Nutrition: 7-9 Exam

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Which of the following statements about the effects of drinking alcohol is true?

Alcohol depresses the central nervous system.

Overall risk of death is lowest for women who drink __________ alcoholic drink(s) per day.


Collagen provides structure to bone, teeth, skin, and many other tissues and organs. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to ____________ because of vitamin C's critical role in collagen synthesis.

scurvy (Scurvy can include symptoms like bleeding gums, loose teeth, poor wound healing, and bone problems, all due to inadequate collagen synthesis.)

Antioxidants work by __________ free radicals.


Carol is a vegan and does not eat dairy foods. Is it possible for her to obtain the daily recommended amount of calcium from a diet without taking supplements?

Carol can easily obtain adequate amounts of calcium from natural foods, even if she is a vegan (Green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens or cabbage, and beans are excellent sources of calcium.)

Which patient is at greatest risk for osteoporosis?

Caucasian female who is underweight with an immediate relative with osteoporosis

T/F The liver breaks down and metabolizes alcohol at a rate of about 1 ounce per hour.


While excessive intakes of manganese can lead to neuromuscular impairments, adequate intakes are necessary to help facilitate important functions in the body. Which of these statements about manganese is true?

It is a component of an antioxidant enzyme system. (As a component of superoxide dismutase, manganese helps protect the body from oxidative damage by converting free radicals.)

Selenium deficiency had been associated with __________.

Keshan disease

What is the MOST accurate description of B-vitamins?

The primary role of many B-vitamins is to act as coenzymes in metabolic processes. (Many B-vitamins are particularly important in assisting energy metabolism.)

Describe the structure of Vitamin B12, what is needed to absorb it, and the purpose of Vitamin B12 in the body.

The structure of Vitamin B12 is centered around the element cobalt. To absorb Vitamin B12, it has to bind with an intrinsic factor so the ilium can absorb the vitamin. Vitamin B12 takes part in DNA synthesis in the body.

Osteoporosis can increase a person's risk for __________.

bone fractures

How does vitamin E stop oxidative damage in a cell membrane?

by donating an electron

Which of these foods is the best source of vitamin E?

canola oil

Water plays an important role in solubility, transport, blood volume, blood pressure, and regulation of body temperature. Electrolytes help maintain fluid balance and assist with the generation of nerve impulses. Each of these contributions is essential for life and must remain in balance. Choose the correct statement about water and electrolytes.

After a muscle fiber is stimulated by a nerve signal, a release of stored calcium ions leads to muscle contraction. (Sodium and potassium help generate nerve impulses. When a muscle is stimulated by these signals, calcium helps stimulate the muscle contractions.)

Beta-carotene is considered a carotenoid. Carotenoids are plant pigments found in fruits and vegetables that are orange, yellow, red, and dark green. Select the statement that correctly describes beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is better absorbed from cooked foods. (Carotenoids are bound in the cells of plants, which have tough cell walls, so light cooking helps release more beta-carotene from plant foods.)

Edgar does not like drinking milk but likes cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. What can you tell about Edgar's calcium intake?

Edgar is getting adequate calcium from his diet. Cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are good sources of calcium. (All milk products are good sources of calcium. Calcium is not lost when milk is processed.)

T/F Alcohol is considered an essential nutrient.


T/F Once absorbed into the blood, the cholecalciferol travels to the kidney for the final step in activation.


T/F The amount of urine the body produces depends only on a person's age.

False (In healthy individuals, the amount of urine their bodies produce is heavily influenced by the amount they sweat. This depends on body size, exercise intensity, and environmental temperature and humidity.)

T/F Because the body can store water like it does fat, humans can survive for 10 to 15 days without water as long as they have food to eat.

False (Water is essential for life. Although a person may be able to live weeks without food, he or she can survive only three to four days without water, especially in hot climates. He or she must maintain healthy fluid levels by balancing intake with excretion.)

T/F The Dairy Group is the only food group with a significant amount of calcium.

False (Green leafy vegetables and fish with the bones left in (canned salmon or sardines) have significant amounts of calcium.)

What do you think might be affecting Gustavo? If you learned that he was following a low-sodium diet to manage his hypertension, would this information argue for or against your assumptions about the source of his discomfort? Why or why not?

He's likely suffering hyponatremia. He's taking in a large amount of water with little salt.

T/F Calcium is actively absorbed in the upper small intestine with the aid of 1, 25 dihydroxy vitamin D.


T/F The thyroid hormone calcitonin inhibits the effects of vitamin D on calcium metabolism and works to lower calcium levels in the blood.


T/F Vitamin E is considered an antioxidant.

True (Antioxidants are compounds that can donate electrons to stabilize free radicals without themselves becoming unstable. Antioxidants include nutrients, such as vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and the mineral selenium. When present, antioxidants stop the chain reaction and potential cellular damage by providing the free radical with the additional stabilizing electron.)

Without adequate vitamin A, we would not be able to see in the dark.

True (One vital role of vitamin A is to enable the eye to adapt to light or darkness. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness, or the inability to see in dim light.)

T/F Formation of free radicals can increase your risk of cancer and heart disease.

True (The damage caused by free radicals accumulates with age, increasing the risk of heart disease and cancer.)

Describe the connection between Vitamin A and the immune system.

Vitamin A helps epithelial tissue to produce mucous that propels things like microbes and dust particles which keeps us from getting sick easily.

Vitamin K, one of the fat-soluble vitamins, plays a role in both bone health and blood clotting. Choose the correct statement about vitamin K.

Vitamin K deficiency inhibits the blood's ability to clot. (Vitamin K is important in the synthesis of several proteins, including prothrombin and proteins called procoagulants that are needed for blood to coagulate. Although deficiency is rare, it can occur in those with diseases that lead to fat malabsorption, or in those whose healthful GI flora have been decreased by antibiotics. Prolonged use of antibiotics may result in the plummeting of populations of healthful bacteria in the colon that produce vitamin K.)

Which of the following choices most completely describes the functions of water in the body?

Water is essential for all of these functions.

Which of the following statements about collagen is true?

Without collagen, bones break and wounds fail to heal.

Which of the following individuals would be MOST likely to benefit from thiamin supplementation?

a 53-year-old male with chronic heavy alcohol consumption and limited food intake (Alcohol increases the need for thiamin, while also interfering with its absorption.)

Sodium is an essential nutrient but many adults consume very high levels of sodium and not enough potassium. Many researchers believe this high sodium-to-potassium ratio increases risk of hypertension. Choose the meal below that would be the best choice for a person trying to limit sodium while consuming adequate potassium.

a low-fat yogurt parfait with granola, sliced bananas, and dried apricots with water To optimize your sodium and potassium intakes, consume more whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Limit processed foods and fast food.

Which of the following lists presents the foods in order from the best to the poorest source of iron?

beef, dark meat chicken, white meat chicken (Darker meats have more iron because of their higher myoglobin and hemoglobin content.)

Excessive vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy can result in __________.

birth defects

The active form of vitamin D, also known as a hormone, is called _____.


To reduce their risk for having a child with a neural tube defect, women should __________

consume a diet rich in folate both before and throughout pregnancy.

Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) provides a measure of bone __________.


Lifestyle factors associated with an increased risk for cancer include all of these except __________.

eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables (Phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables may protect against several cancers.)

Vitamin A is __________.

essential for the functioning of the retina

The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages is _____.


The absorption of alcohol by the body can be slowed by __________.

fatty food in the stomach

Fluids are lost from the body during __________.

fever, defecation, and exercise

After exercising on a hot day you experience sweating, increased thirst, weakness, muscle cramps, nausea, and dizziness. This is most likely

heat exhaustion

This condition is a result of excess vitamin D consumption.


This results when blood calcium levels reach abnormally high levels.


Antioxidants do not _______________.

increase oxidative damage (Antioxidants can reduce oxidative damage by donating electrons, stabilizing free radicals, and preventing damage to cells and tissues.)

During pregnancy a mother's fluid loss is __________.


Which of the following is a potential benefit of moderate drinking?

increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels

Potassium is the major positively charged electrolyte in __________.

intracellular fluid

Over half of a healthy adult's weight comes from fluid. It is present as extracellular fluid (which includes tissue fluid, plasma, and lymph) or intracellular fluid. Complete the sentence below about body fluid. About two-thirds of our body fluid is known as _______________.

intracellular fluid (All cells contain fluid; therefore, proper fluid balance is vitally important.)

Beta-carotene is a plant chemical that also __________.

is an inactive form of vitamin A and has antioxidant properties

Chloride is important to human health because it __________.

joins with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Jessi is a vegan and knows she needs to consume more iron. She does not want to take supplements, but instead get iron from natural foods. Which of the following would be the best source of iron for Jessi that does not include animal products?

lentils (Beans and lentils are great source of non-heme iron.)

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that results in __________.

loss of electrons

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by __________.

low bone mass

The three primary sources of fluid for our bodies are beverages, foods, and __________.


The movement of water across a membrane toward a higher concentration of solutes is called __________.


Bone formation involves the action of __________.


____________ is/are responsible for breaking down bone during remodeling.


Who is at greatest risk for vitamin E deficiency?

people with liver or gallbladder diseases

The iron atoms in hemoglobin __________.

pick up, transport, and release oxygen

Among older adults, a diet high in this macronutrient can support increased bone mass when supplementing with calcium and vitamin D.


Deficiency of either folate or B12 can impair the production of red blood cells and __________.

result in macrocytic anemia

Which form of vitamin A enables the eye to react to changes in light?

retinal (In the aldehyde form, retinal enables the eye to react to changes in the brightness of light and to distinguish among different wavelengths.)

The pigment that is responsible for night vision is called __________.

rhodopsin (The pigment molecules that are responsible for night vision are called rhodopsin and are composed of retinal and a protein called opsin.)

The B-vitamin _____________ is part of two coenzymes that help break down glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids.

riboflavin (Riboflavin is a part of two coenzymes, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), which help break down glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids.)

An example of a healthy drink that will replenish the body's fluids is __________.

seltzer water

The most important electrolyte in the extracellular fluid is _____.


These two minerals are the predominate ions in extracellular fluid.

sodium, chloride

Which of the following vegetables would be the best source of iron?


Which meal is the highest contributor to dietary vitamin K intake?

spinach salad with broccoli, red peppers, and ranch dressing at lunch

What do antioxidants do to free radicals?

stabilize them so they no longer damage cell membranes and other body structures and compounds

When your friend has had too much to drink and has passed out, it is usually safe to __________.

take the person to the hospital

Alcohol is a known __________, a substance that causes fetal harm.


The majority of excess water is excreted through __________.

urine output (The kidneys help to monitor water balance by either excreting or retaining consumed fluid. The majority of excess water is excreted through urine output. Water is also lost through sweating. Degree of sweating affects urine output. Another liter is lost each day through the lungs via breathing. The other route of water excretion is through the gastrointestinal tract in the feces, which accounts for approximately 200 ml per day in a healthy individual.)

Vitamin A is essential to __________.


Vitamin C regenerates this vitamin after it has been oxidized.

vitamin E

Good sources of fluoride include dental products and __________.


Supplementation with large doses of niacin may result in __________.

"flushing" (Niacin supplementation can cause burning, tingling, itching, and redness known as the "niacin flush.")

Which of the following statements about alcohol is correct?

-Alcohol does not need to be digested before it can be absorbed. -Women absorb about one-third more alcohol than men because women have fewer stomach enzymes that break down the alcohol prior to absorption. -On an empty stomach, alcohol can be absorbed through the lining of the stomach.

The body needs adequate amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin to function properly. What are the potential side effects and deficiency diseases associated with inadequate intake of these nutrients? Choose the correct statements about deficiency disorders.

-Alcohol-related thiamin deficiency is called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. (Deficiencies of niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin are rare in the United States, due in part to enrichment of processed grains.) -Beriberi is rare in the United States. (Deficiencies of niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin are rare in the United States, due in part to enrichment of processed grains.) -Most adults get adequate riboflavin in their diets. (Deficiencies of niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin are rare in the United States, due in part to enrichment of processed grains.)

One way the body works to maintain fluid balance is via the thirst mechanism. This mechanism stimulates the desire to drink fluids in response to changes in blood volume, blood pressure, and concentration of sodium in the blood. Fluids are regularly lost through urine, feces, sweat, evaporation, and exhalation. In some cases, the amount is small, but in certain situations, the fluid loss can be significant. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about fluid intake and excretion.

-An increased concentration of sodium and other dissolved substances in the blood leads to increased thirst. (The thirst mechanism is prompted by both an increased concentration of sodium (and other dissolved substances) as well as a decrease in blood volume and pressure. Keep in mind that this mechanism may not be the best indicator of thirst in all age groups or situations. It is also important to understand factors that can increase risk of dehydration like intense physical activity, diarrhea, or diuretic use.) -Low blood pressure can stimulate thirst. (The thirst mechanism is prompted by both an increased concentration of sodium (and other dissolved substances) as well as a decrease in blood volume and pressure. Keep in mind that this mechanism may not be the best indicator of thirst in all age groups or situations. It is also important to understand factors that can increase risk of dehydration like intense physical activity, diarrhea, or diuretic use.)

Hydration status can be determined by paying attention to various indicators. Read the statements below and select the correct statements regarding how to assess hydration.

-Dark urine can be an indicator of water imbalance. -Reduced saliva production can be an indicator of dehydration. -Weighing the body before and after exercise can be used to detect overhydration and dehydration.

John consumed a large margarita that contained 14 grams of carbohydrate and 24 grams of alcohol. How many kilocalories did he consume?

224 kilocalories

Ultraviolet rays react with _____ in the skin to begin the process of forming vitamin D.


Which statement regarding water balance is true?

A woman on a daily diet of 2500 kcal needs approximately 3000 ml of water. (Based on a diet of approximately 2500 calories per day, a woman would need a total daily water intake of 3000 ml. About 300 to 400 ml comes from water formed from the body's reactions, called metabolic water; 500 ml comes from food; and beverages provide the balance of 2100 to 2200 ml. An 8-fl oz glass of water is about 240 ml, so she would need to drink about 9 glasses of beverages to meet her needs.)

Beverage choices are plentiful, and all contribute to a person's fluid needs. Some provide important nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, while others contribute a substantial amount of sugar and caffeine. Choosing wisely can affect overall health as well as weight-management efforts. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about popular beverages.

-Flavored milk and milk substitutes may provide important nutrients, but can also be a significant source of added sugars. (If a person is looking to avoid unwanted calories and ingredients, pure water is generally the best beverage choice. Another healthful choice is skim milk for those looking for a source of calcium and vitamin D and who can tolerate lactose.) -Sports beverages offer no established benefits for people who do little or no regular exercise or manual labor. (If a person is looking to avoid unwanted calories and ingredients, pure water is generally the best beverage choice. Another healthful choice is skim milk for those looking for a source of calcium and vitamin D and who can tolerate lactose.)

Which statement regarding free radicals is FALSE?

-Free radicals steal electrons from phospholipids found in cell membranes. -Free radicals can be neutralized by antioxidants -Free radicals contain an unpaired electron. x Free radicals donate electrons to unstable compounds. (Free radicals are formed when the bonds of a molecule split in a way that leaves an odd unpaired electron. Free radicals inadvertently damage surrounding stable compounds by stealing an electron to recover their stability. The compound from which the electron is stolen then itself becomes unstable, and a chain reaction of damage occurs. When free radicals are formed in cell membranes, they steal electrons from the phospholipid layer. This results in damage to the lipid molecule and generation of more free radicals. If enough lipid molecules are damaged, the cell integrity will be lost and the membrane will no longer function as it should. Antioxidants donate electrons to the free radical without undergoing any change themselves.)

Which statement regarding calcium is FALSE?

-Most of the calcium in our bodies, 99 percent, is found in bones and teeth. -Calcium makes up approximately 2 percent of body weight. -When dietary calcium is low, calcium is removed from the bone to maintain blood calcium levels. x Approximately 50 percent of calcium is found in the blood.

Imbalances of fluid and electrolytes can be caused by a variety of situations and health conditions. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about risks of electrolyte imbalance.

-Muscle cramps or weakness can occur as a result of electrolyte imbalances. (It is important to take steps to prevent dehydration and heatstroke. Certain health conditions can also cause fluid or electrolyte imbalances. Individuals may need to work with healthcare providers to adjust their diets or lifestyle choices accordingly.) -Overweight football players practicing in a humid environment have several risk factors for heatstroke. (It is important to take steps to prevent dehydration and heatstroke. Certain health conditions can also cause fluid or electrolyte imbalances. Individuals may need to work with healthcare providers to adjust their diets or lifestyle choices accordingly.)

Some types of vitamin A are immediately usable by the body, while other types need to be converted first. Read the statements below and select the correct statements regarding the conversion of provitamin A carotenoids to retinol.

-Retinol is the most usable form of preformed vitamin A. -Preformed vitamin A is only found in animal food sources, foods that are fortified, or supplements.

Water contained in the food or drink you consume is absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. There are many routes by which water can then leave the body, resulting in water loss. Read the statements below and select the correct statements regarding water loss.

-The greatest amount of water loss occurs via production of urine by the kidneys. -Water loss through breathing (respiration) is a type of insensible water loss.

It is important to understand where to find calcium in food, but there are a variety of factors that can interfere with the absorption of even the best sources of calcium. Which of these statements describe ways calcium bioavailability or absorption may be reduced?

-consuming large amounts of calcium at one time (Understanding the factors that reduce bioavailability of calcium can help you maximize absorption from the calcium sources in your diet.) -choosing calcium sources high in oxalates, like spinach (Understanding the factors that reduce bioavailability of calcium can help you maximize absorption from the calcium sources in your diet.)

All of these are important functions of water in our bodies EXCEPT __________.

-lubricating tissues -maintaining body temperature -transporting substances x regulating fluid balance (It is the electrolytes, not water itself, that regulate fluid balance.)

All of the following are more common signs and symptoms of cancer except __________.

-unexplained weight loss -nagging cough or hoarseness -fever x unexplained weight gain (Weight gain is not a common sign of cancer although some patients with certain cancers may present with weight gain (ovarian and certain pituitary cancers are examples).)

It takes the liver up to _____ hour(s) to metabolize one standard alcoholic drink.

1.5 to 2

Which statement(s) correctly describe(s) the role of hormones in calcium metabolism? Be aware that all statements may be correct.

Parathyroid hormone is released when dietary calcium levels are low. (When a diet is low in calcium, blood calcium levels fall, signaling the parathyroid gland to release another hormone known as parathyroid hormone, or PTH. This hormone stimulates the activation of vitamin D in the kidneys. The activation of vitamin D promotes reabsorption of calcium by the kidney, increases calcium absorption in the intestine, and stimulates osteoclasts to resorb calcium from bone.)

The primary role of the B vitamins as a group is to __________.

activate enzymes essential for energy metabolism

One of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of cancer is __________.

avoid tobacco use

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