Phys6C Ch43

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What is the charge, baryon number, and minimum angular momentum for the udd combination of quarks? 0, 1, 1/2 0, 0, 1/2 0, 0, 0 1, 1, 1/2 1, 0, 1/2

0, 1, 1/2

The strong nuclear force is how many times as strong as the gravitation force? 10^38 100 2 10^6 1 (They are the same.)


The number of different kinds of leptons, including antiparticles as different, is: 8. 12. 2. 6. 4.


The strong nuclear force acts only on neutral particles. T or F?


What happens to the CYCLOTRON FREQUENCY of a charged particle if its speed doubles? It triples. It quadruples. It halves. It doubles. It does not change.

It does not change

What happens to the CYCLOTRON FREQUENCY of a charged particle if the radius of its path doubles? It halves. It quadruples. It triples. It doubles. It does not change.

It does not change

Scientists hope that some day they will be able to produce a theory which will combine the strong force, the weak nuclear force, and electromagnetism. This theory has been called: The Electroweak Theory. The Grand Unified Theory. The Unified Field Theory. The Electrostrong Theory. The Theory of Everything.

The Grand Unified Theory.

Quarks can only have a charge of +(2/3)e or -(1/3)e, while antiquarks can only have charges of -(2/3)e or +(1/3)e.


The competition between the electrostatic force between the protons in a nucleus and the strong nuclear force determines whether a nucleus is stable. T or F?


The force between two quarks increases with separation. T or F?


A neutron is an example of: a meson. a gauge boson. a lepton. a baryon. none of the above.

a baryon.

A proton is an example of: a baryon. a meson. a gauge boson. a lepton. none of the above.

a baryon.

A PHOTON is an example of: hadrons. a meson. a gauge boson. a lepton. a baryon.

a gauge boson.

An electron is an example of: a gauge boson. hadrons. a meson. a lepton. a baryon.

a lepton.

The Feynman diagram shows the weak interaction of a neutrino () and a neutron (n), mediated by a W+ particle. The interaction produces an electron (e-) and another particle. What is the other particle? a positron (e+) a proton (p) a pion (π+) an anti-neutron a quark

a proton (p)

The exchange particles for the weak force are very massive (about 100 times as massive as a proton). This would lead one to expect that the weak force would: act over a very short range. only act on very massive particles. be transmitted at the speed of light. only act on very light particles. act over a very long range.

act over a very short range.

A quark is: a constituent of a nucleon. a constituent of a hadron. an elementary particle. all of the given answers.

all of the given answers.

Composite particles that are composed of three quarks are called: baryons. mesons. bosons. hadrons. leptons.


The quantum of the gravitational force is the: quark. graviton. pion. newton. muon.


One of the particle groups listed below includes two other groups on the list. Which group is it? baryons hadrons mesons bosons. leptons


When a quark emits or absorbs a gluon, the quark changes: into an antiquark. its charge. its mass. its color. none of the above

its color

The reaction p + n → e+ + γ is not possible because: angular momentum cannot be conserved in such a reaction. baryon number is not conserved in such a reaction. lepton number is not conserved in such a reaction. charge is not conserved in such a reaction. The statement is not true; the reaction is possible.

lepton number is not conserved in such a reaction.

The decay: n → p + e- + ve does not occur as it would violate conservation of: angular momentum. lepton number. baryon number. mass. charge.

lepton number.

Particles that do not interact via the strong force but do interact via the weak nuclear force (and presumably by the much weaker gravitation force) are called: leptons. hadrons. baryons. mesons. gauge bosons.


Composite particles that are composed of a quark and antiquark pair are called: hadrons. bosons. baryons. mesons. leptons.


Hadrons are divided into two subgroups called: leptons and mesons. nucleons and gauge bosons. mesons and baryons. mesons and gauge bosons. baryons and leptons.

mesons and baryons.

Which of the following particles is not stable? electron tau neutrino muon proton photon


One reason a photon could not create an odd number of electrons and positrons is that such a process would: result in the destruction of mass. result in the creation of mass. not conserve charge. not conserve energy. require photon energies that are not attainable.

not conserve charge.

The reaction p + e- → P + e+ is NOT possible because: the angular momentum cannot conserved. the charge is not conserved. the baryon number is not conserved. the lepton number is not conserved. The statement is untrue; the reaction is possible.

the baryon number is not conserved.

A significant step in "unifying" the forces of nature was the discovery that two of the so-called fundamental forces were two parts of a single force. The two forces that were so unified were: the electromagnetic force and the strong nuclear force. the weak force and the strong nuclear force. the electromagnetic force and the weak force. the weak force and the gravity force. the electromagnetic force and the gravity force.

the electromagnetic force and the weak force.

Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the four fundamental forces? the weak nuclear force the meson force the gravity force the strong nuclear force the electromagnetic force

the meson force

If both 30-GeV electrons and 30-GeV protons are used to probe the nucleus, which has the shorter wavelength? the electrons It depends on the nucleus probed. the protons They are the same. They are never the same.

the protons

Given that a reaction n + π+ → p can occur and that the quark composition of the neutron is udd and that of the proton is uud, what must be the quark composition of the π+ meson? ud- dd- uu- u-d none of the above


The π+ meson composition by quarks is: ud. u-d. ud-. u-d-. none of the above


Which of the following combinations of quarks can form a particle with a unit charge, a baryon number of zero, and a minimum angular momentum of zero? u-d ud udd uud ud-


What is the quark composition of a° ? uss uud uds udd uus


The proton composition by quarks is: uu-d. ud-d. ud-d-. uud. udd.


The Feynman diagram shows two electrons approaching each other, interacting, and then leaving each other. What particle is being exchanged during the interaction? neutrino virtual photon meson pion W particle

virtual photon

The color charge of leptons is: zero. green. blue. red. violet.


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