Pediatrics Module 1

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A pictorial tool that can assist the nurse in assessing aspects of family life related to health care is the a. genogram. b. ecomap. c. life cycle model. d. human development wheel.

ANS: A A genogram (also known as a pedigree) is a diagram that depicts the relationships and health issues of family members over generations, usually three. An ecomap is a pictorial representation of the family structures and their relationships with the external environment. The life cycle model in no way illustrates a family genogram. This model focuses on stages that a person reaches throughout his or her life. The human development wheel describes various stages of growth and development rather than a family's relationships to each other.

What part of the nursing process includes the collection of data on vital signs, allergies, sleep patterns, and feeding behaviors? a. Assessment b. Planning c. Intervention d. Evaluation

ANS: A Assessment includes gathering baseline data. Planning is based on baseline data and physical assessment. Implementation is the initiation and completion of nursing interventions. Evaluation is the last step in the nursing process and involves determining whether the goals

When a child broke her favorite doll during a hospitalization, her primary nurse bought the child a new doll and gave it to her the next day. What is the best interpretation of the nurse's behavior? a. The nurse is displaying signs of over involvement. b. The nurse is a kind and generous person. c. The nurse feels a special closeness to the child. d. The nurse wants to make the child happy.

ANS: A Buying gifts for individual children is a warning sign of overinvolvement. Nurses are kind and generous people, but buying gifts for individual children is unprofessional. Nurses may feel closer to some patients and families. This does not make giving gifts to children or families acceptable from a professional standpoint. Replacing lost items is not the nurse's responsibility. Becoming overly involved with a child can inhibit a healthy relationship.

A nurse determines that a child consistently displays predictable behavior and is regular in performing daily habits. Which temperament is the child displaying? a. Easy b. Slow-to-warm-up c. Difficult d. Shy

ANS: A Children with an easy temperament are even tempered, predictable, and regular in their habits. They react positively to new stimuli. The slow-to-warm-up temperament type prefers to be inactive and moody. A high activity level and adapting slowly to new stimuli are characteristics of a difficult temperament. Shyness is a personality type and not a characteristic of temperament.

The nurse is caring for a patient from a different culture and is frustrated by what appears to be a lack of cooperation on the patient's part. A colleague states that the patient is "in America and should do what everyone else does." This is an example of what trait? a. Ethnocentrism b. Cultural congruency c. Rudeness d. Ignorance

ANS: A Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's culture is superior to any others. The nurse stating that all patients should follow common American behaviors is demonstrating this behavior. This does not demonstrate cultural congruency. Although the colleague may be rude or ignorant, the more specific description of this behavior is ethnocentrism.

The nurse teaches parents that the formula used to guide time-out as a disciplinary method is a. 1 minute per each year of the child's age. b. to relate the length of the time-out to the severity of the behavior. c. never to use time-out for a child younger than 4 years. d. to follow the time-out with a treat.

ANS: A It is important to structure time-out in a time frame that allows the child to understand why he or she has been removed from the environment. The current guideline is 1 minute per age in years. Relating time to a behavior is subjective and is inappropriate when the child is very young. Time-out can be used with the toddler. Negative behavior should not be reinforced with a positive action.

Which principle of teaching should the nurse use to ensure learning in a family situation? a. Motivate the family with praise and positive reinforcement. b. Present complex subject material first, while the family is alert and ready to learn. c. Families should be taught using medical jargon so they will be able to understand the technical language used by physicians. d. Learning is best accomplished using the lecture format.

ANS: A Praise and positive reinforcement are particularly important when a family is trying to master a frustrating task, such as breastfeeding. Learning is enhanced when the teaching is structured to present the simple tasks before the complex material. Even though a family may understand English fairly well, they may not understand the medical terminology or slang terms. A lively discussion stimulates more learning than a straight lecture, which tends to inhibit questions.

A nurse wishes to incorporate the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses in daily practice. Which of the following actions best demonstrates successful integration of the code into daily routines? a. Strives to treat all patients equally and with caring kindness b. Calls the provider when the patient's pain is not controlled with prescribed medications c. Reads current literature related to practice area and brings ideas to unit management d. Routinely stays overtime in order to visit and bond with new families e. Decides to "play nicely" and not get involved in disputes about patient care

ANS: A,B,C The ANAs Code of Ethics includes statements about practicing with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person, advocating for the patient, and advancing the profession through research and scholarly inquiry, professional standards development, and the generation of both nursing and health policy. Staying overtime may contribute to burn out and does not advance the Code of Ethics. Nurses are responsible for making decisions and taking action consistent with the obligation to promote health and to provide optimal care; not getting involved in patient care disputes does not uphold this standard.

Today's nurse often assumes the role of teacher or educator. Which strategies would be best to use for a nurse working with a new mother? (Select all that apply.) a. Computer-based learning b. Videos c. Printed material d. Group discussion e. Lecture

ANS: A,B,C,D To be effective as a teacher, the nurse must tailor teaching to specific needs and characteristics of the patient. Computer-based learning, videos, printed material, and group discussions have all be shown to be effective teaching strategies. Lecture is probably the least effective method as it does not allow for participation.

Traditional ethnocultural beliefs related to the maintenance of health are likely to include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) a. Avoidance of natural events such as a solar eclipse b. Practicing silence, meditation, and prayer c. Protection of the soul by avoiding envy or jealousy d. Understanding that a hex, spell, or the evil eye may cause illness or injury e. Turning to Western medicine first before trying traditional practices

ANS: A,B,C,D Traditional ethnocultural beliefs related to health care can include avoiding some natural events; practicing silence, meditation, and prayer; protecting oneself against envy or jealousy on the part of others; and avoiding hexes, spells, and the evil eye. Usually people with these beliefs turn to their traditional practices prior to seeking Western medical care.

While developing a care plan for a school-age child with a visual impairment, the nurse knows that which of the following actions are important in working with this special needs child? (Select all that apply.) a. Obtain a thorough assessment of the child's self-care abilities. b. Orient the child to various sounds in the environment. c. Tell the child's parents to stay continuously with their child during hospitalization. d. Allow the child to handle equipment as procedures are explained. e. Encourage the child to use a dry erase board to write his needs.

ANS: A,B,D Conducting a thorough assessment of the child's self-care abilities, orienting the child to various sounds in the environment, and allowing the child to handle equipment are all ways to enhance communication with a visually impaired child. Mandating that the child's parents stay continuously with their child may not be possible and is not usually necessary if the school-age child is at the expected level of growth and development. Encouraging a child to write his needs on a dry erase board would be an appropriate intervention for a child who is hearing impaired, not for a child with a visual deficit.

The nurse is caring for a child from a Middle Eastern family. Which interventions should the nurse include in planning care? (Select all that apply.) a. Include the father in the decision making. b. Ask for a dietary consult to maintain religious dietary practices. c. Plan for a male nurse to care for a female patient. d. Ask the housekeeping staff to interpret if needed. e. Allow time for prayer.

ANS: A,B,E The man is typically the head of the household in Muslim families. So the father should be included in all decision making. Muslims do not eat pork and do not use alcohol. Many are vegetarians. The dietitian should be consulted for dietary preferences. Compulsory prayer is practiced several times throughout the day. The family should not be interrupted during prayer, and treatments should not be scheduled during this time. Muslim women often prefer a female health care provider because of laws of modesty; therefore, the female patient should not be assigned a male nurse. A housekeeping staff member should not be asked to interpret. When interpreters are used, they should be of the same country and religion, if possible, because of regional differences and hostilities.

Which behaviors by the nurse may indicate professional separation or underinvolvement? (Select all that apply.) a. Avoiding the child or his or her family b. Revealing personal information c. Calling in sick d. Spending less time with a particular child e. Asking to trade assignments

ANS: A,C,D,E Whether nurses become too emotionally involved or find themselves at the other end of the spectrum—being underinvolved—they lose effectiveness as objective professional resources. These are all indications of the nurse who is underinvolved in a child's care. Revealing personal information to a patient or his or her family is an indication of overinvolvement.

A preschool-age child is being admitted for some diagnostic tests and possible surgery. The nurse planning care should use which phrases when explaining procedures to the child? (Select all that apply.) a. Fluids will be given through tubing connected to a tiny tube inserted into your arm. b. After surgery we will be doing dressing changes. c. You will get a shot before surgery. d. The doctor will give you medicine that will help you go into a deep sleep. e. We will take you to surgery on a bed on wheels.

ANS: A,D,E A preschool child needs simple concrete explanations that cannot be misinterpreted. An IV should be explained as fluids going into a tube connected to a small tube in your hand; anesthesia can be explained as a medicine that will help you go into a deep sleep (put to sleep should be avoided); and a stretcher can be described as riding on a bed with wheels. The term "dressing changes" is ambiguous and will not be understood by a preschooler. The term "get a shot" should not be used. A preschooler or young child is likely to misinterpret this information.

A nurse observes that parents discuss rules with their children when the children do not agree with the rules. Which style of parenting is being displayed? a. Autocratic b. Authoritative c. Permissive d. Disciplinarian

ANS: B A parent who discusses the rules with which children do not agree is using an authoritative parenting style. A parent who expects children to follow rules without questioning is using an authoritarian parenting style. A parent who does not consistently enforce rules and allows the child to decide whether he or she wishes to follow rules is using a permissive parenting style. A disciplinarian style would be similar to the authoritarian style.

Which information should the nurse include when preparing a 5-year-old child for a cardiac catheterization? a. A detailed explanation of the procedure b. A description of what the child will feel and see during procedure c. An explanation about the dye that will go directly into his vein d. An assurance to the child that he and the nurse can talk about the procedure when it is over

ANS: B For a preschooler, the provision of sensory information about what to expect during the procedure will enhance the child's ability to cope with the events of the procedure and will decrease anxiety. Explaining the procedure in detail is probably more than the 5-year-old child can comprehend, and it will likely produce anxiety. Using the word "dye" with a preschooler can be frightening for the child. The child needs information before the procedure.

What characteristic would most likely be found in a Mexican-American family? a. Stoicism b. Close extended family c. Considering docile children weak d. Very interested in health-promoting lifestyles

ANS: B Most Mexican-American families are very close, and it is not unusual for children to be surrounded by parents, siblings, grandparents, and godparents. It is important to respect this cultural characteristic and to see it as a strength, not a weakness. Although stoicism may be present in any family, Mexican-American families tend to be more expressive. Considering docile children weak is a characteristic of Native Americans. Although everyone tends now to embrace more health-promoting lifestyles, they are more prominent in Anglo-Americans.

Which nursing intervention is an independent (nurse-driven) function of the nurse? a. Administering oral analgesics b. Teaching the woman perineal care c. Requesting diagnostic studies d. Providing wound care to a surgical incision

ANS: B Nurses are responsible for various independent functions, including teaching, counseling, and intervening in nonmedical problems. Interventions initiated by the physician and carried out by the nurse are called dependent functions. Administering oral analgesics is a dependent function; it is initiated by a physician or other provider and carried out by the nurse. Requesting diagnostic studies is a dependent function. Providing wound care is a dependent function; it is usually initiated by the physician or other provider through direct orders or protocol.

Which family will most likely have the most difficulty coping with a seriously ill child? a. A single-parent mother who has the support of her parents and siblings b. Parents who have just moved to the area and have not yet found health care providers c. The family of a child who has had multiple hospitalizations related to asthma and has adequate relationships with the nursing staff d. A family in which there is a young child and four older married children who live in the area

ANS: B Parents in a new environment will have increased stress related to their lack of a support system. They have no previous experiences in the setting from which to draw confidence. Not only does this family not have friends or relatives to help them, they must find a provider when their child is seriously ill. Although only one parent is available, she has the support of her extended family, which will assist her in adjusting to the crisis. Because this family has had positive experiences in the past, family members can draw from those experiences and feel confident about the setting. This family has an extensive support system that will assist the parents in adjusting to the crisis.

The step of the nursing process in which the nurse determines the appropriate interventions for the identified nursing diagnosis is called a. assessment. b. planning. c. intervention. d. evaluation.

ANS: B The third step in the nursing process involves planning care for problems that were identified during assessment. The first step of the nursing process is assessment, during which data are collected. The intervention phase is when the plan of care is carried out. The evaluation phase is determining whether the goals have been met.

What is the most appropriate response for the nurse to make to the parent of a 3-year-old child found in a bed with the side rails down? a. "You must never leave the child in the room alone with the side rails down." b. "I am very concerned about your child's safety when you leave the side rails down." c. "It is hospital policy that side rails need to be up if the child is in bed." d. "When parents leave side rails down, they might be considered as uncaring."

ANS: B To express concern and then choose words that convey a policy without appearing to cast blame on improper behavior is appropriate. Framing the communication in the negative does not facilitate effective communication. Stating a policy to parents conveys the attitude that the hospital has authority over parents in matters concerning their children and may be perceived negatively. It also does not give information as to why the side rails need to be up. This statement conveys blame and judgment to the parent.

An important consideration for the nurse who is communicating with a 5-year-old child is to a. speak loudly, clearly, and directly. b. use picture or story books, or puppets. c. disguise own feelings, attitudes, and anxiety. d. initiate contact with child when parent is not present.

ANS: B Using objects such as a puppet or doll allows the young child an opportunity to evaluate an unfamiliar person (the nurse). This will facilitate communication with a child of this age. Speaking in this manner will tend to increase anxiety in very young children as they may interpret this as being yelled at. The nurse must be honest with the child. Attempts at deception will lead to a lack of trust. Whenever possible, the parent should be present for interactions with young children.

A nurse is caring for a child who is a Christian Scientist. What intervention should the nurse include in the care plan for this child? a. Offer iced tea to the child who is experiencing deficient fluid volume. b. Offer to inform a Christian Science practitioner of the child's admission. c. Allow parents to sign a form opting out of routine immunizations. d. Ask parents whether the child has been baptized.

ANS: B When a Christian Science believer is hospitalized, a parent or patient may request that a Christian Science practitioner be notified as opposed to the hospital-assigned clergy. Coffee and tea are declined as a drink. Christian Science believers seek exemption from immunizations but obey legal requirements. Baptism is not a ceremony for the Christian Science religion.

When providing anticipatory guidance to parents regarding disciplining children, the nurse teaches that behavioral consequences fall into which categories? (Select all that apply.) a. Corporal b. Natural c. Logical d. Unrelated e. Behavioral

ANS: B,C,D Natural consequences are those that occur spontaneously. For example, a child leaves a toy outside and it is lost. Logical consequences are those that are directly related to the misbehavior. If two children are fighting over a toy, the toy is removed and neither child has it. Unrelated consequences are purposely imposed; for example, the child is late for dinner so he or she is not allowed to watch television. Corporal punishment is not part of this behavioral approach and usually takes the approach of spanking the child. Corporal punishment is highly controversial and is strongly discouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Behavior modification is another disciplinary technique that rewards positive behavior and ignores negative behavior.

A nurse is teaching a parenting group about behavior modification. What information does this nurse include in teaching? (Select all that apply.) a. Food rewards are highly motivating and as such are encouraged. b. Negative behavior from the child should be ignored by parents. c. Undesirable behavior may initially get worse if it is ignored. d. 1 minute per age is the suggested time limit for discipline. e. For younger kids, a behavior chart is a good visual cue.

ANS: B,C,E In behavior modification parents ignore "bad" behavior by the child, which initially may get worse as the child tries to recapture the attention it once brought. Younger children respond positively to charts with stickers that show good behavior. Food rewards should not be used as food is an essential necessity plus extra food may contribute to obesity. The time limit refers to the time-out method of discipline.

In planning care for a preschool-age child, the nurse knows that which open body postures encourage positive communication? (Select all that apply.) a. Leaning away from the preschooler b. Frequent eye contact c. Hands on hips d. Conversing at eye level e. Asking the parents to stay in the room

ANS: B,D Frequent eye contact and conversing at eye level are both open body postures that encourage positive communication. Leaning away from the child and placing your hands on your hips are both closed body postures that do not facilitate effective communication. Asking the parents to stay in the room while the nurse is talking to the child is helpful but is not an open body posture.

The nurse who uses critical thinking understands that the steps of critical thinking include (Select all that apply.) a. therapeutic communication. b. examining biases. c. setting priorities. d. managing data. e. evaluating other factors.

ANS: B,D,E The five steps of critical thinking include recognizing assumptions, examining biases, analyzing the need for closure, managing data, and evaluating other factors such as emotions and environmental factors. Therapeutic communication is a skill that nurses must have to carry out the many roles expected in the profession; however, it is not one of the steps of critical thinking. Setting priorities is part of the planning phase of the nursing process.

A traditional family structure in which married male and female partners and their children live as an independent unit is known as a(n) _____ family. a. extended b. binuclear c. nuclear d. blended

ANS: C A nuclear family is one in which two opposite-sex parents and their children live together. This is also known as a traditional family. Extended or multigenerational families include other blood relatives in addition to the parents. Binuclear is not a listed family type according to U.S. Census Bureau data but would include two nuclear families living together. A blended family is reconstructed after divorce and involves the merger of two families.

Which step in the nursing process identifies the basis or cause of the patient's problem? a. Intervention b. Expected outcome c. Nursing diagnosis d. Evaluation

ANS: C A nursing diagnosis states the problem and its cause ("related to"). Interventions are actions taken to meet the problem. Expected outcome is a statement of how the goal will be measured. Evaluation determines whether the goal has been met.

A nurse is caring for a child who does not speak English. The parents are able to understand and speak only limited English. What action by the nurse is best? a. Allow the patient's 12-year-old sister to interpret. b. See if there is another family member who can interpret. c. Use a professionally trained interpreter for this family. d. Use the Internet to translate written information in the native language.

ANS: C A professional interpreter is the best option in this situation. They are trained in medical interpreting and do not allow cultural influences into their work. A child should never be asked to interpret; the child may be too young to understand sophisticated concepts involved in the discussion and the information from the patient may be misconstrued and disturbing to the child. An adult family member may have to do temporarily in an emergency, but the best option is a professional interpreter.

An effective technique for communicating with toddlers is to a. have the toddler make up a story from a picture. b. involve the toddler in dramatic play with dress-up clothing. c. use picture books. d. ask the toddler to draw pictures of his fears.

ANS: C Activities and procedures should be described as they are about to be done. Use picture books and play for demonstration. Toddlers experience the world through their senses. Most toddlers do not have the vocabulary to make up stories. Dramatic play is associated with older children. Toddlers probably are not capable of drawing or verbally articulating their fears.

Which statement about alternative and complementary therapies is true? a. Replace conventional Western modalities of treatment b. Are used by only a small number of American adults c. Allow for more patient autonomy but also may carry risks d. Focus primarily on the disease an individual is experiencing

ANS: C Being able to choose alternative and complementary health products and practices does allow for patient autonomy, but the major concern is risk as patients may not disclose their use or substances may interact with other medications the patient is taking. Alternative and complementary therapies are part of an integrative approach to health care for most people, although some may choose only these types of therapies. An increasing number of American adults are seeking alternative and complementary health care options. Alternative healing modalities offer a holistic approach to health, focusing on the whole person and not just the disease.

Families who deal effectively with stress exhibit which behavior pattern? a. Focus on family problems b. Feel weakened by stress c. Expect that some stress is normal d. Feel guilty when stress exists

ANS: C Healthy families recognize that some stress is normal in all families. Healthy families focus on family strengths rather than on the problems and know that stress is temporary and may be positive. If families are dealing effectively with stress, then weakening of the family unit should not occur. Because some stress is normal in all families, feeling guilty is not reasonable. Guilt only immobilizes the family and does not lead to resolution of the stress

When meeting a toddler for the first time, the nurse initiates contact by a. calling the toddler by name and picking the toddler up. b. asking the toddler for his or her first name. c. kneeling in front of the toddler and speaking softly to the child. d. telling the toddler that you are his or her nurse today.

ANS: C More positive interactions occur when the toddler perceives the meeting in a nonthreatening way. Placing yourself at the toddler's level and speaking softly can be less threatening for the child. Picking a toddler up at an initial meeting is a threatening action and will more likely result in a negative response from the child. Toddlers are unlikely to respond to direct questions at a first meeting. Telling the toddler you are the nurse is not likely to facilitate or encourage cooperation. The toddler perceives you as a stranger and will find the action threatening.

What is the primary role of practicing nurses in the research process? a. Designing research studies b. Collecting data for other researchers c. Identifying researchable problems d. Seeking funding to support research studies

ANS: C Nursing generates and answers its own questions based on evidence within its unique subject area. Nurses of all educational levels are in a position to find researchable questions based on problems seen in their practice area. Designing research studies is generally left to nurses with advanced degrees. Collecting data may be part of a nurse's daily activity, but not all nurses will have this opportunity. Seeking funding goes along with designing and implementing research studies.

Which is the most appropriate question to ask when interviewing an adolescent to encourage conversation? a. "Are you in school?" b. "Are you doing well in school?" c. "How is school going for you?" d. "How do your parents feel about your grades?"

ANS: C Open-ended questions encourage communication. Questions with "yes" or "no" answers do not encourage conversation. Questions that can be interpreted as judgmental do not enhance communication. Asking adolescents about their parents' feelings may block communication.

The nurse is in a unique position to assess children for symptoms of neglect. Which high-risk family situation places the child at the greatest risk for being neglected? a. Marital conflict and divorce b. Adolescent parenting c. Substance abuse d. A child with special needs

ANS: C Parents who abuse drugs or alcohol may neglect their children because obtaining and using the substance(s) may have a stronger pull on the parents than the care of their children. Although divorce is traumatic to children, research has shown that living in a home filled with conflict is also detrimental. In this situation conflict may arise and young children may be unable to verbalize their distress; however, the child is not likely to be neglected. Teenage parenting often has a negative effect on the health and social outcomes of the entire family. Adolescent girls are at risk for a number of pregnancy complications, are unlikely to attain a high level of education, and are more likely to be poor. But this does not equate with a higher risk of neglect. When a child is born with a birth defect or has an illness that requires special care, the family is under additional stress. These families often suffer financial hardship as health insurance benefits quickly reach their maximum. But again, this does not lead to neglect as a frequent problem.

What is an appropriate preoperative teaching plan for a school-age child? a. Begin preoperative teaching the morning of surgery. b. Schedule a tour of the hospital a few weeks before surgery. c. Show the child books and pictures 4 days before surgery. d. Limit teaching to 5 minutes and use simple terminology.

ANS: C Preparatory material can be introduced to the school-age child several days (1 to 5) in advance of the event. Books, pictures, charts, and videos are appropriate. Preoperative teaching a few hours before surgery is more appropriate for the preschool child. Preoperative materials should be introduced 1 to 5 days in advance for school-age children. Preparation too far in advance of the procedure can be forgotten or cause undue anxiety for an extended period of time. A very short, simple explanation of the surgery is appropriate for a younger child such as a toddler.

An 8-year-old girl asks the nurse how the blood pressure apparatus works. The most appropriate nursing action is to a. ask why the child wants to know. b. determine why the child is so anxious. c. explain in simple terms how it works. d. tell the child he or she will see how it works as it is used.

ANS: C School-age children require explanations and reasons for everything. They are interested in the functional aspect of all procedures, objects, and activities. It is appropriate for the nurse to explain how equipment works and what will happen to the child. The nurse should respond positively for requests for information about procedures and health information. By not responding, the nurse may be limiting communication with the child. The child is not exhibiting anxiety, just requesting clarification of what will be occurring. The nurse must explain how the blood pressure cuff works so that the child can then observe during the procedure.

To evaluate the woman's learning about performing infant care, the nurse should a. demonstrate infant care procedures. b. allow the woman to verbalize the procedure. c. observe the woman as she performs the procedure. d. routinely assess the infant for cleanliness.

ANS: C The woman's ability to perform the procedure correctly under the nurse's supervision is the best method of evaluation. Demonstration is an excellent teaching method but not an evaluation method. During verbalization of the procedure, the nurse may not pick up on techniques that are incorrect. It is not the best tool for evaluation. Observing the infant for cleanliness does not ensure the proper procedure is carried out. The nurse may miss seeing unsafe techniques being used.

Which nursing intervention is correctly written? a. Encourage turning, coughing, and deep breathing. b. Force fluids as necessary. c. Assist to ambulate for 10 minutes at 8 AM, 2 PM, and 6 PM. d. Observe interaction with infant.

ANS: C This intervention is the most specific and details what should be done, for how long, and when. The other interventions are too vague.

The parent of a child who has had numerous hospitalizations asks the nurse for advice because the child has been having behavior problems at home and in school. In discussing effective discipline, what is an essential component? a. All children display some degree of acting out, and this behavior is normal. b. The child is manipulative and should have firmer limits set on her behavior. c. Positive reinforcement and encouragement should be used to promote cooperation and the desired behaviors. d. Underlying reasons for rules should be given, and the child should be allowed to decide which rules should be followed.

ANS: C Using positive reinforcement and encouragement to promote cooperation and desired behaviors is one of the three essential components of effective discipline. Behavior problems should not be disregarded as normal. It would be incorrect to assume the child is being manipulative and should have firmer limits set on her behaviors. Providing the underlying reasons for rules and giving the child a choice concerning which rules to follow constitute a component of permissive parenting and are not considered an essential component of effective discipline.

To resolve family conflict, it is necessary to have open communication, accurate perception of the problem, and a(n) a. intact family structure. b. arbitrator. c. willingness to consider the view of others. d. balance in personality types.

ANS: C Without constructive efforts to resolve the conflict, such as the willingness of the members of a group to consider the views of others, conflict resolution cannot take place. The structure of a family may affect family dynamics, but it is still possible to resolve conflict without an intact family structure if all of the ingredients of conflict resolution are present. Conflicts can be resolved without the assistance of an arbitrator. Most families have diverse personality types among their members. This diversity may make conflict resolution more difficult but should not impede it as long as the ingredients of conflict resolution are present.

Which statement is true about the characteristics of a healthy family? a. The parents and children have rigid assignments for all the family tasks. b. Young families assume the total responsibility for the parenting tasks, refusing any assistance. c. The family is overwhelmed by the significant changes that occur as a result of childbirth. d. Adults agree on the majority of basic parenting principles.

ANS: D Adults in a healthy family communicate with each other so that minimal discord occurs in parenting principles, such as discipline and sleep schedules. Healthy families remain flexible in their role assignments. Members of a healthy family accept assistance without feeling guilty. Healthy families can adapt to the significant changes that are common during the months after childbirth.

Which behavior is most likely to encourage open communication? a. Avoiding eye contact b. Folding arms across chest c. Standing with head bowed d. Soft stance with arms loose at the side

ANS: D An open body stance and positioning such as loose arms at the side invite communication and interaction. Avoiding eye contact, folding the arms across the chest, and standing with the head bowed, are closed body postures and do not facilitate communication.

The nurse observes that when an 8-year-old enters the playroom, the child often causes disruption by taking toys from other children. The nurse's best approach for this behavior is to a. ban the child from the playroom until the child learns to control behavior. b. explain to the children in the playroom that this child is very ill and should be allowed to have the toys. c. approach the child in his or her room and ask, "Would you like it if the other children took your toys from you?" d. approach the child in his room and state, "I am concerned that you are taking the other children's toys. It upsets them and me.".

ANS: D By the nurse's using "I" rather than the "you" message, the child can focus on the behavior. The child and the nurse can begin to explore why the behavior occurs. Banning the child from the playroom will not solve the problem. The problem is his behavior, not the place where he exhibits it. Illness is not a reason for a child to be undisciplined. When the child recovers, the parents will have to deal with a child who is undisciplined and unruly. Children should not be made to feel guilty and to have their self-esteem attacked.

A nurse is caring for the seriously ill child of a single parent. The parent reports being overwhelmed with the situation and not being able to make decisions. What action by the nurse is best? a. Refer the patient to the hospital's social work department. b. Call the chaplain service and ask for a chaplain visit. c. Ask the parent if any other family member can come and assist. d. Have the parent describe coping methods used for past crises.

ANS: D Helping the patient to marshal internal and external resources is vital to promoting coping. The nurse should ask about previous coping methods used and help the parent adapt them to the current situation. Referring the parent to social work does not allow the nurse to be of assistance and the parent may not want to have a visit from a clergy member. Both of those options are dismissive. Other family members may or may not be able to come to assist, but this closed-ended question will not elicit much information.

What should the nurse expect to be problematic for a family whose religious affiliation is Jehovah's Witness? a. Birth control b. Autopsy c. Plasma expanders d. Blood transfusion

ANS: D Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions but may accept alternatives such as plasma expanders. Birth control and autopsy are also allowed.

Which strategy is most likely to encourage a child to express feelings about the hospital experience? a. Avoiding periods of silence b. Asking yes/no questions c. Sharing personal experiences d. Using open-ended questions

ANS: D Open-ended questions encourage conversation. Periods of silence can serve to facilitate communication, but this is not the most effective means of getting the child to communicate. Yes/no questions are closed ended and do not encourage conversation. Talking about yourself shifts the focus of the conversation away from the child.

Which goal is most appropriate for demonstrating effective parenting? a. The parents will demonstrate correct bathing by discharge. b. The mother will make an appointment with the lactation specialist prior to discharge. c. The parents will place the baby in the proper position for sleeping and napping by 2300 on postpartum day 1. d. The parents will demonstrate effective parenting by discharge.

ANS: D Outcomes and goals are not the same. Goals are broad and not measurable and so must be linked to more measurable outcome criteria. Demonstrating effective parenting is one such goal. The other options are measurable outcome indicators that help determine if the goal has been met.

According to Friedman's classifications, providing such physical necessities as food, clothing, and shelter is the __________ family function. a. economic b. socialization c. reproductive d. health care

ANS: D Physical necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter are considered part of health care. The economic function provides resources but is not concerned with health care and other basic necessities. The socialization function teaches the child cultural values. The reproductive function is concerned with ensuring family continuity.

What situation is most conducive to learning? a. A teacher who speaks very little Spanish is teaching a class of Latino students. b. A class is composed of students of various ages and educational backgrounds. c. An auditorium is being used as a classroom for 300 students. d. An Asian nurse provides nutritional information to a group of pregnant Asian women.

ANS: D Teaching is a vital function of the professional nurse. A patient's language and culture influence the learning process; thus a situation that is most conducive to learning is one in which the teacher has knowledge and understanding of the patient's language and cultural beliefs. The ability to understand the language in which teaching is done determines how much the patient learns. Patients for whom English is not their primary language may not understand idioms, nuances, slang terms, informal usage of words, or medical words. The teacher should be fluent in the language of the student. Developmental levels and educational levels influence how a person learns best. In order for the teacher to best present information, the class should be composed of the same levels. A large class is not conducive to learning. It does not allow for questions, and the teacher is not able to see the nonverbal cues from the students to ensure understanding.

What is the most important consideration for effectively communicating with a child? a. The child's chronologic age b. The parent-child interaction c. The child's receptiveness d. The child's developmental level

ANS: D The child's developmental level is the basis for selecting the terminology and structure of the message most likely to be understood by the child. The child's age may not correspond with the child's developmental level; therefore it is not the most important consideration for communicating with children. Parent-child interaction is useful in planning communication with children, but it is not the primary factor in establishing effective communication. The child's receptiveness is a consideration in evaluating the effectiveness of communication.

A positive, supportive communication technique that is effective from birth throughout adulthood is a. listening. b. physical proximity. c. environment. d. touch.

ANS: D Touch can convey warmth, comfort, reassurance, security, caring, and support. In infancy, messages of security and comfort are conveyed when they are being held. Toddlers and preschoolers find it soothing and comforting to be held and rocked. School-aged children and adolescents appreciate receiving a hug or pat on the back (with permission). Listening is an essential component of the communication process. By practicing active listening skills, nurses can be effective listeners. Listening is a component of verbal communication. Individuals have different comfort zones for physical distance. The nurse should be aware of these differences and move cautiously when meeting new children and families. It is important to create a supportive and friendly environment for children including the use of child-sized furniture, posters, developmentally appropriate toys, and art displayed at a child's eye level.

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