Org Mgmt Final

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uses mainly reward and coercive powers

A manager who is a transactional leader __________________.

appraisal politics.

A situation in which evaluators purposefully distort a rating to achieve personal or company goals is referred to as

Mutual benefit

A trade association is which type of organization?


According to Edgar Shein's model of culture, Xavier's Blue Blob would fall into which level:

explicitly stated values and norms preferred by an organization

Espoused values are ________________________.

are superior to all others.

Ethnocentric managers believe that their native country, culture, language, and behavior __________.


Gloria, the controller of Luna Pizza, is purchasing several new delivery vehicles. Gloria has numerous work responsibilities, so she has limited time to shop for cars. Because of the time constraints, she cannot make an extensive search for the best alternative, so she looks for cars until she finds a model that is satisfactory. Gloria is following the ________ model.


Grace is the owner of a local trinket shop. A successful global candle company approached her about selling its products in her shop. Grace knows this product and company can help her exceed her existing goals. Selling candles is a(n) _____ for Grace.


Herb wants all of his team members to receive a raise, so he gives them all a high rating. Which of the following errors is he falling prey to?


If a tire company reduces the amount of rubber needed to make its top-quality tires, the company has most likely achieved higher ___________.


In a matrix structure, an employee will most likely report to at least two managers.


Jan thinks her last raise was unfair. Which component of organizational justice has likely been violated for Jan?

Theory X managers are likely to provide the micromanagement necessary to help employees be successful in this environment.

Jan's industry is highly regulated by the government and employees must follow strict protocols while doing their jobs. Unfortunately, her organization's human resources department is having trouble hiring new employees with relevant experience in the industry. Which statement is most likely true about this organization?

The team initially performed their tasks with sequential interdependence, but they now realize the tasks require comprehensive interdependence.

Lucy's work team normally creates their products by using an assembly line, where an employee finishes one piece of the product and passes it to the next employee. However, the team is having quality issues and needs to change its workflow so that all members are communicating and working together freely, whenever needed. Which statement is true about Lucy's team?


One cause of the increase in intelligence observed in developed countries is better nutrition.

Referent Expert Legitimate Reward

Oscar is a maintenance supervisor and has been at his small company for over 25 years. There are several machines that are old and only he knows how to fix them. His maintenance co-workers and direct reports value his opinion and ask for his help when they can't fix a machine. Which of the following types of power is he likely to possess? Choose all correct answers.


The HR Planning process requires forecasting labor supply but not labor demand.

vertical hierarchy

The chain of command is also known as the ______________________.

identifying what the company is trying to accomplish (goals or objectives), creating a set of key performance dimensions, and developing performance measures.

The initial steps of the performance management cycle involve


The main contribution of the Theory X/Theory Y perspective is that managers can use it to better understand how their beliefs about management impact their behaviors.


The members of a particular group are getting to know one another and attempting to reach an understanding of how each of them should act within the group. This stage of group development is known as:


The type of recruitment sources used in a company's recruiting process will impact the kinds of people who apply for a job.

Porter's Five Forces

Turner constructions wants to better understand their competitive environment. Which is the BEST tool to capture this business-level strategic information?


Two advantages of decentralization are that (1) managers are encouraged to not solve their own problems, but rather to ask for assistance as soon as possible, and (2) decisions are made more slowly because they are discussed at a higher level of management.

intrapersonal intelligence

Which of the following is not an element of emotional intelligence?


Which of the following is the most fixed of a person's individual differences?

Strong economies of scale signal a lower competitive environment.

Which of the following is true regarding Porter's Five Forces?

None of the statements is true.

Which of the following statements it true about team composition?


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the following is the most basic human need?


According to cognitive dissonance, people are motivated to change their behaviors when they feel unfairly treated.


According to the BCG Matrix, companies usually should invest profits from their cash cows into their stars.


According to the Job Characteristics Model, a job that includes receiving more feedback is usually less motivating for employees.

Fiedler's contingency model

According to which model are relationship-oriented leaders primarily concerned with being liked by their subordinates?


Alfonz is an accountant and his boss is not. Alfonz must complete his company's accounting statements without errors in order to get a good performance review and the promotion he wants. But Alfonz is concerned that even if he does a good job on the accounting statements, his boss won't give him a good performance review. In this case, Alfonz is low on the ________ element of expectancy theory.

what the company wants to become and where it wants to go strategically

An organization's vision statement primarily states _____.


Annika is a vice president in her company and must assign a manager to run one of the company's foreign subsidiaries in China. She insists on filling the position with someone who is native to China and can best relate to the local customs so she doesn't need to manage them or the subsidiary closely. Which type of international manager is she?


At P&G, Pat is a finance manager assigned to a team to develop upgrades to Head and Shoulders shampoo. He reports to both the finance director and the Head and Shoulders product manager. The organization most likely is pursuing what kind of organizational structure?

expectancy; low

At his review last year, Lucas was promised a 20 percent raise if he met his production goals. Raises were included in today's paychecks, and although Lucas has met all of his goals according to his last performance review, he received only a 3% cost-of-living adjustment. In the future, Lucas' ________ will probably be _______.

I have a large span of control in my company.

At lunch today, I tell you that, compared to other managers at my company, I have a lot more employees reporting directly to me. What can you say is most likely true about me?


Companies have used hiring temporary workers and outsourcing as the most widespread ways of addressing a labor shortage.

Vicarious learning

Dana is assigned to shadow a high-performing employee at her new job so she will be motivated to perform well. Which motivational theory is this most likely an example of applying?


Doing away with all performance reviews in an organization can lead to lower-quality performance conversations between managers and employees.

Give them a higher raise this year.

If employees are demotivated due to low distributive justice concerning their annual performance review, which of the following actions would help to improve this type of injustice?

Employees are experiencing low valence.

Imagine that you are an associate at the local Kroger. Associates who do their jobs especially well each month can win the Employee of the Month parking space at the front of the store. Associates trust that Kroger's system for choosing the bop employee is fair that they will follow through with granting the space. However, most of the associates ride the bus to work. Kroger doesn't understand why earning the parking space is not motivating to its associates. Applying the Expectancy Theory, which statement is likely true?

Anchoring/Adjustment bias

Imagine you are responsible for deciding on raises for your employees. Last year, everyone got a 2% raise, and you think it is best to base this year's raise amount on last year's number. Which decision-making bias are you most likely experiencing?

Exporting your US products directly to customers in the foreign country

Imagine your US company is currently selling specialty Frisbees in the US only and want to expand globally. Which of the following strategies for international expansion is the LEAST risky, both in foreign involvement and investment?

establish the mission, vision, and values statements; assess the current reality; formulate the grand strategy; implement the strategy; and maintain strategic control.

In order, the steps of the strategic-management process are ____________________.

She was hoping that the teams would allow for synergies.

In our class, we played a trivia game. Why did Professor Lensges likely allow students to work in teams after they were stuck thinking of answers on their own?

job attitude.

Individual-level work outcomes include all except


Marcie's co-worker, Andrea, keeps interrupting her while she is working. Andrea likes to tell Marcie stories about her weekend activities. Marcie nods politely, makes good eye contact with Andrea and even asks questions about the stories sometimes. What kind of operant conditioning might Marcie need to apply here to stop this annoying and distracting behavior.


Maya is de-motivated at work because her company recently replaced yearly bonuses with stock option grants. These grants cannot be executed for 10 years and won't result in her receiving any payout until that time. Maya trusts her company to follow through on the program but she doesn't believe she'll stay working there for 10 years. According to this description, Maya likely has a problem with ...


Most companies' appraisal systems remain constant over a fairly long period of time.


Motivation is difficult to understand because it must be inferred from observing someone's behavior.

span of control

Natalie, a manager at Amazon, has 40 employees that she directly supervises. The 40 employees who report directly to Natalie represent her ________________.

his core self-evaluation.

Nathan says, "I can type 90 words per minute with no errors." He is expressing


Nathan, an executive chef in a large hotel, recently attended a training conference sponsored by several top professionals in his field, where he learned numerous ways his restaurant and hotel can better serve customers. Nathan is excited that management asked him to present this information to the hotel staff so that the restaurant and hotel can make needed improvements. Nathan's hotel is mostly likely a(n) _____ organization.


Nexus Electronics has shifted to sales and service of laptops and PCs, where it has the potential to triple the number of its customers. The company is no longer offering repairs on older types of office equipment because the demand for service on this equipment is low, and profits in that part of the business have dropped significantly. Nexus Electronics is implementing a _____ type of corporate strategy.


Older employees tend to have more confidence in the fairness of social performance management than younger employees do.

an external locus of control

People with __________ often see the causes of events in their lives as due to luck or other environmental factors.

middle manager.

Petra, a plant manager, received an e-mail from the CEO stating that the company will now be focusing on customer service. The e-mail also stated that all plant managers need to implement this policy and coordinate the activities related to this strategy for their lowest-level managers. Petra is a(n)


Quality-based performance methods are quite easy to develop and are generalizable across a variety of jobs, strategies, and organizations.


Research has shown that despite the assumption many managers make, proactivity is unrelated to work performance.


Result-based approaches to performance measurement assume that subjectivity can be eliminated from the measurement process.

implement and evaluate the training program chosen

Rosie, the sales manager for a software development firm, is working on the problem of increasing sales by using the rational model of decision making. In the first step she identified the problem of her employees needing more training. In the second step she thought of alternative solutions; and in the third step she evaluated alternatives and selected a solution. Rosie needs to _____ in the fourth and final step.


Saurav is dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented, while Martin is relaxed and unworried. Saurav is likely to score high on

Need for achievement

Sebastian is looking for a new job where he can get a lot of constructive feedback from his manager in order to improve his performance. Sebastian is most likely high in which of McClelland's needs?


Since its inception, the E-Verify Program has been a highly effect way of keeping employers from hiring undocumented workers.

Fighter pilot

Spatial intelligence is likely to be most valuable to a

Functional Level

Strategic management happens at three levels in an organization. At which level do marketing managers decide how to market specific products?


Strategic positioning involves performing the same activities as rivals in a similar way, but at a lower cost.

Company structure Company culture Group processes Manager behaviors

Strategy should ultimately affect which of the following for a company? Select all correct answers.

Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

What are the four main functions of management?

overconfidence bias

When Ford was slow to recall vehicles to fix a possible carbon monoxide leak, it was most likely due to ________, because Ford was convinced that the modifications made by police departments were the cause of the problem, not the manufacturing of the vehicle.


When McDonald's decides to sell specialty Angus hamburgers which are significantly more expensive to make than McDonald's regular hamburgers, McDonald's seems to be following which business strategy?

escalation of commitment

When Sebastian wrote the contract with BP for over two billion dollars, he included targets for performance that had to be met before a payment would be released. Sebastian was trying to avoid ________bias.

Cost Leadership

When a company's business strategy is to create a product as cheaply and efficiently as possible, it is most likely following which type of strategy?


When hiring people, a manager should find someone like himself or herself to make sure the person "fits" into his or her idea of a good worker.


When using sophisticated statistical planning models to predict employment needs, it is not important to also take into account the subjective judgements of people with expertise in the area of employment needs forecasting.


Which element of the Expectancy Theory represents the belief that achieving a good performance review should lead to a big bonus for the year?


Which of the following historical management figures is known for identifying the major functions of management?

increased stress

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of high-performing teamwork in an organization?


Which of the following is NOT a legitimate way to reduce an expected labor surplus?

Perform a training needs assessment

Which of the following is NOT a step in the traditional performance management process?


Which of the following is NOT a way that companies can promote feelings of job security among employees?

The satisfaction a person feels from accomplishing a task

Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward?

"Reduce production errors by 10 percent by the end of the quarter."

Which of the following is likely to be the most motivating goal statement according to our discussion of goal theory?


Which of the following is not a hindrance to perfectly rational decision making?


Which of the following performance management system criteria is used to determine how well a performance measure assesses all the relevant aspects of performance and nothing more?

"Trait" models may look at leader characteristics such as skills, abilities, knowledge, and expertise.

Which of the following statements is true about leadership?

Frederick Taylor

Which of these historical management figures was most focused on developing principles of scientific management?


Which of these is NOT one of the four tasks of a manager?

Strengths Weaknesses

Which parts of a SWOT analysis are focused on understanding characteristics INSIDE an organization? Choose all that apply.

Equity theory

Which theory of motivation focuses solely on people's perceptions of fairness of work outcomes relative to inputs?

nonrational decision making.

With the community interested in eating healthy, Mary Catherine, a restaurant owner, is considering adding more gluten-free dishes to her menu. This decision is uncertain and risky, and she finally decides to go with her gut feelings. Mary Catherine is exhibiting

Mary Parker Follett

_______ suggested that organizations should be operated as "communities," with managers and subordinates working together in harmony.

Bounded rationality

________ is the idea that proposes that the ability of decision makers to be rational is limited by numerous constraints, such as complexity, time, cognitive capacity, values, skills, habits, and unconscious reflexes.

Evidence-based management

________ proposes that facing the hard facts about what works and what doesn't will help organizations perform better.

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