Oregon Board of Cosmetology Laws and Rules

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All manual or mechanical devices and equipment used in a field of practice must meet all

"product registration requirements"

Articles in contact with client

A neck strip or towel must be placed around the clients neck. All items which come into direct contact with clients skin must be clean. All articles which come in direct contact with the client's skin and cannot be cleaned or disinfected must be disposed of in a covered waste receptacle after use.

Demonstration permit requirements

A person not certified who wishes to practice, demonstrate and teach a field of practice must obtain a demonstration permit from the HLO; the permit shall specify: the purpose for which it is granted, the period for which the person is permitted to practice; the time and place of exercising the privilege granted by the permit

Temporary facility

A temporary facility permit holder may perform services in a field of practice. Must be a natural person.Permit is not to exceed 30 days. If a facility owner intends to operate away from facility on file, they must obtain a temporary facility permit

Fields of Practice

Barbering, esthetics, hair design, nail technology, natural hair care

How do you launder towels or linens?

By a regular commercial laundering or by a non- commercial laundering process, with the use of commercial laundry detergent manufactured for the purpose of cleaning washable fabric; and immersion in hot water.

When using protective gloves that are not cleaned with soap and water and disinfected must be disposed of?

After use on each client

Refuse and Waste Materials

All chemical waste material must be disposed of in a closed container. All waste related to the performance of services must be disposed of in a covered container to avoid blood or other potentially infectious materials. All waste unrelated to performance of services must be disposed of in a covered waste disposal container. Containers located in the reception area are exempt from having covers. Outer surfaces must be kept clean.

Requirements and standards

All tools and implements that come in direct contact with clients, must be disinfected or disposed of after each use. If sterilization equipment is used, it must be maintained per instructions.

How do you disinfect implements without sharp edges or points?

Completely immerse according to manufacturer's instructions in a low level disinfectant.

Towels or linens

You must use clean towels or linens for each client. Store clean towels and linens in a clean area. Use closable containers large and sturdy enough to store all soiled towels/linens. Store chemically soiled towels or linens in a fire retardant container.


a certificate, license, permit or registration issued by the Oregon Health Licensing Agency that allows a person to practice one of the occupations

Low level disinfectant

a chemical agent which has demonstrated bactericidal, germicidal, fungicidal and limited virucidal activity and is registered with the EPA

High-level disinfectant

a chemical agent which has demonstrated, tuberculoidal activity and is registered with the EPA

Application requirements for demonstration permit

a completed application form accompanied by payment, an affidavit of licensure from another state which is active, a description of the purpose for which a permit is sought.

Application requirements for independent contractor registration

a completed application, proof of being 18 years of age, proof of holding a current valid practitioner certificate, a current copy of the assumed business name

Facility license

a facility license must be maintained when operating a business establishment, providing services in one or more fields of practice.

Who can hold a facility license?

a natural person, facility owner, facility manager


a person certified to perform services included within a field of practice

Demonstration permit

a person who wishes to practice, demonstrate, and teach a field of practice or perform a field of practice, temporarily and primarily for education purposes. Active for 30 days, non renewable. May preform services at training seminars, shows, licensed facilities etc.

Independant contractor

a practitioner who qualifies as an independent contractor, and who is not under the control and direction of a facility license holder.

Demonstration permit

a written authorization for a person to practice, demonstrate and teach one or more fields of practice on a temporary basis


a written authorization issued to a person to operate a facility or freelance business for providing services related to one or more fields of practice to the public

Temporary facility permit

a written authorization to provide services on a temporary basis in one or more fields of practice

Tools and implements

all portable articles and instruments used when performing services on clients

Fire-retardant container

an airtight metal container for disposing of chemical waste or storing linens with chemical residue

Common area

an area of a facility which is used by all authorization holders performing services, reception areas, dispensing areas, sinks, shampoo bowls, hair dryer areas and employee lounges

work area

an area where services are performed and preparations are conducted; shampoo area, work stations, dispensing area

Dispensing area

an area with non porous surfaces and a sink with hot and cold running water where service preparations are conducted; mixing of chemicals, cleaning tools and equipment, disposing of residues and rinsing parts of the body exposed to chemicals


an article that has been used and has not been cleaned or disinfected to use on the next client


any of the following skin care or facial care practices performed on the human body or face for the purpose of keeping the skin of the human body or face healthy and attractive and not for medical diagnosis or treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments

Application requirements for facility permit

applicant must: submit a completed application, submit proof of being 18 years of age, provide map or directions to a facility if it is in a rural or isolated area. Provide a list of authorization holders providing services in temporary facility. Submit name of temporary facility.

When used according to the manufacturers instructions each of the following is an approved method of disinfecting tools and implements

complete immersion in appropriate disinfectant, steam sterilizer, dry heat sterilizer or auto clave

Application requirements for a freelance license

completed application, passing score on Oregon laws and rules examination, a current copy of the assumed business name

How do you disinfect all tools and implements with sharp edges?

completely immerse in a high-level disinfectant

Board of Cosmetology

consists of seven members appointed by the governor, six members of the board shall be practitioners with active certificates, one member shall be a public member who is not a practitioner

Independent contractor registrations and freelance licenses that are not renewed become _______.

dormant, they do not become inactive and they do not expire


entire area of facility


environmental protection agency, approves and registers chemical compounds and agents


health licensing office

water supply and sanitation rules

immediate supply of both hot and cold running water and was basins must be available: on facility premises and any work area where hazardous materials are in use; sinks in bathrooms don't count. Washing accommodations must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Hand soap and individual towels or air blowers must be available.

Where must a facility license holder and independent contractor registration holder post the most recent inspection certificate?

in public view in the facility or at the independent contractor's work station.

Any manual or mechanical device or equipment used in a field of practice is subject to__________ and the documentation required by section of 10 of this rule must be made available upon ______.

inspection, demand


items needed to operate a facility; waiting chairs, barber or styling chairs, shampoo chairs, cabinets, sinks, shampoo bowls, stationary dryers, pedicure bowls or whirlpool foot spas, paraffin wax containers, nail tech tables

Sharp edged or pointed non electrical tools and implements

items that may pierce or cut the skin and draw blood; razors, cuticle nippers, cuticle pushers, nail clippers, tweezers, comedones extractors, shears and metal nail files


means a written authorization for the holder to perform in one or more fields of practice


means a written authorization issued to an independent contractor to hold forth to the public as a business entity providing services in a field of practice

Freelance license

means a written authorization that allows a practitioner to practice outside or away from a licensed facility


means an establishment operated on a regular or irregular basis for the purpose of providing services in one or more fields of practice


means the Oregon Health Licensing Agency (OHLA)

How do you reactivate a dormant independent contractor registration or freelance license?

must complete required qualifications, submit a form prescribed by the agency and pay the required renewal fee.

How long is a facility license valid for?

one year and becomes inactive on the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance

How long is an independent contractor registration valid for?

one year, and becomes dormant on the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance or renewal.

Where must demonstration and temporary authorizations be posted?

public view

Independent contractor

pursuant to a practitioner who provides services within a licensed facility who is not an employee must hold an independent contractor registration


the art or science of beautifying and improving the skin, nails, and hair and the study of cosmetics and their application

For freelance authorization renewal or reactivation

the freelance license holder must submit: proof of having passed Oregon Laws and Rules w/in two years to renew or proof of having passed the Oregon Laws and rules w/in two years before the date of reactivation

Chemical service

the use of any product which restructures or removes hair or changes the shape or appearance of skin, hair or nails


the use of the hands or mechanical or electric apparatuses or appliances for cleansing, stimulating, manipulating, exfoliating or applying lotions or creams, temporary hair removal, makeup artistry, eyelash services, facial and body wraps, facial and body waxing

Where must a freelance authorization holder authorization be posted?

they must show authorization upon request of the client.


those items which complement services provided in the practice of barbering, hair design, esthetics or nail technology; neck strips, neck dusters, towels or linens and cloth or plastic capes

Materials and supplies

those items which complement the use of tools; hair tints, bleaches, permanent wave solutions, hair oils, shampoos, rinses, disinfectants and chemicals

Freelance license

to practice outside or away from a facility

How long is practitioner certificate valid for?

two years from the date of issuance


using a process to destroy harmful organisms, including bacteria, viruses, germs and fungi

Freelance license

valid for one year and becomes dormant on the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance or renewal unless renewed.

Adequate ventilation

ventilation by natural or mechanical methods which removes or exhausts fumes, vapors, or dusts to prevent hazardous conditions from occurring

Authorization Renewal

with the exception of independent contractor registration or freelance license, must be made prior to the authorization entering inactive status. The authorization holder must submit the following for renewal; renewal application form; payment of required renewal fee pursuant

Is a facility license transferrable?

It is not transferrable; it cannot be transferred person to person or from location to location

How must disinfectants be kept?

Kept at adequate strengths to maintain effectiveness, be free of foreign material, and be available for immediate use at all times.

Disinfecting non electrical tools and implements

Must be disinfected before each client. Remove all hair and foreign material; clean thoroughly with soap or detergent and water; rinse thoroughly with clear, clean water; complete the disinfection(spray or immerse) and sterilize.

Standards for facilities located in residence

Must have an: identifying house number and a sign with the facility name that is easily visible from the street. Be equipped with structures, accommodations, and equipment which the agency requires, the living area of the home must be separated from the facility by solid walls extending from floor to ceiling. An adequate supply of hot and cold running water must be available. A separate entrance is not required.

To be issued a temporary facility permit, each applicant must

Operate the facility on a temporary basis for a period not to exceed 30 consecutive calendar days; be 18 years of age; apply on forms from the HLO prior to opening business; comply with the board on health, safety , and infection control; comply with the health and safety laws and rules of the Oregon Health Authority; pay the applicable fees

Materials in contact with a client and use of paraffin wax

Paraffin wax must be used in such a manner that prevents contamination of wax remaining in the paraffin bath. Paraffin must be covered when not in use and maintained at the temperature specified by manufacturer's instructions.

Waste containing blood/infectious material/sharpes objects must be disposed of?

All waste containing blood or other potentially infectious material must be disposed of in a glove or plastic bag (double bagged) and then disposed of in a covered container. All disposable star objects that come in direct contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials must be disposed of in a sealable rigid (puncture proof) container. Authorization holders must have sealable plastic bags and rigid containers available.

Inactive authorization renewal

An authorization with the exception of independent contractor registration or freelance license may be inactive for up to three years. You must submit application form, and payment of fees.

Expired authorization

An authorization with the exception of independent contractor registration or freelance license that has been inactive for more than three years is expired and the authorization holder must meet the requirements listed for facility license holders and practitioners

What is the term of office for each member of the board

Four years. If a person serves two consecutive full terms, a period or at least four years must elapse before the person is again eligible for appointment to serve on the board.

Posting requirements

Freelance authorization,certificate,licensse,permit and registration holders are subject to the requirements. Facility licenses must be posted in public view. Independent contractor registrations must be posted in public view. Practitioner certificates must be posted in public view.

Restroom toilets and water disposal

Restrooms must be available for employees. They must be kept clean, sanitary, and in proper working order. All liquid waste must be discharged into a public sewer.

Use of any manual or mechanical device or equipment must be within what?

The operators scope of practice

Facility license and temporary facility permit requirements

To be issued a license to operate a facility, each applicant shall: Be 18 years of age or older, comply with rules of the Board of Cosmetology relating to health, safety and infection control; comply with health and safety laws; pay the fees

Independent contractor registration requirements

To be issued a registration to operate as an independent contractor each applicant shall: be 18 years of age, comply with the rules of the board, comply with health and safety laws; pay fees; hold an active certificate in good standing

Practitioner certificate Application requirements for hair design, barbering, nail tech, esthetics

To obtain a certificate in a field of practice: submit completed application, meet all education, examination, and training requirements, submit official transcript, submit a passing score, completion and passage of a board approved written exam within two years before the date of application including the Oregon Laws and rules exam.

Practitioner certification requirements; rules

To qualify for certification as a practitioner of hair design, barbering, esthetics, nail technology or natural hair care, and applicant shall; successfully complete all courses required by rule of the State Board of Education for graduation; pass the certification examination recognized by the Board of Cosmetology for the field of practice sought; pay the fees

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