NUTR 1030 CHP. 4

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- pancreas - liver - gallbaldder

identify three organs that are an important part of the digestive system, even though they do not come in direct contact with food matter in the gastrointestinal tract

1. transverse colon 2. descending colon 3. sigmoid colon 4. rectum 5. anus

place in order the correct pathway that food residue travels through the large intestine beginning with the transverse colon

wotf is a function of the pancreas?

secretes bicarbonate ions to neutralize HCI

ringlike muscular contractions followed by relaxations that are designed to help to mix the chyme in the small intestine are called ____



swollen veins in the anal canal are called ____


the 5 primary taste sensations are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and ____


the ____ are tiny, finger like projections that provide an increased surface area for absorption in the small intestines.


the chemical breakdown of starch that occurs in the mouth is due to the enzyme action of

- more water than normal is secreted into the GI tract - the GI tract absorbs less water than normal

what are causes of diarrhea?

substances are taken up from the GI tract and enter the bloodstream or the lymph

which definition best describes absorption?

nutrition therapy for mild cases of constipation includes

- consuming more fiber daily - consuming more fluids daily

wotf can contribute to constipation?

- changes in routine - lack of exercise - low water intake

ulcerative colitis (UC)

____ ____ is an inflammatory process that causes ulcers to form in the mucosa of the colon and rectum.


____ is a hormone that stimulates the pancreas and liver to release a bicarbonate-rich solution to raise the pH of chyme

facilitated diffusion

____ is a process of absorption which requires a carrier protein but no energy


____ is pain typically felt in the upper chest that results from the passage of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus


a physician should be contacted when ____ lasts more than 24 hours and is accompanied by blood, signs of dehydration, severe abdominal pain, weakness or fever, and diarrhea

the main function of ____ is to emulsify fat, thus assisting in fat digestion



constipation can be caused by a diet that is ____ in fiber and water

peptic ulcer

deep, dull upper abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness that occurs about 2 hours after eating are symptoms of a ____ ____

- viral infections - bacterial infections

diarrhea is most often caused by ____

chronic constipation and straining during bowel movement play a role in the development of


a hollow space through which food and fluid pass

lumen ____

a slippery, alkaline substance that protects the stomach from its acid and digestive enzymes is called ____



one substance responsible for the digestion and absorption of fat in the small intestine is

- losing excess body weight - not overeating at mealtimes - avoiding smoking cigarettes

recommendations to reduce the risk of heartburn include

____ are thickened regions of muscle that function like valves to control the flow of contents at various points in the GI tract



starvation, antibiotic use, and excessive emotional stress are among the factors that can upset the normal balance and diversity of ____ populations in the GI tract.


the extent to which the digestive tract absorbs a nutrient and how well the body uses it is termed ____

simple diffusion

the movement of a nutrient from higher concentration (i.e. lumen) to where it is less concentrated (i.e. absorptive cells) is called

- not leave children unattended while eating - not allow children to run with foods in their mouths

to reduce the likelihood that young children will choke on food, caregivers should:

drink more water

to remedy constipation, you should

T/F: an item with a low pH is acidic



chewing food or ____ makes it easier to swallow food increasing the surface area of the food, giving enzymes greater access to nutrients

- metabolism of certain phytochemicals into forms that can be used by the body - synthesis of vitamins K, B-12, thiamin, and biotin

choose the functions of intestinal bacteria


chyme is formed in theq

after food enters the stomach, what constricts closing the opening between the esophagus and the stomach?

lower gastroesophageal sphincter

____ are food components, such as dietary fiber, that are not broken down by human digestive enzymes, but are used as fuels by beneficial bacteria in the large intestine


a primary purpose of the villi is to increase the ____ of the small intestines in order to enhance absorption rates

surface area


the hepatic portal vein takes water-soluble nutrients to the ____


the wall of the ____ is the thickest and strongest of the GI tract

what type of nutrients are absorbed into the hepatic portal vein and eventually to the liver before they enter the general circulation?

water-soluble compounds


waves if muscular contractions that propel food along the gastrointestinal tract are called ____

1. duodenum 2. jejunum 3. ileum

arrange the parts of the small intestine in order of where they appear in the GI tract

- starvation - antibiotic use - excessive emotional stress

what factor(s) can upset the normal balance of the intestinal microflora:

- combined with fever and diarrhea - presence of blood (coffee ground looking) in the vomit

when should a physician be consulted for vomiting?


almost all of the macro nutrients are digested and absorbed in the ____ intestine

the circulation of nutrients to the liver is via the ____ vein



the acid in the ____ helps to activate digestive enzymes, makes proteins easier to digest, and kills many disease causing microorganisms.

____ is a process of absorption that requires energy and a carrier protein

active transport

- lingual lipase - salivary amylase

components of saliva include

a mucus lining

how is the stomach lining protected by the stomach's acidic environment?

- makes cholesterol - manufactures bile

which of the following are functions of the liver?

salivary glands- produce and secrete salivary amylase liver- produce and secretes bile gallbladder- release bile in duodenum pancreas- produce and secrete the majority of digestive enzymes

match the accessory organ with its function

the acidic environment of the stomach is beneficial in ____

- partially digesting protein - activating some digestive enzymes - killing disease causing microorganisms

match the section of the small intestine with its correct function

duodenum- bicarbonate is secreted here jejunum- absorption of nutrients occurs in the upper part ileum- minimal absorption occurs here

mouth- begins the chemical digestion of starch stomach- muscular sac that can hold up to 4 cups of food small intestine- major site of chemical digestion and absorption large intestine- elimination of waste products esophagus- transfer of food from mouth to stomach

match the digestive organ with its function

accessory organ- gallbladder, liver GI tract- small intestine, stomach

match the organ with its location in the digestive system

the contraction of muscles in the esophagus is called


1. lemon juice 2. black coffee 3. water 4. baking soda 5. oven cleaner

place items in order from lowest pH ending with the item that has the highest pH.

under normal circumstances, ____ carbohydrate, protein, and fat escape digestion and absorption in the small intestine

very little

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