are multiple objects.

what do you do to the noun chief to make it plural

you just add an s

what is a possessive noun

a noun that shows ownership

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