obhr chapter 7

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Explicit knowledge

- Knowledge that is well documented and easily transferred to other persons

Knowledge management

- the process of enhancing company performance by: Designing and using tools ,systems and cultures Improving creation, sharing and use of knowledge

Organizational process

A process for determining the business appropriateness of training

Repatriation phase

Prepares the employee to return to the parent company and country

Steps to the training design process

1st - Determine if training is needed 2nd - Ensuring employees readiness for training 3rd - Address weather the training session has the factors necessary for learning to occur 4th - Assuring employees can apply the content of the training to their jobs 5th - Choosing a training method 6th - Evaluation of the training

Person analysis

A process for determining whether employees: Need training Who needs training Whether employees are ready for training

The training design process

A systematic approach for developing training programs

7) As a manager, Jorge wants to find out the impact of his company's behavior-modeling training program on his employees' communications skills. The ________ evaluation design is necessary for this purpose.

A) pretest/posttest

2) Which of the following is the first stage in the training design process?

B) Conducting a needs assessment

1) ________ involves development programs, courses, and events that are developed and organized by the company.

B) Formal training

3) Which type of analysis is usually conducted first when performing a needs assessment in a training process?

B) Organizational analysis

9) In which phase do employees receive language training and an orientation to the new country's culture and customs?

B) Predeparture phase

5) Presentation methods are most effective for

B) conveying new facts and different philosophies.

Special training issues

Cross-cultural preparation expatriate must be: Competent in their area of expertise Ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally in the host country Flexible, tolerant of ambiguity, sensitive to cultural differences Motivated to succeed Supported by their families

6) Ursula wants to evaluate her training. She creates some affective outcomes. What is she trying to measure?

D) Motivation

8) An example of an expatriate is a

D) U.S. citizen working for a U.S. firm in Germany.

4) If an organization wants to improve the work environment factor that influences the motivation to learn, it is likely to focus on

D) encouraging employees to give feedback to each other.

10) An important part of the onboarding process is to explain the history, values, and mission of the company. The ________ step is necessary for employees to understand where they work and their role in the success of the company.

E) culture

Task analysis - includes 4 conditions in which tasks are performed

Identifying the job or jobs to be analyzed Developing a list of tasks preformed on the job Validating or confirming the tasks Identifying the knowledge, skills, abilities and other factors needed to successfully perform each task

Tacit knowledge

Knowledge based on personal experience that is difficult to categorize

Predeparture phase employees need

Language training Cultural orientation Customs of the culture Housing information School information Recreational information Shopping information Health care information

On-site phase

Pairing with a host family or mentorship On-line help to answer question the employee might have

Selecting training methods

Presentation methods Classroom instruction - instructor-led classroom instruction Distance learning Teleconferencing Webcasting Audiovisual learning - includes the use of Overheads Slides Video Hands-on methods - Require the trainee to be actively involved (OJT) On the job training Apprenticeship Internship Simulations

Three factors to be considered before choosing training as the solution to any pressure point

Support of managers and peers Company strategy Training resources


The process of helping new hires adjust to social and performance aspects of their new jobs

Action learning

Training teams to: Work on actual problems Commit to an action plan Team members are accountable for carrying out the plan

Hands on method

Virtual reality - computer-based technology Avatars - Computer depictions of humans used as" Imaginary coaches Imaginary co-workers Imaginary customers

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