OCE 1001 Chap 1-4

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What type of plate boundary will result in the formation of a volcanic island chain or arc near a deep-sea trench?

Oceanic-oceanic convergent boundaries

Which layer of the Earth is composed of a liquid?

Outer core

Which of the following was not abundant in the early atmosphere?


Which is the largest tectonic plate?


The San Andreas Fault in California cuts through which two plates?

Pacific Plate and North American Plate

Which of the following was not used as evidence for continental drift?

Paleomagnetic reversals

What was the name for the supercontinent about 200 million years ago?


The first recorded circumnavigation of Africa was made by the ________.


Which ocean is actually a part of three other oceans?

The Southern Ocean

How do the physical properties of the asthenosphere differ from the lithosphere?

The athenosphere is plastic or malleable and capable of slow flow. The lithosphere is a brittle and rigid solid region comprised mosly of basalt and granite.

Which hypothesis best explains the continuous bend in the Hawaiian Islands-Emperor Seamount chain?

The direction of plate motion shifted over time over a stationary mantle plume (hotspot).

How are the materials that make up Earth's interior stratified in relation to their densities?

The highest-density materials are concentrated at Earth's core, whereas lower-density materials are located closer to Earth's surface.

Which of the following statements is true of the lithosphere?

The lithosphere is composed of the crust and the uppermost portion of the mantle.

Based on the Theory of Plate Tectonics, you would expect to find ________ heat flow at the mid-ocean ridge and ________ heat flow at subduction zones when compared to other parts of the crust.

increased; decreased

Moving from an oceanic ridge to an oceanic trench, the thickness of the lithosphere:

increases in proportion to the distance.

All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along ________.

edges at around 2,000 meters depth

The study of the structure of the sea floor and how the sea floor has changed through time is an example of ________ oceanography.


A cometary model of the formation of Earth's ocean must include the chemical difference between the ________ in comet ice and that in Earth's water.


A tentative, testable statement about the general nature of a phenomenon is called a(n) ________.


Coral reefs ________.

include atolls, barrier, and fringing reefs

Climate distribution on Earth is primarily controlled by:


Which of the following represents Earth's plates that are involved in plate tectonic motion?


Tectonic plates are pieces of the ________ that float on the more fluid ________ below.

lithosphere; asthenosphere

The study of historical changes of continental shapes and positions is called:


The seafloor magnetic pattern is best described as:

parallel to and symmetric about mid-ocean ridges.

The study of the transmission of light and sound in the oceans is an example of ________ oceanography.


Fossils of ancient tropical plants are currently found near the poles because the:

plants lived in the tropics, but landmasses have drifted to current locations.

Spreading centers have ________ earthquakes, while trenches have ________ earthquakes.

shallow; deep

Our world ocean can be divided into four principal oceans plus an additional ocean, based on the ________ of the ocean basins and the ________ of the continents.

shape; position

Based on the map of what the world may look like in 50 million years from now, the Pacific Ocean will become ________ while the Atlantic Ocean will become ________.

smaller; larger

Plate tectonics and evolution, which are held with a high degree of confidence because of rigorous testing and verification, are examples of:


Which of the following would best describe the principal goal of science? Select only one answer.

to explain the causes and effects of observable natural phenomena

Which of the following is characteristic of continental-continental convergent plate boundaries?

uplifted mountain ranges

Current scientific knowledge indicates that the most likely origin of most of Earth's oceans was due to

water vapor released from volcanic outgassing

To find the largest area of the ocean with the oldest ocean crust, you should go to the ________.

western Pacific

Tectonic plates move about as fast as ________.

your fingernails grow

Where are the only two places in the world where continental ice sheets occur today?

Greenland and Antarctica

Which of the following is an example of a nematath?

Hawaiian Islands-Emperor Seamount Chain

Which of the following contributed to the salinity of the ocean?

-Chlorine gas from the atmosphere was dissolved in the water -the creation of acid rain from volcanic outgassing -Runoff caused dissolved elements to enter the ocean.

Based on chemical composition, Earth consists of ________ layers


The average depth of the world's oceans is approximately ________.

3,682 meters (12,080 feet)

Based on physical properties, Earth consists of ________ layers


The flipping of Earth's magnetic field takes an average of about ________ years.


The oceans cover approximately ________ percent of the Earth's surface.


A. What is the relationship between the crust and the lithosphere? B. What surface feature provides evidence for the location of hot spots? C. When will a hot-spot volcano become extinct? D. What surface feature would you expect to form if both a hot spot and a tectonic plate are stationary? E. If you found a line of volcanic peaks a few hundred miles long in which the volcanoes were progressively older toward one end of the line, what probably created them? F. If you found a line of volcanic peaks a few hundred miles long in which the volcanoes were of mixed ages in no particular order, what probably created them?

A. All of the crust is contained within a larger layer called the lithosphere. B. volcanoes within tectonic plates C. when the volcano is carried away from the hot spot by the tectonic plate D. a single volcano E. hot spot F. a convergent boundary

A. What is a seamount? B. What is a tablemount? C. Where do coral reefs exist with sea mounts? D. Which of the following statements about coral reefs and seamounts is most accurate? E. Why do coral reefs at the ocean surface grow away from seamounts over time? F. What is the difference between a barrier reef and an atoll? G. Which is the correct order of coral reef development near seamounts?

A. An active volcano that occurs along the crest of the mid-ocean ridge. B. A seamount that grew above sea level, experienced wave erosion, and is now inactive. C. In tropical latitudes D. Coral reefs at the ocean surface grow away from seamounts over time. E. Seamounts subside as tectonic plates move. Coral reefs grow away from the seamount in order to stay near the sunlight. F. Barrier reefs surround an inactive volcano emerging above sea level, while atolls surround the previous location of a submerged volcano G. Fringing reef, barrier reef, atoll

A. Rank the four principle oceans from smallest to largest, in terms of size. B. Which of the following statements about the average depths of the four principle oceans is correct? C. Which of the following statements comparing ocean to land is correct?

A. Arctic, Indian, Atlantic, Pacific B. The average depths of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans are very similar, while the depth of the Arctic Ocean is much shallower than the other three. C. The Pacific Ocean covers more of Earth's surface than all the land combined.

A. There are two types of subduction zones: Mariana-type subduction zones and Peru-Chile-type subduction zones. Mariana-type subduction zones occur wherever cold and dense oceanic lithosphere spontaneously subducts into the asthenosphere, as described in the introduction. Peru-Chile-type subduction zones occur wherever oceanic lithosphere is forced prematurely into the asthenosphere by the compressional forces that occur at convergent plate boundaries as shown in the figure below. Subducting slabs in Mariana-type subduction zones typically descend into the asthenosphere at steeper angles than subducting slabs in Peru-Chile-type subduction zones because they are more dense. Rank the density of the lithosphere at points A, B, and C. Rank from highest density (left) to lowest density (right). B. The names of forearc and back-arc basins refer to their position with respect to a volcanic arc. Forearc basins lie in front of volcanic arcs, while back-arc basins lie beyond volcanic arcs. Label the diagrams below with the appropriate subduction zone feature. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. The label colors should correspond to their respective target colors.

A. Highest: A mid: C Lowest: B B. TOP LEFT: deep sea trench volcanic arch TOP RIGHT: back arc basin BOTTOM: accretionary wedge forearc basin batholith

A. The three diagrams below show the three types of stresses: tension, compression, and shear. Determine which of these stresses would be found at transform plate boundaries, and place them in the appropriate bin. Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins. Each item may be used only once. B. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Labels may be used more than once. C. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

A. Occurs at transform boundary: deformation associated with shear stress Does not occur at transform boundary: deformation associated with tensional stress deformation associated with compressional stress B. a) no earthquake b) earthquake c) earthquake d) no earthquake C. top: shallow earthquakes, no volcanism bottom left: shallow earthquakes and volcanism bottom right: deep earthquakes and volcanism

A. Which of the following is the largest natural geographic feature on Earth? B. Which of the following has the deepest waters? C. Which ocean basin is currently covered by extensive sea ice for much of the year? D. Waters from which ocean basins combine to form the Southern Ocean? E. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding Earth's oceans?

A. Pacific Ocean B. Pacific Ocean C. Arctic D. Pacific Atlantic Indian E. The Southern Ocean is one of the least-studied areas on planet Earth. NASA satellites fly over Antarctica. Earth's ocean is one big interconnected body of water.

A. What happens during radioactive decay? B. What is the scientific definition of half-life? C. Two containers hold the same radioactive isotope. Container A contains 1000 atoms, and container B contains 500 atoms. Which of the following statements about containers A and B is true? D. A container holds 100 atoms of an isotope. This isotope has a half-life of 1.5 months. How many total atoms will be in the container after 3 months? E. A container holds 100 atoms of an isotope. This isotope has a half-life of 1.5 months. How many atoms of the radioactive isotope will be in the container after 3 months?

A. Parent isotopes turn into daughter isotopes. B. the amount of time over which the number of parent isotopes decreases by half C. The rate of decay of atoms (half-life) in container B is the same as the rate of decay of atoms (half-life) in container A. D. 100 atoms E. 25 atoms

A. What is the difference between the geographic North Pole and the magnetic North Pole? B. How would the alignment of a particle of magnetite differ with respect to the Earth's surface, if it solidified at the magnetic Equator, the Tropic of Cancer, or the magnetic North Pole? C. Over the last 186 years, how has the location of Earth's magnetic north pole changed?

A. The Earth's axis runs through the geographic North Pole. The magnetic North Pole is the point at which Earth's magnetic field points directly downward. B. The particle of magnetite would be aligned parallel with Earth's surface at the magnetic Equator, it would be aligned at a diagonal with respect to Earth's surface at the Tropic of Cancer, and it would be pointed directly downward (perpendicular to Earth's surface) at the magnetic North Pole. C. Over the last 186 years, the location of Earth's magnetic north pole has moved in a northwesterly direction.

A. What is the relationship between the crust and lithosphere? B. Complete this statement: Divergence is to moving away as convergence is to _______. C. Plates move apart at __________ boundaries, move together at __________ boundaries, and move side-by-side at __________ boundaries. D. Which geologic features are associated with divergent boundaries? E. Which geologic features are associated with convergent boundaries? F. Where is the youngest ocean floor found? G. What would happen to Earth if ocean floor were created at divergent boundaries at a faster rate than it is destroyed at convergent boundaries? H. What is a volcanic arc? I. Which of the following mountain ranges are examples of continental arcs?

A. The crust is part of the lithosphere. B. moving toward C.divergent/convergent/transform D. mid-ocean ridges and continental rift valleys E. ocean trenches and volcanoes F. along the crest of mid-ocean ridges G. The Earth would increase in volume. H. a row of volcanoes that forms on the overriding plate near a subduction zone I. Andes and Cascades

A.Which of the following statements is true regarding the layer(s) of Earth that is/are responsible for the magnetic field? B. Which of the following is responsible for generating Earth's magnetic field? C. How do Earth's magnetic field lines of force currently behave? D. Which sphere of the Earth protects life on Earth from solar storms? E. How can a dip needle be used to determine one's location on Earth?

A. The inner core is solid and the outer core is liquid, and they are both composed mainly of iron and nickel. B. Spinning of the metal cores C. They create loops from the center of the Earth that exit in the south and enter in the north D. magnetosphere E. The angle of magnetic field lines changes depending on where you are on Earth's surface. They are more perpendicular to Earth's surface at the poles and more parallel at the equator.

A. Which is the first step of the scientific method? B. What is a scientific theory? C. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the scientific method? D. Imagine that you are enjoying a day at the beach in California, exploring tidepools. You find a California Sea Hare in the shallow water and gently scoop it into your hand, as shown in the figure above. As you touch it, the sea hare releases purple ink into your hand. You think maybe the sea hare released the ink to scare you (a potential predator) away, but you are not sure. What steps of the scientific method have you performed in your inquiry? E. Now, what would be the next step you would need to take to advance your understanding of the sea hare ink response to the next level of scientific inquiry?

A. observation B. a well-substantiated explanation that is supported by facts, laws, tested hypotheses and logical inferences C. The scientific method is an ongoing cycle. Scientists make predictions based on established theories. The scientific method involves repeated testing and adjustment of hypotheses to explain observations. D. observation hypothesis E. testing

A. What did the surface of Earth look like 600 million years ago? B. Which process causes the surface geography of Earth to change over time? C. Why are ocean basins continually being destroyed and created, rather than simply being redistributed around Earth's surface like continents? D. When was the Precambrian eon? E. What did the continents that formed during the break-up of the supercontinent 600 million years ago look like? F. When did the Appalachian Mountains of North America begin to form? G. When did the great mountain ranges of southern Europe and Asia begin to form? H. What was Pangea?

A. one large continent surrounded by ocean B. plate tectonics C. High-density oceanic crust subducts beneath low-density continental crust where plates converge D. prior to 600 million years ago E. They were nothing like the continent shapes we see on Earth today F. 450 million years ago G. 50 million years ago H. a supercontinent that formed 300 million years ago

Which of the following statements about the Pacific Ocean is TRUE?

All of the continents could fit into the space occupied by the Pacific Ocean.

Which layer of the Earth behaves in a plastic manner?


The largest reef system in the world is the Great Barrier Reef. Where is it located?


Consider an interdisciplinary study that is aimed at understanding how ocean currents affect the distribution of coral larvae. What two disciplines of oceanography would the researchers be focused on?

Biological and physical oceanography

Who of the following is thought to be the first Viking to have seen what is now called Newfoundland?

Bjarni Herjolfsson

Which of the following is the main reason that Earth has a magnetic field? Select only one answer.

Convection in the liquid iron-nickel outer core generates a magnetic field.

What is the motion of a declining stage of the Wilson cycle?

Convergence (subduction)

Earth has three compositionally distinct layers—the crust, mantle, and core. The core has separate inner and outer sections that are physically different. For the following physical and compositional properties, sort each item into the bins for the layer of Earth that they best characterize. Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins.

Crust: -Is earth's stiff, rigid, rocky shell -part of this layer has a relatively homogeneous composition, while another part is composed of many rock types. Mantle: -Contains a weak layer below the lithosphere -Contains rock rich in magnesium and iron Core: -Contains iron and nickel -Contains a liquid outer layer and a solid inner layer

Plate convergence begins during which stage of the Wilson Cycle?


What is the motion of a juvenile stage of the Wilson cycle?


Who is credited with being the first person to accurately determine Earth's circumference?


The explorer who advanced oceanography by introducing systematic soundings, or depth measurements, was __________.

James Cook

Who left Spain in September 1519 and became the first person to complete a circumnavigation of the globe when he returned to Spain three years later?

Juan Sebastian del Caño

Which of the following is Earth's rigid layer that includes the crust plus the topmost portion of the mantle?


How did the view of the ocean by early Mediterranean cultures influence the naming of planet Earth?

Mediterranean cultures believed Earth was composed of large land masses surrounded by marginal bodies of water.

Which of the following fossils was used as data to help reconstruct Pangea because it was a reptile found in South America and Africa?


In the ocean, where are the youngest rocks found?

Mid-ocean ridges

What piece of evidence supports Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

Modern-day species that evolved in isolation share a common ancestor.

What does NOAA stand for?

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

What are the major steps involved in the process of science

Observation, hypothesis, testing, and theory

________ are events and phenomena that we can detect with our senses.


Most large earthquakes occur along which of the following?

Ocean trenches

Which of the following was true about the Protoearth?

Protoearth's deep structure was homogeneous.

The method of determining latitude in the Northern Hemisphere by measuring the angle between an observer's line of site to the North Star and line of site to the northern horizon was developed by:


Prior to 1768, which of the following claimed the most human lives at sea?


What is the difference between an ocean and a sea?

Seas are smaller and shallower bodies of salt water that are somewhat enclosed by land, but they are directly connected to the world ocean

Based on definition, it is more appropriate to consider which ocean as a sea?

The Arctic Ocean

What was the one line of evidence that Alfred Wegner could not explain with continental drift?

The mechanism for the movement of the plates

Alfred Wegener's continental drift hypothesis received much hostile criticism and ridicule from the scientific community because of which of the following?

The mechanism he proposed for the movement of the continents.

Which of the following is the most convincing piece of evidence set forth to support the concept of sea floor spreading?

The oceanic pattern of alternating reversals of Earth's magnetic field

What do all plate boundaries have in common?

They are all associated with zones of earthquakes.

What is scurvy?

Vitamin C deficiency

In science, which one of the following would be considered an observation? Select only one answer.

Waves approach the beach at an angle.

Evidence shows that periodic reversals of Earth's magnetic field have resulted in __________.

a symmetrical pattern of normal and reverse magnetization in ocean crustal rocks along ridges and rises.

The nebular hypothesis suggests that ________.

all bodies in the solar system formed from an enormous gas cloud

The Mariana Trench is an example of ________ plate boundary.

an oceanic-oceanic convergent

Which of the following is characteristic of oceanic-continental convergent plate boundaries?

andesitic volcanoes

Evidence suggests that the Sun and the rest of the solar system formed about five ________ years ago.


The Himalayan Mountains and Alps are geographic examples of which type of plate boundary?


The Pacific Ocean is an example of the ________ stage of the Wilson Cycle.


The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of a:

divergent plate boundary.

Which of the following is an example of the embryonic stage of the Wilson Cycle?

east africa

Compared to the rest of the planet, an unusually high concentration of hotspots and rifting is located on the continent of Africa. A likely explanation for this is that __________.

the African Plate is essentially stationary with respect to Earth's interior and the thick continental crust acts as a "heat blanket"

Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews determined that new ocean floor was being produced at ocean ridges by examining:

the magnetic pattern of rocks on the seafloor.

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