Physics Ch.9 Test

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different times and different distances almost everywhere

on a given day, tides rise and fall at

140 N

suppose the gravitational force between two spheres is 70 N. If the distance between the spheres is halved, what is the force between the masses?


suppose the moon had twice as much mass as it no does and still orbited the earth at the same distance. In that case, the ocean bulges on Earth would be


the condition of weightlessness is the absence of gravity? (T or F)

is greater on oceans closer to the moon and less on oceans farther from the moon

the main reason ocean tides exist is that the pull of the moon

all parts of it are practically the same distance from the moon

we do not observe tides in a community swimming pool because

Homer Simpson

what cartoon character almost fell into a black hole during film?

forget it; you can't travel far enough

how far must one travel to get away from the Earth's gravitational field?

increase also

if the mass of the Earth somehow increased with no change in radius, your weight would

no different

if the moon were four times as massive but twice as far from Earth, high tides on Earth would be


if the radius of the Earth somehow decreased with no change in mass, your weight would

not change

if the sun somehow became twice as massive, your weight as normally measured here on Earth would

speed up until it gets to the center of Earth

if you drop a stone into a hole drilled all the way to the other side of Earth, the stone will _____.

apparent weight for you

inside a freely falling elevator, there would be no


the Earth is closer to the sun in January than in July, which accounts for the fact that the highest high tides in the northern hemisphere occur in

a black hole

the remains of a giant star that has undergone gravitational collapse


what continent enjoys the best surfing in December?

500 N

what is the force of gravity on a 500 newton woman standing on the Earth's surface?

neap tide

when high tides are not as high and low tides are not as low

spring tide

when the high tides are higher and the low tides are lower

the moon

which is most responsible for ocean tides?

100 N

A weight watcher who normally weighs 400 N stands on top of a very tall ladder so she is one Earth radius above the Earth's surface. How much would she weigh there?

40 N

An asteroid exerts a 360-N gravitational force on a nearby spacecraft. If the spacecraft moves to a point 3 times as far from the center of the asteroid, the force will be


An object is placed exactly halfway between the Earth and moon. The object will fall toward the

gravity is universal

Newton discovered that


The force of attraction between two masses depends inversely on the square of the distance between the masses. Any law that has this kind of dependence on distance is called an inverse distance law

less than 28 days

a lunar moon is about 28 days. If the moon were closer to Earth than it is now, the lunar month would be

twice as much

a planet has half the mass of the earth and half the radius. Compared to its weight on earth, an apple on this planet would weigh _____.

buy at high altitude and sell at a low altitude

a supplier wants to make a profit by buying metal by weight at one altitude and selling it at the same price per pound at another altitude. The supplier should

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