Old Testament Final Exam (quiz questions)

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Which prophet was originally a shepherd?


What is the name of Jeremiah's scribe who wrote down some of Jeremiah's messages?


When God speaks in the book of Job, how does he speak?

God speaks by asking questions out of a whirlwind.

What is the meaning of Ezekiel's name?

God strengthens

What are the names of the three books that are sometimes referred to as the Restoration Prophets?

Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi

Which prophet contains a selection of passages called the servant songs?


which prophetic book contains a historical narrative in the middle of the book that describes Sennacherib's siege on Jerusalem in the time of King Hezekiah?


Although the book of Lamentations is anonymous, who is considered the author according to tradition?


Lamentations is a poetical lament grieving the destruction of which city?


Which prophet accuses the people of offering unacceptable sacrifices to the Lord, and accuses them of robbing God of his tithes?


which prophet tells about a ruler who will come out of Bethlehem?


What city does God command Jonah to go to?


The last sentence in the book of Ezekiel states that the name of the city will be called _____.

The Lord is There

In the book of Jonah, when the ship begins to sink, what do the mariners (sailors) on the boat do?

They cry out and pray to their gods

Job's so called friends use ideas in retribution theology to blame Job for the disasters that have fallen on him


Which of the following statements is a verse in Ecclesiastes?

Vanity of vanities, says the preacher. vanity of vanities! all is vanity.

When does Jonah finally pray to God?

While in the belly of the fish

Which prophet is contemporary with Haggai and has eight visions including a large flying scroll, four craftsman rebuilding after four horns have scattered, and horses?


Which governor of Jerusalem did Haggai the prophet encourage, prophecy about, and declare that God has chosen to be like a signet ring?


What does the angel touch Isaiah's lips with?

a burning coal

What is theodicy?

a defense of God's character in the face of the problem of evil

What is the setting and the major metaphor used in Song of Songs?

a lush and fertile garden

at the end of the book of Ezekiel, what does he see coming out of the temple?

a river of living water that brings fruit and healing and restoration

The books of Isaiah and Micah both declare that God desires which of the following?

do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God

A proverb is meant to be read as a promise and as a command.


Daniel is one of the minor prophets written to the kingdom of Israel warning of God's destruction coming through the Assyrians.


Ezekiel sees a vision of the temple destroyed, and then hears an angelic voice declaring that the temple will never be rebuilt.


God instructed the prophet Hosea to go fishing, but to use torn nets. Hosea is to declare that the people of Israel is like the damaged fishing nets.


In the first chapter of Isaiah, the prophet declares that God delights in burnt offerings, sacrifices, and religious feasts, and calls his people to bring sacrifices in prayer.


The prophet Amos says that in order to please God, Israel must bring burnt offerings and sacrifices, sing worship music, and gather in solemn religious assemblies.


The prophet Amos speaks judgment against Israel's enemies, but declares forgiveness and blessing for God's people Israel.


The various sermons, narratives, and oracles in Jeremiah are presented in chronological order.


when Isiah has a vision of the Lord in the year that King Uzziah died, he envisions seraphim calling to one another. what are the seraphim saying?

holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts ; the whole earth is full of his glory

Where is Ezekiel when he has his vision of four strange living creatures, wheels full of eyes, and sea of glass with a throne on it?

in the land of the Chaldeans

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, what happened?

king Neb. could see a 4th person in the fire with them, they were not burned or injured, King Neb. honors their God

What does God tell Hosea to do?

marry a prostitute

What does the prophet Malachi's name mean?


When Daniel sees the vision of the Ancient of Days sitting on a throne, who is it that is given dominion, glory, and an eternal kingdom?

one like a son of man

Jeremiah is often referred to as "the weeping prophet." The ESV Study Bible editors suggest a different title in the Introduction to Jeremiah. Instead of referring to him as "the weeping prophet," the editors suggest calling him "the ________ prophet"


What does Ezekiel see when the Lord set him in the middle of a valley full of old, dry, bones?

the bones come together, flesh covers them, a breath enters them, and they are returned to life

What is the last chapter in Proverbs primarily about?

the characteristics of a noble wife

The wisdom books of the Old Testament frequently point towards the source of wisdom. What is the beginning or source of wisdom? After searching through everything, where is wisdom to be found? Give the best answer that most closely matches the language in the wisdom literature.

the fear of the Lord

When Jonah preaches to the city that he has been sent to, how to the people of that city respond?

the people and their king immediately repent and declare a nationwide fast

who does God send Ezekiel to?

the people of Israel, a rebellious and stubborn nation

A major purpose of Haggai is to encourage the rebuilding of the temple of the Lord.


Amos calls the women of Samaria "cows" who oppress and crush the poor and needy


Daniel is written in both Hebrew and Aramaic.


Ecclesiastes states that there is a season and time for everything, a time to be born, and a time to die. It says there is a time for love, and a time for hate.


Ezekiel's writing often takes readers into his world of unusual visions and symbols, including a vision of a valley full of dry and dead bones that he sees return to life.


Hosea's major concern is Israel's worship of Baal, a weather and fertility god.


In the book of Daniel, the king of Babylon issues a decree blessing the God of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and declaring that God's kingdom is eternal.


In the book of Jeremiah, God promises that he will make a new covenant with his people. In the new covenant, the word of the Lord will be written on the hearts of his people, and their sin will no longer be remembered.


Isaiah and Micah were contemporary to each other.


Isiah declares that in the last days people of all nations will flow toward the mountain of the lord to hear the teaching of the law


Jeremiah stands in the temple of the gate of the Lord and accuses the people of making it a den of robbers


Job's response to God is one of humility and repentance


Many of the biblical prophets speak about the day of the Lord, including the prophet Amos.


Some of the proverbs in the book of proverbs were collected from sources and cultures outside of Israel.


a central theme in Daniel is Gods sovereignty over nations, kings, and empires


How is Job portrayed at the beginning of the book?

wealthy and righteous

In the book of Jonah, during the fierce storm, what did Jonah do?

went to sleep in the inner part of the ship

Proverbs personifies two characteristics as women who are calling out for young people to follow them? Who are these women?

wisdom and folly

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