Ports (System Admin Certification)

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Broker service: Outbound


Data profiling service: Outbound


Qlik Sense Printing service (QPR): Outbound


Qlik Sense Repository Database (QRD): Internal only


Qlik Sense Repository Database (QRD): Outbound


Qlik Sense Scheduler Service (QSS): Internal only


Port 9041

Service: Connector registry proxy (server) Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the distributed connectivity service for discovering and listing connectors.

Port 3003

Service: Converter Service Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the Converter Service which is utilized by QlikView converter.

Port 4949

Service: Data Profiling Service Direction: Inbound (from proxy nodes) Purpose: This port is used by the Data Profiling Service when accessing and modifying the application load model. The service is launched and managed by the Qlik Sense service dispatcher (QSD) when required. The port is access via the Qlik Sense proxy service (QPS).

Port 4949

Service: Data Profiling Service Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the Data Profiling Service to access and modify the app load data model. It communicates directly with the Qlik Sense engine service (QES) on the node.

Port 9079

Service: Depgraph Service Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the Service Dispatcher launched microservices.

Port 9090

Service: DownloadPrep Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the Service Dispatcher launched microservices.

Port 9028

Service: Hub Service Direction: Inbound (from proxy nodes) Purpose: Default listen port for the Hub Service. Open for local services such as the broker service on the engine node.

Port 9028

Service: Hub Service Direction: Internal Purpose: Default listen port for the Hub Service.

Port 443

Service: Map Direction: Inbound Purpose: User web traffic for satellite map background. Host: services.arcgisonline.com

Port 443

Service: Map Direction: Inbound Purpose: User web traffic for standard map background. For users hosting their own map server, use the name of the host server. Host: maps.qlikcloud.com

Port 4545

Service: Migration Service Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the Migration Service for app migration purposes. The service is launched and managed by the Qlik Sense service dispatcher (QSD) when required. The Migration Service only runs on the central node.

Port 9098

Service: On-demand App Service Direction: Internal Purpose: Default listen port for the On-demand App Service.

Port 4747

Service: QES Direction: Inbound (from proxy nodes) Purpose: Qlik Sense engine service (QES) listen port. This is the main port used by the QES. The port is used via the Qlik Sense proxy service (QPS) for communication with the Qlik Sense clients.

Port 4748

Service: QES Direction: Internal Purpose: This callback port is used by the Qlik Sense repository service (QRS) for sending HTTP events to the Qlik Sense engine service (QES).

Port 4899

Service: QPR Direction: Inbound (from proxy nodes) Purpose: Qlik Sense printing service (QPR) port. This port is used for printed export in Qlik Sense. The port is accessed by any node that runs a QPS.

Port 80

Service: QPS Direction: Inbound Purpose: Inbound user web traffic when using HTTP (optional). Host: Qlik Sense proxy service (QPS) in the site.

Port 443

Service: QPS Direction: Inbound Purpose: Inbound user web traffic when using HTTPS. Host: Qlik Sense proxy service (QPS) in the site.

Port 4243

Service: QPS Direction: Inbound Purpose: Qlik Sense proxy service (QPS) REST API listen port. If web ticketing is used for security, this port is used by the software or service that requests tickets for users. If the software or service is remote, this port needs to be open to the location from which it is called.

Port 4432

Service: QRD Direction: Inbound from Qlik Sense nodes to the repository database Purpose: The default listen port used by all nodes in a site for connecting to the Qlik Sense repository database.

Port 4432

Service: QRD Direction: Internal Purpose: Default listen port for the Qlik Sense repository database (QRD). With shared persistence, this port is used to listen for connections from the Qlik Sense repository service (QRS).

Ports used from user web browser

The default ports are exposed to the Qlik Sense users and need to be open through any firewalls in the site. 443 (3 times) 80

Ports used internally within a node

The ports in the following table are used between Qlik Sense services that run on the same node. In most cases, the ports do not have to be open through any firewalls. 3003 4243 4432 4545 4555 4570 4748 4949 4900 9028 9031 9032 9079 9080 9090 9098 9041 9051

4244 (main one)

Windows Auth

Qlik Sense Repository Database (QRD): Inbound

4432 (default listen port for database connections)

Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS): Internal only

4545 (Migration service) 4570 (Certificate unlock)

Qlik Sense Engine Service (QES): Inbound

4747 (QES listen port)

Qlik Sense Printing service (QPR): Inbound

4899 (QPR listen port)

Broker service: Inbound


Data profiling service: Inbound

4949 (listen port for REST API and websocket)

Qlik Sense Scheduler Service (QSS): Inbound

5050 (Master REST API) 5151 (Slave REST API) 5252 (Monitoring API - optional)

Qlik Sense Engine Service (QES): Outbound

7070 (Logging service)

Qlik Sense Proxy Service (QPS): Inbound

80 (HTTP) 443 (HTTPS) 4243 (REST API)

Broker service: Internal only

3003 (Converter service) 4545 (App migration) 4555 (Chart sharing) 4949 (Data profiling) 9028 (Hub service) 9031 (Capability service) 9032 (About Service) 9079 (Depgraph service) 9090 (DownloadPrep) 9098 (On-demand app service) 9080 (Web extension service) 9041 (Connector registry proxy - server) 9051 (Connector registry proxy - desktop)

Qlik Sense Proxy Service (QPS): Outbound

4239 (QRS websocket) 4242 (QRS REST API) 4747 (Engine) 4899 (Printing) 4900 (Broker) 4949 (Data profiling) 7070 (Logging service)

Data profiling service: Internal only

4242 (QRS REST API) 4747 (QES)

Qlik Sense Engine Service (QES): Internal only

4242 (QRS REST API) 4748 (notifications from QRS)

Qlik Sense Scheduler Service (QSS): Outbound

4242 (QRS REST API) 7070 (Logging Service) 5050 (Slave to Master) 5151 (Master to Slave)

Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS): Inbound

4242 (REST API) 4239 (from QPS - websocket) 4444 (Setup API - inbound on rim nodes) 4899 (from QPR)

Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS): Outbound

4242 (REST API) 4243 (Proxy REST API) 4444 (Setup API - outbound on central node) 4747 (Engine) 4748 (Engine notification API) 5050 (Scheduler master API) 7070 (Logging service)

Qlik Sense Proxy Service (QPS): Internal only

4244 (Windows authentication)

Qlik Sense Printing service (QPR): Internal only

443 (Sense web server - proxy) 4242 (QRS REST API) 8088 (CEF debugging)

4242 (main one)



Qlik Sense uses ports to communicate between web browsers (users) and proxies, and between services in single and multi-node deployments

443 (main one)


Port 9032

Service: About Service Direction: Internal Purpose: Default listen port for inbound calls to the About Service.

Port 4900

Service: Broker Service Direction: Inbound (from proxy nodes) Purpose: Default listen port for the Broker Service.

Port 4900

Service: Broker Service Direction: Internal Purpose: Default listen port for the Broker Service.

Port 9031

Service: Capability Service Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the Capability Service to handle Qlik Sense system feature configuration.

Port 4555

Service: Chart Sharing Service Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the Chart Sharing Service for chart sharing between Qlik Sense users. The service is launched and managed by the Qlik Sense service dispatcher (QSD) when required. This port uses HTTPS for communication.

Port 9051

Service: Connector registry proxy (desktop) Direction: Internal Purpose: This port is used by the distributed connectivity service for discovering and listing connectors.

Port 4444

Service: QRS Direction: Between the central node and all rim nodes Purpose: This port has two functions: - Security distribution port, only used by Qlik Sense repository services (QRSs) on rim nodes to receive a certificate from the master QRS on the central node. The communication is always unencrypted, but the transferred certificate package is password-protected. - Qlik Sense repository service (QRS) state port, used to fetch the state of a QRS in a Qlik Sense site. The state is fetched using http://localhost:4444/status/servicestate. The returned state is one of the following: -- 0: Initializing. Once the node has been initialized, the node state changes into one of the other states. -- 1: Certificates not installed. There are no certificates installed on the node. The node stays in this state until it has received the certificate and the certificate password. -- 2: Running. The node is up and running and all APIs have been initiated.

Port 4242

Service: QRS Direction: Bi-directional between the central node and all proxy nodes Purpose: This port is used for a number of operations including new user registration.

Port 4242

Service: QRS Direction: Inbound (from proxy nodes) Purpose: Qlik Sense repository service (QRS) REST API listen port. This port is mainly accessed by local Qlik Sense services. However, the port must be open to all proxy nodes in a multi-node site to deliver images and static content.

Port 4239

Service: QRS Direction: Inbound (from proxy nodes) Purpose: Qlik Sense repository service (QRS) WebSocket port. The port is used via the Qlik Sense proxy service (QPS) by the Qlik Sense hub to obtain apps and stream lists.

Port 4570

Service: QRS Direction: Internal Purpose: Certificate password verification port, only used within multi-node sites by Qlik Sense repository services (QRSs) on rim nodes to receive the password that unlocks a distributed certificate. The port can only be accessed from localhost and it is closed immediately after the certificate has been unlocked. The communication is always unencrypted.

Port 5050

Service: QSS Direction: Inbound (from scheduler nodes only) Purpose: This port is used by the master QSS on the central node to issue commands to and receive replies from slave QSS nodes.

Port 5151

Service: QSS Direction: Inbound (from the central node only) Purpose: A slave QSS runs on a slave scheduler node and is accessed only by the master QSS on the central node.

Port 9080

Service: Web Extension Service Direction: Internal Purpose: Default listen port for the Web Extension Service.

Qlik Sense Service Dispatcher (QSD)

Starts up the following services: Broker service Data profiling service

Ports used between nodes and Qlik Sense services

The ports in this section are used for communication between the Qlik Sense services. In a single node site, all ports listed in this section are used by the various services, but do not need access through firewalls. In a multi-node site, the ports in use vary depending on the services installed and running on each node. The ports need to be open in any firewalls between the nodes, but do not have to be open to the Qlik Sense users. - Minimum ports used for communication in multi-node sites: The following ports must always be open between the nodes in a multi-node site. The ports must be open to allow for service health, and some specific operations. 4242 4432 4444 - Ports used between master and slave schedulers: The ports in the following table are used when a slave Qlik Sense scheduler service (QSS) is used. 5050 5151 - Ports used between a proxy node and an engine node: The ports in the following table define the minimum needed to allow regular user traffic and load balancing between a proxy node and an engine node. 4747 4239 4242 4949 4900 9028 - Ports used between a proxy node and a node running the printing service: The Qlik Sense printing service (QPR) may be installed on the same node as other services or on a separate node. The ports in the following table must be accessible between a QPS and all QPRs to which the QPS can load balance traffic. 4899

To allow access to the file share, ensure that you open the Microsoft Windows SMB port 445

To allow access to the file share, ensure that you open the Microsoft Windows SMB port 445

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