Ocular practice questions

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9. The limbal crypts contain _________. CHOOSE 3 ANSWERS A. Blood vessels B. Stem cells C. Langerhans cells D. Conjunctival stroma E. Melanocytes

B, C and E

10. The corneal endothelium transitions into ______ at the corneoscleral limbus. A. scleral endothelium B. episclera C. trabecular meshwork endothelium D. bulbar conjunctiva


102. What is the predominant type of collagen present in the sclera? A. VIII B. II C. I D. IV


105. The epithelial layer of the conjunctiva contains _______. A. accessory lacrimal glands B. a lymphoid layer C. pigment that filters UV light D. a fibrous layer


108. Which of the following muscles inserts most posteriorly on the globe? A. Medial rectus B. Inferior rectus C. Superior rectus D. Lateral rectus


11. The minor arterial circle of the iris is in the ___ A. Iris root B. Ciliary body and iris root C. Collarette region of the iris D. Pupillary ruff


114. Sympathetic stimulation of the choroid results in which of the following? A. Vasodilation of choroidal vessels B. Contraction of the ciliary muscle C. Vasoconstriction of choroidal vessels D. Contraction of the iris dilator


116. In the vitreous where is the highest density of collagen is found? A. Cloquet's canal B. Posterior cortex C. Vitreous base D. Intermediate vitreous


123. During dextroelevation which extraocular muscles are contracted? A. Right lateral rectus and right superior oblique B. Right lateral rectus and left inferior oblique C. Right superior rectus and left inferior oblique D. Right lateral rectus and left superior oblique


127. Which of the following branches of the ophthalmic artery anastomoses with a branch of the external carotid artery? A. Lacrimal B. Posterior conjunctival C. Dorsonasal D. Central retinal


129. Which layer of the conjunctiva contain the accessory glands of Krause and Wolfring? A. Epithelial layer B. Outer lymphoid layer C. Deep fibrous layer D. These glands are not in the conjunctiva


13. What path do the sympathetic fibers travel from the CNS to innervate the Iris dilator? A. T1-T3 portion of the spinal cord→ Sympathetic chain → Superior cervical ganglion→ Superior division of CN III→ Iris dilator B. C1-C4 portion of the spinal cord→ Sympathetic chain→ Superior cervical ganglion→ Maxillary nerve→ Nasocillary Nerve→ Long ciliary nerve→ Iris dilator C. T1-T3 portion of the spinal cord→ Sympathetic chain→ Superior cervical ganglion→ Ophthalmic nerve→ Nasocillary Nerve→ Long ciliary nerve→ Iris dilator D. Edinger-Westphal nucleus→ Inferior division of CN III→ Ciliary ganglion→ Short ciliary nerves→ Iris dilator


130. The inner limiting membrane of the retina is produced by A. M cells B. P cells C. Müller cells D. Microglial cells


136. Which layer of the retina is in direct contact with the vitreous humor? A. RPE B. External limiting membrane C. Internal limiting membrane D. Nerve fiber layer


139. The bulbar conjunctiva is innervated by which branch of CN V? A. Lacrimal nerve B. Facial nerve C. Nasociliary nerve D. Frontal nerve


145. Which vein joins the subclavian vein to become the brachiocephalic vein? A. External jugular B. Axillary C. Internal jugular D. Cephalic


148. Where do fibers associated with Meyer's loop terminate? A. Cuneus gyrus B. Lateral geniculate nucleus C. Lingual gyrus D. Anterior knee of Wilbrand


150. All the following are transmembrane mucins that form the glycocalyx EXCEPT: A. MUC16 B. MUC4 C. MUC8 D. MUC1


151. Where does Muller's muscle originate and insert in the lower eyelid? A. It originates from the orbital septum and inserts into Lockwood's ligament. B. It originates from the maxillary bone and inserts into Whitnall's ligament. C. It originates from the capsulopalpebral fascia and inserts into the lower tarsal plate. D. It originates from the maxillary bone and inserts into the sclera.


152. All of the following terms are correctly identified EXCEPT: A. Pars Plicata- Projections of ciliary stroma covered by epithelium B. Pars Plana- Posterior ciliary body with rounded portions called oral bays C. Supraciliaris- innermost layer of choroid that is adjacent to vitreous D. Zonules- suspensory ligaments that courses through the canal of Hanover


158. Some inferior nasal fibers of the optic nerve will loop anteriorly to the contralateral optic nerve before continuing to travel posteriorly to the contralateral optic tract. The area where these fibers loop is called the ___________. A. posterior knee of Wilbrand B. posterior retinal loop of Willis C. anterior knee of Wilbrand D. retinal knee of Wilbrand


159. What structure in the orbit divides the lacrimal gland into the orbital and palpebral lobes? A. Orbital septum B. Palpebral ligament C. Lateral horn of the levator aponeurosis D. Orbicularis oculi


160. All the following contribute to the composition of the tear film EXCEPT: A. Goblet cells B. Lacrimal gland C. Zeis glands D. Meibomian glands


165. All the following are actions of the superior rectus EXCEPT: A. Supraduction B. Intortion C. Extortion D. Adduction


168. All the following statements regarding the long posterior ciliary arteries are accurate EXCEPT: A. They anastomose with the anterior ciliary arteries. B. They contribute to the formation of MACI. C. They nourish posterior retina. D. They pierce the sclera posteriorly and travel within the suprachoroid.


169. What cells replace corneal epithelial basal cells as they divide and become wing cells? A. Langerhans cells B. Melanocytes C. Stem cells D. Clump cells


17. All the following are in the corneal stroma EXCEPT: A. White blood cells B. Keratocytes C. Blood vessels D. Collagen


172. Where does most aerobic glucose metabolism occur in the retina? A. Müller cells B. Choriocapillaris C. Photoreceptors D. Ganglion cells


173. Which structure has the strongest attachment to the vitreous? A. Retinal Vessels B. Optic Disc C. Vitreous Base D. Macula


176. Which arteries supply the prelaminar and laminar portions of the optic nerve? A. Anterior ciliary B. Anterior choroidal C. Short posterior ciliary D. Superior Hypophyseal


18. What is the correct order of corneal layers from anterior to posterior? A. Endothelium, Descemet's membrane, Stroma, Bowman's layer, Epithelium B. Endothelium, Bowman's layer, Stroma, Descemet's membrane, Epithelium C. Epithelium, Bowman's layer, Stroma, Descemet's membrane, Endothelium D. Epithelium, Descemet's membrane, Stroma, Bowman's layer, Endothelium


180. All the following characterize the longitudinal muscle fibers in the ciliary body EXCEPT: A. They course parallel to the sclera. B. They have stellate terminations in the choroid. C. They actively transport aqueous humor into the posterior chamber. D. They expand the spaces of the trabecular meshwork during contraction.


181. All the following statements regarding the basement membrane of the lens are accurate EXCEPT: A. With age it becomes the thickest basement membrane in the body. B. It is also called the lens capsule. C. It is composed of primarily collagen type III and GAGs. D. It has no elastic fibers but is highly elastic.


183. All the following nerves course through the cavernous sinus EXCEPT: A. Abducens nerve B. Oculomotor nerve C. Mandibular nerve D. Trochlear nerve E. Ophthalmic nerve


186. All the following statements regarding photoreceptors are accurate EXCEPT: A. Rods are responsible for scotopic vision. B. Rods are activated by light in the 496 nm blue-green range. C. Color vision is absent in cones. D. Rods are more concentrated in peripheral retina vs central retina.


190. What is the secretory route of aqueous humor? A. Posterior chamber → through pupil → between iris and lens → anterior chamber B. Anterior chamber → through pupil→ between iris and lens→ posterior chamber C. Posterior chamber → between iris and lens → through pupil → anterior chamber D. Anterior chamber → between iris and lens → through pupil → posterior chamber


193. Innervation to the ciliary muscle originates from what area of the brain? A. Pons B. Medulla C. Midbrain D. Hindbrain


198. All the following are functions of the lipid layer of the tear film EXCEPT: A. Resist evaporation of the tear film B. Forms a water-tight seal when eyelids are closed C. Forms the bulk of tears D. Aids in lubrication of eyelids


20. All the following are found in corneal endothelial cells EXCEPT: A. Desmosomes B. Microvilli C. Tight junctions D. Metabolic pumps


205. Which of the following statements regarding the lens is accurate? A. It is only comprised of endothelial cells. B. The diameter is measured from the anterior pole to the posterior pole. C. Posterior lens cells are the first ones to elongate. D. The newest fibers form in the middle of the lens. E. The lens diameter stays the same throughout life.


26. What two arteries anastomose to form the palpebral arcades? A. Supratrochlear and Infratrochlear B. Lacrimal and Ophthalmic C. Lateral palpebral and Medial palpebral D. Internal carotid and External carotid


28. The perimysium is a layer of connective tissue that surrounds which structure? A. Muscle B. Myofibers C. Fascicles D. Myofilaments


30. How do molecules, ions, and water move from the ciliary stroma into pigmented ciliary epithelial cells? A. Fenestrations B. Gap junctions C. Diffusion D. Active transport


37. Where does the cornea obtain the majority of its oxygen in closed eye conditions? A. Limbal capillaries B. Tear film C. Palpebral capillaries D. Aqueous humor


39. Which layer of the tear film is responsible for slowing down evaporation, thereby increasing tear film stability? A. Mucin layer B. Epithelial layer C. Lipid layer D. Aqueous layer,


46. The common tendinous ring is the origin for all of the following muscles EXCEPT: A. Superior rectus B. Medial rectus C. Superior oblique D. Inferior rectus E. Lateral rectus


49. Which bone of the orbit contains the lacrimal fossa for the lacrimal gland? A. Greater Wing of Sphenoid B. Lacrimal Bone C. Frontal Bone D. Zygomatic Bone


52. Which branch of the nasociliary nerve innervates the posterior sclera? A. Long ciliary B. Supraorbital C. Short ciliary D. Infraorbital


56. Which of the following regarding the levator muscle is accurate? A. It is a smooth muscle that retracts the upper eyelid. B. It is a smooth muscle that protracts the lower eyelid. C. It is a skeletal muscle that retracts the upper eyelid. D. It is a skeletal muscle that protracts the lower eyelid.


6. All the following factors effect the water content in the corneal stroma EXCEPT: A. Balance of stromal swelling pressure and intraocular pressure B. Tear film osmolarity C. Exchange of calcium ions across the corneal epithelial cells D. Tight junctions between epithelial cells


61. Branches from which artery form the episcleral arterial circle? A. Anterior choroidal B. Posterior ciliary C. Anterior ciliary D. Middle cerebral


63. The aqueous of the mucoaqueous layer of the tear film is produced by which gland? A. Gland of Krause B. Gland of Wolfring C. Lacrimal gland D. Goblet cells


67. Which of the following statements regarding matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is accurate? A. MMPs play a role in acid-base balance. B. MMPs are electrolytes. C. MMPs play a role in corneal wound healing. D. MMPs maintain the water content of the corneal stroma at 78%.


7. What type of glands are Meibomian glands? A. Merocrine B. Apocrine C. Holocrine D. Eccrine


73. Which section of striated muscle contains only thick Filaments? A. Z Line B. I Band C. H Zone D. A Band


74. Which component of a sarcomere needs to be bound to calcium to allow cross bridge formation? A. Actin B. Myosin C. Troponin D. Tropomyosin


78. Where do the olfactory nerves pass through the ethmoid bone? A. Ethmoidal plate B. Perpendicular plate C. Cribriform plate D. Roof plate


8. What prevents the reflux of fluid from the inferior meatus into the nasolacrimal duct? A. Inferior turbinate B. Valve of Rosenmuller C. Valve of Hasner D. Horizontal canaliculus


87. Movement of molecules from capillaries in the ciliary body into surrounding stroma due to hydrostatic pressure is called _________. A. active transport B. fenestrations C. ultrafiltration D. diffusion


88. Which anatomic boundary of the eyelid is formed by the attachment of the skin to the levator aponeurosis? A. Inferior palpebral sulcus B. Lateral canthus C. Superior palpebral sulcus D. Palpebral fissure


94. Which of the following passes through the superior orbital fissure above the common tendinous ring? A. Nasociliary nerve B. Infraorbital nerve C. Frontal nerve D. Abducens nerve


76. Which cranial nerve provides motor innervation to the orbicularis oculi? A. Trigeminal B. Ophthalmic C. Facial D. Oculomotor E. Trochlear


112. What type of gland is the lacrimal gland? A. Endocrine B. Apocrine C. Holocrine D. Merocrine


113. Which of the following statements regarding the choriocapillaris is accurate? A. It is found between Bruch's membrane and RPE. B. It is found within Haller's layer. C. Blood flow in the choriocapillaris is significantly lower than that of other tissues. D. It supplies nutrients to the photoreceptors.


119. In which retinal layer do the footplates of Muller's cells terminate? A. Outer nuclear layer B. Inner nuclear layer C. Photoreceptor layer D. Internal limiting membrane


12. What is the path of blood supply to the bulbar conjunctiva? A. Internal carotid → Muscular Arteries → Ophthalmic Artery → Anterior ciliary arteries → Anterior conjunctival arteries B. Internal carotid → Ophthalmic Artery → Muscular Arteries → Anterior conjunctival arteries → Anterior ciliary arteries C. Internal carotid → Muscular Arteries → Ophthalmic Artery → Anterior conjunctival arteries → Anterior ciliary arteries D. Internal carotid → Ophthalmic artery → Muscular Arteries → Anterior ciliary arteries → Anterior conjunctival arteries


120. What is the site where ganglion cell axons accumulate and exit the eye? A. Fovea B. Perifovea C. Parafovea D. Optic Disc


125. The axons of the photoreceptors synapse with which cells in the outer plexiform layer? A. Bipolar Cells B. Horizontal Cells C. Amacrine Cells D. A and B


133. Where does the parasympathetic pathway originate for the ciliary muscle and iris sphincter? A. Red nucleus B. Ciliary ganglion C. Pretectal nucleus D. Edinger-Westphal nucleus


135. Which of the following innervates the cornea? A. Short ciliary nerves B. Frontal nerves C. Optic nerves D. Long ciliary nerves


137. The inner retina receives its blood supply from the _______. A. choroid B. long posterior ciliary arteries C. short posterior ciliary arteries D. central retinal artery


14. All the following are bones of the medial orbital wall EXCEPT: A. Sphenoid B. Ethmoid C. Maxillary D. Palatine E. Lacrimal


15. The lesser wing of sphenoid contributes a small portion to what orbital wall? A. Floor B. Medial C. Lateral D. Roof E. Apex


16. Stimulation of which fibers causes the ciliary body to contract? A. Somatic B. Sympathetic C. Afferent D. Parasympathetic


163. _______ muscle contraction results in a miotic pupil which __________ spherical aberration. A. Iris Dilator, increases B. Iris Dilator, decreases C. Iris Sphincter, increases D. Iris Sphincter, decreases,


170. Which of the following retinal layers contains the cell bodies of photoreceptors? A. Outer plexiform layer B. Photoreceptor layer C. RPE D. Outer nuclear layer


188. Which is the most mitotically active layer of the cornea? A. Endothelium B. Stroma C. Descemet's membrane D. Epithelium


192. Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers that exit the pons travel with which cranial nerve before synapsing in the pterygopalatine ganglion? A. CN II B. CN III C. CN V D. CN VII


197. What is the name of the primary vitreous remnant found on the optic disc? A. Mittendorf dot B. Berger's space C. Wieger's ligament D. Bergmeister's papilla


199. Which type of tear production is produced when the limbic system is stimulated? A. Basal B. Reflex C. Closed-eye D. Emotional


200. Which process is correct about the lens when accommodation occurs? A. Ciliary muscle relaxes → zonules relax → Refractive power of lens increases B. Ciliary muscle contracts → zonules relax → Refractive power of lens decreases C. Ciliary muscle contracts → zonules contract → Refractive power of lens increases D. Ciliary muscle contracts → zonules relax → Refractive power of lens increases E. Ciliary muscle relaxes → zonules contract → Refractive power of lens decreases


40. What component of the tear film maintains the fluid balance (osmolarity)? A. Glucose B. Soluble proteins C. Mucins D. Electrolytes


43. Which muscle(s) is/are responsible for depressing the brows medially and forming vertical wrinkles in the glabella? A. Procerus and Orbicularis oculi B. Procerus and Depressor superciliaris C. Corrugator and Procerus D. Corrugator


5. Which factors contribute to corneal transparency? A. Presence of crystallins in the corneal epithelium B. Uniform collagen fibril diameter of 30 cm C. Equally spaced distance between collagen fibrils D. A and C are true E. All of the above


55. Which of the following regarding the orbital septum is accurate? A. It runs the entire rim of the orbit to the tarsal plate. B. It prevents infections from entering the orbit. C. It is outer to the orbicularis oculi muscle. D. A and B are correct. E. A, B, and C are correct.,


57. The eyebrow's contour and position are influenced by muscles innervated by which cranial nerve? A. CN II B. CN III C. CN V D. CN VII


60. Which cells are concentrated in the anterior iris stroma just under the fibroblast meshwork? A. Leukocytes B. Red blood cells C. Muscle cells D. Melanocytes


79. Which structure is responsible for retraction of the lower eyelid? A. Orbicularis Oculi B. Levator C. Frontalis D. Capsulopalpebral fascia


80. Meibum is secreted from the Meibomian glands by what action? A. Relaxation of Müller's muscle B. Relaxation of the orbicularis oculi C. Contraction of Müller's muscle D. Contraction of the orbicularis oculi


82. Which two cranial nerves are involved in the reflex arc of lacrimation? A. CN V2 and CN VII B. CN V1 and CN IX C. CN V2 and CN VII D. CN V1 and CN VII


83. Anteriorly Tenon's capsule is located between what two structures? A. Retina and ciliary body B. Choroid and lamina fusca C. Nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body and sclera D. Episclera and bulbar conjunctiva


85. Which nerve or vessel passes through the superior orbital fissure and through the annulus of Zinn? A. Trochlear nerve B. Frontal nerve C. Superior ophthalmic vein D. Abducens nerve


89. All the following regarding Meibomian glands are accurate EXCEPT: A. Meibomian glands are arranged vertically in the tarsal plate. B. Meibomian glands are a type of holocrine gland. C. Synthesis of meibum is regulated by androgen and estrogen. D. Meibomian glands open onto the eyelid margin anterior to the gray line.


91. Within the choroid _________ is inner to __________. A. Sattler's layer; Bruch's membrane; B. Haller's layer; choriocapillaris C. choriocapillaris; Bruch's membrane D. Sattler's layer; Haller's layer


98. The dilator muscle is stimulated by the _________ system and will cause __________. A. parasympathetic; miosis B. sympathetic; miosis C. parasympathetic; mydriasis D. sympathetic; mydriasis


44. Which of the following is NOT a function of eyebrows? A. Shield from bright light B. Role in aging C. Facial expressions D. Shield from liquids dripping into eye E. All of the above are correct

D wtf this cannot be right -Nat

1. The basement membrane of the lens is composed of ____________. A. epithelial Cells B. collagen type III and GAGs C. collagen type IV and elastic fibers D. endothelial Cells E. collagen type IV and GAGs


24. Blood from the iris is drained through all of the following vessels EXCEPT: A. Vortex veins B. Superior ophthalmic vein C. Inferior ophthalmic vein D. Pterygoid plexus E. Supratrochlear vein


92. Place the layers of the lens in the correct order from inner to outer: A. Fetal nucleus, embryonic nucleus, adult nucleus, cortex, lens capsule B. Embryonic nucleus, fetal nucleus, cortex, adult nucleus, lens capsule C. Fetal nucleus, embryonic nucleus, adult nucleus, lens capsule, cortex D. Lens capsule, cortex, adult nucleus, fetal nucleus, embryonic nucleus E. Embryonic nucleus, fetal nucleus, adult nucleus, cortex, lens capsule


101. What is the name of the primary vitreous remnant found on the posterior lens? A. Mittendorf dot B. Berger's space C. Wieger's ligament D. Bergmeister's papilla


121. Which of the following structures is included in the anterior lamella of the eyelid? A. Skin B. Palpebral conjunctiva C. Orbital septum D. Tarsal plate


132.. What is the vitamin necessary for phototransduction? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin D C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin K


134. When the eye is open the cornea receives the majority of its oxygen from ___________. A. atmospheric oxygen B. limbal capillaries C. palpebral capillaries D. aqueous humor,


143. As the optic nerve enters the orbit through the optic canal it is accompanied by the _____________. A. ophthalmic artery B. muscular artery C. internal carotid artery D. dorsonasal artery


149. Ganglion cell axons that synapse in the superior colliculus control what? A. Coordination of eye and head movement B. Pupillary light reflex C. Arousal D. Circadian Rhythms


153. Which of the following is the correct order of retinal cells from inner to outer? A. Ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptors B. Bipolar cells, photoreceptors, ganglion cells C. Photoreceptors, ganglion cells, bipolar cells D. Photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells


154. The efferent division of the autonomic nervous system transmits nerve impulses to all of the following EXCEPT: A. Skeletal muscle B. Cardiac muscle C. Smooth muscle D. Glands


164. What type of crystallins function as molecular chaperones within the lens? A. α B. β C. γ


166. What is the primary muscle for intorsion? A. Superior oblique B. Superior rectus C. Inferior oblique D. Inferior rectus


171. Which histologic region of the retina contains the highest concentration of cones? A. Foveola B. Macula lutea C. Periphery D. Parafovea


178. A lesion of the right hemisphere of the occipital lobe will cause what visual field defect? A. Left visual field defect B. Right visual field defect C. Inferior nasal quadranopsia D. Superior temporal quadranopsia


182. The levator palpebrae arises from which orbital bone? A. Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone B. Frontal bone C. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone D. Ethmoid bone


184. What is the correct path of blood from the pterygoid plexus to the heart? A. Maxillary vein → Retromandibular vein → Jugular vein → Subclavian vein B. Retromandibular vein → Maxillary vein → Subclavian vein → Jugular vein C. Maxillary vein → Brachiocephalic vein → Jugular vein → Subclavian vein D. Jugular vein → Retromandibular vein → Subclavian vein → Brachiocephalic vein


187. What is the main type of collagen fiber in the corneal stroma? A. Type I B. Type II C. Type III D. Type IV


203. Which range of UV radiation is the lens responsible for absorbing? A. UVA B. UVB C. UVC D. UVD


206. All the following statements regarding aging changes of the lens is accurate EXCEPT: A. Epithelial cell permeability decreases with age. B. Chromophore accumulates in the nucleus with age. C. Glutathione concentration decreases with age. D. α crystallins have increased significantly by age 45.


25. Sympathetic neurons coursing to the iris synapse in which ganglion? A. Superior cervical B. Ciliary C. Semilunar D. Pterygopalatine


27. What vein is the main route for venous drainage of the eyelid? A. Angular vein B. Vortex veins C. Anterior ciliary veins D. Aqueous veins


29. Which of the following occurs when the sarcomere is contracted? A. The H zone width decreases B. The space between 2 Z lines increases C. Actin heads are bound to myosin filaments D. All of the above


3. Thick filaments of the sarcomere are composed of __________. A. Myosin B. Actin C. Tropomyosin D. Troponin


32. Where are giant vacuoles located within the aqueous drainage system? A. Endothelium of Schlemm's canal B. Endothelium of the juxtacanalicular meshwork C. Endothelium of the suprachoroid D. Epithelium of the scleral spur


33. Which of the following impairs the ability for aqueous to drain through the anterior chamber angle? A. Increased prostaglandin synthesis B. GAGs in the juxtacanalicular meshwork C. An open iridocorneal angle D. Episcleral venous pressure lower than the IOP


34. In which direction does the ciliary body extend furthest posteriorly? A. Temporal B. Nasal C. Superior D. All portions are equally thick


36. Zonules originate from the ___________. A. basement membrane of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium B. lens nucleus C. vitreous cortex D. internal limiting membrane


41. Scarring does not generally occur if only which layer of the cornea is damaged? Stroma A. Epithelium B. Bowman's C. Endothelium


50. All the following statements regarding the orbital floor are accurate EXCEPT: A. It is the thinnest wall of the orbit. B. It is formed by three bones. C. It is the weakest wall of the orbit. D. It contains the infraorbital groove.


58. Which muscle is responsible for forming horizontal wrinkles across the nose by depressing the medial brows? A. Procerus B. Depressor Superciliaris C. Orbicularis Oculi D. Corrugator


59. Where are depressions in the iris known as Fuch's crypts located? A. Around the collarette in the stroma B. Near the iris root in the stroma C. Near the iris root in the posterior pigmented epithelium D. Around the collarette in the anterior pigmented epithelium


68. Which structure helps prevent the spread of orbital infections into the globe? A. Tenon's capsule B. Periorbita C. Orbital septum D. Whitnall's ligament E. Orbital fat


69. Which of the following structures can be found within the orbit? A. Extraocular muscles B. Lacrimal sac C. Orbicularis oculi D. Tarsal plate


72. If the eye is adducted 55⁰ from its primary position which EOM is the primary depressor of the eye? A. Superior oblique B. Superior rectus C. Inferior oblique D. Inferior rectus


90. The deep capillary beds of the central retinal artery are located in which layer? A. Inner nuclear layer B. Inner pyramidal layer C. Outer nuclear layer D. Choroid E. Photoreceptor layer


96. Pupillary constriction occurs as a result of relaxation of what muscle? A. Iris dilator B. Iris Sphincter C. Muller's Muscle D. Lateral Rectus


97. Which ocular muscle has an origin on the lesser wing of the sphenoid just below the optic canal at the orbital apex? A. Superior oblique B. Inferior oblique C. Superior rectus D. Inferior rectus


99. Which of the following has the greatest contribution to aqueous formation? A. Ciliary capillaries being highly fenestrated B. Ciliary capillaries not being fenestrated C. Iris capillaries being highly fenestrated D. Iris capillaries not being fenestrated


144. Which vein(s) provide(s) the main route for drainage of deoxygenated blood from the uvea? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Superior Ophthalmic B. Inferior Ophthalmic C. Facial D. Central retinal E. Supraorbital F. Infraorbital

A and B

157. Which of the following supplies blood to the inner 2/3 of the retina? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Central retinal artery B. Cilioretinal artery C. Choriocapillaris D. Long posterior ciliary arteries E. Anterior ciliary arteries

A and B

109. Which 2 extraocular muscles are NOT innervated by the oculomotor nerve? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Lateral rectus B. Superior rectus C. Superior oblique D. Inferior oblique

A and C

111. Examples of transmembrane mucins are? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. MUC 4 B. MUC 2 C. MUC 16 D. MUC 5AC E. MUC 52

A and C

15. Which blood vessels anastomose to form the major arterial circle of the iris? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Anterior ciliary arteries B. Supraorbital artery C. Long posterior ciliary arteries D. Lacrimal artery

A and C

194. Which two arteries form the major arterial circle of the iris? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Long posterior ciliary arteries B. Short posterior ciliary arteries C. Anterior ciliary arteries D. Anterior communicating artery E. Lacrimal artery

A and C

35. The ciliary pigmented epithelium is continuous with which of the following? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Anterior pigmented epithelium of the iris B. Posterior pigmented epithelium of the iris C. Pigmented epithelium of the retina D. Ciliary muscle E. Neurosensory retina

A and C

4. Thin filaments of the sarcomere are composed of _________ and ___________. CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Tropomyosin B. Myosin C. Troponin D. Titin

A and C

81. What two branches of the external carotid artery supply the lacrimal sac? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Maxillary B. Ophthalmic C. Facial D. Supratrochlear

A and C

86. What nerve or vessel passes through the inferior orbital fissure? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Inferior ophthalmic vein B. Lacrimal nerve C. Zygomatic nerve D. Optic nerve

A and C

95. In dim light the pupil does which of the following? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Increases the amount of light entering the eye B. Constricts C. Dilates D. Reduces the amount of light entering the eye

A and C

140. What eye movement do you get with EOM rotation around the X-axis (horizontal/transverse axis)? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Supraduction B. Intorsion C. ADduction D. Extorsion E. Infraduction F. ABduction

A and E

70. Which of the following cranial nerves travel through the orbit? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Trochlear nerve B. Maxillary nerve C. Facial nerve D. Mandibular nerve E. Vestibulocochlear nerve

A, B

48. Which of the following muscles are synergists for ABduction? CHOOSE 3 ANSWERS A. Lateral rectus B. Medial rectus C. Superior rectus D. Inferior rectus E. Superior oblique F. Inferior oblique

A, E and F

100. All the following are characteristics of the choriocapillaris EXCEPT: A. It is the innermost region of the choroid. B. Red blood cells pass through single file through a narrow lumen. C. It is highly fenestrated. D. It is the sole blood supply to the fovea.


103. The weakest area of sclera is at the __________. A. limbus B. posterior foramen C. area of insertion for extraocular muscles D. equator of the globe


104. Which of the following regarding the plica semilunaris is accurate? A. It is medial to the caruncle. B. It contains a high concentration of goblet cells. C. It is a fold of forniceal conjunctiva. D. It promotes medial movement of the eye without tissue stretching.


106. A patient with a collagen disease might present in your office with a sclera that is what color? A. Yellow B. Blue C. White D. Red


110. Which vein drains blood from the superior rectus? A. Supraorbital vein B. Superior ophthalmic vein C. Angular Vein D. Superior palpebral vein


115. What vessels form the posterior choroid? A. Long posterior ciliary arteries B. Short posterior ciliary arteries C. Anterior ciliary arteries D. Central retinal artery


117. Which of the following retinal layers is NOT present in the foveola? A. External limiting membrane B. Inner plexiform layer C. Outer nuclear layer D. Outer plexiform layer


118. Histologically speaking where are the INL, OPL, and GCL thickest in the retina? A. Perifovea B. Parafovea C. Fovea D. Peripheral Retina


122. Which of the following is the correct term for the transition of palpebral conjunctiva to skin? A. Transition zone B. Mucocutaneous junction C. Gray line D. Lash line


124. What does Sherrington's law state? A. The agonist muscle and antagonist muscle are innervated equally during movement. B. Increased innervation of the agonist muscle is accompanied by decreased innervation of its antagonist. C. Yoked muscles receive equal and simultaneous excitatory or inhibitory signals. D. When the agonist muscle is stimulated the synergist is inhibited.


126. The inner limiting membrane of retina is continuous with the basement membrane of the ___________. A. pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body B. nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body C. ora serrata D. neurons of the retinal nerve fiber layer


131. Which of the following statements regarding accommodation is accurate? A. When the ciliary muscle is relaxed the zonules are relaxed, the lens is thicker, and accommodation is stimulated. B. When the ciliary muscle is relaxed, the zonules are tense, the lens is thinner, and accommodation is relaxed. C. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the zonules are relaxed, the lens is thinner, and accommodation is relaxed. D. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the zonules are tense, the lens is thicker, and accommodation is stimulated.


138. All the following contribute to lens transparency EXCEPT: A. Lack of blood vessels B. Uniform spacing between collagen fibers C. Presence of glutathione D. Na+/K+ ATPase in epithelial cell membranes


141. If the course of an extraocular muscle is parallel to an axis _______________. A. the only rotation for that muscle is around that axis. B. the muscle will have no rotation around that axis. C. the muscle will have its strongest action at this position. D. the muscle will be the primary mover of the eye at that axis.


147. Where do the majority of ganglion cell axons synapse? A. Optic tract B. Lateral geniculate nucleus C. Pterygopalatine ganglion D. Optic radiation


155. The parasympathetic postganglionic fibers that travel with CN V2 innervate which of the following structures? A. Iris sphincter B. Lacrimal gland C. Ciliary muscle D. Iris dilator


156. Mounds of conjunctival stroma that project into the peripheral cornea radially are called ___________. A. limbal crypts B. Palisades of Vogt C. conjunctival fornix D. Bermeister's papilla


161. Why is there less protein in the aqueous humor compared to the plasma? A. To protect the anterior ocular structures from UV light B. To minimize light scatter C. This isn't true. There is more protein in the aqueous humor vs the plasma


162. During aqueous production molecules, ions and water move from the pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body to the nonpigmented epithelium via ___________. A. diffusion B. gap junctions C. active transport D. Ultrafiltration


167. What is the name of the artery that arises from the short posterior ciliary arteries and supplies the inner retina? A. Central retinal artery B. Cilioretinal artery C. Anterior ciliary artery D. Anterior choroidal artery


174. All the following arteries form the circle of Willis EXCEPT: A. Internal carotid Artery B. Middle cerebral artery C. Posterior communicating artery D. Anterior cerebral artery


177. The short posterior ciliary arteries anastomose around the optic nerve forming the ___________. A. collateral branches of optic nerve B. circle of Zinn-Haller C. circle of Willis D. cuneus gyrus


185. Where is the site of phototransduction? A. Retinal pigmented epithelium B. Outer segment of photoreceptors C. Cilium of photoreceptors D. Inner segment of photoreceptors


19. Which layer of the cornea is replaced by limbal stem cells? A. Bowman's Layer B. Epithelium C. Corneal Stroma D. Descemet's Membrane


191. What is the termination of peripheral retina termed? A. Equator B. Ora serrata C. Limbus D. Vortex veins


195. All the following are branches of the ophthalmic artery EXCEPT: A. Central retinal artery B. Anterior choroidal artery C. Ethmoid arteries D. Dorsonasal artery


196. What forms the weakest attachment to the vitreous? A. Posterior lens B. Retinal vessels C. Macula D. Optic disc


2. At what angle does the superior oblique muscle insert on the globe? A. 55 dEegrees from the horizontal axis B. 55 degrees from the sagittal axis C. 51 degrees from the horizontal axis D. 51 degrees from the sagittal axis


201. The majority of glucose in the lens is metabolized via ___________. A. cellular respiration B. fermentation C. pentose phosphate pathway D. fatty acid oxidation


202. The basement membrane surrounding the crystalline lens is referred to as the _________. A. cortex B. capsule C. shell D. case


204. Primary vitreous is present in which vitreal zone? A. Intermediate zone B. Cloquet's Canal C. Cortex


21. What cranial nerve supplies motor innervation to the levator muscle? A. Facial nerve B. Oculomotor nerve C. Trigeminal nerve D. Abducens nerve


23. Which of the following nerves innervates the lower eyelid? A. Nasociliary B. Infraorbital C. Lacrimal D. Supraorbital


31. All the following statements regarding the forniceal conjunctiva are accurate EXCEPT: A. It eases the movement of the globe without stretching the conjunctiva. B. It is present superiorly inferiorly, medially, and laterally. C. It connects palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva. D. The palpebral arcades supply its blood.


38. What plexus is formed when corneal nerve fibers lose their myelin sheaths ~1mm from the limbus? A. Intraepithelial plexus B. Anterior stromal plexus C. Subbasal plexus D. Limbal plexus


45. Which extraocular muscle is the only extraocular muscle to originate in the anterior orbit? A. Superior oblique B. Inferior oblique C. Inferior rectus D. Medial rectus


51. Blood drains from the sclera following which pathway? A. Anterior ciliary veins → episcleral veins → vortex veins → superior and inferior ophthalmic veins B. Episcleral veins → anterior ciliary veins → muscular veins → superior and inferior ophthalmic veins C. Episcleral veins → anterior ciliary veins → vortex veins → superior and inferior ophthalmic veins D. Anterior ciliary veins → episcleral veins → muscular veins → superior and inferior ophthalmic veins


53. Which of the following is a structure in the posterior lamella of the eyelid? A. Orbital septum B. Tarsal plate C. Orbicularis oculi muscle D. Retractor muscles


54. The gland of Zeis is an example of a(n) _______ gland; the gland of Moll is an example of a(n) _______ gland. A. apocrine; holocrine B. holocrine; apocrine C. holocrine; merocrine D. merocrine; apocrine


62. Which of the following supplies the lens with nutrients? A. Choroid B. Aqueous humor C. Episclera D. Tear film E. Retina


64. Which of these conditions would cause dry eye? A. A tear film that is 99% water B. Excess sodium into the tear film C. Tear osmolarity of 300 mOsm/L D. Tear osmolarity of 275 mOsm/L


65. Which of the following makes uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humor possible? A. The pressure in the anterior chamber is higher than the pressure in the Schlemm's canal. B. The pressure in the anterior chamber is higher than the pressure in the suprachoroid. C. Episcleral venous pressure is higher than intraocular pressure. D. Hydrostatic pressure in ciliary stromal capillaries is higher than intraocular pressure.


66. What effect will the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase have on aqueous humor? A. Increase the productionthus increasing the amount of aqueous humor secreted B. Decrease the production of bicarbonate, thus decreasing the amount of aqueous humor secreted C. Cause sodium channels to open, allowing sodium and water to enter the posterior chamber, thus increasing the amount of aqueous humor secreted D. Cause sodium channels to close, inhibiting water transport into the posterior chamber, thus decreasing the amount of aqueous humor secreted,


71. In primary gaze what axis is the medial rectus perpendicular to? A. Y-axis B. Z-axis C. Transverse axis D. Sagittal axis


75. Which structure prevents facial/eyelid infections from entering the orbit? A. Periorbita B. Orbital Septum C. Tenon's capsule D. Whitnall's ligament E. Ligament of Lockwood


77. Which is the weakest wall of the orbit and easily susceptible to damage? A. Medial wall B. Floor C. Lateral wall D. Roof


84. What molecule in the aqueous humor helps to protect the anterior ocular structures from UV-induced damage? A. Protein B. Ascorbate C. Lactate D. Potassium


93. The thickest region of the iris is _____________. A. iris root B. collarette C. pupillary zone D. ciliary zone


95. All the following pass through the inferior orbital fissure EXCEPT: A. Zygomatic nerve B. Lacrimal nerve C. Inferior ophthalmic vein D. Infraorbital nerve


E. 179. What happens with the ciliary muscle contracts? A. Zonular tension increases B. The lens's anterior surface steepens C. Accommodation relaxes D. The refractive power of the lens decreases


142. Each optic tract contains which fibers? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Contralateral temporal B. Ipsilateral temporal C. Contralateral nasal D. Ipsilateral nasal

B and C

175. Which artery supplies the anterior portion of the optic radiations? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Posterior cerebral B. Anterior choroidal C. Middle cerebral D. Anterior communicating E. Anterior cerebral

B and C

22. What branches of the facial nerve innervate the orbicularis oculi? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Buccal branch B. Temporal branch C. Zygomatic branch D. Mandibular branch

B and C

107. Which of the following contribute to the blood-aqueous-barrier (BAB)? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Iris capillaries being fenestrated B. Iris capillaries having tight junctions C. Ciliary epithelium being fenestrated D. Ciliary epithelium having tight junctions

B and D

128. Select the pairs of arteries that anastomose with each other. CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Anterior conjunctival artery, Dorsonasal artery B. Long posterior arteries and anterior ciliary arteries C. Anterior conjunctival artery, anterior ciliary arteries D. Lateral palpebral artery, Medial palpebral artery

B and D

146. Which fibers cross at the optic chiasm? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Inferior temporal fibers B. Inferior nasal fibers C. Superior temporal fibers D. Superior nasal fibers

B and D

16. A patient is performing near visual acuities. Which of the following statements is accurate? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. The ciliary muscle is relaxed. B. The ciliary muscle is contracted. C. The ciliary zonules are taut. D. The ciliary zonules are relaxed.

B and D

189. What are the two regions of the posterior chamber? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Cloquet's canal B. Canal of Hanover C. Berger's space D. Canal of Petit E. Area of Martegiani

B and D

42. Which of the following occurs when the corneal endothelium is damaged? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Metabolic pumps increase in number B. Endothelial cells enlarge in size C. Endothelial cells increase in number D. Endothelial cells become irregularly shaped

B and D

47. On dextroelevation, what two muscles are being used? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS A. Superior rectus OS B. Superior rectus OD C. Inferior rectus OS D. Inferior oblique OD E. Inferior oblique OS F. Lateral rectus OS G. Medial rectus OD

B and E

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