Nutrition Ch. 4

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Tooth decay is the only health problem clearly associated with eating


Fibers that are not readily dissolved in water and not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria are called

insoluble fiber

The combination of a very high fiber intake and low fluid intake can lead to

intestinal blockages, constipation

Patients who experience reactive hypoglycemia may benefit from eating

meals on a regular schedule, meals with a mixture of macronutrients

Which of the following are sources of strach in the diet?

potatoes, whole wheat bread, pasta

Lactase is produced by the cells of the

small intestine

Which type of fiber is fermented by bacteria in the large intestine?

soluble fiber

Name the three components of whole grain?

Endosperm, germ, bran

Which Macro-nutrient provides 9 kcal per gram?


A diet excessive in ______ may decrease the absoprion of essential minerals such as iron and zinc


Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit?


Glycogen is a branched structure comprised of many________ units bonded together?


Name the Major monosaccharide found in the body?


____ is also known as dextrose or blood sugar


In the human body, the form of carbohydrate that circulates in the blood and serves as a source of immediate energy is___. This can be stored in the live or muscle tissue in the form of_____.

Glucose; glycogen

What are the two common forms of carbohydrate used by the cell as fuel?

Glycogen, Glucose

Why is a high fiber diet helpful in weight loss?

It provides few calories and contributes to satiety

Milk and other dairy products are major food sources of?


Which of the following are major storage sites for glycogen?

Liver and Muscle

____ is a disaccharide important in the formation of alcoholic beverages


_____, or malt sugar, has two glucose molecules bonded together.


Where does the enzymatic digestion of carbohydrates begin?


Which of these sweeteners provide significant calories when consumed in amounts typically used in food products?

Sugars and sugar alcohols

What is a hemorrhoid?

Swelling of a large vein in the anal region

The five subgroups that vegetables are organized include:

beans and peas, dark green vegetables, starchy vegetable, red and orange vegetables

True or False: A person is diagnosed as being diabetic when his/her blood sugar reaches a level of 90 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood


True or False: Consumption of sugar induces hyperactivity among children


Sucrose is made up of two monosaccharides: Glucose and________


Which of the following are examples of simple sugars?

glucose, galactose, fructose

in the liver, galactose is either transformed into ____ or further metabolized into____.

glucose; glycogen

if no carbohydrates are consumed, the liver's supply of _____ will be depleted within 18 hours


Which MyPlate food groups provide many high-fiber foods?

grains, vegetables. fruits


highly branched chain of glucose units

Type 2 diabetes can often be effectively managed through

physical activity, moderate weight loss, diet

True or False: Fermentable fiber is a fiber that is not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria


True or False: Type 2 diabetic patients always require insulin


True or False: insoluble fiber in the large intestine is fermented by bacteria, which results in the formation of gas


Which type of carbohydrate is formed by linking many of glucose units together?


n metabolic syndrome, which of the following maybe elevated?

blood pressure, fastin glucose, triglycerides

People with diabetes nearly always develop

cardiovascular disease

Which of the following are examples of polysaccharides?

cellulose, amylose,amylopectin

Lactose intolerance

chronically decreased production of lactase resulting in severe abdominal pain even in small amounts of lactose

Primary lactose maldigestion

chronically decreased production of lactase with no apparent cause; may cause abdominal pain, gas, ans diarrhea after large amounts of lactase

Following traditional symptoms of diabetes?

excessive thirst, hunger and frequent urination

True or False: Dietary fiber includes indigestible plant and animal materials


Healthy carbohydrate alternatives to fast-food and college cafeterias include?

fat-free milk, fresh fruit, yogurt

What has contributed to fewer dental caries in North American children over the last 20 years?

fluoridated water, fluorude toothpaste

Honey contains....

fructose and glucose

Fermentation of undigested carbohydrates in the large intestine leads to the production of


Most of the fructose consumed in the diet is converted to_____ in the liver?


Symptoms of hypoglycemia should resolve quickly with the consumption of

glucose, carbohydrate

Sugar alcohols are used in

gum, candy, breath mints

Most cases of type 1 diabetes begin with an___ system disorder, which causes destrucion of the_____- producing cells in the____

immune; insulin; pancreas


increases blood glucose

What is the primary function of carbohydrates in the body?

provide energy

A high-fiber diet may improve blood cholesterol measurements because

reduced insulin secretion results in lower cholesterol synthesis in the liver, fatty acids produced during fermentation of soluble fiber in the large intestine reduce cholesterol synthesis in the liver, soluble fiber binds to cholesterol in the GI tract, causing it to be excreted

Which of the following are symptoms of hypoglycemia?

shakiness, hunger, sweating

secondary lactose maldigestion

temporarily decreased production of lactase due to specific cause, sauch as an intestinal virus; may cause abdominal pain... ect.

Which of the following are sources of starch in the diet?

whole wheat bread, potatoes, pasta

What is the RDA for carbohydrates for adults?

130 grams per day

a serving from the grains category of MyPlate provides ___ grams of carbohydrates.


A serving from MyPlate fruit group provides ___ grams of carbohydrates


A serving from the dairy group of MyPlate provides ___ grams of carbohydrates?


A medium banana provides approximately what percentage of the RDA for carbohydrate?


According to the Food and Nutrition Board, Carbohydrates should provide _____ % to ___% of total calories in the diet.


A high-___ dietary pattern is cleary associated with development of dental caries?


Aspartame is an alternative sweetener made of two _____ acids and methanol.


Because of its branched polysaccharide structure, ____ is digested more rapidly than_____

amylopectin; amylose

Name the long, straight-chain type of starch that makes up about %20 of digestible starch


Key nutrients provided by dairy products are:

Calcium, potassium, vitamin D, protein

A serving from the MyPlate vegetable group provides ___ grams of carbohydrates


Best description pf a starch?

A carbohydrate made of multiple units of glucose attached together in a form the body can digest

what is satiety?

A feeling of being more full

Soft Drinks and dairy desserts are major sources of ____ in the American Diet

Calories, added sugars

Saccharin, aspatme, sucralose, neotame, acesulfame-K, stevia, luo han guo, and advantame are examples of _____ that are available in the United States?

Alternative Sweeteners

Which of the following are good sources of viscous fiber?

Apples, kidney beans, carrots

Which of the following are common food sources of amylose?

Beans, vegetables, breads

Which of the following are easy ways to increase your dietary fiber intakes to meet the Als?

Choose whole grains, fiber-rich fruits, vegetables

What statements are true about fiber?

Complex Carbohydrate, Adds bulk to feces, a substance found in plants

Which of the following alternative sweeteners was once believed to cause bladder cancer but since has been proven safe?


Digestion of carbohydrates by human enzymes takes place in which sections of the GI tract.

Small intestine and mouth

True or False: A high-fiber diet may increase the availability of nutrients


True or False: Amylase is an enzyme that is released from the salivary glands and the pancreas


True or False: Cellulose is and undigestible, nonfermentable, straight-chain polysaccharide made of glucose molecules


True or False: The dietary Guidelines recommend increasing whole grain intake by replacing some refined grains with whole grains.


True or False: The increased bulk of a high-fiber meal promotes feeling of fullness without yielding many calories


True or False: The main function of glucose is to provide the body with a source of fuel.


True or false: Aspartame does not cause tooth decay


True or false: Both fiber and starch are types of polysaccharides


True or false: The cooking process is often viewed as the starting point of carbohydrate digestion because cooking helps to soften the tough connective fibers in the plants


Which fruits are great sources of dietary fiber?

Whole or Cut Up

Which of the following is a sugar alcohol


Fiber is considered to be ?

a polysaccharide

Solube fiber ______ the absoption of cholesterol and cholesterol-rich bile acids into the blood



decreases blood glucose


staright chain of glucose units

The artificial sweetener ____ is considered useful in bakin because it resists destruction by heat


In which part of the GI tract does a minor amount of carbohydrate digestion begin

the mouth

True or False: The liver and muscles are the major storage sites for glycogen


True or false: Functional fiber must show beneficial effects in humans, whereas total fiber is the combination of dietary fiber and functional fiber in the food


True or false: the liver and muscles are the major storage sites for glycogen


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