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assign employees to specific tasks.


Which of the following is a characteristic of an adaptive corporate culture?

Employees continuously question past practices.

___________ refers to any behavior that attempts to alter someone's attitudes or behavior.


___________ are employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a shared task or project.


What is one of the benefits of conflict?

It encourages employees to reexamine their basic assumptions about a problem and its possible solutions.

Which of the following is an advantage of having a moderate level of organizational conflict?

It energizes people to evaluate alternatives.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about using the separation strategy?

It works best when two merging companies operate in unrelated industries.

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of leadership?

Leadership is influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the view of shared leadership?

Leadership of an organization is broadly distributed rather than assigned to one person.

Which of the following is TRUE about mental models?

Mental models can blind employees to new opportunities and unique problems.

What is the relationship between emotional intelligence and relationship conflicts?

Relationship conflict is less likely to occur if emotional intelligence is high.

___________ involves calling upon higher authority or expertise, or symbolically relying on these sources to support the influencer's position.

Upward appeal

________ follows the "Four-D" process.

Appreciative inquiry

_______ leadership refers to how well leaders are aware of, feel comfortable with, and act consistently with their self-concepts.


__ is knowing yourself and being yourself.


Which of the following third-party conflict resolution strategies is characterized by high decision control and high process control?


Which of the following types of third-party intervention approaches do managers and those in other positions of authority usually adopt?


Which of the following is an artifact?


Servant leadership emphasizes the notion that

leaders serve followers, rather than vice versa.

When leaders apply high levels of ___________ behavior, their employees tend to have more positive attitudes as well as lower absenteeism, grievances, and turnover.

people-oriented leadership

The personal attributes perspective of leadership

presents the view that certain personal characteristics distinguish great leaders from the rest of us.

Which of the following interpersonal conflict management styles represents a purely win‒win orientation?

problem solving

Unfreezing refers to

producing disequilibrium between the driving and restraining forces of change.

Which of the following are the observable indicators of organizational culture?


Task-oriented leaders

assign employees to specific tasks.

According to the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory, job applicants

avoid employment in companies whose values seem incompatible with their own values.

________ goals are goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties.


Which of the following refers to "walk the talk"?

The leader steps out and behaves in ways that symbolize the vision.

Which of the following is TRUE about organizational culture?

The strength of an organization's culture refers to how widely and deeply employees hold the company's dominant values and assumptions.

Referent power is typically associated with


When a member of a network has shorter, more direct, and efficient paths or connections with others in the network, we say that the member has high


Which of the following strategies to reduce the restraining forces should be used only if all other strategies fail?


Employees have ___________ , ranging from sarcasm to ostracism, to ensure that coworkers conform to team norms.

coercive power

According to the Four-D model of appreciative inquiry, participants form a collective model for thinking within a team in the ___________ stage.


Which of the following sources of conflict is typically associated with mergers and acquisitions, where everyone wants the company to succeed, but they fight over the "right way" to do things because of their unique experiences in the separate companies?


Implicit leadership theory states that

everyone has preconceived beliefs about leaders.

Which of the following sources of power originates from the power holder's own characteristics?

expert power

Which of these forces are commonly called resistance to change?

restraining forces

When managing change, learning interventions should be used

to break routines that cause resistance to change.

Lewin's force field model emphasizes that effective change occurs by ___________ the current situation, moving to a desired condition, and then ___________ the system so it remains in the desired state.

unfreezing; refreezing

People with high Machiavellian values tend to

use power to manipulate others toward their own personal goals.

A new employee in the finance department of the Hogan Company prominently displays diplomas and past awards indicating his financial expertise. What contingency of power is this person trying to increase?


___________ literally refers to how much you are located between others in a network.


Which of the following statements is TRUE of countervailing power in organizational relationships?

Countervailing power is the weaker party's power to maintain the stronger party's continued participation in the relationship.

________ are unconscious, taken-for-granted perceptions or ideal prototypes of behavior that are considered the correct way to think and act toward problems and opportunities.

Shared assumptions

Reality shock is

a perceived discrepancy between employees' expectations and reality.

Action research is

a process that diagnoses the need for change, introduces the intervention, and then evaluates and stabilizes the desired changes.

One of the functions of ___________ is that it is a spawning ground for emerging values that keep the firm aligned with the needs of customers, suppliers, society, and other stakeholders.

a subculture

Refreezing refers to

aligning an organization's systems with the desired behaviors to support and reinforce the new role patterns.

When people have leadership prototypes, they

believe that leaders are effective only if they behave consistently with their own preconceptions of how an effective leader should act.

Your centrality in a social network is determined by your

betweenness, closeness, and degree centrality.

In the negotiation process, a key objective of ___________ is to establish and maintain trust.

building the relationship

Which of these refers to the degree and nature of interdependence between the power holder and others?


Effective change agents

communicate vision in ways that are meaningful to others.

You are assigned to resolve a conflict between two departments of an organization. Both parties have equal power. Both parties are under time pressure to resolve the conflict. You also realize that the parties lack trust/openness for problem solving. You are actively searching for a middle ground between the interests of the two parties. Which of the following conflict resolution styles would you use in this situation?


In which strategy does the acquiring company impose its culture and business practices on the acquired organization?


The number or percentage of connections you have in a network is called

degree centrality.

Organizational stories are most effective at communicating organizational culture only when they

describe real people and are assumed to be true.

Which of the following leadership styles in path-goal theory is the same as task-oriented leadership?


According to path-goal theory, a combination of ___________ leadership is best for employees who are (or perceive themselves to be) inexperienced and unskilled.

directive and supportive

People with an external locus of control tend to be more satisfied with ___________ leadership styles.

directive and supportive

The four stages of appreciative inquiry, in order, are

discovery, dreaming, designing, and delivering.

Which of the following characteristics addresses the leader's high need for achievement?


Which of these forces push organizations toward a new state of affairs?

driving forces

Employees are more likely to comply with a supervisor's legitimate power when the

employees have high power distance.

Transformational leaders

energize and direct employees to a new vision and corresponding behaviors.

Which of the following networking styles increases a person's expert power?

gaining valuable information from other members through networking

Social networks exist everywhere because people

have a drive to bond.

The ___________ theory states that people tend to inflate the influence of leaders on organizational events.

implicit leadership

Ingratiation is part of a larger influence tactic known as

impression management.

Which strategy for merging two distinct cultures is most effective when the two companies have relatively weak cultures with overlapping values?


Organizational socialization is best described as a process of ___________ where newcomers try to make sense of and adapt to the company's environment.

learning and adjustment

Third-party dispute resolution activities are classified in terms of their

level of process control and level of decision control.

In the negotiation process, a key objective of ___________ is to discover in the other party and communicate your own relative importance of each issue being negotiated.

managing concessions

Which third-party conflict resolution strategy manages the process and context of interaction between the disputing parties but does not impose a solution on the parties?


The main purpose of a bicultural audit is to

minimize cultural clashes in corporate mergers.

Effective managers should

minimize the relationship conflicts that exist in the organization.

Which of the following refers to the strategy in which employees deliberately inflate problems with changes that they did not initiate, just to prove that those ideas were not superior to their own?

not-invented-here syndrome

When team norms encourage ___________ , team members learn to appreciate honest dialogue without personally reacting to any emotional display during the disagreements.


Which of the following leadership theories or perspectives explicitly includes the participative and the directive leadership styles?

path-goal theory

Conflict is ultimately based on

people's perceptions.

The effectiveness of ___________ as an influence tactic depends on characteristics of the power holder, message content, communication channel, and the audience.


NewTel is a telephone company with a policy of filling positions internally through promotions, rather than hiring from outside. Until recently, the company had a strong engineering focus and tended to promote people to senior executive positions from the engineering areas. Consequently, almost all of the company's 14 senior executives joined the company over 20 years ago as junior engineers. There is increasing pressure on NewTel to become more market and service oriented. As a result, four people were hired last year from firms to fill new senior executive positions in marketing and service departments. The external hires were necessary because current employees were not sufficiently qualified. Now, there are signs of tension among senior executives, particularly during budget deliberations where there is limited discretionary spending on new corporate activities. The four new hires have been thwarted in their attempts to have the company invest more in marketing and customer services instead of investing in technological research, and they blame the senior executives for being hard-headed. The conflict episodes are being viewed by both sides as personal attacks rather than attempts to resolve the problem. The marketing executives and the other executives operate independently. However, they share the resources and money in the organization. This kind of interdependence is referred to as

pooled interdependence.

Power is the ___________ to change someone's behavior.


Leadership prototypes refer to

preconceived beliefs about the features and behaviors of effective leaders.

During which of the following stages of socialization do people first learn about the organization and job?


Fun Incorporated, a major gaming software company, is experiencing a conflict between the young Internet-savvy employees who design the games and the older, less computer-literate executives who run the company. The company has hired team leaders who could work with the executives and who are also highly computer-literate. By hiring these team leaders as liaisons between the executives and employees, Fun Incorporated will

reduce conflict by reducing task interdependence.

Although Joanna expects much from her employees, the people that work for Joanna identify with her values, like her, and respect her as a person. Joanna has ___________ power.


Situations with both ___________ produce the highest risk of conflict.

scarce resources and high task interdependence

In negotiations, better outcomes are usually achieved when negotiators

set high target points that are specific.

Which of the following leadership styles in path-goal theory is the same as people-oriented leadership?


Which of the following leadership styles should be used by leaders when team cohesiveness is low?


According to the emerging view on organizational conflict, there are two types of conflict with opposing consequences. They are

task conflict and relationship conflict.

The customer-service department at Park-E Bank complains it is unable to keep track of its new business clients as the department handling data compilation has failed to enable a free exchange of information between the two departments. This has hindered the customer-service department to follow up on its customers' queries and update their relationship status with the bank. This has also impacted the department's sales target. This scenario exemplifies conflict due to

task interdependence.

Initial offer points, target points, and resistance points represent three elements in

the bargaining zone model.

The bargaining zone model states that

the negotiation process moves each party along a continuum in opposite directions with an area of potential overlap.

The themes shared most consistently and widely by employees represent

the organization's dominant culture.

Charisma refers to

the personal traits that provide referent power over others.

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