PHI 4 exam

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Ayer believes that utterances which are neither empirical nor analytic are;

"literal nonsense" and therefore neither true nor false.

Which of the following philosophers is usually associated with metaethics?


Contemporary virtue ethics most closely resembles the position of which of these ethical systems?

Ancient Greek ethics Response Feedback: Foot and the other contemporary ethical theorists look at the whole human life in much that same way that such ancient Greek thinkers as Plato and Aristotle did.

Stevenson believes that someday we will definitely have a scientific solution to all ethical disagreements.


Philippa Foot is an ancient Greek philosopher.

False Response Feedback: Foot is a 20th century British philosopher, born in 1920.

Which of these lists of philosophers is given in the correct order in which they lived?

Kant, Mill, Moore, Ayer;

Moore believes that we can just know what goodness is.


Plato and Philippa Foot agree that the virtues are important for humans to be well-balanced.

True Response Feedback: This is the key point of agreement between the two philosophers. For Plato, the virtues contribute to an internal state of harmony and balance, and for Foot, they are similar in the soul to health in the body.

Foot says that virtues are "correctives." Which of the following best describes what she means?

We need virtues to correct the various vices we all have. Response Feedback: Foot says that virtues are needed because of the many vices that tempt us. Virtues act as a corrective to these vices. If we weren't tempted by the vices, we wouldn't need the virtues.

According to A.J.Ayer, the expression, "You were wrong in stealing that money," has the same meaning as which of the following?

You stole that money.

G.E. Moore says that goodness is:

a simple, unanalyzable property.

Descriptivists are philosophers who believe that ethical terms such as "good":

describe ethical properties possessed by something;

For Stevenson, the main kind of disagreement found in ethics is:

disagreement in attitude.

Stevenson's "disagreements in belief" have to do with:

facts which can be checked;

The approach to ethics known as "Metaethics" is:

primarily a 20th century movement.

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