OB 25 & 41

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5 servings fruits/vegetables 2 hours or less screen time 1 hour physical activity 0 sugar sweetened beverages

5-2-1-0 rule

precautions to avoid secondary infections

A 17-year-old is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. The nurse should discuss which intervention with the teenager's caregiver to best assure an uncomplicated recovery?

The child may return to school in 1 week.

A 6-year-old child is diagnosed with tinea pedis. Which prescription will the nurse question?

"Bedwetting is not uncommon in young children. Try to calmly change the bed without showing your frustration."

A first-time father calls the pediatric nurse stating he is concerned that his 4- year-old daughter still wets the bed almost every night. Remembering his own experience of being punished for wetting the bed at 4 years old, he is not sure punishment is the best approach to address this. Which nursing instruction is the most appropriate?

"I feel so bad for him because he has asthma, and now he gets this rash."

A mother brings her 2-year-old son to the clinic with a bumpy rash. Which statement by the mother would lead the nurse to suspect that the child may have atopic dermatitis?

Acting out a troubling or stressful situation

A nurse is preparing a presentation for a health fair discussing various aspects of preschoolers. Which example should the nurse use to best illustrate dramatic play?

The child develops an active immunity

A nurse is promoting vaccine administration. When instructing on the physiological changes, which statement best explains what occurs in the child when vaccines are administered?

priority Non-rebreather or intubation may be necessary Inhalation injury is a leading cause of complications in burns.

Airway is a

"That's not an uncommon reaction, although it's hard on you and on your child."

An 8-month-old has been diagnosed with infantile eczema. At a follow-up appointment, the child's caregiver seems exhausted and angry. He explains that he has done all of the child's care because his wife is repulsed by the child's raw and uncomfortable appearance. What responses would be appropriate for the nurse to say to this caregiver?

Take the child to a private room and interview her regarding her sexual history and partners.

An adolescent girl and her caregiver present at the pediatrician's office. The adolescent reports severe abdominal pain. A diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is made. The nurse notes in the child's chart that this is the third time she has been treated for PID. Which action by the nurse would be most appropriate?

3 years old

Associative Play at

-immediately apply cool compresses or cool water to burn area.

Burns involving small areas



-thrush-caused by Candida albicans -Can appear in mouth or on bottom. Can appear following antibiotic use. -mouth-white coating on tongue that doesn't wipe off with a washcloth-can also appear on gums, palate, cheeks, pain Bottom-bright red, beefy rash - Nystatin oral or cream (if bottom only), sanitization of nipples/bottles/pacifiers/changing pads -If baby is breastfed, mother must be treated.


4-5 years old

Cooperative Play at

-Hand, foot, and mouth or herpangina (if in mouth only) -Spread through direct contact with saliva or fecal secretions -Communicable until fever resolves. - high fever, vessicles on tongue, oral mucosa, hands, feet. Can cover entire body. -hydration, analgesics, magic mouthwash

Coxasakie A

* immunizations -Spread through droplet and direct contact with infected person, carrier, or contaminated article - slight fever, nasal discharge, ST, unwell feeling, poor appetite, swelling of airway -Pseudomembrane forms overs pharynx, uvula, tonsils, and soft palate (causes airway obstruction) -antibiotics and antitoxin


"Children of this age may stutter while they search for just the right word."

During a well-child visit, the caregiver expresses concern that the 3-year-old child often stutters when speaking. Which response should the nurse prioritize to best assist this family?


Electrical burns from cords begin bitten can occur on?

-A viral disease characterized by a face that appears as "slapped cheeks," a fiery red rash on the cheeks. -Caused by parvovirus B 19 , spread through contact with oral and nasal secretions or blood -Communicable several days before rash -Can cause fetal death if contracted during pregnancy

Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease):

-epidermis, dermis, and nerve endings are all destroyed. Pain is minimal, no barrier to infection or any remaining viable epithelial cells.

Full thickness or third degree burns


H is for

-Spread through infected needles, sexual content, passed to unborn fetus or newborn infant -Early recognition of infection is crucial so treatment can begin -Prenatal HIV testing and counseling -Depending on stage of pregnancy, the mother should be treated with anti-retroviral drug if she is HIV positive. -Children born to HIV positive mothers should receive a 6 week course of zidovudine (ZDV) therapy. -Discourage breastfeeding - failure to thrive, oral candidiasis, chronic diarrhea, developmental delays

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)

-bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture ( usually around mouth & nose) -superficial bacterial skin infection typically caused by Staphylococcus -Spreads easily peripherally and by direct contact -topical bactericidal or triple antibiotic ointment, oral or parenteral antibiotics for severe cases.



In working with infants diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, the nurse anticipates that when these children are older they will likely have a tendency to have which disorder?

-sterile equipment used to reduce infection risk

Infection control very important

Epstein-Barr virus

Infectious mononucleosis ("mono") is caused by which of the following?





-epidermis and underlying dermis are both injured, devitalized, or destroyed. Blistering usually occurs as does an escape of body plasma.

Partial thickness-second degree burn


R is for

-spread through droplets from coughing and sneezing -Rash that spreads from face downward, low fever




-caused by infestation of scabies mite Sarcoptes scabiei-transmitted through close personal skin to skin contact.


-high fever, bright red "sandpaper" rash that begins on chest, strawberry tongue -Transmitted through oral or nasal secretions-common in school age children -Strep infection of the throat-bacteria produces pyrogenic exotoxin which is released and causes rash

Scarlet fever symptoms

ABC's observed and restored if necessary-transport to medical facility for assessment.

Severe burns

-can be spread through direct contact -Raised skin lesion that is red, swollen, painful, may or may not have drainage -topical, oral, or parenteral antibiotics depending on the degree of severity -sharing personal items: hair burshes, towels, sports equipment.

Staphylococcal Infection

1 ml/kg/hr

Strict I and O monitored-minimum urine output should be

Apply ice to the affected area

The camp nurse is caring for a child who was bitten on the leg by a dangerous spider. The child is being taken to a health care provider. What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to do with this child?

The caregiver should use tweezers to carefully remove the tick without crushing it.

The caregiver of a 4-year-old girl who lives in a heavily wooded area calls the clinic nurse to report that the child has a swollen tick on her arm. What would be the best action for the caregiver to follow in removing the tick?


The caregiver of a fifth-grade boy calls the pediatrician's office and reports that her son has been scratching at his groin for a week or so. Despite his need for privacy, he's finally allowed the caregiver to look at the groin area. The caregiver describes the area to the nurse saying, "It looks like black pin dots that seem to have dark tails." The nurse suspects that the child may have which of the following?

Acknowledge the caregiver's discomfort about the pregnancy testing but encourage her to allow the daughter to have the testing so that she can use the medication.

The dermatologist treating a 16-year-old girl with a history of severe acne has ordered a pregnancy test so she can be started on a course of isotretinoin. The teen's caregiver has said that her daughter is a virgin and she refuses to allow her to have the required pregnancy testing. What would be the best action for the nurse to take?

eye coordination

The nurse is assessing a 3-year-old at a routine well-child visit. Which assessment should the nurse prioritize in the vision check?

observing without participating

The nursing instructor is illustrating the various types of play. The instructor determines the class is successful when the students correctly choose which example as best representing onlooker play?

-ringworm of the foot/athletes foot -Spread through direct or indirect contact with infected people, contaminated sidewalks, floors, pool decks, shower stalls -scaling or cracking of skin between toes, itching, foul odor, tender to touch - Topical antifungal (tolnaftate or butenafine) up to 6 weeks, oral Griseofulvin, cotton socks, scrupulus washing and drying of feet

Tinea Pedis

-Virus causing Chickenpox and Shingles -Through respiratory droplets -Possible fever, feeling unwell, itchy rash with raised, red bumps that develop vesicles which ooze. -At home with appropriate transmission-based precautions. -Once the lesions crust over

Varicella Zoster

Weight is above an expected range and height is within an expected range.

When collecting data on a preschool-aged child during a well-child visit, the nurse discovers the child has gained 12 lb (5.4 kg) and grown 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) in the last year. The nurse interprets these findings to indicate which situation?

"My child gets diaper rash if I wash her clothes in the same detergent we use for the family."

When teaching a group of caregivers of infants, the nurse is discussing the topic of diaper rash. The caregivers in the group make the following statements. Which statement is the most accurate related to the child with diaper rash.

tinea corporis

Which of the following infections is often contracted by having contact with an infected dog or cat?

inflammation of the skin with erythematous and papulovesicular lesions caused by allergy

eczema (atopic dermatitis)


look over burns %

-caused by EBV, herpes virus group -fever, ST with enlarged tonsils, thick, white membrane covering the tonsils, palatine petechiae (red spots on soft palate), swollen lymph noes, enlargment of the spleen, extreme fatigue and lack of energy. - fever and pain management, fluids, soft diet, corticosteroids, bed rest for up to 1 month, no contact sports if spleen is swollen


infestation with lice


whooping cough; highly contagious bacterial infection of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea caused by Bordetella pertussis -acute respiratory disorder after 1-2 weeks of cold sx-paroxysmal cough (whoop), and copious secretions, worse at night. -Spread through droplet and direct contact with saliva and nasal drainage. -high humidity environment, suctioning, antibiotics


-also known as cradle cap-caused by excessive sebaceous gland activity -yellowish, scaly, greasy, crusted patches on the scalp, common in newborns and older infants -Daily washing of hair and scalp can help prevent -Loosening the already present crust all at once can lead to bleeding and infection. -daily application of mineral oil, using a fine tooth baby brush and vigorously washing

seborrheic dermatitis

-ringworm of scalp -Transmitted from person to person through combs, towels, hats, barber scissors, direct contact, or animals - small papule or black dot that spreads, scaly patches of baldness, severe itching -Griseofulvin-3 months of treatment or more-education of medication compliance necessary

tinea capitis

12 ounces of IV fluid replacement by 6:00 PM.

A pediatric client who has been seriously burned is being given IV fluid replacements. It has been determined that the client will initially need 24 ounces of replacement fluids. In following a normal burn replacement treatment for this child, if the treatment is started at 10:00 AM, which of the following would be correct?

5 years old. Burns are also a common form of child abuse.

Most accidental burns in children happen to those younger than?



-epidermis is injured but not destruction of tissue or nerve endings.

Superficial or first degree

Allow the child to touch and play with the nebulizer for a few minutes before the treatment.

The nurse is caring for a 5-year-old who has been hospitalized after an episode of asthma. As the nurse prepares to teach the child how to use the nebulizer, which action should the nurse prioritize?

Administer pain medication as prescribed

The nurse is caring for a 9-year-old child with partial-thickness (second-degree) burns. The client rates the pain at an 8 on a 1 to 10 numerical pain scale. The nurse notes the client is sitting in the bed playing with toys and smiling. Which action will the nurse take?

The nurse will administer antibiotics

The nurse is caring for a child diagnosed with Haemophilus Influenzae type B. Which of the following nursing interventions would be the highest priority in the prevention of complications seen with this disorder?

Takes in new information at a rapid rate and asks "why" and "how"

The nurse is caring for several clients on the pediatric unit. When interacting with the preschool-age child, which action does the nurse predict will occur?

miliaria rubra

The nurse is presenting an in-service to a group of nurses who will be working in a dermatology clinic. They are discussing various disorders related to the integumentary system. One of the nurses describes a disorder by telling the group that it is common in children during the summer when it is hot or when the child is overdressed. Which disorder is the nurse most likely referring to?

"The infant is born with immunity to some diseases, but those immunities decrease over the first year of life."

The public health nurse is discussing immunizations with a group of caregivers of infants. One of the mothers asks the nurse why the child will need immunizations. Which statement would be the most appropriate for the nurse to make to this mother?

white flecks that are firmly attached to the hair shafts

The school nurse is teaching a group of teachers about various skin disorders seen in children. The nurse would identify the most obvious symptom of pediculosis as:

- ringworm of body -Spread by direct contact with infected person or puppy or cat that is infected -itchy, scaly ring with clearing in center -topical antifungal (clotrimazole, terbinafine)

Tinea Corporis

-ringworm of inner thigh or inguinal area/jock itch-caused by same organisms that cause Tinea Corporis -Common in athletes - pruritis, localized same as tinea corporis, cotton underwear, sitz baths

Tinea Cruris

Calmly explain that you don't mean to hurt her, loosen the cuff, and tell her that is isn't nice to call you names

While the nurse is taking a blood pressure on a 4-year-old, the child states that the blood-pressure cuff is too tight and angrily says, "That hurt, you big poo-poo head." What is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

Apply cold compresses to the area

A school-aged child is brought to the office of the camp nurse with a small, superficial burn (first-degree burn). Which action by the nurse would be most appropriate to take first?



-heat rash/prickly heat-caused by summer heat or overdressing -pinhead erythematous papules, itching, typically in skin folds, axilla, around the neck -cotton clothing, tepid baths with baking soda -Prevented by no overdressing, especially in warm weather.

Milaria rubra

immerse a burned extremity in cool water. Alleviates pain and may prevent additional thermal injury.

Moderate Burns



A. cheese and crackers C. whole grain granola with yogurt E. turkey sandwich

The mother of a 4-year-old is concerned her child is not eating well. In addressing the concerns of this mother, which foods should the nurse point out are high in protein? Select all that apply.

"Has the child ever eaten shellfish before now?"

The nurse admits a 10-year-old who has just eaten lobster and has hives over much of the body. In collecting data regarding this child, which question should the nurse ask the caregiver first?

tetanus toxoid vaccine

The nurse admits a child who has sustained a severe burn. The child's immunizations are up to date. Which immunization would the child most likely be given at this time?

reducing swelling and relieving itching

The nurse caring for a child with a skin allergy recognizes that the highest priority in the treatment for skin allergies is aimed at:


The nurse caring for children with fungal infections most often administers which medication?


The nurse is caring for an adolescent diagnosed with syphilis. The drug of choice for treating syphilis is:

The nurse follows contact precautions

The nurse is caring for an infant who has impetigo and is hospitalized. Which nursing action is priority?

Playing in an organized group with each other

The nurse is presenting an in-service on the types of playing that children may engage in. The nurse determines the session is successful when the attending nurses correctly choose which example as representing cooperative play?

"Has your child had their hearing tested?"

The parent of a 4-year-old is expressing concern that this child is not talking as much—or as well—as her other children did at that age. Which question should the nurse prioritize when assessing this preschooler for this concern?


Thermal Burns from fire are second most common kind of burn in?

-painful swollen SALIVARY glands -Spread vis contact with infected droplets - poor appetite, earache exacerbated by chewing-swollen, painful parotid glands -fever management, pain relief,isolation and bed rest, fluids


"Your son may have a friend named Andrew, but it could be an imaginary friend."

The father of a 4-year-old is concerned his child is not telling the truth and blaming others for things that have happened. Which response should the nurse prioritize after the father shares that the child is blaming someone named "Andrew" for a broken tool, and they have no idea who this is?

Pretending to be mommies and daddies in the playhouse

The nurse has brought a group of preschoolers to the playroom to play. Which activity would the nurse predict the children to become involved in?

"The largest organ of the body helps regulate body temperature."

The nurse instructor is reviewing the integumentary system during a presentation to a group of student nurses. Which statement made by the instructor is the most accurate regarding the integumentary system?

Button clothes

The nurse is assessing a 3-year-old at a well-child visit and the child appears to be progressing well. Which activity will the nurse ask the child to attempt to appropriately assess the fine motor skills of this preschooler?

Hop on one foot

The nurse is assessing a 4-year-old on a routine well-child visit. When assessing the gross motor skills of this preschooler, which activity will the nurse predict the child to be able to successfully accomplish?

Notify the primary health care provider

The nurse is assessing a child who presents with a history of fever, malaise, fatigue, and headache. The nurse notes a bulls-eye rash on the child's right leg. Which action will the nurse take?

preventing spread of infection

The nurse is caring for a 16-year-old child with a diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). What treatment goal has the highest priority for this child?

The nurse will administer oxygen

The nurse is caring for a child hospitalized with pertussis. Which nursing intervention would be the highest priority for this child?


The nurse is caring for an adolescent diagnosed with genital herpes. The drug of choice for treating genital herpes is:

"Has your child been treated for any type of infection recently?"

The nurse is collecting data on a 4-month-old child brought to the clinic by the caregiver. The nurse observes the child's mouth and notes a white coating that looks like milk curds. Which of the following questions would be most important for the nurse to ask the caregiver?

The child's apical pulse is 140 bpm.

The nurse is collecting data on a 4-year-old child admitted to the burn unit. The nurse is concerned about the possibility of the child going into hypovolemic shock. Which of the following data would the nurse recognize as an indication that this may be occurring?

The child will likely have blisters

The nurse is collecting data on a child admitted to the burn unit with a partial-thickness or second-degree burn. What is most accurate regarding this type of burn?

"Sometimes I get acne when I use my sister's makeup."

The nurse is discussing acne vulgaris with a group of adolescents. The teenagers make the following statements regarding the topic. Which statement is the most accurate regarding acne vulgaris?

"I read all the labels, but sometimes it is not easy to understand the ingredients."

The nurse is discussing allergies with a group of caregivers of children who have food allergies. Which statement made by the caregivers indicates the most concerning issue faced by the caregivers of children with food allergies?


The nurse is discussing medications to be given to a child who has been diagnosed with oral candidiasis (thrush). Which medication would most likely be prescribed for the child?

"I always tell my daughter to use her own hairbrush."

The nurse is discussing skin disorders with a group of caregivers. Which caregiver statement indicates an understanding of tinea capitis?

discolored skin spot not elevated at the surface

The nurse is doing an in-service training on clinical manifestations seen in communicable diseases. Which best describes a macule?

redness of the skin produced by congestion of the capillaries

The nurse is doing an in-service training on clinical manifestations seen in communicable diseases. Which skin condition best describes erythema?

small elevation of epidermis filled with a viscous fluid

The nurse is doing an in-service training on clinical manifestations seen in communicable diseases. Which skin condition best describes pustule?

The child can use food to manipulate others' behavior

The nurse is meeting with a group of young parents to discuss nutrition and their preschooler. Which response should the nurse prioritize when asked if using desserts as a reward for good behavior is an appropriate idea?

pushing toy cars around on a large rug with roads

The nurse is monitoring children playing in the unit's playroom. The nurse notes that some children are involved in associative play by which actions?

1 to 2 mL/kg/hr

The nurse is monitoring the urinary output of 3-year-old child admitted with a severe burn. The child weighs 44 lb (20 kg). Which would be a desirable and adequate urinary output for this child?

They are building a house for their dolls with blocks in the room

The nurse is observing 4-year-old twins during their well-child appointment. Which observation by the nurse would indicate the children are demonstrating cooperative play?

"Set a good example. Wear your own seat belt every time you drive."

The nurse is preparing a safety presentation for a health fair for families. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize when illustrating car safety and the family?


The nurse is presenting an in-service to a group of nurses who will be working in a dermatology clinic. One participant asks the nurse about a bacterial skin infection that she has seen in children that involves honey-colored crusted lesions. The nurse most likely is referring to:

Snacks throughout the day help the child meet nutritional requirements

The nurse is presenting nutritional information at a community health fair. Which suggestion should the nurse prioritize when illustrating proper nutrition for preschoolers?

The treatment will need to be repeated in about 7 to 9 days.

The nurse is reinforcing teaching regarding the treatment for head lice with the caregiver of a child who has the disorder. Which of the following is most accurate related to the treatment for the child with an infection of head lice?

"You should wash your neonate's hair every day to help prevent this disorder."

The nurse is working with the caregiver of a neonate. The caregiver states, "My first baby had a disorder they called seborrheic dermatitis; what can I do to prevent this baby from having that?" Which response is the most appropriate?

The boy believes he caused the accident by telling his father he "hoped he crashed" when the boy couldn't go along.

The parents of 5-year-old boy are concerned about the how a recent motorcycle accident to his father will affect the child. Although the father has fully recovered, the child is very concerned if the father is away longer than expected; the child is not as talkative but appears withdrawn and quiet. The nurse should point out the child's behavior is likely related to which factor?

"This is normal for this age group. It's referred to as solitary independent play."

The parents of a toddler are concerned their child is not developing correctly and are questioning the nurse concerning the child's lack of effort to join other children in a group activity. Which response should the nurse prioritize in answering the parents?

tries to sweep up spilled cereal but cries when can't do well

The pediatric nurse is discussing the daily activities of a 4-year-old with the caregiver to assess growth and development status. The nurse would document that the child has reached the initiative stage of development if the caregiver indicates the child participates in which activity?

"I feel better knowing that her curiosity is normal."

The pediatric nurse is meeting with a group of preschoolers' family members to discuss various health topics. The nurse determines the sexual development session is successful after overhearing which comment by one of the participants?


Which treatment will most likely be the best long-term benefit for the child with an allergic condition in which it is difficult to remove or avoid the allergen?

- Caused by a variety of factors including: increased hormone levels, hereditary factors, irritation and irritating substances, growth of anaerobic bacteria. -inflammation of the sebaceous glands -mild acne-topical medication with benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin, avoid irritating substances, anbx may be used for inflammatory acne-commonly used for 6-12 months.

acne vulgaris

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