Nutrition Exam 2

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form of undernutrition that results in a child with kwashiorkor who then starts to not consume enough energy; characterized by edema and wasting

Marasmic kwashiorkor

form of undernutrition that results from starvation; diet lacks energy and nutrients


water-soluble spherical lipid cluster


lipid that has one fatty acid attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol


fatty acid that has one double bond within the carbon chain

Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)

change to the typical sequence of a gene's DNA components


_____ is used to make urea


state in which the body loses more nitrogen than it retains

Negative nitrogen balance

balancing of nitrogen intake with nitrogen losses

Nitrogen balance or nitrogen equilibrium

group of amino acids that the body can make

Nonessential amino acids

study of how inherited genetic variations influence the body's responses to specific nutrients and nutrient combinations


study of how nutrients affect the expression of a person's genome


study of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics

Nutritional genomics

_____ is a rich source of MUFAs

Olive oil

the end of a fatty acid containing a methyl (-CH3) group

Omega (methyl) end

Alpha-linolenic acid is a ______ fatty acid


a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid with the first double bond at the third carbon from the omega end of the molecule

Omega‒3 fatty acid

Linoleic acid is a ____ fatty acid

Omega‒6 fatty acid

a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid with the first double bond at the sixth carbon from the omega end of the molecule

Omega‒6 fatty acid

vegetarian who eats eggs for animal protein


LDL that has been damaged by free radicals and contributes to atherosclerosis

Oxidized LDL

the digestive enzyme that removes two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule

Pancreatic lipase

the food manufacturing process that adds hydrogen atoms to liquid vegetable oil, forming trans fats

Partial hydrogenation

chemical attraction that connects two amino acids together

Peptide bond

small chains of two or more amino acids


making dietary choices based on one's genetic makeup

Personalized nutrition

vegetarian who consumes fish, milk products, and eggs for animal protein


genetic metabolic disorder characterized by the inability to convert the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine, resulting in accumulation of phenylalanine


a type of lipid needed to make cell membranes and for proper functioning of nerve cells


chemicals found in plants that are structurally similar to cholesterol

Plant sterols and stanols

proteins comprised of 50 or more amino acids


fatty acid that has two or more double bonds within the carbon chain

Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)

state in which the body retains more nitrogen than it loses

Positive nitrogen balance

a linear chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds; the basic structure of protein

Primary structure

a class of eicosanoids that produce a variety of important effects in the body


measure of protein quality based on amino acid composition score and digestibility of a protein food

Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) -

measure of protein quality based on the ability of a protein to support weight gain in a laboratory animal

Protein efficiency ratio (PER)

cellular process of breaking down proteins and recycling their amino acids

Protein turnover

occurs when the diet lacks sufficient protein and energy

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)

the structure of protein that is comprised of two or more polypeptide chains arranged together in a unique matter

Quaternary structure

a high-quality protein against which quality of other proteins is measured

Reference protein

a fatty acid that has each carbon atom within the chain filled with hydrogen atoms

Saturated fatty acid (SFA)

the coiling of a polypeptide chain

Secondary structure

a hormone that stimulates the liver to produce bile and the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juice


a person who usually avoids red meat but consumes other animal foods, including fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products

Semivegetarian ("flexitarian")

_____ & ________chain fatty acids diffuse into the absorptive cells of the villi

Short and medium

______is an inherited form of anemia characterized by abnormal hemoglobin

Sickle cell anemia

_______ is a reliable way to identify allergens

Skin patch testing

Engaging in moderate-intensity physical activity at least ___ days a week and balancing energy intake with energy expenditure each day can help people achieve and maintain healthy body weights


Medium-chain fatty acids have ________ carbons

6 to 12

Normal values of BUN are ___ to ___ mg/dL

6 to 20

Triglyceride Comprises _____% of lipids in food and the human body


a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol away from tissues to the liver to be eliminated

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)

protein that contains all essential amino acids in amounts that support the deposition of protein in tissues and the growth of a young person

High-quality (complete) protein

a protein produced primarily by the liver in response to inflammation; a marker of CVD

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein

_______ diet should be followed with celiac disease

A gluten-free

a series of blood tests to evaluate total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels

A lipoprotein profile

an 18-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid with three double bonds; an essential fatty acid

Alpha-linolenic acid

compounds that include amino groups in their chemical structure


nitrogen-containing compounds that are not proteins but have important physiological roles

Amino acid derivatives

a fatty buildup in the artery, forms, interfering with circulation

Arterial plaque

a condition that results from atherosclerosis and is characterized by loss of arterial flexibility


a long-term disease process in which plague builds up inside arterial walls


______ are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and by repetitive behaviors or interests

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), or autism

a measure of protein quality based on how well and quickly the body converts food protein into body tissue protein

Biological value (BV) (most animal sources have a high BV)

_______ are used to diagnose celiac disease

Blood tests and intestinal biopsies

measure of the concentration of urea in blood

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

•Elevated LDL is strongly linked to increased risk of _____


remains of an amino acid following deamination and removal of the nitrogen-containing component of the amino acid

Carbon skeleton

an organic molecule with a carboxyl (-COOH) group

Carboxylic acid

a group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

______ is a high-quality protein found in milk that is often the reference protein for PER


inherited condition in which the protein gluten cannot be absorbed; results in damage to the small intestine and poor absorption of nutrients

Celiac disease

surgery to remove a diseased gallbladder


a hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile and the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pancreatic lipase

Cholecystokinin (CCK)

a lipid found in animal foods; precursor for steroid hormones, bile, and vitamin D


a water-soluble vitamin-like compound and a component of lecithin


a type of lipoprotein formed in enterocytes to transport lipids away from the GI tract


mixing certain plant foods to provide all essential amino acids without adding animal products

Complementary combinations

hereditary material that provides instructions for making proteins

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

conditions characterized by unpleasant physical reactions following consumption of certain foods

Food intolerances

hard particles that can accumulate in the gallbladder or become lodged in one of the ducts carrying bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine


the most common lipid storage disease

Gaucher disease (caused by a deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase)

portion of DNA


an amino acid that may play a role in the development of atherosclerosis


a group of conditions caused by gene mutations that cause homocysteine to accumulate in the blood


a chain of carbon atoms bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms

Hydrocarbon chain

_______ denatures food proteins and activates pepsin

Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

type of protein found in many grains; provides texture and shape to baked products


uncomfortable symptoms that develop following consumption of gluten, but the individual does not have damage to the small intestine

Gluten sensitivity

protein that lacks or has inadequate amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids

Low-quality (incomplete) protein

_____ is a nitrogen-containing waste produced by muscles


As blood concentrations of triglycerides increase, HDL levels _____


Fat malabsorption symptoms include:

diarrhea, steatorrhea, and rapid weight loss

By helping to maintain fluid balance, proteins prevent ______


choline is found in ___

egg yolks, liver, wheat germ, peanut butter, and soybeans

Arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are all essential fatty acids that are precursors to ________


By having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, a phospholipid can serve as an ______


Substance that helps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds mix with each other


fatty acids that must be supplied by the diet


a hydrocarbon chain found in lipids; one end of the chain forms a carboxylic acid, and one end forms a methyl group

fatty acid

less than 5% of undigested fat is excreted in ____


hold oxidized LDL within the arterial wall

foam cells

A _____ is an inflammatory response that results when the immune system reacts inappropriately to one or more harmless substances (allergens) in a food

food allergy

____ stores bile until needed


a three-carbon alcohol that forms the "backbone" of fatty acids


HDL is "_____" cholesterol

good (conveys lipids AWAY from tissues)

bile salts return to the liver via ____

hepatic portal vein

part of a molecule that attracts water


what is the difference between a phospholipid and a triglyceride

in phospholipids, one of the fatty acids is replaced by a chemical group that contains phosphorus

a class of nutrients that do not dissolved in water


____ produces bile


Vegetarian diets are often ____ in fat and energy than Western diets that contain animal foods


Long-chain fatty acids, bile, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins pack together in ______


another term for heart attack

myocardial infarction

occurs when a thrombus completely blocks blood flow to the heart muscle and the muscle dies

myocardial infarction

an 18-carbon monounsaturated fatty acid

oleic acid

transports cholesterol into arterial lining

oxidized LDL

______ is a gastric enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller polypeptides


proteins found in:

plants, animals, bacteria, and viruses

what are the most naturally occurring proteins


•Tryptophan is a precursor for ____ •Tyrosine is a precursor for ______

serotonin epinephrine

The majority of lipid absorption occurs in the ______

small intestine

the ___ is the primary site for digestion and absorption

small intestine

the pancreas secretes a mixture of enzymes, including lipase, into the ______

small intestine

a healthy artery has a ___ lining


Protein digestion begins in the _____


occurs when a clot blocks an artery in the brain


When micelles come close to villi:

their contents diffuse into absorptive cells

After absorption, fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides, and phospholipid fragments are reassembled into _____ & ______

triglycerides and phospholipids

list the 3 lipids

triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols

T or F Protein deficiency is uncommon in the U.S.


Most triglycerides contain a mixture of _________ fatty acids

unsaturated and saturated

creatinine is eliminated in


Phospholipids are partially ______ soluble because the phosphorus-containing portion of the molecule is __________, but it also has a _______ portion

water hydrophilic hydrophobic

Adequate Intake (AI) for alpha-linolenic acid is: •____ g/day for men •______ g/day for women

•1.6 g/day for men •1.1 g/day for women

how to prevent Steatorrhea

•Eat smaller, more frequent meals and avoid high-fat meals

Rich sources of cholesterol

•Egg yolk •Liver •Meat •Poultry •Dairy products

____ diets can help autism

•Gluten- and casein-free (GF/CF)

Typical Western diet that contains high amounts of red meat and processed meats has been associated with chronic diseases:

•Heart disease •Colorectal cancer •Diabetes

High-protein diets may lead to:

•Higher-than-normal urinary losses of calcium •Osteoporosis •Dehydration •Poor kidney health

Each amino acid has a carbon atom that anchors:

•Hydrogen atom •Amino or nitrogen-containing group •R group (side chain) •Carboxylic acid group

Fatty acids are identified by:

•Number of carbon atoms •The type of bond between carbon atoms

Vegetarians have a lower risk of:

•Obesity •Type 2 diabetes •Hypertension •Certain cancers

Consumption of red meats and processed meats has also been associated with cancers of the:

•Pancreas •Stomach •Esophagus

example of legumes

•Peas •Peanuts •Lentils •Soybeans

who is at risk for protein deficiency

•People suffering from alcoholism, anorexia nervosa, or certain intestinal tract disorders •Individuals with low incomes, especially the elderly

Major functions of proteins in the body:

•To build new cells and many functional components of cells •As a component of hardened structures, such as hair and nails •As enzymes to speed chemical reactions

After polypeptides enter the small intestine, the pancreas secretes protein-splitting enzymes:

•Trypsin and chymotrypsin

To make dishes that contain complementary amino acid combinations, consumers must know:

•Which plant foods are good protein sources •Which essential amino acids are limiting or low in those plant foods

____ & ______ acid are essential fatty acids

linoleic and alpha-linolenic

enzymes that break down lipids


bile salts aid in ______

lipid digestion

dietary fat & cholesterol recommendations: -Total fat: ____ to ____% of total calories -Saturated fat: Less than ____% of total calories -Linoleic acid: __ to ____% of total calories -Alpha-linolenic acid: ____ to ____% of total calories -Cholesterol: -Trans fat:

-Total fat: 20 to 35% of total calories -Saturated fat: Less than 10% of total calories -Linoleic acid: 5 to 10% of total calories -Alpha-linolenic acid: 0.6 to 1.2% of total calories -Cholesterol: As little as possible while consuming a healthy diet -Trans fat: Keep intake as low as possible

A healthy adult's RDA for protein is ___ g/kg of body weight


autism affects _____ children in the United States

1 in 68

AMDR is ____-_____% of energy from protein


Americans consume about ___% of their total daily energy from saturated fat, __% from monounsaturated fat, and ____% from polyunsaturated fats

11 12 8

Normal values of UUN are ___ to ___ g in a 24-hour urine sample

12 to 20

Long-chain fatty acids have _______ carbons

14 to 24

Protein comprises about ____% of the typical adult American's total energy intake


Adequate Intake (AI) for linoleic acid is: •_____ g/day for men •_____ g/day for women

17 g/day for men •12 g/day for women

Short-chain fatty acids have __________ carbons

2 to 4

There are ____ different amino acids found in the proteins of the human body


AMDR for total fat is ____ to ____%

20 to 35

Average cholesterol consumption is ____ mg/day for males and ____ mg/day for females

325 229

removal of the nitrogen-containing group from an amino acid


_______ permanently alters a protein's natural shape and function by exposing it to conditions such as heat, acids, and physical agitation


lipid that has two fatty acids attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol


a group of long-chain fatty acids with hormone like functions


a thrombus or part of a plaque that breaks free and travels through the bloodstream


a source of nitrogen from within the body


process that recycles bile salts in the body

Enterohepatic circulation

amino acids the body cannot make or cannot make enough of to meet its needs

Essential amino acids

a source of nitrogen from outside the body (dietary protein)


T or F Unnecessary amino acids are stored for later use

FALSE Unnecessary amino acids undergo deamination

T or F major digestion of fat takes place in the stomach

FALSE only minor digestions of fat takes place in the stomach

T or F Most plant foods are sources of high-quality proteins

FALSE plant food are NOT good sources of high quality protein

In 2015, ______ determined that partially hydrogenated oils pose a health risk and the agency banned their use in foods


impaired fat absorption

Fat malabsorption

part of a molecule that avoids water and attracts lipids


conditions that occur when genes undergo mutations that disrupt metabolism of specific nutrients

Inborn errors of metabolism

form of undernutrition that results from consuming adequate energy and insufficient high-quality protein


vegetarian who consumes milk products and eggs for animal protein


vegetarian who consumes milk and milk products for animal protein


_____ plants that produce pods with a single row of seeds


the essential amino acid found in the lowest concentration in a protein source

Limiting amino acid

an 18-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid with two double bonds; an essential fatty acid

Linoleic acid

genetic conditions that cause lipid accumulation in cells, damaging tissues

Lipid storage diseases

an enzyme in capillary walls, breaks down the triglycerides

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL)

_______ play major roles in the development of atherosclerosis


water-soluble structures that transport lipids through the bloodstream


a lipoprotein that carries cholesterol into tissue

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

class of prescription drugs that interfere with liver's metabolism of cholesterol, reducing LDL and triglycerides


an 18-carbon saturated fatty acid

Stearic acid

presence of lipid in the stool


lipids that have a more chemically complex structure than a triglyceride or fatty acid


T or F Animal foods generally provide higher amounts of protein than similar quantities of plant foods


T or F trans fat is more solid at room temperature than cis fatty acids


the three dimensional, twisted structure of a polypeptide chain that includes interactions between various amino acid groups on the chain

Tertiary structure

_______ transports chylomicrons to the thoracic duct

The lymphatic system (through the left subclavian vein)

fixed bunch of clots that remain in place and disrupt blood


transfer of the nitrogen-containing group from an unneeded amino acid to a carbon skeleton to form an amino acid


a lipid that has three fatty acids attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol


T or F Oil is LESS dense than water, so it will rise to the top of a solution


a fatty acid that is missing hydrogen atoms and has one or more double bonds within the carbon chain

Unsaturated fatty acid

measure of the concentration of urea in urine

Urine urea nitrogen (UUN)

vegetarian who eats only plant foods


people who eat plant-based diets


a lipoprotein made in the liver that carries much of the triglycerides in the bloodstream

Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

a drug that inhibits intestinal absorption of cholesterol, lowering LDL levels


choline is used to form _____


Cells that store triglycerides

adipose cells

VLDLs shuttle lipids to ______

adipose cells

Enzymes within microvilli break down di- and tripeptides into_______

amino acids

Amino acids not incorporated into proteins become part of

an amino acid pool to use for future protein synthesis

Serious drop in blood pressure that occurs when sensitive people are exposed to food allergens; can be fatal


Partial hydrogenation raises ______ cholesterol levels in the blood


LDL is "____" cholesterol

bad (conveys lipids TO tissue)

proteins act as a _____


After absorption, amino acids enter _________

capillary of villus

proteins are made up of

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

The ____ arteries convey blood to the brain


Amino acids are carried to absorptive cells by ________

carrier systems

gallstones usually consist of


Most naturally occurring unsaturated fatty acids are _____ fatty acids


how is treatment for anaphylaxis administered

involves injecting a medication

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