NV Certified Pesticide Applicator General PRACTICE Exam

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A fundamental concept of integrated pest management is that a certain number of pests can and should be tolerated. For crop production, the threshold where pest control measures are initiated is called the economic threshold, which is defined as the point at which some form of control must be applied in order to prevent unacceptable economic damage to the crop. Select one: True False


Before any control measures are used to limit or eliminate trash fish, you must contact the Nevada Department of Wildlife. Select one: True False


Contact herbicides kill the plant only where the herbicide chemicals touch the plant. Select one: True False


Controlling perennial plants is best done at seedling and bud or early flowering stages of growth. Select one: True False


Identifying a pest and researching its life cycle will help you plan pesticide applications and other control measures that are most appropriate to the pest. Select one: True False


Certified applicators may apply pesticides for hire. Select one: True False

False (Certified applicators may apply or supervise the application of Restricted Use Pesticides. They may not charge for the service!)

A Restricted Use Pesticide is always deadly to humans. Select one: True False

False (Restricted use pesticides are those that have been found to have the potential to injure humans, animals or crops. Some Restricted Use Pesticides are relatively harmless to man, but can seriously damage crops, plants or aquatic animals.)

Selective herbicides kill all plant life. Select one: True False

False (Selective herbicides are formulated to kill specific plant types or groups, such as all broad leaf plants or all grasses.)

According to FIFRA (the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act) individual states may not restrict a general use pesticide that has been classified as such by the EPA. Select one: True False

False (State law must be at least as restrictive or stringent as the federal law. Any state can have laws more restrictive than the federal law.)

A fundamental concept of integrated pest management is a certain number of individual pests can and should be tolerated. It is often the appearance of a pest or the damage they cause that triggers control action. This is called the emotional threshold. Select one: True False

False (The threshold to action based on the appearance of the pest or the damage it causes is called the aesthetic threshold. An emotional threshold is often based on fear of the pest, such as spiders, cockroaches, snakes, etc.)

Because of variations in field conditions, application equipment and travel speeds, each person must calibrate their application equipment before using a sprayer for pesticide applications. Select one: True False

True (By calibrating the application equipment, the pesticide mixture can be adjusted for individual and field differences, ensuring that the appropriate pesticide application rate is obtained.)

Your label states that you must mix 1/2 gallon of formulation in 50 gallons of water. Your tank holds 250 gallons. How many quarts should you add to a full tank of water to arrive at the proper concentration? Select one: a. 10 quarts b. 5 quarts c. 2.5 quarts d. 125 quarts

a. 10 quarts (1/2 gallon of pesticide for each 50 gallons of water 1/2 gallon = 2 quarts 250 gallons divided by 50 gallons = 5 2 quarts X 5 = 10 quarts)

If your rate of application is 5 gallons per acre and your tank holds 100 gallons, how many pounds of formulation must you add to your full tank to apply 2 pounds per acre? Select one: a. 40 pounds b. 20 pounds c. 30 pounds d. 80 pounds e. 35 pounds

a. 40 pounds (rate of application 5 gallons/acre sprayer tank 100 gallons suggested application 2 pounds per acre 100 gallons X 2 pounds/acre = 40 pounds 5 gallons/acre)

Which of the following is NOT an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy? Select one: a. Applying pesticides as soon as a potential problem is identified. b. Excluding pests or preventing them from becoming established. c. Selecting plants that have a resistance to pests. d. Selecting plants that are adapted to and will flourish in the environment. e. Employing the least harmful, most cost-effective action at the most effective time.

a. Applying pesticides as soon as a potential problem is identified.

Danger is the Human Hazard Signal Word on pesticide containers that indicates high acute toxicity to humans. Which of the following signal words indicates low acute toxicity in humans? Select one: a. Caution b. Careful c. Hazard d. Poison

a. Caution

Which of the following statements describes the best way to mix pesticides safely? Select one: a. Ensure the water fill hose does not come into contact with the spray mix. b. It is acceptable to use pesticide-measuring utensils for food preparation. c. To save time, it is highly recommended that insecticides be mixed with herbicides. d. Home gardeners should select toxic pesticides that require a respirator. e. Be sure that the water fill hose is completely submerged in the spray tank.

a. Ensure the water fill hose does not come into contact with the spray mix. (Always protect your water source from potential contamination by pesticides or any other chemicals.)

Which work sites are all covered by the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)? Select one: a. Farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses b. Roadsides, rangelands and pastures c. Ditch banks and ornamental ponds d. Parks, hotels and greenhouses e. Parks and golf courses

a. Farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses (These are the work sites covered by the Worker Protection Standard.)

Using barriers to prevent pests from getting into an area is an example of which type of pest management control or method? Select one: a. Mechanical control b. Chemical control c. Biological control d. Genetic control

a. Mechanical control

According to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), employers must provide which of the following to agricultural workers and pesticide handlers? Select one: a. Pesticide safety training and pesticide application details. b. Insurance and adequate housing. c. A 15 minute break every 4 hours. d. A cell phone and internet access.

a. Pesticide safety training and pesticide application details.

Which of the following statements is true regarding transporting pesticides in a vehicle? Select one: a. Pesticides should be transported in the trunk or the back of a vehicle, secured so they cannot roll or slide around. Never leave the vehicle unattended. b. You should always obtain a police escort to transport pesticides. c. Transport them in the back of a truck and have someone ride in the back of the truck to keep them safe. d. Transport them in the back of a truck and have someone ride in the back of the truck to keep them safe. e. Secure the pesticide containers on the top of the vehicle.

a. Pesticides should be transported in the trunk or the back of a vehicle, secured so they cannot roll or slide around. Never leave the vehicle unattended.

The possibility of groundwater contamination is greatest when pesticides are applied to which type of soil? Select one: a. Sand b. Loam c. Silt d. Clay e. Carbon

a. Sand (Sandy soils do not have good water-holding capacity. They do not have the organic matter or clay content necessary to absorb and hold chemicals. Water and the chemicals dissolved in the water will pass through a sandy soil to the water table below, increasing the potential for groundwater contamination.)

Biennial plants are best controlled at what plant growth stage? Select one: a. Seedling b. Maturity c. Flowering d. Vegetative e. Bud to early flowering

a. Seedling (The best growth stage for mechanical and chemical control in biennial plants is the seedling stage)

An insect life cycle which includes only these stages...egg--nymph--adult...is termed what type of metamorphosis? Select one: a. Simple or incomplete b. Flowing or thorough c. Abbreviated or short d. Insufficient e. Complete

a. Simple or incomplete

Spiders, mites and scorpions are all classified as arachnids (not insects). Which statement below best describes arachnids? Select one: a. They have two body parts, eight legs and no wings. b. All have stings that are always deadly. c. They have two legs and one body part. d. They have three body parts, wings and antennae. e. They have two sets of wings and six legs.

a. They have two body parts, eight legs and no wings.

Under the provisions of the Worker Protection Standard, which type of agricultural fieldworkers must receive pesticide awareness training? Select one: a. Workers who enter treated areas within 30 days from the expiration of a restricted-entry interval. b. All workers, even if no pesticides have been applied in the areas where they will be working. c. All workers if pesticides have been used at any time during the current growing season. d. Only those workers that actually handle pesticides. e. Only workers who enter area before the expiration of the restricted-entry interval.

a. Workers who enter treated areas within 30 days from the expiration of a restricted-entry interval. (Untrained workers must be provided with basic pesticide safety information before they enter into treated areas on your establishment where, within the past 30 days, a pesticide has been applied or a restricted-entry interval has been in effect.The Worker Protection Standard applies to all agricultural, forest, nursery and greenhouse workers.)

When applying pesticides, increasing the travel speed of the spraying equipment will: Select one: a. decrease the amount of pesticide applied per acre. b. improve the pesticide coverage on the field being sprayed. c. have no effect on the amount of pesticide applied per acre. d. get the job done quicker. e. increase the amount of pesticide applied per acre.

a. decrease the amount of pesticide applied per acre.

At low temperatures (40-50 degrees F), most herbicides would be expected to: Select one: a. show reduced activity. b. become permeable. c. increase in activity. d. not be affected. e. become more volatile.

a. show reduced activity. (At lower temperatures most chemicals are less reactive.)

Groundwater becomes contaminated: Select one: a. when recharge water carries pollutants downward to the water table. b. when springs carrying pollution discharge onto the land surface. c. when the plume of pollution moves horizontally through rock. d. when recharge water moves upward through the soil into wells. e. when the saturated zone becomes unsaturated.

a. when recharge water carries pollutants downward to the water table.

How long must restricted use pesticide application records be kept? Select one: a. 10 years b. 2 years c. 1 year d. 6 months e. 5 years

b. 2 years

If it takes 24 gallons to refill a sprayer that has run for 3 minutes, what is the rate of application, in gallons per minute? Select one: a. 10 gallons per minute b. 8 gallons per minute c. 12 gallons per minute d. 4 gallons per minute e. 6 gallons per minute

b. 8 gallons per minute (24 gallons/3 minutes = 8 gallons per minute.)

On a pesticide label, what information does the "Statement of Practical Treatment" contain? Select one: a. Application rates and methods. b. First aid instructions. c. The common name for the pesticide. d. The EPA registration number. e. Required Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).

b. First aid instructions.

Which of the following statements regarding heat stress is true? Select one: a. Heat stress is not affected by the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). b. High temperature, humidity and sunlight increase heat stress. c. Heat stress is another term for pesticide poisoning. d. Hard work does not cause the body to produce heat. e. Fans, air conditioning and shade contribute to heat stress.

b. High temperature, humidity and sunlight increase heat stress.

When using soil-applied herbicides, excess water can move the herbicides below the root zone. Which statement accurately describes another climatic factor that affects herbicide uptake? Select one: a. In order to reduce drift, volatile herbicides should be applied on hot days. b. Hot, dry conditions speed up evaporation and cause leaf cuticles to thicken. c. Leaves produce a thick, waxy cuticle during periods of high humidity. d. Soil-applied herbicides do not need rain or irrigation to be activated. e. Absorption of a pesticide is decreased during periods of high humidity.

b. Hot, dry conditions speed up evaporation and cause leaf cuticles to thicken.

Which of the following is not an invertebrate pest? Select one: a. Spider b. House mouse c. Meal Worm d. Scorpion e. Cockroach

b. House mouse (Mice have spines, therefore they are not an invertebrate pest.)

Which of the following statements is NOT true about calibrating your pesticide application equipment? Select one: a. If you calibrate your equipment properly, it will help you provide cost-effective pest control. b. If you calibrate your equipment properly, you can speed up the travel rate of the equipment, saving time and money. c. If you calibrate your equipment properly, you will be more likely to apply pesticides at the label rates. d. If you calibrate your equipment properly, you will apply pesticides at a rate that ensures you are protecting humans and the environment. e. If you calibrate your equipment properly, it will help you provide effective pest control.

b. If you calibrate your equipment properly, you can speed up the travel rate of the equipment, saving time and money.

Which of the following is NOT a label violation? Select one: a. Applying a pesticide to an animal or plant not listed on the label. b. Mixing a pesticide with a fertilizer that is not prohibited by the label. c. Applying a pesticide at a dosage, concentration or frequency higher than that listed on the label. d. Applying a pesticide to a site not listed on the label. e. Applying two or more pesticides if all the dosage rates are at or above the recommended label rates.

b. Mixing a pesticide with a fertilizer that is not prohibited by the label.

Which statement best describes the life cycle of a summer annual plant? Select one: a. They reproduce by seed and pieces of roots. b. One season is needed for all stages of development. c. Two seasons are needed for all stages of development. d. They reproduce by rhizomes, stolons, or creeping roots. e. A cold winter period is neccessary to complete the life cycle.

b. One season is needed for all stages of development. (Summer annual plants need one season to go through the all stages of plant development: seedling, vegetative, flowering and seed)

Which of the following statements about the control of cottontail rabbits is NOT true? Select one: a. Cottontail rabbits are a game species and are subject to state game laws and regulations. b. Registered poisons and fumigants are the best control method for cottontail rabbits. c. Repellants do not provide effective long-term control. d. Frightening devices, including electromagnetic and ultrasonic devices have not been proven effective. e. Exclusion is the best long-term control method for cottontail rabbits.

b. Registered poisons and fumigants are the best control method for cottontail rabbits. (This is the false statement. There are no registered fumigants or poisons labeled for cottontail rabbit use in the state of Nevada.)

There are nine required parts to a pesticide label. Which of the following is NOT one of the nine required parts? Select one: a. Use classification b. Safety Data Sheet c. Name and address of the manufacturer d. Precautionary statement e. Ingredient statement

b. Safety Data Sheet

There are nine required parts to a pesticide label. Which of the following is one of the required nine parts? Select one: a. The material safety data sheet (MSDS). b. The precautionary statement. c. The federal emergency management instructions. d. A USDA classification number.

b. The precautionary statement.

Which of the following is NOT a practice that will reduce pesticide drift? Select one: a. Do not spray during temperature inversions. b. Use nozzles that produce small, fine spray droplets. c. Spray when the wind speed is low, such as early morning or late evening. d. Use lower spray pressures.

b. Use nozzles that produce small, fine spray droplets. (This is NOT a practice that will reduce pesticide drift. This practice will increase the likelihood of pesticide drift)

Which of the following statements is NOT true about weeds? Select one: a. Weeds reduce biologic diversity. b. Weeds enhance the growth of agricultural crops and forage. c. Some weeds can endanger livestock. d. Many weeds produce abundant seed, even under drought conditions. e. Weeds can interfere with the safe use of roads, waterways and right of ways.

b. Weeds enhance the growth of agricultural crops and forage. (This statement is false. Weeds inhibit the growth of crops and forage by using nutrients, water and space required by the crops and forage for growth.)

The best recommended controls for deer mice and house mice are: Select one: a. rodenticide sprays and live trapping. b. exclusion and anticoagulant baits. c. pit traps and strychnine bait. d. repellents and mowing infested areas. e. fumigation and insect control.

b. exclusion and anticoagulant baits. (These two methods are the most effective for controlling deer mice and house mice. Snap traps can also be used.)

Leaf surface wax and cuticle are present on every leaf and are barriers to herbicide absorption. Which of the following is also a barrier to herbicide uptake? Select one: a. algae b. leaf hairs c. adjuvants d. perennials e. chloroplasts

b. leaf hairs

Herbicides that kill all plant life are called: Select one: a. custom herbicides. b. nonselective herbicides. c. biological herbicides. d. selective herbicides. e. complete herbicides.

b. nonselective herbicides.

According to Nevada's pesticide applicator training manual, foliar-applied herbicides are most effective when used during which stage of weed development? Select one: a. seed production b. seedling c. embryonic d. maturity e. vegetative

b. seedling

What type of herbicide is absorbed through the leaves or roots and moves freely throughout the plant, ultimately killing the whole plant? Select one: a. chemical herbicide b. systemic herbicide c. cultural herbicide d. biological herbicide e. contact herbicide

b. systemic herbicide

To properly change the application rate of your sprayer, you should: Select one: a. use non-selective herbicides. b. vary the pressure and/or change your nozzle tip size. c. spray when adjacent vegetation is mature. d. spray during a temperature inversion. e. apply pesticide to saturated soil.

b. vary the pressure and/or change your nozzle tip size.

Your full tank holds 200 gallons and you have 75 gallons left in the tank. When you refill your tank with water, how many pints of pesticide concentrate must you add to the tank if the label requires you to mix 2 pints of concentrate per 50 gallons of water. Select one: a. 3 pints b. 4 pints c. 5 pints d. 6 pints e. 10 pints

c. 5 pints (200 gallons -75 gallons means you are adding 125 gallons you have to add 2 pints per every 50 gallons 125 gallons divided by 50 gallons = 2.5 2.5 times 2 pints = 5 pints - you need to add 5 pints of concentrated pesticide)

Your 300-gallon calibrated sprayer has been measured to cover 4.0 acres. You want to apply a pesticide at the label rate of 1.5 pounds per acre. How many pounds of this pesticide will you add to the sprayer tank? Select one: a. 4 pounds b. 5 pounds c. 6 pounds d. 18 pounds e. 12 pounds

c. 6 pounds (4.0 acres X 1.5 pounds /acre of pesticide = 6.0 pounds per full tank.)

The proper steps to take if a pesticide spill occurs include all of the responses below except which one? Select one: a. Properly dispose of contaminated absorbent material. b. Apply absorbent material to the spill. c. Abandon the accident site immediately. d. Contain the spill and exclude entry to the spill area. e. all CHEMTREC if a serious accident occurs.

c. Abandon the accident site immediately.

How often should you clean your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? Select one: a. Every day, regardless of use. b. Never! Cleaning it will wear it out! c. At the end of each day of use. d. Only when it has visible pesticide residues on it. e. At least once a week.

c. At the end of each day of use. (Personal Protective Equipment should be cleaned after each day's use. Equipment that is worn or cracked should be replaced.)

Which one of the following statements is TRUE? Read Them Carefully! Select one: a. Federal regulations allow for the use of Restricted Use Pesticides by uncertified applicators without supervision. b. Certified applicators may not supervise the application of Restricted Use Pesticides. c. Individuals who are not certified can only purchase and apply Restricted Use Pesticides under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. d. The application of Restricted Use Pesticides is limited to individuals who are not certified. e. Uncertified applicators have 30 days after the pesticide application to complete the certification process.

c. Individuals who are not certified can only purchase and apply Restricted Use Pesticides under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. (Application must be made by a certified applicator or an individual under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.)

Which statement is true about biological control methods? Select one: a. If pesticides are part of a biological control program to control an exotic pest, it is better to apply them at the strongest label rate and to choose the more toxic pesticides. b. Using several cutural practices and a wide variety of pesticides works best in biological control. c. Modifying the environment to enhance natural enemies is a recommended practice in biological control. d. Biological control involves the importation of exotic pests to control natural enemies.

c. Modifying the environment to enhance natural enemies is a recommended practice in biological control.

Which of the following statements best describes federal and state Restricted Use Pesticide recordkeeping requirements for private and commercial certified applicators? Select one: a. The federal government does not require that any pesticide records be maintained. b. General Use Pesticide records must be maintained for 3 years. c. Restricted Use Pesticide records must be maintained for 2 years. d. Restricted Use Pesticide records must be maintained for at least 6 months. e. General and Restricted Use Pesticide records must be maintained forever.

c. Restricted Use Pesticide records must be maintained for 2 years. (Restricted Use Pesticide records must be maintained for 2 years for private and commercial certified pesticide applicators.)

Chemical control of annual plants works most effectively at which of the following plant growth stages? Select one: a. Maturity b. Flowering c. Seedling d. Bud or early flowering e. Vegetative

c. Seedling (Chemical control of annual plants works most effectively at the seedling stage of plant growth.)

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) regulates the manufacture, sale, transportation and use of pesticides. What federal agency administers FIFRA? Select one: a. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) b. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) c. The United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) d. US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) e. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

c. The United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

What is the main reason for accurately measuring pesticides? Select one: a. To ensure you will never have pest problems again. b. To prevent overfilling the spray tank. c. To avoid over application of pesticides, which would be a label violation, subject to fines. d. To save money. e. To ensure that the spray droplet size is uniform.

c. To avoid over application of pesticides, which would be a label violation, subject to fines. (There are other reasons to accurately measure pesticides - saving money, reducing impacts on the environment, etc. - but the most important is to avoid label violations.)

Plant disease management is based on several important principles. Three of these principles are: Select one: a. separation, temperature regulation, and light exclusion b. nutrient absorption, water uptake, and temperature regulation c. exclusion, protection, resistance d. identification, safe pesticide application, and biological dispersion e. mechanical, cultural and chemical management

c. exclusion, protection, resistance (The six principles of plant disease management are: Exclusion; Eradication; Protection; Resistance; Therapy; and Avoidance.)

Pesticide acute toxicity is indicated by the signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION. The toxicity of a pesticide is: Select one: a. its flammability rating. b. its potential for polluting groundwater. c. its capacity to cause injury to humans. d. the amount of time the pesticide is active in the environment. e. its potential to burn or explode.

c. its capacity to cause injury to humans. (DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION are Human Hazard Signal Words. They measure the toxicity of a pesticide to humans. Additional hazards to domestic animals, wildlife and the environment are found in other portions of the pesticide label.)

Symptoms of heat stress and pesticide poisoning: Select one: a. are not similar. b. are both identical to excessive alcohol consumption. c. may appear similar. d. always appear identical. e. require the same treatment.

c. may appear similar. (They can appear similar. Both pesticide poisoning and heat stress can be fatal, so seek medical attention immediately.)

Cleaning up groundwater contaminated by pesticides is often impossible and may take many years. The best alternative to this is to: Select one: a. use the USDA pump and recharge remediation method. b. treat recharge water with pesticide breakdown material. c. prevent contamination by careful planning, use, storage and disposal of pesticides. d. abandon contaminated wells from polluted sites and relocate. e. wait for the plume of contamination to move out of the area.

c. prevent contamination by careful planning, use, storage and disposal of pesticides. (This is the best alternative to cleaning up groundwater contaminated by pesticides.)

Meadow voles damage turf by digging shallow tunnels and holes and by girdling stems. They are best controlled with zinc phosphide bait and by: Select one: a. using overhead sprinkler irrigation. b. shooting these pests with a small-caliber hand gun. c. reducing cover by mowing weeds and turf. d. mowing grass at night when voles are active. e. putting small mesh fencing around sensitive areas.

c. reducing cover by mowing weeds and turf.

The most effective method of pocket gopher control is: Select one: a. storage of animal feed in sturdy containers. b. the use of anticoagulants in bait stations. c. rodenticide baits and trapping. d. small mesh fencing buried 6 inches deep. e. carbon monoxide from the tailpipe.

c. rodenticide baits and trapping.

When a plant has "abnormal physiology" it may be an indication that the plant is: Select one: a. preparing to set seed. b. an annual or perennial. c. suffering from a plant disease. d. done flowering for the year. e. suffering from a plant disease.

c. suffering from a plant disease.

A Restricted-Entry Interval (REI) refers to the amount of time that must pass after a pesticide application before: Select one: a. a crop can be harvested. b. a crop can be irrigated. c. workers may enter the treated area without wearing protective clothing. d. allowing livestock to graze in the treated area. e. applying another pesticide.

c. workers may enter the treated area without wearing protective clothing. (The protective clothing required is also specified on the label, under Agricultural Use Requirements, with the REI.)

Application equipment should be calibrated frequently to ensure that: Select one: a. you never have pest problems again. b. you can make pesticide applications even during poor weather conditions. c. you are applying the correct amount of pesticide for effective pest control. d. you are saving money. e. you are applying the maximum amount of pesticide allowable by law.

c. you are applying the correct amount of pesticide for effective pest control.

Your spray equipment has been measured to travel 264 feet in 3 minutes. What is the rate of travel, measured in miles per hour? Select one: a. 5 miles per hour b. 2 miles per hour c. 3 miles per hour d. 1 mile per hour e. 4 miles per hour

d. 1 mile per hour (264 feet in 3 minutes = 88 feet per minute (264 divided by 3) 88 feet per minute X 60 minutes per hour = 5280 feet/hour 5280 feet = 1 mile, so the rate of travel is 1 mile per hour)

The tank on your sprayer holds 420 gallons. You've calibrated your sprayer to spray 60 gallons per acre. How many acres can you treat with a single tank? Select one: a. 5.5 acres b. 4.0 acres c. 6.0 acres d. 7.0 acres e. 4.5 acres

d. 7.0 acres (420 gallons/60 gallons per acre = 7 acres that can be treated with a single tank.)

Who can purchase and use a general use pesticide? Select one: a. Only licensed applicators. b. Only general-use permit holders. c. Only certified applicators. d. Anyone. e. Only an individual under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.

d. Anyone. (These pesticides may be purchased and used by anyone. You must still read and follow all label instructions.)

Lowering the humidity of stored grains and other food products to reduce damage from mold is an example of which type of pest management method? Select one: a. Regulatory b. Biological c. Mechanical d. Cultural

d. Cultural

Pesticide containers should be triple-rinsed or pressure-rinsed in preparation for disposal. What should be done with the rinse water? Select one: a. Store rinse water and await instructions from a federal agent. b. Rinse water should be stored until it is transported to a disposal facility. c. If done properly, there should not be any rinse water. d. It should be poured back into the spray tank and applied to the crop or site. e. Rinse water is considered safe and may be used for irrigation.

d. It should be poured back into the spray tank and applied to the crop or site.

Which of the following statements about perennial plants is NOT true? Select one: a. Perennial plants live more than two years. b. Perennial plants can reproduce by seed and pieces of root. c. Perennial plants may go through all four plant growth stages (seedling, vegetative, seed production and maturity) in one year. d. Perennial plants go through a seedling stage every year of their lives. e. Perennial plants can reproduce by rhizomes, stolons or creeping roots.

d. Perennial plants go through a seedling stage every year of their lives.

Which of the following statements about pesticide labels is FALSE? Select one: a. Most pesticides may be applied at concentrations less than that recommended on the label. b. Two pesticides may be mixed below each of their recommended rates. c. Any application equipment may be used as long as it is not prohibited by the label. d. Pesticides may be applied to sites that are not listed on the label. e. Pesticides may be mixed with fertilizer if it is not prohibited by the label.

d. Pesticides may be applied to sites that are not listed on the label.

Their droppings, disease potential, and consumption of livestock feed make these animals pests. Select one: a. Mountain lions and bears b. Kangaroo rats and moles c. Wild horses and burros d. Starlings and pigeons e. Snakes and spotted toads

d. Starlings and pigeons

Which of the following is NOT found in the precautionary statement on a pesticide label? Select one: a. Statement of Practical Treatment b. Child Hazard Warning c. Physical or Chemical Hazards Statement d. Use Classification e. Human Hazard Signal Word

d. Use Classification

How do you determine the proper Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for applying a specific pesticide? Select one: a. Use whatever PPE is available. b. Avoid using PPE whenever possible. c. Use the PPE specified on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) . d. Use the PPE specified on the pesticide label. e. Use a respirator and full Tyvek suit.

d. Use the PPE specified on the pesticide label.

The best recommended control for jackrabbits is: Select one: a. strychnine. b. live trapping. c. repellents. d. exclusion. e. fumigation.

d. exclusion. (This method works the best, by limiting the access to crops, pasture or forage, landscaping and vegetable gardens.)

When using a strychnine bait for ground squirrel control, you are required to: Select one: a. first test it on a non-target species. b. apply it in a bait station near the squirrel's nest. c. allow the bait to ferment for several days before using. d. only use it underground to protect non-target species. e. apply it above ground for optimum control.

d. only use it underground to protect non-target species. (This is in keeping with the labeled directions for use in the State of Nevada.)

Which of the following physical characteristics best describes an insect? Select one: a. one pair of wings as an adult b. two legs and one body part c. one pair of legs per segment d. six legs and three body parts e. eight legs and two body parts

d. six legs and three body parts (Insects have six legs, three body parts, one pair of antennae, and often have wings (two pairs) in the adult stage of life.)

If a pesticide has been spilled on your skin or clothing, you must immediately: Select one: a. use absorbent material to clean up the spill. b. check the label to ensure the product is indeed toxic. c. contact the pesticide dealer for toxicity information. d. strip off clothing and wash the skin with soap and water. e. check the SDS for further instructions.

d. strip off clothing and wash the skin with soap and water.

If a pesticide has been spilled on your skin or clothing, you must immediately: Select one: a. check the label to ensure the product is indeed toxic. b. check the SDS for further instructions. c. contact the pesticide dealer for toxicity information. d. strip off clothing and wash the skin with soap and water. e. use absorbent material to clean up the spill.

d. strip off clothing and wash the skin with soap and water. (The first thing you should do is take care of yourself. After you have cleaned up, check the label for further instructions and clean up the spill.)

The most important and common way a pesticide enters the human body is: Select one: a. the oral route (mouth) by swallowing it. b. when the humidity is high. c. through the eyes. d. the dermal route (skin) by skin contact. e. when the temperature is over 80 degrees F.

d. the dermal route (skin) by skin contact. (This is the most common route of entry into the human body.)

The best recommended control for moles is: Select one: a. reducing cover by mowing weeds and turf. b. anticoagulant baits. c. strychnine bait. d. trapping. e. putting small mesh fencing around sensitive areas.

d. trapping. (Trapping is the best method of control for moles. Their populations may also be controlled or reduced by applying soil insecticides, which will reduce their food supply.)

Which of the following items is NOT a requirement of the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), which employers must provide to agricultural workers and pesticide handlers? Select one: a. Access to product labels. b. Information for the nearest medical facility. c. Personal protective equipment and decontamination supplies. d. Oral and/or posted notification of pesticide applications. e. A vehicle for personal use.

e. A vehicle for personal use.

Specific information on endangered species may be obtained from: Select one: a. pesticide labels. b. the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. c. bulletins produced by the U.S. EPA. d. the Nevada Department of Agriculture. e. All of the above are correct.

e. All of the above are correct.

Pesticide labels are designed to protect you and the environment. You should read the pesticide label before: Select one: a. purchasing a pesticide. b. mixing a pesticide. c. applying a pesticide. d. storing or disposing of a pesticide. e. All of the above responses are correct.

e. All of the above responses are correct.

Which of the following are all biotic (living) primary causal agents of plant disease? Select one: a. Aphids, leafhoppers and mosquitoes b. Nutrients, soil compaction, light c. Crop oil, herbicides, growth regulators d. Air pollutants, water, temperature e. Bacteria, fungi, nematodes

e. Bacteria, fungi, nematodes

Which signal word indicates the highest level of acute toxicity? Select one: a. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN b. BE CAREFUL c. CAUTION d. WARNING e. DANGER

e. DANGER (DANGER is the word associated with the most acute toxicity. A taste to a teaspoon taken by mouth may kill an average-sized adult.)

A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances used to kill, destroy, repel or prevent the growth of an organism. Which of the following groups are all pesticides? Select one: a. Herbicides, rodenticides, fertilizers b. Fertilizers, oil, antifreeze c. Insecticides, oil, fertilizers d. Fungicides, house paint, miticides e. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides

e. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides (All these substances are pesticides. "cide" means to kill. Insecticides kill insects, fungicides kill fungi and herbicides kill plants.)

Which of the following is considered one of the five causes of insect outbreaks? Select one: a. An unusually cold autumn and winter. b. High populations of beneficial insects. c. A boom in the population of insect-eating birds. d. Introduction of resistant plant varieties. e. Overuse of the same insecticide, causing resistance.

e. Overuse of the same insecticide, causing resistance.

Which one of the following procedures will reduce drift problems? Select one: a. Spray when wind speed exceeds 10 m.p.h. b. Use high spray pressures which create smaller droplets. c. Use volatile herbicide formulations. d. Spray only during temperature inversions. e. Spray when wind speed is low, such as early in the morning.

e. Spray when wind speed is low, such as early in the morning.

Which of the following pesticide application practices will reduce contamination of groundwater by pesticides? Select one: a. Use the maximum allowable rates of pesticides. b. Apply all pesticides at the maximum allowable frequency. c. Make frequent applications of several different pesticides. d. Never use non-chemical pest control methods. e. Whenever possible, choose a pesticide that is the least likely to leach and move into the groundwater.

e. Whenever possible, choose a pesticide that is the least likely to leach and move into the groundwater.

There are three factors necessary for a plant disease to develop. They are: Select one: a. hot days, cold nights, and a supportive environment. b. heavy rain, a full moon, and a primary causal agent. c. fertilizer, cool nights, and a microorganism. d. sunlight, water and soil. e. a supportive environment, a host, and a primary causal agent.

e. a supportive environment, a host, and a primary causal agent.

Pesticides should always be stored in the original, labeled container with the label clearly visible. They should also be stored: Select one: a. in hot, unventilated buildings. b. in a federally approved pesticide storage facility. c. in a washroom or well house with good ventilation. d. with fertilizer, food and animal feed. e. away from wells, pumps, and other water sources.

e. away from wells, pumps, and other water sources.

Plants that grow during two growing seasons, requiring a cold winter period to complete all stages of development or complete their life cycle, are called: Select one: a. summer annual plants. b. perennial plants. c. winter plants. d. winter annual plants. e. biennial plants.

e. biennial plants. (Plants that grow over two growing seasons, requiring a cold winter period to complete all stages of development or complete their life cycle are called biennial plants.)

Regular pest monitoring may include the use of: Select one: a. sanitation, light traps, and decontamination. b. deep tillage, flood irrigation, and burning. c. pesticides that have warning or danger labels. d. pesticide use inconsistent with label instructions. e. pheromone traps, sweep nets, and accurate observation records.

e. pheromone traps, sweep nets, and accurate observation records (These actions will help monitor and identify pests that may be present.)

Using nozzles that produce large spray droplets will: Select one: a. increase drift problems. b. reduce groundwater contamination. c. cause groundwater contamination. d. cause excessive soil leaching. e. reduce drift problems.

e. reduce drift problems.

When using the refill method of calibration, you need to know: Select one: a. the wind speed at the beginning and end of the application. b. the EPA registration number of the pesticide being used. c. someone who can properly calibrate a sprayer. d. the restricted entry interval for the product being used. e. the exact size of the area being sprayed.

e. the exact size of the area being sprayed.

The "Directions For Use" section on a pesticide label will tell you: Select one: a. at which rate the product is to be applied. b. the site where it may be used. c. proper methods for storage and disposal. d. the proper equipment for the application. e.all of the instructions above are found under the "Directions For Use" section of the pesticide label.... Answer 5 Click to enter comments, if the student chooses this answer

e.all of the instructions above are found under the "Directions For Use" section of the pesticide label

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