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For _______, equality is the most important of the core values.

the higher of AR, the better chance of accomplishing goals, and not being watched as much

How do presidents use their AR to their advantage? 1


In general, the poor, who are the chief beneficiaries of these health care programs _________ them.

Liberalism and Conservatism

What are the most common political ideologies in the US?

equality of opportunity

belief that all individuals should be allowed to seek personal and economic success


believe in reducing government spending


believe that a large government poses a threat to the freedom of individual citizens and to free markets and democracy

social desirability effect

citizens report what they think people want to hear rather than what they believe

Tea Party

conservatives joined this to protest president obama's efforts to expand the role of the federal government, especially in health care


do all presidents listen to public opinion or AR?

high paying job; college degree

education is one of the most important pathways to a ___________, but rising tuition limits access to a _______ for many people

strongly positive to strongly negative

emotional responses to candidates, events, or policies run the gamut from

selection bias

error that arises when the sample is not representative of the population. this shows bias and to freak people out. stir up drama

Obama: Highest 67% Lowest 40%

example 1 of presidential AR

Would you still vote for donald trump if you knew he was being investigated for sexual harassment? a-yes b-no

example 1 of push polling

George W. Bush: highest 90% lowest 25%

example 2 of presidential AR

would you vote for john mccain if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate child? a-yes b-no

example 2 of push polling

clinton: highest 73% lowest 37%

example 3 of presidential AR

would you vote for barack obama if you knew that he was anti-american? a-yes b-no

example 3 of push polling

he used a straw poll and saw that the people did not want him to get involved, so he didn't

example of how president obama used AR to advantage

bush AR before 9/11=70% after 9/11= 90%

example of rally round the flag

"hey follow this link and tell em who you are going to vote for "

example of straw poll

How do you think President Trump is doing now that it is the end of his first term? a- great b-terrible

example of what a tracking pill would be like

"Do you think that women are treated unequally when it comes to pay?"

examples of social desirability effect


for ________, on the other hand, liberty is the core value.

they get people to act according to AR. consider public opinion before making a decision

how do presidents use their AR to advantage? 2

through approval rating (AR)

how do we measure public opinion?

it's lower than the presidents. people like president more than congress. usually 20%, now is 13%

how does AR effect congress ?

example of political events during your up brining

if you grew up during 9/11, you are more likely to support war

political elites

important leaders that can influence peoples decisions

Vladimir Putin ( this is an example of threats to political values)

in 2016, america's free and fair elections were threatened by Russians leader _______, who orchestrated cyberattacks intended to say the 2016 presidential election to favor donald trump.

varying views

individuals whose incomes differ substantially have ____________ on many important economic and social programs, including government health care.

attitude (or opinion)

is a view about a particular issue, person or event.


liberty is, after all, tied inextricably to the birth of our _______.

example of ideology

many americans believe that government solutions to problems are inherently inferior to solutions offered by the private sector and free markets

emotionally attached

once individuals become _________ to particular beliefs, they tend to hold on to them even in the face of contradictory information.

example of how political cutler differs by area

political culture in south texas is going to be different than people in houston

U.S. refugee program; banning immigration

president trump signed a controversial executive order immediately halting the __________ and _______ to the united states from half dozen predominantly muslim countries, including syria. in 2018 the supreme court upheld the travel ban as constitutional, despite legal challenges.

public opinion

refers to the attitudes that people have about policy issues, events, elected officials, and politics

political culture

set of shared views and beliefs held by a population regarding politics

political ideology

set of underlying ideas and beliefs through which we come to understand and interpret politics

affective intelligence

using emotions as a guide, individuals form opinions quickly in response to current events.

what happened in parkland, florida?

A high school had a shooting and this caused strong emotional responses. One month later thousands of students and teachers walked out of school to protest the governments lack of response to gun violence. this made florida state legislation to pass a law raising the minimum age to purchase a gun from 18-21

presidential approval ratings

AR will decrease throughout time. If they came in with high percentage of AR, chances are that by the time you leave, not that many people will like you.


Americans believe that every citizen should have the _______ to take part in the nations governmental and policy making progress and to have a say in determining how they are governed, including the right to vote in elections.

public opinion; irrational

Contrary to the idea that ___________ is purely rational, feelings are complicated and often __________.

high enthusiasm

Donald Trumps 2016 presidential campaign, benefited from ___________ from his supporters

democracy; rule of law

Most Americans also believe in ______ and the ______.

individual effort and ability

Most people believe that such success should be the result of __________ , rather that family connections or other forms of special privilege.

partisan (republicans vs democrats) ideology (conservatives vs liberals)

Political attitudes are increasingly influenced by

2016 trump election

Social desirability happened a lot during whay?

Hillary Clinton

The central intelligence agency and the FBI confirmed the Russians hacked the DNC and the campaign of _____, releasing large amounts of data in and effort to undermine her campaign.

social liberals

Today, Liberals are __________ rather than classical liberals.


Today, ______ states offer college for eligible students, reflecting the principle of equality of opportunity.

Puritans in England

______ fled to America to escape persecution in_______ for their religious beliefs


______ play a major role in public opinion about gun ownership and school violence.


_______ believe in less government intervention in economic and social realms


_________ are not limited to the political arena, but they include deep-rooted morals, ethics, aspirations, and ideals that shape an individuals perceptions of society, government, and the economy.


_________ oppose many efforts of the government, however well intentioned, to interfere in private life and free markets, including government regulations.


__________ encourage government action in such areas as the economy and progressive taxation, health care and workers rights, financial aid for college, environmental protection. and business practices to enhance race, class, and gender equality of opportunity.

high positive emotions

_____________ may have given Barack Obama an advantage as the first AA president in 2018, overcoming racial resentment among some citizens.

values (or beliefs)

a person's basic orientations to politics and include guiding principles

push polling

a polling technique in which the questions are designed to shape ones opinion. geared to people who don't know politics or uninterested/uneducated. trying to sway opinion. start drama

political ideology

a set of beliefs and values that, as a whole, form a general philosophy about government

straw polls (most popular)

an unofficial ballot to see which candidate is going to win or how people feel about certain subjects. these are not specific and occurs a lot during primary and elections. these also have no restriction so you can send in however many

rally round the flag

anytime there is a natural/terroristic disaster, the presidents AR will temporarily spike.


are courts AR polled?


argue that government interferes with freedom of expression, free markets, and society, and thus should be limited to as few spheres of activity as possible (public education being a notable exception)


argue that more government is necessary to promote justice and to reduce economic and social inequality


socialists are more to the _______ than the mainstream democratic party

Conservatives and Liberals

some of obama's domestic, foreign and economic policies are associated with _________ and some _______.

political socialization

study of learning a persons ideology through determining the process one goes through to acquire such thinking


support reproductive rights for women, gays, lesbians and are concerned with protecting the rights of people accused of crimes and immigrants.

tracking polls

surveying a specific group of people at key periods of time to track their perception, attitude, and opinion

Political differences

the media are fond of reporting ______________ between republicans and democrats, blacks and whites, women and men, the young and the old, and so on.

Gender and Race

the social desirability effect is most in regard to ____ and ______


the united states was founded on the principle of individual _______.

strong opinions

these findings suggest that even individuals with ___________ might abandon their political habits if they have feelings or anxiety and feel threatened

do not support

those who are wealthier and pay more taxes that fun these health care programs __________ them as much as the poor.

public opinion

to measure _________________ on an issue, one must study the individual opinions of thousands or millions of people aggregated together


we form our individual preferences and interpretation of values through interaction with family members, friends, teachers, coaches, mentors and others in our social groups and networks in a process called_________.

family/social networks, socioeconomic status, religion, gender, and political events that occur during up brining

what are some areas that contribute to political socialization?

Liberty, democracy, and equality of opportunity

what are the basic political values held by most Americans?

tracking polls and straw polls

what are the two ways we measure public opinion?

google search data

what do researchers now use due to polls being wrong and use this to try and figure out people's political opinions

polling democrats in a republic area

what is an example of selection bias?


what is another term for understanding public opinionv

Quality public education

what is one of the most important mechanisms for obtaining equality of opportunity in that it allows individuals, regardless of personal or family wealth, a chance to get ahead?


what is the massive online organization that advocates a policy agenda with social democrats

political culture

what varies by region or occupation?

clinton and trump

who are some presidents that did not listen to public opinion and AR?

George W. Bush

who called themselves a "compassionate conservative" to indicate that he favored programs that assist the poor and needy?

Bernie Sanders

who considered themselves a "democratic socialist"

Speaker of the house Paul Ryan

who is a leading conservative politician and is known for the support of cutting taxes and reducing regulation on businesses

jimmy fallon and oprah

who is an example of a political elite?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

who is one of the youngest women in US congressional history and is intune with our generation and is really out there in the community?

Senator Elizabeth Warren

who is the leading liberal politician and is an active consumer protection advocate to protect individuals from bankruptcy

because it's due to issues that happened during their presidency

why is it difficult to compare AR?

what people want to hear

you tend to say ____________ during social desirability effect

example of political events during your up brining

your parents were in the baby boomer age (50s-60s) vietnam war was bad era, if you grew up during this era, you would be more likely to oppose war.

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