Organic Chemistry Ch. 7 study guide

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Name the alkene shown. Be sure to include the appropriate E or Z label necessary

(E)-1-bromo-4-chlorohept-3-ene Section: 7.5

Which of the following molecular formulas corresponds to a monocyclic saturated compound? A) C6H6 B) C3H7Br C) C3H7N D) C3H8O

Answer: C Section: 7.3

Identify the major product of the reaction below.

Answer: D Section: 7.9

Name the compound shown below

2-propyl-1,3-cyclopentadiene or 2-propylcyclopenta-1,3-diene Section: 7.4

Provide a series of steps through which 2-methylbutane is converted into 2-methylbut-1-ene?

Answer: 1. Br2, hn 2. (CH3)3CO- Section: 7.9

Provide the reagents necessary for carrying out the transformation of 2-methylheptane to 2-methylhept-1-ene

Answer: 1. Br2, hν 2. (CH3)3CO- K+, (CH3)3COH Section: 7.9

Provide the reagents necessary for carrying out the transformation of 2-methylheptane to 2-methylhept-2-ene.

Answer: 1. Br2, hν 2. NaOH, acetone Section: 7.9

Provide the reagents necessary for carrying out the transformation of cyclopentane to cyclopentene.

Answer: 1. Br2, hν 2. NaOH, acetone Section: 7.9

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below.

Answer: (E)-2-ethylhexa-1,4-diene Section: 7.5

Provide the name of the major alkene product that results when (2S,3R)-2,3-dibromopentane is treated with zinc in acetic acid.

Answer: (E)-2-pentene Section: 7.9

Which has the smaller heat of hydrogenation, (E)-2-pentene or (Z)-2-pentene? What is the structural origin of this difference?

Answer: (E)-2-pentene has the smaller heat of hydrogenation. There is less steric strain between the alkyl substituents in the (E)-isomer than in the (Z)-isomer. Section: 7.7

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below.

Answer: (E)-3,4-dimethylhept-3-ene Section: 7.5

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below.

Answer: (E)-3,5-dimethylhex-2-ene Section: 7.5

Provide the name of the major alkene product that results when (2S,3S)-2-bromo-3-methylpentane is treated with sodium methoxide in methanol.

Answer: (E)-3-methyl-2-pentene Section: 7.9

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below.

Answer: (R)-3-ethyl-3-methylcyclohexene Section: 7.4

Provide the name of the major alkene product that results when (2R,3R)-2,3-dibromopentane is treated with zinc in acetic acid.

Answer: (Z)-2-pentene Section:7.9

Provide the name of the major alkene product that results when (2S,3R)-2-bromo-3-methylpentane is treated with sodium methoxide in methanol.

Answer: (Z)-3-methyl-2-pentene Section: 7.9

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below.

Answer: (Z)-5-chloropent-2-ene Section: 7.5

Draw the structure of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) or Teflon.

Answer: -[CF2CF2]n- Section: 7.6

Draw the structure of polyethylene.

Answer: -[CH2CH2]n- Section: 7.6

Which of the following alkenes can show geometric isomerism: 2,3-dichloro-2-pentene 4-chloro-3-ethyl-3-hexene, 3-chloro-2-methyl-2-butene 3-chloro-2-methyl-1-butene

Answer: 2,3-dichloro-2-pentene Section: 7.4

Provide an acceptable name for (CH3)2CHCH=C(CH3)CH2CH3.

Answer: 2,4-dimethyl-3-hexene or 2,4-dimethylhex-3-ene Section: 7.4

Name the alkene shown. Be sure to include the appropriate E or Z label necessary.

Answer: 2,5-dichloropent-1-ene Section: 7.4

The compound produced when 3-methylpent-2-ene undergoes hydrogenation in the presence of a platinum catalyst is ________.

Answer: 3-methylpentane Section: 7.7

Provide an acceptable name for (CH3CH2)2CHCH2CH=CH2.

Answer: 4-ethyl-1-hexene or 4-ethylhex-1-ene Section: 7.4

Provide a correct IUPAC name for the structure below.

Answer: 5-bromo-2-methyl-1,3-cyclopentadiene Section: 7.4

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below.

Answer: 6-bromo-1-methylcyclohexene Section: 7.4

The trans isomers of cycloalkenes with rings containing fewer than ________ atoms are unstable at room temperature.

Answer: 8 Section: 7.7

Predict the major product of the reaction shown below. A) 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene B) 2,3-dimethyl-1-butene C) 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene D) None of the above

Answer: A Section: 7.10

For which of the following alkenes will cis- and trans- isomers not exist? A) a) only B) b) only C) both a) and c) D) d) only E) both c) and d)

Answer: A Section: 7.5

Which of the following best describes the geometry about the carbon-carbon double bond in the alkene below? A) E B) Z C) neither E nor Z

Answer: A Section: 7.5

Using Zaitsev's rule, choose the most stable alkene among the following. A) 1,2-dimethylcyclohexene B) 1,6-dimethylcyclohexene C) cis-3,4-dimethylcyclohexene D) They are all of equal stability according to Zaitsev's rule.

Answer: A Section: 7.7

Using Zaitsev's rule, choose the most stable alkene among the following. A) 1-methylcyclohexene B) 3-methylcyclohexene C) 4-methylcyclohexene D) They are all of equal stability according to Zaitsev's rule.

Answer: A Section: 7.7

Which of the following alkenes has the smallest molar heat of hydrogenation (ie, releases the least heat upon hydrogenation)? A) 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene B) 2-methyl-2-butene C) trans-2-butene D) cis-2-butene E) 1-hexene

Answer: A Section: 7.7

Which sequence ranks the following compounds in order of increasing heat of hydrogenation, ΔHhyd? 1) cis-2-butene 2) 1-butene 3) cyclohexene A) 3<1<2 B) 3<2<1 C) 2<1<3 D) 1<3<2

Answer: A Section: 7.7

Which of the following alkenes is the major product when 2-bromo-2-methylpentane is treated with potassium tert-butoxide in tert-butanol? A) 2-methylpent-1-ene B) 2-methylpent-2-ene C) (E)-4-methylpent-2-ene D) (Z)-4-methylpent-2-ene E) 4-methylpent-1-ene

Answer: A Section: 7.9

Which of the following best describes the geometry about the carbon-carbon double bond in the alkene below? A) E B) Z C) neither E nor Z

Answer: A Section: 7.5

Which of the following statements best describes the relative bond dissociation energies of the sigma and pi bonds present in the carbon-carbon double bond of an alkene? A) sigma &gt; pi B) pi &gt; sigma C) sigma = pi D) cannot be estimated

Answer: A Section: 7.1

Consider molecules with the formula C10H16. Which of the following structural features are not possible within this set of molecules? A) 2 triple bonds B) 1 ring and 1 triple bond C) 2 rings and 1 double bond D) 2 double bonds and 1 ring E) 3 double bonds

Answer: A Section: 7.3

Dehydration of an unknown alcohol with concentrated H2SO4 results in the formation of all of the following alkene products. What is/are the possible structures of the original alcohol?

Answer: B Section: 7.10

Which of the following best describes the geometry about the carbon-carbon double bond in the alkene below? A) E B) Z C) neither E nor Z

Answer: B Section: 7.5

Consider the constitutional isomers 2-methylbut-1-ene, 2-methylbut-2-ene, and 3-methylbut-1-ene. When each of these alkenes is subjected to catalytic hydrogenation (H2, Pt), a single product results. Which of the following best describes the structural relationship among these products? A) The products are cis-trans isomers. B) The products are identical. C) The products are constitutional isomers. D) The products are enantiomers. E) The products are diastereomers.

Answer: B Section: 7.7

Using Zaitsev's rule, choose the most stable alkene among the following. A) hex-1-ene B) (E)-hex-2-ene C) (Z)-hex-2-ene D) They are all of equal stability according to Zaitsev's rule.

Answer: B Section: 7.7

Which of the following compounds is an E isomer? A) B) C) D)

Answer: B Section: 7.7

Alkenes ________. A) are relatively polar compounds B) have lower boiling points than alcohols of similar molecular weight C) are reasonably soluble in water D) both A and B E) none of the above

Answer: B Section: 7.8

Which of the following alkenes is the major product when 2-bromo-2-methylpentane is treated with sodium ethoxide in ethanol? A) 2-methylpent-1-ene B) 2-methylpent-2-ene C) (E)-4-methylpent-2-ene D) (Z)-4-methylpent-2-ene E) 4-methylpent-1-ene

Answer: B Section: 7.9

The carbon-carbon bond length in ethylene is ________ than the carbon-carbon bond length in ethane, and the HCH bond angle in ethylene is ________ the HCH bond angle in ethane A) shorter; smaller than B) shorter; larger than C) longer; smaller than D) longer; larger than E) longer; the same as

Answer: B Section: 7.2

What two atomic orbitals or hybrid atomic orbitals overlap to form the CH bond in ethylene? A) C sp3 + H s B) C sp2 + H s C) C sp + H s D) C p+H s

Answer: B Section: 7.2

A chemist has isolated a new natural product and determined its molecular formula to be C24H40O4. In hydrogenation experiments the chemist found that each mole of the natural product reacted with two moles of H2. How many rings are present in the structure of the new natural product? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6

Answer: B Section: 7.3

A newly isolated natural product was found to have the molecular formula C15H28O2. By hydrogenating a sample of the compound, it was determined to possess one p bond. How many rings are present in the compound? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

Answer: B Section: 7.3

How many elements of unsaturation are implied by the molecular formula C6H12? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

Answer: B Section: 7.3

How many elements of unsaturation do molecules with a molecular formula of C6H6Cl6 have? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

Answer: B Section: 7.3

Identify the correct name for the following structure. A) 3-methoxy-5-methylcyclohepta-1,5-diene B) 6-methoxy-1-methylcyclohepta-1,4-diene C) 7-methoxy-5-methylcyclohepta-1,4-diene D) 4-methoxy-2-methylcyclohepta-1,5-diene

Answer: B Section: 7.4

Which of the following best describes the geometry about the carbon-carbon double bond in the alkene below? A) E B) Z C) neither E nor Z

Answer: C Section: 7.5

Which of the alkyl chlorides listed below undergoes dehydrohalogenation in the presence of a strong base to give pent-2-ene as the only alkene product? A) 1-chloropentane B) 2-chloropentane C) 3-chloropentane D) 1-chloro-2-methylbutane E) 1-chloro-3-methylbutane

Answer: C Section: 7.9

What two atomic orbitals or hybrid atomic orbitals overlap to form the CC σ bond in ethylene? A) C sp3 + C sp3 B) C sp3 + C sp2 C) C sp2 + C sp2 D) C sp3 + C p E) C sp2 + C p

Answer: C Section: 7.2

Which of the following best approximates the CCC bond angle of propene? A) 90° B) 109° C) 120° D) 150° E) 180°

Answer: C Section: 7.2

How many elements of unsaturation are implied by the molecular formula C5H8O? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

Answer: C Section: 7.3

How many elements of unsaturation are implied by the molecular formula C7H11Cl? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

Answer: C Section: 7.3

The prostaglandin precursor arachidonic acid has the molecular formula C20H32O2. Given that arachidonic acid is an acyclic carboxylic acid that contains no carbon-carbon triple bonds, how many carbon-carbon double bonds are present? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6

Answer: C Section: 7.3

The steroid testosterone has the molecular formula C19H28O2. Given that there are two P -bond in a molecule of testosterone, how many rings are present in each molecule? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6

Answer: C Section: 7.3

Draw the alkene of formula C5H10 which evolves the most heat per mole upon hydrogenation.

Answer: CH2CHCH2CH2CH3 Section: 7.7

Which has the higher boiling point, cis- or trans-hex-3-ene? Briefly explain your choice.

Answer: Cis-Hex-3-ene has the higher boiling point since it has a net molecular dipole moment while the trans-isomer does not. The presence of a permanent molecular dipole allows for stronger intermolecular attractions. Section: 7.8

Compare the relative heats of hydrogenation of cyclobutene and cyclopentene and explain the difference in magnitude.

Answer: Cyclobutene's heat of hydrogenation is larger in magnitude than cyclopentene's by about 4 kcal/mol. This is due to additional ring strain introduced into the smaller ring by sp2 centers. Section: 7.7

In the group shown below, which of the following alcohols is (are) likely to yield a product where skeletal rearrangement has occurred when treated with sulfuric acid? 3-methyl-3-pentanol, 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanol, 2,2-dimethylcyclohexanol A) 3-methyl-3-pentanol only B) 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanol only C) 2,2-dimethylcyclohexanol only D) both 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanol and 2,2-dimethylcyclohexanol E) None of these three alcohols is prone to rearrangement.

Answer: D Section: 7.10

Which of the following cycloalkenes would be expected to be stable? A) 1 & 2 B) 2 & 3 C) 2 D) 1 & 3 E) None are stable.

Answer: D Section: 7.7

Dehydrohalogenation of 2-bromobutane in the presence of a strong base proceeds via which of the following mechanistic pathways? A) SN1 B) SN2 C) E1 D) E2 E) none of the above

Answer: D Section: 7.9

Dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide by treating it with a strong base to yield an alkene product typically occurs by what reaction mechanism? A) SN1 B) SN2 C) E1 D) E2 E) free radical

Answer: D Section: 7.9

What kind of reactive intermediate is present in the mechanism of the following reaction? A) alkyne B) allylic anion C) allylic cation D) allylic radical E) benzylic cation

Answer: D Section: 7.9

Which of the following statements applies to the E2 mechanism? A) It occurs with inversion of stereochemistry. B) It occurs with racemization of stereochemistry. C) It proceeds through the more stable carbocation intermediate. D) The C-H and C-X bonds that break must be anti. E) Use of a bulky base gives the more highly substituted alkene product.

Answer: D Section:7.9

Carbon-carbon single bonds tend to be ________ and ________ than carbon-carbon double bonds. A) shorter, stronger B) longer, stronger C) shorter, weaker D) longer, weaker

Answer: D Section: 7.2

How many elements of unsaturation do molecules with a molecular formula of C8H4N2 have? A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 E) 10

Answer: D Section: 7.3

By what mechanism does cyclohexanol react when treated in sulfuric acid and what compound results? A) E1; methoxycyclohexane B) E2; methoxycyclohexane C) SN1; methoxycyclohexane D) E2; cyclohexene E) E1; cyclohexene

Answer: E Section: 7.10

Which of the following alkenes has the largest molar heat of hydrogenation (ie, releases the most heat upon hydrogenation)? A) 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene B) 2-methyl-2-butene C) trans-2-butene D) cis-2-butene E) 1-hexene

Answer: E Section: 7.7

What two atomic orbitals or hybrid atomic orbitals overlap to form the CC π bond in ethylene? A) C sp3 + C sp3 B) C sp3 + C sp2 C) C sp2 + C sp2 D) C sp2 + C p E) C p + C p

Answer: E Section: 7.2

How many elements of unsaturation are implied by the molecular formula C5H5NO2? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

Answer: E Section: 7.3

How many elements of unsaturation are implied by the molecular formula C8H11N? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4

Answer: E Section: 7.3

Provide the structure of the monomer from which PVC or poly(vinyl chloride) is made.

Answer: H2CCHCl Section: 7.6

Does the alkene shown below violate Bredt's rule?

Answer: No Diff: 2 Section: 7.7

Does the alkene shown below violate Bredt's rule?

Answer: No Section: 7.7

Why is rotation about the carbon-carbon double bond in alkenes prohibited while relatively free rotation can occur about the carbon-carbon single bond in alkanes?

Answer: Rotation about the CC single bond in alkanes can occur without breaking the bond or disrupting the orbital overlap. For rotation to occur about a CC, the π bond would have to be broken since the p orbital overlap from which the bond is formed is disrupted by rotation. Section: 7.2

Which base, ammonia (NH3) or triethylamine [(CH3CH2)3N], would be a better choice for use in converting 1-chlorohexane to hex-1-ene? Explain briefly.

Answer: Triethylamine. Amines can serve as both nucleophiles and as bases in reactions with alkyl halides. Increasing the steric bulk about the nitrogen diminishes the nucleophilicity while allowing the amine to continue to function effectively as a base. Section: 7.9

Does the alkene shown below violate Bredt's rule?

Answer: Yes Section: 7.7

What reagent could be used to prepare cyclopentene from trans-1,2-dibromocyclopentane?

Answer: Zn/CH3CO2H Section: 7.9

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below.

Answer: cyclopentene Section: 7.4

Provide the proper IUPAC name for the alkene shown below. CH2CHCH2CH2CH2CH3

Answer: hex-1-ene Section:7.4

Draw the line energy orbital diagram for the outer shell of an sp2 hybridized carbon atom and explain how a carbon/carbon double is formed.

If we follow Hund's rule and fill each orbital with one electron and then promote one to the lone atomic p orbital, there are single electrons in the three sp hybrid orbitals that can form sigma overlaps with 2-H orbitals and one other sp2 hybridized carbon orbital. The atomic p orbital with one electron can then form a pi bond by a side to side overlap with the other p orbital from the other sp2 hybridized carbon atom. Section: 7.2

Draw all likely alkene products in the following reaction and circle the product you expect to predominate.

No alkene product likely. Section: 7.7

Draw all likely products of the following reaction and circle the product you expect to predominate.

Section: 7.10

Draw all likely products of the following reaction and circle the product you expect to predominate. CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2CH3

Section: 7.10

Draw the major product of the following reaction.

Section: 7.10

Propose a detailed, step-by-step mechanism for the reaction pathway shown below.

Section: 7.10

Provide the major organic product in the reaction shown below.

Section: 7.10

Circle all atoms that are coplanar in the molecule below.

Section: 7.2

Draw an acceptable structure for 1,2-dimethylcyclohexene.

Section: 7.4

Draw an acceptable structure for 4-ethylhept-1-ene.

Section: 7.4

Draw an acceptable structure for 4-phenylbut-1-ene.

Section: 7.4

Draw and name all alkenes which have the molecular formula C4H8.

Section: 7.4

Draw and name the six alkenes which have the molecular formula C5H10.

Section: 7.4

Draw an acceptable structure for (Z)-2-chloro-4-ethylhex-2-ene.

Section: 7.5

Provide a structure for (Z)-4-bromo-3-heptene.

Section: 7.5

Provide the structure of (Z)-1-chloro-1-fluoro-1-butene.

Section: 7.5

Translate the following condensed structure to a line-angle structure. (E) CH3CBrCH(CH2)2C(O)CH(CH3)2

Section: 7.5

Circle the alkene below which has the smallest heat of hydrogenation.

Section: 7.7

Circle the alkene isomer that has the largest heat of hydrogenation

Section: 7.7

Circle the most stable alkene in the set of isomers below.

Section: 7.7

There are three isomeric methylbutene structures. Draw each of them and then circle the isomer with the highest heat of hydrogenation.

Section: 7.7

Draw all likely alkene products in the following reaction and circle the product you expect to predominate.

Section: 7.9

Draw the alkene product which results when 1-bromopentane is heated in acetone containing NaOH. Give a detailed, step-by-step mechanism for the production of this compound.

Section: 7.9

Provide the major organic product in the reaction shown below

Section: 7.9

Provide the major organic product in the reaction shown below.

Section: 7.9

Provide the structure of the major organic product of the reaction below.

Section: 7.9

Describe the major products of the following reaction and predict which of the products would predominate. Explain and defend your answer.

The Hofmann product would most likely predominate due to the coplanar cis configuration of the Br and H across the bridge. The E2 mechanism favors anti alignment of the H with the halogen leaving group. There are two possible anti-aligned H atoms that would lead to the Hofmann product. Section: 7.9

Describe the major elimination products of the following reaction, including any stereochemistry, and indicate which structure will predominate. Explain and defend your answer

This reaction would be predicted to follow an E2 anti-elimination in the formation of 2 - Zaitzef products (E and Z) and the 1 Hofmann product. The predicted predominating species would be the Zaitzef (E) structure because E2 favors anti alignment of the beta-H and the halogen. When considering 2 -beta H atoms in an E2 elimination, the best alignment would be achieved when the starting material assumes a conformation where the methyl and phenyl groups are aligned anti with respect to each other in a Newman projection. Section: 7.9

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